Bulletin – March 22, 2015

The climactic event of Jesus’ passion and death is drawing closer; a time when the great confrontation
between Jesus and the powers of darkness take place. Jesus invites his disciples into a great mystery with
curious pronouncements: Those who love their lives just as they are will lose them. If a grain of wheat dies, it
will bear much fruit. When Jesus is lifted up, he will draw all to himself. The Christian steward knows life can’t
be lived in complacency. We are called to die to self, bear more fruit, be raised up with Jesus. In today’s
Gospel reading Jesus brings discomfort to those who are comfortable. Jesus urges us to step out of our
“comfort zone.” How will we respond to Jesus?
Weekly Readings for
Masses March 23 - 29
March 23 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo
9:00am Kathy Shaw - ICC
9:00am Our Lady of Lourdes - Ada
Daniel 13:41c-62 & John 8:1-11
Numbers 21:4-9 & John 8:21-30
March 24
9:00am Bob & Mark Szymanski - ICC
9:00am Our Lady of Lourdes - Ada
Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10; Hebrews 10:4-10;
Luke 1:26-38
Genesis 17:3-9 & John 8:51-59
March 25 The Annunciation of the Lord
9:00am Mary Dowd - ICC
9:00am Our Lady of Lourdes, Ada
Jeremiah 20:10-13 & John 10:31-42
Ezekiel 37:21-28 & John 11:45-56
March 26
9:00am Jeanine Rish - ICC
9:00am Our Lady of Lourdes, Ada
Mark 11:1-10
Isaiah 50:4-7
Philippians 2:6-11
Mark 14:1 – 15:47
March 27
No Mass at ICC or OLL
Palm Sunday of the Passion of Lord
March 28
3:30pm Confessions
4:00pm For the Parish – ICC
6:30pm Our Lady of Lourdes - Ada
March 29 Palm Sunday of the Passion of Lord
9:00am Kathy Shaw - ICC
11:00am Our Lady of Lourdes - Ada
7:00pm Spanish Mass, ICC
Mass Schedule
Confessions Mass Every Mass Every
Parish Every Saturday Saturday
Fifth Sunday of Lent –
Jesus Predicts His Own Death
As the Gospel opens, Jesus is well aware that his time on
earth is coming to a close. In fact, he admits that he is
“troubled,” but adds, “Yet what should I say? ‘Father, save
me from this hour’? But it was for this purpose that I came
to this hour. Father, glorify your name.” Upset as he admits
he is, he still puts the Father first.
Have you ever considered that Jesus might
have been “troubled” about what was going to
happen to him? How can the way he dealt with
his anxiety help you deal with your own worries
and fears?
Week of March 15
Regular (103 env)……………………….$2,685.00
Total…………………………….. $2,919.00
Rosary/Altar Society………………… $ 175.00
Catholic Relief Services……………. $
The choir will be singing at the 9:00am Mass on
Sunday, March 29, Mass. Choir practice is on
Wednesdays at 6:00pm. New members are always
St. Vincent DePaul Society
SVDP fifth Sunday collection will be March 29. Please
remember to make your checks out to St. Vincent
DePaul. Also, as you clean out your closets please
remember your clothing donations to SVDP.
Congratulations to Patrick Stacklin and Emma
Mulligan who were crowned king and queen of the
Mardi Gras. Thanks to all who braved the weather.
Stations of the Cross– Friday, March 27, at
7:00pm. This will be preceded by a light
Soup Supper beginning at 5:30pm. Hosted
by members of the St. Vincent DePaul
PSR for pre-school and elementary youth (grades 1-8)
will meet Wednesday, March 25. PSR runs from 6pm
to 7pm each week on Wednesday.
Credo Youth Group –
Next Credo meeting will be Sunday, March 29, at
5:00pm in the Upper Room. All parish children in
grades 9-12 and 8th graders who have been confirmed
are invited to join Credo.
(NCYC) will be November 19-22 in Indianapolis. The Office
of Youth and Young Adult Ministry (OYYAM) is taking
registrations for the diocesan trip. The NCYC theme is Here
I am, Lord: Aqui’ Estoy Señor. Anyone entering the 9
grade this coming year through the 12 grade are
eligible to attend. If you are interested, please the office
know by April 20 as registrations must be submitted to
the Diocese.
RCIA will be meeting tonight March 22 at 6:00pm in
Adult Scripture Study
The Scripture Study Group will meet Tuesday,
March 24 after morning mass in the Center. We will be
studying Jerusalem, The Holy City. Contact Jean
Bruner for more info 419-675-6165.
Days of Abstinence and Fasting during
Lent and the Sacred Triduum
Abstinence – Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of
Lent are days of Abstinence. The Law of
Abstinence binds all those who have completed their 14
year of age and older. On those days these faithful are not
to eat meat.
Fasting – Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of
Fasting. The Law of Fasting binds all from the age of 18
through the end of the 59 year. The Law of Fasting
prescribes that only one full meal a day be taken. Two
lighter meals are permitted, but combined should not be
more than one full meal.
CRS Rice Bowl Hungering for a Healthy Harvest
CRS Rice Bowl brings our Lenten journey
back to Africa this week, to the Democratic
Republic of Congo. We join our fasting in
solidarity with people who go hungry, and we
remember in prayer the importance of building a
community that is willing to support those most in
need. Visit crsricebowl.org for more info.
Silent Retreat for Men – Palm Sunday Weekend
St. Therese Retreat Center – March 27 – 29
Theme: “Eucharistic Spiritual Warfare”
Begins Friday at 5:30pm concludes after 11:30am
Mass on Sunday. Cost $130.
For more info go to St-Therese-Retreat.org.
Upcoming Lenten services
Stations of the Cross and Soup Suppers:
Fridays of Lent, Soup beginning at 5:30pm
with Stations at 7:00pm
Stations of the Cross are at 6:00pm on Fridays in Ada.
Mime Stations of the Cross
Good Friday, April 3, at noon at Our Lady of
Lourdes in Ada with the High School Youth.
Please note that services this year for Holy Week
which includes Easter Vigil will take place at Our
Lady of Lourdes in Ada. There will be an Easter
morning Mass here at Immaculate Conception at
9:00am and one at Our Lady of Lourdes at
The following services will take place at
Our Lady of Lourdes in Ada:
Holy Thursday Mass, April 2 at 7:00pm
Good Friday Liturgy, April 3 at 7:00pm
Easter Vigil Mass, April 4 at 8:00pm
If you would be interested in joining a choir to sing
for the Easter Vigil Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes,
please contact Mary Drzycimski-Finn at
m-drzycimski-finn@onu.edu or by email to OLL
parish office at oll@wcoil.com.
St. Vincent DePaul – Easter Egg Hunt
The St. Vincent DePaul Society will be
sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt for the
children on Palm Sunday, March 29, after the
9:00am Mass. This is for all children and
grandchildren of parishioners from newborn to fifth
grade. As always the Easter Bunny will be there to join
in all of the fun with the children. Bring your Easter
Basket! Don’t miss out on the fun.
Lector and Extraordinary Minister of Holy
Communion Training
There will be a training class for those interested in the
above ministries after the 9:00am Sunday Mass on
March 22. Deacon Michael Hood will be leading the
class. If you are interested, please let the office know
at 419-675-1162.
Nominations are now being accepted for names
for recommendation to Pastoral Council. If you
would like to be considered or know of someone you
would like to nominate for Pastoral Council, please fill
out the form found in the pew. Please drop in
nomination box located in back of church by April 12.
The drawing for two new members will be on April 26.
Thank you.