Edumedia ( WC E D) 2015–16 Catalogue Edumedia (WCED) Order form/Bestelvorm Make a copy of the order form before completing/Maak eers ’n kopie voordat u die vorm invul Languages / Tale / IiLwimi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Life Orientation / Lewensoriëntering / IsiFundo ngezoBomi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Travel and Tourism / Reis en Toerisme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Mathematics / Wiskunde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Social Sciences / Sosiale Wetenskappe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Geography / Aardrykskunde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 History / Geskiedenis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Life Sciences / Lewenswetenskappe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Physical Sciences / Fisiese Wetenskappe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Arts and Culture / Kuns en Kultuur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Generic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Resources for School Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Support for the Matriculant & FET learners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination Question Papers and Memoranda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Telematics for Grade 12 (CAPS aligned) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Telematics for Grade 11 (CAPS aligned) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Telematics for Grade 10 (CAPS aligned) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 To purchase additional copies of material supplied to schools by the Western Cape Education Department, please contact Edumedia at 021 689-9536. t 1PMJDZEPDVNFOUTFH'1*141$"14 t 4FMFDUFEQSJOUFENBUFSJBMTFOUUPTDIPPMTFH(SBEF35SBJOJOHNBUFSJBMTFUD t %BODF%7%TFH(IPTU%BODFT#PMFSPFUD t (FSNBO%7%TFH%SFTEFOFUD &EVNFEJB8FTUFSO$BQF&EVDBUJPO%FQBSUNFOU 4UBUJPO3PBE.PXCSBZt10#PY.PXCSBZ 5FM t'BYtFEVNFEJB!XFTUFSODBQFHPW[B Edumedia (WCED) Order Form/Bestelvorm Name of School: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postal code: . . . . . . . . . Tel: (. . . . . . . . .) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fax: (. . . . . . . .). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e-mail: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Contact person: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Method of payment: CHEQUE BANK DEPOSIT CASH ACCEPTED Product Change of Banking details (1 April 2013) Bank deposits: Name of account: Western Cape Education Department Bank: Nedbank Current Account no: 1452045089 Branch code: 145209 Depositor’s reference: EDM, followed by the name of the school or individual Price QTY Total Sub-Total R Packaging (+10% of Sub-Total) R Postage GRAND TOTAL R33,00 R Please Fax Order & Proof of Payment to 021 685-7421 Cheque made out to: Western Cape Education Department ONLY add packaging and postage to sub-total if order must be posted to your organisation. Order cannot be processed without payment. Sonder betaling, kan die bestelling nie uitgevoer word nie. 10#PY1PTCVT.PXCSBZt4UBTJFXFH4UBUJPO3PBE.PXCSBZ 5FM t'BY'BLT FEVNFEJB!XFTUFSODBQFHPW[BtIUUQFEVNFEJBXDBQFTDIPPM[BDBUBMPH -BOHVBHFTt5BMFt*J-XJNJ 2011-15 English Home Language and First Additional Language $%Tt8PSLTIFFUT 2011-15 Afrikaans Huistaal en Eerste Addisionele Taal $%Tt8FSLWFMMF (SBBEMFFSEFSTFOPOEFSXZTFST (SBEFMFBSOFSTBOEFEVDBUPST Poësie 2011 Afrikaans Huistaal het oudiobesprekings van AL die voorgeskrewe gedigte vir Huistaal vir Graad 12. Poësie en Kortverhale 2011 Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal bestaan uit oudiobesprekings van die voorgeskrewe gedigte en kortverhale vir Graad 12. Daar is ook werkvelle met vrae en moontlike antwoorde vir al die gedigte en kortverhale. So dit is nie meer nodig om te sidder voor elke poëtiese alliterende metafoor nie, hierdie program is ‘n kitsresep vir jou voorbereiding! Werkvelle mag gekopieer word. 2011-15 Poetry English Home Language has audio discussions of ALL the prescribed poems for Grade 12 Home Language. 2011-15 Poetry and Short Stories for English First Additional Language has audio discussions of prescribed poems and short stories for Grade 12 First Additional Language. In addition, there are worksheets with questions and possible answers for all the poems and short stories. So when confronted with an alliterating metaphor there is no need to tremble in confusion – this programme is an instant and easy recipe for your preparation. Worksheets can be photocopied! Code $1--$44 Description 1PFUSZ&OHMJTI)PNF -BOHVBHF(2 x CDs & Worksheets) Price 3 Code $1--$44 Description 1PÑTJF"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM (1 x CD & Werkvelle) $1--$44 1PFUSZ4IPSU4UPSJFTGPS &OHMJTI'JSTU"EEJUJPOBM-BOHVBHF(2 x CDs & Worksheets) 3 $1--$44 1PÑTJFFO,PSUWFSIBMF"GSJLBBOT 3 &FSTUF"EEJTJPOFMF5BBM (1 x CD & Werkvelle) Poetry 2009/10 Poësie 2009/10 $%Tt8PSLTIFFUT $%Tt8FSLWFMMF (SBEFMFBSOFSTBOEUFBDIFST (SBBEMFFSEFSTFOPOEFSXZTFST Poetry 2009 / 10 has audio discussions of ALL the prescribed poems for Home Language and First Additional Language for Grade 12. Then there are worksheets with questions and possible answers for all the poems. So when confronted with an alliterating metaphor there is no need to tremble in confusion – this programme is an instant and easy recipe for your preparation. Worksheets can be photocopied! Code Description Price $1--$44 1PFUSZ)PNF-BOHVBHF 3 (2 x CDs & Worksheets) $1--$44 Price 3 1PFUSZ'JSTU"EEJUJPOBM -BOHVBHF(1 x CD & Worksheets) 3 Poësie 2009/10 is oudiobesprekings van AL die voorgeskrewe gedigte vir Huistaal en Eerste Addisionele Taal vir Graad 12. Dan is daar ook nog werkvelle met vrae en moontlike antwoorde vir al die gedigte. So dit is nie meer nodig om te sidder voor elke poëtiese alliterende metafoor nie, hierdie program is ‘n kitsresep vir jou voorbereiding! Werkvelle mag gekopieer word. Code Description Price $1--$44 1PÑTJF)VJTUBBM 3 (2 x CDs & Werkvelle) $1--$44 1PÑTJF&FSTUF"EEJTJPOFMF 5BBM(1 x CD & Werkvelle) 3 1 2013 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs 2013 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM Price 3 8PPSETPPSUFt-ZEFOEFFOCFESZXFOEFWPSNt8FSLXPPSEF 4JOTMFFS%JSFLUFFO*OEJSFLUF3FEF 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM 3 %JSFLUFFO*OEJSFLUF3FEFt-ZEFOEFFO#FESZXFOEF7PSNt 7JTVFMF(FMFUUFSEIFJETQPUQSFOUFFOTUSPLJFTQSFOUF 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM 3 "EWFSUFOTJFTt-FFTCFHSJQt8PPSETPPSUF 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM 3 1PÑTJF/VVTVJUEJFCJOOFMBOE#VTSJU%JF4USBBULJOE 4POTWFSEVJTUFSJOH'JOJT-BTU(SBWFBU%JNCB[B 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM 3 8PPSETPPSUFt8PPSEWPSNJOHFOUBBMWFSTLZOTFMTt4JOTMFFSo &OLFMWPVEJHFTBBNHFTUFMEFFOWFFMWPVEJHFTJOt)FSTJFOJOH o7SBFTUFM 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF 3 How to write a literature essay (The Great Gatsby & Animal Farm) t1BQFSo$PNQSFIFOTJPO&EJUJOH 3 1BQFSo1VODUVBUJPOt1BSUTPG4QFFDIt%JSFDUBOE*OEJSFDU Speech 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM Price 3 4FTTJF7SBFTUFM"GEFMJOH$ t 7JTVFMF"TQFLUFWBO"EWFSUFOTJFT t Funksies van Taalstrukture t Tradisionele Taalvrae 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF "OJNBM'BSNXSJUJOHBMJUFSBSZFTTBZ t1PFUSZ-BLFNPSOJOHJO Autumn, Rugby League Game, Futility 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF 3 1BQFSo$PNQSFIFOTJPO7JTVBM-JUFSBDZ"EWFSUJTJOHt0UIFMMP o0WFSWJFX$POUFYUVBM2VFTUJPOT5IF-JUFSBSZ&TTBZt1BQFS 2014 Telematics Grade 12 Books 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF 1BQFSo$PNQSFIFOTJPOBOE7JTVBM-JUFSBDZ 1BQFSo5SBOTBDUJPOBM8SJUJOH 1BQFSo-JUFSBUVSFoFYBNQSFQBSBUJPOUFDIOJRVFT1PFUSZo 'VUJMJUZ0ME"HF 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH 2014 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 3 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 Book per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM#PFL Price 3 2015 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 2015 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOHVBHF "GSJLBBOT)PNF-BOHVBHF Price 3 English FAL: Paper 1: Question 1: Comprehension – Steps for answering these questions Afrikaans HT7SBFTUFM"GEFMJOH$5BBMTUSVLUVSF "DUJWFBOE1BTTJWF7PJDFt$PODPSE 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH 3 4FTTJPO1BTU5FOTFt4FTTJPO7JTVBM-JUFSBDZo Advertisements & Cartoons Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(S&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH'"- 2013 Telematics Grade 12 Books 2013 Grade 12 – Description [1 Book per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM#PFL Price 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF#PPL 3 2014 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM 1PÑTJF/VVTVJUEJFCJOOFMBOEtOUJQFFQJTUFNPMPHJFWBOXBUFS 2 2013 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned Price 3 Price 3 English FAL: Paper 1: Comprehension, summary, visual literacy, MBOHVBHF1BQFS$PNQSFIFOTJPOBOE-BOHVBHF4USVDUVSF Paper 2: Literature – Answering Techniques 5FMFNBUJDT(S&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH'"- Paper 3: Essays and transactional writing (2 sessions) 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF)- t (SBBE"GSJLBBOT&FSTUF"EEJTJPOFMF5BBM English HL: Paper 2: English Literature, Poetry "GSJLBBOT&"57SBFTUFM-FFTCFHSJQ0QTPNNJOH7SBFTUFM Taal 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF 1BQFSo8SJUJOHt-BOHVBHFo7JTVBM-JUFSBDZ1FSTVBTJWF writing: Advertisements) 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM)5 7SBFTUFM1PÑTJF%JF0QTUFMWSBBHTFTTJFT 3 Hear to Listen! An audio programme of Listening Activities 2014 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned "VEJP$%t&EVDBUPST(VJEFt-FBSOFST8PSLCPPL 2014 Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(S&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH'"- Price 3 $PNQSFIFOTJPOt5IF4VNNBSZt7JTVBM-JUFSBDZBOE&EJUJOH 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM)5 8PPSETPPSUF4JOTMFFSt"EWFSUFOTJFTt8PPSETPPSUF 3 Spits die Ore! ’n Program met Luisteraktiwiteite "VEJP$%t&EVDBUPST(VJEFt-FBSOFST8PSLCPPL *OUFSNFEJÐSFo700'BTFT 7PMHFOTEJFOVXFUBBMTJMMBCVTNPFUPQWPFEFSTOJFBMMFFOMJLMFFSEFST se PRAAT assesseer nie, maar ook hul LUISTER. Daarom stel hierdie program idees voor oor hoe om LUISTER sinvol, vindingryk en kreatief in die klas aan te bied. Die program will ‘n breë teikengroep bereik – Eerste, Tweede en Derde Taalsprekers van Graad 4 tot 12! O1SPQQFSTUFNPOEWPM7FSTLJMMFOEFMVJTUFSNFEJBFOBLUJXJUFJUFXPSE gebruik. Code Description Price $1"'3"( 4QJUTEJF0SFO1SPHSBNNFU 3 -VJTUFSBLUJXJUFJUF(2 x Oudio laserskywe, Opvoedergids & Werkvelle) Spits die Ore! (weer ‘n keer) $%Tt0QWPFEFSTHJETt8FSLWFMMF (SBBEo-FFSEFSTFOPOEFSXZTFST Spits die Ore! (weer ‘n keer) is ‘n opvolgprogram vir die suksesvolle Spits die Ore! program wat in 1999 deur Edumedia (WKOD) uitgegee is. Spits die Ore! (weer ‘n keer) is propvol nuwe en innoverende luisteraktiwiteite. Dertig luisteraktiwiteite almal met ‘n lipleklekker plaaslike kleur en geur, elk met sy eie werkvelle en aktiwiteite – vir die AOO- en die 700GBTFT"LUJXJUFJUFTMVJUJOAOSBEJPESBNBHFTFMTQSPHSBNMJFEKJFT resensies, onderhoude, ‘n begeleide toer na Robbeneiland, rugbykommentaar, stories, advertensies, bordspelletjies, byklanke, en so meer. Alle materiaal kan gekopieer word! LEKKER LUISTER!!! Code Description Price $1"'3"( 4QJUTEJF0SFXFFSAOLFFS 3 *OUFSNFEJBUFo'&51IBTFT LISTENING is a much neglected skill. This programme shares ideas on how to present listening skills in a meaningful, creative and ingenious NBOOFS5IFQSPHSBNNFUBSHFUTBXJEFBVEJFODFmSTUTFDPOEBOEUIJSE MBOHVBHFTQFBLFSTGSPN(SBEFTo7BSJPVTMJTUFOJOHBDUJWJUJFTTVDI as dialogues, readings, dramatisations, sounds, advertisements and songs are used with worksheets provided. Code Description Price $1--$"( & )FBSUP-JTUFO"OBVEJPQSPHSBNNF 3 PG-JTUFOJOH"DUJWJUJFT(2 Audio CDs, Educator’s guide & Learners’ Worksheets) 7FSWPFSNJEEFMT4VJXFMCPFSEFSZt.FBOTPG5SBOTQPSU Dairy Farming "VEJP$% 'PVOEBUJPO1IBTFt(SPOETMBHGBTF 0VEJP$%NFUMVJTUFSBLUJXJUFJUFVervoermiddels vertel die HFTLJFEFOJTWBOWFSWPFSNJEEFMTEFVSNJEEFMWBOHFMVJEF Suiwelboerdery vertel stapsgewys die pad wat suiwelprodukte van die koei tot by die supermarkrak volg. Ook geskik vir tweede taal oefeninge. "MJTUFOJOHBDUJWJUZGPSZPVOHMFBSOFSTMeans of Transport is a brief IJTUPSZPGUSBOTQPSUUISPVHIUIFBHFTXJUIBQQSPQSJBUFTPVOEFõFDUT Dairy Farming deals with the steps involved in getting dairy products from the cow to the supermarket shelf. Also suitable for second language exercises. 'BSN"OJNBMTt1MBBTEJFSF A listening activity for the younger learners. Join the narrator on a trip to the farm where you will hear the sounds of typical farmyard animals and poultry. These sounds are repeated at the end of the narration for the learners to identify. Can also be used for second language exercises. 0VEJPCBOENFUMVJTUFSBLUJXJUFJUFWJSKPOHMFFSEFST7PMHEJFWFSUFMMFS na die plaas waar julle tipiese plaasdier- en pluimveegeluide sal hoor. Hierdie geluide word aan die einde van die vertelling herhaal sodat die leerders hul kan identifiseer. Kan ook as tweede taal oefening gebruik word. Code Description Price $-"5+1 7FSWPFSNJEEFMT4VJXFMCPFSEFSZ 3 .FBOTPG5SBOTQPSU%BJSZ'BSNJOH t'BSN"OJNBMT1MBBTEJFSF 3 Xhosa Teacher’s Book (IsiXhosa silula! Xhosa is Easy!) 5FBDIFST#PPL '&54FOJPS1IBTF The Xhosa conversational course, devised and written by African 7PJDFTTVQQPSUTUIFNVMUJMJOHVBMTUSBUFHZPGUIF8FTUFSO$BQF&EVDBUJPO EFQBSUNFOU5IFUFBDIFSTCPPLFYQMBJOTIPXUPBQQSPBDIUIFBDUJWJUJFT JOUIFMFBSOFSTCPPLBTXFMMBTBOTXFSTUPUIFBTTFTTNFOU questionnaires. Code Description Price #--$"( 9 $POWFSTBUJPOBM9IPTB5FBDIFST 3 #PPL(IsiXhosa silula! Xhosa is Easy!) Conversational Xhosa Learner’s Book (IsiXhosa silula! Xhosa is Easy!) -FBSOFST#PPL -FBSOFST *OUIFMFBSOFSTCPPLBSFMFTTPOTUIBUBSFXFMMJMMVTUSBUFEBOEFBTZ to follow. Each lesson has activities that deal with vocabulary and / or grammar and there are also assessment worksheets. Please note that NO part of this book may be copied, therefore ensure that a book is purchased for each learner! Code Description Price 8--$"( 9 $POWFSTBUJPOBM9IPTB-FBSOFST#PPL 3 (IsiXhosa silula! Xhosa is Easy!) IsiXhosa Second Additional Language: Learning & Teaching Support Material #PPL saamgestel vir die preprimêre leerkragte (maar kan dit ook deur ander persone wat Xhosa wil aanleer gebruik word) om die basiese Xhosa groetmetode, vrae en antwoorde, instrukies en woorde aan hulle CFLFOEUFTUFMTPVIVMMFO9IPTBTQSFLFOEFLMFVUFSJOIVMLMBTIÐ This CD and the accompanying booklet has been compiled for pre-primary teachers (but could be used by persons wanting to learn Xhosa) to equip them with the basic Xhosa greetings, questions and answers, instructions and words, should they have a Xhosa-speaking learner in their class. Code Description Price $19)0"( -BBUPOT1SBBUo.BTJUIFUIF 3 JTJ9IPTB-FUT5BMLo.BTJUIFUIF JTJ9IPTB Concentrated Language Encounter &EVDBUPST.BOVBMt%7%<NJO> 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'PVOEBUJPO1IBTF5FBDIFST The Concentrated Language Encounter has been proved extremely successful in assisting learners to become literate in a remarkably short time. In this approach all language is engaged in activity based experiences, either through the reading of a starter book or the making of an item at the beginning of each programme unit. It costs little to initiate this programme, as educators can develop some of their own teaching and learning materials. Learners will therefore be reading and writing about what is relevant to their life world.The video, available only in English, graphically illustrates what is explained in the manual. Code Description Price .--$4% & $PODFOUSBUFE-BOHVBHF&ODPVOUFSo" 3 5SBJOJOH%7%BOE5FBDIJOH.BOVBMGPS 4UBHF .--$4% " %JFA$PODFOUSBUFE-BOHVBHF &ODPVOUFSoO&OHFMTF 0QMFJEJOHTWJEFP(DVD)FO"GSJLBBOTF 0OEFSSJHIBOEMFJEJOHWJSEJF&FSTUF 7MBL .--$4% 9 5IF$PODFOUSBUFE-BOHVBHF&ODPVOUFS 3 o"O&OHMJTI%7%BOE9IPTB *NBOZVXBMJZPLV'VOEJTBZF/RBOBCB #--$4% & $PODFOUSBUFE-BOHVBHF&ODPVOUFSo" 3 5FBDIJOH.BOVBMGPS4UBHF(Manual only) #--$4% " %JFA$PODFOUSBUFE-BOHVBHF &ODPVOUFSoO0OEFSSJHIBOEMFJEJOH WJSEJF&FSTUF7MBL(Gids) #--$4% 9 5IF$PODFOUSBUFE-BOHVBHF&ODPVOUFS 3 o*NBOZVXBMJZPLV'VOEJTBZF/RBOBCB (Manual) 4FOJPS1SJNBSZ5FBDIFST This support material aims to provide clear guidelines to Grades 4 – 9 teaching isiXhosa SAL which will allow learners to build communication TLJMMTJOBTZTUFNBUJDXBZGSPNHSBEFUPHSBEFUPVQMJGUUIFTUBUVTBOE quality of the language in schools and to promote multilingualism in Western Cape schools and add substance to government policy regarding multilingualism. Code Description Price .--$4% *TJ9IPTB4FDPOE"EEJUJPOBM 3 -BOHVBHF-FBSOJOH5FBDIJOH 4VQQPSU.BUFSJBM Laat ons Praat – Masithethe isiXhosa/ Let’s Talk – Masithethe isiXhosa #PPLt"VEJP$% *OUFSNFEJBUFo'&51IBTFT Audio CD & A5 Booklet, English or Afrikaans (state preference) Hierdie laserskyf met die boekie wat daarmee gepaard gaan, is 4 3 3 The Concentrated Language Encounter A Teaching Manual for Stage 2 Leesprogram (Begeleideleesprogram vir graad 4 – 7): Reading Programme (Guided Reading Programme for Grades 4 – 7): Inkqubo yokuFunda (Inkqubo yokuFunda eneSikhokelo yamaBanga 4 – 7) .BOVBM 'PVOEBUJPO1IBTF 5FBDIFST(VJEFt%7% In Stage 1 of the Concentrated Language Encounter the learner would IBWFGPVOEUIBUUIFQSPHSBNNFTXFSFAJNNFSTJPOQSPHSBNNFTXIFSF they were constantly doing new and ever more difficult things with language in the course of group activities. The same principles apply in Stage 2 where, once again, all that is said and written is intermeshed with what is going on in a well-understood activity. Learners learn the language through their own thinking process and the educators have a usefully structured way to teach. These manuals are available in English, Afrikaans or Xhosa Code Description Price #--$4% & 5IF$PODFOUSBUFE-BOHVBHF 3 &ODPVOUFSo"UFBDIJOH.BOVBMGPS 4UBHF(Manual only) #--$4% " %JFA$PODFOUSBUFE-BOHVBHF &ODPVOUFSoO0OEFSSJHIBOEMFJEJOH WJSEJF5XFFEF7MBL(Gids) 3 #--$4% 9 5IF$PODFOUSBUFE-BOHVBHF &ODPVOUFSo*NBOZVXBMJZPLV 'VOEJTBZF/RBOBCB(Manual) 3 .BOVBMt%7% 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FW'PVOEBUJPOo*OUFSN1IBTF5FBDIFST The literary value of storytelling is widely underestimated. This video (40 min.) highlights the value of storytelling when it is incorporated into UIFMFBSOFSTXPSMEPGFYQMPSBUJPO4UPSZUFMMJOHJTBUPPMGPSFODPVSBHJOH MFBSOFSTUPSFBEBOEUPWJTVBMJTF4UPSJFTJNQSPWFUIFMFBSOFSTWPDBCVMBSZ and help with the pronouncing of words. Storytelling enriches the art of listening, and the imagination of the learners is stimulated. It enhances good communication, and when learners are able to see ‘reading in BDUJPOJUTFSWFTBTBHPPEFYBNQMFUPFODPVSBHFUIFNUPCFDPNF readers themselves. The target audience for this video is Foundation and Intermediate Phase educators. It shows storytellers telling stories to a group of children followed by professional storytellers highlighting the important aspects of their art. Code Description Price .--$4% 5IF"SUBOE5FDIOJRVFPG 3 4UPSZUFMMJOH(DVD & manual) 5IF"SUBOE5FDIOJRVFPG 4UPSZUFMMJOH(manual) The Masifunde Maqela Reading Project provides teachers in Grades 4 to 7 with a set of reading material. The Project also proposes a particular methodology for teaching reading that allows learners to work in small cooperative groups within a large class. To support teachers who may not have been trained to teach reading, this package (the guide and %7% QSPWJEFTDMFBSTUFQCZTUFQHVJEBODFUPHSBEFEHSPVQTSFBEJOHJO the classroom. Code Description Price .(6*%4% -FFTQSPHSBN#FHFMFJEFMFFT 3 QSPHSBNWJSHSo 3FBEJOH 1SPHSBNNF(VJEFE3FBEJOH 1SPHSBNNFGPS(So *OLRVCP ZPLV'VOEB*OLRVCPZPLV'VOEB FOF4JLIPLFMPZBNB#BOHBo An Introduction to Film Study .BOVBM The Art and Technique of Storytelling #--$4% 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU(SBEFo5FBDIFST 3 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'&51IBTF5FBDIFST&OHMJTI )PNFBOE'JSTU"EEJUJPOBM-BOHVBHF Concise notes highlighting that the study of the film should be a combination of an aesthetic appreciation of the medium as a ADPNNVOJDBUJPOBSUGPSNBOEBDSJUJDBMBXBSFOFTTPGUIFUFDIOJRVFT employed in its creation to achieve specific intentions. An ideal resource for teachers who wish to INTRODUCE this genre to their learners. Code Description Price #--$44 "O*OUSPEVDUJPOUP'JMN4UVEZ (Book only) 3 How to Teach Critical Language Awareness .BOVBMt$% 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'&51IBTF5FBDIFST&OHMJTI )PNFBOE'JSTU"EEJUJPOBM-BOHVBHF Teaching in the classroom should be intended to have learners think OPUNFNPSJTFBOESFHVSHJUBUF BOEAUIJOLJOHBMXBZTNFBOTBDSJUJDBM and not only a technical activity. Teachers have to design what happens in the classroom to make that type of learning a reality and show learners how to – in small steps – mediate their way across this new, sometimes treacherous, landscape. The CDs contain video and audio AUFYUUPTVQQPSUUIJTFOEFBWPVS Code Description Price #$%--$44 )PXUP5FBDI$SJUJDBM-BOHVBHF "XBSFOFTT(Book & 2 x CDs) 3 5 Reading Strategies for Grades 10 –12 Thinking Powers for Reading Comprehension How to integrate reading into learning area teaching by Alyce Sylva Miller .BOVBM 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'&51IBTF5FBDIFST&OHMJTI )PNFBOE'JSTU"EEJUJPOBM-BOHVBHF 5IJTSFTPVSDFFõFDUJWFMZVOQBDLT-03FBEJOHBOE7JFXJOHXJUI comprehensive examples on how to encourage and teach learners to achieve this outcome. Code Description Price #--$44 3FBEJOH4USBUFHJFTGPS(SBEFT o(Book only) 3 Guideline Document Writing .BOVBM 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'&51IBTF5FBDIFST&OHMJTI )PNFBOE'JSTU"EEJUJPOBM-BOHVBHF Different forms of transactional, informational and reference texts are covered in this easily accessible resource. In addition to examples of the layout, etc. of particular documents, there are also valuable tips for teachers. An overview of research tasks and essay writing has also been included. Code Description Price #--$44 (VJEFMJOF%PDVNFOU8SJUJOH (Book only) 3 Assessment Tasks for Grade 12 .BOVBM 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'&51IBTF5FBDIFST&OHMJTI )PNFBOE'JSTU"EEJUJPOBM-BOHVBHF Comprehensive examples of assessment tasks which address a range of assessment standards of LOs 2 – 4 in English. Code Description Price #--$44 "TTFTTNFOU5BTLTGPS(SBEF (Book only) 3 Guidelines to the Study & Interpretation of Cartoons #PPL 4FOJPSo'&51IBTF This document is a collection of cartoons, comic strips and humorous writings. It is meant to stimulate the educator and the learners to begin their own collections, and at the same time acknowledge the importance of visual literacy. Learners with reading problems are often introduced to actual reading by first looking at or reading comic strips. Code Description Price #&/(44 (VJEFMJOFTUPUIF4UVEZBOE 3 *OUFSQSFUBUJPOPG$BSUPPOT 6 %PVCMF%7%t5FBDIFST(VJEF 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU "OFXQSPGFTTJPOBMEFWFMPQNFOU%7%POIPXUPUFBDIUIJOLJOHXJUI OBE active learning strategies Getting to the root cause as to why adolescent learners struggle with reading means addressing how we make meaning from what we read. Meaning is not in the alphabet code. It is in our minds and how we think. To enable learners to learn from reading, we need to teach thinking skills. And we need to teach them in our learning areas. )FSFJTBOFX%7%UIBUTIPXTZPVXIBUUPUFBDIBOEIPXUPUFBDI metacognition across the curriculum. Animations of the reading process BOEIPXUIFCSBJOMFBSOTIFMQFEVDBUPSTUVSOUIFPSZJOUPQSBDUJDF7JFX active learning lessons in real classrooms that directly teach the thinking powers good readers use. Learners of mixed ability and language competence experience through Co-operative Learning and their Multiple Intelligences what thinking looks and sounds like, even what it feels like! And they apply them to reading learning-area texts. 8FWFIFBSEBCPVU0#&OPXTFFXIBUJUSFBMMZMPPLTMJLF"OE empower your learners with the thinking skills they need to read, write and learn. Code Description Price %7%1--$4% 5IJOLJOH1PXFSTGPS3FBEJOH 3 $PNQSFIFOTJPO -JGF0SJFOUBUJPOt-FXFOTPSJÑOUFSJOHt *TJ'VOEPOHF[P#PNJ Today’s Choices (3rd edition): Gr 10 – 12 Today’s Choices 3rd Edition – Video Scenarios A resource for Life Orientation in the FET phase. This programme may be used to inform teachers, parents and learners about sexuality FEVDBUJPOBOE5PEBZT$IPJDFT5IF%7%DPOUBJOTTJUVBUJPOTBOEQPTTJCMF solutions for the range of topics discussed in each module and grade. Each scenario is done in both English and Afrikaans. %7%t&EVDBUPST(VJEFt8PSLCPPL '&51IBTF(So A resource for Life Orientation in the FET phase. This programme may be used to inform teachers, parents and learners about TFYVBMJUZFEVDBUJPOBOE5PEBZT$IPJDFT Aligned to CAPS Today’s Choices 3rd Edition – Grade 10 Educator Guide The programme comprises the following Modules: t Module 1: Making the most of yourself t Module 2: Power and gender in relationships t Module 3: From adolescence to adulthood t Module 4: Making decisions about sexuality The programme comprises the following Modules: t Module 1: Achieving your life goals t Module 2: Relationships t Module 3: Choosing to be healthy t Module 4: Substance abuse and your health t Module 5: Reproductive health issues t .PEVMF4FYVBMMZUSBOTNJUUFEJOGFDUJPOTBOE)*7"JET t Module 7: Gender and well-being The programme comprises the following Modules: t Module 1: Dealing with stress and change t Module 2: Positive relationships t Module 3: Designing a personal lifestyle plan t Module 4: Lifestyle diseases .-0'&5 & .-0'&5 & Price 3 Today’s Choices 3rd Edition – Grade 10 Learner Workbook Today’s Choices 3rd Edition – Grade 11 Learner Workbook The programme comprises the following Modules: t Module 1: Achieving your life goals t Module 2: Relationships t Module 3: Choosing to be healthy t Module 4: Substance abuse and your health t Module 5: Reproductive health issues t .PEVMF4FYVBMMZUSBOTNJUUFEJOGFDUJPOTBOE)*7"JET t Module 7: Gender and well-being Today’s Choices 3rd Edition – Grade 12 Educator Guide Description 5PEBZT$IPJDFTSE&EJUJPOo(SBEF &EVDBUPS(VJEF 5PEBZT$IPJDFTSE&EJUJPOo(SBEF &EVDBUPS(VJEF 5PEBZT$IPJDFTSE&EJUJPOo(SBEF &EVDBUPS(VJEF Description 5PEBZT$IPJDFTSE&EJUJPOo7JEFP 4DFOBSJPT<%7%> The programme comprises the following Modules: t Module 1: Making the most of yourself t Module 2: Power and gender in relationships t Module 3: From adolescence to adulthood t Module 4: Making decisions about sexuality Today’s Choices 3rd Edition – Grade 11 Educator Guide Code .-0'&5 & Code %7%-0'&5 Today’s Choices 3rd Edition – Grade 12 Learner Workbook The programme comprises the following Modules: t Module 1: Dealing with stress and change t Module 2: Positive relationships t Module 3: Designing a personal lifestyle plan t Module 4: Lifestyle diseases Price 3 Code 8-0'&5 & 3 8-0'&5 & 3 8-0'&5 & Description 5PEBZT$IPJDFTSE&EJUJPOo(SBEF -FBSOFS8PSLCPPL 5PEBZT$IPJDFTSE&EJUJPOo(SBEF -FBSOFS8PSLCPPL 5PEBZT$IPJDFTSE&EJUJPOo(SBEF -FBSOFS8PSLCPPL Price 3 3 3 7 Keuses van Vandag (3de Uitgawe): Gr 10 – 12 Keuses van Vandag 3de Uitgawe – Graad 10 Leerderboek Die program bestaan uit die volgende Modules: t Module 1: Word wat jy kan wees t Module 2: Mag en geslagsrolle in verhoudings t .PEVMF7BOBEPMFTTFOTJFUPUWPMXBTTFOIFJE t Module 4: Besluitneming oor seksualiteit %7%t0QWPFEFSHJETt8FSLCPFL 700GBTF(So AO)VMQCSPOWJS-FXFOTPSJÑOUFSJOHJOEJF700 fase. Hierdie program kan gebruik word om opvoeders, ouers en leerders oor seksualiteitsPOEFSSJHFO%JF,FVTFTWBO7BOEBHJOUFMJH Aligned to CAPS Die program bestaan uit die volgende Modules: t Module 1: Bereik jou doelwitte t .PEVMF7FSIPVEJOHT t Module 3: Kies gesondheid t Module 4: Dwelmmisbruik en jou gesondheid t Module 5: Reproduktiewe gesondheidskwessies t .PEVMF4FLTVFFMPPSESBBHCBSFJOGFLTJFTFO.*77JHT t Module 7: Geslag en welsyn Keuses van Vandag 3de Uitgawe – Graad 10 Opvoedergids Die program bestaan uit die volgende Modules: t Module 1: Word wat jy kan wees t Module 2: Mag en geslagsrolle in verhoudings t .PEVMF7BOBEPMFTTFOTJFUPUWPMXBTTFOIFJE t Module 4: Besluitneming oor seksualiteit Keuses van Vandag 3de Uitgawe – Graad 11 Opvoedergids Code 8-0'&5 " Keuses van Vandag 3de Uitgawe – Graad 12 Opvoedergids Die program bestaan uit die volgende Modules: t Module 1: Die hantering van stres en verandering t Module 2: Positiewe verhoudings t Module 3: Ontwerp ‘n persoonlike leefstylplan t Module 4: Leefstylsiektes .-0'&5 " .-0'&5 " 8 Description ,FVTFTWBO7BOEBHEF6JUHBXFo (SBBE0QWPFEFSHJET ,FVTFTWBO7BOEBHEF6JUHBXFo (SBBE0QWPFEFSHJET ,FVTFTWBO7BOEBHEF6JUHBXFo (SBBE0QWPFEFSHJET Keuses van Vandag 3de Uitgawe – Graad 12 Leerderboek Die program bestaan uit die volgende Modules: t Module 1: Die hantering van stres en verandering t Module 2: Positiewe verhoudings t Module 3: Ontwerp ‘n persoonlike leefstylplan t Module 4: Leefstylsiektes Die program bestaan uit die volgende Modules: t Module 1: Bereik jou doelwitte t .PEVMF7FSIPVEJOHT t Module 3: Kies gesondheid t Module 4: Dwelmmisbruik en jou gesondheid t Module 5: Reproduktiewe gesondheidskwessies t .PEVMF4FLTVFFMPPSESBBHCBSFJOGFLTJFTFO.*77JHT t Module 7: Geslag en welsyn Code .-0'&5 " Keuses van Vandag 3de Uitgawe – Graad 11 Leerderboek 8-0'&5 " 8-0'&5 " Price 3 3 3 Description ,FVTFTWBO7BOEBHEF6JUHBXFo (SBBE-FFSEFSCPFL ,FVTFTWBO7BOEBHEF6JUHBXFo (SBBE-FFSEFSCPFL ,FVTFTWBO7BOEBHEF6JUHBXFo (SBBE-FFSEFSCPFL Price 3 3 3 Smart Study – a guide to skill yourself to be a better student/Slim studie – ’n Gids vir ’n beter en vaardiger student .BOVBM 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU5FBDIFST #PPL 4FOJPSo'&51IBTFT A set of guidelines, tips and suggestions compiled to assist learners who are serious about learning how to study effectively. Choose the method that best suits your style and plan your path to success! O4UFMSJHMZOFXFOLFFOWPPSTUFMMFPNMFFSEFSTXBUFSOTUJHPPSIVM studie is, te help om effektief te studeer. Kies die metode wat die beste by jou studiestyl pas en beplan jou pad na sukses! Code Description Price #(6*%"( 4NBSU4UVEZoBHVJEFUPTLJMMZPVSTFMG 3 UPCFBCFUUFSTUVEFOU4MJNTUVEJFoO (JETWJSOCFUFSFOWBBSEJHFSTUVEFOU (Book in English and Afrikaans) Challenging ADHD %7%t&EVDBUPST(VJEF 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU5FBDIFST The video, together with the manual of background information, questionnaires and transparency masters, empowers educators with information on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Educators will be assisted on how to handle learners with ADHD through simple class room strategies. Challenging ADHD can be used as a staff development programme or educators can refer to it individually. Code Description Price %7%(6*%4% $IBMMFOHJOH"%)%(English DVD: 33 3 min & Afr/Eng Educator’s Guide) 8(6*%4% Planning and Executing Educational Outings $IBMMFOHJOH"%)%(Afr/Eng Educator’s Guide) A step-by-step account of how to organise a class outing including suggestions of places of interest. Code Description Price 816#4% 1MBOOJOHBOE&YFDVUJOH 3 &EVDBUJPOBM0VUJOHT Abuse no more! %7% 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU5FBDIFST The video (36 min.) spotlights the very serious problem that currently exists in schools throughout South Africa of evidence of Child Abuse and Sexual Harassment. This video urges educators to undertake effective steps for the establishment of procedures that will enable the efficient and effective means of dealing with this problem. By means of dramatised scenes and role play, the video, in conjunction with the 8$&%T1SPUPDPMEPDVNFOUBWBJMBCMFJO+VOFQSJDFPOSFRVFTU GPS dealing with complaints of child abuse and sexual harassment, provides guidelines to educators on how to follow the set procedures in dealing XJUIDIJMEBCVTF5PQJDTJOUIF%7%DPWFSUIFJEFOUJmDBUJPOPGUIFBCVTF the handling of disclosure, the reporting, the referral procedures, and the recommended support for the victim. Code Description Price %7%(6*%4% "CVTFOP.PSF(DVD) 3 3 Managing Trauma in Schools .BOVBM 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU5FBDIFST Has your school ever been challenged by an unexpected and threatening experience? Suicide, gangster shooting, hijacking, death of relatives are examples of traumatic incidents. What was the reaction at your school? This guide, compiled by teaching professionals at the Bellville School Clinic, assists educators in dealing with these crises.This guide defines a trauma, explains the unexpected responses and guides the school in handling a traumatic incident. Code Description Price #(6*%4% .BOBHJOH5SBVNBJO4DIPPMT 3 9 Wally and Floss & the Five Golden Rules Real Jobs Real People Author: Sarah-Jane Bosch "3&"-*5:3&"%'03+0#'*/%&34 %7%t5FBDIFST(VJEFt$PMPVSJOH#PPL #PPL 'PVOEBUJPO1IBTFt(SPOETMBHGBTF Updated DVD This video targets pre-school audiences and focuses on the prevention and contamination of BMMJMMOFTTFTJODMVEJOH)*7*UBMTP EFBMTXJUIPOFTBUUJUVEFUPXBSET an ill person. 5IFQBDLBHFDPOTJTUTPGB%7% (5 min. per language), an FEVDBUPSTHVJEFXJUIHFOFSBM JOGPSNBUJPOBCPVU)*7"*%4UIBUJT specifically targeted at educators who work with pre-school DIJMESFOIJOUTPOIPXUPVTFUIF package and colouring-in books. Code %7%(6*%+1 " Description 8BMMZFO'MPTTFOEJF7ZG(PVF 3FÑMT Price 3 %7%(6*%+1 & 8BMMZBOE'MPTTBOEUIF'JWF (PMEFO3VMFT 3 %7%(6*%+1 9 V8BMMZOP'MPTT/FNJUIFUIP &NJIMBOV 3 Wally & Floss and the Five Golden Rules for Pedestrians %7%t5FBDIFST(VJEFt-FBSOFST"DUJWJUZ#PPL 'PVOEBUJPO1IBTFt(SPOETMBHGBTF Two clowns, Wally and Floss, are on their way to school, but they do have problems with road safety. This video (English, Afrikaans and Xhosa) teaches Foundation Phase learners in a fun way how to behave as pedestrians. The worksheets, also in three languages, provides activities, stories, songs and rhymes to extend your lessons. Code Description Price %7%-0'1 8BMMZBOE'MPTTBOEUIF'JWF 3 (PMEFO3VMFTGPS1FEFTUSJBOT(DVD, educator’s guide and worksheets English, Afrikaans and Xhosa) 10 -FBSOFSTt&EVDBUPST Real Jobs Real People is a compilation of 136 columns of the same name which appear in the Career Times supplement of the Cape Times newspaper each Monday. It will be of use and interest to learners and their parents and teachers, as well as to entrepreneurs and anyone contemplating a career change, wherever they are in the country. The real-life examples in the book help prepare young people to expect and plan for change throughout their careers. Real Jobs Real People celebrates the fact that many people start out doing/training for one career or job and end up in another career or job altogether. Many of the careers in the book are unusual and will stimulate readers to think of the many ways that one can employ oneself – especially in an environment where job-finding is a real DIBMMFOHF5IFASFBMQFPQMFJOUIJTCPPLTIPXUIBUUIFSFBSFJOEFFE opportunities in the world of work, and entrepreneurship, for those willing to look for them. Clem Sunter contributed the Foreword and Chris Whitfield, editor of the Cape Times, the Introduction. Contents – There are 136 jobs in this book - too many to list here. The ASFBMQFPQMFJOUFSWJFXFEJODMVEFBXJOFNBLFSBCJPLJOFUJDJTUBOBJS traffic controller, a cricket umpire, a helicopter pilot and a mortician. Each career profile includes personal insights into what the careers entail, as well as information on salary scales and tips about how to go about preparing for, and being successful in, a particular line of work. Code Description Price #-0'&5 3FBM+PCT3FBM1FPQMF 3 5SBWFMBOE5PVSJTNt3FJTFO5PFSJTNF The following DVDs capture lively and colourful footage of places of interest to tourists in South Africa and Namibia. When viewing these DVDs learners will be introduced to manner in which a place is advertised and marketed to stimulate tourist interest. These DVDs are available only in English. Aloegrove Safari Lodge Namibia %7% %7% 4FOJPSo'&51IBTFT 4FOJPSo'&51IBTFT This 20 minute video captures the attractions of Aloegrove, a modern guest farm in Namibia where visitors from many countries come to enjoy the wildlife and the sunsets unique to that part of the world. Code Description Price %7%5544 "MPFHSPWF4BGBSJ-PEHF 3 A 60 minute documentary on Namibia revealing the many and varied places of interest to be visited in this vast and fascinating land. Explanations are given for the types of vehicles needed to access different places. Code Description Price %7%5544 /BNJCJB 3 Cape Point %7% 4FOJPSo'&51IBTFT This 54 minute documentary gives a wide and detailed view of what can be seen at Cape Point. It includes the fauna and flora of the area as XFMMBTUIFTIJQXSFDLTUIBUCFBSUFTUJNPOZUPNBOTPGUFOMPTJOHCBUUMF against the elements experienced along this dramatic and breathtaking coastline. Code Description Price %7%5544 $BQF1PJOU 3 Leisure Liner %7% 4FOJPSo'&51IBTFT A luxury boat ride along the Breede River is the location for this 11 minute video, which shows the beauty of the surrounding countryside and the Malagas Hotel as obvious tourist attractions. Code Description Price %7%5544 -FJTVSF-JOFS 3 Villa Chanté %7% 4FOJPSo'&51IBTFT 4JUVBUFEJO%BOB#BZUIFHBUFXBZUPUIFGBNPVT(BSEFO3PVUF7JMMB Chanté Guesthouse is the rendezvous of choice for many a traveller. In and around the area are many things to do and places to visit, such as the Diaz museum in Mosselbay, the Cango Caves in Oudshoorn, elephants to feed near Knysna and a trip to take on the Outeniqua Tjoe Tjoe train. Other highlights in the area include cage-diving with crocodiles, bungi jumping, touching a cheetah and meeting the Meerkat Man of Oudshoorn. Code Description Price %7%5544 7JMMB$IBOUÏ 3 Discovering the West Coast %7% 4FOJPSo'&51IBTFT This takes you on a journey through the West Coast area of South Africa that stretches over 400 km from south to north. The region and its people offer the visitor a surprising variety of travel experiences and EFTUJOBUJPOTBWJTJUUPBACPLLPNGBDUPSZJO7FMEESJGFOETBUBOAPQFOBJS restaurant along the West Coast. We visit Langebaan, Saldanha Bay and TVSSPVOEJOHTUIFONPWFJOMBOEUP$JUSVTEBM$MBOWJMMJBN7BOSIZOTEPSQ BOE7SFEFOEBMBOEmOBMMZUIF$FEFSCFSHBOE8VQQFSUBM Code Description Price %7%5544 %JTDPWFSJOHUIF8FTU$PBTU 3 11 NAMAKWA: The Sleeping Giant %7% %7% 4FOJPSo'&51IBTFT 4FOJPSo'&51IBTFT Namaqualand is a land where ancient history, modern technology and the universe join in harmony. It is a place of rare and exquisite beauty, a mosaic of contrasts, a land of vast open spaces punctuated by outcrops of granite and boulders QJMFEIJHIPOUPQPGPOFBOPUIFS*UJTBQMBOUMPWFSTQBSBEJTFBOEB treasure house for the traveller and mineralogist alike. The so-called MBOEPGUIF/BNBJTJOEFFEOBUVSFTQMBZHSPVOEy Code Description Price %7%5544 /".",8"5IF4MFFQJOH(JBOU 3 Cape Winelands Art and Craft Route %7% 4FOJPSo'&51IBTFT The Cape Winelands offer everything you could desire. Quiet and peaceful, rural yet charming, a real favourite of healers and artists, musicians and writers. But there is a lot more to this beautiful region, UIFSFJTBSUyBMPUPGBSU Artists of every persuasion have settled in the Winelands, drawing on the nurturing influence of the region for inspiration and fulfilment. In return, they bring knowledge and skills which they share with local people. Looking at the variety of art forms these people have to offer we visit the African Queen studio, The Millstone Pottery, the Home of the Montagu Teddy Bears, the Busy Bee Arts and Craft Centre, the studio of 7BTFL.BUPVTFLUIFONPWFPOUP'SBOTDIPFLUPQBZBWJTJUUPUIFXJSF artist, Prince Ndamane as well as Elvis Potina, a well known potter of the area. Code Description Price %7%5544 $BQF8JOFMBOET"SU$SBGU3PVUF 3 12 Matzikama A fascinating and diverse area of the Western Cape, including IJTUPSJDBMMZJOUFSFTUJOHTNBMMUPXOTTVDIBT7BOSIZOTEPSQ-VU[WJMMF Klawer and Strandfontein on the West Coast. In the Spring the area is carpeted with colour as the desert comes to life and thousands of tourists are attracted to the region. But there is more to the Matzikama BSFBUIBOTQSJOHnPXFSTSBSFTVDDVMFOUTBSFUPCFGPVOEIFSFBOE 7BOSIZOTEPSQJTIPNFUPUIFMBSHFTUTVDDVMFOUOVSTFSZJOUIFTPVUIFSO hemisphere. Along the Olifants River are well established vineyards that produce prize winning wines as well as table grapes and dried fruit. In addition there are hiking, biking and exciting 4 x 4 trails to explore, San art to amaze you, guest farms to welcome you, in short, something for everyone in the Matzikama region! Code Description Price %7%5544 .BU[JLBNB%7% 3 .BUIFNBUJDTt8JTLVOEFt*.BUIFNBUJLB Barriers to Numeracy 2013 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned *OUFSBDUJWF$%30. 5FBDIFST Code $(6*%4% On this CD-ROM you will find: t Identification of certain CBSSJFST t Further information on the BCPWFCBSSJFST t Teaching strategies to support UIFMFBSOFSXJUICBSSJFSTBOE t A few examples of worksheets which teachers could use Description Price #BSSJFSTUP/VNFSBDZ 3 2015 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 2015 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(S.BUIFNBUJDT8JTLVOEF Price 3 4FTTJPO*OWFSTFHSBQITTUSBJHIUMJOFJOWFSTFQBSBCPMB Session 2: Inverse graphs (inverse of the exponential function) 4FTTJF*OWFSTFGVOLTJFTMJOJÐSFGVOLTJFTLXBESBUJFTFGVOLTJFT Sessie 4: Inverse van die eksponensiële funksie 2014 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(S.BUIFNBUJDT8JTLVOEF Price 3 (FPNFUSZ5IFPSFNT (FPNFUSZ 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF Sessie 1: Sirkelmeetkunde Sessie 2: Meetkunde – Hersiening van Stelling 1 - 9 3 2014 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned 2014 Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT Price 3 4FTTJPO(SBQITBOEGVODUJPOT-JOFHSBQIQBSBCPMB hyperbola) 4FTTJPO3FEVDUJPOGPSNVMBTTQFDJBMBOHMFTUSJHFRVBUJPOT identity and sin, cos and area formula Session 3: Trigonometric graphs 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF 4FTTJF"MHFCSBJÑTFHSBmFLF-ZOHSBmFLQBSBCPPMIJQFSCPPM 4FTTJF3FEVLTJFGPSNVMFTIFSMFJEJOHTGPSNVMFTTQFTJBMF IPFLFJEFOUJUFJUUSJHPOPNFUSJFTFWFSHFMZLJOH Sessie 3: Trigonometriese grafieke 3 2013 Grade 10 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT Price 3 "MHFCSBJDGVODUJPOTHSBQITt1BSBCPMBTUSBJHIUMJOFt"MHFCSBJD GVODUJPOTHSBQITt'JOEJOHUIFFRVBUJPOPGUIFIZQFSCPMB exponential graphs 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT 3 5SJHPOPNFUSZt5SJHPOPNFUSJDHSBQITt&VDMJEFBOHFPNFUSZt Geometry, parallelograms, congruency 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF 3 "MHFCSBÕFTFGVOLTJFTHSBmFLFt1BSBCPPMSFHVJUMZOt "MHFCSBÕFTFHSBmFLFt)PFPNEJFWFSHFMZLJOHWBOOIJQFSCPPMFO OFLTQPOFOTJÑMFHSBmFLUFLSZ 2014 Telematics Grade 12 Books 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 Book per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT#PPL Price 3 2013 Telematics Grade 10 DVDs CAPS aligned Session 1: Financial Maths Sessie 2: Finansiële Wiskunde Session 3: Grade 11 Geometry Theorems Sessie 4: Graad 11 Meetkunde Stellings 5FMFNBUJDT(S.BUIFNBUJDT8JTLVOEF Sessie 1: Graad 12 Meetkunde – Eweredigheidstellings Session 2: Grade 12 Geometry – Similarity and Proportionality Theorems Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT Price 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF 3 5SJHPOPNFUSJFt5SJHPOPNFUSJFTFHSBmFLFt&VLMJEJFTFNFFULVOEF t.FFULVOEF 13 2014 Telematics Grade 10 DVDs CAPS aligned 2014 Grade 10 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT Price 3 Session 1: Functions and graphs (algebraic functions: parabola, hyperbola & exponential graphs) 4FTTJPO'VODUJPOTBOEHSBQITBMHFCSBJDHSBQITMJOFHSBQI parabola) Session 3: Functions and graphs (answering questions on graphs) 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT 3 Session 1: Trigonometry (introduction to trigonometric graphs) 4FTTJPO&VDMJEFBOHFPNFUSZ.JEQPJOUUIFPSFN 4FTTJPO(FPNFUSZDPOHSVFODZQBSBMMFMPHSBN 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF 3 Sessie 1: Funksies en grafieke (algebraïese funksies en grafieke: parabool, hiperbool & eksponensieël grafieke) 4FTTJF'VOLTJFTFOHSBmFLFBMHFCSBÕFTFHSBmFLFMZOHSBmFLF parabool) Sessie 3: Funksies en grafieke (beantwoord vrae oor grafieke) 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF Sessie 1: Trigonometrie (inleiding) Sessie 2: Trigonometriese verhoudings Sessie 3: Euklidiese Meetkunde (binnehoeke WBOOESJFIPFLJOUFSTFLTJFFOQBSBMMFMFFXFXZEJHFMZOF 14 3 4PDJBM4DJFODFT(&0(3"1):t(&0(3"'*& Geography 2014 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned %7% (SBEFo Ecology: Grade 12: Topics dealt with in this video are Soils and Ecology and the environment. Climatology 1 and 2: Grades 8 – 10: Part 1 looks at Weather and XFBUIFSQBUUFSOT1BSUJTBCPVU5IF"UNPTQIFSFBOE5FNQFSBUVSFBOE moisture in the atmosphere. Climatology 3 and 4: Grades 11 – 12: Part 3 deals with Atmospheric QSFTTVSF8JOE5IFFBSUITSPUBUJPO"UNPTQIFSJDNPUJPO1BSUMPPLT BU.JEMBUJUVEFDZDMPOFTGSPOUT5SPQJDBMDZDMPOFT$JSDVMBUJPOPWFS4" 7BMMFZDMJNBUFT$JUZDMJNBUFT Mapwork 1, 2 and 3: Grades 10 – 12: Each part of the video deals with different aspects of mapwork. Geomorphology 1 and 2: Grades 9 – 10: Part 1 is about The earth and JUTSPDLT*OUFSOBMGPSDFTBOESFTVMUJOHMBOEGPSNTBOE&YUFSOBMGPSDFTBOE SFTVMUJOHMBOEGPSNT1BSUJTPO&YUFSOBMGPSDFTBOE*OUFSOBMGPSDFT Geomorphology 3: Grade 12: Part 3 of this series deals with Fluvial HFPNPSQIPMPHZ4USVDUVSBMMBOETDBQFTBOE4MPQFTBOEMBOETDBQF evolution. Code Description Price %7%(&0'&5 (FPHSBQIZ 3 Session 1: Climate & weather – Mid-latitude cyclones (Cold & XBSNGSPOUT$IBSBDUFSJTUJDT4UBHFT8FBUIFS 4FTTJPO(FPNPSQIPMPHZ4USFBNQBUUFSOTPSEFST MPOHJUVEJOBMDSPTTQSPmMFT'MVWJBMMBOEGPSNT4USFBNQJSBDZBOE Rejuvenation) 4FTTJF,MJNBBUXFFS,PVFXBSNGSPOUF8BBSBBOHFUSFG ,FONFSLF8FFSLFONFSLF0Q8FFSLBBSUF 4FTTJF(FPNPSGPMPHJF4USPPNQBUSPOF4USPPNPSEFT-FOHUF FOEXBSTQSPmFMF'MVWJBMFMBOEWPSNF4USPPNSPPG7FSKPOHJOH Price 3 Session 1: Climate & weather Session 2: Geographic Information Systems Sessie 3: Klimaat & weer Sessie 4: Geografiese Inligtingstelsels 3 5FMFNBUJDT(S(FPHSBmF (FPNPSGPMPHJFt-BOEFMJLFFO4UFEFMJLF/FEFSTFUUJOHTt Kaartwerk 5FMFNBUJDT(S(FPHSBQIZ 3 (FPNPSQIPMPHZt3VSBMBOEVSCBOTFUUMFNFOUTt.BQXPSL 2014 Telematics Grade 12 Books 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 Book per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF(FPHSBQIZ#PPL.BQXPSL Price 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE(FPHSBmF#PFL,BBSUXFSL 3 2013 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned 2015 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 2015 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(S(FPHSBQIZ(FPHSBmF 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(S(FPHSBQIZ(FPHSBmF Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] Price 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF(FPHSBQIZ .BQXPSL(*4t(FPHSBQIJDBM4LJMMTBOE5FDIOJRVFT 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE(FPHSBmF Sessie 1: Geografiese inligtingstelsels 4FTTJF,BBSUTJNCPMFLBBSUWBBSEJHIFEFCFSFLFOJOHF LBBSUMFFTLBBSUXFSLFOEJFHSBBETJMMBCVT Price 3 3 2014 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned 2014 Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF(FPHSBQIZ(FPHSBmF Session 1: Geographic Information Systems 4FTTJPO.BQXPSL.BQTZNCPMT.BQTLJMMT$BMDVMBUJPOT.BQ SFBEJOH.BQXPSLBOEUIF(SBEFTZMMBCVT Sessie 3: Geografiese Inligtingstelsels 4FTTJF,BBSUXFSL,BBSUTJNCPMF,BBSUWBBSEJHIFEF #FSFLFOJOHF,BBSUMFFT,BBSUXFSLFOEJF(SBBETJMMBCVT Price 3 15 4PDJBM4DJFODFT)*4503: 4PTJBMF8FUFOTLBQQF(&4,*&%&/*4 Doing History: A teacher’s guide / Doen Geskiedenis: ’n Handleiding vir onderwysers %7%t5FBDIFST(VJEF 1SPG%FWFMPQNFOU*OUFSNo4FOJPS1IBTF5FBDIFST The objective of the programme is to inform teachers of various ways to teach history in the Intermediate Phase according to the Revised National Curriculum Statement. This programmme is the result of collaboration between the School of Education (UCT), Western Cape Education Department and Leeds Metropolitan University. Die doel van die program is om aan onderwysers verskillende maniere te toon oor hoe om Geskiedenis in die Intermediêre fase volgens die )FSTJFOF/BTJPOBMF,VSSJLVMVN7FSLMBSJOHUFPOEFSSJH Hierdie program is die uitvloeisel van samewerking tussen die School of Education (UCT), Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement en Leeds Metropolitan University. Code Description Price %7%*14% %PJOH)JTUPSZ"UFBDIFSTHVJEF%PFO 3 (FTLJFEFOJTO)BOEMFJEJOHWJSPOEFSXZTFST GETting History: A teaching manual for Social Sciences (History)/ Begryp Geskiedenis: ‘n Onderrighandleiding vir Sosiale Wetenskappe .BOVBM 4FOJPS1IBTF This 103 page teaching manual uses some parts of the Grade 9 Knowledge Focus Framework to introduce the lessons, activities and methodologies. A step-by-step outline of suggested ways of teaching is provided, including notes of which Learning Outcomes and Assessment Standards are being addressed at particular points in the lesson. Each lesson consists of a number of worksheets which can be photocopied. A the end of each section there is a lesson debrief where important aspects of the lesson are discussed and also how the activities and methodologies can be adapted for Grades 7 and 8. Dié onderrighandleiding bestaan uit 103 bladsye en maak gebruik van enkele dele van die Graad 9 Kennisfokusraamwerk om die lesse, BLUJXJUFJUFFONFUPEPMPHJFÑCFLFOEUFTUFM%JUHFFTUBQTHFXZTOPPSTJH van voorgestelde onderrigmetodes, insluitend aantekeninge wat verwys na daardie Leeruitkomste en Assesseringstandaarde waaraan op spesifieke stadiums in die les aandag gegee word. Elke les bestaan uit ‘n aantal werksvelle wat gefotokopieer kan word. Aan die einde van elke afdeling is ‘n lesontleding waar belangrike aspekte van die les bespreek word en ook hoe die aktiwiteite en metodologieë aangepas kan word in Grade 7 en 8. Code Description Price #)*44% & (&5UJOH)JTUPSZ 3 #)*44% " #FHSZQ(FTLJFEFOJT 3 16 National Symbols of South Africa: A multimedia package for teachers of Intermediate and Senior Phase Social Sciences: History %7%Tt1BNQIMFUTt"QPTUFSt#PPLT *OUFSNFEJBUFBOE4FOJPS1IBTF)JTUPSZUFBDIFST 5IFQBDLBHFDPOTJTUTPGUIFGPMMPXJOH%7%TBOEQSJOUNBUFSJBM t %7%o0VS/BUJPOBM4ZNCPMT Our National Coat of Arms & Our National Flag t %7%o4ZNCPMTPG1BSMJBNFOUPGUIF3FQVCMJDPG4PVUI"GSJDB Publications: t 1 x A4 full colour double sided laminated poster Limited editions of: t Parliament since 1994: Achievements and Challenges: Published by Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, 2006: 194 page full colour book t My Country South Africa celebrating our national symbols & heritage: 82 page full colour book published by Department of Education, 2006 t You And The Constitution: Produced by the Constitutional Assembly: 29 page full colour booklet We should all be familiar with our National Symbols – the National Coat of Arms, the National Anthem and the National Flag. We also need to appreciate our National Symbols of Parliament, the Mace and the Black Rod as symbols of our nationhood. But how much do we really know about the history, the symbolism, and the important values these symbols promote and that we all share as South Africans? This multimedia package aims to explain the historical context, imbued meaning and symbolism of our National Symbols as well as how each was designed and decorated to reflect elements that are so truly South African. As the National Symbols are valued as part of our heritage, it is imperative that learners have knowledge abut them. The promotion of the ethos embodied in these symbols is important not only for the sake of personal development, but also to ensure that a national South African identity is built on the values enshrined in our Constitution. Code Description Price %7%1)*44% /BUJPOBM4ZNCPMTPG4PVUI"GSJDB 3 2015 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 2015 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(S)JTUPSZ(FTLJFEFOJT 5PQJDo&YUFOTJPOPGUIF$PME8BS7JFUOBN1BQFS4FDUJPO# o&TTBZ 8SJUJOHBOJOUSPEVDUJPOt0OEFSXFSQo 6JUCSFEJOHWBOEJF,PVF0PSMPH7JÑUOBN7SBFTUFM"GEFMJOH# o0QTUFM )PFPNOJOMFJEJOHUFTLSZG Price 3 -JGF4DJFODFTt-FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF 2014 Telematics Grade 12 Books 2015 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 2015 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] Price 5FMFNBUJDT(S-JGF4DJFODFT-FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF 3 Session 1: DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis Session 2: Meiosis Sessie 3: DNA, RNA, Proteïensintese Sessie 4: Meiose Price 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE-FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF#PFL 3 2013 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF-JGF4DJFODFT 2014 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned Price 3 Human Impact on the Environment (2 sessions) 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] Price 5FMFNBUJDT(S-JGF4DJFODFT-FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF 3 Session 1: DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis, Genetic Crossings, Pedigree Diagram and Meiosis Session 2: Reproduction, Hypothesis Testing and Menstrual Cycle Sessie 3: DNA, RNA, Proteïensintese, Genetiese Kruisings, Stamboomdiagram en Meiose 4FTTJF7PPSUQMBOUJOH)JQPUFTF5PFUTJOHFO.FOTUSVFMF4JLMVT 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE-FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF Menslike impak op die omgewing – 4FTTJF"UNPTGFFSLMJNBBUTWFSBOEFSJOHFOXBUFS 4FTTJF7PFEFMTFLVSJUFJUWFSMJFTBBOCJPEJWFSTJUFJUFO afvalverwydering 3 2014 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned 5FMFNBUJDT(S-FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF Sessie 1: Biotegnologie en Genetiese Manipulasie Sessie 2: Homeostasie, Negatiewe terugvoering, Beheer van Koolstofdioksied, Water en Sout 4FTTJF&WPMVTJF7BSJBTJF Sessie 4: Spesiasie 3 5FMFNBUJDT(S-JGF4DJFODFT 3 Session 1: Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Session 2: Homeostasies, Negative Feedback Mechanisms (TSH & Thyroxin, Insulin & Glucogin), Control of Carbon Dioxide, Water and Salts 4FTTJPO&WPMVUJPO7BSJBUJPO Session 4: Evolution: Speciation 5FMFNBUJDT(S1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT'JTJFTF 8FUFOTLBQQF 4FTTJPO3FBDUJPO3BUFT$PMMJTJPOUIFPSZo3FWJTJPOBOE4UVEZ tips 4FTTJF5FNQPWBO3FBLTJFT#PUTJOHTUFPSJF)FSTJFOJOHFO Studiewenke Session 3: Chemical Equilibrium Sessie 4: Chemiese Ewewig 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 Book per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF-JGF4DJFODFT#PPL 2014 Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF-JGF4DJFODFT -FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF Price 3 4FTTJPO)PNFPTUBTFTOFHBUJWFGFFECBDLNFDIOJTNTJOTVMJO BOEHMVDBHPODPOUSPMPGDBSCPOEJPYJEFXBUFSBOETBMUT Session 2: Human Impact on the Environment 4FTTJF)PNFPTUBTFOFHBUJFXFUFSVHWPFSJOHJOTVMJFOFO HMVLBHPOCFIFFSWBOLPPMTUPGEJPLTJFEXBUFSFOTPVU Sessie 4: Menslike impak op die omgewing 3 17 Introducing Argumentation in Life Sciences Inleiding tot Argumentasie in Lewenswetenskappe %7%t$%30.t5FBDIFST(VJEF %7%t$%30.t5FBDIFST(VJEF '&51IBTF '&51IBTF The Critical Thinking Project (Promoting Critical Thinking Skills in Sciences) emerged from a concern about the inability of learners to debate and argue the ethical, social and technological issues confronting people in the field of life sciences and physical sciences. If learners are to make better-informed decisions, they must be able to think about claims put forward by others and about the data, beliefs and evidence on which these claims are based. Being able to argue is a crucial aspect of thinking critically.The central thrust of the project was, therefore, to help educators develop argumentation in their classrooms. The project consists of three foci for educators, namely: 1. A professional development programme 2. Development of learning and teaching support materials 3. A research programme The key partners in the Critical Thinking Project are: t The Western Cape Education Department t The Cape Peninsula University of Technology t The University of Cape Town t The University of York Special features include: t Notes on critical thinking and the place of argumentation within it t Plans and materials for two lessons, which include learning outcomes, assessment standards, worksheets, learning strategies, follow-up work and assessment strategies t Ideas on how to manage group work t A video of two lessons including reflections by teachers and learners on the processes and styles of learning. Die Kritiesedenkeprojek (wat kritiese denke in die Wetenskap bevorder) het onstaan uit die besorgheid oor die vermoë van leerders om te debatteer en te argumenteer oor etiese, sosiale en tegnologiese kwessies waarvoor mense in die lewenswetenskappe en natuurwetenskappe te staan kom. Indien leerders beter ingeligte keuses moet maak moet hulle in staat wees om te dink oor aansprake wat deur andere gemaak word en oor die gegewens, oortuigings en getuineswaarop hierdie bewerings gebaseer is. Om dus in staat te wees om te argumenteer, is ‘n kernaspek daarvan om krities te kan dink. Die sentrale stukrag vie die projek was dus om opvoeders te help om argumentasie in hulle klaskamers te ontwikkel. Die Projek behels drie fokuspunte vir opvoeders, naamlik: 1. O1SPGFTTJPOFMF0OUXJLLFMTQSPHSBN 2. Die ontwikkeling van leer- en onderrigondersteunsmateriaal 3. O/BSWPSTJOHTQSPHSBN Die sleutelvennote in die Kritiesedenkeprojek is: t Die Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement t Die Kaap Skiereiland Universiteit van Tegnologie t Die Universiteit van Kaapstad t Die Universiteit van York Spesiale glanspunte sluit in: t Notas oor kritiese denke en die plek van argumentasie daarbinne. t Planne en materiaal vir twee lesses wat leeruitkomste, assesseringstandaarde, werkblaaie, leerstrategieë opvolgwerk en assessering-strategieë insluit t Idees oor hoe om groepwerk te hanteer t O7JEFPWBOUXFFMFTTFXBUJOTMVJUHFEBHUFTWBOPOEFSXZTFSTFO leerders oor die leerprosesse en leerstyl. Code Description Price %7%1/4'&5 *OUSPEVDJOH"SHVNFOUBUJPOJO-JGF 3 4DJFODFT(Guide with DVD and CD-ROM) *OMFJEJOHUPU"SHVNFOUBTJFJO -FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF (Gids met DVD en CD-ROM) 18 1IZTJDBM4DJFODFTt'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF Dinaledi Schools Science Project: Gr 10 Practical work Physiology Simulations – CD-ROM %7%t-FBSOFSTXPSLCPPL $%30. '&51IBTF '&51IBTF This package was created by ORT-Technology Institute in partnership XJUIUIF8$&%0OUIF%7%FYQFSJNFOUTEFNPOTUSBUJPOTBSFJMMVTUSBUFE that cover the following Knowledge Areas: 1. .FDIBOJDT$BMDVMBUJOHVOJGPSNBDDFMFSBUJPO1MBOOJOHBOE EFUFSNJOJOHAH 2. 8BWFTTPVOEBOEMJHIU1SPQBHBUJPOPGUSBOTWFSTFXBWFT *OWFTUJHBUJOHSFGSBDUJPO5PUBMJOUFSOBMSFnFDUJPO5*3 PGMJHIU 3. &MFDUSJDJUZBOENBHOFUJTN.BHOFUJDmFMEQBUUFSOT)PXB DPNQBTTXPSLT&MFDUSPNBHOFUT5FTUJOHPGDIBSHFT*OWFTUJHBUJOH SFTJTUPSTJOTFSJFT*OWFTUJHBUJOHSFTJTUPSTJOQBSBMMFM 4. .BUUFSBOENBUFSJBMT&MFDUSJDBMDPOEVDUJWJUZ5IFSNBM DPOEVDUJWJUZ%FUFSNJOFUIFXBWFMFOHUITPGUIFMJOFTPGUIF spectrum of He 5. Chemical change: Preparation and testing of oxygen 6. $IFNJDBMTZTUFNT&WBQPSBUJPODPOEFOTBUJPOBOEQSFDJQJUBUJPO $MPVEGPSNBUJPO.BLJOHBOEUFTUJOHBDJESBJO 5IFMFBSOFSTXPSLCPPLIBTBDDPNQBOZJOHXPSLTIFFUTBDUJWJUJFT that can be photocopied for classroom use. Code Description Price %7%1/4'&5 %JOBMFEJ4DIPPMT4DJFODF1SPKFDU 3 (SBEF1SBDUJDBMXPSL Safety in School Science: Physical & Natural Sciences Laboratory Manual / Veiligheid in Skoolwetenskap: Fisiese & Natuurlike Wetenskappe Laboratoriumhandleiding #PPL 5FBDIFSTt-FBSOFSTt.BOBHFSTPG4DIPPM-BCPSBUPSJFT This manual has been developed to assist learners, teachers, heads of departments and principals in the management of science laboratories to ensure that safe and effective science teaching takes place in schools. Hierdie handleiding is ontwikkel om leerders, onderwysers, departementshoofde en skoolhoofde te help in die bestuur van wetenskaplaboratoriums om seker te maak dat veilige en doeltreffende wetenskaponderrig in skole plaasvind. Code Description Price #16#4% 4BGFUZJO4DIPPM4DJFODF1IZTJDBM 3 /BUVSBM4DJFODFT-BCPSBUPSZ .BOVBM7FJMJHIFJEJO 4LPPMXFUFOTLBQ'JTJFTF /BUVVSMJLF8FUFOTLBQQF -BCPSBUPSJVNIBOEMFJEJOH The CD consists of a variety of simulated investigations which cover most of the human physiology systems prescribed. The nature of the experiments are interesting and in some cases challenging, but also easy to work with and clear instructions are given. Some of the experiments can be used as enrichment activities to stimulate and motivate learners to inquire more about the physiology processes. In many cases the variables (pH, diameters, light intensity, etc.) can be increased or decreased to illustrate their impact on the relevant processes. Code Description Price $#*044 1IZTJPMPHZ4JNVMBUJPOT 3 Physical Science Revision and Consolidation Exercises / Natuur- en Skeikunde Hersienings- en Samevattingsoefeninge $%30. '&51IBTF This is the Windows version of an earlier DOS-based package which aims to assist learners revise and consolidate their knowledge, particularly in preparation for the Senior Certificate Examinations. It consists of a set of 1 800 multiple-choice questions for the current Grade 12 Physical Science curriculum (Higher and Standard Grade) and selected topics from the Grade 11 curriculum fundamental to Grade 12 work. Two versions of the package are provided on a CD-ROM disc: a ‘stand BMPOFWFSTJPOUIBUDBOCFVTFEEJSFDUMZGSPNUIF$%30.EJTDBOEBAIBSE ESJWFWFSTJPOXIJDIXIFOJOTUBMMFEPOBMPDBMDPNQVUFSUSBDLTUIF progress of the learner. A booklet is included which provides an overview of the package and instructions for installing and using the materials. )JFSEJFA8JOEPXTXFFSHBXFWBOEJFWSPFÑ%04HFCBTFFSEFQBLLFU help leerders met die hersienning en samevatting van hul kennis, veral UFSWPPSCFSFJEJOHWBOEJF4FOJPS4FSUJmLBBUFLTBNFOT%JUCFTUBBOVJUO stel van 1800 veelvuldige keusevrae vir die huidige Graad 12 Natuur- en Skeikunde kurrikulum (Hoër en Standaardgraad) en geselekteerde onderwerpe vir die Graad 11 kurrikulum wat fundamenteel vir Graad 12 XFSLJT5XFFXFFSHBXFTWBOEJFQBLLFUJTPQ$%30.CFTLJLCBBSO ABMMFFOTUBBOEFXFFSHBXFXBUEJSFLWBOEJF$%30.HFCSVJLLBOXPSE FOOAIBSEFTLZGXFFSHBXFXBUXBOOFFSEJUPQOQMBBTMJLFSFLFOBBS geïnstalleer is, die vordering van die leerder kan volg. O#PFLJFXPSEJOHFTMVJUXBUAOPPSTJHPPSEJFQBLLFUHFFBTPPL instruksies vir die installering en gebruik van die materiaal. Code Description Price $114'&5 1IZTJDBM4DJFODF3FWJTJPOBOE$POTPMJEBUJPO 3 &YFSDJTFT/BUVVSFO4LFJLVOEF)FSTJFOJOHT FO4BNFWBUUJOHTPFGFOJOHF$%30. 19 2015 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 2015 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(S1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT'JTJFTF 8FUFOTLBQQF 2013 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned Price 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF Sessie 1: Redoks Reaksies Sessie 2: Goud – mynbou en verwerking van minerale 3 2014 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned 2014 Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT 2014 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned Price 3 4FTTJPO&NQIBTJTF$POUFOU4UVEZUJQT1SPQPSUJPO"OBMZTJT 7FSUJDBM1SPKFDUJMFNPUJPO 4FTTJPO8PSLFOFSHZUIFPSFN$POTFSWBUJPOPG.FDIBOJDBM Energy 4FTTJF#FLMFNUPPO*OIPVE4UVEJFXFOLF &XFSFEJHIFJEFO(SBmFLF7FSUJLBMF1SPKFLUJFMCFXFHJOH 4FTTJF"BSCFJEFOSHJFTUFMMJOH Wet van Behoud van Meganiese Energie Price 3 Session 1: Redox Reactions Session 2: Balancing Redox Reactions Session 3: Redox Reactions 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF Sessie 1: Redoksreaksies Sessie 2: Hoe om Redoksreaksies te balanseer Sessie 3: Mynbou en verwerking van minerale 3 2013 Telematics Grade 10 DVDs CAPS aligned 5FMFNBUJDT(S1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT'JTJFTF 8FUFOTLBQQF Session 1: Electrochemical Reactions Sessie 2: Elektrochemiese Reaksies 3 5FMFNBUJDT(S1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT'JTJFTF 8FUFOTLBQQF 4FTTJPO3FBDUJPO3BUFT$PMMJTJPOUIFPSZo3FWJTJPOBOE4UVEZ tips 4FTTJF5FNQPWBO3FBLTJFT#PUTJOHTUFPSJF)FSTJFOJOHFO Studiewenke Session 3: Chemical Equilibrium Sessie 4: Chemiese Ewewig 3 2013 Grade 10 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT Price 3 .PMFDVMFTDPWBMFOUCPOET t*POJDDPNQPVOETt.FUBMTt1IZTJDBM change 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT 3 $IFNJDBMDIBOHFt5IF&BSUITNBHOFUJDmFMEt&MFDUSPTUBUJDT 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF 3 .PMFLVMFLPWBMFOUFCJOEJOHT t*POJFTFWFSCJOEJOHTt.FUBMFt Fisiese verandering 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF $IFNJFTFWFSBOEFSJOHt.BHOFUJTNFt%JF"BSEFTFNBHOFUJTNFt Elektrostatieka 2014 Telematics Grade 12 Books 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 Book per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT#PPL Price 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF#PFL 3 20 Price 3 3FEPY3FBDUJPOTt(PME.JOJOHBOE.JOFSBM1SPDFTTJOH 4FTTJPO*OWFSTFQSPQPSUJPOBMJUZ/FXUPOTMBXPGVOJWFSTBM HSBWJUBUJPO$PMPVNCTMBX /FUSFTVMUBOUGPSDF 4FTTJPO/FXUPOTTFDPOEMBXPGNPUJPONPUJPOPGDPOOFDUFE CPEJFTQIZTJDBMQSPQFSUZSFMBUJPOTIJQT Sessie 3: Omgekeerde eweredigheid 4FTTJF'JTJFTFFJFOTLBQWBOOTUPG/FXUPOTF5XFFEF CFXFHJOHTXFU7SZF,SBHUFEJBHSBNNF'JTJFTFFJFOTLBQQFWBO organiese verbindings 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(S1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT'JTJFTF 8FUFOTLBQQF Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT 3 2014 Telematics Grade 10 DVDs CAPS aligned 2014 Grade 10 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT Price 3 Session 1: The Mole 4FTTJPO3FMBUJWFNPMFDVMBSBOEGPSNVMBNBTTEFmOJUJPOPG NPMBSNBTTDBMDVMBUJPOT 4FTTJPO&NQFSJDBMGPSNVMBFTUFQTJODBMDVMBUJPOTDBMDVMBUJOH emperical formulae 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT 3 4FTTJPO$BMDVMBUFQFSDFOUBHFPGFBDIFMFNFOUJOBDPNQPVOE calculate the number of moles of the water of crystallization of a compound 4FTTJPO%FGPGDPODFOUSBUJPODBMDVMBUFUIFDPODFOUSBUJPOPGB TPMVUJPODBMDVMBUFDPODFOUSBUJPOVTJOHPOFGPSNVMB 4FTTJPO%FmOJUJPOPGNPMBSWPMVNFDBMDVMBUFWPMVNFXIFO HJWFOUIFNBTTPGBHBTDBMDVMBUFWPMVNFXIFOHJWFOUIFOVNCFS of particles 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF 3 Sessie 1 & 2: Die Mol 4FTTJPO&NQFSJFTFGPSNVMFTUBQQFPNUFWPMHXBOOFFS empiriese formule bereken word 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF 3 Sessie 1: Konsentrasies van oplossings 4FTTJF.PMÐSFWPMVNFWPMVNFWBOFFONPMWBOOHBT 21 "SUTBOE$VMUVSFt,VOTFO,VMUVVS Dance Studies: Teaching Improvisation, Choreography & Production Dansstudies: Onderrig van Improvisasie, Choreografie & Produksie &EVDBUPST(VJEF 0QWPFEFSTSJHMZOF '&55FBDIFST 7000OEFSXZTFST The book is structured in four main sections. In both the improvisation and choreography sections, you as the educator are first given some teaching hints and ideas and then presented with various ideas and lesson plans. The development of improvisation and choreography skills has been divided into grade levels. These are suggestions or ideas and it is the prerogative of the individual educator to ensure that he / she adjusts the material for learners. The exercises can be repeated or adapted for any grade. It should be noted that improvisation and composition are interrelated. The one is a natural progression of the other. The production elements and journal as discussed in Section 4 play an important role in LO 1 and need to be included and integrated into the overall development of improvisation and choreography. The appendices at the end of the book aim to give educators an ongoing resource which they can continue to access. Code Description Price #%"/44 & %BODF4UVEJFT5FBDIJOH 3 *NQSPWJTBUJPO$IPSFPHSBQIZ 1SPEVDUJPO Hierdie boek word in vier hoofafdelings verdeel. In beide die improvisasie en choreografie afdelings word jy as die opvoeder eerstens van onderrig idees en wenke voorsien gevolg deur ‘n voorstelling van verskeie idees vir lesplanne. Die ontwikkeling van improvisasie en choreografie vaardighede word in vlakke gradeer. Die inhoud bevat voorstelle en idees en dit staan jou as opvoeder vry om die material na goeddunke volgens behoefte aan te pas. Die oefeninge kan in enige graad herhaal of aangepas word. Let daarop dat improvisasie en komposisie mekaar aanvul, oorvleuel en komplementeer. Die produksie-elemente en joernaal wat in Afdeling 4 bespreek word speel ‘n belangrike rol in LU 1 en moet geintegreer word in die algehele ontwikkeling van improvisasie en choreografie. Die bylae aan die einde van die boek voorsien ‘n deurlopende navorsingsbron. Code Description Price #%"/44 " %BOTTUVEJFT0OEFSSJHWBO 3 *NQSPWJTBTJF$IPSFPHSBmF 1SPEVLTJF Warm up and cool down Contemporary and African Suggested Set Dance %7%t5FBDIFST#PPLMFU %7%t5FBDIFST#PPLMFU 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'&51IBTF5FBDIFST 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'&51IBTF5FBDIFST A practical guide to safe and effective ideas for warming up and cooling down the body and basic stretching. Code Description Price %7%%"/4% 8BSNVQBOEDPPMEPXO(DVD) 3 22 These suggested dances may be used by the Grade 12 learners for their practical examination. They are a guide to the standard required for this level. Music used for these dances is optional. Code Description Price %7%%"/4% $POUFNQPSBSZBOE"GSJDBO 3 4VHHFTUFE4FU%BODF Supporting Literacy and Numeracy through Arts and Culture: Foundation & Intermediate Phases 5FBDIFST(VJEFXJUI"DUJWJUJFT Everybody Dance! %7%t5FBDIFST.BOVBM 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'1o*15FBDIFST 'PVOEBUJPOBOE*OUFSNFEJBUF1IBTFUFBDIFST When you read through this book, you will be able to understand how the art forms can help you reinforce literacy and numeracy skills in your learners. For example: t In dance, the kinaesthetic elements of movement, space, pace and rhythm assist learners with language and mathematics development t In drama elements include listening, talking, reading, writing and CPEZMBOHVBHFXIJDIQSPNPUFMBOHVBHFBOEOVNFSBDZMFBSOJOH similarly, t In music, aural elements such as pitch, tine, rhythm and beat are particularly useful for the development of numeracy and listening TLJMMT t In visual arts and design, the non-verbal elements of shape, space, form, colour, tone, texture and patterns can be used to assist learners with both language and mathematical skills. Activities have been provided for both Foundation and Intermediate Phases and all can be assessed against more than one learning area and more than one outcome (e.g. Languages and Arts and Culture or mathematics and Arts and Culture and Life Orientation). Code Description Price #"354% 4VQQPSUJOH-JUFSBDZBOE/VNFSBDZ 3 UISPVHI"SUTBOE$VMUVSF'1*1 5IFA&WFSZCPEZ%BODF%7%BJNTUPEPFYBDUMZUIBUoNBLFFWFSZCPEZ EBODF5IFQVSQPTFPGUIJT%7%BOEUFBDIFSTHVJEFJTUPIFMQUFBDIFSTJO the Foundation and Intermediate Phases to teach Dance as part of Arts and Culture. All the activities have been designed down from the Learning Outcomes and Dance Assessment Standards from Grades R – 6. 5IF%7%TIPXTIPXUPJOUFHSBUFBDSPTTBSUGPSNTBOEUPJOUFHSBUF with literacy and numeracy. An important aspect is the teaching methodology that is demonstrated and explained. Code Description Price %7%%"/4% &WFSZCPEZ%BODF 3 English DVD, English/Afrikaans Teacher’s Guide Drama for Everyone! %7%t5FBDIFST(VJEF *OUFSNFEJBUF1IBTF5FBDIFST 5IF%7%BOENBOVBM%SBNBGPS&WFSZPOFJTBJNFEBU*OUFSNFEJBUF Phase teachers. The activities are based on all the basic drama skills that are taught in the Intermediate Phase in South African schools. It demonstrates appropriate methodology and shows how learners will develop drama skills from basic warm-up activities to mime, puppets and movement and ultimately develop their own classroom drama. The %7%BOENBOVBMEFNPOTUSBUFTUIBU%SBNBJOUIF*OUFSNFEJBUF1IBTF should be process driven – learners are experiencing, expressing and exploring while doing these drama activities! The development of literacy and life skills are embedded in all the activities. Code Description Price %7%%3"."4% %SBNBGPS&WFSZPOF 3 English DVD, English/Afrikaans Teacher’s Guide %7%%3"."4% %SBNBGPS&WFSZPOF English DVD, English/Xhosa Teacher’s Guide 3 23 Anatomy and Health Care Study Guide: Grades 10 – 12 -FBSOFST(VJEF 5FBDIFST(VJEF '&5%BODF-FBSOFST This Study Guide has been developed to assist Grade 10 – 12 Dance Studies learners. The information that has been included is based on the skills and knowledge required to achieve the Assessment Standards in the Dance Studies Subject of the South African National Curriculum Statement. Learners should use this book to ensure that they understand and can apply the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to develop into a strong and healthy dancer and person. This Study Guide provides some basic Anatomy and Health Care knowledge but should be supplemented with information from other sources. Further reading material (books and web sites) is listed in A3FGFSFODFTBUUIFFOEPGUIJTCPPL Code Description Price #%"/44 & "OBUPNZBOE)FBMUI$BSF4UVEZ(VJEF 3 (SBEFTo(learners) #%"/44 " "OBUPNJFFO(FTPOEIFJETPSH 4UVEJFHJET(So(leerders) 3 Dance Theory and History Study Guide: Grades 10 – 12 -FBSOFST(VJEF '&5%BODF-FBSOFST This Study Guide focuses mainly on the theory and history aspects of Learning Outcome 3 in the National Curriculum Statement subject A%BODF4UVEJFT-FBSOFSTBSFFYQFDUFEUPEFWFMPQBOVOEFSTUBOEJOHPG the philosophies and theory of dance, the importance of dance in the past, present and future and to develop the ability to watch all kinds of dance with an informed eye. The study guide should show you how to access and use a variety of primary and secondary sources such as books, art works, photographs, illustrations, press releases, dance programmes, dance posters, newspaper articles, magazine articles and interviews. In addition to the many ways the study guide has been designed to support your learning it should also give you guidance on examination writing, what to expect in examinations, and how to manage your time. Code Description Price #%"/'&5 & %BODF5IFPSZ)JTUPSZ4UVEZ(VJEF 3 (So(learners) #%"/'&5 " 24 %BOTHFTLJFEFOJTFO5FPSJF 4UVEJFHJET(So(leerders) Teachers: New Content Resource Pack: Dance Theory and History 3 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'&51IBTF5FBDIFST To assist with the implementation of the National Curriculum Statement for Grades 10 – 12, this Dance Studies New Content Resource Pack gives a brief overview of dance history, both local and international and includes references of interest and to extend knowledge of material offered. It is essential to understand that this resource pack is for use by curriculum advisers and teachers only. No part of the material should be distributed to the learners as Critical Outcome 4 requires that learners search for and use information rather than learn and reproduce information. Only two components are covered in this pack, LO 3: Dance History and LO 4: Indigenous / Traditional Dance. The layout of the resource pack does not divide the work or content into specific grades. It is the prerogative of the teacher to select and identify the material appropriate to the grade. Code Description Price #%"/44 & 5FBDIFST/FX$POUFOU3FTPVSDF1BDL 3 %BODF5IFPSZBOE)JTUPSZ(Teacher’s Guide) #%"/44 " 0OEFSXZTFST/VXF*OIPVE )VMQCSPOQBLLFU%BOT5FPSJFFO (FTLJFEFOJT(Onderwysergids) 3 Practical Examination Dance Class: Ballet, Grade 12 %7%t5FBDIFST#PPLMFU 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'&51IBTF5FBDIFST This video and print package gives examples of the exercise requirements for the Senior Certificate. The video should enable you to follow the information printed in the booklet. Code Description Price 71"3544 1SBDUJDBM&YBNJOBUJPO%BODF 3 $MBTT#BMMFU(S Contemporary Dance Syllabus Gr 10 – 12 Adventure into Dimension 5FBDIFST(VJEFt"VEJP$%t%7% %7%t5FBDIFST(VJEF 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU'&51IBTF5FBDIFST Jenny van Papendorp, the Subject Advisor for Dance: WCED, has developed this learning support package to assist Contemporary Dance teachers and learners. The aim of the package is to demonstrate and explain the common examination exercises and to indicate the expected standard. The package comprises a video demonstrating the exercises BOEBUFBDIFSTHVJEF"MTPBWBJMBCMFBTBTFQBSBUFJUFNJTB$%PGUIF drum music used for the exercises in the video. Code Description Price %7%1"3544 $POUFNQPSBSZ%BODF4ZMMBCVT(SBEFT 3 o(DVD & Guide) $"3544 $POUFNQPSBSZ%BODF4ZMMBCVT(SBEFT o(CD with drum music) 3 %7%1"3544 Adventure into Drawing %7%t5FBDIFST.BOVBM "EWFOUVSFJOUP%SBXJOH(English DVD & English/Afrikaans workbook) "EWFOUVSFJOUP%JNFOTJPO 3 Adventure with Senses 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU*OUFSNFEJBUFo4FOJPS1IBTF 5FBDIFST This video package shares six drawing art projects for the educators who are inexperienced and unskilled in art and who find it difficult to GBDJMJUBUFUIF7JTVBM"SUDPNQPOFOUPGUIFMFBSOJOHBSFB"SUTBOE$VMUVSF In the video, six art projects on drawing technique and methodology are demonstrated and explained in detail by experienced art educators. 5IFFEVDBUPSTNBOVBMXIJDIJTJO&OHMJTIBOE"GSJLBBOTJTPGGVSUIFS assistance as it leads the educator through the planning stages of a visual art activity project, gives background on the elements of art and principles of design, as well as the lesson plans for the visual art activities demonstrated. Code Description Price %7%1"3544 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU*OUFSNFEJBUFo4FOJPS1IBTF 5FBDIFST This video and print package is the second in the Adventure into Art series. The first, Adventure into Drawing, considered the technique and NFUIPEPMPHZPGESBXJOHXIJMTUAdventure into Dimension considers the technique and methodology of two and three dimensional art. The Adventure into Dimension programme comprises an English WJEFPBOEBO&OHMJTIBOE"GSJLBBOTFEVDBUPSTHVJEF Three different mediums are used in three different phases, i.e. t First Lesson:$BSEBOE'PVOEBUJPO1IBTF t Second Lesson:$MBZBOE*OUFSNFEJBUF1IBTFBOE t Third Lesson: Papier mâché and Senior Phase. This programme was made with the collaboration of Frank Joubert Art and Design Centre and Edumedia. Code Description Price 3 %7%t5FBDIFST(VJEF 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU*OUFSNFEJBUFo4FOJPS1IBTF 5FBDIFST 5IJT%7%BOEQSJOUQBDLBHFJTUIFUIJSEPGUIFAdventure into Art series. It deals specifically with inclusivity and offers practical suggestions on how learners who are faced with diverse challenges can participate in meaningful creative experiences through well-structured art lessons. 5IFQBDLBHFDPNQSJTFTB%7%BOEUFBDIFSTHVJEFXIFSFJOEFUBJMFE lesson plans are given as follows: Lesson 1: Lesson on Birds: visually impaired learners use collage or clay as media. Lesson 2: Celebration: learners who have severe physical and mental impairments make crowns and shakers with various media Lesson 3: Fish in the Water: learners with hearing impairments create detailed collages of fish with paper, paint and glue Lesson 4: Mapping my Life – Maps within maps:ABET learners with special needs embark on a journey of self-exploration using various writing / drawing media. This programme was made with the collaboration of Frank Joubert Art and Design Centre, Sandra Eastwood (who specialises in working with visually impaired learners) and Edumedia. Code Description Price %7%(6*%4% "EWFOUVSFXJUI4FOTFT 3 25 Classical Greek Theatre and Drama Dramatic Arts: Grade 10 South African Dramatic Forms Dramatic Arts: Grade 10 %7% %7%T '&51IBTF '&51IBTF Classical Greek Theatre and Drama Dramatic Arts: Grade 10 Greek Theatre t Origins of Greek Drama, including rituals of Dionysus t Festivals and sponsorship t Plays and Playwrights t Structure of the theatre t Design elements t Acting Style t Chorus t Choral verse performance technique Code Description Price %7%%3"."4% $MBTTJDBM(SFFL5IFBUSFBOE%SBNBo 3 %SBNBUJD"SUT(SBEF Commedia dell’arte Dramatic Arts: Grade 10 %7% '&51IBTF African Drama Forms (DVD 1): t The role, structure, function and audience reception of cultural performance t Some examples: Umhlanga, Iscathamiya, Gumboot Dance, Toyi-toyi, Mokhibo, Umtsimba, 7PMLTQFMF$BQF.JOTUSFM$BSOJWBM South African Theatre (DVD 2): t Overview up to 1994 t Diverse traditions, identities and heritages of Indigenous Theatre styles t Theatre spaces (traditional, western, township, state-controlled, festivals) t Workshop process t South African theatre with a specific agenda: t Protest/Resistance Theatre t Community theatre t Workers Theatre t Educational theatre t Theatre for Conservation t Theatre of reconciliation t Satirical Revue Commedia dell’ arte Commedia dell’arte Dramatic Arts: Grade 10 t Relevant aspects to this theatre movements such as the context, background, social, political, religious, economic, artistic, historic, theatrical form t Comic elements t Actor-based theatre t Characteristics t Characters t Staging t Travelling players Code Description %7%%3"."4% $PNNFEJBEFMMBSUF %SBNBUJD"SUT(SBEF Price 3 Code Description %7%%3"."4% 4PVUI"GSJDBO%SBNBUJD'PSNTo %SBNBUJD"SUT(SBEF (2 DVDs) South African Theatre – Part 1 Forms Dramatic Arts: Grade 11 %7% '&51IBTF Section 1: South African Theatre with a Specific agenda [46min]: t Introduction t Protest Theatre t Black consciousness theatre t Theatre of Resistance t 8PSLFSTUIFBUSF t Satirical revue/ Satire t Theatre for Reconciliation t Theatre for conservation / Eco-theatre t Educational theatre Section 2: Workshop theatre in South Africa [36min]: t SA workshop theatre t Workshopping your own play South African Theatre – Part 1 Dramatic Arts: Grade 11 26 Price 3 (FOFSJD Moving Together Barriers to Learning (CD-ROM) "VEJP$%t%7%t5FBDIFST(VJEF $%30. 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU4FOJPS1IBTF5FBDIFST 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU Eurythmy is an art of movement that addresses the learner holistically. Here the head, with its capacity to think, the middle heart-area, with its capacity to feel, and the limbs, with their capacity to act, are brought together as the child responds to the music and poetry. This whole-mind experiential learning intervention can be utilised for neuro-typical learners, as well as for learners with learning impairments. *UTUIJTJODMVTJWFBQQSPBDIXIJDIJTEFNPOTUSBUFEJOUIF.PWJOH 5PHFUIFSQSPHSBNNFXIFSFMFBSOFSTGSPN7FSB4DIPPMGPS-FBSOFSTXJUI Autism and Groote Schuur Primary School mainstream learners demonstrate a variety of Eurythmy exercises. 5IF.PWJOH5PHFUIFSQBDLBHFDPNQSJTFTB%7%XJUITIPSUWJEFP programmes: an introduction on Eurythmy and the benefits experienced by teachers and learners, case studies that provide evidence of the CFOFmUTBOEBEFNPOTUSBUJPOPG&VSZUINZFYFSDJTFTUIFTFFYFSDJTFT BSFEFTDSJCFEJOUIF5FBDIFST(VJEFBOEUIF$%IBTUIFQJBOPNVTJDGPS the exercises. Code Description Price .(6*%4% .PWJOH5PHFUIFS 3 Co-operative Learning for OBE and C2005 %7%t5FBDIFST(VJEF 1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU This package offers a dynamic process of active participation in discussions and shaping of knowledge. The video deals with the rationale behind co-operative learning, five principles of co-operative learning and the practical implementation of these principles. 5IF'BDJMJUBUPST(VJEFFYQMBJOTUIFDPPQFSBUJWFMFBSOJOHTUSVDUVSFT presented in the video, including OBE lesson plans. Code Description Price %7%1.*4$4% $PPQFSBUJWF-FBSOJOHGPS0#&BOE 3 $(English DVD & manual) Education White Paper 6 on Special Needs Education states that inclusion is about supporting all learners, teachers and the system as a whole, so that the full range of learning OFFETDBOCFNFU7BTUOVNCFSTPGMFBSOFSTTUJMMEPOPUTVDDFFEBOE progress in school due to the various barriers they experience to learning. The intention of the CD-ROM is, in conjunction with all other support available to teachers, to assist in the process of dealing with the individual manner in which learners experience barriers to learning in class. 5IF$%30.XJMMIFMQSBJTFUFBDIFSTBXBSFOFTTSFHBSEJOHDFSUBJO conditions and disabilities. Armed with information, teachers will be able to support such learners successfully so that they can benefit from the teaching and develop to their maximum capacity. The information on each barrier to learning included on this CD-ROM is for educational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, to make a diagnosis or to plan medical treatment. It may well alert teachers to instances where professional help must be requested from Support Services or from a medical professional. Teachers should not, however, use the information to label or stigmatise learners in any way. The CD-ROM includes teaching tips and strategies to support the learner in class: t These teaching tips and strategies should be incorporated into and become part of the Learning Programme in a phase. t As all learners are unique, the teaching tips and strategies TVHHFTUFEJOUIJT$%30.BSFCZOPNFBOTBAPOFTJ[FmUTBMM approach, but rather suggest general ideas which should be adapted to suit the needs of individual learners where applicable. As soon as the need arises for such individual plans in supporting a specific learner, it should be compiled into an Individualised Educational Programme (IEP) and kept in the Learner Profile. t Individualised Educational Programmes for learners with special OFFETTIPVMECFXSJUUFOXJUIUIFTVQQPSUPGUIFTDIPPMT5FBDIFS Support Team and the District Support Team. Code Description Price $(6*%4% #BSSJFSTUP-FBSOJOH$%30. 3 27 3FTPVSDFTGPS4DIPPM-JCSBSJFT Beginners’ Guide to School Library Organisation Biblioteekaanwysers 5FBDIFST.BOVBM 4IFMG(VJEFT 4DIPPM-JCSBSJBO 4DIPPM-JCSBSJBO A detailed description of how to start and maintain a school library. Code Description Price 8*4-4% & #FHJOOFST(VJEFUP4DIPPM-JCSBSZ 3 0SHBOJTBUJPO Beginnersgids vir Skoolbiblioteekorganisasie 5FBDIFST.BOVBM 4DIPPM-JCSBSJBO O0NWBUUFOEFCFTLSZXJOHIPFPNOTLPPMCJCMJPUFFLUFCFHJOUF ontwikkel en te onderhou. Code Description Price 8*4-4% " #FHJOOFSTHJETWJS 3 4LPPMCJCMJPUFFLPSHBOJTBTJF Simplified List of Subject Headings for School Libraries 5FBDIFST.BOVBM 4DIPPM-JCSBSJBO The classification numbers used in the List are based on the Dewey Decimal Classification system. The abridged Dewey Decimal classification and relative index, 13th ed. was used for this purpose. Summaries of the ten main Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC or Dewey) classes and the first thousand DDC numbers (100 summary) divided into the ten main DDC classes are given at the back of the list of subject headings. Code #*4-4% 28 Description 4JNQMJmFE-JTUPG4VCKFDU)FBEJOHTGPS 4DIPPM-JCSBSJFT Price 3 SES gelamineerde rakgidse (105 x 297mm) wat aandui: t Biblioteek t Naslaanwerke t Nie-Fiksie t "GSJLBBOTF7FSIBMF t &OHFMTF7FSIBMF t Prenteboeke Code Description Price 1*4-"( " #JCMJPUFFLBBOXZTFST 3 Library Signage 4IFMG(VJEFT 4DIPPM-JCSBSJBO SIX laminated shelf guides (105 x 297mm) indicating: t Library t Reference Books t Non-Fiction t Afrikaans Fiction t English Fiction t Picture Books Code Description 1*4-"( & -JCSBSZ4JHOBHF Price 3 Rakgidse (volgens Dewey Desimale Klassifikasie) 4IFMG(VJEFT 4DIPPM-JCSBSJBO O.VMUJLPEFFSEFQBLLFUWJSTLPPMCJCMJPUFLFXBUNBLMJLPNUFHFCSVJL JTFOTBMIFMQPNOEVJEFMJLFBBOEVJEJOHWBOEJFVJUMFHWBOEJF biblioteek te geen en ook om die algemene voorkoms te verhef. TIEN gelamineerde plakkate (420 x 297mm) wat bestaan uit: t 1 Algemene plakkaat t 1 Tien hoofklasse van die Dewey Desimale Klassifikasie (DDK) stelsel t 8 Plakkate gebaseer op die tweede opsomming van die DDK stelsel met geringe weglatings/ byvoegsels om praktiese redes Code Description Price 1*4-"( " 3BLHJETFWPMHFOT%FXFZ%FTJNBMF 3 ,MBTTJmLBTJF Shelf Guides (according to Dewey Decimal Classification) Boekherstelwerk 4IFMG(VJEFT %7% 4DIPPM-JCSBSJBO 4DIPPM-JCSBSJBO A multi-coded package for school libraries that is easy to use and will help to give a clear indication of the layout of the library, as well as enhance its general appearance. TEN laminated posters (420 x 297mm) consisting of: t 1 General poster t 1 Ten main classes of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system t 8 Posters based on the second summary of the DDC system with minor omissions/additions for practical purposes. Code Description Price 1*4-"( & 4IFMG(VJEFTBDDPSEJOHUP%FXFZ 3 %FDJNBM$MBTTJmDBUJPO 5IFVOT#PUIBOLVOEJHFPPSEJFIFSTUFMWBOCPFLFWFSEVJEFMJLJO IJFSEJF%7%CSFFEWPFSJHIPFPNCPFLFUFIFSTUFM%JFWPMHFOEF onderwerpe word gedek: t 8BUOCPFLJTIPFXPSEEJUHFNBBLFOIPFXFSLEJU t #FTLFSNJOHWBOOOVXFCPFL t 7FSTPSHJOHWBOCPFLF t *OTQFLTJFWBOOTUVLLFOEFCPFL t Lys van Benodighede t Basiese herstelwerk t Gevorderde herstelwerk )JFSEJFJTOXBBSEFWPMMFQSPHSBNWJSFOJHFFOXBUJOOCJCMJPUFFLPG skoolbiblioteek vir die instandhouding van boeke verantwoordelik is. Code Description Price %7%(6*%4% #PFLIFSTUFMXFSL 3 4VQQPSUGPSUIF.BUSJDVMBOU Description [CDs] $"14BMJHOFE /PWFNCFS'FCSVBSZ /4$&YBNJOBUJPO$% Price 3 (SBEF/4$&YFNQMBST$"14BMJHOFE &YDMVEJOHRVFTUJPOQBQFSTGPS)PNF-BOHVBHFT1BQFS 3 Please note: These Exam CDs can only be viewed using a computer. 29 TELEMATICS: A support strategy for Grade 10, 11 & 12 learners in the WCED Interactive Telematics Teaching is a 21st century response to learner/ teacher support. The principle purpose for this intervention is to create a virtual learning environment to support teaching and learning to Grade 12 learners. Lessons are beamed simultaneously to 145 schools across a diverse geographical from the studio at the University of Stellenbosch. The uniqueness of this programme is that it creates a platform for dialogue and interaction with the presenters as well as others. This virtual classroom platform makes it possible to reach a large number of learners and provide them with quality individual tutoring. Learners at any one of the 145 selected schools, are able to, via interactive internet facilities, “interrupt” the presenter to ask questions or request a detailed explanation of the educational material, when necessary. 2012 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs 2011 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs 2011 Grade 12 – Description [DVDs] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)5<%7%T> 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPODPOUBDU 8BMUFS.FSDVVS 0öDFo 'BYo 8BMUFS.FSDVVS!XFTUFSODBQFHPW[B Price 3 2012 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)5 %7%/44/PW7SBFTUFMo7PPSCFSFJEJOH#FHSJQTUPFUT 0QTPNNJOHFO5BBMXFSLt/44/PW7SBFTUFMo )FSTJFOOJOHt%SBNB.JT 3VJNUFUZEFOUFNBT %7%(FEJHUF&FOTQSPOHWJSyiMBTUHSBWFBUEJNCB[Bw 7SPFHIFSGT4POTWFSEVJTUFSJOH %7%%SBNBo,SJTNJTWBO.BQ+BDPCTTFTTJFT t Eksamenvoorbereiding Die kwart-voor-sewe-lelie 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'"-<%7%T> %7%/4$/PW1BQFSo$PNQSFIFOTJPOt1BQFSo 4IPSU4UPSJFT3FMBUJWFT5IF$PõFF$BSU(JSM %7%1BQFSo5SBOTBDUJPOBM8SJUJOHt1BQFSo "EWFSUJTFNFOUTt1BQFSo4IPSU4UPSJFT5IFTPGUWPJDFPGUIF TFSQFOU5IF-VODIFPOt1BQFSo1PFUSZ%FBUICFOPUQSPVE Let me not to the marriage of true min %7%1BQFSo1PFUSZ"VUPXSFDL"QSBZFSGPSBMMNZ DPVOUSZNFO5IFTFSG5IFCJSUIPG4IBLBt1BQFSo%SBNB i/PUIJOHCVUUIFUSVUIwt1BQFSo/PWFMi-PSEPGUIF'MJFTwt Revision: Paper 1, 2 & 3 Grade 12 English Home Language: Paper 1 – Comprehension and Language – focus: visual literacy BOEFEJUJOH5IFMJUFSBSZFTTBZFYBNQSFQ Graad 12 Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal: 1PÑTJF8PPSEF4UBEJOEJFNJT4QPSFPQEJFNBBO,PSUWFSIBMF 3PPJLPNCFSTJF%JFTUPSJFWBO1JFUTFPVQB"TUSBDBTUSB 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'"- 3 1BQFSo&TTBZTBOE5SBOTBDUJPOBM8SJUJOH1BQFSo $PNQSFIFOTJPOBOE-BOHVBHFTUSVDUVSFT1BQFSo&YBNQSFQ – answering techniques 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)-"GSJLBBOT&"5 3 2011 Telematics Grade 12 Books 2011 Grade 12 – Description [Books] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)5<CPPL> Price 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'"-<CPPL> 3 30 Price 3 3 2013 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs 2013 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM Price 3 8PPSETPPSUFt-ZEFOEFFOCFESZXFOEFWPSN 8FSLXPPSEF4JOTMFFS%JSFLUFFO*OEJSFLUF3FEF 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM 3 %JSFLUFFO*OEJSFLUF3FEFt-ZEFOEFFO#FESZXFOEF7PSNt 7JTVFMF(FMFUUFSEIFJETQPUQSFOUFFOTUSPLJFTQSFOUF 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM 3 3 1PÑTJF/VVTVJUEJFCJOOFMBOE#VTSJU%JF4USBBULJOE 4POTWFSEVJTUFSJOH'JOJT-BTU(SBWFBU%JNCB[B 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM 3 8PPSETPPSUFt8PPSEWPSNJOHFOUBBMWFSTLZOTFMTt4JOTMFFSo &OLFMWPVEJHFTBBNHFTUFMEFFOWFFMWPVEJHFTJOt)FSTJFOJOH o7SBFTUFM 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF 3 Session 1: Companies: General Ledger Session 2: Cashflow Statement Sessie 3: Maatskappye: Algemene Grootboek Sessie 4: Kontantvloeistaat 5FMFNBUJDT(S"DDPVOUJOH3FLFOJOHLVOEF 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH 3 "DUJWFBOE1BTTJWF7PJDFt$PODPSE 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF 3 4FTTJPO1BTU5FOTFt4FTTJPO7JTVBM-JUFSBDZo Advertisements & Cartoons 3 Session 1: Animal Farm (writing a literary essay) Session 2: Poetry: Lake morning in Autumn, Rugby League Game, Futility 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH 1BQFSo1VODUVBUJPOt1BSUTPG4QFFDIt%JSFDUBOE*OEJSFDU Speech 3 4FTTJF7SBFTUFM"GEFMJOH$ t 7JTVFMF"TQFLUFWBO"EWFSUFOTJFT t Funksies van Taalstrukture t Tradisionele Taalvrae 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF How to write a literature essay (The Great Gatsby & Animal Farm) t1BQFSo$PNQSFIFOTJPO&EJUJOH Price 3 Sessie 1: Poësie: Nuus uit die binneland 4FTTJF1PÑTJFOUJQFFQJTUFNPMPHJFWBOXBUFS 4FTTJPO1BQFSo$PNQSFIFOTJPO7JTVBM-JUFSBDZ"EWFSUJTJOH Session 2: Othello – Overview, Contextual Questions, The Literary Essay Session 3: Paper 3 1BQFSo$PNQSFIFOTJPOBOE7JTVBM-JUFSBDZ 1BQFSo5SBOTBDUJPOBM8SJUJOH 1BQFSo-JUFSBUVSFoFYBNQSFQBSBUJPOUFDIOJRVFT1PFUSZo 'VUJMJUZ0ME"HF 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM "EWFSUFOTJFTt-FFTCFHSJQt8PPSETPPSUF 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM 2014 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 5FMFNBUJDT(S"DDPVOUJOH 3 3 3 Session 1: Perpetual and Periodic Inventory Systems Session 2: Reconciliations: Creditors Sessie 3: Costs in the Manufacturing Environment 5FMFNBUJDT(S3FLFOJOHLVOEF 3 4FTTJF7PPSSBBETUFMTFMTFO8BBSEBTJF Sessie 2: Krediteureversoenings 4FTTJF7FSWBBSEJHJOHTPOEFSOFNJOHT 5FMFNBUJDT(S-JGF4DJFODFT-FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF 3 2013 Telematics Grade 12 Books 2013 Grade 12 – Description [1 Book per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM#PFL Price 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF#PPL 3 Session 1: DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis, Genetic Crossings, Pedigree Diagram and Meiosis Session 2: Reproduction, Hypothesis Testing and Menstrual Cycle Sessie 3: DNA, RNA, Proteïensintese, Genetiese Kruisings, Stamboomdiagram en Meiose 4FTTJF7PPSUQMBOUJOH)JQPUFTF5PFUTJOHFO.FOTUSVFMF4JLMVT 5FMFNBUJDT(S-FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF 3 Sessie 1: Biotegnologie en Genetiese Manipulasie Sessie 2: Homeostasie, Negatiewe terugvoering, Beheer van Koolstofdioksied, Water en Sout 4FTTJF&WPMVTJF7BSJBTJF Sessie 4: Spesiasie 5FMFNBUJDT(S-JGF4DJFODFT 3 Session 1: Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Session 2: Homeostasies, Negative Feedback Mechanisms (TSH & Thyroxin, Insulin & Glucogin), Control of Carbon Dioxide, Water and Salts 4FTTJPO&WPMVUJPO7BSJBUJPO Session 4: Evolution: Speciation 31 2014 Telematics Grade 12 Books 2014 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(S(FPHSBQIZ(FPHSBmF Price 3 Session 1: Climate & weather Session 2: Geographic Information Systems Sessie 3: Klimaat & weer Sessie 4: Geografiese Inligtingstelsels 5FMFNBUJDT(S(FPHSBmF Sessie 1: Geomorfologie Sessie 2: Landelike en Stedelike Nedersettings Sessie 3: Kaartwerk 3 5FMFNBUJDT(S(FPHSBQIZ 3 Session 1: Geomorphology Session 2: Rural and urban settlements Session 3: Mapwork 5FMFNBUJDT(S.BUIFNBUJDT8JTLVOEF 3 Session 1: Sequences & Series Session 2: Sum of Arithmetic Series (Geometric Sequences & Series) Sessie 3 & 4: Rye en Reekse 5FMFNBUJDT(S.BUIFNBUJDT8JTLVOEF 3 Session 1: Financial Maths Sessie 2: Finansiële Wiskunde Session 3: Grade 11 Geometry Theorems Sessie 4: Graad 11 Meetkunde Stellings 5FMFNBUJDT(S.BUIFNBUJDT8JTLVOEF 3 Sessie 1: Graad 12 Meetkunde – Eweredigheidstellings Session 2: Grade 12 Geometry – Similarity and Proportionality Theorems 3 5FMFNBUJDT(S1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT'JTJFTF 8FUFOTLBQQF 4FTTJPO&NQIBTJTF$POUFOU4UVEZUJQT1SPQPSUJPO"OBMZTJT 7FSUJDBM1SPKFDUJMFNPUJPO 4FTTJPO8PSLFOFSHZUIFPSFN$POTFSWBUJPOPG.FDIBOJDBM Energy 4FTTJF#FLMFNUPPO*OIPVE4UVEJFXFOLF &XFSFEJHIFJEFO(SBmFLF7FSUJLBMF1SPKFLUJFMCFXFHJOH 4FTTJF"BSCFJEFOSHJFTUFMMJOH8FUWBO#FIPVEWBO.FHBOJFTF Energie 5FMFNBUJDT(S1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT'JTJFTF 8FUFOTLBQQF Session 1: Electrochemical Reactions Sessie 2: Elektrochemiese Reaksies 3 5FMFNBUJDT(S1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT'JTJFTF 8FUFOTLBQQF 4FTTJPO3FBDUJPO3BUFT$PMMJTJPOUIFPSZo3FWJTJPOBOE4UVEZ tips 4FTTJF5FNQPWBO3FBLTJFT#PUTJOHTUFPSJF)FSTJFOJOHFO Studiewenke Session 3: Chemical Equilibrium Sessie 4: Chemiese Ewewig 3 32 2014 Grade 12 – Description [1 Book per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM#PFL Price 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF"DDPVOUJOH#PPL 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF-JGF4DJFODFT#PPL 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT#PPL 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF(FPHSBQIZ#PPL.BQXPSL 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT#PPL 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE(FPHSBmF#PFL,BBSUXFSL 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE-FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF#PFL 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE3FLFOJOHLVOEF#PFL 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF#PFL 3 2015 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned 2015 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH (SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM 2015 Telematics Grade 12 DVDs CAPS aligned Price 3 English FAL: Paper 1: Question 1: Comprehension – Steps for answering these questions Afrikaans HT7SBFTUFM"GEFMJOH$5BBMTUSVLUVSF 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH (SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM English FAL7JTVBMMJUFSBDZ1BQFSo2VFTUJPO 1SFTDSJCFE literature (exam tips) Afrikaans HT,SJUJFTFUBBMCFXVTUIFJE"GEFMJOH"-FFTCFHSJQ 5FMFNBUJDT(S"DDPVOUJOH3FLFOJOHLVOEF Session 1: Income statement Session 2: Cash flow statement 4FTTJF'JOBOTJÑMFTUBUF#BMBOTTUBBU "BOTVJXFSJOHT Sessie 4: Kontantvloeistaat 3 5FMFNBUJDT(S"DDPVOUJOH 3 Session 1: Cashflow statement Sessie 2: Kontantvloeistaat 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF-JGF4DJFODFT -FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF Session 1: DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis Session 2: Meiosis Sessie 3: DNA, RNA, Proteïensintese Sessie 4: Meiose 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF-JGF4DJFODFT -FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF Session 1: Hypothesis testing: the scientific method Session 2: Genetics and inheritance 4FTTJF5PFUTOIJQPUFTFEJFXFUFOTLBQMJLFNFUPEF Sessie 4: Genetika en oorerwing 3 5FMFNBUJDT(S(FPHSBQIZ(FPHSBmF 3 Price 3 4FTTJPO*OWFSTFQSPQPSUJPOBMJUZ/FXUPOTMBXPGVOJWFSTBM HSBWJUBUJPO$PMPVNCTMBX /FUSFTVMUBOUGPSDF 4FTTJPO/FXUPOTTFDPOEMBXPGNPUJPONPUJPOPGDPOOFDUFE CPEJFTQIZTJDBMQSPQFSUZSFMBUJPOTIJQT Sessie 3: Omgekeerde eweredigheid 4FTTJF'JTJFTFFJFOTLBQWBOOTUPG/FXUPOTF5XFFEF CFXFHJOHTXFU7SZF,SBHUFEJBHSBNNF'JTJFTFFJFOTLBQQFWBO organiese verbindings 5FMFNBUJDT(S1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT'JTJFTF 8FUFOTLBQQF Session 1: Reaction rates Session 2: Mechanical energy Sessie 3: Reaksietempo Sessie 4: Meganiese energie 3 5FMFNBUJDT(S#VTJOFTT4UVEJFT#FTJHIFJETUVEJFT 3 Session 1: The Human Resource Function Session 2: Devise/formulate strategies of how a business can respond to the challenges of the Macro Business environment Sessie 3: Menslike Hulpbronfunksie Sessie 4: Strategieë in reaksie op uitdagings in die besigheidsomgewings 5FMFNBUJDT(S#VTJOFTT4UVEJFT#FTJHIFJETUVEJFT 3 Session 1: Team Performance Assessment and Conflict Management Sessie 2: Span-prestasie assessering en konflikbestuur 5FMFNBUJDT(S)JTUPSZ(FTLJFEFOJT Session 1: Climate & weather – Mid-latitude cyclones (Cold & warm GSPOUT$IBSBDUFSJTUJDT4UBHFT8FBUIFS 4FTTJPO(FPNPSQIPMPHZ4USFBNQBUUFSOTPSEFSTMPOHJUVEJOBM DSPTTQSPmMFT'MVWJBMMBOEGPSNT4USFBNQJSBDZBOE3FKVWFOBUJPO 4FTTJF,MJNBBUXFFS,PVFXBSNGSPOUF8BBSBBOHFUSFG ,FONFSLF8FFSLFONFSLF0Q8FFSLBBSUF 4FTTJF(FPNPSGPMPHJF4USPPNQBUSPOF4USPPNPSEFT-FOHUFFO EXBSTQSPmFMF'MVWJBMFMBOEWPSNF4USPPNSPPG7FSKPOHJOH 5FMFNBUJDT(S(FPHSBQIZ(FPHSBmF 2015 Grade 12 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(S1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT'JTJFTF 8FUFOTLBQQF 5FMFNBUJDT(S)JTUPSZ(FTLJFEFOJT 3 3 4FTTJPO5PQJDo&YUFOTJPOPGUIF$PME8BS7JFUOBN1BQFS 4FDUJPO#o&TTBZ 8SJUJOHBOJOUSPEVDUJPO 4FTTJF0OEFSXFSQo6JUCSFEJOHWBOEJF,PVF0PSMPH7JÑUOBN 7SBFTUFM"GEFMJOH#o0QTUFM )PFPNOJOMFJEJOHUFTLSZG 3 4FTTJF#VSHFSMJLFQSPUFTWBOBGTUPUT#FBOUXPPSE brongebaseerde en opstel vrae Sessie 2: Begrip van eksamen vrae en terminologie 4FTTJPO$JWJM3JHIUT1SPUFTUCFUXTT"OTXFSJOH source-based & essay questions 4FTTJPO#MBDLDPODJPVTOFTTNPWFNFOUXJUIJO4"T Understanding of exam questions and terminology Session 1: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Sessie 2: Geografiese Inligtingstelsels (GIS) 5FMFNBUJDT(S.BUIFNBUJDT8JTLVOEF 3 4FTTJPO*OWFSTFHSBQITTUSBJHIUMJOFJOWFSTFQBSBCPMB Session 2: Inverse graphs (inverse of the exponential function) 4FTTJF*OWFSTFGVOLTJFTMJOJÐSFGVOLTJFTLXBESBUJFTFGVOLTJFT Sessie 4: Inverse van die eksponensiële funksie 5FMFNBUJDT(S.BUIFNBUJDT8JTLVOEF 3 Session 1: Sketching Calculus graphs Session 2: Optimisation (Maxima and Minima) Sessie 3: Calculus grafieke Sessie 4: Optimering (Maksima en Minima) 33 2013 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT 2014 Telematics Grade 11 DVDs CAPS aligned Price 3 2014 Grade 11 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF"DDPVOUJOH $BTI#VEHFUt1SPKFDUFE*ODPNF4UBUFNFOU 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF-JGF4DJFODFT Human Impact on the Environment (2 sessions) 3 4FTTJPO(SBQITBOEGVODUJPOT-JOFHSBQIQBSBCPMB hyperbola) 4FTTJPO3FEVDUJPOGPSNVMBTTQFDJBMBOHMFTUSJHFRVBUJPOT identity and sin, cos and area formula Session 3: Trigonometric graphs 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT 3FEPY3FBDUJPOTt(PME.JOJOHBOE.JOFSBM1SPDFTTJOH 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF(FPHSBQIZ .BQXPSL(*4t(FPHSBQIJDBM4LJMMTBOE5FDIOJRVFT 3 5FMFNBUJDT(S&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH'"- English FAL: Paper 1: Comprehension, summary, visual literacy, MBOHVBHF1BQFS$PNQSFIFOTJPOBOE-BOHVBHF4USVDUVSF Paper 2: Literature – Answering Techniques 3 5FMFNBUJDT(S&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH'"- Paper 3: Essays and transactional writing (2 sessions) 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF)- t (SBBE"GSJLBBOT&FSTUF"EEJTJPOFMF5BBM English HL: Paper 2: English Literature, Poetry Afrikaans EAT7SBFTUFM-FFTCFHSJQ0QTPNNJOH7SBFTUFM Taal 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF&OHMJTI)PNF-BOHVBHF 1BQFSo8SJUJOHt-BOHVBHFo7JTVBM-JUFSBDZ1FSTVBTJWF writing: Advertisements) 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF Sessie 1: Sirkelmeetkunde Sessie 2: Meetkunde – Hersiening van Stelling 1 - 9 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE3FLFOJOHLVOEF 4FTTJF(FQSPKFLUFFSEFJOLPNTUFTUBBULPOUBOUCFHSPUJOH 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE-FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF Menslike impak op die omgewing – 4FTTJFBUNPTGFFSLMJNBBUTWFSBOEFSJOHFOXBUFS 4FTTJF7PFEFMTFLVSJUFJUWFSMJFTBBOCJPEJWFSTJUFJUFO afvalverwydering 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF Sessie 1: Redoks Reaksies Sessie 2: Goud – mynbou en verwerking van minerale 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE(FPHSBmF Sessie 1: Geografiese inligtingstelsels 4FTTJF,BBSUTJNCPMFLBBSUWBBSEJHIFEFCFSFLFOJOHF LBBSUMFFTLBBSUXFSLFOEJFHSBBETJMMBCVT 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM)5 7SBFTUFM1PÑTJF%JF0QTUFMWSBBHTFTTJFT 3 (FPNFUSZ5IFPSFNT (FPNFUSZ 34 Price 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF"DDPVOUJOH3FLFOJOHLVOEF 5IF#BOL3FDPODJMJBUJPO4UBUFNFOU%FCUPST3FDPODJMJBUJPO t $SFEJUPST3FDPODJMJBUJPOt#BOLSFLPOTJMJBTJFTUBUFt,SFEJUFVSF Rekonsiliasie 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF-JGF4DJFODFT -FXFOTXFUFOTLBQQF 4FTTJPO)PNFPTUBTFTOFHBUJWFGFFECBDLNFDIOJTNTJOTVMJO BOEHMVDBHPODPOUSPMPGDBSCPOEJPYJEFXBUFSBOETBMUT Session 2: Human Impact on the Environment 4FTTJF)PNFPTUBTFOFHBUJFXFUFSVHWPFSJOHJOTVMJFOFO HMVLBHPOCFIFFSWBOLPPMTUPGEJPLTJFEXBUFSFOTPVU Sessie 4: Menslike impak op die omgewing 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT Session 1: Redox Reactions Session 2: Balancing Redox Reactions Session 3: Redox Reactions 3 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF(FPHSBQIZ(FPHSBmF Session 1: Geographic Information Systems 4FTTJPO.BQXPSL.BQTZNCPMT.BQTLJMMT$BMDVMBUJPOT.BQ SFBEJOH.BQXPSLBOEUIF(SBEFTZMMBCVT Sessie 3: Geografiese Inligtingstelsels 4FTTJF,BBSUXFSL,BBSUTJNCPMF,BBSUWBBSEJHIFEF #FSFLFOJOHF,BBSUMFFT,BBSUXFSLFOEJF(SBBETJMMBCVT 5FMFNBUJDT(S&OHMJTI'JSTU"EE-BOH'"- $PNQSFIFOTJPOt5IF4VNNBSZt7JTVBM-JUFSBDZBOE&EJUJOH 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF 4FTTJF"MHFCSBJÑTFHSBmFLF-ZOHSBmFLQBSBCPPMIJQFSCPPM 4FTTJF3FEVLTJFGPSNVMFTIFSMFJEJOHTGPSNVMFTTQFTJBMF IPFLFJEFOUJUFJUUSJHPOPNFUSJFTFWFSHFMZLJOH Sessie 3: Trigonometriese grafieke 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF Sessie 1: Redoksreaksies Sessie 2: Hoe om Redoksreaksies te balanseer Sessie 3: Mynbou en verwerking van minerale 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE"GSJLBBOT)VJTUBBM)5 4FTTJF8PPSETPPSUF4JOTMFFS Sessie 2: Advertensies Sessie 3: Woordsoorte 3 2013 Telematics Grade 10 DVDs CAPS aligned 2013 Grade 10 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT 2014 Telematics Grade 10 DVDs CAPS aligned Price 3 "MHFCSBJDGVODUJPOTHSBQITt1BSBCPMBTUSBJHIUMJOFt"MHFCSBJD GVODUJPOTHSBQITt'JOEJOHUIFFRVBUJPOPGUIFIZQFSCPMB exponential graphs 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT 3 5SJHPOPNFUSZt5SJHPOPNFUSJDHSBQITt&VDMJEFBOHFPNFUSZt Geometry, parallelograms, congruency 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT 3 .PMFDVMFTDPWBMFOUCPOET t*POJDDPNQPVOETt.FUBMTt1IZTJDBM change 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT 3 $IFNJDBMDIBOHFt5IF&BSUITNBHOFUJDmFMEt&MFDUSPTUBUJDT 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF 3 "MHFCSBÕFTFGVOLTJFTHSBmFLFt1BSBCPPMSFHVJUMZOt "MHFCSBÕFTFHSBmFLFt)PFPNEJFWFSHFMZLJOHWBOOIJQFSCPPMFO OFLTQPOFOTJÑMFHSBmFLUFLSZ 3 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF 5SJHPOPNFUSJFt5SJHPOPNFUSJFTFHSBmFLFt&VLMJEJFTFNFFULVOEF t.FFULVOEF 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF 3 .PMFLVMFLPWBMFOUFCJOEJOHT t*POJFTFWFSCJOEJOHTt.FUBMFt Fisiese verandering 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF $IFNJFTFWFSBOEFSJOHt.BHOFUJTNFt%JF"BSEFTFNBHOFUJTNFt Elektrostatieka 3 2014 Grade 10 – Description [1 DVD per title] 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT Price 3 Session 1: Functions and graphs (algebraic functions: parabola, hyperbola & exponential graphs) 4FTTJPO'VODUJPOTBOEHSBQITBMHFCSBJDHSBQITMJOFHSBQI parabola) Session 3: Functions and graphs (answering questions on graphs) 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF.BUIFNBUJDT 3 Session 1: Trigonometry (introduction to trigonometric graphs) 4FTTJPO&VDMJEFBOHFPNFUSZ.JEQPJOUUIFPSFN 4FTTJPO(FPNFUSZDPOHSVFODZQBSBMMFMPHSBN 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT 3 Session 1: The Mole 4FTTJPO3FMBUJWFNPMFDVMBSBOEGPSNVMBNBTTEFmOJUJPOPG NPMBSNBTTDBMDVMBUJPOT 4FTTJPO&NQFSJDBMGPSNVMBFTUFQTJODBMDVMBUJPOTDBMDVMBUJOH emperical formulae 5FMFNBUJDT(SBEF1IZTJDBM4DJFODFT 3 4FTTJPO$BMDVMBUFQFSDFOUBHFPGFBDIFMFNFOUJOBDPNQPVOE calculate the number of moles of the water of crystallization of a compound 4FTTJPO%FGPGDPODFOUSBUJPODBMDVMBUFUIFDPODFOUSBUJPOPGB TPMVUJPODBMDVMBUFDPODFOUSBUJPOVTJOHPOFGPSNVMB 4FTTJPO%FmOJUJPOPGNPMBSWPMVNFDBMDVMBUFWPMVNFXIFO HJWFOUIFNBTTPGBHBTDBMDVMBUFWPMVNFXIFOHJWFOUIFOVNCFS of particles 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF 3 Sessie 1: Funksies en grafieke (algebraïese funksies en grafieke: parabool, hiperbool & eksponensieël grafieke) 4FTTJF'VOLTJFTFOHSBmFLFBMHFCSBÕFTFHSBmFLFMZOHSBmFLF parabool) Sessie 3: Funksies en grafieke (beantwoord vrae oor grafieke) 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE8JTLVOEF 3 Sessie 1: Trigonometrie (inleiding) Sessie 2: Trigonometriese verhoudings Sessie 3: Euklidiese Meetkunde (binnehoeke WBOOESJFIPFLJOUFSTFLTJFFOQBSBMMFMFFXFXZEJHFMZOF 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF 3 Sessie 1 & 2: Die Mol 4FTTJPO&NQFSJFTFGPSNVMFTUBQQFPNUFWPMHXBOOFFS empiriese formule bereken word 5FMFNBUJDT(SBBE'JTJFTF8FUFOTLBQQF 3 Sessie 1: Konsentrasies van oplossings 4FTTJF.PMÐSFWPMVNFWPMVNFWBOFFONPMWBOOHBT 35