Mar. 21 Announcements HW #7 is now due on Friday, March 23. Office hours tomorrow (Thursday) as usual. Mar. 21 6.6 Time reversibility Analogue to Section 4.8: A continuous-time ergodic Markov chain is time-reversible with limiting probabilities πi if and only if πi qij = πj qji for all pairs i, j. (The # of i → j and j → i transitions per unit time are the same.) This is detailed balance. Notes: Note the clear similarity to the concept of detailed balance from Chapter 4. Mar. 21 6.6 Time reversibility Compare the balance equations to the detailed balance equations using a birth-death process. Solve for πi using balance. Solve for πi using detailed balance. Notes: In the case of a birth-death process, which we have argued previously does satisfy detailed balance, the balance (ergodic) equations are not too difficult to solve. However, we showed in class that the detailed balance equations are even easier! This example also gives a nice, simple way to compare “overall” balance with detailed balance. Mar. 21 6.5 Limiting probabilities Theorem: If a continuous-time M.C. {Xt : t ≥ 0} is irreducible and has a stationary distribution π, then lim Pij (t) = πj t→∞ for all j. NB: Establishing positive recurrence is often complicated for continuous-time MCs. Notes: This result comes from the Durrett book referenced in the final slide. It is a nice, simple result that is stated only indirectly in Ross. Mar. 21 6.5 Limiting probabilities Theorem: If a continuous-time M.C. {Xt : t ≥ 0} has rate (generator) matrix R, then π is a stationary distribution if and only if πR = 0. Notes: In combination with the theorem on the previous slide, this gives one way to check for limiting probabilities that is often the easiest: Find any solution to πR = 0, then show that the MC is irreducible, and these results imply that the solution is unique and equal to the limiting probabilities. Mar. 21 LOLN-like results Theorem: If a continuous-time M.C. {Xt : t ≥ 0} is irreducible and has a stationary distribution π, and if g : Ω → R satisfies Eπ |g(X )| < ∞, then as t → ∞, Z 1 t g(Xs ) ds → Eπ g(X ) with probability 1. t 0 Compare with Proposition 4.3 (the last proposition in Section 4.4). Notes: In class, I had omitted the phrase “with probability 1,” without which the statement is a bit difficult to interpret because the left-hand side is a RANDOM function of t, rather than a deterministic one. In class, we discussed the intuition of the left-hand side, namely, it is the total value of the g(X (s)) function, weighted by the length of time spent in each state of the Markov chain, from zero to t, then divided by t. Mar. 21 6.8 Computing the transition probabilities To find P(t) (as opposed to P(∞)), we can use P(t) = exp{Rt} = ∞ X (Rt)i i=0 i! . Notes: Matrix exponentials are not very easy to calculate in general. However, there is software available to do it, such as the expm function in the Matrix package for R. Mar. 21 Further reading on Markov chains Durrett, Essentials of Stochastic Processes Lange, Applied Probability Notes: I would call each of these books more difficult than Ross in terms of mathematical level. The Durrett book is a standard reference for stochastic processes. The Lange book is much more diverse, having only a couple chapters on Markov chains. Thus, its Markov chain material is much more concise though still quite thorough.