stay connected - Chicago Urban League

Report finds high unemployment rates among minority youth in Chicago
Earlier this week, CUL President and CEO Shari Runner appeared on WYCC's "In the
Loop", with host Robin Robinson. Fellow roundtable guests included Carl West and
Joseph A. Morris. They discussed a variety of hot button issues, including the youth
employment report released earlier this week, Governor Rauner's State of the State, and
Quentonio LeGrier 911 calls. The show will re-air Sunday at 6:30p.m. View here
Report finds high unemployment rates among minority youth in Chicago
There's a troubling report out about young black men in Chicago. A new report shows
almost half of black men in Chicago between the ages 20 to 24 are neither working nor in
"I would accept anything that would put me in a better financial position than I am now,"
Roosevelt Woods, 18, said.Read more
Shari Runner named head of Chicago Urban League
Now that Shari Runner has been named permanently as president and CEO of the
Chicago Urban League, she is redirecting its focus.
"Right now, all the things we support are in turmoil," Runner told me after the Urban
League's board announced her appointment last week. "We have an opportunity to
change that." Read more
Shari E. Runner discusses unemployment rate of young black men in
A new study paints a very bleak picture of unemployment among African Americans in
Chicago's poorest neighborhoods.The study was done for the Alternative Schools
Researchers looked at employment numbers from 2014 and found that 41 percent of all
blacks ages 20-24 in Chicago were out of work and out of school compared to 27
percent in New York City and 29 percent in Los Angeles. Read more
Changing the Face of Chicago Police
The Chicago Urban League is hosting a CPD community workshop to address your
interest in joining the Chicago Police Department. Given the current relations between
the Black community and the Chicago Police Department some feel that it's very critical
that more Black officers are hired. Read more
Uber Offering Free Rides to Healthcare Sign-up Locations
The deadline to sign up Healthcare is Jan. 31. Stop by the Chicago Urban League
tomorrow from 12pm - 8pm to get enrolled. Free Uber rides are available all this
weekend for people who want to sign up for healthcare insurance in the marketplace.
The Uber driver will take you to your designated location. Users can enter the code
"getcovered" in the Uber app to receive a free (first time) ride of up to $20 all this
BMO Harris Bank generously supports the Chicago Urban League's IMPACT
Leadership Development Program, Entrepreneurship Center and the Housing &
Financial Empowerment Center. The Chicago Urban League's IMPACT
Leadership Development Program empowers young African American
professionals to assume leadership roles through training and skills development,
as well as education regarding current issues impacting the African American
professional community in Chicago.
The Entrepreneurship Center assists with launching, growing and sustaining
businesses through classroom instruction, one-on-one technical assistance, and
access to business opportunities and procurement.
The Housing & Financial Empowerment Center provides low- to moderateincome residents with free professional housing counseling assistance, including
foreclosure mitigation and first-time homebuyer workshops. The Urban League's
Housing & Financial Empowerment Center also provides a comprehensive
approach to improving financial acumen by providing the education needed to
increase participant knowledge and skills related to financial concepts and sound
personal financial practices.
Thank you BMO Harris Bank for your support!
Michael Eric Dyson
on the Black
Georgetown University
professor Michael Eric
Dyson, joins Chicago SunTimes Columnist and ABC-7 Analyst Laura Washington to discuss his latest book, The
Black Presidency: Barack Obama and the Politics of Race in America, on Monday, Feb. 8,
6-7 PM at the First United Methodist Church at the Chicago Temple. Chicago Urban
League's President and CEO Shari Runner will moderate the "Talkback" portion of the
program. Tickets for Michael Eric Dyson range from $5-12 and are currently on sale at
Nominate a Hero today!
There are some really good teens doing some really good things. Nominate them and the Chicago
Crusader will reward them.
Nomination deadline is from January 5, 2015 thru March 15, 2015. To nominate someone, visit and complete the application directly online. It will only take 35 minutes.
All nominees will be invited to be a guest at a free Awards Ceremony to take place April 23, 2015
at DuSable Museum of African-American History. Winners will be featured in media, receive award
plaque, tickets to Chicago White Sox Game and other prizes donated by sponsors.
Chicago Urban League
4510 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60653
(773) 285-5800