<, os Note c~r: fuf/y the spelling, pronunciation, partes) of speech, and definitia (s) of each of the following words. Then write the word in the ank spacers) in the illustrative sentence(s) fof/owing. Finally, study the lists of synonyms and antonyms given at the end of each entry. (v.) to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty 1. admonish (ad man' i~h) , 2. breach (brech) WiIIIII (karn an der') 6. cumbersome (karn' bar sarn) 7. deadlock (ded' lak) _ (adj.) careful, cautious It is important for a diplomat to behave in a manner that is both discreet and . wary, prudent, guarded incautious, rash, reckless, heedless (v.) to seize for military or official use 10. dilemma (di lem' a) (n.) a standstill resulting from the opposition of two equal forces or factions; (v.) to bring to such a standstill (n.) a difficult or perplexing situation or problem During the crisis the President found himself caught in a painful _ SYNONYMS: ·11. efface (e fas') '12. muddle (mad' al) predicament, quandary, pickle, bind cinch (v.) to wipe out; to keep oneself from being noticed Time had almost all signs of the struggle that took place on that famous battlefield. SYNONY~S: blot out; erase, obliterate, expunge , (v.fto make a mess of; muddle through: to get by; (n.) a hopeless mess Too much stress and too little sleep will almost certainly _________ a person's ability to concentrate. The was principally caused by their failure to carry out the general's orders properly. SYNONYMS: (v.) jumble, mess up; (n.) confusion, disorder ANTONYMS: (n.) orderliness, tidiness, neatness . (adj.) clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving The bus was filled to capacity with holiday shoppers carrying large and packages. SYNONYMS: unwieldy, ponderous ANTONYMS: manageable, easy to handle rubble, detritus, flotsam and jetsam (v.) to spread or scatter freely or widely; (adj.) wordY,10ngwinded, or unfocused; scattered or widely spread The scent of lilacs slowly _ ANTONYM: Under certain circumstances the U.S. government has the right to private property. SYNONYMS: take over, requisition, expropriate After fifteen innings, the score remained a frustrating 3-to-3 _ After the storm, the beach was littered with driftwood and other _ The speech was so long and that most members of the audience were thoroughly confused by it. SYNONYMS: (v.) disperse; (ad}.) rambling, verbose, prolix ANTONYMS: (v.) concentrate; (adj.) brief, concise, succinct of Ancient caravans passing through desolate areas were sometimes attacked by _ SYNONYMS: (n.) scattered fragments, wreckage through the open window. (n.) a bandit, robber, outlaw, highwayman ANTONYMS: 5. commandeer 9. diffuse (v, dif yuz': adj., dif yus') (n.) an opening, gap, rupture, rift; a violation or infraction; (v.) to create an opening, break through Our troops were unable to the enemy's lines during the battle. ANTONYMS: (v.) close, seal 4. circumspect (ssr' karn spekt) 8. debris (da bre') SYNONYMS: The librarian had to the noisy students several times before th9y~settled down. SYNONYMS: warn, call on the carpet ANTONYMS: pralsa, pat on the back Because of a serious the rules, two players were ejected from the game. 3. brigand (brig' and) The refusal of labor and management to modify their demands ___________ the contract negotiations. SYNONYMS: (n.) standoff, stalemate, impasse , ANTONYMS: (n.) agreement, accord, breakthrough 13. opinionated (a pin' yen at id) (adj.) stubborn and often unreasonable in holding to one's own ideas, having a closed mind. My boss is not too a reasonable proposal. SYNONYMS: obstinate, pigheaded, inflexible ANTONYMS: open-minded, reasonable to listen to Ii 14. perennial (pa ren' e al) (adj.) lasting for a long time, persistent; (n.) a plant that lives fr From the r;"'~~7i~;~~~'~ ~j A~ \lL@JiQ~I.eit:$i1l~:lj !IC'M""., many years .,'\ iLe ,i:li~Alence Pizza is a !. '.':':~.~~;.~~.:!.~~ J favorite of your words for this unit, choose the one that best completes each of the following sentences. Write the word in the space provided. and old alike in the United States. A garden of 1. He is so is relatively suggestions easy to maintain. SYNONYMS: ANTONYMS: 15. predispose (pre dis poz') who were creating the scenes may be My genetic makeup seems to ----------me to colds and sore throats. 4. I added --- • 17. salvage (sal' vij) methodical 7. Fortunately, we were able to 18. spasmodic (spaz mad' ik) and historians. ANTONYMS: (\I.) abandon, mariner. in the dam threatened (spyu' re as) 10. The idea of a(n) appeals strongly to the popular scrap, junk even determine flashes of lightning and were accompanied by torrential r; like Robin Hood who helps the poor imagination. which members and raced after the vanishing (an brTd' aid) Sometimes our car truck. p not true, not valid manner. 14. Though my memory is getting dimmer and dimmer with the slow passage of time, I false, counterfeit, fraudulent, bogus genuine, authentic, bona fide, valid (adj.) uncontrol!ed, that we couldn't had paid their dues. 13. Some people are subject to sudden seizures, during which their heads 'and legs doubt that the exciting events of my childhood will ever be totally from my mind. 15. The doctor became more and more fearful that her patient's would 20. unbridled when' neither was 12. In order to capture the fleeing criminals, the police Manufacturers who make ----------claims for their products may face fines or lawsuits. SYNONYMS: ANTONYMS: a few 11,; The records of our club were in such a(n) irregular, occasional steady, continuous, chronic (adj.) not genuine, _ weakened condition him to pneumonia. lacking in restraint the enthusi . lEi. The rug made such a(n) . carry it up the stairs. bundle that it took four of us to of sports fans can get a little out of hand. SYNONYMS: ANTONYMS to _ he was able to of the bankrupt business. may jerk about in a wild and' 19. spurious in a most willing to meet the other partway. (adj.) sudden and violent but brief; fitful; intermittent ANTONYMS: of the situation 9. The two sides in the lawsuit reached a(n) (v.) rescue, recover, retrieve, reclaim SYNONYMS: and dollars from the wreckage from sunken ships can I ___ -------booming thunderclaps I study all aspects Many a teenager's roomis strewn with clothing, CDs, and all sorts of _ SYNONYMS: as they slowly 8. Though his partner lost everything, a few things from the fire. to archaeologists to the liquid and watched it. flood the entire valley. (n.) property thus saved ____________ through 6. The water pouring through the surrender, abandon hold on to, keep, retain, cling to (v.) to save from fire or shipwreck; of food coloring 5. Before I make an investment, Severe illness forced me to ----------my role in the school play. of great-value a few drops work, one or two of _ _________ (v.) to let go, give up SYNONYMS: ANTONYMS: the visitors a disturbance. 3. Though all modern scholars accept Macbeth as Shakespeare's (v.) to incline to beforehand maKe sosceptible to ANTONYMS: immunize against, shield from (re lirj' kwish) the ideas or 2. The nurse rushed into the hospital corridor to (adj.) enduring, recurring (adj.) brief, short-lived, fleeting, ephemeral SYNONYM: 16. reljnquish that he won't even consider offered by other people. unrestrained, unchecked restrained, held in check, muted 17. A man of towering pride and ambition, nothing to achieve his goals as quickly and directly as possible. : ", ;'.~:'" .: he stopped at