Frcn 8. P.i Lurllne. July 31. For & F.i Lurline, Aug. 6. From Vancouver: - rXV c Marama, Aug. 14. M AO.;:AA..;"r' ' f Vm' AA -- .A,-. A 1 cJ 7 ' n i o A.. - o o For,Vancomeri Makura, Aug. 13. Evening- - Bulletin, Est. -- Hawaiian' Star. Vol. 1S, XX. No. 53D1. No. rn TEH HI TORY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY, JULY 30, HONOLULU, 342. U3 - 1 D- A !. A - fulfil 4 AICP1 a. J. L il , . L Given Possession of Royal Mir- Declare They VWt Yield to Lava . Blocks Between ror and Sword in Impe- - : Double Tracks rial Shrine Mil MM ' bFkNOVN HIS ERA TO A S TH AT 0 F 'G R EAT JUSTICE' ' PAVING CONTROVERSY : t Star-Bulleti- Secretary- Fisher has made res- - $ ervations on the steamer leaving J San Francisco August 23. f . C ' S. ALBERT. r. Borjy .111 fTL . ipe Bicamer --Baiiiag irom oaa MAKES NO PROGRESS S S - - . yv , ' e Francisco !August 23 is the clfic Mail liner Manchuria. S . Declarlnpr that the Oahn c rountf pris- Jaran, July TOKIO, on Js one cf tie "illest, dirtiest tuberc- the one hundred and twenty-secon- d of ular drns to be found anywhere. In the hid line, reigns as Emperor of Japan. clrlllzed world; that no utnltaiy pre The .Meijl era, under whict) Mutsuhlto cautions whatever are found within Its ruled, ended with the last' breath of confines; that tick prisoners are per new era under monarch, that nMcd to die In fIUir cells without which Yoshfhitoandwillthe hold sway will proper attention and that the entire Tal-Se- l, kite era known as the of "Great KjKten of management Is an Inhuman , Justice. farce, Henry. Allen who for a period upon Immediately Mutthe death of of feTcnil years, and until a comparaconducted tively short time a?o, was almost a suhlto, his successor-'wa- s to imperial In, shrine the the palace continuous resident of the JaE, has Tokio, at there, in and the presence written a reply to an opUmlstle pic- only princes a few of the blood ture of life In the aforesaid prison royal, of, was presented with the three which appeared In a raornlngr paper royal treasures. new Emperor, As the signed by rrcr ntly, 0ne Who hung were the sacred beads about his Knows.''' mlr-ro- w gazed royal neck and be into the Allen makes no bones of the fact girded royal on and sword. the that he has served time In the Jail for When rays sun fell the first of the drunkenness and vagrancy, but , he upon the turrets of the gTeatcastle, does maintain that since his last reappeared Voshihito beore a, concourse lease early last year he has lived a of the first nobles of , the realm and rtralstforward upright life. He Emperor.: The proclamake his statement of. condi- was proclaimed was read to the thoumation then tions ex1?Un; In the jail .under oath sands massed outside the walls which I tn rrevs .hli nsrertlons when callpalace, surround the and he was aced u;cr.. lie rave the names of sev' Emperor great shout claimed with a eral rc ; :r.rlLle citizens who stated by the populace." that they would vouch for his sincer- - The of coronation :ity.-- : l?l,TJL year, will not some time a for Allen to the extent of say- - in voul 11913, and autuhiri or winter the of ! It".: t vs 1.3 Is rlncere and will Kyoto, place it at take the an r 1.5 ::.t time end has been cient capital of " '.' empire. the XCr lc. t. ..a izbt, a good citizen. . ' The date for the commencement of The ln:t grand Jury report on .the the, funeral feT'ices for. the 'dead Emcounty prl:cn'tates that ltwas found peror, has not been set, but it is anIn n"'' and thai, there was nounced that the ceremonies will. In V;r!2 evidence that every care is be- Lall probability , days, dor-- 1 ing to provide and care for the imj period general a which of mournihealth end wclltelng of the inmates.'! ng: will be observed only 'the most and Allen declares that'none but a for- necessary performed. labor be The will mer Inmr.te can talk "of the conditions services will Tokio, funeral held. be In. existing and intimates that the inspecbut "the body, will be conveyed to Kytions are tut.perfunctory and made at oto and placed In the royal sepulchre is scasontla times. ,The following where a" hundred emperors of the dy' Allcns Btory cf conditions: nasty repose. -- -- 6f-.fcr- sto v l V '' I . . 1 cover-thirty- -- " v t By HENRY ALLEN The cable above represents those received by the Nippu Jlji and Japanese consulate this morning. Official notice of th accession to the throne of Yoshlhito was received at the Japanese consulate here this morning, together with Instructions to keep all Japanese flags "at; half (riast: until the conclusion of the period of .mourning, ; the - date of Which tvlll .f be : announced later. While no hotjee was given the local Japanese colony as to observing a period of mourning, the. majority of the Japanese stores, hung out flags at half-maand closed their doors for the day. On the plantations the Japanese .laborers continued to . work as usual. . : . It Is not to my credit and I make r.o Vbast of the fact that I have been a regular boarder, cn several .occa-tion- s at' thl3 benevolent institution end feel perfectly qualified to speak with knowledge and authority about the conditions at the jail as they real ly exist. There may be some who discredit the "ftord of a mm who may have been so unfortunate as to have e had to languish for a 6eason in vile," but to such-would say lying was' not my forte,- nor failing. The law does riot retognlze lying as n crime, else what were the necessity of my writing this article. You would all known of what I ' am to epeak Irom experience. . Mr. "One Who Knows," writing in u morning paper, would have you. believe that the poor hobo who, like Jacob of old, had rested his. head in the open 'on a, pillow of stones and having by weary toil climbed Jacob's iadder, on reaching the portals of the jail would exclaim: "This is dur-anc- 1 - -- - st (Continued on Pago 7) Lsflileue Braved Father's Gun and Invoked Law to Win Girl Who Now Repudiates .Him Strange Is the way of a man With a maid, but simple and tame To the way of a maid with a man' , When papa objects to that same. ' Apologies to Kipling. Secj Mey Soong, a coy Chinese maiden, this morning upset theory of all the novels, that parental objection only draws love's knot tighter, when she stood before Circuit Judge Cooper and repudiated her gallant Korean sweet- - THEMULTIGRAPH A Machint of Economy , that-prett- best-selli- y ng And this, after said gallant young Korean, Kim Paw, had faced parental wrath and braved parental gunfire ta rescue her from her mother's bedroom -prison, where she. had been immured for days to' prevent the elopement. Denies Acquaintance. She not only renounced him she even denied his acquaintance and all knowledge of the midnight incident wherein the brave suitor, seeking to aid in her escape, himself had narrowly escaped death from the enraged ; r father's gunshot E. HENDRICK, LT Ccrntr Merchant and Alakea D 8 S S g S g $ Pa-- t g $ company ir.crrins-an- was d published in the that afternoon. It puts the paving matter up to the board by stating' formally Star-Bulleti- n - Is ready to proceed v' with the lava block. paving. ' The board,; however now'refuses to yield an 'Inch further, said, seyeral Supervisors today; ;The letter swas, rcr that the "cbmpan'y ferred ta the couri.ty attorney, but the city, fathers declare' that they will not allow' lava blocks between the "double tracks; and that the 'next , thing in order .is action toward securing a revocation of the .company's franchise provided it does not make the concesbesion; of putting, down ' bftulithic ' , tween the tracks. f . HEARS ARGUMENT FOR WRIT OF. HABEAS CORPUS '.:-- - . v - :hJoadliuyyJd SB 11 11 Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president eritus of Harvard, sailed for the coast on the China this morning after set ting a record for. strenuousness that made the young college men who have been escorting him around hustle hard r . to emulate. ' He arrived', shortly after- daylight this morning from, his trip to the Vol cano, went to the Moana hotel v for breakfast, saw to the shipment of the baggage of his party, 'and then started on a line of sociological and industrial investigation- - during; the few hours tbaj- - remained-t- o 4iini 'in irawaiL t: Coming dbwnivtown 'in an' automobile with Secretary IL' Si Ilosmer of the Harvard clnb;'; the distinguished scholar, spent some time in conference vita President Pratt of- the board of healthy their topic of conversation pertaining to the; relation : of "'medical practice, here to' the social evil and the prevalence, and effect of the social evil fti Honolulu . and 'Hawaii general- ; -- j . 'A; ;;'-'.- .;':-.-- "': ' :'A::; d : often-possi- ble r : v r Undaunted by the dismal failure of that adventure, Kim, Paw carried his love-su- it into the courts of common justice, filing an application Saturday in the Circuit Court for a writ of habeas corpus that would compel the , Court teora The Honorable William J. Robinson, stern-visage- . . affr w-a- " First Circuit Court, Honolulu, who at present is the; oldest federal judicial appointee in the Territory, will . leave next week for hiss first vacation in five years. He transport on the either will leave Thomas or on the Manchuria , for . the Coast and will be gone about sixty t hlrd Jud ge of th e Sfxctal Cable to vention htre today. The 30. Srar-Dullctl- nl Pro;rsivei of th'a Ctata sra : . July 30. The ttata Progressiva tnv;-::- : session today, naming twenty.sijht de!e;ate to tha natisnsl c:r. declaration of principles Is' made and t ho convention 3ej cn r:: Roosevelt as President NEW. HAVEN, Conn " op : Mexico Mu ; .; VACHIN'GTON, 'A ; , ls?jC!al' Cable to .v. C, July D. fcUr-DulIot- . ln Cesrf.zry CO. cf C (Continuid on Pt t j n L . . 2) 'v' ' ' " Special Cablo to : ' '' --- ' ttar-Bu'letln LOS, ANGELES, CaU July 'CO. Clarence Darrovv c- -'n today, refuting the charges of bribery In th3 l.lzllzrr.zra into aome'detail as to the causes leading up to the f.!sr:;,T:ra c; f : ' c ?: Sugar Trust Mslhc iz 9 Associated Press Cable J. . Dyer, assistant manager of Honolulu Iron Works, was much interested in the extract from Trop ical Life, a London magazine,- reprint n yesterday. Beed in the ing an Englishman himself by. birth in and having, in 'his travels 4n-th- e terest of the big local foundry run across "sugar machinery from British shops, Mr. Dyer fully appreciates the plaint 'of - the , London periodical re garding the lead Hawaii is talcing in many quarters m tne placing oi orders for sugar mills and machinery. "They do not understand how It Is, re feaid Mr. Dyer to a porter at the works this morning. "How Honolulu; out in the middle of the Pacific, .can successfully compete with their manufacturers of machin ery is a puzzle to them., "The fact is that we are right in the middle of the sugar industry, and Hawaii is at the head of the proces sion in sugar manufacturing improve ments. We have been forced to be progressive on account ot the condiV tions of labor in Hawaii., "Lately I spent three or four months in . Peru. They are twenty years benind riawau mere in me matter of factories. Where they1 have r mill stage, we reached the are using eighteenroller mills in new construction. Counting the crusher, W. t he - Star-Bulleti- SAN FRANCISCO, CaU July 30. Flcbsrt Oxnard, h:ad cf th; Beet Sugar Company, independent, today csntinj:d his s::.-::t-:: ei against the sugar trust as evidence in the trust cast r;w t tigation. t- Oxnard declared that the American Sugar neflnln? C: competitor! out of certain territoriea to allow the truit to c : surplus stock In xnese territories. He' described .the cin.J;t;;.-- ; tition at some length. Letter written by both Haver.::r himself were introduced toJ show the fight made by ths ni:-- i keep alive..- - - ' . 1 ; ' '. . Star-Bulleti- n New York Police . . nine-rolle- ! H'iiA i . .. AssociatHl Pre3 Cable NEW YORK, N. Y., July.30. ''Bald Jack" Rose.'one cf the' flaw ' gambling fraternity, hat made a statement to the authoritlcj ,invi4.' ; the murxler of Herman Rosenthal, the gambler who. threatened ta c . police conniption. Rose says that Lieutenant Becker, head cf ths "C.r- squad" that raided the gambling houses, engineered tha plot ta . Rosenthal. Becker, he charges, threatened to send all. the ca-eta unless Rosenthal was put out of the way. He detailed the story cf tha In the police department. involving other "higher-ups- " t . " rs Christian Conradt, her hu.tar.J, are described In a mortao for ;il,-00- 0 from the Conradt3 to the grr.nk r ' which has been foreclcscd, zt. v . .deed to Cooke just rccc. J . Jin the FIRE DESTROYS ; ; ;;' CITY, July KANSAS President Madero. replied-It! a note statin--' morning to . recount! terrible , exnorth country into the where the Americi-:- j i.n periences on that eventful and fatal night of March. ; 23r4, iVhen himsell : :. I T e n-ta- ge - Tress Cable Progressive Convenaci.G " roller plant. Paia has a twenty-on- e cays. superior to is cane raises that Peru In this trip he Is taking ad va sugar is two content. There curs in of the leave of absence granted percent more sugar in their cane than him by the Acting Attorney General of the Territory on October I, 1909. (Continued, on page 2) had It is the first opportunity he has ridl-clal to escape the heavy rcutip? of held since him has that work 1905, when the stress of work bscarae ?o .heavy that he - nearly broke down from physical and nervous exhaustion. He will spend a portion of his vacation visiting his mother and 3ister, at his old home in Alameda, California. He has written H. H. Prouty, of Portland, a brother of Chas. A. "Prouty of the Interstate Commerce CommisA. L. C. Atkinson, on his way to sesion, and it is likely that these two cure for Hawaii representation in the will journey into the Yellowstone Prpgressive convention In Chicago, Park for a lengthy tour. reached the mainland Sunday and has During his absence fee cases which cabled back to Chairman George R." may need immediate attention will be Carter of the Progressives provisionhandled by. Judge Whitney for a time, al committee that he has started for and later' by Judge Cooper. Chicago. "I suppose we will not know until We all regret many things we Thursday or Friday what the result haven't done and only a few we of his work will be," said Mr. Carter A'; ;:.'::' have. , this morning, "A good deal of our With the advent of her first baby plan depends on his getting the repreboy a mother begins planning for ills sentation, though if he does not ' we will be just as active in Hawaii." inauguration aa president - A- - A-A'A- r Associated 4 v peated a formal warning to Mexico thzt thj Ur,!t:j the upper Yangtse river.- V It., for any attacks on Amsrhsrs, v was with much reluctance thai country-responsiblS;heidq3'puld(be prevailed upon" this ft-.- -- Shortly before the hour for hearing the petition this morning the demure See Mey Soong, accompanied by a d Chinese matron, entered Judge Cooper's court and sat down. A moment later Kim Paw, accompanied by Lorrin Andrews, his legal counsel, also entered and chose the seat just In front of the ladies. Greeted With Slap. A . ; He turned, recognized the maiden, and impulsively thrust his. hand forward to her in greeting, but:, to his surprise the fickle miss raised her hand and slapped him! To be certain of hte ground in this difficult case the court decided to, hold a semisecret inquiry, so he summoned See Mey Soong, Attorney Andrews and Attorney . George A. Davis, 'representing the Chinese father, into his private office and, with the aid of an interpreter, ' questioned the young lady. This was acting onthe theory that the girl would not speak her mind freely in the presence of her parents, but would say what she thought if removed from their direct influence temporarily. She surprised them by making the statements mentioned above, ' Attorney Andrews under ithe circumstances, coOld only ask that the application be dismissed. "''.':' Kim Paw, in his application, declared that See Mey Soong was held against her will, and that she had been sold to a wealthy Chinese. This phase of the not discussed at the morning's proceedings. Sheldon, in company with Albert Hicks and" William ' Hoffman,' Were dwellers in a river ... houseboat, in which they were makins a trip alons :. From this President Eliot was taken to the Honolulu Iron Works by Assistant Manager Dyer. Dr. Eliot wished to get a line on the Hawaiian as a laborer and on the laboring classes here, and he made a thorough inspection of the' iron works In a short time. Then Dr. Elolt was take ' to. the steamer, and arriving there" early he told one of the men who had gathered to bid him farewell that he hoped to get a little time for a look at Hono lulu's shipping conditions before leaving. However, - he was the center of reception on an lhformal goihg-awa- y China had no furand the deck of the going ashore. opportunity of ther as deDr. Eliot expressed" himself ' volcano. "It is a lighted with the more spectacle, :mnch and wonderful my said. he visit,' than repaid me fot nJ . ;, he-adde- parents to release their daughter. e : - ly. Star-Bullctl- WASHINGTON, D. C, July 3D. A dadlcck' tstwttn th: h: the tenate over the wool tariff revUIon till Is f:rc:i2t fcy t : tion today In rejecting the La Follette wocl bill an a ; house bill, the senate's 'amtndment to ths exclss till prcvi- - : repeal of Canadian reciprocity, and tha ssnais arr.snd.r.:.-.-t to t bill providing for a permanent tariff commi::i3n. - em- Cable to V" P Uluji A Star-Bulleti- ; ' body Permanently 'maimed in through the infliction 'of thirty-fivwounds, by murderous Chinese pirates, broken in health, and enroute to the United States to seek possible medical relief, A. N. Sheldon, a young college graduate from Wisconsin, after a service of nearly three years in the very heart of the Chinese empire. now a Rpublic, declared this mtfrnihg n reprein a talk, with a sentative on board the Pacific Mall liner China,' that he is going home toJ ' i stay. . : A victim of a dastardly and bloodthirsty attack from' a horde of armed river , pirates, Sheldon, who has been cn the staff of educators with the Imperial University at Chientu, is barely able to get "about, and displays many of. his encounter Visible evidences would-b,f posse' fanatical, a of yith ''";" .;:'-murderers. ' e Federal Judge Dole this morning heard arguments on the application for writ ot habeas corpus., for ,Tomi- matsu Tsuru, a' Japanese woman wo has been held at the immigration hos pital since i June 10 because the authorities believe she is suffering from trachoma, a communicable disease. She , is said to; have become "atfllcited ivhile visiting: relatives In. Japan. Her "I shall never forget the sight, : and," husband is a farmer at Kula ,Maui. with a smile, "I recommend volcano to Calvin-ists.- " to tell a hard the sight ; of theAt;:A:.-):It. is :;,:SA drinker by his mug. A .ln: Hospital . nii?i!i TV House Splits Willi S On Excice aI'I Covered with Wounds, is pn Way to Mainland : , - AND LEFT FOR DEAD S lalli;i!!tet::7 y 1$ mil . Heaven at last." The facts I am about to state, I am willing to state under oath and corroborate with the testimony of others who know only too well what I say is true.. Speaking from the point of sanitation, 1 very much doubt if there The Supervisors will, stand "pat on their present attitude on paving, according ;to statements from members . of the board today, They will . insist that the Rapid Transit Company pave with bitulithlc between Its double tracks on King Street, and if the'eompany- - continues to refuse to do so, some of the Super visors favor carrying; the matter to the Governor, and instituting quo warranto, proceedings locking toward an annulment of, the company's franchise. , They say that the Supreme Court has held they have no 'discretion in the matter of paving, that the Rapid Transit Company must pave in conformity, with the rest of the street, and that they have already gone more than half way in allowing the company to pave between the rails with ; lava rock, Last nlght';the Supervisors received a letter from the Rapid Transit Company informing them that' the board is. ready to proceed with a lava block paving - on King street, or; with an Uer was ohia. block paying. The meeLg special of. the a the result of 8 5 A w August 'r's f H :(V American Teacher, Victim of WASHINGTON, D.C., July 30. Th a Houcd tc .'v; fused to concur in the Senate substitute fen tho c. ' .' Mongol Buccaneers, Is Pas which is the Lodge-Bristob:l! passed last v.::!:. Ti.: :: senger onthe China ; requests a conference. C. S. ALUZriV. . ! HACKED WITHJNIVES V - 1 '' iJ ..LLUuiLI.MlflL 'I Ay i tpcclal 4-- 37 1 v mm n is Former Inmate Paints Terrible Local Japanese Put Flags at Streetcar Company's' Formal Half-Ma- st Expression Referred to Picture of the Present and Close stores : ' Attorney Conditions for the Day . hito. A & Special Cabla) $ WASHINGTON, D. C, July 30. , Peyton ' qordon, special agent i $ of the Department of Justice, who is going out to Hawaii and Japan to investigate undervalua- tion of imports, has been slight- S ly delayed in leaving and will not ?. sail from San Francisco until A -- I . ' nn rSflCBEB BEfilS $ :;:; ,:T-- . TV nr in For Hawaiian Probe nnr TOBOTK PJC u . . v I Lt- -l Secretay Fishzr To Sail August 23 S0PM62S I. Li L 'cCIL-IJLiUlJ" EG8EI v price five c:::ru PAGES. 1912.-- 11 WO COTTAGES : PARIS SCORES POl.'JT IfJ VATERHOUSESUIT Fire broke out In.PaUyna this mornIn-decision handed down by ti:.: ing, destroyed two cottages on Auld's Court today, th Lane and threatened the destruction of the entire congested district before of John D. Pari3 are sustaieJ a." " iv was brought under control by the ihc suit brought Jialn3t hua in th? Palama and Central station fire com- i'rst Circuit Coiit by the IIe::ry panies which were rushed to the Watefhouse .Trust Company, Ltd.. i 3 scene. " ordered retried. It will be the third After the blaze had been extinguish-eo- , trial given ll3-cseThe first trlil the firemen spent several hours was nonsuitei and cn the second trial drenching the neighboring cotta?es verdict. Wa3 for tLe p'aUiti.T. and tenements with water In order to gro'.vfn out c! Thi3 is an old prevent the possibility of another fire. the receipt of ?307j 11 by Pari li Neither of the cottages was insur- 1904 Xrom the . Henry , Waterhc ed; the cottage which wa3 totally Trust 4.Company for rentals and l.i i was leased by Napuli from a promise to deduct that amount fron Chinese named Chang, while Walpa's the sum that would be owing Lira cottage is the property of W. E. Led-ro- from Clinton J. Hutchins, A. D. Woe i ' and the Waterhouse Trut3 Company I! another case, at that time peni:.., MAPULEHU flAFJCH should be decided in his favor. Ti:3 a .ct?: c . .' s. SOLD FOR $15,000 Clarence H. Cooke has bought from Mrs. Louisa Ahrens, wife of August Ahrens, the lands, leaseholds and per- sonal property constituting the Mapu-leh- u ranch property on the island of MoIokaL The price was $15,000. included In the property are the ahupuaa of Mapulehu and kuleanai situate thereon heretofore belonging to Alwlne Widemann Conradt and (or) -- case was decided in his favor. SUGAR SAX FRAnSCO, Cal., Jnly Beets: 88 analyst, lis. llU-iJty 13 cents. Preioons qr.ct 12s. . ' o A " Even gbod. .. intentions prcvs much of a burden for r.-r- s HONOLULU ST SMppiirig n IX, TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1912 Alt-BULL- E' W VESSELS TO AMD . FROM THE ISLAfJDS IJMllLEiS (Continued from Pago 1) (Special Cable to 2IeeiBtl, Exchange.) (Continued from fac bt 17 i 13 mm iiiiiiij PLANS AS TiiLiI and his two companions were assailed in ours. The Juice . there averages by a band of river pirates, who ap- - eighteen percent of sugar, which we Tuesday, July 30, 1912. proached their houseboat in a large :hA nnthfnp- uv hut tvw hv SYDNEY Sailed, July 27, S. S. So- JUDK. I nnt r nYfinta ArtnH Ad Club Will Hear Ideas as to tha f Tiat An CHIPIA REMOVED noma for Pago Pago and Honolulu. One Man Butchered. operate even not know the how to Joint Honolulu Enter-- y SEATTLE Arrived, July 29, S. S. -- r "We were boarded during the early nine-rolladvantage, to mills best Hyades from San Francisco. prise hours of the morning. Without a there being a thousand and one deTACOMA Sailed, July 30, S. S. VJr- - word of warning the pirates, who we tails they "do not understand. The Duke Kahanamoku fund being ' ginlan for Honolulu FOR afterward" found out were soldiers "It is the same with all countries collected through the Representatives of the many HILO Sailed July 28, S. S. Alaskan j irom tiunan province, stole aboard that obtain their sugar making plants' topped the rodr hundred dollar civic, and professional mark " ' for'Salina Cruz. Ithe boat on wMch we lived, and then from the old country. When Hawaii this 'morning, when employes of Ewa as well as members of varHILO Arrived, July 28, I P. M., S. and there began an attack, from the had ious clubs In Honolulu, will be given were; stilli they paper mills, Company to sent this Plantation You can work out the rest con- direction. S. Enterprise from San Francisco. W. F. Fernald, a water-tendeffects of which I will probably never using three-rollerand a draft for $62.30 to , help along the an opportunity next Thursday at the yourself. problem for the of , fully recover. In squad V the nine-with fireroora the ceded mills when we had advanced to ! good work. The accompanying letter open noon lunch meeting of the' Ad Is merely a matter of triangula-tion,- " "It 'Eeroflram. was Hicks killed "Poor sp Is reason outright rollers, on. He and that snows The the idea or the tuna is a Club at the Alexander Young RathsTacrine Mail steamship China, was taMr. Marconi continued. "Toiir S. S. LTJRLINE will arrive tomorrow put up a brave fight, as we all did on the British makers are so far away popularthat one and' tnat the Ewa planta keller, to express their views in reken seriously 111 shortly before the skipper picks up a lighthouse to his (Wednesday) morning early and that night-- He was stabbed in a from where the 'sugar 13 produced. tion ' peopM are strong, boosters for gard to the possibility of ajo!nt civic csel arrived at Honolulu from right and another to his left; he trianbuilding downtown to house a city will dock at Hackfeld Wharf; dozen or more places on his body by Here In Honolulu we are In' close clean spo knows ' He. Just gulates, estimates. and confollowfng a porta, hall, word and thrusts. In several instances touch all the time with the industry. "Editor Honolulu theatre and auditorium, art galOriental exactly where he is. lie picks up a aj lery, Being supporters bazaar, commercial and profeshis lungs, and he died Whenever anything goes wrong in these entered staflfth of "Sir: at 8el organizations,, aa well'a3 club3 we sport, sional tut a few hours .following- the attack. sugar factory, or any. defect or chance: clean enclose herewith draft ;!?lhn,f VbmvS! the man was ordered off the ship and fh,P He - public service corporations. ; your; semi"My companion Hoffman, like my- for improvement- is discovered, the m favor ror jss.&o, which is n rnd tent to the Queen's Hospital, where 'fthouse how and knows he Just "Qwa self, battled with" the pirates with sugar men instantly communicate donation from the employes of the Alexander Hume Ford, editor of thd be will undergo an operation believed, to Company weapons Magazine, has been Invitis to .which ne" and Plantation we whatever and suggestions, or could ?e troubles to ro necessary to prolong his life. i command. their their ,' ,1, W Mr. Marconi Is not too optimistic go swelling Kahafrom) olDuke the to ed Hoffman, 'towards make cut the opening remarks. suffering finally always end sucriddled, f to are works Is be to alert these said I'ernald discovery of wireless the about Is his my ideas before the unanimous place Fund. "I the namoku It shall crawling n In ceeded asj to upv por-liosuggestions, complaints appendicitis. removal low or fromj His rear the ccute ' compass, concertainly Bentlment; .will have he donors this of lunchers," that Ford, said the large mlnin typo, so thai of only the houseboat, busy few a devising improvements where he well as tl? China occurred purgo uyuu towards can amount me own either greuiesi. m to managed will be there for time conceal iue i was himself, the industry." to ready and was for the benefit of the vies, before that vessel "reu vlgator comchamchasing the since lot first house the a mariner's and for to express of bodies up various presumably the by any given large d r:irt for San Francisco. Asked if the works ha'd the .Chinese ' sending prss pion some was to or him invented. towards i .. their , within It is one as thousand hour. ;views the dead. The China brought orders at present, Mr. Dyer conductreallyr FOR institution. educational say discharge at cargo what the others that U o for' toss Oriental ed the reporter into the machine shop, Cradled to Place of Safety. success," remain,' you "Wishing we Off Iwalanl 1.1 tl.o Island Importance. My for Ports. experience Honolulu. "I managed to; succeed In driving where a busy scene was presented of yours very truly, V" " " ' Taking cargo general plantavoyage, and year public past service work for the Two deaths occurred on the off the infuriated Chinese only after! men attending automatic machinery Inter-IslanPLANTATION tion EWA supplies, "EMPLOYES. I the steerage throughout steamer has taught me that each being. Chinese, one a many of . them: f had ' been v severely that was finishing nuge parts' of sugar .was COMPANY." Iwalanl dispatched noon today at rerrenner. the other a member of the there are scattered indutrica A wireless message from the Lurline worsted in the conflict.! Then' follow, mills. Here and there were piled up and 'Honol was received by, Charles F. Loomis ed the hardest task, that lof Inducing Immense cogwheels, ten or twelve .The special committee named to that are eager to get tcscthcr for crevr. The Chinese sailor is said to ror ivawainae,-Manukonhandle the fund, of which W. T. Raw- joint promotion work, varicu3 clubs leaping pu. i ne vessel carried .no passengers, yesterday have committed suicide "as the result of a the Chinese on ourr boat to take mat- ieet in dlairteter, and In one end of afternoon will hold a meeting that wish Joint downtown he ad gartwas lins given body but a later mall for the Big 'lbvogram which he Boy's Secretary ters , in their own hands', over the side of the ship. His shop were ranged four flywheels withinis achairman, the guide a and name a treas- ers," various professional day or two'to. ; several Island. organizawe not recovered, though Sejeral urer, Y.s M." C. A., sent yesterday the craft to ' the first available point eighteen feet in diameter. o! the original C, Atkinson, L. the A. merely to someone need tions hours were spent in the search. that morning out from funds provided by along the river,! where medical at- mills partly set up Were on the floor. treasurer, having gone to the main- cay PASSEXGERS AC KITED together get The China sailed for the coast short- T j to in word' them the Dyer Among' the orders on hand, Mr. friends who knew of the Y. M. C A. tendance might be secured.; be r.' downtown hall or clubroom. And ly r.ftcr one o'clock this afternoon tak-irrfollowing formidable list: land. The committee will then and related the as "Hoffman well as myself were to communicate with Man'tf his desire ready all contributions to' receive thirty or more cabin passengers Per P. M. S. S. China, from Orient spirit li to It goes. The For Wailuku Sugar Co.; converting the in a pitiable plight, Shelwill-turIt over to i:..:..Jing the' company' of players ports, July 29. For Honolulu: Ching fiancee slowly nearing port on the Lur- don this morning after admitted Club dor.? a hru in the air. The Ad mill to twelve-rollesome question- nine-rollIt line. funds the Instalment of Tong he first ' Mr. H.'Dannberg, and Mrs. ""v Raymond. Tat promoting with the Great great deal In connected ths For Pioneer Mill Co., tonvertlng As the result of a petition which ing, v We were finally landed at Chien-tu- , Miss Dannberg, Miss L. M. Irvine, D. has received. Honolulu, In spirit and ' " The China was given several hb-"twelve-roller and there turned over to the at mill to the Y. M. C. A. The fund now stands: a nrcat is believe dolr.3 ' it cases of. p:eserved pineapples, be-i- ! Jones, Mrs. Y. Kawamoto, K. Kasva was circulated about tendants "yat the medical college and For a Japanese company in For- Previously ackno wled ged 3 4 2.2 5 , many cr?tesr of the 'fresh fruits. nishl, Lee Tay Kee, Master Lee .'Bins lobby yesterday morning, Loomis col- hospital 'maintained thing members cf tV.o .the in- Employes there by the mosa, conveing two 62.50 deyoted Co... Chong, .Ewa Plantation $5.35 . towards to be lected Leen Lee Man Len. Yau. Miss joint Chamber of Commcrco Luiliir.-' ive hundred tons coal were loadboard of missions. to twelve-rollerCommittee, the Promotion Commiter! .to the bunkers during the 'stay Lee Ong, Mrs. Leong Shee, E. D. Mil sending a wireless message to Miss ' "As soon as I was able to travel, I Fdr Kohala Sugar Co., constructing . Total..... .......$404.75 tee ler, Mrs. Pang Chum Shee, Y. Terada, Alice Richardson who , will become 'and the representatives cf V.:o c: the vessel at this port. was taken to- Shanghai, there received a new steel building to house the The Bijou Theater is announcing a Tong tomorMrs. noon Shee, M. Mrs. Woo Charles Loomis Mrs. Shee, F. at many ' 132 with clubs and crganizatior.3 to The China arrived here attention from such specialists as present mill. - benefit performance .for Duke on Au- M. 'Izumi, message Furuno, 'Mrs. following K. row was Kodama, and the their ;vlcwa on a ; cr.lin, 36 second class and 339 steer-- Mrs. I. Niki, Mr. and Mrs. N. Oshima, accordingly dispatched were available at that? model settle-men- t' crust 13. and all his friends are Invited construcTarious for orders other to Lurline, the ; 33 -- p?ssci:'crs. ' Jplan for a great civic building. If '' Of this number '' .'v ' ' ;; tion and reconstruction of mills arc to "patronize the house' on that occa : Sayegusa, S. D. "'Mrs. D. Alice, Yonekura. "Aloha inadequate, wireless ; each club will rollow the Ad uubu cr.Mn, 3 second class and 233 steerage .Sheldon is a blight and exceedingly pending ' but not yet advanced far slon. .'v Yonekura, ' nurse infant, and Super. maid; prepaid." Hello Answer lead, wo shall soon have both tho mergers were for Honolulu. The I ' ' mom a; few hours later 'came the. an- entertaining college inan. He walks enough to publish, Master Yonekura, A. Miss Yonekura. And spirit and the Joint buildrage passengers consisted of ii a" decided limp and must with about for local a orders of Through lot San. are for There Francisco, sea-sic-k from persons swer; can harding. It is pleasant to know how c:.ra-- . "Two 13 Chinese and 148 Filipl- J.;cee, HANDBALL TOMGHT. Hongong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe ly wait. Where did you get the price. resort to the use of a cane or crutches improvements in factories to be made cstly all "parties kokua in the plan for . going in ship. , about the together with coming In " " ; and Yokohama: J. L." Ashbury, K. the ' v A Wreck of Former Self. "lays Blackshear in the joint work" reReardon Brit-toand repairs amount of Elock, R. S. usual R. S. Mrs. Britton, the ' r'.ztnzn Under New Skipper. His left had has been almost sev- newals that come on at the end of the novice handball tournament at the Y. Miss S. M. Burdick, EL Cake, A woman's favorite topic of cenver-catio' v tain H. It." Fatterscn, formerly W. M. Campbell, Dr. M. R. W. ered, M. C. A. tonight. Tomorrow Decker from the wrist,, the member be- grinding season.; ; Charles, i3 Jherself; after that It b freighter Mrs." M. R. Charles,' Miss Grace ;:j the American-Hawaiiaing- denuded of three fingers, while a , Outside" of the sugar , industry the will play Reardon and if Decker wins woman. usually some" other . Lan, is greeting friends here tb-- ; portion of the wrist; has-be- en sliced works have some large orders, includ- he will. have the championship cinchCharles, "JIIss Hope Charles, Mrs. E. If it's' true that a husband and wire r.s the master of the sister ship Cobb, R. Connell; away; : ing five miles of steel riveted pipes ed. ; sump. leaving mere a .; Cummings, Dr. F. onlyone, how does It require 't?,o cfre ', now at the port where a C. A. Devin, M. Eichinger, Fong Sing, Sheldon says that Jie is 4n search of for the 17. S. government at the Leile-hu- a to make a quarrel? medical assistance ' from the best c"ro Is to be discharged before H. Frederick, J. Giles, Mrs. E. Gold-rin: military reservation. CLOSED.' BANK JAPANESE Many. a father "who doesn't kr. 1 ' speciarists'on the mainland He has The Honqlulu Iron Works Co., Ltd., icr;cl ckars' fcr Sallni Cruz try ;A. Hanford,-- Thos. A. .Mrs. F. as h!3 so 1 L.;3 tu r ;; half as much ; ay' of tho Island port.3 cli calL V itearn Mrs Thos. been' told ihat there.' fs hope that he is now putting in the' foundations for ' " A. Hearn, memW. port him." As a tribute of respect ,to the may be relieved from permanent lame- the branch works' to be ' erected at C ; tain 1 attcrscn5 was 'relieved of Hearn, L. O. Hlbberd, Hoo John San, Hoory of the Emperor of Japan, the 'A woman's missing r: ness, 'if his iase is taken' jn, time. cemmahd of the Alaskan, by Chief Mrs. Hoo Eak HIn, Mrs. Hoo Lee canning f nolulu old of upon HHoi the site the may Yokohama the account for tcr.i cf of branch ' He showg injuries' 'inflicted on P. Hillrnan, who now com-I- s Shee, Hung Yu Lan, T. Jacob, Harry :r both factory. At thi3 establishment, when an tic 3. today. ' . Three . deserters from Schofleld legs .and ' btfdy, from lori .and sharp completed, repairs and improvements Specie' Bank is closed for the Almkan, now on. its' way to James, T. R. Kelly, Mrs, T. R. Kelly, Barracks arrested within one i:thmu3'cf Tehuantepec viih over Mi3 B. Kelly,- - Kow Wing Chuen, J. nour of were on the big isl to ' ' each other' this morning-- ti by ;but a miracle' that his life and can be made with less delay and It Ive thousand tons sugar and ether Layne, Leong'Tuck, TJhSzuTyn, ".Mrs." ws Harbor Oficer Carter who had arrived " pirates .expense 'than are incident to sending cf Hawaiian products. Lurn Shee, A. C.s IfacDcnaJd. B. A. cn the morning train from Schofield was spared; vas ' leaviwg'him on'the before deck i. vi of the the work to Honolulu. v. to i Lll !IcUlvain, P. McKowan, Mrs. M. with warrants for the arrests of the houseboat 'for dead, plynged ; their I. land ports on Thursday evening. Maeda, Miss K. Maeda, J. J. Molsan, trio, swords'" into His ' chest, ; tiut failed ;to leave the islands for Mrs. w. ti. O'Connell, Miss Kathleen YC?cl will Cav- penetrate Vhi3;lung8.McClaren the Fifth of ' Charles y:'1' , REPORT. .. WEATHER .'r.a Cruz with- the regulation O'Connell, Mrs. M. Pollard, J. H. alry was apprehended in a tenement , .. ' .i AYe fjuarantcc the cur According Sheldon, to believed he :r.t of sugar. The Arizonan Rowe, Master Melvin Rowe, Miss Mar- house in Dowsett lane where he was party 8 m., upon m., .72; a. the little .Temperature6 al rht quantities of surplies for ion Rowe, Miss Virginia Rowe, S. M. lying in wait preparatory to making a that the attack 81. Mini- rl Harbor, also the Hilo Breali- - Rones,' A. N. Sheldon, ' H. Fisher dash for the steamer China, which "was of foreigners was Inspired through the 79: 10 a. m., 79; 12 noon, ' ' ..' efforts of the iTunnaneseVto involve mum last night, .72. tr i ur and material for the Oahu RaD- - Smith, I. J. Spiegel, D. M. Stewart, about to leave for the coast. velocity 3, m.,' was direction trouble. 6 in Sechuenese the It a. Wind the E. Sweeney, Sweeney," ' B. Mrs. E. and Land Company. After Carter had taken McClaren to Intention of the revolutionary: sol- North; 8 aV m., velocity 5, direction ". Wing Tang, Terry Tong Mrs. Five, J. , .4 the police station, he hurried 'over to diers who had resolved themselves in Northeast; 10 a, m., velocity , direc- -- rists Return from'Pele's Mrs.. Tong Five and infant, Tong Sze, the Salvation 'Army Hall where he Shrine. ' f the sixty-fivpassengers to ar- - Miss Suga Umezaki, Miss I.' T. Wade, found Gus. Joerger of the .hospital to a piratical band to ay the attack- Uon Northeast; .12 noon, velocity id, 4n :directioii .Northeast "Movement past T. E. Walker, Miss C. N. Wang, Mrs. corps In civilian attire. Joerger had to the doors bf the people dwelling this morning In' the Inter-Islan" ' neighboring province. 24 hours, 178 miles. . the Mauna Kea, a number were A. M. Wilson, Dr. D. A. Wilson, Jr., his baggage in a corner all ready to Barometer at 8 a. m., 30.00. RelaAmerican Government. Seeks Redress. rl;,ts who had f pent a short time j L. M. 'Whittemore, Mrs. J. B. Wolfe, be taken down to the boat. ' s topirates of stated The victim tive humidity, 8 a. m., 55.' Absolute the P. N. Wong, Miss C. B. Woodbridge, the shrine of Pele, Hawaii's to Joerger officer 8 The harbor .took 8 a. m.,v 5.830 story day of humidity, oon as the the" that as The Mauna Kea re-c-J Wu Wei Yoh, Mrs. Yee Shee, M. An- - the station and then went- back to the 7 Rainfall, 61. m., Shanghai, Trace. the a. Gins and all other iiquoni . bottled on our' premises. Note below: with a fair sized general cargo zai, G. W. Colter, Miss ACrain, Mrs. Salvation Army Hall. He waited here attack had' been sent to ' . : .: Im. 4 was .uliag the usual quantities of H. Goddard, Miss Ruth Goddard, Miss for a few moments until a civilian an- American gunboat Villalobos mediately dispatched to the upper ; tics, native hard woods, one auto. I. Jahn, Miss A. Kunii, Miss A. M. ion Hicks was killed was quite a large description of swering Oscar the : TT packages sundries. The ves- - Monk, Mrs; H. Moran, M.' Nakahachi, Crumley, also of the Hospital Corps 3 angtse. y The scene of the murder craftr divided " Into several - compart4two hundred miles net with some cloudy weather and j F. H. Schrader, W. I. Smith, J. Har- - entered the room. He admitted to his was living oyer seven hun- ments, which were occupied aas Ichang, and above" t trades and smooth seas. Purser vey Swenarton, B. Swinstead, Mrs. B. ' STANDARD OF PURITY identity and was . also taken to the dred miles beyond ;Hankow, China." afld dining rooms and also kitchen '.Irr.s reports the steamer Kaiu-- i Swinstead, P.' L. Trockey, Miss' Mary Chinese; v.. American ; Consul Cuhningham, at and place for the creW of v " Guaranteed by W. C. Peacock & Co Ltd, under the at IIUo, the steamer Kauai, was '.Trockey, Mrs. N. Watanabe, J. Yama-- station. boat. operate the to carrie'd in the himself Hankow, interested also Pure Food and' Drug Act,'Jurte 30,. 1CC3; Serial No. 31131 ; cd off Pepeekeo, bound for Hilo.; guchi, Y. Yendo. years little the that three In the all every was to made effort matter, and fled with the Secretary of Agriculture at Washington, D.C. Per str. Mauna Kea, from Hilo and remained educators American of band MANY outr perpetrators BUSINESSMEN'S of the apprehend the way ports: Prof. Eliot and wife, Miss v3il Sugar. Report. rage, and bring them to punishment at the Interior port en the Yangtse, MauJudge Eliot, Sanford, Phillips S. Admiral A. of the steamer NAMES ARE SUGGESTED I'urser this was the first attack that had been Several of the ringleaders were caught Kea arriving from Hilo and way .Hartwell, A. Gartley, ;Mrs. Snider, C. ' made upon them." V, ; ts this morning reports the follow- - Dawson and wife, M. C. Paul, Mrs. M. 'Suggestions as to names for a "bus- and are serving sentence; v": Hicks who was-- killed in the attack :: , sugar awaiting shipment at Big Carr, Mrs. A., Lemke, Misses Lemke iness Omen's ticket are being made SEC FISHE R. . . in came from Oshkosh; Wlscoc.sin; HoffI ' r.d ports: Olaa, 1S.150; Walakea,' (2), C. K. Ai ancL wife, Mrs. Stam-- : hourly to the special committee now1 I Sheldon' talks interestingly of lifeChi-na man, is a university man whose home " J; Hawaii Mill Co.; 2800; Hilo Sug-- ,baugh, Ng'On, S.'G. Hindes and wife, looking Into the local political sltua-- : the very heart of the Republic of ' is in Cleveland, Ohio. Fo? months himself and nis c: Co., 22,200; ' Onomea, S752; Pepee- - Miss Hindes, Master Hindes, W. W. tion, and yesterday "afternoon a numsay safely you. for me can' "Yes, on dwell to twere .obliged n leaders Jn business l.i j, S40; Honomu, 5400; Hakalau, 21,- - Mackay, O. H. Walker and wife, Miss ber' of that I have no further desire to return ::D; Laupahcehoe, 7000; Walwikl, u. uuerney, u. u. iigemniz ana wne circles here were mentioned for spe- house "boats because of the" congestion aver1 to China, however great are the pos Mrs. K, L. Force, Mrs. cific offices. George W. Smith, C. II. of population to be found in the t. j; KUKauai, tuuu; namasua miii. E. Hollsworth, young a there for offered sibilities city. age Chinese' Burningham, Miss C. interior M. A. Cooke, T. Andrade, Joe Emil Berndt, John ); PaauMu, 10,000; Honokaa, 000, Mrs. H. Alexander, Miss Witte, Walerhouse, C. , G. Bartlett. Carlos His description of house boat life man," concluded Sheldon, as he pre K; Uulhaele, 6100; Punaluu, 16,821; Miss C. D. Witte, Miss M". Paschich, Long, E.1 A. ' C. Long, James "Wake- on a large Chinese river, were vivid pared to take leave of a party or local lknuapo, 977C. Miss Hymers, Mrs. Frey, ,Dr. H. B: field and several others are suggested and unique. .The craft where Sheldon friends, as the liner China prepared to U Elliott and wife, K. Tashima, R. I. for the Board of Supervisors. H. M. was nearly murdered and his compan- - cast off for San Francisco at noon; Wireless Compass. von Holt may be persuaded to run for T!giior Murconi, the Inventor eff illie, A. J. Hibbert, Mrs. L. Turner ' mayo?, C. Ripley, B. Son, and Senatorial candidates areJ M. Mrs. F. and vircless telegraphy, has invented a mosquitoes. V. T. Rawlins thick as J 4' L 0U1Ilg, E; wireless compass, which will be tried suggested Holloway, as a possibility for has been C, Frtea T. Master cn board the Mauretania when next ?; ' city attorneyship. ong, ueorge, ju. the uro. r uoieman, ' ' ' ito leaves LIvericol, says the Daily An Willard Brown's name has been A. Parish, Master A. Parish, Ttegraph. The employment of this Mrs.L. by several leaders as a good mentioned Phillips, Napier, S. P. Miss T. Miss a: ;aratus, it is stated, will remove J. ROW OVER SCHOOL DESKS man for the Legislature if he returns R. Thompson, Visher, Miss Pierce, the perils of fog at sea. in time to get into the local camMrs. H. Beese and child. Mr. Marconi smilingly refused to paign.- J. Mv Dowsett, It is' hoped, will H0M E RULERS TO SUPPORT KU H 10 his secret until after the Patent 1 consent to run' for the Senate. AuPASSENGERS DEPARTED C,'. ce had sent him his papers, but. he ditor. James Bickriell is spoken of for OAHU COLLEGE'S REMARKABLE YEAR. icok a piece oi paper, ami, wnn In some quarters City Par str. China for San FranrJsrn: reelection. percil, drew what the compass Is, Miss C. McCarthy, Miss M. McCarthy, Clerk Kalauokalani Js considered a HAWAII LUAU FOR DR. ELIOT I ru ant to accomplish. Judge A. S. Hartwell, Chas Hartwell, desirable man for the Legislature,-- but The drawing consisted of a series Miss Maud E. Seyde, Miss Anna K. It is doubtful if he would wish to quit M0L0KAI SETTLEMENT SWELLS DUKE FUND ' " A ol lighthouses on shore, and a series . Means, Miss Helen McMeans, I. J. the municipal "employ. of ships off shore, as various inter-- : Hurd, Miss D. Cameron, Miss Maria AGENT GORDON TO INVESTIGATE IMSPECIAL vals, "Now, we suppose." said ,.Mr. Corey, M. F.' Raymond, Miss Maria i LOCAL" AND GENERAL Marconi, 'that all these ships are pean, Miss Ethel Dauber, R. Birtckett, PORT VALUATIONS tending out wireless flashes in a dense c. H. Brown, Prof, and Mrs. Eliot, :. Judge Whitney this morning apfo?: or terrific storm. You know the Miss Ruth Eliot, Roger Pierce, C. U ARMY ADOPTS" MORSE SIGNAL, CODE unconfusion your skipper is in today. He Cleghorn. J. W. Waldron, J. B. Garvin, pointed Marie Coohradt executrix Coon-radcan pick up messages,bu t can get no' 'a. W. Barrington. Mrs. Nelson, L .A. der the will and estate of p. J. to serve without bond ' Lyman. ffr.?e of the direction from which Nelson,-MisRobert E. Nute and Edward Lang they come. We are going to supply j t & this morning entered a plea of not c?.actly the 'lacking . element. By Just as long as young women news of the wireless wave which will r!st in trj ing to sidetrack housework guilty to the indictment for perjury. set hearing will be their date for The be exclusively in this kind of work there will be an oversupply of chorus " later. twenty- YESTERDAY we 'are going to give him his sense of girls. in M. by H. out Mrs. A warrant sworn Ayres, charging assault ' and battery were given to ago-roh- d by H. "M. Ay res was served this morn: , ... .... ing and - Ayres Was released on his .Wike own recognizance. " He will appear in news. public while court to answer the charge tomorrow mm - m - er ra no SPITAL 0PK1ATO - cor.i-morcl- al, Star-Bullet- in ... organ-iratlon- s, ; ! six-roll- er er six-roll- er s, ; . - r . 1 cm Star-Bulleti- - - mmi SEC n. MId-Pacif- lc . rcpre.-?onia-live- s . SEC. L00L1IS ; . " d la-wa- il a ' . : , : r. ." T get-tc.-eth- er .';".-""- j.'.-- ' -- s- ' 'gjt-to-gethc- r , r. nine-rolle- 1 cr n Star-Bullet- in r. , -- in-inviti- nine-rolle- rs ; .' i s. . .' - cx-pre- . gct-tcseth- "' ' ' ; ; v . : : . f. " Super-Richardson- n, C'-- 1 n ; t ; . . ; get-togeth- . n 1 . ' ' ' ' o : " . 4 . '''.'' : : 1 ts sugar-making-plan- 'theC2$ . Al.-CH-- v. iIl er off-seaso- n,' GET g; . '.',-- : : ." MM! i " " V v . - - . -- . 'y '. " r r . I : - 1 e 1 d v . : . fam-vclcan- o. 4 Dew-j?oi- nt - .' , .. - .i- - - lald'-ne'arl- - ! " - v-- ' -- - , : ? - com-panidn- s. well-know- n 1 Alex-ande- r, J Jror n 1 ex-ylz- J J J-J- k G hi J fam nm ! : I t, s ' -- items that appeared Are titles of this paper the four hours they were per-nic-- ns . ; morning. Kin 3 .Ctreet, (JAS. H. LOVE) pp. Union Grill : , '" v.-:' Phont 1231 - In "the printing line at Aiakca street; branch, street, Herchant -: :- - . ' Merchant Street, near Fort Street '' n, . and Liquor Merchants, . ETerythlngr Stnr-Bulletl- ss -r --J HONOLULU SKALl ROLLER OUT KG KEV TARIFF II1 BETTER ROADS H us IGED J2S5L stocks Business In sugar multiplied .stocks "V.'c Mrant Letter roads and fewer three thousand or more good Iron dol- ts If by magic Immediately upon cirfteara rollers,' urged one conserva- lars may far, better be used In repay- culation of the news received yestertive member of the Hoard of Snpervls-or- a ing or paving some of the downtown day that the sugar tariff was in course : this morning when asked as to the t ut come of a combined effort upon the part of three members in that body to foist a IJufTaloPitts machine upon the city and county of Honolulu whether or no 'it Is really needed by ' ' the road department. 'The city has no need for an addiroller, and I .for one tional ten-tohhall advocate that the money required to purchase the roller handled by the Lynch Company, Incorporated, be utilized for purpose far more bene-- f cial to the municipality as a whole." Murray refrained last evening from verbal participation in the endeavor to add another steam roller to the already large number of these ma chines owned By the city and county, and generously loaned to the various contractors. ,who are entrusted with the building of county highways or performing other constructive work in which a heavy roller Is required. James Lynch, manager of the Incorporated company which bears his name, came up smiling following his defeat last evening with a bid to supply the city and county with a road roller, ten tons in weight, for 53,295, cr Just five dollars Ies3 than the figure submitted by the Honolulu Iron Works, his rival in the. steam roller merchandising business. The latter company at a recent meeting, throuRh representation of" Mr. Wald-- machine to the ion, offered a ten-to$3,300. municipality When Mr. for to set attemptefl forth some Waldron of the advantages of the machine in question he was promptly squelched ..though "Mr. 'Lynch vas permitted to address the board on three .separate . n '.' streets. 'v The steam roller purchase Is ex pected to come up for a final vote at z meeting to be held on August 6th. With the exception of Murray, only Kruger and Amana urge the award of a contract for the machine i to the Lynch Company, Incorporated. of almost certain settlement this session of Congress which in all prob ability means for years to come by the Senate's passage of a bill that the House would likely accept and the President approve, which makes the maximum duty 1.60c. and remove - WANTS SITUATION WANTED. v 5301-- 3t . "A.. Star-Bulleti- References. ' n. 5296-l- SCHOOL w LOST. English gold monogram "R A. V"t with: Oriental coin. Finder please, to Miss Walworth, Pleasanton and receive literal regard. Old-fashion- . ; ed watch, fob of ; EXPERTS I ADM - return tween sessions at 55.75 for 150 shares Hotel, in four unequal lots, going to 56 on the board for 10 an4 15 shares. Ewa 5301-had sales of 50 shares In three loU unchanged at. 31.50 reported. Monday evening, silver bead bracelet. Hawaiian Sugar fell off two points returned to' this office, ' from last previous sale In reported Reward if ' was on the advice of Superintend " '" 5301-tales of 20 shares at 43. Hawaiian Ag- entIt of Education Pope and Principal ricultural dropped 7.50 since last pre- M. M. Scott of McKinley High School FOUND. vious sale, 6 shares being reported at Loan Fund Commission Oahu the 192.50. Hilo Railroad Common show-e- that ' on decided the Peabody desk as the , ... occasions. I3ieycle, Owner call for Lindo, at Star ,1b a sale of 75 a gain of ' "This steam roller business has oc- ; Bulletin branch office, Merchaflt St shares at 7.C25 reported. Olaa is best desk for Mts purposes, and this was the reason that the commission casioned a lot of unfavorable talk, 5301-without a change in a- sale of 100 awarded the desk contract to the Haand I fear that some of the same "will shares at 7.75 on the boards. Bre- waiian News Company, 'according" to follow, should we go ahead and auwery stock declined a three-quartFOR RENT an explanation of the 'whole matter thorize the purchase of the Lynch point In a sale of 15 shares at 20. e machine, at the former price of Furnished cottages; 323 and 327.50. Bonds are represented in sales of made this morning by Secretary . r y of the. commission. 53,730," stated Supervisor Arnold, 5301-t- f. $2,000 Olaa sixes at 97.50, and $2000 Telephone 1087. ' motion thereupon a offered who that and $1000 Hilo Extension sixes at Mr. Petrie ani other members of the resolution fathered by Murray, the commission are of. the opiniou 94.75; both, unchanged. UKULELES. calling for' $3750 for steam roller pur-that the whole , controversy is needchase be tabled. less. Whether or not CJ. N. Marquez, Factory, 1719 Liliha,. above School; Tel. lino Shipping. A unanimous vote was recorded for According to report which has of the Office Supply Company, who 2384. In stock or made to order. j killing the Murray resolution. reached this city today, through , the contends, that as lowest bidder he is v The Lynch bid presenled to the Susteamer entitled to' the '.contract,' will really arrival of the Inter-Islan- d pervisors last evening was accompanask an Injunction, the members of the American-Hawaiian Mauna Kea; the CALABASHES. ied by a certified check. Despite the lrelghter Alaskan arrived at.. Hilo on commission did not, know today but fact that jhe machine has been are well withFactory, 1719 LIHha, above School; Tel. Sunday morning and completed cargo they' felt sure' that-the- y of; a board at reduction the f" arid was away for Sallna Cruz, at mid- in their legal Tights. 2384. In stock, pr. made to. order. v; ?43r from the former figure from the.' drawing specifications, of "The the night v Lynch Company, Incorporated, - the The Matson Navigation steamer En which, it is admitted, means that only board turned a deaf car to the en terprise,' from San Francisco, arrived the Peabody 'desk could be supplied TAILORS. treaty, and when a vote was called, at the Hawaii port Sunday morning under these specifications, ;was simply the bid was turned over to the Toad Tai Chongr 1126 Nuuanu. :. Menks suits with a large general cargo of main- in line with the opinion of the com: to order. , cemmittee for consideration. White duck .suits a spe-- j land ' merchandise. The American mission previously .expressed," said cialty. Clothes made from your own schooner Melrose was reported as dis- Mr. Petrie this morning, v "Some time The stand is now taken by a majority , faction on the board that the poods if desired. charging lumber at the railway wharf. ago when "the" matter of the kind cf DESKS 3t , n - , ' 2t - ; d one-eigh- th ( . - 3t " 5 er Pe-tri- i : . - 1 - - of-ier- cd '' . ' , ...... ' r - i n i. . T ' . r i arc the and that they maintain the standard for hih - class clothing BENJAMIN clothes rank first among them. We never had a single complaint about this make of men's clothes, and whn, a man once" wears a com- untirhls statue stepped oT Its pedestal and entered the 'race for Delegate to Congress." Manuel awoke much ' comforted and after taking a look at the Judiciary building and noting that the statue still occupied its pedestal, vhe- secured the price of a shave from1 a passerby and had hl3 beard removed, having been advised, he said, that under the law no vow made for eternity Is binding. - desk to get waff brought up, the whole commission was agreed that the ' desk was the most desirable. It has been In use In 'McKinley high school for five years and? has proved durable and well fitted for school use. Mr. Pope and Mr. Scott both said it was the best desk. ' acceptable were not bids "The first oversight made been had hecause an in the call for bids,' no certified check being called for to accompany the Mds, When the tender was read the specifications were drawn to secure the kind of 'desk'tne commission had already decided for. "Under the law, we are Informed by the attorney general, the commission is not compelled to awird the contract to the lowest bidder. We .can use our discretion. We felt that the Peabody desk was the best and decided that, these desks should be secured even though there was some slight increase 'in cost over the other competing desks. . . f "r BENJAMIN best, pleted Pea-bod- y l 7 p1" iMT! ' ne Dccomes a permanent' cus- - c -tomcr, sil"r r ; - . THE li A I - H i . BFNJAMIN ver-tise- d, i ri , - Cor. Fort and Hotel CtzJ Wireless from the Lnrllne. The Matson' Navigation steamer Lurllne, to arrive at .the port early tomorrow morning with passengeps, mails and a' large cargo 'from the mainland was heard from last night through wireless which reported the vessel ;474 miles off port with all on ;! ; board well. The. Lurllne will berth at Hackfeld jvharf, ;and; later proceed to Kahulul to discharge; o;ver weight hundred( tons J : ' cargo. r-iv- t- :.( ' ; . i i mom - - all - JI ' ' : : v ; that when she tells an old bachelor really happy in her that shewas-neve- r ; A5D coal. ; J: - married life. or i:oc a:;d ga:.d ro:: tx.:,i.: ; ei:?D3 FinvrcoD A widow Is 'neveV- fnore dangerous , " There arc diffc- rent makes of clothes on the market, but wc know that the -' Judiclarr building would not. be ? C-r-r Standard - . - iviaimaimnfj L The delay has worried Manuel, for the beard grew troublesome.- Its fluttering disturbed the calm 'repose of mind he finds necessary to the proper contemplation of the , statue of the ' ;.' great king. ": says Last night friends of Manuel King Kamehameha appeared to him In a dream and told him that the ."- it "V f stood ' In contemplation before the Hears Impossible Must Happen statue, but the Judiciary building apBefore Judiciary Building : pears as near completion as it was six months ago when the work was Is Competed started. ' : Experienced stenographer. i tin ei SyiKvis: . General office work or position as private secretary. Will go anywhere. Good references. Address "A. W.", office. leii ; Manuel Ortrego. who for years has kept a solitary vigil he fore the statue of King Kamehamehv the Great, standing with eyes fixed 'in adoration on the roytt - figure, for ' hours at a special favors to refiners. . tlnie, appeared In his accustomed Pioneer leads in Yolume of sales, place this morning minus the tattered with 400 shares 'since yesterday's rewhich has; long decorated hia beard port, Hawaiian Commercial following would be nothing refeatures with 37V Offhu with 372 and Onomea markable There in this not for the with 175. Pioneer showed an advance tact that in orderwasto itappear clean of a quarter point in sales of 250 and Manuel broke vow. a shaven 50 shares between sessions at 34X0, ' i If appears 'that when the work of gaining another quarter on the board repairing and remodeling the Judicl-ar- y fn two blocks of 50 each at 34.75. building , commenced, Manuel Oahu was unchanged in recess sales vow: that he would not shave of 210 shares In seven lots, ranging made a was completed. Months have until it from 5 to 83 shares, registering a passed since then. gentle breezes The quarter gain with two blocks of 50 many mornings have ' toyed with of each at 28 and maintaining this fig Manuel's hlssute embroidery as ne ure on the board in sales of five un equal lots aggregating 132 shares. Hawaiian, Commercial sold up half a point between sessions at 44.50 for 190 shares in four unequal lots, went up an eighth on jthe board in sales of 100 shares In nve unequal lots and closed at 44.75 for 80 shares In five unequal lots. ;. Onomea sold up a quarter .point be If a man doesn't waste money on one of hi3 own fool schemes the chances are he'll waste It on some other fellow's. Star-Bullet- in TUESDAY, JULY CO, 1912 STAR-BULLE1I- N, ' ; a yaf;: per holl or '' - ' ) ? s ' n -- .1 - i --2: tux J4 i l J i J L i ' Larse Clean Stock - i-- Fpr tlis Hot Day Oil liiiilb r-L . 10c; sale ' .;;:;'. Yd. 25c and 30c. now 15c 35c 45c 50c 60c $1.50 $2.00 . On Our Enormous Cut, in All the..... Latest .... .. White Insertions Embroideries now 20c now 25c now 30 c now 40c now 90c now $1.66 price.. 4 .....3 price......... 2 15c; sale price.. - 20c; sale 25c; sale :' .' price... ;.;,; '; v 'r . Pretty Foulards 73c 904 ... yards for 25c yards for 25c yards for 25c l5o yard ::y-r:y:: Stock of O and Domsstic 'it'''. We formerly sold these dresses at $15.00, $18.00, arid $22.50. To clear them out we have marked them at WHITE NAINSOOK VICTORIA now. . . . . . ; . . .75c LAWN ' All marked much below regular prices. 45-in- v ... . i .. - Hemmed and Hem-- ? stitched Sheets, Pillow Cases, Heavy Table Linen INDIA LINON Linen Dusters, Motor Coats, Lingerie Dresses, Shift Waists, Skirts, etc., at Big Bargain Prices. J TOY7el3 ENGLISH LONG CLOTH Charges Made for Alterations - (zi Linen and Turliicli ENGLfSH NAINSOOK yard; now, ...... ...... . ... .20c and CJc yard; now..........,.40c "yard; now. .................. .45c ; yard; now 1......50c ; i . J J1.23 yard i Shot Fv2essalirie r ' 60c TTvf 771 i t .. II TV fir, TTTS ii .... .. Corset Cover Embroidei les 40c " 1 SEE OUR NEW LINE OF At Half Price Whii Pi2223 Pi 45-in- 45-inc- ' SATIN STRIPE ENGLISH VOI LE; was $10, now, . . .50c yard ch FANCY STRIPE ENGLISH VOILE; was $130, now.... 50c yard ch h was DRAWN - WORK $15, now. RATJNE; $1.00 "With NAPKINS to Match Lace and Scrim : Curtains, Cretonnes and Art Denim, Blankets, Bedspreads, etc. " Goods not satisfactory must be re turned not later than day after chase. " : ' .: NO GOODS SENT ON pur- APPROVAL - t , . ' ; STARpXLETIXTU HONOLULU fif .tUUilU -- Ha Z'Uil - UiUuTlUt States will have the chief TIlIls Hie Unitod ........ PERSONALITIES for- - I eigu trade, probably, of South America and the'f : .Mch is combined the HAWAIIAN STAIR,' estab-- I. far east, provided our people awake to the situa I !.?J 1S33. and the EVENING BULLETIN, establlsb- - tion before England ana Gerrnany-havmonop-- j 'missis ' ;and ,vi iidiNiA , ... ci iss2. ; ' ' fields, bl ized l lliere that the day will wade and Miss Augusta Ricff left MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESa t armaments will iasi come when (he prm-nLEV JI. ALLEN, ... . . . . . . . , . . . . . .Editor , le superseded by one big international army and mrs. sexton of San Franctscj for thi purpost. of keenin" order inrougn-- . tne , or tM volcano today. 'While ?. in naj ALLACE R. FA K Ii I NOTON . V. Is'an? sJle 71 1 tho world." Is Ihe authcj-.oj for a seyi - ........., jju'Mm.'SJI jt:,aiAiJVKEA street ....;:.;.i,:',' Telephone 2li5 223G in offices Star-Eulletl- ,UpWrfI' 111 f I - 4mi " it i a. . - uef eral works, Including 'a'fettbbok" . Editor Honolulu ":l Sir: T am enclosing a clinDine from a railroad man's magazine which it 8femSito me has a bearing on Hawaii's bitter exierience with lara rpd ; - JJauULTrr TJ1 K K I G 11 T K I X D O K T 11 K ATI X 0. rVSZZ? XLfZ g ....... Tlf iELY TOPICS iD e I LETTERS ON i ' t n. mon (Si-n- e! Ar J v will ultimate-; - miss a u uuifc,r nntient; fast and firm big brother: ' ene of the r best- - i The clfnnins' re As rs tnM ' I Known leacutirsJ .oi. f an a I i f t i A -i" V';i xancisco. la 7, incom, me capiial city of Neb ras i -j r i" urut-irn; nunui w a uurNC1I OFFICE im uuj;uuia MERCHANT STREET V visiting Honolulii v ,Iter iiotief Was a i a mj iuwu uiai is. tuere are Telephone 22C5.' lllg anu SOinewliat Ulopian tnOUgnt,' nut not hv; sister or tne late Mrs. Steward of Ka- - no saloons in Lincoln. This, however. ana wnuw 1Ion?Iu " visiting Is a matter of recent occurrence.' ' , SUES CXlII'jl (J xlliiTESi at first o1anpo,neo&e ' dPi rW Jn-- ; KO ibnrd mlmi'rht reiatives made the. rpbelln rtldj'.the A few "days ago four railroad men awai, tne heir ef started from the vards hpftpi rrr ttFoem tne cixhcs jmuiainie tnuunai would navejce i DAILY absurd not . nayde ::cnth, anywhere in United States . $ .5 fenjust. Quarter, anywhere in United States ......... 2.00 world-peac, pied by saloons. wMcu impelled one, of .movement IS even now branded as church. Year, anywhere in United States 8.00 V .;ft them to jokingli remark: ' v ?' 1 1 I ', vXf wir;f' t 12.00 iTr.r;o j car, postpaid, foreign.... . 7 1 :" id aSK TOU lit in have snmpthtner MBMMvnHiHMHHiMMMM ln)th ure workingout in jpmcticaLiults. Dr. I j-I hut everything is closed." i 1ifJ.rk,l ! ' J"""'" i - -- . r r N J 4, ui-rat- ed . ., e - ni nn-.-Aol- Wio r SEMI-WEEKL- Y STAR-BULLETI- N Can you tell what diamond is worth? Can you jud; ' "cut, ita color, its size? " - ..$ hs 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 c DAY ..JULY 30, 1912 of ita.. you.ean not, isn't it good to know that every dumond In" our stock has passed a riad," t Xpert ' xam'inat'en, and that its quality and. price are plainly marked on th taa? , ; . . : ? . f!x Mr-t... car, i .ywhere in United, States ar, c. TT.r.Ere m Lanada :r, r 4 ' S STAR-BULLETI- i r O 1.. 4 '- ' ; Liui.t:.M timtwy.i Harris is putting forth a somewhat; novel view of an inteniational alliance to control and super-sedcorporation's, and tacitlv he seems to rec-- 1 ognize the inability of national la to check the e ALEXANDER . How ..ia ! MntMn YOUNG re safe in dealing here. un, not all the places are closed,' said another one. ".Come in here" with me and. have something" . T -- 1 fnu ctnQ .v: i, Vo do not pa3s tho sli jhtsst tmperftctlon. .That is why you Jj ' 0 collar, size six teen, and give each of these, fellows ! d the kind. of a collar.they. wanL" , , He is looking far into the future, but at least i people, f pprn 0 ur liberty dcpnulr on the freedom of the u Visit here Bas. peen a de- v Each man gave his size and .style m&best, as as the looking pessimist he is not a lightful and'lWsVruttfve but :K s , and that cannot and the be limited without heiny four. collars in! separate packages. Each - man . took , b(S ! believes who man an kind of dhj lost. Thomas Jefferson. r ri his package and walked out. Not a ' intelligence to sug- - .get t6 issue the primary Ball: We knew l.word cause he has faith was said for about a block, andj we had untij the, lagt day; ln !July to ' tnen the man who had first spoken- I gest practical methods. A ,y 1 "' :. vU It do ' ; Diurted out; A TEf. EST. L J La M 'AlLll SUPERVISOR MURRAY --? A good 'Say, wouldn't all ; of us , have ' a lot Urs. Daibaway . Yes,.. while - we were "Why do th?y call V.'a. l.'.r t; :i t:. many people'seem tbhlnk w arejtry- - of collars and ties, and shirts and Riirh . . we gypt me A . nAKDY COi:ilAf;DI!EfiT ryraniias. city of ma-r- "cent c'!:rrr visireatner to maketh'' RaMdTtarisi nave things if we'd had good; tense?" In- A good deal of tempestuous discussion for iThej.were literally covered with hier-- . Because" answered th with bitulithic between:' the tails. That ; 4ernatibnal Railwav Jnnrnal zvzlr.' r . oglyphjcs. r . r, i U z::h a ! "it wann weatjier as the present has bcHka ,lrs.-- Pneuricb Ugh! -- Wasn't ven wav hpfwpon v.h- -t vnn -". r4 'tiii-ouiaiopsxit-iJL'-iscripiura- i Biogani.-'.vxiiou-iv. ; tracks ''VtTi i rimTixa i'mrnvFitvi afraid "some of em would get on you? .what you ct." lay-Jow- -- " .U ! , - clerk-wrappe- optimiste ? n d jniuman 5 1 c - i; 1 . , A - n ; t- V. n pave-ietwee- c ofnce-ses'.ic- . : 6 -r- , . .on s action con- - to the highest bidder. There seems; to le (i;ilt, according to an interpretaiio t of the - t- , from' th . : ; :tonH-y-;- : ir that ihe i;;;.itc, iJnd that Ts oHlce, is.xion , vij ,vj Uiiivj ; a i the discretion of accepting a higher bid, Ldieves the wares are superior. :: this cae, the commission's judgment is ; : ' cd by that of two experienced schoolmen ci.Ttainly ought to know what kind of desks giving the best service. Both are quoted as :: : that the desk offered by the successful : is the most desirable of the three kinds . CQT ii . . ' r It is fCfSnS' ' ' i ? - "' POP .Jlwr Irt P 0P3 Editor Honolulu mm. star-Buiieti- P ' nr f upon the ; Taft forcesjike ; a JLI my'finding new trees on the Island of ,; v. v.V in the IJo, sword from ' its scabbard and flourished "Hawaii:1. First: there is no tnith in th i I'Vrtotta.. o A' r n 1 ,1 H II TOrTtT: air with vast, popular, effect '(i6';de"iikia. a rest nnd:L r the naraeraDltvis absurd: circus act? but there .are times when it rts to- be UUES WliUIO lUlUg Was COpW;iIF;tU uuivujuua.i led a note from in the llawaiiiJTeris arid there when one of these times sheathed,' . .kll. VJf Buiue iL ora' iu, wuicu iiiings, out is talk of what the presidential electors are gocourse , not- correctly and twisted ' things around, as is usually GO to do.- ; Yours truly, a ' Senator Dixon, Roosevelt manager, is out 'J. F. ROCK. e with the declaration that already seventy-fivDEPORTING "UNDESIRABLES.-- , Whether the new bond ' Issue wiir be Roosevelt pledged; electoral votes have been for delivered to the 'purchasers in 'bulk or will bevdivided into deliveries set5 sevr Editor Honolulu s regardless of the vishes of .the. states .they rep- ral fnonths apart has not yet' been tie- Sir: rls there not a U. S law ':v:r,5'V o;; resent v and Jt- - is one of the ques- - thorizing the deportation of criminals, tions over which Governor Frear is vagrants or nrostitutes within a.cer- Of course this isn'4: stealing; no, indeetl.r The j dolns' (twn nr thraa voonravan tain norfnV somft deen' thlnkirifi' . tliese davB.-4 , .v eighth 'COinniUnatnent IS not being V10jated,0a nO, He . received 'aj cable 'from Treasurer after admittancec Jijto tha terrltQry ? that,, the y. vm111 f s JH f - 1" 1 1 Ifi jM.'n f iviuf reearu to mis tor-wmu' haV6 the impess.ion r .j izjws. contaiu s'Jicn provision. , t no elector m but a definite decision Ka's not ben TllO unvarnrslieii, trtltll' IS that: It not be a sylendid thing fc- - teofa- -, Tiif h!5nrv ofthoTTniteVi States has uttrayeu uibj de- -f aals-tmaHe use of it from Ume to wish of those whom hej represented. The linp- - liyeryv ohe entire sie at'One4ahVl Hlnie? rather than ave the islands fill-- " wttif'sucrir persons? "Probably" the tfiej'njetime mrghtpMe ioYe ;ejf-namcnted trutLos that, UitKmif any "fi the Territ'tSkntif-w0V- d .rT ! ul Mc'oninion lias been SO bindihir that vlded delivery. Interest on the bondst f3 wellhoWn fact thaf there: are td.i'ban "frora tneiytaeirioV toidefV it oy.:;ffoin contrarv 3atespurchaser. rul ictthi-(?v,the The payment alsr8:.'I"n Jloholulu,' bTougbt,;hre Ainder ; . i r- - niirn - imfo m ' v t. r money involvcd'is ir.aall, but ;.:inciple is important." Legal proceedings, n-the avrard of the contract to the lowest , arnVfUit-o- f voiilil the f ftJtvof .CaUl(:(ilthe?only hry.o'i-theinojiit- : the I is whether or not the desk chosen by ;:nui ion is reallv better than th(e-ofintj itLere l.n.. . j com;-'- . for a discussion that will last for several without a decision 'hat can satisfy , r.nd if the court s going to Je asked tp take ;: un. the rest of the. community micriit! as try to keep cool during the hot summer !;s and let the academic discussion of hinges s go on, particularly as ats and : i -j 1 : ink-well- ; " vacation anyway. 1:,' T ' dae::est sc.utii .aceeiica : v 1 rlYfrff . J morning-askmgr- - ! ' n, II ' . , vJ Pacific Heights . " vi-""j-tyiitiv- - in-" - - ii luigi-uuu- And-woul- u fol : I .; J , X "..V ,1 I' ? 'I V V it ;';;Ttour8tn p,. ''Alewa.vH eights utiut ui uiu 1 .luugu-imiu- g ftive-ua-iiJMW- -- ed all sealing, ...... ..: ;j, - -.- J ) i. .. . . . . .. . . - . r. h aimuKi Wilder- JAvenue"'. .V.r.'.V.'v'; V: .: .i.. . Avenue1 . ; Matlock' . ... .. 1 .. i ... rvo.1 ni .V , King ivviVvv."'. Street' . ' .. .... . .. Pa yva a ' i M ag a2ine Stre et . . . J . ; . . . v , . . .wi.'. . Yppng 'Street .V . 1. . ;. . i anslaughterV (but of hij. ....... . - v f - r ? ..' j 1" 'I - 3 .1 . ; -- 1 .... na a greater,., crime):' ha,ve really; guuty-o- r a. deported local been use under this law??. Could Immediate ot for 4n needed OVer Chicago at the many not. would, thb of class stated, now interest 'draw that bank and tv t lail, ueiegura. ,heln defray the interest paid, for it by ; residine in IwileL. Kakaako and other declared righteously the Territory.) But lt is a;.- - question parts of the city yhQ ought to be In " 1 t-a- - y 1 . Could not the gentleman, who s just' 1.. i : ' . - piacej.yi-jmone- threw- fits SUDPOrterS ' OI ftift "' I 1 ,!"' nndpr nnr navlahh'r-- la war f APr .tr srvt)! bnpyifekejUiirjthe occupations mehtioned in, a, arW &M'ltthtnhy Xf?lth,e ietond- line Of this article rather v.: -t vJoVJJiithan laborJ i " t- - ' . -I Y f j' (( ,3 atd. , r course;, sayai(the vGygWGrr .1in AWivuvi.!.nuvovM.v;mghte. w '1 possible to 1 -- . t ...... h. i ixon'S' audacity IS also" th6fvtiudacitr; Interest on? Roosevelt. Dixon's boast that he has1, pledged the vault T?omili1ipnn olopfnra tnibetrnw their mist is. the nIviijgff50 benefit.. " r. . Ayenuflr NUuanu, .Street,. :i -d -- ebuld be DUt into Of ' ately, the Territory r'-- . d ; llim. . Corner .Hackfeldiand; Lunaliia Streets ....... d ;.jrhere..lg.-argittityrf..tri- 1 Ceretania Street '' College Hills' 1 J whether this would prove satisfactory the chain gang),;, be deported under , or adequate. (the laws?, Is there such a law, Mr., conreceiving Editor? . Can you inform us? careful subject :BfAl,n is snnnortprs came The vntf - TJnnsPplt. witli ::, ; : r-- ;, r .:r;-T- .rf viewpoints JSideratioiv.from,many and. r : DEPORT . , Belgium back: to Hawaii with the statement that the probably wI1j decided within ,the be ? - ,-- . h d ( ; , The amended Congressional Act. of, March 26, 1910, provides for the depor- , ;. tation of any alien who may be proved f 'r' j to be interested in any manner in pros- I titution. This Federal statute. Is broad a- matier, 01 pieugiug iur lvwsocn j .nd thorough and permits the', depbrta 'j wi:":i ir -v - r r, Uoii of all such characters. Aliens hot electors? ;:i t were nominated vhov ' ' iiu ' k 14 ,t(ff sident .within the Territory1 nriore . !- -: 4 Where' are .those pious 3.C!?, u ioaiiup. ,or uiree years may ue ue 111 W U ' or ported, 'vagrancy, criminal "acts for ... Tmi.rrjci.T' tt, j jrovjdedit can be showi 'their5 crfme ' ; or condition7 arisen from causes orlg- ynu was ;ia;J.jt(. a gfuerruua iuc bciuuhcui mat to their arrival here. Ire 4iiA n'nbft Tv"nTinrinTtinlrn f n nil rt,l Tf Jill thfi The cru Isera i3alCfoiirnian4 Soutft ,'inating; lUaatiis 'TeftjOf 'the. ';JPacItic 4,the'case,raboVe ''mentioned, the legal 'f: POPULAR JEWELERS thatthe gifts ,were,as , large m proportion to the means fleet under lAdnlr Joutljertand'aag, .authorities,'- If is ..stated, holddeported-cda.person not can guilty, be or. Saturday ' expected' here lext. of the givers, the fund would have, been oversub- WhlteitJbe navaatation.haaaEditor., v , scribedI some .? weeks ago. n .vi.v:i--. iibtfcee able to get in wireless, touch., wUh either ;vselvad?lcesbave JPJ 1 7TT colonel could have won the nomination by .tak-.n" ing tainted .votes, but he would not do t." ' ,' .Wh'pro'mre those riualms of conscience now, -- 5 y . ' paroxms?, V;: li ; " Vieira Jewelry Cv;rhtJ;, - r: 113 - HOTEL CTr.--- .7 y. IV. eVl i reahv:niipnn iled, U Admirai:,Cowles Uiatihoth f While the sugar trust is getting lambasted' at hfrom Yokohama duly U, fwnicn should , r oue. end of the continent, it is paying a quarter bring them to!$itwwow5nf5.iW-drtf'Or ship 4th of August. The supply, of a million dollars for. customs frauds at the same will alij' ar lii v boutthe having, left Far .Eastern wate:s date, make .both other end. And still it manages to of the cruisers. ;' i advance h. , y 4 ends meet : The ffagshjp and the South pikolo 1 F--? M . ; will require ? more roal KnQinmPn's tha - was at MpmhPra of the Press Club who are nrst tne uutngger. uiuo-JSt also members-oticket, however goou, can gh expecier 00 tons Tne G1,cier will wlll be T,osts t0 tne rest of the writers being ei-vwtfe- be elected unless the businessmen ; get but and . t&ke a smaller amount into her bunkers. The fleet 'will be here only enough to coal, being under orders to nroceed to Bremerton as soon as pos- sible. hustle for it during the campaign.' New York city's police scandal' bears out the a ccepted fact that where much gantbl ing exists 4 the police are financially lnteresteilA f j 0 i T S JJff ... a. Buildina ODerationt are considered a rood index to bu: csnt. inconditions. "Building pe"rmiU this month tpowia 21 year... the; same month last crease in value over ' Increasing demand for furnished and unfurnished housri. o f next Sunday at the Outrigger; Club .The . grounds are to be open all day long and lunch thrown will be spread from 11 a. m. to 3 p. :m. I lie pis loUil uu iuc giuuuua uas oiou beeil oered for the use. of the club homely. man aDttorfbOas& Is .if mfeetirie is held, as has been augEren a t . gested. how the women fun after him. lon1-ground- TT) BE THE GUESTS . ? Is;. ii' 1 i, -- & jin Ti IVrrr I HLUU ULyiWi.iUri t.a-cie- s. -- Hones ... ... ( Furnished -- Keeaumoku Street: ,. 7 . .2 Cedro: u u ?ftly' furnished i i.; . . . .2 Centraf 'Avenue, Palofo' (partly furnished) .. . .2 Mountain House, Palolo (for 3 months)...... Pacific Heights', f Anotlier suborainatei; city official has a new automobile.'; Someday ihe taxpayers are going , : r, . e al . h Filler xr cthnvlci,. ; 3.50 .CO, 'Jj. 55 :5ft I-- icp ' n am w . FLEETDUEBY; S 1 ; '' as.'-Taf- Suggested for the loan fund commission: A "Big Brother? movement among nations is :ured in a notable statement Uhat given orig-:- School days, school. days' dear bid golden-rul' ;:; , days." ; ly in Paris .'by aii American hisxs caugtit , fancy and is becoming the subject ' L "Your money m your life" was the encourag hie comment. Dr. Xomian Dwjght llarris, professor of his-i- ing suggestion the sugar trust made to the beet- Northwestern University and .a visitor sugar men. ;iropeJ in commenting upon the Italian-h-Evidently the public isn't going to let one war made this statement; I think that ultimately the leading nations steamroller we know of exceed the limit. . world must unite for. purposes o'f trade, organization with a view What part is "dago red" going to play in the e and comme rcTscxle the competition of .'c6riorations doming territorial (Kun'pajgn---in-nation- 1 - to get tired of this sort of thing. OMEn'A'jpHATIOSS W'weeH"' t. ; . .. ," Tantalus Avenue h.Kalakaua ' V ; '-- w f harmless compared to the terrible cruelty : ted to be characteristic of 'the .operations America. lhitish rubber company ' :; less an auU: ; "itv tlmir Fir Roger Case- t, British consul-genera- l at Rio de Janeiro, desci'ibixl at leT'j:tv barbarities ""of almorst ;.eakable iie;i'li h:;es: practiced "jn the rub- :as Sir. district of the. unner Amazon.-anr substantiates the stories of witnesses in nnal report, and as:he vas formerly? consul the Congo andjnvestigatemtUe Belgian cru- v there,"" there, seems no doubt that the British inanv has made of itself a hideous machine torturd for the sake of a few pounds, y'', ; Under 'the stingA)f fthese stories", not 'only at Britain but. the United Staves am. other lions are stirring to action aiid it is Rotable t as a" practical remedial measure it Is pro-e- d to establish a "Christian" mission on the t mayo. Peru has decreed that it is' against constitut ion to admit A he. Jle formed faith to the country and Sir Roger Ciisemerit and hers intend to establish acjatliplic settlement :i : the region. Jtr The tale of cruelty is' aimdstrinbelievable, the British company's ..operations havetal-adoccasioned the use of tli6 phrase "In Dark- t South America," KEEFKG . J -- after thrOWin, 0 fitsV they ' .. . , 7 WOUIQ Uie accept, not KOOSCVeit npnimuuoii that ! . ' - au-termin- ed, mere mention i Jn-Sout- " i 1 - M,e atrocities of the Congo under ' . Star-Bulleti- . - '; ? : - , - i H ; ( : . 1 -- amount-o- " "' Ii ii ; .. - ' ' - y.Ji - 7 . .... . perthere ' ... : . : t-- -- ; cottage .:..ft ,......;...........$2000 Ha'rbottle Lane , -cottage riHarb'ottIe .Lane ' . .... ..1750 .4 Harbottle '.Lanerr2bfdrpm cottage ..... ilc(ti .30,000 q., ft. IIW - r- Kewaio Lots and 21 BiJc.,8. . . m v...... A .iooq 7, Kewalo Lots 22 and; 23 Blk. JJ. . . . . ;, ? .v . 4500 AnaDurvi Street house . . . . .. modern bungalow Anapuni Street . . j. ..4750 Anapuni. ?ireetii'Decroom conage . .. ...... 4750 house . . ... Piikoi Street . . . . 2350 . cottage King Street New 2000 Young Street Residence lot, 12,981 sq. ft ...... 8500 ; c house Kaimuki Modern Beretania Streets-BuildiAoZ7 acrs . country Lot Tantalus for home........... Puunui--Residenc- ....... ....................... e -- i 4 . m ;Unfumi:!i2d , 1. 1915 Kalakaua Avenue Lunalilo Street Matlock Avenue Piikoi Street . 3 ! .3 .3 .3 ... Lunalilo Street; . s . i Beretania 'Street ... Waikiki (Augusts) Manoa Nonpareil .; . .t nT.VT.V.'. . 1548 Thurston Avenue . Makiki Street . . . . ; Kali hi Road, and Ceckley Street ......... ....... 14 it ..2 u u ..5 u ..2 i. 2 . ...3 , i (SURBIAK: TRUST CO., Ltd. . t 5ECona.ELOoa juDD-i:- u i ldi Mg ; coRNEn foht Ar.'D U ..4 ng : u!A:jT tt u - 5 - . STAK BULLE' IX, TUESDAY, .lULY HONOLULU CO, 1912 t .3-- 1 mum: IT. ME whs XLiS four A LEAD - " A OFF with ' TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY PRESS AGENT LAUDS HEf J WISE AND HIS SHOW The press agent says: I verily believe that 'If Hen Wise was to give a performance on a drygoods box , he would get an audience, and' if you my assertion. Just drop into the doubt ' Mk. inaepenueni: ineaier, on uoiei uiue mi dcavor to benefit the community at CiinrxKnne Till Ifnnrle III large. From the time of Its organiza- lirlnrl Ml IVU v M v LI Wl I tj I III II VWWW in . tlon criticism has been barred from j the club, as the members meet with night of Newcomers Life of City ! the thought participant in the that Big Hbtises and evening there surely must have been The remark was made the other day the program are doing their very best at least 1 000 paid admissions. I stopped Much Applause by a woman who has made Honoluf?i and no fault it to be found with- them. In for two shows and was. surprised Besides the musical program.- there 'ht-ee totn performances Jammed to to home for the part few year, that are usually two or three papers read - Raymond Teal's name on the bill- waiting on the oth he doors altJTourh Honolulu is an advanced on the life of some n ma which the Liberty theatre pre-town for Iti size and thre are a great nit fans or on some topic that" Js of an and. when ntfanc,came rented to a packed houseful of pat- - utsIdtt! !aJn Aflague on the many thinking women herej there Js Interest to musicians'. Each .year the Sisters rohs last nighfis. printed in capltals,the tite. ne 813 nImo?t a dearth of woman's clubs. members are more enthusiastic, and irisa ! a"? Mnf ; and Mr. 'leal has the typographical This may seem to be the casefor the each year the waiting list " grows itiizjr A.csvsirs cKJtif rvti icu nuia (or coming, t& Js the. headllner boost an ovation, which was Justly earned, women's cluljs probably because of longer. The program committee Is an a very good sho.v that ha3 several as, cf dispositions the little girls are beautiful singers the retiring of cultured one, and a splendid program features to hit the popular fancy. women in general receive little pub- active the song was Illustrated w ith j A has been arranged Cor the comjng A a good deal of a girj show, and It's ' pretty licity. colored slides. A After the r ' - ir".-',- . ; ' year. eight are for the. and the chorus of 'ten dashing youu.i There entries Just came; organizations a very Interesting photo If the chprch are to be singles- - tennis , championship. ladies Is not a disappointment In the ' ladies College Club. Tho play entitled "The Girl and! the Cow considered rlubs, ther really areaboJt pulchrltudinousness. on wi!i decided V matter The' which be this week cf the organized for was College Club boy," The many which was well worth the price as clubs as there are women to u9 .cuu... .uuuwiuuu8 belong to them., The four most prom- the purpose of maintaining the college ereui admission. Then came Katie MI1- u of .t raggy" known f players the effect scme In of best women the the 8iqzVtoni college x among feeling older the clubs-Iwhom inent con?ldr to be the peer the city are the Morn same Unes.. ;.;The)r of . aU comediennes Ing Music Club the College Club, "the of Honolulu and of promoting that Islands, and .play la certain to pro- - fng was ..alons that have played brightly:cusfcumed lively, haraanJ wo good younger keen interest. vide and among tennis feeling same the jare n Honolulu since the theaters first Outdoor Circle of the Kllohana Art pace; fast, j working,-an- d set a a; for : not noon D: were are swings meetings today, at made men. Most of the opened to the peopte of this Territory, league and the Women's Auxiliary of moves A beginning fast show thoroughly fioa being that as follows: are pairings public, the but to the Katie has a style of singing that is the Outrigger ,CIuK;,-.- : , ; , themselves, , enu. m. itvs. by a members t enjoyed Mrs. u Kutn the uarton miss ever pleasing and a magnetism that Is The Morning Music Club Is perhaps fl "Tom 'and Jerry' is the name . of the the maintains U D. Gregory D. vs. and been-or-Mrs. Miss raised richards; has club simply unresisting. The song she sang The the oldest of these.- having . plot pre-in- g just nd the as is fo? the Day ,Wilder Fund PhilUps: Dr. Violet Memorial music-loVdainty' tsMiss L was a cooa ditty called "That canlzed eight years ago by Carolina Rag.". After her encore, on women who wished ' not only : to vention of tuberculosis, and it also MUs E. Phillips AMIss Edna Smith vs. mixed: as the name suggests. ' to do wfi.h mistaken I Jentitles and rushed the king of all fools. Hen Wise. Improve themselves, but to promote has established a loan fund with which Miss Juile.tte Atherton. obtaining a young women in A Two matches will be played tomcr--1 wIId misunderstandings betweetf husr Then pandemonium started among the the musical . sentiment' In their t home It aids always! is club' town. Here in Honolulu, where there, college education. .The row afternoon, the first, between Mrs. l banda afld wives ending with the crowd as Hen handed out scream afany good do to willing an4 a euch-eadand ter screanv I never, saw an audience are to few concert .and recitals, Barton and Miss Richards at 4, and;sual educatlon-who licking good special- - so well pleased with a comedian and chorus. Several n club seems almoxt necessary to those work that comes within the nther. in which Mrs, Or?orv will care for something more than the a scope.' The social meetings are aN meet Miss L. Phillips, at 4.30. All tneUes are introduced. Ir. Teal, who Is his wittfclsms: and Hen always has a ragtime. When this club was first or- - ways enjoyed and they tend to keep plsy in this, event will be at Bere- - DIliea In. low minor ey as a. macjt Dunch or them newry constructea. uei Duuer, suaaeniy comes io . me lore the laughs and he got em, I myseir Kanlzed the fnembershlp-'walimited to ''(He 'members more 'closely.; In. 'touch tanla. twenty-five- " with a song and monologue that can't see how he does itbut he active rrifntbers. .but' two with each' other. Heretofore a course years later five new r nes vie admit-- , tf lectures has been part of ;the .year's down 'tbe house.y burlesquing talnlyj does. The climax was reached up was HAIR iasi HELPFUL HlfiTS'OH given, grand bpeia, In fa;aray that', when" Katie and 'Hen finished their this present but jTogram.: oncers Italian the time At .ted. the year and .as yei u is noi ,ruuw brought Ith a hula dance. Well.; the him a dozen; curtainxalls. He stunt coo noi tninK u wise to raise me HEALTH finally had to explain to the audience audience roared and so did I. I play As the ladies drop out of whether It will be taken up again. ' him and his little theater as winners the .club, those ' on the waiting llL The Outdoor Circle. . that the show must go oh. ' Generally Scalp Troubles and Ilalr , A , which from the beginning has been a The company. Is giving two. shows in this race.' Although'the Outdoor Circle of the A . Caused by Carelessness 'A ' long one, are voted In to fill the va mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm early, gOln Starting" youngest tllghtly, like the Kilohana Art League Is the cancies. Aide from the active mem- -' oi the WOmen's clubs in the city the ending for'Sup-and time in mischief Dandruff Is a contagious disease privileged are the btrs there and womn are taking much interest In it sociate ones." The former are those and ag started- off with $ iTush and has already received mucb k,m0., MflV .,o ,ftn,hr company who for some reason or other have Bpace jn the papers the people know a and ' banS ir. the opening; success is ? f to some oce else. No .. m. been unable to continue the active Mtt wpII what its aim is and what brush i bu; st work and who are tulowed to attend I has been able to accompiisa hub matter how cleanly the owner may be, may Infectedbe with articles these - r all of the mectlnffs, without the priv- far. ' It may be said v liere however . , ' The cast: . ' ilege of a vote. The latter attend only that the aim of this organization Is. to microbes, which will infect your sc P- - jerry Fields ' Going to the the open meetings. Usually thirty or make Honolulu beautiful, and there is It is far easier to catch hair microbes Tom , Jories. . Chesebro get them, ana of rid than it forty of the associate, and privileged every that It will succeed. single stroke of an Infected comb or&sam:....:t. 'members ere present, at these rneet- - ' The Indication ; . .Chalt'les Le Roy Woman's Auxiliary of the Out- brush may well lead to baldness. John O'Neill 7, . v )Clalre Davis ; O'Neill. Mrs., John rigger Club is In itself a unigue or- Never try on .''anybody else's- hat. CicHt Meetings a Year. . Lilli,c Sutherland ' ... Jerry Mrs. FJint ganization, or it would seem so to one Many a a" resting place for Mrs. Tom Jones ... . . Cor?hne. Carkeek is The club 'assembles eight times dur' To Laugh at Hawaii and Its' ' . a ing the year, the first meeting beln? unfamiliar with microbes.: uin ieanne Jaacft.eiiie, uoi uoa grass'- houses on .. the ht-lin October and the last In May. you, happen to be troubled with 8'ey.. Myrtle Jespersoiv A'lvlra Arville, nn If A Hi To Jnterest.strangItching-scalDuring this time 'there are at J?ast grounds are. enough to dandruff, falling or half " Motile. AFnnerity,. . r Carson, Dollie Eva ' to those of three epen Jmcetlns, and more if the Trs;and they ate attractive remedy which Stone, June .Martin; ?ab Swope, Bill 'accusgmea to baldness we have a oHIcers think it wise. The, cloW4, meet- iisi'Vho,' have tccora Wo believe, will completely jeJieye iie De Long. j' u a.w ings are held ' at the homes of the them. 'This clubhas ho other, object these troubles, ..We. are, sa sure, of this, Scene Th residence ?o the Jone 'And ' to women and that We offer it to you with the under- famMy. Morning.' ' ' members, and during V ft yct;r than to give "pleasure , M i. . recitals have be"tn' given at girls fortunate ,on,c.:3;h to belpng to It standing that it. will cost you nothing lialph Martin, Musical numbers Knwaiahao IScmir.trj. ' The "majority of One of the best features of the club, is fpr the trial if It does not produce the musical director., ' the club members "ere 'women. ' Who that there Is , a chapercne on- - tue results we claim. This remedy is call-grounds every afternoon who keeps a ed Rexall 493 Hair Tonic. . We hon- - nn I haye gone Into 'the club Afinc TIIDM lilCUAD and' v most of them,, watchful,, eye on the young girls who estly believe it to be the most sc en-- , T "uumiiuo umi uioi m An4 See the though accomplished musicians, con- v s t the club gtounds The lady who,tIfic remedy for scalp, and hair t ou IfJTO REAL TRIUMPH I sider themselves amateurs,- The other at the present time acts as chapercn bIes and we,gnow pf nothing else BRAND NEW PHOTO PLAYS members, who ere more experienced is to say the least capable and the that equals It be-a effectiveness, for or who are ;profiK.ional musicians, en- - mothers of the young members as well " " Ivpn last, night; cause of the results it has produced ia .disaster 1 ; 1 A X JSVSS ; OR fcf-far- ollard' S Juvenile Op 2ra Co. ""j p"-- Iptciai In 1 W A r well-know- J (Management of IL Klpllna) EL CONY i A ML" JOU TOSATEn es the club officers place the utmost, confidence In her. There 3 re however .a few fault to be found with the organization, the bath house is not large enough td accommodate the members and others who are eligible to mem- -' bershlp are unable to become such j lor this . same reason. Iu time, how- - j ever, this will be remedied for when the funds are raised no doubt aa addition will be made to the house. For the present the men in the Outrigger! Club have come. to the rescue of their Opening wives and. sisters and are putting up Sees a bath house for their, Leneut, ACTIVITY IN LOCAL FIELD i AMUSEMIITG. Vaudeville Program The Entire Corn pny Taking Part DRIGHT AND SPADKL1NG MUSIC e . vJlJ j Hear TEDDY M' NAM An A NaUEENIE WILLIAMS NELLIE f.VNAMARA EVA POLLARD - ,. . ' C ; A-.'- ."' - kid--die- s, . . Cy Request, the Motion Pictures ' THE THREE MUSKETEERS THE DEATH" OF NELSON Jl n a : -- JL LLaiJM rri ilwj Manastment of R. Kipling : - eye-open- er -- It-ha- s , . - -- y - clinch-and-make-u- p - ulotion Pictures; rol-th- o i cer-biin- Only . .. 1 Changed . - - . . - TreoTimes a Yetk gs FOR MONDAY'AND TUESDAYj .: mem-bershi- n. 1 : .:., . . - rZZ jrSfiSs .' - nint.;; .;..p0r - ' - ; v Comedy) two show; . Pathe's Weekly of Current Events, Including Shrlners at Atlantic City 4 AUGUST 7: TOM DUnROV3 Champion club swinger of world will swing them day and night for; eighty A hours. v . m f l 4 r-- ' pjctua rjzv; MATINEES DAILY : 1 , r .tveryiiOoy, s Com It! . . Prisoners of the Mohicans (Indian) Too Many Burglars (Comedy) For 'Massa's Sake (Story of Slave Days) WhifTle's Hard " Luck Stories (Pathe , hat-ban- d 1 -- . - . p, I the-ope- 1' , th'f n t T f7 . i '. v.. . ForYcm 1 j : AU CU jT -- A. C. vs. H, A. C. vi. C i 1:C 3;::-- . -- - 1 AInto----triuntp-h- 'Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is devised to performance "of A "Tfr6 Mikado"' be? banish dandruff, restore nlturai co?or i cause of the death- of ihe real Mikado When Its loss has been brought about In Tokio, the Pollartfs, switched into A. ho vaudeville with Cnly ft; ;' 'A A ; tice. . ? Tho Vfini.fl woo ' o rnnil.olTOd rvnA and vera enthusiastic and although by disease, and make the hair naturally silky, soft and glossy. It does .thia because it stimulates the hair follicles, destroys the germ matter, and brings yiv&ioM ""j,u?"' " aooui a iree, rJieaiiny circuiauon or 10 Cv clock, everyonel' blood, which nourishes the hair roots. nearly half-pa- st causing 'them to tighten and grow new . stayed." A succession of specialties.; Xa 1 1' : v the even- -',t t j wno uas any fnnrl a nirtttra nr twrt filled " uair. vve waai everyooay trouble with hair or scalp to know that ng',and the speclaltes wre unusualwe think that Rexall "93" Tonic JyJ?1er : Tivo Big Specials few-hour- s ' r Tf -- O- - : '"it u:ll Lb' a- - Sizes 4 to 14 yearsl Worth $150' at - r n is the . X ; : tonic and restorative best-hair- , f X:" after AA -- 5 . 1 1: , t.) 1 p. in., at M. A. C 1 Kins ord Fort. r, , POtH n It n nU UU 91ti tL Jii VOtY ' . Mcamarajwas ; f- stunts, among whicaiwas, .a' bcotcn turn dtfring .which Chef1 sang, "t Lovel a tASSie. .'rJva fouara in sougs. anu dances. Nellie McNmara In a beautiful contralto solo.AQueenle Williams Willie in a pessimistic sc(rt Bevan with a recllr clever topical Jeooking; part of it song on paper-ba- g at or doubt this statement until they have pu-- . our claims to a fair, test, with 95 c aay v- - ' CLEAN AND WHOLESOME ENTERTAINMENT I Prices, 10c and 15c ' Two Performances 7:30 and 9 ''Management of , Hen Wise - Reserved Toats fcr c r t wlr. s can i O. Hall & Son's rport!;. ; (entrance Klnsr ftreet) t:; , stand and the . understanding .that they pay us nothing for. the remedy, if it doe3 not give full and complete satisfaction in every particular Two sizes, 50 cents By the and $1.00. Remember,' you csn obtain uexaii Kemeas in Honolulu only at impromptu. Donagho, Joy Lesl our store Tne Kexail store. Benson, ' Moore in dances, And all the others . Smith' & Co Ltd .Fort and Hotel ' rnrPri individual buU. Sts. A In' fact, the sho was good enough to deserve' patronage' during the two be given. ; MISS ETHEL DAMON TO more nights whcnit-wi- n . TEACH AT PUfJAHOU; K. of P. HALL, SATU R DAY, AUG. r - - y 'of-son- g,' : jams 95c All Sizes, ford. xuiss xumeL ai. uaraon. is to have a position next yeac in . the languages department at Punahou, teaching French and (Jerman. Miss Damon Is a graduate of Punahou and of Welles- ,'ey wKo has spent several years abroad .'perfecting herself In German partlcu- -' laxly; which she is making her cialty. The position to which she" comes Is a new position created for the first time this year. She is a niece of SM. Damon and P. W. Damon and - , a sister of P. B. Damon. A'. 1912; -- In food 3, 8 P. M. Ernest Kaai's Club will furnish Music for - the making-- ; IK world-fame- d i. - . Refrigerators of Permanent Satisfaction ! Combined ?whole ,wheat and barley in suh a way that it is PARTLY digested before being eaten. ' v- . Star-Spangl- ed decision, which is thatAvo win on periority in every particular. .Prices $3.75, VZZZf $130, Etc 45 Styles in Stock to 1M su- OWN . A GURNEY MODEL OR JEWEL AND FEEL HAPPY YOU HAVE THE BEST .'a .M.f7 IflWft CTBPCT , . ... ; , .;A ..... ; BOMKE At . Klllhl, Honolulu, July j 23, Mrs. Wilhelmina Bomke, aged 33 .years.-,.;- " A. ;A ..A. Av .;."a.--' The funeral services for the late Mrs. Wilhelmina Bomke will be held undertaking parlors tomorat Silva's . 1 x a rrv j row suieruoou ai uciutn. 4UC, ' c . -- The newest last in the Crossett factory and correct for this season; ' The Expert Wat;:.- -: 113 FC.1T C7.1Z.A, Our Price - $5 Special Sale When you , want the styles a little ahead, com to us. Children': Ribbed Kc:2 'jnains.will . X be'1 at the 'same place ' at 5:20 this afternoon. a ' Llanufacturery SATU R D AY, AU G U ST 3, AT 4 P. M. v A-:- ! Thus the expert solved the ' problem of? perfect digestion for , PACarthy 1C51 V those who my be, below par. Thco,s d Ilccsoh' for! 12- - f Ibc pair Colors Clack and Tan SALE DEGIN3 MO.'iDAY, Shoe Co., Ltd., Ilillinor PROF. L. A. DE GRACA KUPA vs. BAUERSOCK Eight Rounds LAYMAN vs. wright; kets Teacher of Violin Mandolin. Banjo and Gritar. New and easy method. For terms, etc., apply "Teacher." this office. A studio at Dr. Schurman's, 175 Beretanla St, will be opened Aug. 10. ErerTfMn? In - Co.- - UtA St.r. Ilnllpffn. lliVi Merchant street nr!nfln a f root. ltn CIiop Carved Ivcry and Sandalwood Fans. nt nti Drop In and see them. Beautiful Six Rounds PRICES: $2, SI. 50c 25c ickets on Sale at M. A. Gunst & 15 Fort Street, Near Ciretan?a Has ah entire new line, of IIat3 ar J . Trimmings Just frpm the Eastern mar- Music Tuiiion Fifteen Rounds julV FORT STREET VS. . :'-- "AV-.-Av- - The DIASTASE in the .barley, in the pre$encN of" ' heat and moisture,' changes tho more or less indigent bio starch part of the grain irHo an easily digested form of susr just as the or-- ) gans of th; body change it if they operate properlyi- - - ; I T , " ' Ox- member' of the Athletic Park BAXD COXCERT. The band will give a public concert this evening! at Thomas Square ,at A; . 7:30. The program, will be: March: Liberty. Bell . . . . . . . . Sousa Overture: Ivan ; ....... . . .." Conterno Kings of Ice Savers Intermezzo: Cavallerla Rustlcana. . . . . ,". .;.... . . . . Mascagnl Selection: Spring Maid . . . einhardt It is now refrigerator . weather tx Vocal: Hawaiian. Songs. ar. by Berger actly the time when the qualities of a Selection: The Tattooed Man ..... .. .. .. Herbert Tefrigerator are put to a test and its ....... Strauss Thou Thoii Waltz: and worth thoroughly appreciated. A ' Finale : El Capitan . . ... . 4 . . . . Sousa Banner The You need not exporimeict with our line; others have done this. Take their :a :: a :v DieD. i A Calf and Tin Russia Calf, " both high and low. ADMISSION, 75 CENTS A Foo3 military FAMILY, Comes in Patent Colt, Dull . , e, CROSSETT Glee Club ' high-to- heel, Duttori. Coot and Kamehameha ; 1 In 12 New Slyks, A new ' SOUTH CZA HAWAII CURIO CO. Young Cu a ''-- HONOLULU G FOR RENT Mothers Cannot FURNISHED per month House on Kewalo St., Three Bedrooms $75 per month. Lfllti 11 The only milk you can be absolutely sure of is milk purified by electricity, the one perfect method.' Bishop Trusty Co., Ltd; JVff BETHEL STREET II I -- rt -. lUVIAl 1 u mm M 'u M. 0p emng Day of Our a of 95,3f)0 authorized, and In the . V. A. "U. Ul ' .T AA.1. lrWli. on foreign soil, though it can if 11 All our milk is thus puri- fied. As to its richness' ard flavor, we shall be plad to have you judge' of UUxllllJ 1 of thesi force3 should be aTailable for service anywhere." lanf f?rc!J of ieLC1S5prise'In vedlS t,herreu,i c.,r milk they are giving the baby is pure or not. "' 1012 Scheme Includes Force of Ten Thousand Men for Oahu with Large Reserve Composed of Who Have Served . Their Time With the Colors T V by tasting it, whether the SO, iv;prAniniFnflV:nnADniN; r (LIJ LI I Sweeping, changes In the make-u- p of the United States array, which are of special interest to Oahu, are em-bodied in the report of the General ni if include, not only a force of 10,000 men for Hawaii, as announced some months a:o. Out also a laree reserve force. $45 TUESDAY, JULY X, " I Tel! House on Green St., Two Bedrooms, im 0FU.8. i B24 EEF S STAK-BULLtTI- Na- m . Annual volun- - ' fe ed their time with the colors, and r. who will then be encouraged to re- CbangVEnlishment In cyder. tb raise the compliment of main in the Territory as Federal remen the General Staff propos-- j t:alneH 't-y. servists. - y'f:. ;. The General Staff has completed its plans for an entire. reorganization an( changff the terms of the Dresent en- -' increase, of this country's military es- lishmfnr contract tp conform to tne tablishment, a work upon which it has. been engaged ever since it , wa3 "It Is only necessarv to Drovlder founded some months ago. Although the report containing these plans is says she General. Staff report, "that a now in type, it will probably not be man'y service shall consist of two per-- ; presented to Congress at this session, irds ;.one period lth the eolers, and owing to the fact that members of the either a period of war obligation the Senate and House Committees on for & limited time after leaving the Military Affairs desire ample time In servce. Under these circumstances which to consider all the provisions wheji.war is declared the active army recommended by the General Staff. is. aV once sent into the field ana tnv Among those most active in' the con- former soldiers having a wir obliga- - j ferences on these plans are' Senator ttorn are assemb!ed In denots whwl Root of New York,, former Secretary thef can be forwarded-'tthe front as of War, and Senator QuPont, of Dela necjied, The- - enllsfmeht. contract fare, Chairman' tf the Senate Comis for six 'years,? divided halt mittee on Military Affairs. an haif. Hpweye; by' tar the gre't-es- t , The plan for the reorganization of number of mien required for war the army, as drawn up by the Gen pu Eposes under, the4 pljn; proposed by eral Staff, is declared by experts to th General ' Staff will have to oe be the ; most important and compre- drjiwn from civil life. Under present hensive piece of constructive work cojiditions, - the General Staff ''points ' along these lines; ever performed In oiC; the only citizen soldiers in the j this country. It is also regarded as TTfited .States are, furnished by the marking the" first thematic military National Guard, which is under state policy yet drawn up for the land control and owes only incidental sup- -' forces of ; the United States. While I$rt to the federal government. In i some of its details have been em- trTie of peace the National JJuard can. bodied in Congressionalv bills or let- tei used only for intra-stat-e purposes ters of the Secretary of War, the re- sjich as the suppression of strikes or port has, never yet' been made public Reaches of the peace, unless In the' ' . in its entirety. , very inprobible; event that it. is called j ' Be Always Prepared. ijpon by the Resident to serve, in , The great object sought to be gain- fuelling disorder in some state. A re-' ed is the organization of the army on ruling'of Attorney 1 Wick-fent General a footing of constant readiness for war, with a permanent expeditionary Arsham declarfs that under no .ck- force' always ready for instant service. e called upon to serve outside of tho In order to Insure this result, it Is re United States. The General Staff pro--1 commended that the forces liable for give FedeVal pay to National iboses to duty anywhere be increased about ."Guardsmen who will comply with fed seven. 'times. ';" of soldiership and who standards eral proarmy In the regular the highest jwill agree also in : of war to sen-- 1 posed unit of organization is raised and the Tnnhlle branches, which In follow the national colors to, any elude all arms except the coast' artil-anQuarter of the globe. Thi:suggestlon lerv. are divided into two narts. the-Is fnrpisrn and the dnmofitlr. ThftVdiv it thought, get Uround the con-- i mestic service is to be kept,pennan-;- i sututionarprovlsiortwhich regards thej 1 C n ijf HpniltV K .!fl7 TfirPV-- f , ; v' " " ently in continental" United j States "I minua.wnoiiy as alstate fofce.i Fetferal'.Volunteerid; ; service- - Us'i foreign while the sent to American territory elsewhere The second supply of citlzrn' solto remain, as an organization, out diers which the General Staff hjopes to r.PP4M rlTiTTM ? side of this country for good. nSr- create In time of peace . : In additional to a proposal maVinj Ramovet Tan, Plmla-- . possfwill'fceiXjrgsred 5s jfederalj t'reckiea, JlotH Parehrfor the federalization, ;within Constj-tutlon- volunteers, men "vviii sign art!-- , U 3 nee an! every bienit. limits, of the. present Nation.! cles to pport ;tlJpINati6nal governon tautr. rid General Staff alffo Guards the detection. I .State ment In war, but will not be; called hMUH'd the tt: new creauon two oi troubles-saviyps upon to serve in intra-Stat- e csks ior tne of ua yexii hut U c harmless v of American soldier; namely, the, as a lasV resource. They are "to tastelttobsur' volunreservist and the. federal la jroptr iuali be organized under prearranged plans "Accept noc6unur teer, the latter to be recruited in tirfte when greater foiCea are reauired than itt ofDt. J A of peace. .for war; service, and beld'ie- - can' be farhished by t&e;regular army J Savrw said to a Sponsible, only to the central govern and the organized citizen soldiery. The lady of lh hu too (a pattcut): 2 ment.. peace organization of the regular 'A jrou laJiet will ' nse thm. The General Staff also recommends srmy with the orginized division raeommeni that the present regular army be Reas tha least bannful of all tbt in'(JiurnnilV CrrHiti naia guard of should national the by all dnntKlta and ancy ioft." Pt lieved of police duties In Alaska, i?nd clude the machinery for the recruiting tkin Qoooi DeaJcri In ha United SUtaa, Canada and Eoropa, suggests that peace be preserved in organization, and mobilization of this firj.T.K:fTJS. Prsi; 37 bid fan Sfct W that district by a federal constabulary third great line of national defence." to be legislated into existence by This division of the citizen soldiers', If this suggestion becomes into' State and federal volunteers, says law, the nit'ed States will have,? for : BSG-Areport, "would afford obvious adthe tCe first time in its history, a poice to4 all concerned: the Na- are made on force owing Its authority directly to vantages latest London;, tional Government would know upon and New YorktheCustom the federal government. Lasts. In outlining the importance of jthis what forces it could count; the States QUARTER SIZES ' .' reorganisation, the General fetaff could' proportion their forces to local points out that the land forces o the needs and individuals would have the REGAL SHOE STORE serthe particular kind'-ono condition choice; United States are now-iKing and Bethel Streets ; vice they preferred; that is, State to face the armies of a first-l- ass with limited war liability ; or war power, and maintains that the servive only, under the national gov- prepare country so to sity for this it BUY YOUR v ' ernment". self is immediate and imperative. By way of increasing the efilcency ."Whatever our military institutions the army,; both regular and volunof may be," says the .report, "we must It is recommended that the presteer, 4 recognize the fundamental fac- that regular; victory is the' reward of superior ent "complex of units without J K COBS O N B R O S. force, that modern wars are shwrt and grouping" be absolved. In place of Hotot Street. Pantheon Block decisive, and that trained armies can taking the regiment as a field unit, the.! General Staff advocates the creation alone defeat trained armies." f :, of divisions, consisting of nine regiProgresa Sinc6Spanish War. V .report to the?, "close ments each of infantry, and brigades IF YOU TOSU TO ADVERTISE IN refers The lfetw,een comprising three regiments each of ,; contact recently establishei" NEWSPAPERS , "great nations and the races,! a con cavalry. This plan would necessitate, Anywhere at Anytime, Call Oh or tact which "tends to become i contin says tie report of the General Staff, ,r Write '. ually closer, due to the incrtease of an Increase in the number of Brigadfer ; E. C DRAKE'S ADVERTISING iopulatlon and . national needs." The Generals to seventeen, as against the AGENCY report then goes on to say : "With present authorized "complement of fif- 124 Sansome Street S;in Francisco teen. The number of major generals, this close contact thus so recently comes a competition, com- vould 'stay at'the present authorize mercial, national and racia, whose nnmber of six ultimate seriousness current events K'sw Divisions.. , already enable us to gauge, "ince our The organization of the regular conflict with Spain in 1898' pactically army, on the division basis Is declarOAH U FURNITURE CO. all of the principal nations of the ed to be the moving reason for the actively enearth hive either been proposal to reduce the number of gaged In war or else brought to the rrmy posts from forty-nin- e to eight, a King Street, opposite- Young Hotel verge of actual war. The evidence is step which would replace the present P. O. Box 840 Phone 3092 clear that the nations and aces cap dispersal of the regular land fortes by , able of maintaining and protecting a greater concentration. It is proposthemselves are the only one who can ed to make each of these eight army in flourish in this world competition. posts a division headquarters under " In the light pt present the new arrangement. "The rational day conditions it is estimated that .at and economic Way of disposing of our the outbreak of war with si. first class tioops" says the forthcoming report Dower we should be canabe of mobil of the General SJaff, "In time, "of, peace j OZQ nOnOlllIU izing at once in the United Statesman ;s to quarter simple but. cub- in them effective force of 460,00 mobile buildings in or ner large CORNER ALAKEA AND KING STS. troops and 42,000 Coast Aitillery; that fctantial towns, where all existing utilities may this is the minimum nunTber of. first to made use of." v-line troops necessary; nnd that to v Among NO PRESERVATIVES IN the secondary changes rec: augment this, force and replace its by the General Staff is the losses we should have ptyns made for emmended many army PIONEER MILK raising immediately au aauitionai operations bureaus whose fields or . overlap or show to fail . All force of 300,000 men. J proper teamwork. A revision of the THE BEST MILK FOR ' present system of promotion for offALL PURPOSES is also advocated.. icers Your Grocer Sells It TO CORE A COLD III j:iE DAY "So you think you would Improve Take Laxative Bromb Quinine Whether a thing is right or wrong the ballot?" All druggets refund Tablets. may depend opon who does it you or rehelp improving "We it," couldn't the fiioney if it faife to cure. plied young Mrs." .' fellow. the other have "I E. W. Grove's signature is on seen pictures of a Torkins. Every young widow and every spin lot of ballots, and each box j the decorations on them were simply ister imagines is up to a bache PARIS MEDICINE CO., SwXoua V 3 4W .yj';-. v jlor to explain. atrocious."-.- ,, ,:r . : ! that for yourself. Let us terve you. J A -- Honolulu Dairymen's Association will buy . I 75-fo- frontage ot o ; Phono 1542 BUNGALOW and LOT' with cn Fort street. . pro-pofje- d; " , House has been built about eighteen months. Terms given. i : i ? Tor particulars apply 0. If there's one thing that does not admit of any guessing it's G. Lansing, fitting.,- .v.: , ., ; - : . i w. cm, a-- AT LAW ATTORNEY KDiolenl Cuilding , . " P f Honolulu, Vtt O. Do . . - A. N. Sanford, v . "o'ptician'- - ; K Boston - .. . SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES Our Spectacle Fitting is done; on the basis of knowing how from start to finish. It's a success! 1 MERCHANT STREET' ' - ' Watch This Space for Bin Sn2cial Announceziznt i - Building Fort Street May & Co. Over - d f .w..,. .1 to--l)- 5: " - ' STOCKS. ovne. IB O N D S IS U RANGE 76 nrrcrj ttl ITlilllili Our wonderful new developing and printing equipment is giving perfect results. ARCHITECT. lotel SL. Oregon K.A S Honolulu ' ; DRINK ..lay's f . Bid.. Tel. ', " "Everything '. .j . ... .. . n . . i , ; ; i'f i. , n . T Justttach it t the ehardeliep in place cf a " lamp. less current than a lamp. It . We have them complete from Y i la ty J. Uo u J. s. SHOES PI L set-vic- Photographic' The Hawaiian Electric Co., 1; e, SHOES; - Phone 1271 i n -- C O. & ' X : Con-gres- . 4 BEST IN THE MARKET H E N R V M A Y . : Photo Supply Co., Old Kona Coffee ,. on-para- " Let us show you. . .. ' j."...; It takes more tfian the iu3sstion ta ksrp cotl th;ja fce done 'only with art ' , a 9 dis-trie- fs It is the most modern way and the best way.' t 1 Rates Reasonable. i:o'i ' .V, fcytl-er- al fi&eioii- r:mmates Furnished on Building : fv.-- - e J. HOLFilBERG ' v reIly.cin e , ". rJi -' situibu-ntmc- f 4i,.f al m REAL ESTATE ! LOANS NEGOTIATED n Pirrir for-wa- r For GENERAL OFFICE STATION- - - ii T . RY and FILING SYSTEMS, call or . ' o . '- - . TOUU write to us and we will 'fill your wants. STtAfWi Office Supply Co., Md., corns pot W1 FORT STREET VAST! . can not be made without great heat, a temperature, lard at little higher. Butter smokes- - at too low --- . r . Graduates Attention ' CARBON PAPER AND TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Anything In basket and bouquet - vrcrk with class ribbons at reasonable rilcee. firs. p. E. ' Teller, Flcrlst r;-- THE Successors to V; Crown & Lyon Co Ltd. ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING Everything in Books' ; - ;''' Beretania Street IN SACHS CLOCK 72 i V- - BAKER' &. HOKE,' Pro ps : UmiUd , Dry Goods Store - , ' P. H. BURNETTE Commissioner of Deeds lor Califor nia and New York; NOTARY PUBLIC; Grants Marriage Licenses. Draws Mortgages, Deeds, Bills of Sale, Leases, Wills, etc Attorney for the District Courts. 70 MERCHANT ; Phone 1346. : ORANGE BLOSSOM CANDIES The Most Popular Cannes Made on the Coast HONOLULU DRUG CO, LTD. 1024 Fort St. Telephone 1354 K. Frazier Company : . Townsend "Undertaldng Co. ChvJj v fOTTE ph(r ADVIETISlLtl 1371122 KOA FURNITURE That's thei secret of the deliciously crisp food some today. , Ktnr St. , ,. . Limited Night and Day Phone, 1325 71 BERETANIA it makes. Ordsr y - -- At All Grccei r - Crossroads Bookshop, . ! ; ; Hotel SL opposite Alex. Young Cafe. - -- . A. B. ARLEIGH & CO. Limited CRISCO, the new vegetable oil cooking compound, will not smoke at 455 F. It gets so hot that it cooks the outside of the ' food at once, and grease' can not soak In. . Everything 1 Furniture ....t0.t Ultt '75 ' H TTT) . n : IT) C 1 : THE BEEF. THAT COMES TO lS FROM PARKER RANCH, IS THE KIND THAT PRODUCES BRAWN AND BONE. IK YOUR DIET HAS NOT BEEN RIGHT AND YOU Dp NOT FEEL FIT, ORDER' A STEAK FROM US. " 1 . Metropolitan Meat Market HEILDRON & LOUIS TELEPHONE 3445 HONOLULU ... TUESDAY, JULY.30, 1912 8TAR-BULLB1I-N, -- x,, , J4 substituted for drinking cups for men to take to their cells at night? Why can't the Jail yard be covered with a cement floor so that spittle and waste food, etc.. can i washed out each day? Why shouldn't the barber disinfect his razors, especially after having shaved a man with running or open 11.1LE CfllElfJTM b-- : " sores on his face ? What I have written Is enough to open some people's eyes if they will but see. Do not think I have said the worst that I might . say. 'A sense of decency and a consideration for the esthetic tastes of that half of human ity that does not know' how the other half lives restrains me from saying ";.v"' .1 more. :'v: V '::! :': According to "one who knows," to use his exact words, "these smaller and county work offenders of the city for the benefit of ' the, community and earn during their term of confinement many times the ,cost of their mainte-nance- ." Then for Heaven's sake why are they not given more humane treatment?" Why should they every now and then be obliged to strike on account of quality or insufficiency, of food? .. T 5 Nomination of Delegate , " 1 J2)ji r ly announced in the meeting held a 1 If they want To be poried ;6n Account of true to their color why not nominate . a Republican instead of selecting tho Kuhio Sentiment Democratic regular nominee namely, tlnk McCandles. whom thjey opposed .Declaring that they fear the dis- in the past campaigns? "The business men have taught ua franchisement or the Hawaiian voters to be loyal to the party' and its men, Is at hand, and believing It is best lor them,: 'and "the Hawailans generally,' ?nd yet .when they found .that ".they to elect a Hawaiian delegate to Con- could not control the' present Delegate gress, the Home Rulers at their con- to Congress, (they arose In unity ' and ' vention held yesterday in the Notley declared war'agilnstPriricev Kuhio." '' hall postponed the nomination of their Htvlves Mohcnk Story. During Ills' speech before his audidelegate to Congress until September. ' According to the rules 'of the party, ence yesterday Notley said that; at a the Home Rulers should ' 'nominate convention held some time ago in" Ii 1 V 3 men Intelligent their delegate. in, the July convention, where wise and but the Jlome Rulers deferred the of the United States discussed mitten C .iA nomination of their delegate ,to , Con- pf great importance, the great ma jor-gress until after the Republican party ity of that convention wisnea to u- - dears No Malics. ' i Is Is blame? to it has selected a standard I carer to op- irencnise me jiawa.ia.ns. Jailor the Who uu-' uncj pose Kuhlo, as tbey'ttciri to'think It U that it was through ' the work' and or the sheriff or the political machine Will do. tile power's . that be? ' Is the 'Jail ' lcgenuit, bf Mr. W. 'R: 'Castle, 'who I or g in The Home Rulers at their conven- was present, that the convention .waa run as a graft as a money-makinany for consideration without stitution, polition yesterday discussed freely, the ad- able to take care for themselves or or Are humanity jnercy? Justice visability of endorsing Kuhlo." should tically, lie praised Mr? Castle for his ' there any Jail Inspectors? If so, who he run again Sor, delegate to Congress. good work In the. convention" and they get next Rut they, added that in the event . of re are a. few are they? Why 'don't the "hearersthat bis Let them come to mei I will Kuhlols refusing to run; which; " they men like Castle who are willing do to facts? them, and prove all I have- said to 's take said, 1s unlikely," ibey' will' nominate Justice, to the, Hawailans.' ". satisfaction. I bear no personal their Chas. K. Notley', the'bld standard 'bearNotley then proceeds to talk about malice to either the Jailor or the sher TT er of the Home Rule party. It is their his political strength as compared r ' ' this ' in system. WTite bui I iff, the Intention5 now, sald.the leading Home vfith Kuhio and Link McCandlesa. He ' Having y of humanity. interest the Rulers yesterday, to.flght.the dominat- tcld .Rulers that, If they turned my footsteps towards the' path ing" poWer br the .businessmen, who, only the Home many votes for him as "of honor and rectitude, 1 "have nothing as cast ' they added, have always (b?en trying Kalauokalahl to fear from any anticipation of pass'Davldv to rule over the poof people in Ha- they 'did for TclcT)l:or.D 1271 elected ' Sr.: he would . have : been''v.:-ing again through the" uninviting doors .v , waii.' . cx the last election?;; "of our Jail, but the sense of humanity President .Notley of the party anKalanokalanr' arose to announce that is within me cries out for the nounced his readiness to withdraw that ' he as prepared to resign the poor unfortunates Who ; are there npw from the running, should an occasion Vice presidency of the Home. Rule and those yet toTgo there. Hoping, this, present itself jopportunely In the .Seppnrty 44 order to' have more tlnw In article will stir up Something that will '. tember convention. "He said he would 'writingin'fOr present our in revolution Ruia, Home a Kuokoa in result the like to see either Kuhio or himself, '1 paxtyr He prison methods, and assuring all that elected. He' stated that the1 time has the political 'organ" 'of the' J to proof all supply the gladly time for the I will cope ,when the Hawailans' 'should said that Is was about" up many to and stated, thedutles the facts I have ; work, together shoulder to' shoulder" In younger people . to Jtake , unmentionable ones, I am, president, other vice ofSce of of the the political battle and show the enemy ' ON HAS BEEN THE ONE WHO his entire time ; "that the voice of the people Is great- vhile he would devote newspaper. I INSIDE. '. " ":' .The er than that of the few." 'Notley said to the editing of the " that If the businessmen intend to matter) however, was deferred for throw Prince Kuhiodown, the regu- further consideration by the, executive lar Republican candidate" for delegato committee of the Home Rule party, :. to Congress, and vote' for Link'ZIc-Candles- s, With the exception of several mema Democratic nominee, then bers "who haW died during5 the year, c;: I - 1 it Is about time for the Hawailans to the old officers of the executive comcome together and fight for their po- mittee were continued. After a gene' litical rights. ral discussion !for the betterment of the party, the convention adjourned jroTrraent. lEiimntcs JlcCandless 1-1-Jstotik 3 2 RIrds of a feather will Cock ten with the singing of Hawaii Ponoi, the getter," continued. Notley. - 'This- - Is Hawaiian national anthem, and preyer '""Super ylfpr'llurfay has come Ato the garment---ther- ef , v what the 'Inessmen have practical by vice president Kalauokalani. front, anv center 'adyocatlng the : purof city "and county supplies' and Just to think, of, H pork" , and, beans chase F 1F f f F competitive bids, through appliances for a dying man! " ' the' stahd taken .last from Judging . Ihavelbeen sick and" visited' hospi- evening when a special: resolution was 2 ox tals ; all over the world, so J. speak Introduced ,,by the. road "committee froni, experience.' Men that have trav- falling 'for.the appropriation.;! 700 elled krov ibout "Dead Man's- Hole" to: cover' the cost of an4 Iroquois as(Ccnllnncd from Pape 1) 'r i !1- in Jltvina eppositewhere thi V andcmixer;'v phalt kettle sunk, and can tell you something '? nVe' wahT compelltive bids on this is'a prison in any civilized country was ' ' v.hcre a worse condition exists. It is, about the'- black bottle which was srtl'cle,H Insisted Murray and I move FOR AGES 5 TO 14 to help that the, sty fe of asphalt ''mixed be In' fact, one of the vilest, dirtiest tu- given to every "gringo" sailor ' ''shuffle o5 this mortal coil," but stricken from the resolution and that v ; , berculosis 'dens to be found anywhere. him ' you got human treatment and you TL'ey built a hospital for this Jail, but advertise to instructed "clerk be r.::: the ' ";.4 v ' ' .' f' n docs anyone- know of any prisoner passed .away without pain like the for tenders. ; , ' who has ever. been put into. It?; Why dogs do. in Mr. 'Asch's gasatory. Chalrhlan Sam Dwight smiled, but ' 5 Mackall Dr. o'clock of called at 'f this useless expense to gulp. the pub-offere'4 no objection though later he lie? When men are sick they are not the1 evening this man died and ad- was' reminded of the fact that a; forput In there but tre locked up In their vised Mr. Asch, to send him to the mer 'resolution was Irushed through $ $ 3,00 'Nowf $1.25 very hospital, as low. The hetwas which exulted Murray; by .cells to die for lack of attention and board f the nourishment, and when they die it is Jailor's reply was: "Why he gets as la; the appropriation of 526,000 for 1.00 1.25 Cz 1.50 given out to, the public that they have good treatment here as he would paving Queen street with'hltulithiCi there. I do not think, this very com- end' following upon" the heels of this 1.25 died in the county hospital. 1.75 2. C0 ' plimentary to our trained nurses in came another resolution awarding the 10.00 Cites An Instance. . ... 2.25 2.00 1.50 Not very long ago a prisoner work- the city or county hospital, or to cohtractUo the local pavinr company ing in one of pur parks. had the mis- those professional .medical men who who have an exclusive" agency for 14.00 2.50 2.00 3. C0 fortune to cut the ends of two of his .ought to' know. Of course this hu bitulithlc, at the same time all at mane (?) knew, reckoned but Jailor tempts to have the paving contract tecs off by a lawnmower which he was 20.00 2.50 3.50 i:slng. He was taken to' the "county without: his host. .Poor, Mack gave up let to the lowest competitive bidder ghost before midnight majority bareJ by 'hospital and cred tor, but the next the a squelched' being ' ; 25.00 ,, day Mr.'Asch brought him from the Case of qiiver. vote. hospital to the jail because it was too , John ; Oliver, a carpenter, doing a Replanklng of Queen Street Bridge. 7.00 much" expense to care for him there. sentence of three months, was taken V Several local contractors, have en35.00 ,, , This your man came hack' without sick and was locked up for one month tered the lists to replank Queen street 11.00 8.00 J) even A. crutch to walk with, hopping in his tell prior to his release.' When bridge, "three 'tenders' being , received J around like a chicken with only one he came out of the Jail he was ad- last night' i The road committee' has 12.00 9.50 91 leg.. He .was in great paini the band- mitted to Queen's Hospital and from been; Instructed to. investigate the sevupon the same ages 'came"orfh!3ttoes"tnd he fcasrto ther to the incurable hospital to diQ. eral tenders and report ' ' meh, man, as not sent ' other was This figures subearly try and dress .cn;hlm-c!f- , The at' an date. JYhen ' Dr. Mackall cce' and 'found .him' in to' a hospital because in he opinion mitted Include' Freitaa & Femandes. 1 Jail he was quite surprised and asked of the jailer he was not sick. Not 157- fer 1000linear feeti for stringers; i:upon g being ground physician, a what bridge; covering our humane (?) Jailor If he was 2500 for crazy. After this 'the pri?oner;waa does he base a claim to be competent Company, '"$43 and 42360; Henry De taken back to the county hospital 'and to 1udge'vhether a man Is sick' or not? Fries, $48, 'and $38.50 per 1000 linear ' y - 7 : In every civilized community; the Word feet for covering. stayed' there until he ran away. pr any xne or ooctor law. CAmpnteT insuiution is ;Mr. Asrh bcinir s. hv The Dowsett Company, Limited, has trade, may be abl4 to nail a shIngleTh,s deludes : the "armies and navies given to the city 3010 square' feet from its properties on the Waikiki side of W WW. M VWV UVUUV iO wVU.W. bandage v'or pad a crutchk "much less Wrhen a mart first enters the Jail as Nuuanu road near the entrance to the pass'abandage on a man's stump.' Any a 'prisoner,' especially if for a short Country Club road entrance, for widsailor can smear your stump .wthJtart term!' he" is given the suit of clothes ening' and, straightening that thorough then parcel you up and make a good and the blanket of some" prisoner who fare. The company asked but a dollar, The as well as the filling in of the land, Job, hut 'you see the Jailor is not a perhaps has" Just' left that day. 4; or1 'slept on curbing fellow wore the suit who nurse' or a sailor. line and placing have may blanket him before had , the entering the land. a gate at the lane ""Rattle his bones over the stones,- - running' ."iand yet or sores, ulcers .the The matter was. referred to the city Hd's only a pauper whom ' nobody hlarikets are 'never wash attorney to complete. clothes and pwrjs. . beyond being or disinfected a held fed Caldwell "His Collected Moneys. a ,tef ftence few 'minutes under-tap 5? ' ng . . : xx' Road Overseer Caldwell has reported finm to the board that he has collected THE ONLY COMPLETE CAR $1103.23, which has been deposited Why was this fellow not! . . a in. his cell. a. AW '.t.lLV. Self :V;' f mese munias, a. uuies wne- er, as 1L six uk t A with the treasurer. ' This money is de0t hSU1 toJhJVprLsoriers getrfb you 5e5l 1 "underwear; can 1 uZ X HONOLULU, AGENT rived rental of steam rollers and Started and Li "" ; nor imagine .hat this means. Only two other from ' A " :;: contractors, V: equipment to local ' ;;:: y ment attention. He was very towels f0the whple number are w 5 Pastjcngcr, Door MODEL 40 Car. Fore Touring money, Caldstore but of of the little him-j and not ,could eak take care of sued to wiJe on. sometimes these well has spent $600 for an automobile, MODEL Passenger Demi Tonneau. nor did anyone else do it aay; some-hichanged are everj' .type all with the splendid new This man as in a.cell, Jnhal-.- , tlmes every two or three days,' and and he urges that the remainder be MODEL department over to road the turned ' ing foul odors onehalf the .time he sometimes but once a week. Some-wa- s en bloc motor, 44 in, bore, 5 in. stroVe; H.P sick. He had to make the best; times a' fellow 'comes along and uses to be used in effecting repairs to some MODEL Passenger, Door Fore Torring Car. 6f Honolulu's , wTetched streets and of It for the .12 or 18 hours , which a towtl for a handkerchief, too.' 51agreed and thoroughfares. ' board Passenger, MODEL Demi -4 The ' Tonneau. would elapse before the cellff I' Yto ' At. night when a prisoner goes is well. all MODEL 52 Roadster was: far ad- with ? the new "T" head be cleaned. .This man ZZ ' Engineer Whitehouse ,has been callI age, and was broken down his cell he is given a cup of water that in vanced Z 5 in. bore, 6 in. stroke motor ; 50 H:P. . . . . . , . WaU . ne may arink If he chooses In the ed ..V , of condition the i wi. k' cup open .tond, 'J Th all night kele. stream, near Walpahu, which Is GEO. W. MOORE to ' catch '. all the stench that come, said, to be closed and clogged with' a, I?!. V Hn 7. grouih of hyacinth. The prediction la Telephone 1902 ;"': Demonstrator Why and ; stronger was glven not Sellinz Aeent ihe and tnen cleans his teetn in the cups by Interested parties residing In work In the Jail yard prior to his ill the next morning coffee" is served up made neighborhood that with" the first ness instead of being sent out in line out of, these cups without the cups the will overflow Its public one, and forbidding trespass, j cause it Is best suited. stream rain, hard the vrlth.the others. havings first been washed. A protest Is made that residents In Deputy City Attorney MHverton was damage will re banks much an,d that Net s Drink Cure. 'means-oBreeds" Disease. Yard comes are without section that Company 'a instructed Sugar to base his nejrotiations for Oahu sult. The (A the 11 years this man was In "The" floor STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July ,7. been brougbt by" the relatives of the yard inner of communication the Honolulu. The theacquisition witi that recommendation otthe j forward the of area sufficient to wUh the Island, over 9 years were spent in Jail is composed of volcanic sand, into the county I county road committee is to hold a widen Hotel street off Fort, and to ob- - Once more, the woman last winter murdered woman "and by the leal government spend about Jail for no othej crime than drunken which those having tuberculosis ex- $600 to clear the bed of the stream 01 : conierence witn me Kaneone rancn re- - tain the 115,000 betterment amounts went to a Paris gunsmith's shop and guardians of the murdress' little girl ness and vagrancy, showing that as a pectorate. The food which falls or is vegaiation. garamg- me closing 01 ine tnorougn- - from the adjoining property owners, on bought a revolver. He showed her, at against the gunsmith. This i3 a new Kecley cure the jail Is not a.howllng thrown on ' the ground is simply Barred Road Causes Protest. fare. the provision that a part of the J 15.000 her request, how to loadand fire it, idea 'n legal proceedings, and nisht success. He was locked in a ceil un- scraped over with sand by the pris- ' The Kaneohe Ranch Company is alcompany, Rapid a in Transit The and sold her also a box of cartridges. Prove' a happy one. If gunsmiths are is to be used In the laying of a perma-lett' mentally "deranged. became til he to the board, read last night, nent pavement on Hotel street: , oner's foot, and 20 accumulates the. leged by AV. D. Adams to have placed She went straight from the shop home fceld "able in damages for the nur-an- d why not sent he to inwas' the Then breeding source of diseases. a barrier across the road used from stated its willingness to pave King there shot her husband dead. Aft- - d"3 committed with the firearms Uey In No; asylum? the sane Jailor's Why can't the men's clothing be time Immemorial by travelers between street between Nuuanu street and the Many a man who is rich in expert er that she took the next train to a mf5ht be more chary cf supplying c. be opinion, perhaps, this would too vo rock with lava blocks stream Xuuanu ilea and steriiizea? rKailua. Honolulu and . ence Is unable to raise the, price of a where her sister-in-lalived tomers without infflclent gnarant-:.-r expense county ior ice much of an Why can't individual '"-towels be given It'is charged that representatives of , "on the entire portion the company is square meal. and shot her dead, also with the new respectability or peaceablenes3. yt ' . to spend on a paupef, though an Araer-- 1 the prisoners?"" , although required keep repair; to gate across in the a ' placed khe ranch Retribution is something we. are revolver. lean citizen. The last meal offered toj Why can't drinking cups be washed? road, upon w hich is a hotlce advising j the board is still willing to lay ohia morally certain will overtake ' othei Apart from criminal proceedings an For news anil 'the truih r.loz V.t :'I ' '.beans. Why can't buckets with ' coders be all comers that the highway is not aj blocks, even if more expensive, be- - people.' this dying man was pork-anaction in $70,000 damages has now people bay tliz tir2Ji":l-- " Post-- few weeks ago. Jlaste . - 1 Mo-hon- k, 1 Sse She ori O n ; i i - ' ; 4 ..:; ii :On S ( as-ture- , NOW d v:: - rv 1 V' n r, - Telephone r7l GROCER 121 ; . 1 4 V '; ' ; 1 " .' To close out 'every lament if possible before arrival in a few davs ol ortations for fall, we now. offer every ,Coat, Dress or Gown remaining in otir to to at once disjc:D of ppf cejit. dicconn every ore price reductions on this sensationar order, -- 1 " Tbiiku.ViLL 3t ; Sensational Clearraic , r i . ' - 1 r w - Llarguisettes, jln'llessajto and Vhite Lingerie Materials - -- In Lawn, Chnmbray3, Galntcr.3, Percales 4.: , -- - . ; F 4.50 & $ 5.00 Dresses 8.50 for Now . . $';75 for $1.00: & for for for. ... for for 3.50 for 5.50 for for for i , A 42.50,,- s I Sal e - Lbrd-Youn- , : -- Drc:::3 Coimhences Itosday Mo Dre::e3 5.00 si. - ' V AA AA v : . " Fort and Hotel Streets the-propert- , ; . . Jm.i 'Sv ofcow a . - Elecicaliy A a " rrvjnnrpp CTP TTI? llrl O I Ej Geo. H; Paris " .. r:.-- 1s-- 414 . f.or-towel- 8 m. 507 1 . - :': ' $2700 42--Roa-dster i ; -- w-ou- - ;. - .... . Lv."1, STJJlL $37.00 '.. ; . - - ! er ; cu-sub- J ; 1 w " m f- d , 0 urb 3 STAK K tJLLETIN, TUESDAY, HONOLULU 7! Stock arid Bond Brokers i ULY 30, 1012 n nni li WW A" b:-W.rlng Ukuleles, CalabaaSes, etc., at factory 171$ LMha above School. Phone 2334 ' 85 JIEKCUAM STREET Elegantly furnished rooms '.with hot and cold baths at Hotel Arlington. The Underwood Typewriter Visible "The mauka side of Queen stieet StocK none better. Wall, Nichols Co Ltd. from Nuuanu to the river will be fctl vith bitulithic with the close of Lighters &nd Ga? safer than business this evening, unless some un- better. Tifesday, July SO, 1912. w. McChesney, 16 Mer- - forseen accident should OCCU'1 S3 rcatcnes. j. Asked. ; Hid. NAM C OP STOCK. sireet ; 'stated President Joseph dlman. of Kahuku wireless station was last th h!tnthi nlant thia morning night in touch with the Korea, Sierra This work has been done In fourteen MERCANTILE. I ... and Lurline, ; C. Brewer & Co. working days. The pavement that -, your SUC1AR. ave , nA r 01a nais. nave inem M...t.. -- m-' MX Ewa Plantation Co. . . . . . . &t 1123 F?rt. street, is ready for tnffic and can be EsPTtS'. 95 S5 Hawaiian Agric. Co. "44 ?i without fear of being harmerl m Haw. Com. & fug. Co. Warned "two more passengers fori 43H 42 Hawaiian Sugar Co. . . . Lewis the least by the travel of , heavily at $6. ' loaded teams. Honomu Sugar Co. . . . . . . Stables and Garage. . Tel. 2141. J Honokaa Sugar Co. . . . . . . 10 If you want a good Job done on an! Mr. Gilman, Is prepared to make the Haiku Sugar Co. auto or carriage- take It to Hawaiian Olrt fly on the makil side of the street Hutchinson Sugar Plant. . 21 beginning tomorrow. He has a large Carriage Mfg. Co., 427 Queen St. Kahuku Plantation Co. . . . much machln-rcsume- d Dr., Birch, Surgeon Chiropodist, has fcrce of met and-alsKekaha Sugar Co. ........ proposes to ; ery ground, and on the ;practlser Offices, Alakea St 20 Koloa Sugir Co. . . . . . . . . . opp. Hawaiian Hotel. Phone 1133. complete the Queen street paving job 7 7fi McBrde Sugar Co. . . . Attorneys Lightfoot & Lightfoot well under the specified forty, days .. 28 Oahu Susar Co. . : 564 have moved their offices to the Kapio- - time limit as set by the board of 6up-laOnomea Sugar Co. . . . ... building, King and Alakea streets.' e: visors when the contract for the Claa Sugar Co Ltd, . . ... 7H .Pineapple soda.and Hires Root Beer .pavement was let to the Gilman OlowaJu Co. . . . . . . . . . . . summer drinks are bot pany, ' Paauhau Sugar Plant Co. tied bythe Consolidated Soda Works. Pacific Sugar Jlill . . ... There ig a well deflned sentiment Phone 21,7.1' . . . . . 23 among a number of members on the Paia Plantation Co. Bring Green Stamps and one doK Uard Pepeokeo Sugar Co. section of river street Picnc er Mill Co. . . . . 34 H ".Mi" lar and get a complete Boy Scout suit jying between King and Queen sfeet 126 Waialua Agric Co. . .... . for vacation. Green Stamp .Store,paved. There is but one short Wailuku Sugar Co. and Fort streets. . , Beretania tlogk and It Is pointed out that with ' bank Wairaanalo Sugar Co. . . . Hearing voluntary. of theilr both King and Queen streets now Waimea Sugai MJll Co. . . 230 I Levy case of the'Francls ed, the shorter piece of city : highway , Out Company has been continued should be Improved In ' conformity to fitting MISCEJXANEOUS. to 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. the adjoining streets. Inter-IslanSI earn N. Co. 20: logical everything What Is really urged fs that there The method for Hawaiian Electric Co. . .V 22; a continuous paved thoroughfare is be use Continental of the H02. Tu & L. Co., Pref . 45 ; Cookery, Bags. grease, No no no fuss, from the Ewa approach of the big Hon. R. T. & L. Co.. Com. 45 t ' waste. no odor, Co., Hawaiian News Hackfeld wharf, to the center of the Mutual Telephone Co. . . . T iJ city. Oahu R, & L. Co. . i . . . ... 39 Dr. Pratt, president of the board of Hilo R. R. Co., Pfd., .. ... This will be done should- the board Health, received word yesterday that ; authorize the letting of a contract to Hilo R. R. Co., Com. I two cases of diphtheria and two cases nave Hon. B. & M." Co. . v . . ... . 194 20 a short spctinn nf th street lead Haw. Irrgtn. Co., 6s .... . of measles have developed at Kealia, Ing froni QUen street to the wharf Hawaiian Pineapple Co. ... 41 iauai. and the one block of River street. Tanjong Olok R.C., pd. up. 37 a savins: money today for. the Start 21 Pahang Rub. Co. boy with one, of lour Home Banks. At witn the exception of the pavement H on. B. & M. Co. Ass . . . 4 per cent., Jt wiir pil. up to big along Queen streetf all traffic between BOMBS. " the business district of the city and v Haw.Ter.4 (Fire CI.) . . w u tm " 'tne wliarf upon which all freight and , . r. llaw.Ter.4na........ . passengers brought by Matson Navi- Haw. Ter. 4 Pub. Imps Templars has been postpbned on ac Uon steamer8 are landed, must pass Haw. Ten 4 over portions of public thoroughfares ..... . Haw. Ter.4 . . . . . .... that are little" better than bogs and Haw. Ter. 3 ers of the society. quagmires Cal. Beet Sug. & Ref. Co. G 100 In rainy weather. In ' finishing or remodeling your Jlon. Gas. Co., Ltd., 5s. 00 Haw. Com. & Sug. Co. 5 .03 half the trouble and expense by using; rilCCANULESS CLAIM TO 101 X Hilo R. R. Co., Issue 1901. I0i finish. LAND DENIED BY COURT-Hilo R. R. Co., Con. 6 ... 9H 94 X Beaver Board,? the new- ,wall ' r ; & Cooke,' Ltd. Lewers ; 6 Honokaa Sugai Cq., We will receive) by the Lurline to-- 1 & L. Oo. 6 .. , '07 Hon. L. L. McCandless this morning lost morrow, a. shipment of i f res,h Califor- a land case Kauai Ry. Co. 6s ,v. . . , . . CO. in Judge Whitney's court, and ;"Puri-tau- wherein nia Fruits and Vegetables too Kohala DItcJi Co. 6e Z . . . . . he sought for the confirmaCreamery Butter. ' Henry May & McBryde Sugar Co, 6s., 99 K, tion of. title to a tract of about sixty-eigCo., Ltd. ' Telephone 1271. Mutual Tel. 6b. .... ... . J03 acres jt Keaau, Waianae. Title Counsel for Mildred Bruns yesterOahuR. &L-- Co.5 . ... . was registered and confirmed ordered Oahu Sugar Co. 5 . . . , .. 102 U day filed an appeal In supreme, court : Ftr a hack UUU111 rtVLU "oaolulu Exrfiahge - pav-Agen- ts. 'I -- Fireless Cooker It Works 'While You Rest cnl ...... - v - - . . d - ..... V- ni J I'll ' ' v-- -:' '' -' :qJv V;J com-r-excell- ent been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanuxa ani morphine, each cf vs h::h h a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prchibited freni sclllr c!l!::r ct thj narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody, vrULout ULc'.irj l'.:rn "poison." The definition of "narcotic" is: "A rr.edicint xc?.:::. r: end produces sleep, but which in poisonous dose produces i!v?cr, cc rizt ccr. 1 .if sions and deat h. The taste and smell of medicines contain:.-- 7 ciura aro ti and sold under the names of "Drops "Ccrdiab,w "cc4.h;rj CjrjrV v iho.:. etc. You should not permit any medicine to bo given to your chil-r-- ;a you or your physician know of what it is compc-cCntcrla Czzi lizl cc: ." d. UAn . Aluminum j . t. ' 'L :: 1 d ',:-3:Sizes- . oven-cook- , :: :: cast c U c c o m m c n c3 O a : ..j ' 1 X hTe frwjnently jrweribed CmIotU for allmeata of cLUJrcu with pxxl results." ' , W. A. M. C&iasAiL, Buffalo, N. T. ' ; C'l. c: Aj Vhe titter of thirteen chl'drea I ecrUlnJy I r I oVHrt ta an know iomethitff about your great mnlicine ami, wVra m.tlrr w h t MiJe from my own t amtlj experience, I have. In but I know V..c furrauU cf y c :r C my years of practice, found CaalorU a- popolar and IXM n In rrrpirci.n. IJ; ' eflclentrexaedylaalmoeteTery home.' ' Wx. J. UcCjlxss, M. D., - -- t r :j; : r - : 4 . Omalia, Tfcb. ' - .... $10, :015, $19 ed f7jf7 Irjnaturo of P hy 0 c i a n c y. pav-duptc- narcotics. The m :, tn i u i in. -- - ...... . ij AGO almost every rr.ctlicr thought hr cl.M r?.: hirs FOHTT YE ins or laudanum to make itilep. TIjcso !ru will frc l.:cn p, and a few dropi too many will produce the sice? freni v.I:!cIj t!:rro U no traklaj. llxhj are the children who havebeca killed cr w!.c'.th l.aj -- ..... All Kettles of Pure j it c j 1 . ei) ..... ......... v;- 1 11 1 around-the-lslan- s aur 7' I 1 ....... Oh i Idr c n Cr y for Flo t c Iio r ' o In Ugo For Over f f TNI e IMTt UN . . Clf, tt 1 (? ITttlT, mT -- s IT r . 1 ' SlJ10 ......... FortSts. Cor. King and Household Dept. l&StJ&h HOTEL ST. FRANCIS 1 : , - ' SAN FRANCISCO - UNIFORMED BCPRECIINTATIVEO CTEAMEna BUS AND AUTO R.-.T- ALL "" ht . Love's Bakery Claa Sugar Co. 6 . . Pac. Sug. Mill Co. 6s ... . .... Pioneer Mill Co. 6 . .". , . ; Waialua Agric Co. 5 . Natomas Con. 6s. ICO ...... v JhX 27, 27, 27, . 27, , 27. 44, 55, 7, 34, 31, 97, - 55, 31, 31, 94. VlSCOLj 1 SOFTENS i 31, ; ; . 44, 10 II. C- & S. Co. 44, 20 H. C. & S. Co. 44, 65 IL C. & S. 1 Co; 44, 10 H. C. & S. Co. 4 , 50 zs, iuu uiaa, v, luo I'ioneer ianu , 24. 15 McBryde 20.. S. .Co. - 4 In ' Pint sni Yz Pint Cans Just Enough to Waterproof Your Shoes : : -- , -- . '.".'":; SALES. 23 Between Sales 85, Oahu 5 Oahu Oahu 27 , 30 Oahu 5 Oahu 27,' 65 Oahu 20 50 50 28, Oahu. Oahu 28. Oahu C H. C. & S." Co. 45 It: C. & S. 90 H. C. & S. Co. 44, 50 H. Co. 44 C. & S. Co. 44, 20 Haw. Sug. 43, 50 67 Onomea 53,- 40 Onomea 73 Hilo Com. 6 Onomea Haw. Agr; 192, 300 Pioneer 20 20 Ewa 10 Ewa Ewa 2000 Olaa Q7o 20 Eda 20:0 . Hilo Ex. 6 1000 Session t Sales Hilo Ex. 94i, 7 Oahu 28, 10 Onomea 56, 15 Onomea 56, 75 Oahu 28, 55 H. C. & . . decree nf dismissal entered in the Territory. were point f boundaries The the Whitney In the divorce suit ' owns a as McCandless contention,. by. her (against Harry , C. tract on several .sides of the one in '.'V '."! Whisky that has the guarantee of dispute and the land had teen transthe United States Government as well j ferred to him before the present ;Ter, as that of Peacock & Co., Ltd., it is, to t ritorial government came into exist K& f bVan with rkiSnffHonAA. unrt In dnspft CUCCi Judge Whiteney . and Court Clerk to suit A telephone" message to 1.704 Marcallino sprung a surprise .that will be attended to. f protest from counsel "for signs are being bfought-'-New street-nam- e both when sides they announced, nea. Kalmuki section! the of erected In; the conclusion go the of ,up the lengthy hearing, to desiring cityv Strangers valley road ean .rida to the end that : they had gone over unostentatiof the carline and then ride- back ously several days ago and personally again and perhaps they will see the InspecUd the tract and had a fairly signboard very carefully .placed ; be- good idea'of what the boundary evi'V'", hind the waiting fetation. dence was. The attorneys declared Mrs. Wiihelmina Borake, wife of the court had no right to accept any August j; Bomkedled at her home in evidence except that entered Ip court, Kalihi yesterday tit the age of , 33. Be- while the court held that It had the side her husband she Is survived by privilege of inspecting the original evi- " two sons and two daughters; by a f, FV Weber, of Waimea, Kauai, and by two sisters, Mrs. J. F. Jans- - BOY.'S'SKULL FRACTURED fiom the by Judge brought Biuns. 97X : i , a j Pa-lo- lo ' r-- .' 1 y - v - Walter H. Hazel-ton- STRUCTUREEQUIPMENT LOCATION SERVICE PLAN, FROM $2.00 U? EUROPEAN ' IN FALL FROM CAR " . lis - sen 'of Kahuku and Mrs. C. Oleson. The following district magistrates were reappointed, yesterday by Chief Justice Robertson: t V.:' -- , Twelve-year-ol- d James t) wight; who ; S. Kahoohalahala, Hawaii Kaau, fell a Rapid Transit from westbound : Latest sugar quotation: 4.05 cents, Maul, and Edward Wilcox, Makawao, car on Wilder avenue yesterday morn- or $81 per ton. MauL The ' last two are second dls--. jng and sustained a fractured skull as trict magistrates: D..K. Vailehua was j a result of his fall, is reported to be also appointed district magistrate oc resting well .at the Queen's 'hospital. Hana, Maul, in.?place of the former When the police arrived at the, scene shortly after the accident, the; boy magistrate, L. IC, Kakani. was still unconscious and it was thought that h was only stunned by the blow until examination by Dr. Herbert showed that his skull was , g - . UNDER THE MANAGEMETiT OF JAME3 WCOC 1 r : Sug ar 4.05cts Beets 12s The croatest leather preservative, softener and water-proof- er known. shoes, it has no equal, and by, applyeld ing to cr stiff leather, will re:tcro flexibility. J nmnm mm... ; m LioiielM; mi Exchange, y ;.. . FORT AND MEBCHAM STREETS Telephone 1208. as mm V: MESSENGER BOY v PARCEL DELIVERY PHONE 1S61 We know everybody and understand tlte business. HARRY ARM ITAGt.. Special Partner H. C. CARTER. ......General. Partner 0. A, WALKER....... General Partner Hairy Armitagc & Co., ' Exchange Cable and Wireless Address . "ARMITAGE" 3jbo qijM dn opts q6u s AND GENERAL Steps will be taken to notify property owners, along Beretania avenue to connect their premises with the newly' laid water, sewer and gas Telephone 3658, mains as soon as possible, as the city Fort, Near King St. proposes to macadamize that thoroughfare at an early date. Prof. H. B. Bairos writes Dr.- - Pratt Offers for immediate Sale: that satisfactory interest is shown by the people of Kauai in the tuberculosis exhibit and lectures he is giving Corporation on that island. He says his discovPoulson Wireless eries are attended by 200 to 400 persons on every occasion. He will reMarconi Wireless Tel. Co. (Canadian) turn here with the exhibit' about Aug - Transfer Co. National Wireless Tel. & Telegraph Co, ; estate of Jas. F. Morgan Co., Ltd. Mexican Premier Oil. Co. STOCK BROKER Information Fwmlthad ind Loan Mada 157 KAAHUMANU STREET ;.''. Phofia 1572 Limited King Solomon T. & D. Co. 041 p3pucq si ojnjmjiij jnoA uaijAY jnq itjcicdc ' 1 mm MAW0MBiliM it . tTS THE LOCK j . -- S pc s:qi Giffardl Roth STOCK AND BOND BROKERS Guaranteed SO Years - - Stangenwald Bldg., 102 Merchant Mascot Copper Co. el The Simplex patented corner lock Is so slrr.rTa ar.l p!a!n In construction that it adds many times to tho sanitary features over chill-les- s the old method of bed construction. TJia Cinjlex 5s an cl bed,-versimple In design and very substantial It 13 to to had in all of the approved plain and combination color The castors are with pressed steel wheels. Tia tH-.:- .l c:rz:r loclt, however, Is our strong claim for your consideration, for it naks a stronger, bet.-r-. lighter and'more sanitary bed. It Is fi- -c a stror--3 claim to superiority that we patented this device. all-ste- aH-etc- KEKR STOKE REMOVAL. L. - B. Kerr & y Co., Ltd., Is removing ball-tearl- ts business stana rrom tne tvapioiani ng For sale by . Coime Fusrafe?; j Co., DH0. DEHJAMIH U -- i salve r.J ' SOLE AGENTS, TERRITORY OF HAWAII J w - it MAKE ARRANGEMENTS NOW TO HAVE THE ; REAL ESTATE ' . .: INVESTMENT . .. 0. 0. Cunha ' 777 KING 78 Merchant St. Phont J511. STREET J. CALL FOR YOUR LAUNDRY ABADIE, Prop. TELEPHONE 1431 The International ETerything In the printing line at Alakea street ; branch. conference in Lonioa in Washington. Merchant street. tar-Bnllet- St . Development Co. Queen Regent 'Merger Mines Co. . Members llonolola Stock and Bond Exchange n SAI 3IZ ARE ABSOLUTELY ustvS, and probably will, proceed to tour Maul with the display. For Cuts. Bruises, Bums, ? i Corns, Itch. Sores. Pi'cs, 4 V Wounds, etc Price 25c. California-Hawaiia- : I a theoft' block at Fort and Hotel streets. . . ' Hidalgo Plant & Com. Co. 1905 (cheap) cm , I' ' 3t -- ; Union-Pacifi- c f , STOCK AND BOND BROKERS P. O. Box 6S3 Phon 2101 Marconi Wireless (American) :t HONOLULU, HAWAII Member Honolulu Stock and Bond ' ; LOCAL co Jicmbcrs Honolulu Stock and Uund ... v(jv7 . fractured. ', For softening and preserving Invslusble in rainy or wet places. , in, Tr' alj:i-mee- t 'fX HONOLULU IK, TUESDAY JULY 3 STAR-BULLE- T 1912 i Cm THE TRUTH ABOUT LAURENCE REDINGTON IS NEVER A KKDC1Z SPORTING EDITOR TV v V W Wm-- WMY THE NEW YORK GIANTS a P111TIK WMOTHER-YACH- AREiMAKING A RUNAWAY: RACE C": TRY PHAYERS ' - S3I1LS Final Match Against Castle a Local Golfers Can Sympathize Disappointment from SpecCastle tators' Standpoint badly Off with Protest Against Roping Greens That Are Too Fast I f y ... y t ' T. As an exhibition of supposedly first class tennis, the final match of the 3912 tournament. In which J. Ather- ton Richards yesterday annexed the Hawaiian championship, was a dis appointment. ' Itichards beat A. L Castle. holderJn three straight sets ' - : 4 r: v , , ' 1 ? - the latter to a standstill, and gave him no chance to show his game. Others, and they are in the majority, believe that Castle was that! below his game,-anyounger player wouldn't catch the V:-- IAKCUAKI) him so easily again. v ntxnxxuttxxnnttttnn tin u n n un nnnnn tt n n xi nun n NEW YORK. "This ball club," says The fact remains that Castle missed many easy shots which he would ordi- John McGraw, referring to his Giants, narily have pounricd back across the "Is a stronger all round club than the net to good effect. He was especially Gaints that won the world's championweak on his ha.rkhand. Rnd. Richards ship in 1905. It Is making a good was quick to discover this, And - many more runs than mat ciud aia. throughout the natch put ball afterl " Let 'us look the two teams over and ball, to his opponent's near side. These' see.1 Behind the bat in 1905 McGraw Lnstle cither put out of court, orelse!had Bresnahan j and' Bowerman, and was such a good man that lit weakly, the ball dropping often' Bresnahan ' cn'his-owcatching 'staff of, the present side of the net. In facti! the on the 1905 team, nothing apparent cham-l Giants has was the former to simpien's irnMIIty to play even the Bresnahan, like Meyers, was . 'jt fine ' frrA art all.prminf! hlrk- kit ticI.Lar.d strokes, that every one 1cc-7cn the rrcur.Js comncntinr; on it ' step as tt$' chief, and a better base r.:A all Richards had to do" to win alr'tnner. lie was quite as valuable to M I i J i II.. 1 1. ' the team as ,is,ilcycrs todays Bouv cman was at his best in those days, ' , Crivcr. Clever tco, and though the Giants have two r:::..'w3 implied,' however, proficient ascend string men in Wlson It rr.ust net that th!3 v .3 iLc enly shot In Rich and Hartley, the catching staff was as ard's collection. Ho cave a very nifty JjstroAg c's it ii now. J exhibition cf driving throughout tfce! strona Hcavfrig eUt', match. ana to have a magnet . ThA nitchintr mainstvs in 1095 anchored,; on both outside corners of were Mathewson, McGinnlty;, Tayjor, the court, to hold the? ball Just inside. wntsV and' Ames: That was .s strong and in practically an unplayable po Ktaff. hut? ertainlv - Marauard more eition. He played with ease and sure- than fills he place left vacant "by throughout the match,-witthe Gmnit3r,, Wilts perhaps isn't as cf one or two games, when .,endable now as then, but he and he was almost as unsteady as his op-- , Ames and . Mathewson are going ronent. but on the whole his play m- - t , y, Mathewson with his head .pressed the spectators as .. having Eklll Btiii being a great possibilities. He hasn t muchfigur6 inUhe t t crandall is to learn about the driving me. at to the'team than was coming Castle3 was some beautiful Taor aod With Tesjeau equipped are Rlong GianU better the th? as plaVmnJenc ; guardian on thrown balls. ftlcGraw describes Doyle as a fa&t ground cover-er- . r He covef s as much either way as Gilbert did and lays way over the lat-ter In hitting arid base running. He makes more hits and longer hits and is prominent as a' cleanup batter. . ! n I . Mc-nes- - " ZTls 'acS . J, - IVTl over-cauuousne- or ss . It was hard to determine. It seemed to be a little of both, for one time he would carefully, and with treat precision, place a slow-.liball three feet .behind the back- 11 nue, &uu ine nevi ' wouiaJ' execuie. a brilliant smash Into .the" net. As game after game went to Richards, Castle's admirers raised their eVebrows higher and higher, and finally gave up trying to solve the purrle. Castle Braced In Second. The second "set saw Castle make a decided ' brace. He took the first and second, and then in the third couldn't get out of the way of a wild smash- that hit. him while, standing several feet out of court, and, of course, lost him the point This Incident seemed to bother him, and he dropped the game, and likewise the ss , $ $ S S $ S T, S .' y.. . ...,:.--- SAYS $ $ ' s s $ S - Artists at your service. BETHEL AKD Kim E. G. CjlTCJtcr zzl E. Sctxoll, Props, i a . e . AaJ. S S 2 3 4 2 4 1 3 2 4 5 6 , 3 6 10-- 6 9 10 6 half-millio- at least" charity?" . i " "Why, nearly finer, was raised for ;Vi , $700. Wasn't- - :.t :: ' ; ' : " i : :' " : ! " , ' r?i i t. It !; ; tr:;t t!.:re encar:; : :r.t hall player: th.j tca::x,t:.:l i i rescntativc. A : c " j to follo'.v t:. week, a Saturday ar. 8:15. Off Lale; Hawaii about 4 week, and a V.'c ia: miles astern of us; nothing else in end Suniay cf the n: tstlve dites. In all sight . . 9 a. m. Hawaii passed us to wind- Kilo ball toshers will 3 ward; Charley Lewis has been at team of the Oahu C ... - li the wheel since the start. Jack turn. O'Brien relieved him. 12 noon. Passed Bird Island; Ha sha, each claiming the ti'.l? cl t wall away ahead. champions, announce that t!.y c:;; 1:30. dff Makapuu light; lota of to play in Europe th!3 sir..:, r. wind; sea bumpy. The challenge can:e frcra l. Ib I 2 p. m. Square off again for the gett and J.' F. Price cf :i b :: Vr home; stretch; set spinnaker and-wboclaiai to bo the cha a; ;,.,., .i.vy.tut. their iStatey "which title v - ; 2 : 35. Qff Moana. Balloon carried Grcen'shur, Kan., lat fall by.', away.: ' Relayed, and- every minute in'g ' Hdtchir.son; Burtcn,' Cr. counts ;nqw, .as Hawaii looks like: she Haviland Wcelsford,' ' Hrrnb.-r.:- , 7 - - ren," 'Arlington ani ::ta:rcr,!( is crossing. : , 3:11. Crossed Ifne; maybe the old series; of games 'with cz li tv,: : watermelon packet can't go some. , winning every' game" but r.r. :. crossed 34 minutes ahead: ' ""Wo can't accept jour ( 13 the re;!y cf t! this season," ; ' PITCHERS OF HORSESHOES homa cracks Ve are zzlr.-- : v!!l season to pitch-thTO SHOW SKILL IfJ EUROPE turn. until the latter ani part cf r In declining to accept' a 'challenge ber. .We' woulcl not think cf from Kansas for a horseshoe pitching 100 games for $100. The caly way ' tournament this summer to determine pitch with small teams ii th? b; ZZ f: the championship of the world Robert three 'out of five. We Richards and Geo. Petty of Chick'a- - only and usejour own sbr. sijg-estc- - d, - T 4 , bal-loo- - lit n. i- -i ! iy: .. that For some time he has bee experi menting with a slow ball and nowihe has got command of it. Think of the a slow one coming alter a Dan mat . nas oeen lurngu through a mile a minute! "Walter's curfe is not the widest in the world but it is a quick one and enough- to ac- His complish the desired, purpose. good, control, .which' always has been Improving. seems "On top of this he has. a splendid disposition for a pitcher. Nothing feeems to rattle him. Some pitchers get up in the air if they think an umpire has missed a strike in a pinch, but Walter Just smiles, knowing that he can lay the next one over It he has ; Y to." to-b- ; e r-- - y .V'. ;;V : ". . ;' ' ,'; ; Name. $ . S . Willie Ritchie. . ... Geary "Steef en Bill Lang. . . . . Wm. Lanfranchi r.nma-Tony Ross. . . A. Rosilano Brown ... ... . . VaL Braun Jack White.. ... ..John Ankove" Leach Cross.Dr. U C. Wallach5 Joe Coster. . . .. Joseph Agnello $ n 8 - S Fred Welsh . . . Fred ; H. Thomas t '. ; S - : Conlej..... Francesco ' TTrpn Dirk Hvland. . . WllHam Young Erne... Hugh Tt Calvin Paddy Lavin Pat C. Stynes -- - j laKeanuii cut .wtwiauu. 48:40. Off Waimea; good stiff breeze niigni Conte" as and log rates us as making S 8 8 going Some. 10:15. 9 PURPOSES 4 IT HAS NO EQUAL ' . , DeKveiies TJads to Any Paii ofCir 7 knots; Off Kaena Point; Hawaii . w 13 to leeward and slightly in lead; tookj . reef in the mainsail as we expect. heavy g g winds on the other side. An- $ $ $ $ $ $ thony '. " m mm m v-'- fsick. t 11:15 Shook out reef, and now re-- j FERN GETS LEASEHOLD.' gret ever taking it in as Hawaii has ; Mayor J. J. Fern has leased twen- - good lead now and is heading north j acres of land in Kahaluu, North straight out to sea; lose sight or all Kona, from Thomas C. Whle, for a boats pow. Good night, term of fourteen" years at an annual 6:15 a. m. Sunday. Light winds all rental of $135; , The lease dates from night and a heavy current running; v': 'ust picked up Hawaii on horizon. July 1,1912. . L ty-on- FOR TABLE AND MEDICINAL " behind xon? PosiUon. Crozler now looks like ;he $ F.-Hop- pe Y. Loughrey.;..Thos; Loughlin Harry Lewis... ..H. Besterman s r I i Point and wrnL n p,tM, a 8:25. Between Puahulu ja nm Makeha; good winds and now out of Dixie lKidd,..Aaron "L. ' Brown ' In same F. S no ; $ . J Redmbnd...Henry S r-'c- - y$ Joe Rivers I. ...Jose. Yabarra Hugo Kelly.. ..... Ugo Mitchell . deadly efficiency, of the break plenty large f ;l.-- 'le'd Pasrl Uarhni" w nvarfiQiila1 tYta ntYior boats It now looks like the Hawaii ana aiomuu are our uiuy rivtus. 7 p. m. Barber's Point; Molly is closing in on us and: Hawaii still astern of the Molly. Took in spinnaker and set jib topsail. Winds light but we are certainly travelling. Lit : the new side lights. 7 : 50. Molly is - abreast of us, with X1:'Z XhV on her heels. It fV now -dead calm. we are up light Pick breeze; 8:15. walking away from the rest again; ual by about quarter of a Ie?,d :''t Moniker. '. S $ . ;'.- ,: type that g d X tf i t whicn gave the other boats a We squared off and put out the spinnaker and set the balloon, nd with nil thu ran- th tn va strPtrhPd old Kam went trav- the T emng aiong like a scared cat. iOfl twice FIGHTERS' NICKNAMES ODD THING OP'GAMP , g "Was the charity ball a success?" "Oh, yes, indeed. They say the n gown;; must have cost a "And how much armor-piercin- 1AX " Anthnnv. " ' Son Rt'l Thrnwh , mMr. string we Tad Jo rpinS Ih e bhoV ; "At one time he had to depend al- most entirely on the velocity of his (ball and his control to make him for- i'mldable: but now he has acquired a i 8 of the old . - K however, always exaggera- tion of any good quality, ' and the greater number of the undulating greens of "today dndoubtedly add to ilt tug legiumdce. JA interest orne game, y 1 . rftn !e f-db- them still, but they are not t treak 3 made him famous. . myst, chho,,' atattend Dangers the " S nf 4ffu v y ?f a Lewis; UlaterJackrlenj Crew; C. hopelesf . J. Sullivan. Bob French, Kaufman, & ; to his opponent, wno nas done nothing to .deserve it, t terrific speed much nowadays. In fact, he 4 seldom cuts one loose with all.:, his might unless' he happens to be In a 4f S! tight place and opposed to a hitter S, who Is weak on the fast ones. He S , throws v a lot of fast balls with,, a 5 "g 9 his out tSrn hill, JInf er' '"fV'iS? e? ? .??vff llowInS "Ju,f t Sl? ?l S 4 8 , "Johnson isn't using i 1 3 UtURE - country. . 1 " s "Waltr Johnson Is today a perfect pitcher," said one of the veteran um- j pires of the American League recent- iiy, in discussing the Washington mar vel. "If you. could have a hurler made to order you couldn't design one who would be a bit more effective ' than the big Swede,, whose name is a terror to the best batsmen, in the I , Flrst-Cla- ss t Cf LAST may become farcjal in. an 'ordinarily dry summer, Firally, there is an creased responsibility on' the greenV keeper, ia possible by 8 - v Three I. T : :. r::n r - t- 1 i fl- ; What probably was the first game of "auto polo" ever played; make a brace, and to have taken the match follows: ue set at least, Kicnaras puiiea off some beautiful half volleys from the mid-- : Richards court In this set, passing Castle with! them when" the latter tried to take Castle.., after apparently getting Rich- - Richards j ards way. out of position. Castle . . no will be after-tennis this .There ' Richards tomorrow singles the ladles' noon, but , chance cf wcubl c::..r Kauri " ' C ' t -- - v 4S8 Hcrbor what is :"'. - n lie del Gnnitary SIiop tb- cculi rr.lnlu:.: C tr A!:3, - i' Ilcr'.ubi l:r be Lo , J0R0P1 BEST , ' Ir :l cama-t- - WRINKLE IN SPORTS .. 3-a- lh There Is Only One cculi . AUTO POLO LATEST . w-o- ret i3 ; three-cornere- d S - t. : rt. tirn-tsrr.-.- . was pulled off In Wichita, Kan., recently, between two teams of f bur men each. Four small mo- s tor runabouts, were used, with a anver ana a manei swinger Two of the guards in each. Yfield,. in a forty.-acr- e maneuvered At V K v' nVv foot! nmn disposed were rest at the while .1A - J jvicuarus ri -- l i ' the end of the .field as goal jk 1,1. 1110 . (uiui, tuiu took the next, putting the score ' guards. This was a long deuce game, which The rules that govern regu Castle lost eventually through his inequestrian polo prevaillation ability to handle backhand strokes. ed, except "that a basket ball the seventh, and Richards Castle vas used instead 'of the reguthe eighth. Then the latter broke lation willow. Carl , Evans, a through Castle's service for the sec Wichita driver, and Ross King, ond time in the set, taking the ninth, a former race driver who is well and then the tenth and the set. known in California and the The third and final set was almost Pacific Coast, handled the forward cars. The game was a won his first four service games, andj distinct novelty, and bids fair then Richards broke through and ran' to make a hit in the Middle out The sixth looked like the decis-- ' West. lve' game, going five times - to deuce, S Eiia hihuij iamu on mcnaras siae g g g $ $ of the nety Had Castle won it the that the lead and the chances m,Tpd doubiGS will be started uiu-uui- Q ' ,r; s'ich a Icr.- -j V. C r".r-cf be bcycr.i tbo : b:I.':vcj tL:.t t' ers, but . over-Rtenn- d 1. . karre, li ' ' y o ? tv Ha-wa- ii $ S S - ' r-- - Tr I -. u McGraw says Merkle is the best first baseman in baseball, . and : he means ft. The only. one who can meas-usskill with him is Mclanea. Meris kle a better first baseman ;than ever was. He covers ' groXihd like A shortstop, is a first class batter and base runner and a fine first sack . . .j, 1 1 the Illlo Lea :e r. mation r.3 to just wl: : in the matter b rt r ,.,Dr. Colvli:o'3 series Lo heU v. b: . ( decide ithe ilav, the charni !cr.3 cf ' O .:. II Maui to take c!iv the garae3 bo c.'-illr:; r the" three whether tho.trr.rr.i ar from the varicu3 cr".:.'.: :: be the winner c! tb.) ':XWU:. nun weii-merik-- ; Oi -- . 4 ceived a letter frorj Dr. - Mc-Can- n A v v-y - asrer of .tho Oah'.i b'c::! r.--- e lt y-- -- : 't : up In the air, lu teemed to go right .wnetner rrom ! out-.fiel- d, de-cxcep- - 1 t , s , .'-- the Territory, leaes 13In little' date there tion on the subject, ar. :.M. nates ar.d boosters are r t ?. asked 'to stato dcf.n'.ta t : r : ; their v.::-This fr.ornir. A. Q. .'!:: - -- cf a roat f - baseball ?crl 3 ii t::i t about bciwevn U v." " d ous w, thctheralin a-le- ss t ' - -- it : ing-tandl- ed Comparison of ' Player. - As between Fletcher and , , Dahlen. the former is 'one of the best in the ent occurred in the.finl match of the game on the range of his work, quick London, amateur tournament at recovering after a fumble and. a little more than afoursome, ago, year wheni on I strong thrower; but for all that! mi. piercing ejsi wina ana nara Dahlen- - was a wonderfut-defensi- ve glassy greens eHcb side yeachetf the player and at his best in a pinch. He ttnth green at Walton Heath - in Jons made less show of his work tuan Etroha and each-. ultimately conce ? 1 J , j f rv " spectacular way- ; five ' Greens accomplished-abouas, much. Herrog, this character; ' U K n u u a :: u (t:were to i be good man' that h 1s, isn't the player found upona jdpwnlacd-icourses;'-"usually! f $ni-- T H P Devlia was when the latter was ih coLiiicu if ;:V;U prime mey vwere. i umKjpumpiy succeeded WerUs, Dolln and? Browne: najjea iS: hard hitting outfield" for the Giants in flat) greejjbuUti out ' of the hilislfe 1905. Browne when, at, his best was having on. 4Dnar sidW. bsLct-wia whirlwind" at funning to '.fltst and a chalk and on. the ofchar a ifiwHwifei. ' splendid throwef, vbut 'the present SriodgTass,j Becker amf Murray, ' ' A Happy Medium. ) represents better combined throwing is clear that the- undulating 'fer'een ability , than did the trio of 1905 It u Itopen to abuses;, the hand of the de- -' The win of thb yacht Kamehameha may not hit quite as well, but hits signer.musthe in the round-Oah, race which finished and unduskillful the pretty well for all that, and "more than lotions, Sunday Ipat must afternoon, not chal- overdone. has led to-makes up for any comparative short- they beepme almost as irritating; as lenge from the defeated Molilou for comings in that respect by superiority the greens old that sloped as- the roof another brush between the two boats in covering ground, throwing and. hust- of a house. There is a tendency,- ai- - ever the same course. Captain Charles ling on, the bases, ;Murray never field- reaay vuaer lmmeaiateiy put in a chai-ton one or two courses', visicie ed as well as he is doing this year, "confuse that which Is interesting lenge to the winner, and it Is likely and Becker covers us much ground as with that which a merely trlckv and that the race will be a any outfielder in the game. v ; a player through no fault of affair. The present team is more strongly vhehever -' of is own jpne of his the island The circuit la confronted with a nut fortified -- With substitutes, than its pre- which is really most popular courses sailed by be. impossible.. whprA decessor. The 8ubstitues fit in so nice- human skill can lay the' ball witnin ' local racing skippers, as it gives pracly that the absence of a regular makes Bna man six pr seven feet Of the hole :ucw a nisn- a sea wun-it"- ; no difference in. the sharpness- 'and lessmay interfering with btlslnes3, provid-ary.lin.aafely be said that, the bburid-011- 1 drives of, thi attack," and they are 'that the start is made Saturday between the twn WiiatTH; taught in the school of speed,; ready been as was the case last time. afternoon, Aptn tx to carry on the work at the same clip tut; iu ictrui iatc uuo ui liic, i;u(jui' when pitched into a game. n . Inter-Islan- . d Assured fcr the Enerxr.rr, The proposition each new course a more complex and Ingenious work of art.'- - It mayi be said with comparatively little exag-- . geration that at one time the. maker of golf courses selected for, his green the flattest and smoothest piece of turf he could find. Next he rolled it until he had smoothed out such .natu; t ral wrinkles w were In - It; .finally. ! even as Yankee Doodle "stuck a feath- -' e; yi his cap and called it, macaroni, he stuck a fiig In the middle and called it. a putting green.- - Thia procedure; was occasionally .varied by the selection bf a deep aitUe dell or iioi-lohaving' ' this charming' property, that a ball once In': It coula never get out again; thus approach shots, good, bad, or - Indifferent, all; Served ; almost equally well their ultimate purpose. : : . No Variety. y wasras sloping green A putting a rule a thing of ; beautiful simplicity in that it all, sloped, one way Fearful stories- were told of two' players stand ing at tne bottom or such a green and havings alternated puts Vat Ue hole;, they had no need materially, to change tueir, positions, since the halL havine evaded the, hole, rofled .gently rdown hill again to the spot whence It started and theJioIe.was in the end halved by,mutual consent, ' It may be remem bered that a somewhat similar' Incid ? d half-thirt- y over-recklessne- - - Frr.:!:::; Ba!I-Tc:- rs Week . - drives,-playe- Hi!o ' ; and. did It so handily that many ten nis fans, who were delayed at their desks, and went to the Beretania Club iate, expecting to see at least half of the match, were faced with deserted courts and empty stands. Richards was right on, and Castle was way- off. Just how much Richards'; if'ccness" counted for Castle's 5 ' In a question on which the failed to agree. Some thought the new champion, by keeping Castle away from the net and cutting the corners so often with clean trts Arrangements fcr f.'c:tinn 'with The putting green of today Is, the subject of an able sketch In the London Dally ILall: : The modern, patting green becomes with , the opening of ' k.uliiiL 1 :'. t;Jof) " e 902 NUUANU STRE T; PHONE V -- t .10 HONOLt&U I ' r3rr - .. ' ' ' 'l -- TT- . t t . ni rrlc--- - 1 - -- r- - -- - -r-. ' I FOR SALE JO . . LET ! SITUATION WANTED WANTED ' ' 29. : .'; r . 3SC0. 52S3-- tf : ... T ; 5287-- tf house. ' Nice locality? of- ; : rtslicnce ;277.; . - Iloonn Honolulu. - - ... and board .reasonable. Phone. 133?. 1043-5- 0 Beretaiia' Ave; Shady Nook. sectldn v;:.v.. . ROOM AfJD BOARD new house, three bedrooms; all jcon ven fences. 1249 Matlock Ave.; Phone x ... - - New cottage, two bedrooms and t bath, burnished ' or3 tinfurnished (or for sale) A family hotel in thef best ' Palolo Valley; four minutes from carline. Address C. E. W., P. O." Box ... .. ., j -- ! - I J -- JtTLYOS, 1912 BTABBT7LLETIX,.TUESDA h ''VL... Ss- iii xucu Knuwuuy. v.-vj- : : One share Hidalgo ru obex and coffee Fully furnis1fled, 'More soda water drinkers. Better to Young Japanese who speaks English beautiful view, gas range. , S. II. Furnished room . and board la print of' 1905, bearing dividend this year. Buffer from stomach acbe than D. Ts. and writes well wants position in anyI I Dowsett, $42 Kaahurhanu- bouse, walking distance1 troxrt post-oOc- e. Address "Rubber," Bulletin office.. Nothing bat good effects from drinkplace. Has chauffeur's certificate. f :". 5271-- tf :.; Address B. H--", Bulletin ofing our Hoot Beer or Pineapple HonI Address "K P. O. Box 710. , College Furnished Hills; reasonhouse. i::s-t- t fice. ' 5295-ln- v Soda Water Co., 31A N. Beretanla; to responsible party. Apply J. able 6x3-2- 4 gauge 1000 corrugated sheets 4941-- tf mgr. ' C. E. D. Marques; TeL 26S5. 5293-t- f shape. ' Hon. and ridge. First-clas- s Large, airy, mosqulto-proo- f room,' with Civil engineer, 10 years' experience. . SL Co., Scrap Iron Halekauila board, ,coupls suitable married for Tartncr with $800 for , manufacturing preferred. S. H. "W. Plantation ' Ia-- ) Unfurnished 8 -- room house, ' 5292-l: : gentlemen; ,1245 or two n. 5288-lra business. Iarge profits For details Emma.. '' ' Hon. i ha I ; ' gas connection.' S. H. Dowsett, : J', 5287-ln. . address "F. A. IlM. 842 Kaahumanu: 5293-3e, 5230-lPosition by Japanese as chauffeur. Two Bargains in real estate, on years' experience. Telephone 3839. plains' and hills. "Pratt," 101 Stan-- : New bungalow, College Hills; ready The Hau Tree, 2199 Kalia Rd.: Wal-kl- kt Second-han- d Only first-cla- ss private hotel violin, cheap. State . 5265-2Ask for Inoue. genwald Bldg.; Telephone 162. for occupancy August 1. TeL 3193. - ' 5293-3n. on price. Address "M. A", beach. 5292-2W- " 5299-Position by young' Japanese as chauf- Thoroughbred Pomeranian Spitz pup Varnished rooms,. with board, t IIui- -. 5292-lfeur. "J P. O. Box 6S0. pies.- No. 4 Queen St, bet. Alakea The ' property known as the' "Wilder Qentleraeh tace cottage, W(klkl j. . - v : . ; - 'fo .I . : -- r 8-f- oot m Star-Bulleti- ; m Star-Bulleti- m sea-shor- m : m m Star-Bulleti- St m . - A AUTO SERVICE. BAKERIES. 5290-l- , m H -- m : -- , 4 lS. ; Hojal Hawaiian Garage. Most New Sunrise, 1208 Nuuanu. Pies, cakes, "ice cream delivered to any part of 5247-3city. P. O. Box 901. in town. Experienced feurs. Telephone 1910. Packard. Phone 2511. Young Hotel SUnd; Charles ' 4540Ttf Ecynolds. - .Large. :ajrv Xin.exad j . jjios- - m Niceiy-- f tirnisr-e- ' ' ' ' ' :': - ' d i - robins,, all modern conveniences,' 2.50 up.; tel, Nuiihn Ave. ' BAMCOO FURNITURE- - ' Queen- ; . 5277 . . ..... 52SS--tf .7 4 t i Nuuanu 1634. Nuuanu; Phono ; Cottages, .rooms,' 'table t board; ' E263-3- ' m ! The Rpselawri, ;1366 King. Beautiful runnbgv water everyU room. grounds,; 5277 ' ' Ho-- .. - - ' ; 1428. ' and: Oahu Railroad" shipping books, at Bulletin offlce. :' tf 5277 ? " E263-3- m' S , LOST ropms. Inter-Islan- d and Oahu Railroad ship- Large,' cool, mosqultdr proof ' aridcold cor. King, Phoney, bath. ; Engleside, 1neyard, 254 Richards. Hot The Ideal furniture for the tropics. We office." tf ping books at Handbag, between Alea and King St.," ,"' f ; nr. Emma. 52S5lm . running watea," every room.' hcu: W a submit designs or make from your ' marked Augusto' Vlnccnte Peters. plans. : Picture framing done. S. Easter lily bulbs.' Apply Miss I. Ren Return to Peters Drug "Co.- Reward. Fuji Co., eis 1140.. --Alakea, j; opp. Hawaiian Hotel, 5293-lSaikl, 563 Beretanla; Phone 2497. wick, Mountain View." ' 5233-l; t Alcove,-134com5 furnl. h he:-Emma. Home .Running water; mosquito-proo- f; 5245-6tel The . . r reading room. OH furnllur-, Fine ,5287-lforts, piano, ephone; Horse, btujrgy and harness. Cheap. .' V.T.1 t ..; :.. 'grounds. It. Ohtani, 12S6 . Fort; TeL 3745. ; "X., ;r. 1. ccur.t cn 'i -5247-3- m Screens,' stands, etc i ! Two rooms .suitable for housekep-Ing-. ' g enveoper-a . Thei Trknso t '73 Beretanla5 St; Phone Apartment hotel. Rates $40 and' up. ; EMPLOYMENT- - OFFICZ. invention. No; addressing necessary, ' 5277 BeretahiaSt:-in sending out bills- or receipts, j Ho- iletr,opcJA0 Alakea, StcHftUseiceep Buttermilk"; ' pure,' fresh churned.' De- -' 123? Ll.iha; Tel. i;:i. Co., Ltd. sole The nolulu T.'Il 2tT2 ttb'uS: " lng suites and single rooms. Phone. J 7rju's,,tn Ktt S: 'Beretanla 'agentrf carpenters, laborers, I tf Masons, ;. ' 1 t eloV'sc'c-rcprcrr.ptly. '". , Star-Bullet- in W : . : Packard! Stand, Jim Oahu Auto Eeveni-pis&enge- r ' - ' ' ; ErOO-- tf Two more passengers' for round-thi::ar.d tcur. Auto Livery; phone el s': K2Z. ICgw IT. . ' ' 5277 - ; - Packard for rent.,X. V.'cci; Ycuns Auto Stand; phone " ( ' ' , Ilcrclula Antr Etard. , . Co., LiHha Hcfrcnccs, von -- Star-Bulleti- time-savin- duttermilk..' ? " - Gun-Yu-K- ;ir C399. ;i tf-t- t ;t? ;i 1 tit general Yamada, Estimates furnished Bldg. Phone 2157. t., nr.Jvlng. contractor: 09 McCandless '" "" " nV i- t."T Iness'men. VDrop posta.'Box 452, and Del Monlco Centrally located; moder? atertefe?0 vHli send man'withi ca"r to demon- " ageht." 'O,' Farm, strate.' E, t " ' . ' m s : ? . Cool; montb and ,mosqio-4)r.oofj5- $ jCan up.'1 Helen's Court 'Adams Lane.' . look Cit' Contracting &; Building Co., 24 N. Overland, 5 passenger Good condition. they ralnt ar.d varnish autos ;.v:v";.,!62jMraraytoc j uuariu;" Materlals; supf ' Auto Painting Co., Lillha,: "nr. "King. as as new." Vorkmen of jmany ""Hotel, nr, ;" ' '5294-lplied. Plans" and specification sub( '( years experience. Let "us 'figure. AlakeaIe'dsfly'? neift'.BulIitiri'.? Rooms ( ' ' 5291-3' "" ' rnltted free of charge, "' $2 week. Baths and telephoned 3 500; terms; speeds J 1911 Ford K.' Hofluchl, Lillha, nr. King; Tel 3801. omeier, iTesio ianK. j. vv. ikerpnner. ART NLCDLEWORK. ,,. 5185-- tf ! f. Bids on contracts for building, paintThe Elfte, ' opp. x Young Cafe. Large, guaring and n airy rooms, $15 up. Work: Baths. Lladsira, rrench and'all kinds of nee7 6266-3experience. 18 anteed. year' dlework' done to order. Artistic 5250-3m fcr stamping." lingerie, houseThe- - Villa,; 12 69 Fort; Phone 2505.' 'All s. nate-rlalhold linens, etc. Needlework CLOTHES CLEANING. lanai rooms, $12 mOnthJ Harrison Elk,, Beretanla opp. Buildings, painting, re:y 5266-3:" ' 5242-3.' Fire Station. Matpairing; materials supplied. man, City Cleaning Co.Young Clothes tress and pillows to order. Full line r 1521 Fort Nice cool, airy room. Hot when applying for of furniture In stock. Wing" Tal & j ARCHITECTURAL. appearance everything. Is first .and cold bath. Telephone. 52?2-l5269-3Co 1216 Nuuanu. We call for and deliver. Phone 2067. Chang Chan, architect. House plans, Popular House, 1249 Fort Cool rooms, , .". . 6242-6low rates; estimates furnished. Of- Sanlco Co., 1346 Nuuanti; Tel. tub and' shower, baths, .c - 5262-3for building, paper-hangi: fice, River Mil) Co., 163 Pauahl St.; ! , THE OIUO. and cement work. Cleans vacant We have the' latest sanitary devices Cassldys, Waikikl; .Tel. 2879. Cottages, 5280-t- f Tel. 1076. -- ' lots; 5251304 . 5265-6rooms,,; goqd ' bathing. 4 for cleaning clothe. 'Call 1496- - and ' " " 'i wewiil clothes. ATTENTIONl v6228-3Before letting contract tbr1 house, see ,.; 889 Kapoaear, Kaunakapjli etiurch Asalil & Co. - Best workmanship and V BoaVd?h ftfeslreer.f:. 52M1. .A little down and a little each' payday ' materials. Phone 1826. ; 208 Bere Try "The' Star. :' qothea cleaned, will keep you well dressed. : The 5227-SNice, clean rboms, Model,-Fortpressed ' and mended.' We' send for 59 N; Beretanla next to the Convent tanla. t St,P.OT7 5287-l1.50per week. hours! "Within ; 24 deliver clothes and t Building; stone and cement work.palnt- -' 5227-3r- a Phone 1182. ; "ing,. Plans drawn. K. ,1 Onomoto, FURBISHED COTTAGES Beretanla and Maunakea. .i. S. Hlradal Clothes cleaned, dyed" and '" 5270-3u pressed; short notice. ' All cut flow mbsqulto-proo- f cot-3029; Fort' and Small fhrni'shed ers Pnohe sale. for L CICYCLES., Kukui lane; TcL3377 tage for housekeeping.; Phone," bath. ' , 5277 Pauahl Sts.-Carpenter of highest class; 30 years JEngleside, nr.: Vineyard.. , ;;5285-l.experience In America and Japan.. "The 'Pacific,"5-125- 8 Dowson4 Brothers, sole agents for ReNuuanu: r Phone 5252-3.: . gal, , Teerless and Bulldog gasoline - 3063. Make suits good as tlew.' Call 871 y Young, , nr.- - KapioIanL'; Mosquito-- ! engines. Dealers fn Royal Navy propf cottage, furnished; for houses for and deliver. Mending, dyeing. 5286-lm English bicycles and American. bicy- H. Nakanlshl; King and Kaplolani; 6252-3i- n V 3256. contractor Phone and General Bicycle repairing cles and supplies. paperhahglng. a specialty. Phone 325S. Smith, nr. builder; painting. Matsiioka, 48 N. Kukui; Tel. 3146. San5265-3.. 52S7-t" f Hotel St. itary methods. Dyeing done. Clothes sent for and delivered. ' ' 5266-3IL YOSHINAGA, 1218 EMMA ST. Y. Kobayashl, carpenter, contractor paperhanger and painter. 2034 S. CONFECTIONERY. We sell any make of bicycle. Repair 52S6-t- f 3365. King Phone St; shop up to date. Tires and bicycle U. Togawa, Nuuanu and BeretanlaV 5244-6r- a supplies.. . Tel. 3028. We call' for and deliver. German Conectibnery, 1183 Alakea St.; Y. Fukuya,.178 S. Beretanla; TeL 1837, Phone- 5793. German coffee cake, Try us. Satisfaction guaranteed.' plumber painter, Contractor, builder, bauJjucldjibonlgkuchen marzipan, M. Hamamoto, 475 Queen; Tel. 2431. mason work. King; Clothes and 2227. Tel. Asahl, 564 N. delicious, ieet creams j and sherbets, Bicycles and bicycle supplies. Mending. called for and delfvered. ; weddipg;Jcake, fancy- - paftry, fruit 5262-3Y. Miyao, contractor and . Dullder, 527 ;:;-..: 5263 3m ;; ckeg, pluin pudding, small: pastry. Beretanla St Work guaranteed. . BOARDING-STABLES5245-6r- o Phone 3516. Sunrise Dyeing House, 1346 Fort;. Tel. . . 1027, We also clean, hats, 5264-3CROCKERY. Splendid care taken of horses In our T. Yamura. 1218 Nuuanu, over Miyata charge. See us before making arStore. Contracts to clean and grade Sang Yuen Kee & Co. Tinware. rangements to ' board ' horses. City vArc lots. - crockervifancy china ware. Tin and Stables, 521 Beretanla; Phone 1921. ' " v : ..V plumbing'shop. Special repaid wdrk. .;, P CENTRAL CAFE. 5245-6Sun Lee Tai Co.; 26 N. King; TeL . 4277 genuine get 1014 Nuuanu St ; place home you' where 1783. Building contractors and paint- The. : " cooking, town. To pies Best in ': ers. BOOKS. come here once is to come again. K228-3, r ADDITIONAL WANT AOS ON ?09L . Books' - bought oldrarid. exchahged. j TK;??l0sh,n'v.7lLS? Buildings. No charge drawing plans. Second-han- d school books a spe5262-3Kentucky Cafe, , Alalcea, nr. Queen.-7-Be- st . PAGE. 1 J r.;.cialty. Star Book Exchange, 1280 meals in city for the price. V; 5283-lv Fort St K. Segawa, 672 S. King; Phone 3236. Open until midnight Polite waiters. E243-3Building contractor apd house mover: Lunches" prepared.' BUY, AND SELL. 6245-l- y ALL PERSONS holding next Bijou ' Theater. Open Diamonds, watches and Jewelry bought, K. Hara, 524 N. King; Tel. 3921. Build- "Boston." all night. Caters especially to after-theatrpceipt.for money paid to sold and exchanged., J. Carlo, Fort St ings, stone and cement work, etc, 5266-3parties.' V : ':T.- -.- " ! 1 - " :,,, m -- m tobac,:;Mild ;and sweet. de-t'.z- f .; v.s " -- ' ; 5277 .f. Empire tTheater-'- v v. : f . ; ; " 7 '521-3- m tr " m ' m m ; position,-remem-be- CAtjlN Ef U ATrUflt casee, desks, ' - 5266t3m - ; DRAYING ; m ; '. m , City'. Transfer j.Cps;.'Ja'sIL" Love.: AU lines of. drayjng. Auto trucks:-:';- ' paper-hangin- g: ; ' m : y - m . V'J-- m ; -- . . m C .. ; m ' ; " - . m -- m ' ' m . . . m. - - i : m - k 1' Thcycr Fimo Co. Ltd. CANDtCS. K. Tihara, 1239 Nuuanu; Phone. 3057. General contractor, builder. Jobber. LSweets Faultless Candies. ; Twice ''"". -5263-3r- o " STEINWAY CLEANERS. ai Phone TUNTNO GUARANTEED - Old , hats with new band and rlhbon a montn rresn rrom coast Hoinster 5277 Drug Co., Fort St ' E252-3- m ,:' - when cleaned .will be neyj. J9s i .n'firerythlngr i In the . printing1 ,JIne nt Roman, Beretanla St., next fife ta-- " S'ar.Bnllctin, Alakea . street 'jniCch; ' 5252-3tion. Merchant street. ; - m tHE;M0dEL;: c:r.;'. 2 ,k i 3 L1V-..- rv. 'i MMij j . : 1 5223-2.-- - , C Arrr. t. f' FURNISHINGS. . a I. Ir t c! ? - j :- ? 1 3 1 V ' t . itcj. abla . - ".Tn: -4 .. J ort m ', " - -- "' -" - r - - . " - ; C.v. " st " m Ka-laklela- 3176. 5014-6- . mu Tort r,:n 's, m City Photo Co; formerly K; "V. Henry. FERNS. at Film developing and printing ' 5277 ortectat rates.- - 67 Hotel St Tel. 3028; Nuuanu Sc Beretanla.- - Ferns, dwarf trees, rented for receptions. DRY AND FANCY GOODS. Agents for Thor In mctcrcycl:.-?- . Er ;.ilr.3- Ilrrolulu Motor Supply. Ltd., Pbcr.e ZZZli Kuuanu, nr. Beretanla St " motcrcycl-:3- second-han- d . 5:t:-"- m S-- - ' ' N. Koge, Alapal and King. Japanese H. Afong Co. herb remedies. Cures any malady. . - m 5277 ' - ed babies' caps, sack3 and dresses. and hemstitching to order.1 - , "'-V- - -' .. Special equipment for moving household goods. : Auto truek. . .'525p-3m E : i- - i" ' HORSEXLIPPING. - - Plibto-EngraTi- can te Fhoto-EngraTl- ns rr, ri2:. Clothes clean: pressed and! eyed. and delivered. VVcrk Nlepers Express, Phone and furniture moving. 5277 1315. ' Tiino. Victor Records . Star-Dullct- in v J, called for PIANO MOVING. m Plant - ed of Wsruest. grade J. A. Ntinfes, King and AlapaL 24yeip experience In Hawaii Las horseshcr secured from he n? WERCHA;iT TAILOR. Stk.;lPhOE-f- v;i;-'-- St Y, A. Lama, Palama Junction. New Complete stock of Madeira and second-han- d hardware of all center pieces, doylies, :..-"- ' Ylndk 5248-3r- o v luncheon sets. Made to order if de- -' ' ': 5243-3; sired. HORSE SHOER. ' : m 4 Mrs. Carolina Fernandez, " Union , -- Edwafd Sco'tt Punchbowl;' nr. ' King. During the hot months have your horse clipped by electric clipper, hardware; hand-enl-broider- ' 5;i3-;- The. Pioneer, cor Beretanla ar.d ; . -- EMBROIDERY. OR- Mellm. JC2 Hot?l; Phone l ,iTadra embroider- Initial s DRAYING. Gomes ; Express 7716 FortJ TeK ' 2298 CMSnOlCZHY. : ..3331; tzanrir-- men's furnishings. ' Hotel and Bethel Sts. First-clas- J. Mrs. GENTS' FURNISHINGS.' DRUGS. B245-3- MADEIRA e, Fancy dry goods and Yat Loy. Co. ' men's furnishing goods. .12-1- 6 King '" 5277 St.. near Nuuanu.' . . I. r ; m 1 - " ac-cbdnt- :of should present them at once for correction. Albert Haiff is no linger in our employ. DERED',- r b rt i.i ; er ALBERT HALFF on CLOTHING .'., ' stulla cr.J W W Orders promptly attended to; AnycUss of hauling. Phone 3115. .;Emba Express' Stand J' Vr .; : t ..' n , . m. ' A 1 52Sl-3- ' Bere-tah!aana?F- m 5263-3- " ' .....'VJ' . Manoa Express, King' and' Couth.; Tel. 1623. Express and draying cf all LAC- kinds. Prompt and eScIent service. 52S3-3- n Six team CjiIvq 3 rvr? f " . 1 ' "'. , Dressmaking; cut" by FVerich system. can "clothe yourself completely ' - Shampooing' nd 'manicuring" done at You V here "'for very email sum. Boys' Room 105'lfajestlc Hotel, cor. furnishings.'-trunks.-- 1 cl6thfng,:meii's 5282-l" suitcases,' "etc; Kam Chong Co Fort Beretanla:- and :':;lZll - i :r"T: Mrs. Caiinoh, dressmaker." 'Evening gowns a specialty. 9 BeretaniaSt,t r G. Domingo; ex; - PhOnb '.:3284ji--?'5271 gives I In ar. vlcIJn lessons i: 'r" i1 Beginners a specialty. A u..rc. Lee Tai Ar .Co., 26 N. King; iTel. F.- Anderson,- Bcrjstrcrn Miss ; Nellie . ""Johnson, dressmaker. Sun 1783. Furniture of all kinds. Koa Dressmaking of every, description. Fdrt St'. made to order a specialty. ' 5277 Union St . , . Bergstrczx' t!::z!c Co. ar.l Kawaguchl, 509" N. King; ' TeL 2073. i::;-ic:- i sical izztruzizziz. FLORIST. Men's shirts, ladies' and children's . ; '.' 5262-3.' .r dresses. Flowers Lels to order at Julia motq-sycl- ::. ' Pauahl and Nuuanu; Tel. DEVELOPING AND PRINTING. m m v: j 4 I -- . AND OTHER PIAN03 ' Itl : . Hottl Street ... m . ' ;3-C- i.i " WIIMMMM CXP '.PRessmaker:. : m - v ,... :j. , ' - - " m : - . Love's Express. Phone City Transfer Co., No. 1281. Household good3 stored. John Rodrlgues, Miller, nr. Punchbowl Stringed instruments repaired. ng er 'f.i - r w ' meat-safe- s; 5251-3- m , ' A ..!. yoi 1264 Nuuanu Book- $3.50 to $17. W. Matsushita, m sVndfOT-and'deilv- vm - lt. PccL need a ccc' yrrdraan cr g:nurefii; servant?: C a .up;.' u:"r-r,'tania. Cr.'IIircka.' m . 9 Do m .3151--Contra- cts -- Ilr..- - I: t C ... . - 1 etanla Et,, Tim Kee, , King firid Alakea.. t .Manila cigars. .Victoria,"! Conchas, LondresT"" "' Eai; cy::; 5277 Japanes r . : sumoto, 112 1 Union, nr. Ilct;'.Phone 1735. Kam Sing? "Cigars,- - tobacco, candies, softfdrint and novelties. Next to c.. , , Japanese cock, waiter, yard be;'. ; c 21 Tl::T.o Zi:X Jabcrers. " paper-hangin- g, " ' Fitzpat-ric- k ' 'Bros v agents.".- i:.r; :.tar.:i, ;fcr cr cocks, yard tCjS, Y,' Nakanlshl. : . - g! All The bestr blend of 'the finest Havana 1 paper-hangin- d ; St c,' yari-bbj'sco- TffeInVa'R,fa;,53iote,inA Pimxh, ' MiJ CIGARSAND TOCACCO.T upJstars.; rooms, boLargejairy 5287-l;''...; .Hvrr : the invaters. ; ' The Metz ;i912; '22 -- horsepower, 3Tseat-'- :r runabout;: Just the thing" fori bus- -' :;..( ?'TnACTO.i.:JD builder. George n. ' AUTOS FOR SALE - ai, V. 252-3r- : Ilamm-Youn- g' &:C0-3ni- 52oO-3m .k-5297- -lw n. so" ' t.l m :,. PAlNTlNa . " 't ri Phone; ) w m . . ,.i i. AUTO Tulr-tir.- - . Ksonable rites.,. I?: t rcr.t'' Auto v ' 'Star-Bullet- in i Eix-cylln- 2311, , , i .J i i . ' m Tcr rer.f, Fhcr.e 2S48. Pierce. Kj u-- r The Bougainvillea, 'Rooms and aboard, select Mrs. Rodanet, Beretanla St r Inter-Islan- d Chauf seven-seate- d . - St King The . 5277 m-- - 52 87-- 1 e. t m te up-to-da- r m . ;..-,"- Fcr tire, y. V; f f live Room and board in private family for Apply 194S .lady; And; gentleman. ! ?retanla, opp. Hawaiian Hotel. Furnished housekeeping rooms, i . 1 5258-t- - Beretanla Ave.. 13C8; 627 FURNISHED ROOMS c " ; . - m , y. -- - Trips around the Island Wednesday and 'Friday; rates, $4.50 each. Those Love's Bakery, manufacturers and dis-- , Cocoanut pfants or sale; Samoan va'desiring to make trip are requested j :irlbutors of finest , qualitjr . bread, riety: 'Apply A. DC Hills, Lihue, to come and book. City Autd Stand, ;, crackers, pfes, and cakesj. ' : : "Kauai. -. crp. Uath'olic Jllision; Iort St; . ,. 5293-3i ' Thone-KC-4 E379tf or :J17. Uchiuml, 518 N. King; Te;. 3921. ; De' Home-mad- e' " ., bread "Just like moth ' u- . r '; ., livers- Stai "kerdsene; 5 galsV ?5s. .u. ' -- r . onake.''.. Boston .baked beans I SC 62r0-3r- a Evcry-Itcadand brown 'read Saturdays'." Fresh Co.; 11 C: King, man-llil; dally," 212 Every pastry Bakery; iReady self? Agents . Home.. for . afr.' Rubber-tire- d phaeton, cost 3450, for , 5227-3: repairing. Mililanl ijBeretania. etartrr. Wright-llustac'Tel. 1148. ' v 3150. i .and Queen'' Sts.; Phone' 2656. ' ; 52S7-l' ' 1 ... building, corner of Fort and Queen j055-t- f "ini.streets, .Dimensions 41x65." The' build 'only.pgwilr: be Remodeled to suit tenant Valuable postage stamps of many ua r The Argpnarut IJXoom with or without tlons, sold, singly or collection. P." Q- - fApWto CT'Brewer & 'C6.. Ltd! ' board.- Terms reasonable. Phone 5292-l; Box 293. - and Fort 5253-3- m . V ; JC - J . STAR BULLEl I X; TUESDAY, J.ULY 31912 HONOLULU S. S. S. S. FOR SYDNEY, N. S. W. , Aug. 5 S. S. Ventura.,... 2 Sept. S. S. Sonoma..... 30 .'...Sept. S. 8. Ventura....... FRANCISCO SAN FOR ...... ........ July 27 ..Aug. 9 ....Aug.24 ....... Sierra... 6 S. Sierra...... S. Sonoma ,S. Crevcr C. Sept. Ventura..... S. BAHKERS Pacific Mail Steamship Co Tourist aggage m Bldg-Hour- Aug. .......... .July 307 1 .....Aug. 16 .4,....Aug. Allowed HacMoia ms Ilouse-palntln- Artcnta i Steamers of the above Companyv will call at and leave Honolulu on " or about the.dates mentioned, below: v . : . ... V- FOR THE. ORIENT, Agents - Maru....... .July 16 Aug. 13 Chiyo J.isru... Nippon Maru... C. S. C. C. . Sept. 6 Chiyo Maru Nippon Maru....i.SepL27 ...Sept. ...Sept. .... Maru. ..... Tenyo 01. ports Mr.::. Honolulu 3 - 10 Agents, Hcno!u!u. COOICE, LIMITED, C LOv7C3o i 3 Alexanders Daldwin tCa"u M.-'Nune- 5252-3- . m IL lllzuta. 12S1 Fort; t:i2-3- nerchnnts, and Insurance Agents 4 r;:t ; . . . - 1 ::: - . . 4 . a. 10 r. : v. . ..U:".,." WAGON RZPAI7I2.. v:. via. stn:r., ; Kc::i rr.i SC3 NORTH K. Tachlbanl, King nr. Punchbowl. Erinsr your old vvarona to U3. Ve vrlll Contract bouse painting, etc. make as good as new fcr very 5282-3cost - Lee Kau Co.. expert repilrerj " Commission I3ct03 .' - m T7 ; 1 T.a . tialrln? done. : 62S2-3- m TeL-3745- f .i i .. . 1 House Materials. ,1-- - Ka-ja- i ,UMCaCLLAC, House painting , and paperhanging: Hon. Jobbing Shop. Queen & wuiaoi Sufjar Factors. ri : ; I pert::' Tt::J:, Kauai ituuao-uai."- paper-hangin- g. t.T Sydney via celebratsd strictly hand-rad- a Th 23 ukulele. Invented ty Salesroom, Kaplc'.anl years ago. liJdg. No trouble to show ir.itru Kee, 1320 Nuuanu.' painting, LIU1TED . . Hee , UKULELES. ing, mr - . w.f Nmmnu ' and Beretanla. . .. inu ttAn.A.nnlnHr. ... Can Franc! m - Mr:: Hilo direct New stock of tools Just arrived. 52323m 7' Cdblo Trcmcfor a r ' Calls at Manila, omitting call at Shanghai Ci ; m . m King. Tel. 1918. House painting, polishing, graining Fur &zdz-zrepaired. niture o cviioaiH M N. & K. Letters of kxue Credit and Traveler's Cbecks aTailatla throughout the world. 5251-3- n. 934, Punchbowl, nr. Chln'Sung Chan, leaner-iiiiriKiiiJ- FOR SAN FRANCISCO S: 8. Chinyo Tetyo ,270-3- . i LIMITED CASTLE 0 paper-hangli- Carriages, wagons, autos, signs. Our head Dalntcr for' 13 years in Oanu lyr. carshops. City Auto Painting Co., Queen, opp. City Mill lumber yard. Castle & Cooke, BAIMEC -- HONOLULU C. C. C. C. C. G. g, ' Am-ot'-,--- ' July 18 J'iru. Chinyo Maru.'.. . . .Auj. 9 Vcdntsay. Hilo via way J- -! X ; S. TIRES REPAIRED. - Co., Ltd. 3 .Kauai pcru i;i::au, ?ir.r.. i Honolulu Yulcanliins Works, cn Ala-te- a Etmr., 10 a. n. St. is cow prepared toany ve Thursiiy, Au:-:- t 1. wrflr to anv size tire for PAINTER. hicle. Prices reascnafcla and quir ro MX i P. M(. i. S. delivery. years IlawalL In 34 Gabriel Davien Kauai rcrts 7. G. II:.'.. r: cal- i. TAILOH3. p. n. clmlnlng, decorating- and gralnlas. Drop' me a postal. Gen. DeL, and M. Matsuda, 12S2 Nuuanu; Tel. 2213 Hawaii via Mr:i ; :::-- (" 5252-3a 3S3. to 33 to will be pleased to calL . order. Cults made stnir., 3 p. m. For . general Information apply to :. n. p. , MIkaha!a-stmr.- I lasurance on Tern and Savings Bank Deposits. Interest m Jas. T. Taylor, 511 Stangenwald Dldg. Consulting civil & hydraulic engineer. Accidelit American and Tbotv Cook L Son. s, 5277 for the Express Con piny July 23 S. S. Siberia.... S. S. China--.. 8. S. Manchuria.. m A FOR SAN FRANCISCO Ju!y27 Persia... Korea.... Siberia... e, Wonderful cures 5:91-2by new serum treat diseases chronic ment. 606, given .for blood poison. a aJ J Merchant. Day I to 12. 2 to 4, and 6 Island Transfer Co.. 229SS31. Office hours: Splendid 6290-Sphone 3SC9, niht Tu:sJay, July to 7. Phone :630, equipment for handling all kinds of Kor.a and Kau tort a HV.iw All employes draylng. express and DERBY, Dentist neon. DR. A. J. have bad long experience. 9 until 4. Maul. Mo!okal cnl Lr.r.l Boston 52C3-5- and . Das-gag- KInr. N. 74 -. Siramerft 'of th above company will call at Honolulu and leave this ' port on or about the dates mentioned below: City Transfer Co. (Jaa. IL Ive). furniture and piano movers. of DR. MACLENNAN. AUTOMOBILE The London Jplst Stock Bank "Ltd London. Correspondents TRANSFER. PROFESSIONAL CARD. Con me relat scd Travelers' Letters of Credit Issned od the Sank of California ant S. S. S. S. S. S. Ai . 0 General Agents FOR THE ORIENT O MM it Co. -- " & Co., Ltd., Mm FEE XsteMithel U ISiS. A . .... -,- - m .1 i -' - M 4 E223-C- n PLUMCINQ. Lid; c on r aviga lion Company ! 1 LimiUd . v: Direct Service Between San Francisco and Hcnclulu. ';J :.:' V,"'A;tritaVfir ', watch :.:Ai:zn. Tinsmith P. Matsulshl, 1178 Nuuanu:; Annex. Ju't and sheet iron worker.- - water pip? Roy Jlathewa. Palm XI Its tranches. work all gutter in Mall crucra. regulation. Close prices. and : free. furnished . i Estimates D watiaii Commercial & Cuzar C ; Hallra.Gucar'Ccipacx; HONOLULU, T. H. " ' ' ' 5247-3- m :.'i;'..Jufy Ltrllns. C. C. C. C C. C. i. .. 'V C. C. 6 Hcn:fylsn.-..1,.....;Aus.14- ' '.' ' ' , . ' : k S. Wilhelmina. , July 24 Lurline............Au;. C. 6 IVACZO isils frcm'Csaltle for Honolulu direct . V - . a.;.'.Au3. 14 . '. CUGAH FACTORS,' CHIPPING AND , '. 8. S. Hcnolulan. 51 Y.'i;h:!nina..,.....Au. FOR SAN FRANCICCO ' Rsprescntlnj v Ewa Plantation Company ., . " Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd. i Kohala Gugar Co. ; "Apokaa Sugar Co Ltd. Royal Mail inadian-Australia- n FIJI FOR AND f;rrrr,a.. C. C. f'Aura. iiillU. FOR VANCOUVER ' AUSTRALIA S. S. ' Makura ....Aug. ... ....Ccpt.1i 14 U. UiiVlZO a h COMPANY STEAMSHIP - . 1 v ........ .... Aug. 13 2calandia..........Cept. 1a UU.rLIU., UUiLnML hUtUlUi " to Honolulu ; every sixth day. Freight received at all time at the A vhsrf, 41tt Ctreet, South Crooklyn. i Via Tc !, -- ant: Ccmpr-y- 't FuO::. SEATTLE OR TACOUA TO HONOLULU DIRECT .....JULY 30 S. G. VIRCINIAN, to sail about. ....... ..........AUGUST 10 S. S. MICCOURIAN, ta sail about: I. G. CXI CAN; to sail f,', about.. . . . . AUGUST i... t , ; For frrther Information apply to H. HACKFELD & CO.LTD? agents, Hcnclulu. C P. MORSE, General Freight Agent I ' " - . , ' ' . ....Yea General tankics business transacted. Savings accounts far v SI and upwards. E; vaults, Fire and burglar-prowith Safe Deposit Boxes for rent at 2 per year and upwards. Trunks and cass to be kept on custody at raoerate rates. Particulars to be applied for. l- -i lurnis.-i- 6223-6- 1 -- T - V Limited- - "Pratt " 101 ' - Plains, and hills. r ei, el Arrive Honolulc front Wahlawa and hUUdlng. ' V- Lellehua 5:31 p. -- 9:15 a. Tl:40 p. .,' Teiepnone . iag Stangenwaia 5277 Saturday, Au-u- st Hilo via way ports-Ma- una stmf. el. m, tl0:10 p. el The Haleiwa Iiralted. a two-ho- ar train (only first class tickets honored), leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:36 a. el; . returning, arrives in . MOVES THE. EARTH Honolulu at 10:10 p. el The Limited 6tops only at Pearl City and Walanae outward, and Walanao, Walpahu and Pearl City Inward. Daily, t Sunday Excepted. tSun-da- y Only. . r : I n' r TvvTcnw . Superintendent 39 Merchant Street 4 v o. cfTPtJ O. P. A - H. Akagl. 1218 Nuuanu. Forty years' experience In America and Japan. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. O. Box .5247-S- , :' pajamas, underwear and children s clothes made to order. . y : K, Fujihara, Kukui lane.' Shirts, pa jamas. necktieA made to order. m m SHOE REPAIRING. Everything in the printing Uud at Alakea streft; branch, Star-Bnlletl- j n, IXercfcant street ' ' Vtma f- Axa., v ; a Specialty "NV. 1 R NFTIJINTJ Street Oneen k V JL Tt TANAKA. 1266 FORT STREET. Sewing machines bought or exchanged. .. 3209 Ring and we will end man to Ilonolnln 5242-6look at old machine. . - . The Question of Frei rv. J " OOOOOOCKC :: V Queen StreeL : X . T MI-kahal- - p 1 v r" r; 4 Ter str. KIr.r.:. f r July 3D. MI:? J. II:: :. : ford," Mizs Kelly, Mr a. J. Mrs. C. II. V.'i::oT, M: i'.pt. A. J. LowrrA I). : j.rr3. J. G. C Per str. Kilr.-- a, frr 11'.: Mrs. O. porta, July Z Mi33 Aiken Jarrctt, C:x Hattie Ah Yau, Ml:3 C Hoy, Chuck Hoy, Mr. ar.I Gannon. Per str. Miliaria, fcr, , ! C. thy, Frank Per str. Clauiln?,. fcr III ports, Aug. 2. Mis 3 C. E:: Smith, Star.-:- : Ml Stamper, J. B. Git.-cr- a, ., dericjuCs, Mrs. Coc;::r, C. Smith. I 4- - A::l : - an, S'Lo I Mon- - i rAin. sailed from Hcaclula f Julr Sherman, 13. from Honoij.u Francisco. .arrlv-- i July 11. Sheridan from 1 onoluiu for cl3co, Arrived April 7. M. N. S. S. i Crook, at San Francisso. ThurKedav. Aua. 23. Buford, stationed on Tacia M. Francisco Manchuria P. s . -. i- Lurline, ' warren, stationca at i- tc' -e Thcma3, sailed from ...ani.a i.. July 1? and San Franci-scoAn Excellent Eemedy for DIarrtoea. Supply, sailed from HcnalalJ Icr tie. June 15. An ordinary case of diarrhoea can. J - rtf -- ' VlrglZUl nnrl Diar PHnlAra nmWUIVc rnllc rhoea Remedy; This remedy has no fcaJed ,ctHf 9C? sunerior for bowel complaints. For .Kwuiiu, oio at n ripalpra. Benson. Smith & De 1,sl Plice iJ" iou0at. Co., Ltd.; agents for Hawaii. v-lul- STORAGE. . x t.Z-4i- , &.Tfnii.tfn 1 V- V- V I . S 1 Mails are due frcm th2 fc'.l: .: poinU a3 follow: San .Trancisco Lurlia:, Ju'j 31. 14. Victoria Marama, Colonies Scncma, Auj. 0. Yokohama Itancburu, A"T. IT. ,Mail3 will depart for V:.2 f... Ing point3 as follows: M. S. S. Yokohama Korea, Au. 1. Vancouver Makura, aus. 13. ,Colonie3 Ver.tura, Au. 5., San Francisco Transport, Auj. 4. Nile, P rr ir uciuiii a.'....4. uh ports Hongkong via Japan San . m Honolulu Conttruction & Draying Co., Ltd. ' ., J... 1 C. D. Molokal port3, July Friday, August 23. P.'lL S. San FranciscoChina, -- -San Francisco City Transfer Co.; Jas. IL Love. FireInproof warehouse ; (Hopper 'Bldg.) ' 5293-3surance lowest rate. ' " - , '' M. S. S. Phone .351 J. 5245-6- m San Francisco Siberia, P. Mondav, August 19. Sierra, .0. S. S. Tuesday, August 20. Hongkong via Japan ports HENRY M. GODOT. - stmr., norn. Kea, golia, V. M. S. S. Wednesday, Au3. 23. SIGN PAINTERS. 527 S. Beretanla. The prices we charge for hauling freignt from 'wharves to warehouses is light in co mparison with the satisfaction the J:ll.:A'A--r.service gives our patrons. J:A :: Pridav- - Auoutt 18. m t " 1 nADlTCAV . Bmldmi 1 LlATFlflAI . , C.-A.S- .3. A. v if..iVr Monday, August 12. San Francisco Sherman, U.S.A.T. Hongkong via Japan ports Chiyo Maru, Jap. stmr. Tuesday, August 13. San Fianclsco Honolulan, M.N.S5. Sydney via Suva Makura, Wednesday, August 14. Vancouver and Victoria Marama, C.-S. S. ' . a Thursday, August a. central and South American ports LBuyo Maru, Jap. stmr. i Con-itrnctl- n? N. stmr. Kauai ports Klnau, stmr. " co1 churia, P. M. - Sunday, August 11. Maul, Molokai and Lanai ports E. Iyeda; 1292 Fort, cor. Kukut Shirts, Unslncen. ' - S. S, Fort Experienced 12,48 m , Consulting Deslgnlcj and m Tu::J: San Th; ; -- Saturday, August 10. shirt and pajama maKer. j, carry an way ports Mauna Hilo, via grades material. Prices reasonable. Stmr.';:,'7 . 5290-3- - i , - "ft rranc!:co. San Kea, noon. Hongkong via Japan port3 Manchuria, P. M. S. S.' , San Francisco Ventura, O. S. S. Tuesday, August 6 , ' Hilo direct, Maunl Kea, stmf. Wednesday, August 7. Kauai porU V. Q. Ilallr Etmr. Hawaii via Maui ports Claudine,! Wednesday, Ausust 9. San Francisco Shiny o Maru, Jap 6tmr. Sydney via Pago Pago Sonoma, O 8H1RT MAKER. O. Yarhamoto, ; Oceanic : Steamship Company . Baldwin Locomotive Works 3. ' S. S. m Hakalau Plantation company . Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Ca Walmacralo Sugar Company Honolulu Plantation Company ' RoKInson . , Fr;.J:. : Shirts made to order. .We are up to date in latest styles. Finest line of 5229-smaterials in city. . ' - stpttt. ummi f n i r: Sunday, August 4 and Lanai portsMI- Molokal Maui, EB1 STTYA. 142 N. BERETANIA. : Asbestos .11 Concrete Work pa i m ttt auAsaa . t4 4., . ,750. Hawaiian Agricultural Company Onomea .Sugar. Company? i Pepeekeo Sugar Company Honomu Sugar, Company Wailuku Sugar Company . Olowalu ComDany Kllauea Sugar Plantation Company v r Hilo Sugar Company Paauhau Sugar Plantation Company A. P. IlcBOIIALD, n4i ... CD. kahala, stmr. Kauai ports Klnau, stmr. J City Transfer Co.; Jas. IL Love. Goods Monday, August 5. packed and shipped to ail parts or San Francisco Wllnelmina, M. ENGINEERING COMPANY, LTD. , Tuesday, July 1 1. Monday, Au-u- st Thomas, U. Manila" via Nagasaki S. A. T. P. M. S. S. San Francisco-rKore-a, A A . Iron '7:30 p. o u.. European ports rclticlan. Cr. etrar. Wednssday, July 31. Maul and 'Hawaii ports ClauJIa, stmr. . Can Francisco Lurlla, II. N. C. C. Kauai ports W. G. Hall, stmr. SHIPPING. pacific Corrugated 'i . to a:::.itl YLc:rx3 ' Parafna In real" estate on seashore. m S:3l p, r Lin Sing. Kee. Plumber and tinsmith Rnprlaltv renair work. 1044 Kuu5277 St. - Phone 2330" n w m a : 1: . stmr., a a. e Louis Petrillo,' 1387 Emma. Expert. Repairs "while Latest machinery. ROOFING Buildings, Struc Concrete Bridges. 5291-3you wait." Indestructible. Keeps out the heat. ;SysSanitary i tures, Steel Structures, Applied same as corrugated Iron. Inwird. terns, Reports and Estimates on . Pro - Shoe Hospital, 1124 Fort; TeL 3703. We call for and deliver. Bargains, new ' V.orlts CoArrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wal- Honolulu shoes. alua and Walanae ?8 26 a. el, 5:31 '.'"' D. EL' Antone Canete, cor. Alakea and King. lllrX 1 JUliLrULtl WnrV eniaranteetL Arrive Honolulu froci Ewa Mill and Pearl City t7:4R a., el, 8:36 a. ei Contraetor sad BsH2: r Of All Kinds 11:02 a., el, 1:40 p. bl, ;4:28 p. el. SEWING MACHINES. - 836 Fort Street Phone 2747 ' No. 3CS7 ' D. EL Frd. L Valdron.Ltd. 1 - r 2283. r. , ' AGE5TS FOB 2421 O. P, Box 163. hon 5:15 p. m., 19:30 p. el, tlltU p. m For Wanlawa and Lelleaua 10:20 a. ci 5:15 p. a., 19:30 p. EL,tll:15 THE' ftaua! Fruit , and Land Company. ; .: PllUMCERS and SHEET UETAL : WORKERS V 8TOVES and RANGES Cvrntr King and Cishop Streets For "Walanae, Walalua, Kahufcu and Stations 9: 15 a. ra., 3:20 p. in. For Tearl City, Ewa 11111 and YTay a ra Stations t7S0 a. ta., p. a p. 3:2'J 11:30 a. 2:l ni.t ROUTE For particulars see ; : ': . ; ' 1 . m 1 Sujrar Factors, Shipping & Commission . Merchants, Fire and Ilanne Insurance J 17,500,000 h and 1594. ViTay M ruvEa 1 , . ESTABLISnED:i823 EEiClELimi ;6 CO., LTD. Ovtwsrd. ':?': Haiku Fruit aiid Packing Com;asy. J. AKAI, Kanager. v Honolulu Of3ce, Bethel and Mer- Onhu Railway Time Table '.' Pefore letting ' cOtttraci.rar i see me.- - Estimates giaaiy. Phon C. Bre7?r: & . Go, chant Streets. 'Telephones Dispatch; ;. NOHTII : cnnilTATnA. REAL ESTATE. YTJ : Service ' 276 . ' - : of 21 t '' . x ,' Capital Subscrifccd.Yen 48,C00,CC0.; Capital Paid Up... ;Yea 30.C0O.OCO a COMPAtJY. 7'. . ' tr niri: ' 1 n. I.':- ; IIEAD OFFICS. i . .TOECHAlIA Reserved Fund rr.o:.: e:ev yoric, , . ; ; Limited ' C. G. Ar:.Er.!CAfM5;.V.'AI!AK STEAMSHIP . Yolioliama Specie Danli, - ' Honolua Ranch. ' Kauai p. 1 - ' V Kauai Railway Company. Til2 .; 1 - Kahulul iuCrcad Company., : Idatson Navigation Co. Toyo Klsen Kakha - . Ccnany. , . t ' " - " - t- : s Tr- -:: Can , Phons Can furnish . best reference!. but my work speaks for itself. Es timates furn'shed free- of charge. 5245-l- y . ,:T- j 2208. 1 , 4 682 ' G. . King H. Yamampto, IXahuku Plantatlcn Ccnipxiy ; Hcnclu'ii. ' - Hawaiian Gugax MARINE, TOURISTC AUTC:.!OS?lLE AND vCACCACE : r . ). L;-'- " :; -;' ;;- : LIFE, FIRE, ' ";.'V L:t'r rciihr?, apply to' CASTLE u COOuE; LT&; Gcncrd Aocritc IVr MERCHANTO, A;snts fcr ' v. . i.i. cr about, .. ei COMMICCION 'Pala Plantation Maul Agrlculturii r'Oosyaijr . t C.-- - -- FHOl.l CAN FRANCICCO Vl-t-V i. ; .tnl. iro.,, 12 LEGAL NOTICES. BULLETINTUEIUY, JULY 31012 STAK HONOLULU NOTICES. CORPORATION THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII. ) FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, TER- CITY AND COUNTY OF ) ss. IN RITORY HONOLULU. HAWAII, HOLDING TERMS IN THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU. ; i OF TKIlllITORY OF HAWAII, by Mar-rto- n Campbell, Superintendent of Public Works, Plaintiff and Petitioner, vs. GOO WAN HOY, HT AL, De- Rndants and Keponden'. Eminent Domain. TERM SUMMONS. Tlin TERRITORY OF HAWAII: To the HIGH SHERIFF of the TERRITORY. OF HAWAII, or his Dep- -' uiy; the SHERIFF of tKo CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU or hi . r. Deputy; .ftl YOU ARE COMMANDED tov iun'--1 mon GOO WAN HOY; ENOCH JOHNSON; KAlfAKA STILLMAN; ROSE McINERNY, wife of E. A. Mclnerny; E. A. McINERNY; XTARL ONTAI; GIX)RGE D. ROBINSON: GEORGE T. ROBINSON; J. A. MAGOON; THOMAS ROSE K. AUU; LUM CHAN; KW'AU KHI; "WONO LEONG; HARRY DOE JOE; JAPANESE BENEVO LENT SOCIETY, a corporation; W. 6. SMITH. 8. M. DAMON. E. FAXON UIK1IOP. ALBERT F. JUDD and ALFRED W. CARTER, Trustees under tile Will and of the Estate of Bernlce Pauahl Bishop, deceased; JOHN DOE. MARY ROE. JANE BLUE and JOHN BLACK, unknown owners and claimant, defendants and respondents, In cac they shall' file written answer within twenty days after fervlce hereof, to be and nppear before the said Circuit Court at the term thereof pending immediately after the expiration of twenty days after nervlce here- of; provided, however. If no term be pending at such time, then to be and appear before the said Circuit Court at the next succeeding term thereof, the January, 1913, Term there- of, to be holdcn at the City and County of Honolulu on Monday, the 13th day of January next, at 10 o'clock a. m to Phow cause .why the claim of the Territory of IlawalL plaintiff, should not bi awarded to it pursuant to the tenor of its annexed Petition. And have you then there this Writ, with full, return of your proceedings thereon WITNESS the Honorable Presiding Judge' of the Circuit Court "of the First Circuit, at Honolulu- aforesaid, this JCth day of February, 1912. (Sgd.) J. A. DOMINIS, (Seal) Clerk. , . . ; , to-wit- . - ; rritory Te . liar.-?- I!. V . City end County of ; Honolulu. . r : ' : ; - 3. - . fft Gov-rrntr.t- nt t r ( . -- 1 . ' feet In a straight point; to a line thence In a curvhaving a raright to ed line the 9. 21S" .09' 120.02 dius of 10. 222 39H 870.0 feet; 136.77 feet Ihii very day. It makes weak stomachs strong, keeps the liver and bowels active. It also pre"; vents Malaria Capital; paid Deposits Undivided Profits 1120.000.00 796.638.44 . 21,882.30 L For sale by Uewon. Smith &'Co Ltd., Cbambera Drug Co., Ltd., HIlo 1938,520.74 The assets of the Company on the Drug Co. and at all wholesale liquor ; first day of July, 1912,' were as follows: J6I1.872!36 . Bills Receivable U 253,995.00 Bonds .... ... . .;.-'...' Real Estate 33.01L25 Cash on hand and ' In 30,422.97 Bank .' ...... TRANSACTIONS. ESTATE REAL Entered for Record July 29, 1912. From 8:30 a. m. to 10:30 a. m. to Tsugl Sakamoto (w)..P A Haleole 9,219.16 Interest Accrued.!.. Von Hamm-Youn- g Co Ltd to ParRel Cummings et al ;.i ker E ;938.520.74 McCand- to L L and Kaanaana wf (SIg.) CECIL BROWN, . D v., less ' . . M. P. ROBINSON.: Arm-- ; to Keamalu Lilian James Subscribed and sworn to before me D strong this 29th day of July, 1912. (W) to Chang Yau Kela Kahnaka' (SIg.) FRANK F. FERNANDES, Sang . ...... Notary Public, FirsJ Judicial Circuit, to of . Farley Joseph of K Est Trs . h. M C Lunalilo W (Seal) :. I hereby - certify the above to be a E Day and hsb (C T) to George true and correct copy of the orlglhaj E Amj-D; lot 11 of gr 2789, WaikikI Piltz, schedule filed In the office of the Treas- Rd, Honolulu Oahu; $250 and mtg ' urer of the Territory of Hawaii. J1750. B 368, P 221. July. 2, 1912. FRANK F. FERNANDES, Hiram, Notary Public,, First Judicial Circuit, , Kanae and wf to Mrs A M1469, kul 2752 D; int in kul and It P CSOO-lT. H. p 370, Walajua, Oahu,' B $20. 7497, ... : , t. grand juryi investigating the recent murder of Herman Rosenthal, gamb- ler,;who was preparing to testify con-- j -- .................. . w . June 224. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. ' 1, 1912. , m , a direct bear , Jn-y- 29.-Clare- . - , , . It.rj . T L- .44, . . - Co., ' paVicy. Ui Emma, C.iy c, Vineyard Abovs , - y i .... ij :::n Cjy 5' ; . ' ' ?Q Phone .: Cor. King and Couta Cta. :, ' T' ; , . 1 Sticcericra to - W. WRIGHT C CO CleepinaUyerandas; Prlvats - ,';'' Phones in all rooms;. Artesian-:Plun;sj-NU.t'-an- il Day Ten;,, , LTD. I 1 ;.;' r. .' IKclloj " C Auto, Motor and , : ' . - Dcmpcoy r Carries R:-i:!;!- ..3 Painting rTrlmmln;, - 4. - f 1 r-rr- . " ;;-,.;.- . - Na-shlw- a.l ' 5 ! (C Japanese-commi- , ssioners" LV-eas- up on Tiin )Tin:r. k. AND CIVIl i Till. A TIMi: AT U CHILDREN . - SIX HUNDRED DUE "JULY 31 J. (' Lu i: ar-lang- ed ; PER - ' --- . r S. S. LURLINE ; ! RATE 3 ARC LOW Glul) Siablas, ; ":. : r TELEPHONE 11C3 Imported Horses . - . La-Inaho- 6v83-10- ... ' lo, - For. Sale WAIMEA, KAUAI . : . f .... I r . . t. J JAMn.l . .. A.'.ILi.Oo. Cest Htel Renovated ", on Kauai Tourist Trad Solicited ... .: . . y. LI)VI , 'Nswiy . 0a tr' :t, 1 i ; w i , Tcrt C D.-191- .y 4 -- ; , i . . it 518 S. King , - GOOD MEALS ( Rates Reasonabfa . '.- t. Proprietor C. W. SPITZ . V - ' p AL-LIN- O, M "i r -.i- - :- c hl l-- 2a Ke-ma- Only establishment on the ' Island equipped to do Dry Cleaning. IF IT'S PAINT w 1-- BHp..a J. A. GILM AN Tort Street. ? Li-hu- Kauai; $2000. B 3S8, p' 219. June 29, 1912. Seeded on a Journey. Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale at all dealers. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., agents for Hawaii. -- ; ' :v" ,"; - DIED. July BOMKE At Kilihf, Honolulu, ; 25, Mrs. Wilhelmlna Bomke. aged 33 years. ' Photo-EngraTl- ng rhoto-EngTail- ng Jn people boy the Star-Bnlletiib- A : :. b : . MR 3. C. Z. CAVi:. V And you want a flood job, see me ' ;' :; ' Tom Sharp ;:'r " V. Waikiki Beach Resort SHARP SIGNS ARE SEEN EVERYWHERE COTTAGES.. VlO Day Kaahtimahv FURNISHED ROOMS. Phone 1697 .75c, $1? Month, FURNISHED GIBB, Proprietor; . PEJER Open Phone 2335 Now I f.liLTO; C PARC0N3 Telephone ZZZZ 1112 Fort C-l- " i1 , In the printing line a of highest praJe of highest prade U"f Alakea street; branch, ean be secured from the Star-Bulleican be sernred from the Star-Bullet- ci. a: HICH - Special Torras for Summer 2Iontlis. T." A. SIMPSON, Manager. u, " For Sale by KILAUEA. HAWAII. Cl-- Vi I'atchman's Clodu t PHONE 3350 -- , 'i -- pres-ident- 1 ".' rv-- ' i , , - . 21 Cr.I $1. : at- ; Has prepared for the tour- -, 1st bUHinesa by the addition ; of two- more "bungalows; beautifully furnished. They are now ready for occu- -. t frtt tn J':r ....:. li; v-- j'fk. ; . Alexander Lindsay, Jr Attorney Gen-tra- L and E. W. Sutton, Deputy Attorattorneys for petitioner. General, ney 5279 July S. to 31 -- ;.;atto:Su o. i ' ZZZlzzxs. ;-;; v , . 3t ' .J? ' : . " ' T j w C;:r.:';rccJ CoiicrtU' ( - . 1 V: nco : .......... .......... ......... Engines and ITercLaut street, T cal 1 1 Qu: zl an d Rciin c 1 ' Wire Woven Fence ErrrytMnj WllJiarat Uedlcln IT pijasaiiiQi nt .......... tend tnt'Ct!n','i cf cf r rv-:v.-l; cnltr are cordially Invite 1 Cssei'J.--i houses j All vhltlr. Santa Barbara outspoken but perfectly proper little bock tni should be read br every woman and crowing o'rl. A free sample of the new lax stive "Pinklets will also be sent you. Should you be unable ta obtain Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People In your locality they will be sent postaidon receipt of price, 60 cents per box, six boxes for $2.53. " a SATURDAY: Hotel Potter, - 1 . Stiir-Rcl- h Or'.' Cox 178. Schenectady, N. Y for t30 Wet, "Plain Talkt Id Women- .- It -'rr ; ..Vice-Preside- FRIDAY: 10 0t .. to the V.'r!t messages assuring him that the alarm felt by Americans in the border states of Mexico is altogether groundless. No danger of an attack upon Americans from the guerilla .bands - of-- . rebel3 '. x exists. The American refugees had ; heard that General? Orozco, the rebel leader, "hau issued an order to kill all Amer icans if there is no intervention ; wi t , ; in a few days. . . THURSDAY I . American consul here is.Jn' receipt o( - circuit No cos- h-- 1 ing and distance; thence 11. 227 10' 642.9 feet in a straight line to a point In thev southwest property line of Kuaklnl Street; thence 12. J3S 45' 50.0 feet alOngthe south-- I . west property vllnoi , of Kuaklnl ' Street, t6 the point 'of beginning. Containing an area of 6,787.6 square feet. ' Ay persons having an Interest In WHEN YOU WANT the land sought to be condemned are tereby warned that unless they appear m. said Court on or before. August 5, 1312, they will be forevef 'barred from contesting said petition or any judg- . - Th Man to 8 It ment entered thereon. WHEREOF, have I IN WITNESS C. AXTELL - ALAKEA STREET hand and affixed the i. hereunto set seal of said Circuit Court, this 11th day, of April. 1912. Chemical J. A, DOMINIS. (Seal) Clerk of the Circuit Court of the First : is .' i V WEDNESDAY: tsof pe ; MEXICAN SITUATION , NOT SO ALARMING JUAREZ, Mexico, July 29, The : TUESDAY: steamers. Hotel Siewart recognized as Hawaiian Islxcd Headquarters. Cable AJiress MTrawetsAEC code. JJL Love. Honolulu representative. metic in the world can the wholesome color, the bright eyes, the clear, trans-- ; parent skin that is the natural result of pure blood, proper diet and hygienic habits of daily life. It sounds easy and it is easy for a woman to have the beauty which health alone can . give., A safe and efficient tonic if the blood is weak, thin or impure (Dr. Williams Hnk Pills for Pale People are especially, recommended), the ; avoidance of foods which will cause eruptions, and regular bathing cf the slan. .; That is " all d it is the only way. s . beauty more than skin deep. 1 Gretchen K .Waterhouse and hsb (A) to Charles M Cooke Ltd, M; lot Hawaiian Fisheries, Ltd. B of grs 3806 and 35S9, bldgs, rents, etc, Keeaumoku St, Honolulu, Oahu; " At ah adjourned meeting of the $7500. B 364, p 145. ' July 1, 1912. i if: THEV DENIES, DARROW. stockholders of the Hawaiian Fisheries, "Wm Holt to Mrs Annie M Hiram, R 1 EVIDEfTCE AGAINST ;HIM Ltd., held InJIcnolulu July 5, 1912, at Dj 16,351 sq ft land, Puaena.Wal-alu- a, t July of1503 Nuuanu Valley, the following LOS 'ANGELES,. Oahu; $300, B 370, p 226. July; Darrow took, '.the1 stand; in his own deficers and directors were elected to 2, 1912. ' : ' fense today 'refuting the testimony erve for the .ensuing year: William R Castle by atty to .Emma produced by.Hhe prosecution by Behm J. M. Tucktr. .President Kiley and lisb, Rel ; pes IanI, Kalihi, flatly contraT. iwanaga: .... i .... . ' Honolulu, Oahu; ' $400.) ;B 369, p 182. ; and Franklin..; Darrow testimony portion of dicted' T. Fujita. . . . ... .... . . ... . .. .Secretary their William R- Castle, itr, by 'atty to and explained' away V rest; . .Treasurer ilenry M. Nlshlhara, . . the K Sniffln.'Rel; R Ps 2873 and ,. v;;-. V .Auditor 796 and por H P 785, Alea, Ewa, Oahu; Hv Aoki. Managing Director pes land. Fort St I Honolulu,' Oahu; SH"OUP FOR ' PAC1 FIC , ELECTRIC. S. Uyeda. ; . . ; . . Director G. Nakamura , SAW F.RANC1SCO,: :July 2?. It; was :; $1500. , B 369, p 182. Oharn. ..... '. , .. . .'. . . . . . ... .Director Malaka M Pacheco and hsb (U) to, announced.! today? that 1 Paul Shoup is . . . . .Director G. Kainamura.. ', Gorllch, D; lot 2, blk 2,' Kapiolani to succeed fViUjam F. Herrfn as T. Tera oka ......... . .. .' . . . .... Direc tor II ot the. Pacific; Electric Company. tract, Honolulu, Oahu; ' $285. B 370, p T. Mas uhara... Director and Manager 227. July 2, 1912. -i -- -i : ... ' C300-JAPAN'S PAIR. COMMISSION ';Co Ltd to M Von Hamm-Youn- g : : delay; LOCATION PLANS open 18 Packard Rel; Jnodel, SAN B $1400. FRAKCISCOn July. 29. Upon ; car No 18833, Ter of Hawaii; LEGAL' NOTICE ' Teceipt'f. 1912.2, the news, of the "death 369, p 183. July the. g Hamm-YounCo Emperor of Japan, the of the M Nashlwa to von IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Ltd, C .Al; 1912' model 30 Overland here; to select, the First Circuit, Territory of Hawaii car; "No v 7779, Ter of Hawaii; Japanese Bite for "the Panama Expositouring At Chambers.- In Probate. In the mat- 191,2 modeljl 8 Packard touring car No tion announced Uhat the plans for ter of the Estate of Fong Ngue, De- 18835,' Ter of Hawaii; $1250. B 369, p making . the - selection would be - temceased. Order of Notice "of Hearing 183. July 2, 1912. v porarily abandoned. It had "been Petition for Administration. Probate special ceremonies would that Oahu College by trs to N B Young, No. 4522. On reading and filing the Rel; lot, 9, blk 6, College; Hills tract, mark the site selection, a program Petition of Wong Shu Hoon .of Hono- Honolulu, Oahu; $500. B 369, p 186. w hich would lie tJut df place under the ' lulu, alleging that Fong Ngue of Ho- July 2, 1912. 'V '. circumstances. tv nolulu died intestate at Honolulu on (k) to Sarah Campbell,.D; Kaikaina the 6th day of July, A. D. 191J, leaving 11,950 sa ft of R P 2770, kul 1104rrents SENATORS DENY property within the Jurisdiction of this etc, v BR1TAINS RIGHT Volcano St, S Hilo, Hawaii; $1, i Court necessary to be administered etc B 373, p 2i: ; Apr 25, 1910. ; WASHINGTON; July 29.The bill uponi and praying that Letters of AdMrs Anrrle Aiona et al to Sarah tc fix the rates for the Panama canal ministration Issue to Lum Hop of Ho- Campbell, D; 11,950 sq ft of R P 2770, further debated in the Senate tonolulu; It Is Ordered, that Monday, the kuL1104, rerits, etc, Volcano St, S Hilo, vas day, Senior.. Ufadley' of Kentucky 26th day of August, A, at .9 Hawaii; $1, etc. B 375, p 22. June and Senator Massey making heated o'clock a. m., be and hereby is appoint- 20, 1911. '.c - Senators took, the speeches. r Both ed 'for hearing said Petition In the Lupenul and wf to W H Peleliilii Britain.' had neither ground Great that courtroom of this Court' in the old Y. gr 2158, a legal "nor a moral right to ask that n of D; Int M. C. A. building in the City and CounKau, Hawaii; $1. B 362, Ehe be consulted in any way in the ty of Honolulu, at which time and pMakaakupa, '.. '.: 400. June 25, 1912. fixing, of the canal tolls and denied place all persons concerned may apHaTerritory of to Sugar Co Hilo Britain's right- to be consulted pearand show cause. If any they have, waii, D; pes land, Pitman St Extn, Great "the.; in! matter. The canal, each said, why said petition should not be grant- etc, Hilo, Hawaii; 370,-221: had been built wholly by Americans B .$1. ed. By the Court: JOHN MARC 18, 1912. . and American money and the control Clerk, First Circuit Court. Dat- June ; Hilo, Sugar Co to County ,of Hawaii, of the waterway rested wholly,' with ed, Honolulu, July 22,' 1912. (Seal.) HaHilo, S Puueo, pipe lines, S; B 'v. America 5295 July 23, 30; Aug 6, 13 waii; ?1300. :B 376, p 43. une 18, 1912, J Ng Yee Tick and wf to Ken-icCONFEDERATE VETERAN of gr S99,.bldgs, Okldo et al, D;, l .BY AUTHORITY. '; AND OFFICER IS DEAD furniture, fixtures, etc, Honomu,; Hilo, PORTLAND, July Hawaii; $7500. B 375, p 23. June 29, Forrest Henry Hathaway U. SEALED TENDERS. y ' .. 1912.' S. A., retired, died suddenly today. J Waiohinu and wf to Paauilo Ag- General ; Hathaway was , sixty-eigh- t Sealed Tenders will be received by ricultural Co Ltd", D; por gr 1557, years old, forty years of his life hav the Board of Harbor Commissioners Hamakua, Hawaii; $750. B 368, ing been epent in active service, a up until 2 p. m. of Wednesday, Au- p 223. June 22, 1912. roit'rtf HfliK imo a corvoH with tho gust' 7, 1912, for the construction of a aiakea Mm Co . to Hilo Railroad l(nfe4erateg'.n the Civil ' War. At sidewalk in front of the Alakea street Co, L; tracts A, B, C and D and lots -Fair Oak, Virginia, and slip and Richards street wharf, Hono- AA, DD and EE,4WaIakea, Hilo, Ha- the battles ofVirginia, he distinguishNewniarketr; lulu. waii; to June 1, 1918, at $166.67 per ed himself particularly, receiving pro Specifications and blank forms of an. B 373, p 43. June 2. 1912. ; motions "upefn ' the field, in the first tender are on file In the office of the (A) to Emma Kaupalolo and hsb " being taken from the Department of Public Works, Capitol Chang Yee. D; 9 Int in por share in engagement iioij wni Building. a first lieutenant He was . appointed The Board of Harbor Commissioners 1.00. !! "Tii!!na Ac to the fedefal army after the war and reserves the right to" reject any or all t CarolineHayseiden e to thgrade .of brigadier-generf- .i . . tenders. . ricultural Co Ltd, D; R P 6o6. kul 10,- MARSTON CAMPBELL. 789, Kukua, Lahaina, Maui; J1500. B own request; Chairman, Board of Harbor Commls-slonera.- "- 368. p 224. ' July 2, 1912. , - .. Llhue Plantn Co Ltd to Bank of &94-1e, Honolulu, July 22, 1912. Hawaii Ltd, D; 15,000 sq ft land, - .0 Beautyreal of this city and the protections they I received from the police. The" arrest; of the police officer, who is charged with murder in the first degree, created a sensation in the force. Lieutenant Becker was. An the con fession made, by. Rosenthal Just before j he was shot down in the street, hi3 silent partner, providing the police, protection and receiving a regular' share of the proceeds of the. gambling; joint conducted by the murdered man. Testimony brought out before the grand jury tends to show that Becker!-learneof the contemplated confes- frlon and ;"givj away" and plotted to have Rosenthal killed before, he could' tell the .authorities all that'. he knew. In, .order to, remove Rosenthal; at fund Of fitty, thousand dollars :wa3 col-lected from '..among the gambling ' house? proprietors and the poolroom j mert,' this fund being used to bribe a j professional thug t'o kill Rosenthal at the first opportunity; Decker was arraigned at. midnight, entering a plea ofMNot guilty."' . A MONDAYi omnibus meets ' all trains and ' ' Yezhly Calzndz; trans-ferrirr;taallrir- ; Fever and Ague. ' 5-- cuit Court ct XI J ;rst Judicial CU thereby l la wall,-2'cult, Territory Is it !'. f orcing c rtify tl 'a.fulltrus and correct copy of the original summons in the case of Territory of Ha- wall,' by- Marston Campbull, Superintendent of Public Works, vs. Goo Wan Hoy u al., as the wme appears of rec- -' Clerk crd and on ..f.!c In t!;e c:7.eecfthe p " " '" of said Court.- -; I further certify that, Xhe petition prays the condemnation for use as a pulllc l.!:'nvay rf the fcllov.irs-de-KrV.,land, illuate ' In Me City, end County cf Honolulu, Territory cf Hawaii, to wit: , , "Beginning at a point fit the southwest property line cf Kuakinl' Street, which point is Azimuth SIS! 4G' 677.20 from tlie line . between the Street Survey Monument on Liliha Street at the northeast corner of School Street and the monument above Kuaklnl Street, opposite Ku'na-- . wnl Lane, which survey line Is seventeen feet (17) offset, from the new Foutheast property line of' Liliha Street, thence running by trite azimuth and V , : distances as fellows; 1. 47 10' 544.2 feet In a straight line thence, In a curved to line to the left haying a radius of S20.0 feet; 2. 42 23!i 144.C3 feet direct bearing1 and distance; thence "3. CS" .C9' 120.02 feet In a straight -jrMj to a li0lnt thence;' Tn a" curved line to the ,rigt, having a ' radius cf S75.0 feet; bearing 193.04 direct 29' 44 feet 4. and distance; thence . : C. 0: 49' 131.47 feet to a, point In the, northeast property )ine of ' School Street, which point Is azimuth 322 29V 768.5' feit from the government street stfr- -; vey line on Liliha Street; thence 6. 322 4S50.0 feet along the northeast property lino of School Street and across Frog Lane to .a point; thence 7 230 49 133.0 feet In n straight line "In a curved 'to a point; thence line to the left, having a radius of 925.0 feet; , 8. 24' 29' 204.07 feet direct bearing and distance: thence ; Stomach. Ditter's V II Every comfort and convenience. A hia das hotel at my moderate rates. In the center of theatre and retail district. On car lines city. Electric TAssocIated Press Cable NEW.' YOItK, July 2D. Police Lieu tenant Charles Becker was arrested1 today on a bench warrant issued im-- f mediately following the report of thj t I Aba -- steel and brick structure. ITew Hostetter's U Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.50 a day up V American Plan $3.00 a day up . ) - ..." in.... . bli L3 V1TII 1URDER Then by all means get a bottle of , ; n POLICE CHARGED CdWDITIOW? ...... Llasoiuc V in IN BAD The authorized capital of the Company is J200.000, divided "into 2000 shares of $100 each. The number of shares issued is 2000; sixty per cent., equal to 1120.000. has been paid in, leaving 180,000 subject to be called In. The liabilities of the Company on the first day of July, 1912, were as follows: J 1 - I. Jf A. DOMINIS, Clerk of the Cir- : STOMACH : waii. l r iiin IS YOUR - Cecil Brown, President, and M. P. Robinson, Acting Secretary and Cashbeing duly sworn, depose and ier, nay lhat they are respectively the Pr?Ident and Acting Secretary and Cashier, the ald M. P. Robinson acting In the place and during the absence of L. T. Peck, the Cashier, from the Territory, of THE FIRST AMERICAN SAVINGS AND TRUST COM-P- A NY OF I f A WA II, LI M ITED. and that the following schedule Is a full, true, and accurate, statement of the affairs cf said The First American pavings and Trust Company of Hawaii, Limited, to and Including? the 20th 3ay of June, 1912. such schedule being required by Section 2588 of the Revised Laws of the Territory of; Ha- -- x ) . in Photo-Engravi- ng riant ME kinds. Wrapping ; Papers and Twines, Printing and Writing. Papers. AMERICAN - H A W Al I A N PAPE R & SUPPLY CO LTD. Fort and Queen Streets - Honolulu Phone 1416 i Geo. G. Guild. Gen. ilgr. ; All ; i MEDORA 2lA S5S BEAUTITIE3 IN HEADGEAH Are Always" Found at th NEXT SUNDAY 1 Says the Wise Bathar FORT GTP.ZET 0 (i. Jr. Di;CAX 2 FOR A SWIM r AT TH E VAHUKI I jDDNCAN'S; BELMONT ; Cook II ;v Ilrrctanla SL, opp. Koayl Hawaiian ' : Hotel : . r PHON'n 3524 A by S. S. Sierra, t!- very latest in fancy TAILORED LINEN SUITS; also ONI - PIZCZ Just received WithWi i ? LINEN and DRESSES LINGER!-WAIST- . fl;GGLL Tour attention ts called to the fact that we have Just received, by last boat from the Coast, a large shipment of the best PANAMA HATS. Special Inspection Invited to see our in with the Ara-Notplace of the bothersome ch buttonhole " 15c each -.- Cluett, Peabody displayat our new store. 2 for 25c ' & Cow, Makers ' ' . THE No. 20 O WL - - - f - r.i:27 NUUANU m ml . HAT CLEANERS FEUX TURRO, Specialist. OGAIt-X- OW U; A. GUHST & CO. 5c AgentS:viyp:to-c!i- t r.:;::;-:r- y S. CTRZZT Bere-tan- ia street, near Nuuanu avenue, LEADING ' z : J S. HONOLULU; STAfrBULLETiy, TUESDAY, JULYO OLD C. Q. Yee Hop & Co, JOHN ID.- Course MARKET MEAT Telephone No. 345 1 " times ' - V:- k Clothing and: Shoes Start paving money today for the hoy with one of our : At the interest we pay up to big: figures be pile will it 21. he is fore ci Agrkulaze : Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. 3 Capital-Surplu- s, " 1,200.000 Kwoni Sing Loy & Co. King Street, Three Doors from Dtthel 1 .Ji:fUY.olLr FINE LINE OF DRY GOODS Wah Ying Chong KING STREET it! EWA FI5HMARKE1 CirOCTEES OF OIUEMAL GOODS ulccidontiv Plato Glcca Wing Wd.Tai & Co. v f" i CiJ March, 1803, a petition was pre-sentea to congress asking that a road department similar to the agrlcnltnral department be found ed at Washington for the purpose of promoting construction and maintenance of roads and for teaching- - students bo that they might become skilled road engineers and to establish a permanent exhibit of sections of road Illustrating various methods of construction and the best road materials and machinery. This petition was signed by the governors of many of the states, Governor Mclvlniey of Ohio. by chambers of commerce and universities and was indorsed by resolutions of legislatures. The office of road inquiry was established under authority of an act ef I i 1 t . ' il C Laid C23 a Pert Ctrcs i s V vji , ... - a - y m L ': . , .JL..1 jL.j t.-.- o ,s ; k" J mil, lnteH are ...... . ' ' - year - - cr DailiiinrJ TAN and WHITE LACE HC:-..- ... LAC II UCZZ CLACK ar.J COLCr.HD PLAIN' LIGHT 1903., D cslcra..., with Zr.lrz': :ry OUTCIZ:, '. Clfitk- and .Whits...- the new sclentlncally constructed substitute for plaster' and wall paper.' CCLCr.-- . - HOC!.. BLACK and WHITE LAC II BEAVI - - lJ PLAII1 LlwLII HC:- -, tU . It Is artistic, convenient, strong, cool, sanitary. It costs less, lasts longer, gives better . service than- any other. Investigations Into the decomposition of rock- powders under the action of water have led to important discoveries with reference to increasing the ce- '. ' Let us show you how you can get best results at half the usual expense by using ' rf m' 7 .if' - - Remofollin?- - ap-includi- from .Mrh VMr ftor a- compermve exammauon, ana are given thorough training' while rendering practical services to the government In, this way an efficient corps of engineers is being built up, which will aid the development of road building along proper lines; both during and After their connection' with the governments This work was begun In the ! -- ARE YOU vTHINKING OF 7 A - menting value of road materials. The Investigation into the corrosion of iron end steel culverts has brought out important results. Thej generally accepted theories regarding the rusting of Limited ; iron have been demonstrated' to be Incorrect; and It has been; shown that 177 South King Street by treating, the surface of the Iron with a strong oxidizing agent the ' bV Inhibited r ' - FLANNEL-ANIn'; Marf 1007, the office inaugurated PONGEE a 'project designed to- introduce tbe SUITS MADE TO YOUR. - . MEASURE best possiblp, systems ;of construction.' maintenance and administration of 1 f roads in the various counties. Under this- plan: englneenr are to TAILOR Eiito Cldg. .' ' Hots! St L'SilXa ETATT3 OPriCS OT UBLIO EOADa make thorough investigation on all phases of the road work of the county congress approved March 3, 1S03, mak- to , whichi vthey nre asfigned, and ing appropriation of $10,000 for the deexbnstlTe "iTTxrtH giving plans, partment- of agriculture.' The clause estlmate'sfantl recommendations. - ' relating to this work provided that the i The number of tlie employeea of the J , t secretary of agriculture should make office hsV Increased frod one on July' inquiries in regard to systems of road l.;iS93., to. 17, on;.ruIy 1. 1911. The management , throughout the United present;"atpro(riatIoh 'of the office 1st States,' make Investigations in regard r;!!!it, of .which $3,500 is paid to the best methods of road making, i$100.720.ut W W for rent. leaving $l"r7.S0 to pay the prepare publications on this subject .salaries cf thesp ir7 emi)loyee?. as well n atid assist agricultural colleges and ex .as.traveUng expense?. the purchase of inperiment stations in disseminating equipment and supplies, and the usual . y formation. wJI L' la 1 running expensed, Since 1S03 the total amount appro.The most thorough nnct' systematic priated for the office of public roads is method of ofgahlzatloh hare been in $SG4,SG0.! and since its establishment thitluct'd'intb the administration of the the office has Issued 40 bulletins,- - 95 jbfflce. arid' the great' library On all HO FORT CtR E ET circulars, 0 fanners bulletins. 21 year phhses of road work Is' the best book reprints and 18 annual reports, a Western hemisphere, and the library- Is ; total of 1S3 publications. ta being added to constantly. . i The office has directed the construc .', The policy' of the office in recent tion- of about 310 object lessons and years has been to with' the experimental roads, illustrating macad- officials in charge of road work in the am, bituminous macadam, brick, grav various states as closeiy as possible, shell and earth construc- and the endeavor is being made so to el, sand-clay- , tion, The approximate expenditure on Correlate" rbad: work' in1 each state by these object lessons and experimental voluntary as to constitute roads- - by local authorities has been 'one great movement1, along uniform fJEW DHUG . 5C00JC2. aWthe subsequent roajl work lines and' make the progress ana methSODA WATER FOUNTAIN due directly to the object lesson roads' ods of each state knowti to every other represents expenditures running, well state through the medium "of the offlca HAWAII DRUG CO. person-al up Into millions: Lectures and In furtherance of this object a compre42 Hotel Street at end of Cathel .advice by engineers and experts have hensive investigation : was begun in Weir Stocked with New Drus and constituted a prominent feature of' the Novelties. work1 of the office since its establish ment .The ,road material laboratory was 'installed in December. 1900, and a ' ' i from that time to July 1. 1911. about 5.300 samples of road .material have been received from practically every C7 state In' tho Union and tested to determine their character and value for road If ' bunding. ' ... A photographic laboratory was-- in- and Eas now Btailed in January,-1909- , a:conlpIete outfit This was the direct result of a great need for lllustratea The Combined Stocks of lectures.- The office has now a collec tion of about 6.000 negatives and about goods will be assembled at r J 3.000 slides; many of which have been colored. These illustrate all phases of ; road work. Experiments have been conducted' ft All goods; vvill be sold with oils. tars, rock asphalt and vari ous' preparations- - for: the. purpose, of 4 w- . . . ; oui:i i:i:a stkeet C2 V dm L W . - - Uuil Co., x ... " -. ' ' Jt m ' Graduates Ihl engineering I fiscal " :; no. ; ' T- f ; .... v'"-- ; .',-- road building detlcesJ such as rollers and crushers. in actual operation. This exhibit was deslgned'and prepared by the office, and since the exposition closed similar exhibits' hare been shown In many parts of the United States, partly through the medium of expositions' and partly by means of exhibit trains operated by several railroads: Lecturers and demonstrators accompany these exhibits, making them In reality schools of instruction in road Ifciaca, near His; CireeL Exclusivz Patterns In Handsome Grcyis I, .- T w r U 4 ' . k. ii r 2 Bethel and King Street. MB C0RSET3 (T3 i-- .. Copyright by American Press Association, 1312. - BUY YOUR DRY GOODS FROM : WARNERS r ; - ' ; Yee Chan & Co. ;. r i' . Home-Hanks- AND N By LOGAN WALLER PAGE, v Director OSce of PubEc Roads, ' licitod States Department what he could ern In any position, '.with all his : commercial knowledge. J REDFERN I. The Office of Pub- lie Roads. ' - twenty annually t.4UL IMPORTER) AND ' draws 1012 GEIAIT rust-ihgcis- i n : D P. Eix CJl. O. Tclerioae 3120. - ' ; FK.HSf- - FIT - rcrcl .::i frca (', ( ." . 7 C . . raia y ;'ro If I."::.! " .. : ....,.cc::!i , r ' fn If.' ' (E3TAELlfclIED 1S3) ' , citgwong:gg: :yc-- - v I "-" ; .:.n L!:s 13 lis vr; L. CKONG & CO:, !:. ; FUnNITURS f.TsUress Upholstering Lovrt Rates Repairing Lit 2ral Settlements thi'ex:'.:!v5 22 CHRCTANIA and Furniture ; ; ' ; . - ', ' i king 61 ct.tzct :;z;ct to . - ! ; V,:-'- ' COMPLETE LITiZ ; : HOTEL OTP. HUT. - nnrA v ; : : . - .. Afrr .cc Cc f rjUUANU AND KINO 8TRECT3 m Co. '. co-opera- te s . .'-,- WING CHONG CO. mica nrj cf Lories. st, 2?eai: betdei, : Ken Tcrk LdcnTrlicrs' iVcrcj. Dciilen la Fcrcltsrc, : Hattresses, TrcTlicr::1 '7RsUzp:tsn Irsrmrca Co. etc, All tlnds cf EOA and HIS 4 ( :i o cta:c czTr7ALD' Li a. SIONct?. FUIIMTURE made to . nc t otfer. j Qj wo YOSHIKAWA, Y. Why not patronize keep and some of this money here? O'Neill Bui'ding Cor. Fort and Kin Telephone 3529. 180 FOR SALE Lot 53x32.5 off Beretania St, nr, : Punchbowl. ; 27501.69 acres oh old Palojo Rd. with 2 bedroom house. ... : Many fruit trees. i $ 1500 farm; Kallhi,: 1H miles J' from Kins St , ."; 403 Lot 50x100 at P'uunul, near e. 850 ; ! -- - : 10-ac- . re - car-lin- ' . ot $225-L' to rt; -- Cc :.. 177x67 with housed on St, near ' Alakikl Typovrritcr J.:::lti;;... General Iaitaticn T;; ho Fire ' " Station. on Fort St above briflge at 18c " per sq. ft ... Waity Building 74 8. King . 8trMt BE-PAIIIE- IV l'i - .... i 1 -- mf 4 St, r? " - a. " ;' aa--- - LTD., and THE IDEAL CLOii:: 84 Hotel Street, Pantheon Block. Sa!: b:c:r,: '.. . r. v i at prices that will move them quickly. This etc:!: V .... ... S. KOr.lEYA V . .Y. TMAKUVi. . S. HARODA n' , orricx of public eoads. 1904 to ascertain the mileage of Improved and onimprored roads, the character cf improvement, the amounts ex pended, rates of levy and sources of revenue in every county-- in the United States. ,;. This 'work was finished in June. 1907. and the results were pub- lisbed in tbe form of a bulletin, which shows that there are over 2.150,000 miles of road in the United States, of which .only, 7.14 per cent were Improved in 1904. and thattbe expenditure in money and labor for tha r year "was nearly 5SO.000.OOd. This bulletin comprises the first complete data ever on tWs subject ssembled . ; Pnona SC23 Furnishing 6ooils, L02!2?y, EECriDN OF THE BITUMtJIOra IiABOTSATOBT " Fort and Pauahi Sts. - V -r-- L B. KERR & CO., y - Ctinjenwald CutlUnj 78 Merchant M ; CUT FLOWERS REAL E STATS, INSURANCE, LOAN? NEGOTIATED Hal (Tllir'lh : LI-holi- P. E. R. STRAUCH '. : - KINO 'ST BEET location C n ro preserving mac-Be front neir preventing dust anddestruction under addm. roads" from tcunf "Bulfuing. Telephone 2518. modern traffic conditions. The office has5 conducted investigations to' deter Telephone 3137 P. O: Box 708 mine the feasibility of ' the f sand-clamethod" of road' Building in the south ern states as well as in the .prairie states, and this method of construction practicable. Vulcanizing Works has been found to be. quite ' . 182 Merchant Street south: Alakea especially in the Near ' A studv of the construction of roads. HONOLULU. T. IL of natural soils by treatment with as- phaltlc oils, has" been made and was published in circular No: 90. The office is conducting Investigations on tne use of slag as a' road material and the imnrrtTPment of snnd roads In parts of COMMISSION MERCHANT the conntrv where clay Is not access!- JapaheseT Provisions and ' V " efforts have oeen maue General , Merchandise ble, Practical , toward bringing about the more generNUUANU ST. NEAR KING STREET al use of the split log drag in the main' tenance of earth roads. One '.of' the unique and striking Pacific exhibit at. the Alaska-Yukominof series i a exposition consisted of , Also ' every known CLOTHES CLEANED and PRESSED iature' models' Illustrating type of 1m proveil' road and the various Kew : stche mm Tbe CI CYCLE DEALEB and lias mored U .' - Men. of the Fleet and Tourists Report of Uho Insuranci? Conal- The best place in Honolulu, to buy sioner, Ehows tHaV more Uin'as millioa' Jade and Chidese Jewelry of all kinds. dollars net Is sent out annually froo nOTEL AND S3IITH STKEEtS this territory. ' Home Insurance Co. ZZZT CU.MIT In-th- : ii i. . ;ii n : Ueedon's Dnzn:i NEAR NUUANU City Hardware Co., C f:r in " . YOU'LL FIND WHAT YOU WANT AT THE IIISUnAlICE Fi.c C. F. r.-.- : , FIHE Ars tha chsics cf patterns from V- I i. Jy lw , pre-par- e- sucrt.. . os-slgijc- J ( .6-- 1 Weclwvear, IMts, Caiij , J WE WILL NOT QUOTE PRICES. r- - - V).. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. 1 V. 84 HOTEL STREET, PANTHEON BLOCK. 7 y0 c HONOLULU For Rent or liiEli lease v ' No fufK no grease, no odor. : Bags, clean, water ami grease-proo- at So Much Himself Per Line Also oven-cooke- r " By ERNEST d. CFpecial Retains all natural Juices. .Saves usual loss 20 T7TN 0 77 7TO. mmmm In 55 Baas - 25c . MERCHANT STREET Apply: Hawaiian Hews Co. F. C Atherton, Limited Young Building 611 Stangenwald Star-Bullet- . SMITH 'Correspondence in SAN FRANCISCO. July 20. The Iluef confession, being printed in a dally paper, is 'enlightening, but not as exciting so far, as people really thought it would be. Ruef may be telling the truth; he is certainly too tiresome in his long, accurate details to be telling fiction. His writings have the ring of sincerity so far as he goes, but they are unusually clever in giving not one single detail of his private life. You learn nothing but c what he did In a political or way. He admits that he starts in a comparatively poor boy just from college; in a short time he is giving you details of ' how he personally tpeat $15,000 cjn a political campaign. If the articles are no more in the future than in the past, , one will learn all about everybody and everybody else and only know that Ruef was in the. game for all he could get. , In other words, you feal as though the magician after fooling you shows how the trick is done "before your very eyes," yet for the life of you It can't be done at home before the looking glass. You can readily see how it could be done, but you are not dextrous enough to do it yourself. V Sympathy Aroused. Meanwhile the precious rascal and his friends have aroused a good deal of sympathy for the convict; and have Qcured Innumerable signatures- to a petition for his parole, the principal reason therefor .seeming to be thai Iluef was caught and the others were not, therefore release the one who self-an-tlytib- American IJndgrslung f.lodels AN OPPORTUNITY FIHECTAR' ;' 1I0.0KS V.AS AWARDED HIGHEST Fair held at EacraiLcnto: ... .... At the recent" California State COLD A A VTA III) - BLUE II1CC0' AWARD and A A r u r - - CASH l'HlZE km Ceo. C. Becliley, WHEN TIME IS AN OBJECT Phone 3009 Be that as It may, Ruef 's article l i! ! J Xs . v 1 c v. A tccr r f y frofcrly r :J. A beer that will not caur; tilio:sncs3. ' A t:cr tl:nt 21 1:1 exactly the same, cc:vJit:c;i ; when it IcfftLj . ft- - Is y id The BrovH Bottle !:c: ro. Liht cannot harm Sc!:!:i.; in Brown Bottle:. 'f - v . . CCwi tJ - . . . Jroii Schlits ; ; e tKat !:.-jvc- on what he an and other people did, during the heyIG THE THING political days of the Crimmins-Kellregime, but it has remained for Kelly, now a home-lovinquiet citizen withdrawn from the firing line, to throw some sidelights upon the things Ruef " .: doesn't write about.: Kelly paints no rosy view of himself, lie lets bis past stand for itself dicted,, will also, tinbofom themselves, f"3 lota rear 'the ?ny way you want to take It, and sur- by vhich time, it Is1 expced that . by his f five daughters and Truth Av'li have wrapped hei u aperies rounded slzo th Pioneers and Leaders b r.t a T: lour sons he hugely enjoys the frantic about her and fled to parte unsown.' ' : Lci;o ct'tLa lata i the Autcniobile Business efforts of the "holler than Ihou" The fuial chapter, wou id be tr put ...... A., w. . . purify the political arena the whde matter in a movins p'cture hllOW. n Ar:tr.ij "for such cars and provide Jobs for themselves. c Stevens-Durycron ale as Packcrd, M r.:::-- , of cheap lets In a I v j IC i; ' Cadillac, Thomas Flyer, i .t in Gulkk fctrctt, ju?t epen-(- .s Be':!;, Ovcrhnd, Baler Electric, and 1 ; II rar.sias frcin $1C0 to ?:CD. 4 I Kj W i Jl illuminating-discours- sji. 1 - was; Sole Distributor . al - and . Electrically 'Lighted Self-Starte- rs 7! -- semi-I'Ubli- Building 1913 ; ' makes it appear that he was a fine young man when he came out of college,, says Kelly, -- and that he was corrupted by the bosses after he had fought them for years. Ruef; as a matter of fact, was strictly business from the ground up but his business was never straight His early environment and associates were bad, and by the time he got into-- politics there was nothing left of him to be tainted. If he'd been left to himself he'd have landed in San Quentln long age; He says he was affiliated with Kelly and Crimmins for ten years. I never asked him to do a thing In his life. I well remember meeting Ruef in 1900. That was when I first got onto his game. He was then young In politics but he knew where the stuff was. He had no vices but he had no virtues either. 'I said 'Ruef, the trouble with you is that a man can't bet his. money on you over night that is the opinion your conduct compels me to have'.' Kelly goear on tb tell how" Ruel was constantly seeking to control the Public Administrator's office. Tom RIor dan, who wanted to be the Administrator's attorney for a while in place of Ruef, finally objected to Ruefs control. "Ruef whined; said he made no money, said he was getting poor in politics. I went out to the City Hall, got the Public Administrator's reports and got a line on Ruefs fees.- - I found he had made thousands of dollars. When I showed him fthej figures, he said: Oh; those ; figures are phoney. I swelled them to make Tom Riordaa jealous'. Now what can you do with - ; a fellow like that?" And now, just to make some more Interesting reading, Schmitz, with hand upraised, says he is going to write a book telling what really happened the Inside and outside, seams and all, writing frankly ai'fd without bias or prejudice, telling iicthing but tne truth, the whole truth, so help me Schmitz. Hand still upraised. So withJtuef, Schmitz and Martin Kelly all telling the truth and no one id them telling the some ifcing, it begins to look hard on "Truth."'. Maybe Patrick Calhoun, Tire v Ford and other capitalists itrraerly InMRuef f. Tor anything Aw Was a Fine Young Man! Schmitz Says He Will Unbosom Second Floor of the t 1012 IM' DP HOSE The Logical Way for Everything Oven-Cooke- d TUESDAY, JULY5 N, ps emu h WILtfdlliJM L ir Continental Cookery Bags STAR-BULLETI- . v. ....... . . CU' i.J- ...w. - . w tottlcj. -- r.mes L. Holt Co., Ltd. - c' c:3 ! Young iamm- von g, , :.-:- - well-know- Pcpc-Hartfcr- Aw a, dr "1 v. c. J v I : . - kiul w f i , ZT f.r.e; cosy A" 2-- bc !room o an J. a 4 bedroom " le conveniences 1: rovcn.cnts, at Kallhi. $23. CH.W.CK, 1C7 f,!erch:nt Ctrest In . lets In Nuuanu Valley, P. 1 -- tcv.-n- r CUPPLIES AND REPAIRING ILK end CREAM r:!ry - Letter .Exposing Open ASSOCIATED GARAGE, LTD. Never since the country was! formed has there been such a; scandalous "and; J degrading contract entered. Into. Compared with it the blackjacking of the 'c c.'.ivcr Thomas W. Lawson furnished' a lively chapter In the . story pf uie' npninprn tie rnnvenUnn' at rtaHtmnro :t:g O. Box 220 that L. L McCandless, local Bourbon SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO. leader; says is one of the most reMerchant Street markable things in the national cam. paign. In the Baltimore Evening Sun of 1112 Vineyard Gt cor. June 27 Lawson, the spectacular Bos- fuutnu zti Telcphcna 1543 For the BEST RENT CARS in the ton financier. published an open let- cr.'.cc Hours; 9 to 12 a. m., 7 to 8 city, ring up for ivr cuas.iisu.din puoi ot sixiy mii- Sundays by urpclntnicnt. dollars had been, raised to elim- 5 ::cc : TO U. Vineyard Street, inate Bryan and, nominate a dark r cr.lce. .Telephone 1613; P. O. Box horse. Lawson wrote as follows: William Jennings Bryan, Baltimore OLDSMODILE, No. 4C3 Dear t Mr. Bryan: In Chicago, , LANDAULET. No. SCO Thursday, while the Big Beast last N D H. E H C employ of the System the Us were blackjacking the people from the Republican end of the game; I laid Use a PREST-O-LIT- E TANK before you the plot by which the Dem' on your Automobile and save end was to be knockout ocratic Generator Troubles. dropped. I told you the arrangements MCUCr. rURNIGHING COOD3 had been made down to the last deAcetylene Light and :r - intoniobile - T:r-:,- 000 : . T.T.tch Grow Janes Guild Company C:-.- Telephone Clock Agency Co. Ltd. Ccrvice Is Always Good at the bALvUiiLx 1 'Vulcanizing Ctr.ha's Alley, fJext Union Grill, on King . Strett ALL. WE ASK IS A TRIAL tail.."': 1 ;; Phone 1S23 WORKS KapioUni Dwldlng VULCANIZING : You were to be eliminated: Clark and Wilson were to be 'deadlocked: a dark horser. a certain "progressive" (God forgive the profanation) was to be sprung and bowled through. I told you that one million dollars in cash was the Bosses' plum: five hundred thousand furnished by the dark horse, five hundred thousand by a , certain Wall Street System master. I toldyou tock pool that a had been organized, participation In,, which was to do the trick with all .kicking delegates. . When I told you these things, you were astounded.' You said it 'was impossible. I told you the first leg was the election of Parker: that if the morrow showed me wrong in the Parker part, I would admit I ,had been a dreamy ass. You now admit I told you sixty-million-dol- HONOLULU : lar ; - Biorkman's , AUTOMOBILISTSI NOTICE! , We make a specialty of recharging your storage battery carefully by Im- ; proved non overcharging which Insures Ions life to your battery. We also repair and make plates of any 133 Merchant QtretL kind of storage cell to order. straight v Cull or telephone 2914. Let me tell you further up to date Berger Electric Works, 70 N. School St everything mapped out six weeks ago Phone 2747. has gone through on schedule, and without a slip. It will go on to a finish .on schedule and without a skip. e You agreed with me the Bosses' nominee is the rankest counterfeit ever mentioned for Presidential honors. V: .V V'-Listen: This man has entered into AND PEAL ESTATE hard and fast bargain (I should say OLIVE R G. LANS I N G aa signed and sealed contract) with the 3 Merchant Street Bread, .s the bet Home-Mad- e Big Beast Bosses that if they give and Coffee Pretscls Cake. Be Gcman him the honor, he will give the Sys- ring up : 2124. rc and BARGAINS! -- - . MALOWS to-b- - -- BARGAINS! 1129 Fort Street We deal j i'licrnut Oread The One Best" Bread i , Alleged Plot F. H, Kilby, Prep. frc?h link 'end Cream C.ii.y to all parts of the city. Cr.tliTicticn Gusnntesd Sf11 Pw:W Spectacular' BostonianoWrote 1 In listed and unlisted secu- - rities of all kinds. Hidalgo, La Zaca-ulp- a rubber; Purissima Hills OU'etock; B'sr Plurft Bosses at Chicago was gitimate statesmanship. , This Baltimore thing is vile, f,0"8 vl!e'nd, tt is ? to yo" l? le- ! Iep- - "ft lify it Authorize me to say that with Roosevelt atthe head of the Progressive ticket you will accept the nomination," he resign af ter "the first two years and you to serve the other two, and we will sweep Beast the countrv and roil the Bosses into the hell they' will so V tingly, grace ; "nothing this now, publicly; as can preVent the Baltimore deal from golng througn 0n schedule, Remem-V- y T tnl(, vHn nf th fiv mniion dol- Iarg raised on the eve of the '96 tlon t9 buy and defeat you. '' Remember; 1 telegraphed you on the 1900 that the fl nf f h. nnvpnt,nn deal to, noml- -' Pat McCarren-hahdle- d nate Parker was a System-hatche- d plot and " entirely in the interests of the System. You wjll remember that afterward you Irad my statements proved to your complete satisfaction. Now rise to the opportunity: show yourself to be the people's real friend th t In those' long, hours in Chicago last wcek. when we .had walked the Mke Front until after midnight had passed ,nto morningi you finany gaid that I did that they would never hitch with didt thatuhey -- were never hitch with after you had opened on them, j oId you the Democratic Big Beast Vice-President- fit-li- . - j H ial n 1 W o n r m m f i W mt on - clec-Bosse- five-State- r sin ii.trfhsmpn x Dathe with fresh flowing water; the old method cf v...,-- EXPERT URGES PURE SILK LAW BECAUSE " OF ADULTERATIONS is unsanitary. - BATH SET NO. 3. . . . BATH SET NO. ....... . . . .$4X0 5............... SHAMPOO SET NO 7;. 2.C3 2.C0 SHAMPOO SET NO. 1523....... 2.C0 4.75 DOUBLE CONNECTION FOR HOT AND COLD WATER.. ..........7-- 3 BATH AND SHAMPOO SET' NO. , V tub bathing, t::tV They are made. of rubber in the shape of hair and shampoo brushes, with every "brist! a," cr hollow, and the water goes through the channel with absolute freedom - the Republican Big. Beast Bosses, would hitch with the devil himself If neces- sary to successfully blackjack the people. I ask you now who was right? In the light of. my past advice w.ll you not now take It and prevent i; new wrong?' Take it and by prevent- - . ing this . new degradation be to th 2 people the hero In fact that you have , been in their imagination. Bear in mind the nomination of this man by those bosses' and by their methods, when exposed; as It will be, with complete and absolute proof, will be the scandal of the age, and upon it the candidate of the new people's party will ride to victory as easily as rides the Iroquois chieftain's canoe propelled by the spring freshets. THOMAS W. LAWSON. Boston, June 27, 1912. VC AN s 73..... .... ...... . . . . . ......... E3iiGon,; Smit!i:5:.Cp., E&zL legislation at the next session of Congress making it obligatory for manufacturers to mark their fabrics "pure dye" or : 'adulterated" as the case e. . ' :"r:: A' - less it contains at least 10 karats, or a pproximately 40 per cent of the pure metal," says Mr. Toohey. '"Yet dess silk are old daily that do not contain much more than 25 per cent of the pure fiber, the remaining 75 per cent being of inferior matertel. ; J "The most serious part of the whole matter is not the actual adulteration ot ihe silk, but the selling of it to the average consumer as a pure silk fabric." -- "cr: c: :::: U4W(,t Uluu;.J yiUwil ItO ' "No manufactured article in which gold is a part may be sold as gold un- . Aching Heads Aie Zr. - may-.b- ; ; "o rZ: i i i No Ealeswomaa cr ealenaa cia sIto :a'.::. ' ' ; when ruTering from thl3 tcrtnra. J Business of every kind today demands ckar-Lcai- : c.c-don from disturbance as far as pcriltla and tl3 Ir You can assure yourself certain relief from hzilzzhzi t ccz-!I:rit- !c la a LI: t:ii ty taklr- - W 9 . ts NEW YORK -- StealG, Headache Tafer3 habit-formin- g rhoto-Engrailn- ; Str.r-BuIIet- rhoto-EngraTin- g: ? frr -- Legislation; requiring I will vutfantM too to top tlaat itch in two that adulterated silks sold in tais Mascot Copper. . v-that t hv v.r sold for country be branded as; such, is urgea W. E. LOGAN & CO. Psoriasis, and all other diseases Dv P. AjToohey, of Beldlng Brothers One dose cures and you do cot want it again until another t:if-c-- 3 Room 17 Bacon Block, Oakland, CaL Eczema, given more thorough. to of the skin applies Broadway. This c then you take them because you know what Viz will do for ycJU the sausfacuon imported as well as domestic silks, v drugs.. free from g of hljriiest prade D. UJJ. PrCSCnpaCa ICr tCZCinu cnd the situation has become so seri- Justice to yourself demands that you get CT2IARN5 its , ous, he say, that definite teps are be can be secured from the I guarantee this remedy. For newinnd the truth about It, all 1 ing taken to obtain 'the enactment of people box the BEMSOX, Smin & CO LTD. riant' o, c: . ln Star-Bulleti- n. (Sl:?.z) ccmn: 1