BACTERIAL REMEDIATION OF OIL POLLUTION JP SENTNER 9 TH GRADE CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL RATIONALE • Aquaspirillum serpens consumes oil. • Not tested on synthetic oil. • Effect of synthetic oil on bacteria unknown. • Cellular Model- Aquaspirillum serpens • Petroleum Based Motor Oil- Castrol GTX SAE 5W-30 Motor Oil • Synthetic Motor Oil- Castrol Edge SAE 5W-30 Full Synthetic Motor Oil PETROLEUM BASED MOTOR OIL • Petroleum goes through oil refining to become a lubricating oil. • Petroleum is heated and separated based upon the length of the hydrocarbon chain. • After the distilled oil is treated and cooled it becomes a lubricating oil. SYNTHETIC MOTOR OIL • Made in process called gasification. • Made using coal, water, and oxygen. • Main product is synthetic oil • Combination of CO and H2 • By Products: • Ash • Steam • CO2 • H2S Aquaspirillum serpens • Prokaryotic, aerobic, marine bacteria. • Is often used for cleaning oil spills. PURPOSE • Determine if synthetic oil affects the growth of Aquaspirillum serpens differently than petroleum based motor oil. • Determine if the difference in oil concentration affects the growth of Aquaspirillum serpens. HYPOTHESES • Null Hypothesis: • Synthetic oil and petroleum based motor oil will not affect the growth of Aquaspirillum serpens. • Alternate Hypothesis: • Synthetic oil and petroleum based motor oil will reduce the growth of Aquaspirillum serpens. MATERIALS • Aquaspirillum serpens • Luria Broth (LB) Media • Castrol GTX SAE 5W-30 • 1% tryptone Motor Oil • 0.5% yeast extract • Castrol Edge SAE 5W-30 • 1% NaCl Full Synthetic Motor Oil • Sterile Dilution Fluid • Test tubes (SDF) • Micro pipettes and tips • 10 mM KH2PO4 • Sterile Macro Pipette • 10 mM K2HPO4 • Carolina • 1 mM MgSO4 Spectrophotometer • 0.1 mM CaCl2 • Incubator • 100 mM NaCl • Wax paper • Test tube rack PROCEDURE 1. Aquaspirillum serpens was grown overnight (density was approximately 108 cells per mL) in the LB media. 2. 40 test tubes were set up, 20 for each oil and 5 replicates for each solution. 3. The bacteria, the oils, the LB Media, and the SDF were combined to make a 5ml solution of 0%, 0.1%, 1%, and 10% oil. CONCENTRATION TABLE Percent of Oil 0% 0.1% 1% 10% Aquaspirillum serpens 1mL 1mL 1mL 1mL Synthetic/ Petroleum Oil 0mL 0.005mL 0.05mL 0.5mL LB Media 2mL 2mL 2mL 2mL SDF 2mL 1.995mL 1.95mL 1.5mL Total 5mL 5mL 5mL 5mL PROCEDURE 4. A blanking solution of 3mL LB Media and 1mL SDF was also made. 5. The spectrophotometer was blanked. 6. The solutions were tested in the spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 600. 7. The bacteria tubes were incubated at 30°C throughout the experiment. 8. Absorbances were recorded every hour. 9. One final absorbance reading was recorded the next morning after 450 mins. 0.4 0.35 0.3 OIL EFFECTS [0%], Control [0.1%], Synth. [1%], Synth. [0.1%], Perto. [1%], Petro. [10%], Petro. [10%], Synth. 0 min. p-value: 0.160906 345 min. p-value: 0.317807 Absorbance 525 min. p-value: 0.147201 975 min. p-value: 1.83E-08 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 min. 165 min. 225 min. 285 345 405 465 min. min. min. min. Time Elapsed (minutes) 525 min. 975 min. DUNNETT’S TEST (975 MINUTES) T-crit: 3.73 Type of Oil Concentration Synthetic 0.1% Synthetic 1% Synthetic 10% Petroleum Based 0.1% Petroleum Based 1% Petroleum Based 10% T-value Sig or Not Sig 3.451273269 Not sig 6.250803946 Sig 5.613873686 Sig Sig 4.186952406 Sig 5.475625258 Sig 5.845933549 CONCLUSIONS • Null hypothesis accepted for all time periods except for the longest exposure (975 Mins.) • There is significant variation between the control and all the subjects except the synthetic 0.1% after 975 mins. • The results indicate that petroleum based oil and a high concentration of synthetic oil can affect the survivorship of Aquaspirillum serpens over a long exposure. LIMITATIONS AND EXTENSIONS LIMITATIONS • The sterilization of the blank might not have been perfect, effecting spectrophotometer readings. • The bacteria might not have been given enough time to grow. • Limited concentrations of oil. • Oil exposure? • Cell health (Dead or dying cells recorded)? EXTENSIONS • Longer growth period. • Other brands and types of oil. • Investigate cell health. • Cell counts (hemacytometer) SOURCES • • • pdfs/cctr/outreach/Basics1-CoalGasification-Jun07.pdf • oil-refining.htm • •