Akita International University Online Application System Usage Manual Please Check the Following Before You Begin To Access the System: Ensure you are using one of the following Operating Systems (OS) Windows XP Service Package 3 or higher (Vista, Windows 7, etc.) Mac OSX or Higher Linux most recent stable release of your OS Use one of the following browsers Internet Explorer Version 8 or higher Mozilla Firefox Version 4 or higher Most recent version of Safari Most recent version of Google Chrome Be sure that JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser. Please access the site from a computer (desktop or laptop). It is not designed to work on Smart Phones or gaming devices. When Using the System: Do not use the “Back” button on your browser. Using the “Back” button may cause you to be logged out of the system. Do not use the “Reload” button on your browser. Using the “Reload” button may disrupt your connection to the system. To Protect Your Personal Information: If accessing the system from a public computer, do not save your login ID or Password. Do not leave your computer unattended while accessing the system. When you finish using the system, be sure to logout. Never tell your ID or Password to others. URL to Access the System Open your web browser and enter the following address (URL) Login Screen Enter the Login ID provided to you by the Center for International Affairs. Enter the Password provided to you by the Center for International Affairs. Click “login.” If you do not have one of the required browsers, please install one by clicking on one of the links here. If you are not using your own computer, please ask the computer’s administrator before installing a new browser. The Study Abroad Progress Screen When you finish using the system, be sure to log out by clicking the “logout” button here. Use these links to alternate between the Study Abroad Progress screen and the Basic Information Screen. If there is an important message for you from the Center for International Affairs, it will be displayed here. You can see the process of your study abroad application here. The links in this section will take you to online forms which need to be filled out, or PDF files with additional information. * Some items do not have links. * If a form is not currently available, the link will be inactive. The status of each item can be viewed to the right of each item. The Basic Information Screen Your Name and Period of Study are displayed here. * This information will be blank until your application has been checked. Use these links to alternate between the Study Abroad Progress screen and the Basic Information Screen. Using the System Filling out the Online Application Filling out the Online Application Click the “Online Application” button. Filling out the Online Application You can return to your Study Abroad Progress by clicking the link here. * If you wish to save the information you have filled out, be sure to click “Save” before returning. The progress bar shows you how many pages are in the form, how many pages you have completed, and how many you have left to complete. Fill out the information on the form. Items marked with an asterisk (*) require an answer and you will not be able to submit the form if they are blank. If you would like to save the information you have filled out without submitting the form, please click “Save.” Click “Next Page” to continue to the next page. Filling out the Online Application Page 5 of the application is your study plan at Akita International University. To make filling out this section easier, you can click the “Syllabus” button to search for courses in AIU’s online syllabus system. Clicking the “Syllabus” button opens the syllabus window as shown. Select a department from the list and view the class lists. You can add a course to your application by clicking “Select Course”. For more information on the class, click “View Syllabus” and the syllabus for the course will open in a new tab in your browser. * Actual course offerings may vary. * Some courses, such as English for Academic Purposes courses and Teacher Language Practices courses are not available for international exchange students. Please check AIU’s web page for details. Filling out the Online Application On the 7. JAPANESE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY page, there is a section to enter your past experience with the Japanese language. If you have taken more than one course, click the “add” button to add another section. You can add up to 5 courses. If you have taken more than 5 courses, write your 5 most recent. Filling out the Online Application The last page has a “Confirm” button. Click this to continue to the Confirmation Page. *If you have left any required sections blank, you will be returned to the page with the blank sections. You can only view the Confirmation Page after all required fields have been filled. Filling out the Online Application Check the contents of your application. If you notice any mistakes, you can return to the earlier pages and correct them. Before you click the Submit button, print the Confirmation Page. Sign this page and send it to the Center for International Affairs with your other required documents. * If you are accessing the page from a computer without a printer, it is possible to log in again later and print out this page by clicking on the Online Application link on your Study Abroad Progress page. Filling out the Online Application After you print your online application, click submit. The contents of your application will be submitted to the Center for International Affairs. A final confirmation message will appear. Click “OK” to submit your application. After you submit your application, you will see this page. Click the button to return to your Study Abroad Progress page. Filling out the Online Application After your application has been submitted, your Study Abroad Progress screen will show the message “Sent” to indicate that the form has been submitted. After the AIU Center for International Affairs checks the contents of your application, this message will change to either “Complete” or “Incomplete.” “Incomplete” indicates that there were some incomplete parts of your application. The Center for International Affairs will contact you with specific information. Be sure to log in regularly and check this page for the current status of your Study Abroad Progress. Viewing Invoices Open your Progress page. ① If the invoice is available to be viewed, the “Payment” link will become active. Click this link to view a list of invoices. Viewing Invoices ③ ② ① ①The list of invoices is shown here. Invoices listed in Black have been paid. Invoices listed in Red are unpaid. ② To view each invoice, click the “Click to display invoice” link. ③ Click “Return” to go back to the previous page. Viewing Invoices ① The invoice is displayed here. ② To print the invoice, click the “Print” button. ③ Click “Return” to go back to the previous page. ① ③ ② Information about our bank account and payment policy is available at the following webpage: http://www.aiu.ac.jp/international/ en/in/pre-departureinformation/fees-and-tuitionpayments/ If you have any questions about the application system… Please Contact: Center for International Affairs Akita International University Yuwa, Akita-City 010-1292 Japan E-mail: international@aiu.ac.jp Phone: +81-18-886-5936 or +81-18-886-5937 Fax: +81-18-886-5853