SURAT PEKELILING PERBENDAHARAAN BIL. 9 TAHUN 1994 Kepada: Ketua-Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Ketua-ketua Jabatan Persekutuan Ketua-Ketua Badan Berkanun Persekutuan YB. Setiausaha-setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Pihak-pihak Berkuasa Kerajaan Tempatan Ketua-ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Syarikat Kerajaan PERATURAN CUKAI DALAM PEROLEHAN KERAJAAN KANDUNGAN MUKASURAT 1. TUJUAN 1 2. DEFINISI DAN JENIS CUKAI 2.1.1 Duti Import 1 2.1.2 Duti Eksais 1 2.1.3 Cukai Jualan 2 2.1.4 Cukai Perkhidmatan 2 2.1.5 Cukai Pegangan 2 3. PENGECUALIAN CUKAI 3.1 Jabatan Kerajaan Persekutuan Dan Negeri 3 3.2 Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan 3 3.3 Universiti/lTM 4 4. PERUBAHAN HARGA AKIBAT PERUBAHAN CUKAI 4 & 5 5. CARA MENUNTUT PENGECUALIAN 5.1 Barang Yang Diimport Sendiri 5 Oleh Agensi 5.2 Barang Yang Diimport Melalui 5 Pengimport Tempatan 5.3 Barang Yang Diimport Melalui 6 Gudang Berlesen 5.4 Barang Yang Dibeli Dari Kilang 6 & 7 Tempatan 5.5 Barang Yang Dibeli Dari Ejen 7 & 8 Yang Dilantik 6. STOK YANG DIBEKAL HENDAKLAH YANG BELUM 8 DIBAYAR CUKAI 7. UNSUR CUKAI UNTUK TENDER KERJA ANTARABANGSA 8 8. PENGIMPORTAN SEMENTARA MESIN/PERALATAN/ 9 & 10 JENTERA UNTUK MELAKSANAKAN PROJEK. 9. CUKAI PEGANGAN 11 10. KUATKUASA DAN PEMBATALAN 11 LAMPIRAN 1. LAMPIRAN A - PERINTAH DUTI KASTAM (PENGECUALIAN) 1988 2. LAMPlRAN B - PERINTAH CUKAI JUALAN (PENGECUALIAN) 1980 3. LAMPIRAN C - PERINTAH DUTI EKSAIS (PENGECUALIAN) 1978 4. LAMPIRAN D - NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN BAGI BARANG-BARANG YANG DIIMPORT SENDIRI OLEH JABATAN KERAJAAN. 5. LAMPIRAN E - NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN DUTI IMPORT BAGI BARANG-BARANG KEPUNYAAN JABATAN KERAJAAN YANG DIIMPORT OLEH SYARIKAT TEMPATAN. 6. LAMPIRAN F - NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN DUTI IMPORT BAGI BARANG-BARANG KEPUNYAAN JABATAN KERAJAAN YANG DIIMPRT MELALUI GUDANG BERLESEN. 7. LAMPIRAN G - NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN DUTI EKSAIS BAGI BARANG-BARANG KELUARAN TEMPATAN YANG DIBELI OLEH JABATAN KERAJAAN. 8. LAMPIRAN H - NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN CUKAI JUALAN BAGI BARANG-BARANG KELUARAN TEMPATAN YANG DIBELI OLEH JABATAN KERAJAAN. 9. LAMPIRAN I - NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN DUTI EKSAIS BAGI BARANG-BARANG KELUARAN TEMPATAN YANG DIBELI OLEH JABATAN KERAJAAN MELALUI EJEN YANG DILANTIK. 10. LAMPIRAN J - PERMOHONAN UNTUK MENDAPATKAN PENGECUALIAN Dl BAWAH PERINTAH CUKAI JUALAN (PENGECUALIAN) 1980. 11. LAMPIRAN K - NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN CUKAI JUALAN BAGI BARANG-BARANG KELUARAN TEMPATAN YANG DIBELI OLEH JABATAN KERAJAAN MELALUI EJEN YANG DILANTIK. 12. LAMPIRAN L - FASAL YANG MESTI DIMASUKKAN Dl DALAM SYARAT TENDER KERJA. 13. LAMPIRAN M - PERMOHONAN UNTUK MENGIMPORT SEMENTARA. SURAT PEKELILING PERBENDAHARAAN MENGENAI PERATURAN CUKAI DALAM PEROLEHAN KERAJAAN 1. TUJUAN 1.1 Surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peraturan cukai yang perlu diikuti oleh Kementerian/Jabatan/Badan Berkanun (Agensi) dalam perolehan Kerajaan. 2. DEFINISI DAN JENIS CUKAI 2.1 Terdapat beberapa jenis cukai yang dikenakan oleh Jabatan Kastam dan Eksais DiRaja dan juga Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri yang berkaitan dengan perolehan Kerajaan. Di antara jenis cukai yang masih berkuatkuasa seperti berikut:2.1.1 Duti Import Duti yang dikenakan ke atas barang-barang yang diimport ke negara ini semasa barang-barang tersebut dibawa masuk di atas kadar yang ditetapkan di bawah Perintah Duti Kastam yang sedang berkuatkuasa. 2.1.2 Duti Eksais Duti yang dikenakan ke atas barang-barang tertentu yang dikilangkan di negara ini. Kadar duti adalah mengikut kadar yang telah ditetapkan di bawah Perintah Duti Eksais yang sedang berkuatkuasa. 2.1.3 Cukai Jualan Cukai yang dikenakan ke atas barang-barang (melainkan yang dikecualikan) yang diimport atau dikilangkan di negara ini mengikut kadar yang ditetapkan di bawah Perintah Cukai Jualan (kadar cukai) 1972 dan Perintah Cukai Jualan (kadar-kadar cukai) 1988. 2.1.4 Cukai Perkhidmatan Cukai perkhidmatan dikenakan atas mana-mana perkhidmatan yang ditetapkan dan yang disediakan oleh atau di mana-mana tempat perniagaan. Cukai ini juga dikenakan ke atas barang-barang yang ditetapkan dan yang dijual atau dibekalkan oleh atau di mana-mana tempat perniagaan yang ditetapkan. 2.1.5 Cukai Pegangan Cukai yang dikenakan ke atas bayaran kontrak berhubung dengan perkhidmatan kontraktor/perunding asing yang terlibat dengan sesuatu perolehan yang berkontrak mengikut peruntukan di bawah Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967. 2.2 Bagi barang yang diimport, cukai yang dikenakan ialah Duti Import dan Cukai Jualan. 2.3 Bagi barang keluaran tempatan, cukai yang dikenakan ialah Duti Eksais dan Cukai Jualan. 2.4 Bagi perkhidmatan tertentu, cukai yang dikenakan ialah atas barang dan perkhidmatan yang ditetapkan. 2.5 Bagi perkhidmatan yang melibatkan gunatenaga asing cukai yang dikenakan ialah Cukai Pegangan. 3. PENGECUALIAN CUKAI 3.1 Jabatan Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Negeri 3.1.1 Bagi barang yang diimport oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Kerajaan Negeri tidak termasuk Badan Berkanun adalah dikecualikan dari Duti Import dan Cukai Jualan melainkan motokar. 3.1.2 Bagi barang buatan tempatan yang dibeli oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Kerajaan Negeri tidak termasuk Badan Berkanun adalah dikecualikan dari Duti Eksais dan Cukai Jualan. 3.2 Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan 3.2.1 Bagi barang yang diimport oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan di Semenanjung dan Sarawak adalah dikecualikan dari Duti Import dan Cukai Jualan melainkan motokar dan petroleum. 3.2.2 Bagi barang buatan tempatan yang dibeli oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan di Semenanjung dan Sarawak adalah dikecualikan dari Duti Eksais dan Cukai Jualan melainkan motokar dan petroleum. 3.2.3 Bagi barang yang diimport oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan di Sabah adalah dikecualikan dari Duti Import dan Cukai Jualan. 3.2.4 Bagi barang buatan tempatan yang dibeli oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan di Sabah adalah dikecualikan dari Duti Eksais (melainkan motokar dan petroleum) dan Cukai Jualan. 3.3 Universiti/ITM 3.3.1 Bagi barang yang diimport oleh Universiti Tempatan termasuk Institut Teknologi MARA adalah dikecualikan dari Duti Import dan Cukai Jualan melainkan motokar dan petroleum. 3.3.2 Bagi barang buatan tempatan yang dibeli oleh Universiti Tempatan termasuk Institut Teknologi MARA adalah dikecualikan dari Duti Eksais dan Cukai Jualan melainkan motokar dan petroleum. 3.4 Perintah-perintah Pengecualian Duti Kastam, Cukai Jualan dan Duti Eksais bagi Agensi, Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan dan Universiti adalah seperti di Lampiran A, B dan C dan yang berkuatkuasa. 4. PERUBAHAN HARGA AKIBAT PERUBAHAN CUKAI 4.1 Semua perubahan harga bagi kontrak bekalan akibat perubahan cukai-cukai hendaklah mendapat kelulusan kuasa yang menyetujuterima tender atau Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan Malaysia, (Bahagian Pengurusan Perolehan Kerajaan) terlebih dahulu. Bukti-bukti hendaklah disampaikan kepada pihak berkenaan sebelum sesuatu permohonan itu dapat dipertimbangkan. 4.2 Bagi kontrak kerja yang mana melibatkan cukai, apa-apa perubahan ke atas harga kontrak adalah dalam bidang kuasa Jawatankuasa Perubahan Kerja ataupun Jawatankuasa Tuntutan atau Jawatankuasa Tetap bagi Jabatan bukan kejuruteraan . 4.3 Perubahan harga hendaklah sama dengan jumlah perubahan cukai yang perlu dibayar oleh kontraktor. 4.4 Untuk menentukan bayaran Cukai sebenar yang perlu dibayar, Agensi hendaklah mendapatkan bukti daripada kontraktor sebelum perubahan harga kontrak itu dipersetujui. 4.5 Bagi semua kontrak untuk bekalan barang-barang yang mana syarat-syarat kontrak membenarkan perubahan harga akibat perubahan kadar cukai, maka harga kontrak hendaklah diselaraskan. 5. CARA MENUNTUT PENGECUALIAN 5.1 Barang Yang Diimport Sendiri Oleh Agensi 5.1.1 Agensi dikehendaki mengisi borang Kastam No. 1 (satu) dalam empat (4) salinan. 5.1.2 Menuntut pengecualian cukai dalam borang yang sama dengan memasukkan notis tuntutan cukai seperti di Lampiran D. 5.2 Barang Yang Diimport Melalui Pengimport Tempatan 5.2.1 Agensi dikehendaki mengisi borang Kastam No. 1 (satu) dalam empat (4) salinan. 5.2.2 Hendaklah menyertakan bersama pesanan tempatan atau perjanjian kontrak atau surat setujuterima tender. 5.2.3 Menuntut pengecualian cukai dalam borang yang sama dengan memasukkan notis tuntutan cukai seperti contoh di Lampiran E. 5.3 Barang Yanq Diimport Melalui Gudanq Berlesen 5.3.1 Pengecualian cukai diberikan sekiranya barang-barang import diperolehi terus dari gudang berlesen sahaja. 5.3.2 Hendaklah menyertakan bersama pesanan tempatan atau perjanjian kontrak atau surat setujuterima tender. 5.3.3 Agensi dikehendaki mengisi borang Kastam No. 9 (sembilan) dan menuntut pengecualian cukai dalam borang yang sama dengan memasukkan notis tuntutan cukai seperti contoh di Lampiran F. 5.4 Barang Yang Dibeli Dari Kilang Tempatan 5.4.1 Penecualian Duti Eksais a) Pengecualian Duti Eksais diberikan sekiranya barang-barang dibeli dari kilang tempatan. b) Hendaklah menyertakan bersama pesanan tempatan atau perjanjian kontrak atau surat setujuterima tender. c) Agensi dikehendaki mengisi borang Eksais No.7 (tujuh) dan menuntut pengecualian cukai dalam borang yang sama dengan memasukkan notis tuntutan seperti di Lampiran G 5.4.2 Pengecualian Cukai Jualan a) Pengecualian Cukai Jualan diberikan sekiranya barang dibeli dari kilang tempatan. b) Hendaklah menyertakan bersama pesanan tempatan atau perjanjian kontrak atau surat setujuterima. c) Tuntutan pengecualian hendaklah dibuat di atas pesanan tempatan dengan memasukkan notis tuntutan seperti di Lampiran H. 5.5 Barang Yang Dibeli Dari Ejen Yang Dilantik 5.5.1 Pengecualian Duti Eksais a) Pengecualian Duti Eksais diberikan sekiranya barang dibeli dari ajen yang dilantik. b) Hendaklah menyertakan bersama pesanan tempatan atau perjanjian kontrak atau surat setujuterima tender. c) Ejen yang dilantik dikehendaki mengisi borang Eksais No.7 (tujuh) dan menuntut pengecualian cukai dalam borang yang sama dengan memasukkan notis tuntutan seperti di Lampiran 1. 5.5.2 Pengecualian Cukai Jualan a) Pengecualian Cukai Jualan diberikan sekiranya barang dibeli dari ejen yang dilantik. b) Hendaklah menyertakan bersama Sijil CJ. (Pentad.) No.2 C seperti di Lampiran J dan juga pesanan tempatan c) Tuntutan pengecualian hendaklah dibuat di atas pesanan tempatan dengan memasukkan notis tuntutan seperti di Lampiran K. 6. STOK YANG DIBEKAL HENDAKLAH YANG BELUM DIBAYAR CUKAI 6.1 Bagi semua kontrak bekalan yang telah dibuat atas harga tanpa cukai, bekalan berkaitan hendaklah dibuat oleh pihak pembekal dari stok barang-barang yang belum dibayar cukai. Pembekalan oleh pihak pembekal dari stok yang telah dibayar cukai dengan tujuan untuk menuntut pulang balik cukai yang telah dibayar atas barangan berkenaan tidak dibenarkan. 7. UNSUR CUKAI UNTUK TENDER KERJA ANTARABANGSA 7.1 Agensi adalah dikehendaki memasukkan syarat mengenai unsur cukai bagi tender kerja antarabangsa seperti Cukai Pendapatan, Duti Import, Cukai Jualan, Cukai Perkhidmatan, Cukai Pegangan dan sebagainya. 7.2 Unsur-unsur cukai hendaklah dimasukkan dan dinyatakan di dalam Syarat Pelawaan Tender Perjanjian Kontrak seperti di Lampiran L. 8. PENGIMPORTAN SEMENTARA MESIN/PERALATAN/JENTERA UNTUK MELAKSANAKAN PROJEK 8.1 Kemudahan pengimportan sementara ini hanya diberi kepada syarikat tempatan dan syarikat perkongsian tempatan/asing yang mempunyai pegangan saham tempatan terbanyak (sekurang-kurangnya 51 %) bagi maksud untuk melaksanakan projek-projek Kerajaan Persekutuan, Kerajaan Negeri dan Badan-badan Berkanun tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat tertentu. 8.2 Kemudahan ini juga boleh diberi kepada syarikat Kerajaan yang mana tendertendernya diluluskan oleh Perbendaharaan Malaysia. 8.3 Pengimportan sementara ini hanya dibenarkan bagi mesin/peralatan/jentera yang:8.3.1 tidak boleh diperolehi di negara ini; dan 8.3.2 kegunaannya adalah bagi sesuatu kerja khusus dan specialised, dan kerja berkenaan adalah menjadi sebahagian daripada kontrak projek berkenaan keseluruhannya. 8.4 Tempoh pengimportan sementara ini dibenarkan adalah tidak lebih dari tiga (3) bulan dan tidak boleh dilanjutkan. 8.5 Pengimportan sementara ini juga hanya dibenarkan bagi penawaran tender dan perjanjian kontrak yang telah dibuat atas asas harga yang tidak termasuk cukai berkaitan dengan mesin/peralatan/jentera berkenaan. 8.6 Dalam pelaksanaannya, pihak pengeluar kontrak berkenaan adalah bertanggungjawab untuk:8.6.1 mengesahkan bahawa mesin/peralatan/jentera yang dipohon pengimportan sementara itu tidak boleh diperolehi di negara ini; 8.6.2 menentukan mesin/peralatan/jentera yang diimport sementara ini hanya diperlukan untuk tempoh tidak lebih daripada tiga (3) bulan sahaja; 8.6.3 mengesahkan bahawa kontrak berkenaan telah ditawarkan berdasarkan kepada harga tanpa cukai bagi mesin/peralatan/jentera berkenaan; 8.6.4 mengesahkan bahawa mesin/peralatan/jentera tersebut telah dibenarkan untuk diimport sementara mengikut syarat perjanjian kontrak berkenaan; dan 8.6.5 bagi kontrak syarikat Kerajaan yang telah diluluskan oleh Kementerian Kewangan, syarikat hendaklah mengemukakan bukti kepada Jabatan Kastam dan Eksais DiRaja bahawa kontrak berkenaan telah diluluskan oleh Kementerian Kewangan. 8.7 Permohonan pengimportan sementara seperti di Lampiran M ini hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Kastam dan Eksais Di Raja dan dipertimbangkan di bawah Seksyen 97, Akta Kastam 1967. 9. CUKAI PEGANGAN 9.1 Selain daripada cukai Kastam, Agensi juga dikehendaki memasukkan ke dalam Perjanjian Kontrak mengenai kadar cukai pegangan yang dikenakan kepada bayaran kontrak berhubung dengan perkhidmatan kontraktor asing yang terlibat di dalam sesuatu kontrak perolehan. Kadar cukai pegangan adalah seperti berikut:9.1.1 15% di atas bayaran kontrak berhubung dengan bahagian perkhidmatan kontrak tersebut. Ini tidak termasuk kos jentera dan peralatan yang dibekalkan oleh kontraktor asing dalam projek tersebut. Perkhidmatan ikhtisas iaitu perkhidmatan penasihat, perundingan, teknikal, perindustrian, perdagangan atau saintifik yang diberi berhubung dengan sesuatu projek kontrak juga dikenakan cukai pegangan sebanyak 15%; dan 9.1.2 5% di atas bayaran kontrak berhubung dengan bahagian perkhidmatan bagi pekerja-pekerja asing. 10. KUATKUASA DAN PEMBATALAN 10.1 Surat Pekeliling ini adalah berkuatkuasa serta merta. Dengan terkeluarnya Surat Pekeliling ini, Surat-surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan berikut adalah dibatalkan :(a) Surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bil. 3/1967; (b) Surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bil. 13/1972; (c) Surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bil. 3/1973; (d) Surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bil. 4/1979; dan (e) Surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bil. 29/1982. Sekian. Terima kasih. "BERKHIDMAT UNTUK NEGARA" "JIMAT DAN PRODUKTIF" Saya yang menurut perintah, (DATO' DR ABDUL AZIZ BIN MUHAMAD) Setiausaha, bahagian Pengurusan Perolehan Kerajaan, b.p Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan, Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia. s.k. Akauntan Negara Malaysia; Ketua Audit Negara Malaysia; Semua Yang Berhormat Pegawai Kewangan Negeri; dan Semua Ketua Bahagian Perbendaharaan Malaysia. LAMPlRAN A PERINTAH DUTI KASTAM (PENGECUALIAN) 1988 CERTIFICATE TO NO. PERSON EXEMPTED GOOD EXEMTED CONDITIONS BE SIGNED BY 3 Any Federal or All goods i) That the goods The Head of State Government excluding are imported by the Department Department other motorcars the department or such other than the Malayan concerned; Officer Administration nominated by ii) that they are him as the used solely by Director the Department General may concerned and approve. are not sold or otherwise dispose of except as sanctined by the head of department concerned; iii) that their cost is charged to a departmental vote appearing in the Federal or State Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds; 3A The Importer All goods i) that the goods are The Head of excluding imported for supply the Department motorcars to any Federal or or such other State Goverment officer Departement other nominated by than the Malayan him as the Railways Director Administration; General may approve ii) that they will be used solely by the Government Department concerned and are not sold or otherwise disposed of except as sanctioned by the Head of department concerned; iii) that their cost charrged to a departmental bote appearing in the Federal or State Estimates and are not purchased ourof any other funds; vi) that every application for exemption is accompanied by a certificate from the Heat of the relevant Department that the goods are authorised to be imported on his on his behalf and are for supply to his Department at a price exclusive of customs duty in accordance with the terms of contract. c) that their cost is charged to a departmental vote appearing in the Federal or State Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds. 4. Sabah State All goods i) That the goods are The Head of Railway and imported or Department Local purchased from a of Chairman Authorities licensed manufac- of the Local in Sabah turer by the State Authority or Railway of Local any officer Authority of the concerned; Department of Local Authority ii) that they are used nominated by solely by the him and State Railway or approved by Local Authority the Director concerned and are General. not sold or otherwise disposed of except after payment of sales tax; iii) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in the State Railway of Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds. 4A The Importer All goods i) That the goods are The Head of imported for supply the Department to the Sabah State or Chairman of Railway or any any officer of Local Authority the Department in Sabah; or Local Authority nominated by ii) that they will be him and used solely by the appproved by State Railway or the Director Local Authority General. concerned and are not sold or otherwise disposed of except after payment of sales tax; iii) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in the State Railway or Local Authority's Estimated and are not purchased out of any other funds; iv) that every application for exemption is accompanied by a certificate from the Head of the Sabah State Railway or the Chairman of the relevant Local Authority that the goods are authorised to be imported on his behalf and are for supply to his State Railway or Local Authority at a price exclusive of sales tax in accordance with the terms of contract. c) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in his State of Railway or Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds. 5. Local Authorities All good i) That the goods are The Chairman in Peninsular excluding imported or of the Local Malaysia. motorcars purchased from Authority or and a licensed any officer petroleum. manufacturer by nomited by the Local him and Authority approved by concerned; the Director General. ii) that they are used solely by the Local Authority concerned and are not sold or otherwise disposed of excepet after payment of sales tax; iii) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in the Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds. 5A The Importer All goods i) That the goods are The Head of exluding imported for supply the Department motorcars to any Local or Chairman and Authority in of the Local petroleum. Peninsular Malaysia Authority or or Sarawak; any officer of the Department ii) that they will be or Local used solely by Authority the Local Authority concerned by concerned and are him and not sold or approved by otherwise disposed the Director of except after General. payment of salestax; iii) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in the Local authority's Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds; iv) that every application for exemption is accompanied by a certificate from the Chairman of the relevant Local Authority that the goods are authorised to be imported on his behalf and are for supply to his Local Authority at a price exclusive of sales tax in accordance with the terms of contract. 137 a) Universiti All goods i) That the good are The Head of Malaya excluding imported by the the University motorcars University or or Institute, b) Universiti and Institute or any other Kebangsaan petroleum concerned; officer Malaysia nominated by ii) that they are him as the c) Universiti used by the Director Teknologi University or General may Malaysia Institute approve. concerned for d) Universiti its own activities; Sains Malaysia iii) that they are not sold except f) Universiti after payment of Utara Customs Duty. Malaysia e) Universiti Islam Malaysia g) Institut Teknologi Malaysia h) Universiti Pertanian Malaysia 137A All goods i) That the goods are The Head of The Importer excluding imported for supply the University motorcars to any University or Institute, and or Institute or any other petroleum appearing in coloum officer (2) of item 137 nominated by to this Order; him as the Director ii) that they will General may be used by the approve University or Institute concerned for its own activities; iii) that they are not sold except after payment of Customs Duty; iv) that every application for exemtion is accompanied by a certicate from the Head of University or Institute that the goods are authorised to be imported on his behalf and are for supply to his University or Institute at a price exclusive of customs Duty in accordance with the terms of Contract. 3 Any Federal or All goods i) that the goods are The Head of State Goverment excluding imported or the Department other than the imported purchase from or such other Malayan Railways motorcars a licensed Officer Administration manufacturer by nominated by the Deparment him as the concerned; Director General may ii) that they will be approve used solely by the Department concerned and are not sold or otherwise dispose of except as sanctioned by the Head of department concerned; iii) that their cost is charged to a departmental vote appearing in the Federal or State Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds; 3A The Importer All goods i) that the goods The Head of excluding are imported for the Department motorcars supply to any or such other Federal or State Officer Goverment nominated by department other him as the than the Malayan Director Railways General may Administration; approve. ii) that they will be used solely by the Government Department concerned are not sold or otherwise disposed of except as sanctioned by the Head of Departmet concerned; iii) that their cost is charged to a departmental vote appearing in the Federal or State Estimates and are not purchase out of any ather funds; iv) that every application for exemption is accompanied by a certificate from the Head of the relevant Department that goods are authorised to be imported on his behalf and are for supply to his Department at a price exclusive of sales tax in accordance with the terms of contract. 3B Any person All goods i) That the goods are The Head approved by purchased from a of the the Director licenced manufac- Department General turer for supply or such other to any Federal or officer State Government nominated by Department in him as the Malaysia; Director General may ii) That the head of approve. Department certifies in writing to the Senior Officer of Sales Tax:a) that the goods are to be purchased and supplied to his Department at a exclusive of sales tax in accodance with the terms of contract; b) that they are used solely by the Government Department concerned and are not sold or otherwise disposed of except as sanctioned by him; c) that their cost is charged to a departmental vote appearing in the Federal or state Estimates and are are not purchased out of any other funds. 4 Sabah State All goods i) That the goods are The Head of Railway and imported or the Department Local purchased from a or Chairman of Authorities licensed the Local in Sabah manufacturer by the Authority or State Railway or any officer of Local Authority the Department concerned; or Local Authority ii) that they are used nominated by solely by the State him and Railway or Local approved by Authority concerned the Director and are not sold or General. otherwise disposed of except after payment of sales tax; iii) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in the State Railway or Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchased out any other funds. 4A The Importer All goods i) That the goods The Head of are imported for the Department supply to the or Chairman Sabah State of the Local Railway or any Authority or Local Authority any officer in Sabah; of the Department ii) that they will be or Local used solely by the Authority State Railway or nominated by Local Authority him and concerned and are approved by not sold or the Director otherwise disposed General. of except after payment of sales tax; iii) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in the State Railway or Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchase out of any other funds; iv) that every application for exemption is accompanied by a certificate from the Head of Sabah State Railways or the Chairman of the relevant Local Authority that the goods are authorised to be imported on his behalf and are for supply to his State Railway or Local Authority at a price exclusive of sales tax in accordance with the terms of cantract. 4B Any person by All goods i) That the goods The Head of the Director are purchased Department or General from a licensed Chairman of manufacturer for the Local supply to Sabah Authority or State Railway any officer or any Local of the Authority in Sabah. Department or Local ii) That the Head Authority of Sabah State nominated by Railway or the him and Chairman of any approve by Local Authority the Director certifies in General. writing to Senior Officer of Sales Tax; a) that the goods are to be purchased and supplied to his State Railway or the Local Authority at a price exclusive of sales tax in accordance with the terms of contract; b) that they will be used solely by the state Railway or the Local Authority conserned and are not sold or otherwise disposed of except after payment of sales tax; c) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in his State Railway or Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds. 5 Local Authorities All goods i) That he goods are The Chairman in Peninsular excluding imported or of the Local Malaysia and motorcars purchased from a Authority or Sarawak. and licensed manufac- any officer petroleum. turer by the nominated by Local Authority him and concerned; approve by the Director ii) that they are General. used solely by the Local Authority concerned and are not sold or otherwise disposed of except after payment of sales tax; iii) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in the Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds. 5A The Importer All goods i) That the goods The Chairman excluding are imported for of the Local motorcars supply to any Authority or and Local Authority any officer petroleum. in Peninsular nominated by Malaysia or him and Sarawak; approve by the Director ii) That they will General. be used solely by the Local Authority concerned and are not sold or otherwise disposed of except after payment of sales tax; iii) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in the Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds; iv) that every application for exemption is accompanied by a certificate from the Chairman of relevant Local Authority concerned that the goods are authorised to be imported on his behalf and are for supply to his Local Authority at a price exclusive of sales tax in accordance with the terms of contract. 100 a) Universiti All goods i) That the goods The Head of Malaya; excluding are imported the University b) Universiti motorcars or purchased or Institute, Malaysia petroleum. from a licensed or any other Kebangsaan; manufacturer by officer c) Universiti the University nominated by Teknologi or Institute him as the Malaysia; concerned; Director d) Universiti General may Sains ii) that they are approve. Malaysia; used by the e) Universiti University Utara or Institute Malaysia; concerned for f) Universiti its own Islam activities; Antarabangsa; g) Institut iii) that they are Teknologi not sold except MARA; after payment of h) Universiti sales tax. Pertanian Malaysia. 100A All goods i) That the goods The Head of The Importer excluding are imported for the University motorcars supply to any or Institute, and University or or any other petroleum. Institute officer appearing in nominated by column (2) of hin as the item 100 of this Director Order; General may approve. ii) that they will be used by the University or Institute concerned for its own activities; iii) that they are not sold except after payment sales tax; iv) that every application for exemption is accompanied by a certificate from the Head of such relevant University or Institute that the goods are authorised to be imported on his behalf and for supply to his University or Institute at a price exclusive of sales tax in accordance with the terms of contract. 100B All goods i) That the goods The Head of Any person excluding are purchased University or approved by motorcars from a licensed Institute, or the Director and manufacturer for other officer General. petroleum. supply to any nominated by University or him as the Institute Director appearing in General may column (2) of approve. item 100 of this Order. ii) That the Head of such University or Institute certifies in writing to the Senior Officer of Sales Tax; a) That the goods are to be purchased and supplied to his University or Institute at a price exclusive of sales tax in accordance with the terms of contract. b) that they are used by his University or Institute concerned for its own activities. c) that they are not sold except after payment of sales tax. 20 Any Federal or All goods i) That the goods The Head of State Goverment are purchased the Department Department from a licensed or such other other than the manufacturer; officer Malayan Railways nominated by Administration. ii) that they are him as the used solely by Director the Department General may concerned and approve. are not sold or otherwise disposed of except as sansactioned by the Head of department concerned; iii) that their cost is charged to a departmental vote appearing in the Federal or State Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds. 20A Any person All goods i) That the goods The Head of approved by are purchased from the Department the Director a licensed under or such other General. Section 25 of the officer Excise Act 1976 nominated by for supply to any him as the Federal or State Director Goverment General may Department in approve. Malaysia. ii) That the Head of Department certifies in writing to the Senior Officer of Excise. 23 Local Authorities All Goods i) That the goods The Head of in Peninsular Excluding are purchased the Local Malaysia and motorcars from a licensed Authority or Sarawak. and manufacturer or any officer petroleum. person licensed nominated by under section 25 him and of the Excise approve by Act 1976 by the the Director Local Authority General concerned. ii) that they are used solely by the Local Authority concerned and are are not sold or otherwise disposed of except after payment of excise duty; iii) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in the Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds. 23A Any Person All goods i) That the goods are Director excluding purchased from a General. motorcars licensed manufacand turer or a person petroleum. licensed under Section 25 of the Excise Act 1976 for supply to any Local Authorities in Penisular Malaysia & Sarawak. ii) That the Chairman of the Local Authority certifies in writing to the Senior Officer of Excise:- a) That the goods are to be purchased and supplied to his Local Authority at a price exclusive of excise duty in accordance with the terms of contract. b) that they will be used solely by the Local Authority concerned and are not sold or otherwise disposed of except after payment of excise duty. c) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in the Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds. 30 Sabah State All goods i) That the goods The Head of Railway and excluding are purchased Department Local motorcars from a licensed or Chairman Authorities and manufacturer or of the Local in Sabah. petroleum. a person licensed Authority or under section 25 any officer of the Excise Act of the 1976 by the State Department Railway or Local or Local Authorities Authority concerned; nominated by him and ii) That they are used approved by solely by the the Director Local Authority General. concerned and are not sold or otherwise disposed of except after payment of excise duty; iii) that their cost is to charged to a vote appearing in the State Railway or Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds. 30A The person All goods i) That the goods are The Head of approved by excluding purchased from a Department or the Director motorcars licensed manufac- or Chairman of General. and turer or a person the Local petroleum. licensed under Authority or Section 25 of the any officer of Excise Act 1976 the Department for supply to or Local Sabah State Railway Authority or any local nominated by Authority in Sabah; him and approved by ii) that the Head of the Director Sabah State Railway General. of Chairman of the Local Authority certifies in writing to the senior Officer of Excise:a) that the goods to be purchased and supplied to his State Railway or Local Authority at price exclusive of excise duty in accordance with the term of contract; b) that they will be used solely by the State Railway or Local Authority concerned and are not sold or otherwise disposed of except after payment of excise duty; c) that their cost is charged to a vote appearing in his State Railway or Local Authority's Estimates and are not purchased out of any other funds. 41 a) Universiti All goods i) That the goods The Head of Malaya; excluding are purchased the University b) University motorcars from a licensed or Institute Kebangsaan and manufacturer or any other Malaysia; petroleum or licensed officer c) Universiti failing premises by nominated by Teknologi under Group the University him as the Malaysia; 9 and 4 or Institute Director d) Universiti of the concerned; General may Sains prevailing approved. Malaysia; Excise ii) that they are used e) Universiti Duties by the University Utara Order. or Institute Malaysia; concerned for its f) Universiti own activities; Islam Malaysia iii) that they are not g) Institut sold except after Teknologi payment of excise MARA; duty. f) University Pertanian Malaysia; 41A Any person All goods i) That the goods are The Head of approved by excluding purchased from a the University the Director motorcars licensed manufac- or Institute, General and turer or licensed or any other petroleum. premises for supply officer to any University nominated by or Institute him as the appearing in Director column (2) of item General may 41 of this Order; approved. ii) that the Head of such University or Institute certifies in writing to the Senior Officer of Excise:a) that the goods are to be purchased and supplied to his University or Institute at a price exclusive of Excise duty in accordance with terms of contract; b) that they are used solely by his University or Institute concerned for its own activities; c) that they are not sold except after payment of Excise Duty. LAMPIRAN D NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN BAGI BARANG-BARANG YANG DIIMPORT SENDIRI OLEH JABATAN KERAJAAN Saya dengan ini mengaku bahawa barang-barang yang tersebut di atas adalah diimport oleh Jabatan ......................... Pengecualian duti import adalah dituntut di bawah butiran 3 Perintah Duti Kastam (Pengecualian) 1988 dan Cukai Jualan dituntut di bawah butiran 3 Perintah Cukai Jualan (Pengecualian) 1980 tertakluk kepada syaratsyarat yang ditetapkan di bawahnya. (*)Tandatangan : ..................... Nama : ..................... No. Kad Pengenalan : ..................... Jawatan : ..................... Tarikh : ..................... __________________________________________________________________ (*) Ditandatangani oleh Pegawai yang diluluskan oleh Ketua Pengarah Kastam. LAMPIRAN E NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN DUTI IMPORT BAGI BARANG-BARANG KEPUNYAAN JABATAN KERAJAAN YANG DIIMPORT OLEH SYARIKAT TEMPATAN Saya dengan ini mengaku bahawa barang-barang yang tersebut di atas adalah diimport oleh Syarikat .............................. untuk dibekalkan/kegunaan Kementerian/Jabatan .......................... Pengecualian duti import adalah dituntut di bawah butiran 3A Perintah Duti Kastam (Pengecualian) 1988 dan Cukai Jualan dituntut di bawah butiran 3A Perintah Cukai Jualan (Pengecualian) 1980 tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan di bawahnya. 2. Saya juga mengaku bahawa barang-barang tersebut adalah dibiayai oleh wang peruntukan Kementerian/Jabatan di bawah No. Vot .......... dan harga adalah tidak termasuk unsur cukai. ( * ) Tandatangan : ..................... Nama : ..................... No. Kad Pengenalan : ..................... Jawatan : ..................... Tarikh : ..................... _________________________________________________________________ (*) Ditandatangani oleh Pegawai yang diluluskan oleh Ketua Pengarah Kastam. LAMPIPN F NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN DUTI IMPORT BAGI BARANG-BARANG KEPUNYAAN JABATAN KERAJAAN YANG DIIMPORT MELALUI GUDANG BERLESEN Saya dengan ini mengaku bahawa barang-barang yang tersebut di atas adalah diimport oleh Syarikat .............................. untuk dibekalkan/kegunaan Kementerian/Jabatan .......................... Pengecualian duti import adalah dituntut d bawah butiran 3A Perintah Duti Kastam (Pengecualian) 1988 dan Cukai Jualan dituntut di bawah butiran 3A Perintah Cukai Jualan (Pengecualian) 1980 tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan di bawahnya. 2. Saya juga mengaku bahawa barang-barang tersebut adalah dibiayai oleh wang peruntukan Kementerian/Jabaan di bawah No. Vot ........... dan harga adalah tidak termasuk unsur cukai. (*)Tandatangan : ..................... Nama : ..................... No. Kad Pengenalan : ..................... Jawatan : ..................... Tarikh : ..................... ______________________________________________________________________ (*) Ditandatangani oleh Pegawai yang diluluskan oleh Ketua Pengarah Kastam. LAMPIRAN G NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN DUTI EKSAIS BAGI BARANG-BARANG KELUARAN TEMPATAN YANG DIBELI OLEH JABATAN KERAJAAN Saya dengan ini mengaku bahawa barang-barang yang tersebut di atas adalah dibeli oleh Jabatan ............................ Pengecualian duti eksais adalah dituntut di bawah butiran 20 Perintah Duti Eksais (Pengecualian) 1977 tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan di bawahnya. 2. Saya juga mengaku bahawa barang-barang tersebut adalah dibiayai oleh wang peruntukan Kementerian/Jabatan di bawah No. Vot .......... dan harga adalah tidak termasuk unsur cukai. (*)Tandatangan : ..................... Nama : ..................... No. Kad Pengenalan : ..................... Jawatan : ..................... Tarikh : ..................... --------------------------------------------------------------------(*) Ditandatangani oleh Pegawai yang diluluskan oleh Ketua Pengarah Kastam. LAMPIRAN H NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN CUKAI JUALAN BAGI BARANG-BARANG KELUARAN TEMPATAN YANG DIBEL OLEH JABATAN KERAJAAN Saya dengan ini mengaku bahawa barang-barang yang tersebut di atas adalah dibeli oleh Jabatan ........................... Pengecualian cukai jualan adalah dituntut di bawah butiran Perintah Cukai Jualan (Pengecualian) l980 tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan di bawahnya. 2. Saya juga mengaku bahawa barang-barang tersebut adalah dibiayai oleh wang peruntukan Kementerian/Jabatan di bawah No. Vot .......... dan harga adalah tidak termasuk unsur cukai. (*)Tandatangan : ..................... Nama : ..................... No. Kad Pengenalan : ..................... Jawatan : ..................... Tarikh : ..................... _____________________________________________________________________ (*) Ditandatangani oleh Pegawai yang diluluskan oleh Ketua Pengarah Kastam. LAMPIRAN I NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN DUTI EKSAIS BAGI BARANG-BARANG KELUARAN TEMPATAN YANG DIBELI OLEH JABATAN KERAJAAN MELALUI AJEN YANG DILANTIK Saya dengan ini mengaku bahawa barang-barang yang tersebut di atas adalah dibeli oleh Syarikat/Wakil .......................... untuk dibekalkan/kegunaan Kementerian/Jabatan........................... Pengecualian duti eksais adalah dituntut di bawah butiran 20A Perintah Duti Eksais (Pengecualian) 1977 tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan di bawahnya. 2. Saya juga mengaku bahawa barang-barang tersebut adalah dibiayai oleh wang peruntukan Kementerian/Jabatan di bawah No. Vot ........... dan harga adalah tidak termasuk unsur cukai. (*)Tandatangan : ..................... Nama : ..................... No. Kad Pengenalan : ..................... Jawatan : ..................... Tarikh : ..................... _____________________________________________________________________ (*) Ditandatangani oleh Pegawai yang diluluskan oleh Ketua Pengarah Kastam. LAMPIRAN J CJ. (Pentad) No.2C LAMPIRAN VII KUMPULAN 304:000 (PTCJ 304:118) PERMOHOHAN UNTUK MENDAPATKAN PENGECULIAN DIBAWAH PERINTAH CUKAI JUALAN (PENGECUALIAN) 1980 Dengan ini................................................ memohon (Nama Syarikat) untuk mendapatkan kelulusan bagi membeli barang-barang untuk dibekalkan kepada:- ............................... (Nama & Alamat Jabatan/Institusi ............................... bagi siapa pengecualian ............................... ini dituntut) dan pengecualian akan dituntut di bawah Butiran ................. Jadual B Perintah Cukai Jualan (Pengecualian) 1980 tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat di bawahnya. Tandatangan : .................... Nama : .................... No. Kad Pengenalan : .................... Pangkat : .................... Cop Resmi Syarikat : .................... Tarikh : .................... ______________________________________________________________________ (UNTUK KEGUNAAN JABATAN SAHAJA) No. Rujukan: ............... Permohonan ini diluluskan/tidak diluluskan. 2. Kelulusan ini hanya diberikan untuk pembelian yang diluluskan ini sahaja. .......................... Tarikh ............ bp. Ketua Pengarah Kastam *Potong mana yang tidak berkenaan. LAMPIRAN K NOTIS TUNTUTAN PENGECUALIAN CUKAI JUALAN BAGI BARANG-BRANG KELUARAN TEMPATAN JABATAN KERAJAAN YANG DIBELI OLEH JABATAN KERAJAAN MELALUI AJEN YANG DILANTIK Saya dengan ini mengaku bahawa barang-barang yang tersebut di atas adalah dibeli oleh Syarikat/Wakil ............................untuk dibekalkan/kegunaan Kementerian/Jabatan ............................ Pengecualian cukai jualan adalah dituntut di bawah butiran 3B Perintah Cukai Jualan (Pengecualian) 1980 tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan di bawahnya. 2. Saya juga mengaku bahawa barang-barang tersebut adalah dibiayai oleh wang peruntukan Kementerian/Jabatan di bawah No. Vot ........... dan harga adalah tidak termasuk unsur cukai. (*)Tandatangan : ..................... Nama : ..................... No. Kad Pengenalan : ..................... Jawatan : ..................... Tarikh : ..................... _____________________________________________________________________ (*) Ditandatangani oleh Pegawai yang diluluskan oleh Ketua Pengarah Kastam. LAMPIRAN L FASAL YANG MESTI DIMASUKKAN DI DALAM SYARAT TENDER KERJA 1. Fasal-fasal yang mesti dimasukkan di dalam syarat Tender Kerja adalah seperti berikut:1.1 TAXATION 1.1.1 Attention is drawn to Clause of the conditions of Contract. 1.1.2 The Contract Sum shall be deemed to have been based on the rates of Customs Duties/Excise Duties/ Sales Tax/Service Tax as at the date of tender. If during the progress of the works there is any variation in such rates or in the classes of goods/ services subject to duty then the net increase or decrease in the amount of duty payable by the Contractor and attributed thereto shall be added to or deducted from the Contract Sum as the case may be and shall be paid or allowed by the contractor accordingly by adjustment of the amounts due under the clause of these conditions. 1.1.3 The above provisions shall apply also to materials purchased from local suppliers, the contract Sum being added to or deducted from as the case may be by the net increase or decrease in the amount of duty payable by the importer or by the net increase or decrease in the price payable by the contractor, whichever is tne lesser. 1.1.4 The Contractor shall submit at the request of the Superitending Officer/Engineer all receipts and other documents necessary to prove the amount of the adjustment to be made under this clause. 1.1.5 Particulars of the Malaysian Customs and Excise current tariff in respect of custom duties, excise duties and sales tax on the materials, machinery, plants or equipment and service tax (where applicable) in connection with the construction shall be ascertained by the Tenderer/Contractor himself. 2. Klausa didalam perjaniian kontrak 2.1 "OTHER TAXATION." The Contractor will be required to pay Taxation Malaysian taxes on such part of his profit in respect of this Contract as is chargeable therewith Under the Laws for the time being in force. The Contract Price shall be deemed to be inclusive ot all Malaysian taxes and payments made shall be effected after deduction of withholding tax at the rate prescribed under the withholding tax laws in effect in Malaysia. The Contractor's employees will be liable to pay Malaysian Income Tax in respect of Income tax their salaries and other emoluments as are payable by chargeable therewith under the Law for the Employees time being in force and the Contractor shall perform such duties in regard to the deduction thereof as may be lawfully imposed on him by the Government of Malaysia. LAMPIRAN M PERMOHONAN UNTUK MENGIMPORT SEMENTARA BAHAGIAN A - PERMOHONAN UNTUX MENGIMPORT SEMENTARA MESIN/PERALATAN DI BAWAH SEKSYEN 97 AKTA KASTAM 1967. 1. NAMA PEMOHON DAN ALAMAT : 2. KETERANGAN LENGKAP BARNG-BARANG (SEPERTI JENIS, MODEL, NO. SIRI DSBNYA): (GUNAKAN LAMPIRAN JIKA PERLU). 3. TUJUAN DIIMPORT SEMENT' : 4. TEMPOH DIPOHON : 5. TEMPAT MELALUI MANA BARANGAN DIIMPORT DAN DIEKSPORT SEMULA : 6. TEMPAT DIMANA BARNGAN AKAN DILETAKKAN/DIGUNAKAN : 7. i) SAYA MENGAKU BAHAWA BARANG-BARATG DI ATAS ADALAH DIIMPORT SEMENTARA UNTUK TUJUAN DI ATAS SAHAJA. JAMINAN BANK BAGI TEMPOH 3 BULAN (TEMPOH HENDAKLAH 3 BULAN MELEBIHI TEMPOH IMPORT SEMENTARA) AKAN DIKEMUKAKAN KEPADA PENGARAH KASTAM NEGERI ................................ ii) BARANG-BARANG AKAN DIGUNAKAN DI TEMPAT-TEMPAT TERSEBUT DI ATAS SAHAJA DAN TIDAK AKAN DITUKARMILIK, DIJUAL ATAU DISEWAKAN KEPADA PIHAK LAIN. TARIKH: ...................... TANDATANGAN DAN COP PEMOHON. BAHAGIAN B - PENGESAHAN DARIPADA KEMENTERIAN/SYARIKAT KERAJAAN YANG MENGELUARKAN KONTRAK PROJEK. 1. MESIN/PERALATAN HANYA DIPERLUKAN BAGI TEMPOH TIDAK MELEBIHI DARIPADA TIGA BULAN SAHAJA. 2. MESIN/PERALATAN TIDAK BOLEH DIPEROLEHI DI NEGERI INI. 3. MESIN MERUPAKAN PERLATAN YANG DIGUNAKAN BAGI KERJA-KERJA KHUSUS DAN SPECIALISED YANG MANA KERJA TERSEBUT MENJADI SEBAHAGIAN DARIPADA KONTRAK (SPECIFIC AND SPECIALISED JOB WITHIN THE TOTAL PROJECT CONRACT). TARIKH: .................. JAWATAN: ................... KEMENTERIAN/ JABATAN ................... BAHAGIAN C - KELULUSAN 1. PERMOHONAN TUAN DI ATAS DITLAK/DILULUSKAN DI BAWAH: i) SEKSYEN 97, AKTA KASTAM 1967, TERTAKLUK KEPADA SYARATSYARAT SEPERTIMANA TERKANDUNG DI LAMPIPAN A. ii) BUTIRAN 29 JADUAL B, PERINTAH CUKAI JUALAN (PENGECUALIAN) 1980. 2. TEMPOH YANG DILULUSKAN UNTUK IMPORT SEMENTARA ADALAH ......... BULAN MULAI DARIPADA ................ HINGGA ................. 3. JAMINAN BANK NO. ............ BERNILAI ................ ADALAH SAHLAKU SEHINGGA ................... TANDATANGA:................ TARIKH: ....................... bP. PENGARAH KASTAM NEGERI. POTONG MANA YANG TIDAK BERKENAAN.