Pointer Patter June 2015

Pointer Patter
June 2015
People Patter:
People Patter: New
Starts make a Splash
New Contract Wins
Pointer Patter
Produced by:
Pointer Ltd
65 North Wallace St
G4 0DT
Those who know more about films than me tell me there are only seven different story
‘types’ (overcoming the monster, rebirth, quest, journey and return, rags to riches,
tragedy, and comedy). Every single film is a variation on one or more of those types.
In the same way, even though we’ve brought you a whole spectrum of stories (often
from the sublime to the ridiculous) in the end, every single issue of Pointer Patter and in
turn every single article within it tells the exact same story, only in slightly different
ways. Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before but every story in this
newsletter ever since I’ve been made editor of it has been about people. Pointer people.
Even if that story if about the heath and safety of stranded sea mammals or about a
securing the future with a new contract win, it’s the same thing. We’re talking people.
We’re talking people being able to develop and improve themselves within the
framework of the company in order that our work can continue to reflect our values,
both in performance and delivery. You’ll be hearing those three words - values,
performance, and delivery – quite a lot over the next few years. We’re going to keep
banging that particular drum just as we continue to tell the same story over and over
again in exciting new ways.
This issue is no different. Within these pages, we’ll bring you news of some major
personnel changes. We say goodbye to the retiring Milton Enterkin, David Stirling, and
Adam Urquhart. And we say hello to Wendy Hay and Nigel Upson amongst others.
Wendy and Nigel both have impressive stories to tell, and their appointments are in line
with the strategy Pointer have followed for the past few years. Both have extensive
experience within the water industry and can help us understand the utilities sector
from a customer perspective. Here’s hoping both can make a big splash within the
If you have any news, or information which you think might be suitable for the
newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact me. In the mean time, thanks for listening
and enjoy this issue.
Andy Kirby – andy.kirby@pointer.co.uk
Pointer Patter
Pointer are delighted to announce that we have successfully
passed through the formal auditing process from NQA and
we have now received final confirmation that we have
achieved the ISO 27001 standard for Information Security.
Thank you to all members of staff who were interviewed
during the process.
Protecting information and data is of crucial importance to Pointer. In our day-to-day business and
also in our projects work, it is our business to handle high volumes of sensitive online information.
And we’ve always provided the best safeguards in order that this information is properly secured.
However, we now have independent proof that our systems work.
Independent certification signifies that Pointer Limited has achieved the highest levels of information
security management. The company has been accredited with ISO 27001; internationally recognised,
independent verification that Pointer is able to securely manage information security, retaining
confidentiality, integrity and availability of all data. By being compliant with the standard Pointer has
proven that it has in place the appropriate processes to properly secure its data and the data of its
Endorsement of our systems by NQA means our customers can rest assured that Pointer can provide
the highest levels of data resilience and information management.
The ISO 27001 certification provides our customers with the knowledge that Pointer is compliant with
the latest best practices, controls and industry standards and further, confirms that all sensitive
ISO 27001 is part of the ISO 27000 series, the generic name given to a family of international standards
developed to provide a framework around which an ISMS (Information Security Management
System) can effectively be implemented.
You can read more about ISO27001 on the NQA website here: http://www.nqa.com/engb/certification/standards/iso-27001-2013
Pointer Patter
Pointer are delighted to announce that we have won the tender for the provision of an (initial) six
month annual service contract for both planned preventative maintenance and a reactive/ breakdown
maintenance contract with British Transport Police.
The contract will cover the following:
Intruder Detection systems
Custody Affray Alarms/ Interview room Panic Strips
Site Security CCTV Systems
Access Control Systems
Intercom systems
Mechanical Digital Push Button Code Lock installation/ maintenance
In addition, we will be rolling out a series of EmiZon upgrades to a number of sites.
British Transport Police are the national police force for the railways. Every day, they police the
journeys of more than six million passengers.
We are delighted to announce the launch of the
all-new Pointer Fire website, which you can visit
by following this link: www.pointerfire.com.
I’m sure you’ll agree the site has a very
professional, clean and uncluttered look and is
full of useful information. Well done to all
Pointer Patter
The options to use the new Shared Parental Leave rights will
apply for parents who meet the eligibility criteria, where a
baby is due to be born on or after 5th April 2015, or for
children who are placed for adoption on or after that date.
Employed mothers will continue to be entitled to 52 weeks of Maternity Leave and 39 weeks of
statutory maternity pay or maternity allowance.
If they choose to do so, an eligible mother can end her maternity leave early and, with her
partner or the child's father, opt for Shared Parental Leave instead of Maternity Leave. If they
both meet the qualifying requirements, they will need to decide how they want to divide their
Shared Parental Leave and Pay entitlement.
Paid Paternity Leave of two weeks will continue to be available to fathers and a mother's or
adopter's partner, however Additional Paternity Leave will be removed (Shared Parental Leave
will replace it).
Adopters will have the same rights as other parents to Shared Parental leave and pay.
Shared Parental Leave will enable eligible mothers, fathers, partners and adopters to choose how to
share time off work after their child is born or placed for adoption. This could mean that the mother or
adopter shares some of the leave with her partner, perhaps returning to work for part of the time and
then resuming leave at a later date.
It is designed to give parents more flexibility in how to share the care of their child in the first year
following birth or adoption. Parents will be able to share a pot of leave, and can decide to be off work
at the same time and/or take it in turns to have periods of leave to look after the child.
Should you wish a copy of our Procedure in respect of Shared Parental Leave please contact the HR
Pointer Patter
As part of our strategy to improve Health & Safety, Environmental,
Quality and Information Security in our work place, we have
developed new system to recognise and reward staff who have
provided an outstanding contribution in making our workplace
safe, environmentally friendly, and secure helping us to improve our
customer service.
Certificates of Recognition will be issued to individual staff members or a team of staff working together in
a particular area or job or any sub contractors working on our behalf.
Some examples for behaviours, achievements where a certificate will be issued
Completed high risk work safely using safe working methods and
Providing good examples of safe working behaviours to less experienced
Contributed successful ideas to reducing our impact on the environment.
Provided exceptional customer service to a customer.
Provided a working solution to a complex project / task.
Delivered a solution safely, on time and minimised the impact on the
Nominations can be completed using the Pointer APP
(Submit Information then General Forms)
If you wish to nominate someone else, you can nominate someone / team / sub
contractor to your supervisor or manager.
Supervisors / Managers wishing to nominate an individual / team should do
this to either Hugh Lawson, HR Department or a Director.
All nominations will be considered and approved by a Director.
When approved, the certificate will be logged on each staff training record on
The certificate will be issued to member of staff
Member of staff nominates
to Supervisor
Supervisor agrees and
nominates to Directors
Logged on Training
Pointer Patter
We would like it noted that on Smart Motorways when the speed is
reduced on the overhead signs this is law. For example the M25 smart
motorway section in Kent, the speed limit is normally set to 70mph.
However when the hard shoulder lane is in use, the speed limit can
reduce down to 40mph, 50mph or 60mph. Any change in the speed limit
is clearly communicated to motorists via overhead gantry signs. The
HADECS speed enforcement cameras which are in force at all times
then adjust to the new speed limit. Extracts of the information leaflet
below are reproduced from Highways Agency documentation.
Pointer Patter
A new offence, to make it easier for the police to
arrest drivers who drive after taking illegal drugs or
abuse medicinal drugs, came into force in England
and Wales on 2 March 2015.
The new law makes it an offence to drive while over
specified limits for a total of 16 drugs. Eight of the
drugs could be used for medicinal purposes although
the specified limit allows for the normal
recommended doses that most patients would be
prescribed. Patients who take their medicines as
intended should therefore not be affected by this
legislation, provided the medicine does not affect
their driving.
If in doubt – ask a pharmacist or Doctor (GP).
Pointer Patter
A bumper crop of new starts feature in this month’s Pointer
Patter, as well as some notable leavers…
We’ll begin with those notable leavers. Since the last issue of Pointer Patter, two stalwart company
employees have retired with a third due to retire in June. These three men were mainstays of Pointer
and they have embodied the company values of integrity and honesty during their time at the
company. They’ve also been, as I’m sure you’ll agree, all-round ‘good guys’. We’d like to thank all of
them for their hard work and devotion to the cause over the years and wish them all the best of luck
for the future.
David Stirling started with Pointer on 20 March 2000.
During his 15 years with the company – in Credit Control
– he made many friends.
David is pictured right with Adam Urquhart, during his
retirement presentation ceremony earlier this year.
Best of luck for the future, David.
One day it is 4th May 2004, and then, quicker than a speeding husky, it is 30th January 2015. Milton
Enterkin retired from the company after nearly 11 years service earlier this year, and we’d also like to
take this opportunity to wish Milton all the best in everything he does from now on.
Pointer Patter
Our third retiree is Adam Urquhart, who’ll be hanging up his boots in June. We’ll be running a feature on him
in our next issue. But for now, we’re delighted to introduce you to Adam’s replacement, Wendy Hay.
For those of you who don’t know - and although he doesn’t look it - Adam
Urquhart will reach retirement age in June, and with that in mind, Wendy
Hay signed on with Pointer as the new Financial Director. She began her
employment on Tuesday 5th May. For the first two months, she will be working
alongside Adam, after which she’ll be taking on the role single-handed.
Wendy is an experienced and highly motivated finance individual with a proven track record in a blue
chip commercial environment. She hails from the Borders of Scotland and she lives in Fife. Educated
at the University of Edinburgh, she obtained a law degree before she trained as an accountant.
She has previously worked for Veolia Water, where she spent five years culminating in the role of
Head of Finance, and understands the utilities sector from a customer perspective. She also has a
strong background in the construction industry (having worked for Barratt Homes).
Wendy has a real synergy with the company. She is a very practical person with a wealth of
experience within a marketplace we are increasingly working. She has exactly the right kind of
specialist knowledge we are looking for. She will help us to improve the projects side of the business,
and she will further our understanding of how to operate in the broader contracting environment.
Not only will she help us get our sums right, she will add yet another persuasive voice to the chorus as we
continue to tell our compelling story to our customers.
Wendy’s coming on board will be a real coup for Pointer. She will sharpen our focus on three crucial
issues which you’ll be hearing a lot more about over the next three years: values, performance, and
I hope you’ll join me in wishing her all the best with Pointer.
Of course, Wendy isn’t our only new starter, and on the following pages, we’ll introduce you to our
new Utilities Service Delivery Manager, Nigel Upson.
Pointer Patter
Pointer Patter was delighted to get the chance to sit down
with Nigel and conduct an at-length interview regarding
his arrival at Pointer, his previous experience and what he
hopes to bring to this new role within the business… We
also discovered a few surprises!
Pointer Patter (PP): Hello Nigel, pleased to meet you. How does it feel now you’ve started at the
Nigel Upson (NU): Hello Pointer Patter and hello to everyone at Pointer Ltd - those I have already met
as well as those I haven’t yet. I am delighted and excited to have joined Pointer (on 30th March) in the
Utilities Service Delivery Managers’ role. I am looking forward to working with everyone in
supporting the business and continuing to develop the great work done by Pointer to date in
delivering the Hatch Protection Contract to Severn and Trent Water (STW).
PP: You mention Severn and Trent Water. You were there previously, weren’t you?
NU: Prior to joining Pointer I worked for STW for 32 years in a variety of roles including
Administration, Finance, Credit Control, Customer Service, FM Site Management, FM Service and
remedial Contracts Management and Operational Asset Maintenance Contracts Management. I had
many bases over the years - Malvern, Gloucester, Tewkesbury, Worcester, Coventry, Wolverhampton
and Central Birmingham to name but a few - and I covered a lot of miles and worked in some busy
and also remote places along the way. I really enjoyed my time with STW and worked with some
great people, colleagues, contractors and customers alike. I met some great characters!
Before leaving voluntarily as part of a restructure, my last role for STW for 5 years was as a Contracts
Manager in Wholesale Operations (Water and Waste). I had responsibility for asset maintenance
service and remedial contracts covering 9 counties across the Midlands and into Wales and including:
Site Security systems (gates, barriers, CCTV, access control, intruder alarms) Nitrate and Reverse
Osmosis sites, Reservoir Hatch Protection Systems, Domestic and Process Boilers, Air Conditioning,
Flare Stacks and Flame Arrestors, Boiler Water Treatment, Fixed and Mobile generators, Pump
Vibration Monitoring, PPE/Laundry Services for all operational teams, SCADA telemetry systems.
My largest contract in terms of site coverage was the Hatch Protection contract and in view of its
Business Critical nature and important role in STW’s Business Resilience priorities.
PP: And now you’ve moved over to the other side of the table, so to speak.
NU: That’s right. The opportunity to join Pointer and to help to develop the company’s Utilities sector
Pointer Patter
services is an exciting one. I have always enjoyed the Contracts Management and strategy arena which
is not only diverse but offers great scope for development and continuous improvement with team
work, partnerships and customer service at the heart of everything. Moving to the other side of the
table as it were is a great opportunity therefore.
PP: What about outside of work?
NU: On a personal note, I have been married to the lovely Nikki for 27 years and we live in Worcester.
We have two children. Victoria (22) graduated recently with a 1st Degree in Illustration and now works
as an Artist for a world famous Artist. As well as also doing commission scene and character
Illustration work, Victoria is very passionate about all kinds of music and sings and plays guitar,
entertaining people with her mix of old and new songs. Our son Ryan (20) is in his second year at
University studying for a dual degree in Sports Education Science and PE. Ryan loves his football and
currently plays for the University of Worcester in the British Universities League. He has played a
high standard of football and I have enjoyed watching Ryan play all over the UK over the years since
he was 8 years old. I guess I have kicked every ball as well, as you do.
My wife Nikki does a great job working for a team of Physiotherapists and ensuring they are fully
supported in all that they do, as well as supporting all of us in all that we do. Not sure how she
manages it sometimes but she does. I think they call it multi-tasking! Nikki also plays Skittles in the
local League and she’s pretty good on the alley.
PP: Nikki has her Skittles, but you have your football, eh?
NU: Correct. I am passionate about football and I played for many years myself as well as Coaching
and Managing at Senior level and every age group of Junior and Youth Football. I am currently U18’s
Manager and Youth Development Liaison Officer at Worcester City FC. My son Ryan is a Player
Development Coach working with us which is great for his own development. We play in the Junior
Premier League which is a National League set up and it’s great to be involved with all the age groups
from U11 to U18/U21 and to see their development.
PP: Thanks a lot for your time Nigel. Before you go, can you tell our readers one fact about yourself
which they might find surprising?
NU: I can: apart from football and my family, my other passion is writing. I enjoy writing Fantasy
Fiction and I have three published novels on the Amazon Book Store. I have always written since I
was a kid and I guess you could say it’s an extended hobby.
Pointer Patter
Michael Johnston
Projects Engineer, Projects
Steven Scally
Projects Engineer, Projects
Alistair Pearson
Projects Engineer, Projects
Jamie McAnulty
Projects Engineer, Projects
Amanda Shaw
EMC Operator, Support Office
David Curran
EMC Operator, Support Office
Gavin Connor
Installation Engineer, Scotland
Steven Precious
Paul Davies
Security Engineer, England
Michael Hart
Security Engineer, England
Security Engineer, England
Phil Higson
Security Engineer, England
Rahul Naresh
Systems Engineer, Scotland
Pointer Patter
Thomas Weldon
IT Support Engineer, Support Office
Alastair Scott
Credit Control Manager
Wendy Hay
Financial Director (Designate),
Support Office
Nigel Upson
Utilities Services Delivery Manager,
Julie Greaves
Customer Service Operator, England
Carol Heslop
Admin Team Leader, England
Leavers January - May 2015
Alastair Smith – IT Technical Systems Engineer, Projects; Brian Doyle - Engineer, Fire Glasgow; Milton Enterkin – Systems
Surveyor, Scotland; Kirstin Miller - Administrator, Scotland, Gillian Blackburn – Administrator, Projects; Kerim Yoruk – Installation
Engineer, Scotland; Daniel McAllister – Installation Engineer, Scotland; David Stirling – Credit Controller, Support Office; Joseph
Kennedy – Systems Administrator, Support Office; Sharon Stoyles – Administrator, England; Richard Lazenby – Security Engineer,
England; David Shaw - Security Engineer, England; David Croft – Service Engineer, England; Nathan Swift – Service Engineer,
It has come to our attention that a few members of staff are not aware of the notice period required should they decide to
leave Pointer Limited. We would like to remind you that it is one month’s notice that you have to provide Pointer with
should you decide to leave.
Pointer Patter
Following on from last year’s Pointer Patter quiz, Bill Pennington has
provided the below set of Brainteasers for a bit of fun. Answers will be
provided in our next issue.
1. Which weighs more, one ton of stone or one ton of gold?
2. You are in an 800m running race. You come round the final bend on the last lap and steam past second
place. What position are you in?
3. Why is it illegal to be buried in California while living in Mexico?
4. Adam’s Mum has two other children. The first was called April. The second was called May. What was
the third child called?
5. Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister?
6. Which month has 28 days?
7. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?
8. Before Mount Everest was discovered which was the highest mountain in the world?
9. If an electric train is travelling south, which way is the smoke going?
10. A pilot flying a plane collects 100 passengers in Australia, 300 passengers in Dubai, 200 passengers in
New Zealand and then crashes into the Indian Ocean. Where do they bury the survivors?
Pointer Patter
Sean McBride turns on the style in charity football tournament in
aid of SANDS…
Operations Manager Sean McBride proved he’s still got what it takes on the football pitch with a series
of commanding performances in a recent charity tournament in aid of SANDS organized by Sean’s
daughter Kara and her partner David. SANDS is a UK charity providing support for bereaved parents
and their families following the tragedy of a stillbirth or neonatal death and it is a cause very close to
Sean’s family’s hearts.
Above: Sean on the ball
Above: Sean’s son Conor pulls off a super save
The SANDS team played two games, losing both, however Sean informs me that
the performance was much improved for the second game and in that case they
were rather unlucky to meet with defeat.
Sitting deep allowed schemer Sean to control the matches (and keep his breath)
and he was one of the stand-out performers despite the losses. Sean is pictured
(right) about to spray out another pinpoint pass. Always looking up… Always
looking for space.
But of course, football isn’t more important than life and death (despite what Bill Shankly said) and in
the end the real winners were the SANDS charity. In total Sean and the boys raised over £2000, once
the proceeds from a raffle and sponsorship funds were totaled up. Well done Sean.
Above: Back row Left to Right: Sean’s team: 4th in, Mark McBride (Nephew), Nathan Graham (Nephew), Conor (son), Dave Jack
(Daughter’s Partner), Ciaran (son). Front row Left to Right: Sean, Jim Jack (Dave’s father), Sean McBride (Nephew).