Journal of Electrical and Control Engineering Feb. 2013, Vol. 3 Iss. 1, PP. 13-18 Analysis of Power Line Communication in Vehicle: towards a Vehicle PLC Demonstrator Fabienne Nouvel, Philippe Tanguy IETR/INSA, 20 Avenue des Buttes de Coesmes, 35709 Rennes, France fabienne.nouvel; philippe.tanguy Abstract- This paper deals with in-vehicle power lines and the use of emerging power line technology (PLC). It appears that with the increase of electronic devices unit (ECU) there is a wire harness bottleneck. So, PLC seems to be a promising invehicle network for high data rates applications. In-vehicle PLC channels and noise measurements are presented. We discuss the PHY layer PLC system parameters based on these measurements. Finally, an embedded demonstrator is proposed in order to improve them in a real in-vehicle channel environment. Taking into account those in-vehicle measurements, the channel characteristics will allow us to define the best parameters for the signal processing and communication system, like the bandwidth, the modulation, the equalization. This study is discussed in Section 3. After simulation using the measured channels, it seems to be interesting to test several algorithms under real channel while keeping flexibility. That’s why we propose to study a fast prototyping solution to perform this task using software defined radio principle (SDR). In this case, the PHY layer is developed in software thanks to Maltab. We used the SDR platform from ETTUS. This demonstrator is presented in Section 4. Finally, we will conclude the paper in Section 5. Keywords- Power Line Communication; OFDM; Impulsive Noises; Vehicle Environment I. INTRODUCTION The number of electronic devices (ECU) in vehicles has experienced an exponential growth in the last decades [1] [2]. It has leaded the automotive industry to introduce dedicated buses as CAN or Flexray. Although they reduce the amount of wires, they use specific wires. However, the use of the power distribution channels inside vehicles both for power and communication purposes is a promising alternative. It would answer the vehicle requirements namely cost, decrease of the amount of wires and weight, and offer more flexibility and bandwidth. II. MEASUREMENT METHODOLOGY In the first part of this section, we focus on PLC channels measurements. We will analyse them both in the frequency and time domains. Additionally, tests with indoor PLC modems prove the feasibility of such solutions under in-vehicle PLC wires. A. Setup Measurement Taking into account both the In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) and X-by-wire (X means any mechanical system) requirements, we can observe the necessity to find a limited set of networks which answer to the growing of the multiple applications. These new networks may be able to dynamically optimize their parameters according to the loads on the network (active ECUs), the data rate needs (bandwidth sharing), the state of the vehicle (motor ON/OFF, vehicle in motion, speed),... Among alternatives to existing on-board networks, power line communications (PLC) seem attractive. Many studies are carried out on PLC and focus both on channels and noise in order to optimize the PHY layer and the MAC layer [3]. Characterization of PLC channels has been reported according to two major scenarios on four vehicles: front to rear, front to front, presented in detail in [6] [8]. Other similar studies have been carried out in [9] [10] and focus both on PLC channels, impulsive noises, and PHY layer. The main objectives here are to obtain a data base of measurements on several different vehicles (gasoline, diesel, and next electric, recent and old vehicles). The test bed is represented in Fig. 1. The points [A..I] represent both the communication and measurement nodes; a link between point X to Y point is called XY path. The frequency ranges go from DC up to 50 MHz. The vehicles are always in motion and equipments operate randomly. The vehicles we have considered are two 407 SW (recent car, diesel and gasoline), a Renault Laguna II Estate (gasoline), a Renault Espace (diesel) and a Citroën C3 (gasoline). In indoor and during the last decade, the main thrust of the research into PLC has been focused on low voltage (LV) electrical power distribution networks, which have also geographically the widest spread. Today, PLC focuses both on high and medium voltage (HV and MV). More recently, many studies are carried out on DC (12/42 V) voltage for embedded application in vehicles (cars, aircraft) [4] [5] [6] [7]. It is necessary to study in-vehicle DC channels to extract the main parameters for the PHY and MAC layers. Section 2 provides a description of the experimentations under invehicle DC electrical wires and wireless environment. We will focus on both transfer functions and noises under those DC lines. In order to analyse the channel transfer function, the Sparameters are recorded using a full 4 ports Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) with 50 Ω reference impedance and a PC interfaced to remote the device. The S-parameters are recorded about every 10 seconds for 3 different paths: GF, GH and HD. We record the S-parameters during about 10 minutes while the car is moving with the equipments like wipers, lights, brakes. These paths have been chosen in © American V-King Scientific Publishing - 13 - Journal of Electrical and Control Engineering Feb. 2013, Vol. 3 Iss. 1, PP. 13-18 order to analyse the differences between front to front and rear to front paths. 36 dB in the considered band. The maximal attenuation occurs with the longest past GF. The coherence bandwidth BC0.9 (90% of the maximum sub-carriers autocorrelation) can be calculated from the autocorrelation of the channel frequency obtained with different paths [11] [12]. The channel frequency response H(f) depends of both the sources and loads and is correlated with the transfer function S21 by the approximated relation: Regarding the noise, two different noise studies have been carried out on the same paths. The first consists of the measurement of the power spectrum in the frequency domain at each point during 10 minutes every 10 seconds while the vehicle is in motion. The second is a measurement in the time domain. To do so, a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) has been used to record at each point the signal over the DC line. With this testbed we are able to record two signals at two different points at the same time. Thus we can observe the level of noise at the two different points simultaneously. H ( f ) ≈ S 21 (1) As presented in [12], the mean BC0.9 is greater than 500 KHz and can reach 2 MHz. Furthermore, we have observed its value is not correlated with the path’s length. For example, BC0.9 values are respectively equal to 533 KHz and 4.7 MHz for paths GF (≅ the longest path) on 407SW and Laguna vehicles and equal to 2 MHz and 744 KHz for path HD (≅ the shortest path) on the 407 SW and Laguna vehicles. As for indoor measurements, three main parameters will be derived from the results: the insertion loss (ATT); the coherence bandwidth (BC0.9) which is a direct measure of the channel selectivity over a value of 0.9; the RMS delay spread ( τ RMS ) that estimates the channel time dispersion. Additionally, the RMS delay spread is calculated as defined in [3] [11]. In order to define the maximum delay spread a threshold of -30dB has been chosen. If we compute the cumulative density function of the RMS delay, we can observe that 90 % of the channel measurements have a τ RMS delay spread lower than 210 ns with a smallest value of about 50 ns. If we compare our results with the results obtained in indoor [11], BC0.9 in vehicles is as twice as large as those obtained in indoor; the mean BC0.9 is of the order of 291.9 KHz in indoor. Keeping the same transmission bandwidth, one can suggest the sub-channel spacing can be reduced. In the case of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) technique used, the FFT size may be reduced and the OFDM symbol duration will be shorter. With regard to delay spread, the delay spread obtained in vehicles (maximum value of 242 ns) is two times shorter than the mean value in indoor (0.413 µs). This will allow us to reduce the Cyclic Prefix (CP) length and therefore increase the data rate. These initial results confirm that the PLC communication parameters defined for indoor must be optimized for in-vehicle PLC. Fig. 1 In vehicle Test-bed for channel and noise measurements B. Channel Measurements Fig. 2 illustrates the channel transfer function obtained on the vehicles in the [0-30] MHz band. Additional measurements have been performed up to 50 MHz [8]. C. Noise Measurements Fig. 3 illustrates the noise we observed on the DC vehicle lines. Fig. 2 Examples of transfer function for 3 different paths Taking into account all the database measurements, we have observed an insertion loss ATT of about -15 dB up to - Fig. 3 Noise on the different paths at different points © American V-King Scientific Publishing - 14 - Journal of Electrical and Control Engineering Feb. 2013, Vol. 3 Iss. 1, PP. 13-18 We can see the high level in the [0-5 ] MHz and in the [12-15] MHz band, which overlap with the bands used by indoor PLC modems. We can notice the low level in the [30-50] MHz band. Like in [13] we have applied to the noise recordings in-vehicle a time frequency analysis. We have computed the spectrogram with short-time Fourier transform and an Hamming window of length equal to the length of HPAV OFDM symbol (40.96 µs) and an FFT size of 3072 points [14]. We remark that some of them are always present in any scenarios. In [15], the authors have presented a detailed analysis of the periodic noise on in-vehicle power lines in the frequency band up to 25 MHz The employed methodology exploits the harmonically related peaks that appear in the estimated PSD (Power Spectral Density) when periodic noise components are present. It has been found that the number of periodic components varies from one or two (when the engine is OFF) up to 7. Two of them have been found in all the vehicles. A common periodic noise component with a repetition rate of approximately 64.75 kHz (with variations of up to hundreds of Hz between cars) has been found in the noise registers captured in the cars in all the engine states. Such behaviours have been observed in our measurements with about the same rate. This value can be used in future work to define the best channel coding. For DC-line, we assume first a constant transmit power signal density (PSD) of -60 dBm/Hz in the [4-30] MHz range and 0dBm outside. The additive AWGN has a PSD of -110dBm/Hz. We consider a sub-carrier spacing of 24.4 KHz and a sampling rate of 75 MHz. These parameters are close to HPAV settings [14]. A bit loading algorithm with a maximum of 10 bits per hertz is accomplished. For the channel, we have considered the channel’s measurements described in previous Section 2. Taking into account those default values, two parameters are studied and optimised: the guard interval CP and the FFT size. A. Guard Interval CP As the CP length will impact the capacity, its duration is first optimized in conjunction with the bit loading algorithm presented in [21]. In fact, the maximum capacity for the optimal CP is given by: ROFDM 2 N −1 Hm σ 2 N FFT (2) = ∆f ∑ log 2 1 + Γ(σ n2 + N ISI + ICI ) N FFT +CP m =0 With σ the signal power, σn the noise power, H m the channel coefficient at frequency m, Γ the margin gain for a BER of 10-3, N the number of used sub-carriers (for example 1148 tones with a FFT size of 3072). The interferences N ISI + ICI are assumed first null. Considering Taking into account those results, we can now focus on the PHY layer parameters for the communication system. III. IN-VEHICLE PLC PARAMETERS In this sub-section, parameters that maximize performances of the OFDM system are assessed. In our study, OFDM technique has been adopted as for indoor PLC, thanks to its high frequency diversity. OFDM modulation can be realized through the IFFT/FFT processing block to which the original stream is applied. Several complementary operations are achieved to the information bits before they are submitted to the IFFT processing. As presented in Section 2, the in-vehicle channels are frequency selective, noisy and multi paths will affect the transmission. For these reasons, OFDM is a good candidate. This solution is applied in other systems like in [16] [17]. Additional information on this technique can be obtained in [18]. a SNR of 40dB and a BER of 10-3, we have noticed the capacity achieves a maximum of 500 Mbps/s with a CP of 200 ns (15 samples), 186 (14 samples) and 133 ns (10 samples) respectively for paths GF, GH and HD. The higher the channel attenuation is, the higher the value for CP is that maximizes capacity as for high SNR the performances are most driven by interference mitigated by long CP. The transmitted OFDM waveform can be expressed as: s (t ) = 1 Np N p −1 ∑ R {c m =0 eal m ∏(t )e 2 jπFmt } (1) With NFFT the FFT size , Np= NFFT /2 , cm the complex symbol on sub-carrier Fm. The sub-carrier spacing ∆f is defined as 1/TOFDM with TOFDM the OFDM symbol duration. In order to generate a real OFDM signal, the Hermitian symmetry is first applied before the IFFT of size NFFT. Fig. 4 Throughput according to engine state, CP optimization and BER constraint The OFDM parameters are based on home network ones. For PLC, several standards with different kinds of multicarrier modulations like HPAV and HD-PLC [19] are already proposed and investigated. Those standards have been applied in car to measure data throughput on DC channels [20] . Then it is possible to combine the CP length adaptation with bit loading algorithm [10] while keeping 1148 used tones. Three different engine states are considered as previously discussed. Fig. 4 shows the theoretical data rate achieved with this algorithm. We can observe the data rate decreases when the engine is turn on, except for paths HD and FD. © American V-King Scientific Publishing - 15 - Journal of Electrical and Control Engineering Feb. 2013, Vol. 3 Iss. 1, PP. 13-18 These two paths are located in the front area and closed together. These simulations are closed to the measurements carried out in [6]. These comparisons between measurements and simulations demonstrate the accuracy of our functional model. A. Demonstrator USRP2 Board The VPLC platform is based on USRP2 boards combined with daughter boards [25]. Using these daughter boards, the possible operation frequency range is very modular (from DC up to 5.9 GHz). The mother board includes ADC, DAC, a FPGA (Xilinx Spartan XC3S2000) and a Gigabit-Ethernet interface with the PC. The two slots of the board are for the front-end daughter boards. The two 14-bit ADC and the two 16-bit DAC of the daughter board are independent and can work up to 100 Msps. We can also combine them if we apply the complex baseband OFDM symbol (I and Q) at the DAC entries rather than a real baseband DMT symbol (Q=0). B. FFT Size Optimisation We have considered the FFT size for the same scenarios. Considering the BC0.9 we have obtained, the FFT size may be reduced. Four FFT sizes, from 3072/1536 used (∆f = 24,4 KHz< BC0.9) down to 128/64 used (∆f = 585 KHz < BC0.9) tones are rather interesting. Fig 5 gives the data rate we can achieve using those different FFT sizes. The optimal CP is respectively equal to 14 and 50 samples for FFT= 128 and FFT=256, 1024, 3072. To interface with the DC lines, we use the LFTX and LFRX cards because they allow transmitting and receiving signal from DC up to 30 MHz. These daughter boards include differential amplifiers and low pass filters for antialiasing. Fig. 6 illustrates the demonstrator. The outputs are linked to the DC lines through a lower band filter and transformer. We can observe that when the FFT size increases (FFT > 1024), the ratio (NFFT/(NFFT+CP)) is closed to 1, the data rate tends toward a fixed value. We can conclude it is not necessary to increase the FFT size to increase the data rate. If we consider a BER of 10-3, a SNR of 35 dB is necessary for all the FFT sizes while keeping the sub-carrier spacing lower than the BC0.9. Fig. 6 VPLC platform with USRP2 Boards B. PHY layer The OFDM symbols are generated and organized in frames. It is necessary to generate a synchronization symbol in order to detect the beginning of the useful signal. The transmitted frame is given in Fig. 7.The number of OFDM/DMT symbols can be configured by the user according to the experiments. Fig. 5 Data rate according to the FFT size Following this system communication analysis, it is now necessary to integrate these communication solutions in an embedded network. A demonstrator using the parameters will be presented in next section. IV. IN-VEHICLE DEMONSTRATOR Software-defined radio (SDR) [22] has been defined to help the wireless operators to maximize their investments in multiple mobile standards and base stations In our vehicular system, SDR can be considered for a “wired” communication system, where some of its functional components, such as modulations, equalization, etc., will be implemented in software. This makes it possible to configure the signal according to the requirements of the application and the characteristics of the communication channel (wired or wireless). The software generated signal, thanks to Matlab and the GNU-Radio user interface and according to the parameters defined previously, is then applied to an USRP platform connected to a host computer through Ethernet connections. Next part will describe our VPLC (Vehicle PLC) demonstrator using this approach. Details of the implementation are given in [23] and [24]. Fig. 7 PLC DMT frame The number of DMT symbols is configured according to the performances we want to test, with a default value of 20. The time synchronization symbol includes a pseudo noise sequence with good autocorrelation property of length equal to (L=NFFT/4) and the CP. The synchronization symbol includes consequently four sequences. Then all the DMT (real OFDM generation) symbols of the file are transmitted through the board. The synchronization symbol is organized as: [ P P –P –P] © American V-King Scientific Publishing - 16 - (3) Journal of Electrical and Control Engineering Feb. 2013, Vol. 3 Iss. 1, PP. 13-18 to front, through the battery with 3 CP lengths (139/60/20 samples). First, the SNR estimation is performed over the bandwidth using QPSK symbols on each sub-carrier. We use the VPLC demonstrator and the DMT signal is software generated. As the channel can be considered as timeinvariant, the bit loading algorithm will allocate the bits on the subcarriers at the transmitter side. Taking into account a referred bit error rate of 10-3 and a transmitted power of 80dBm/Hz, we can achieve a mean data rate of about 30 Mbps when the motor is OFF and 7 Mbps when it is ON. This lower result is caused by the lowest SNR when the motor is ON (lower than 5 dB). When we modify the CP, we obtain a little variation according to its length. We respectively obtain 33 Mbps and 30 Mbps with CP=60 and CP=139. With P the IFFT of the pseudo random sequence of size L. At the receiver, the synchronization is performed on the first symbol using the Minn & Bhargava algorithm [26] in the time domain. The four sequences of the synchronization symbol are correlated and generate a peak when the sliding window of size M includes these four sequences and zero everywhere else. The frequency synchronization is performed by using an external frequency reference applied as a board input. This point will be studied in a future work. C. Experiments The two USRP2 boards are arranged in the vehicle according to Fig. 1 at points G, F, H and D. We will focus on link GF. In Fig. 8, we can observe the spectrum of the LFTX daughterboard output with a DSP of -80dBm/Hz. In this figure, the bandwidth [2-12.5] MHz is used. However it is possible to transmit up to 25 MHz. We can observe there are no notches compared to HPAV standard as we do not have to consider the same electromagnetic constraints. Then using the resulting bit loading, we have transmitted a file of 107 samples, equivalent to about 120 frames of DMT symbols including synchronization, equalization and data DMT symbols. We obtain no error when the motor is OFF. When the motor is ON, a lot of the frames are undetected (nearly 40 %). This result is due to the fact that the noise power is closed to the signal power and the attenuation is about 40 dB on path GF. An additional amplifier will be used to increase the signal to noise ratio. If we analyse the best HD path, this last one achieves a mean data rate of 70 Mbps and no errors are detected during the two scenarios. V. CONCLUSIONS We have presented a new in-vehicle embedded network architecture based on PLC communications. The measurements show that the proposed technologies are suitable for the bit rates required by the multi-media applications. PLC can be applied to reduce the number of wires or to redundancy. We have both studied the channels and the noise. We have deduced the main parameters for an OFDM modulation, which is a god candidate for such selective channels. In order to optimize the network layers, the proposed demonstrator allows us to explore various configurations by adjusting parameters to fully meet expected system requirements. Fig. 8 TX spectrum, LFTX output In Fig. 9, the transmitted signal at the point F when the OFDM signal is transmitted from the point G is given. We can see the different OFDM frames and periodic noises which will corrupt the signal. In the [5.2106 -5.4106] time window, the signal is completely masked by impulsive noises. It may result in none synchronization detection. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work has been carried out by the CIFAER project, initiated and supported by the ANR and by the French Premium Cars Competitiveness Cluster ID4car. Impulsive noises REFERENCES Frames [1] G. Len, D. Hefferman, “Vehicles without wires”, Computing & Control Engineering Journal, Volume. 12, Issue 5, October (pp. 205-221), 2001. [2] A.J. Van Rensburg, H.C. Ferreira, “Automotive powerline communications: Favourable topology for future automotive electronic trends,” in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications (ISPLC), pp. 103–108, 2003. [3] H.C. Ferreira, L. 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