Mr SHOLIHIN, Mahfud (SE, MAcc, Akt) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Lecturer Gadjah Mada University Economics and Business Accounting DI Yogyakarta University of Western Australia (2002) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Economics and Business Management Accounting, Behavioural Accounting, Islamic Accounting and Finance Performance Measurment, Evaluation, Reward Systems PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2009, 'Fairness in performance evaluation procedures and its behavioural consequences', Accounting and Business Research, vol. 39 (4), Wolters Kluwer (UK) Limited/The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales 2005, 'Financial and nonfinancial performance measures: how do they affect job satisfaction?', The British Accounting Review, vol. 37 (4), Elsevier/British Accounting Association 2004, 'The effects of multiple measures-based performance evaluation on managers' performance: the role of procedural fairness and interpersonal trust', Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting, vol. 14, Elsevier/European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 2004, 'The Effects of Experience and Task Specific Knowledge on Auditors' Performance in Assessing A fraud Case', Jurnal Akuntansi dan Auditing Indonesia, Universitas Islam Indonesia 2003, 'The Intervening Effects of Procedural Fairness and Interpersonal Trust on the Relationships between Multiple Measures-Based Performance Evaluation and Managers' Job Satisfaction', Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, vol. 5 (3), MM UGM Journals in Indonesian: 2006, 'Pengaruh reputasi dalam hubungan antara asimetri informasi dengan senjangan anggaran dibawah metoda kompensasi truth inducing', Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia, vol. 21 (2), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM 2004, 'Ethical judgement manager terhadap praktik earnings manajemen', Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Indonesia, vol. 17 (2), The Indonesian Institute of Accountants Books in English / Indonesian: 2005, Akuntansi Internasional, Badan Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi (BPFE) UGM 2003, Akuntansi Manajemen, Badan Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi (BPFE) UGM Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 155 Dr SIAHAAN, Selma (Apt, MHA) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumna of: Researcher National Institution of Health Research and Development (62) (21) 4243314 (62) (21) 8298954 DKI Jakarta University of New South Wales (1998) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Public Health Health management and policy Health services management, Medicine spices PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2009, 'Health System Responsiveness in Preventive Healthcare in Indonesia: Implications for Policy and Practice', Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, vol. 4 (1), Australian College of Health Service Executive Journals in Indonesian: 2009, 'Medicines Prices Policy In Indonesia; International Comparison with Other Countries (Kebijakan Harga Obat di Indonesia dan Perbandingannya dengan negara lain', Bulletin of Health System & Policy, vol. 12 (2), Centre of R&D of Health System & Policy 2008, 'Access to Essential Medicines on Basic Health Care Services in Indonesia (Akses Masyarakat terhadap Obatobat Esential pada Unit Pelayanan Kesehatan Dasar di Indonesia)', Bulletin of Health System & Policy, vol. 11 (3), Centre of R&D of Health System & Policy 2004, 'Dengue Haemorragic Fever in Jakarta', Indonesian Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 1 (1), Networking of National Epidemiology Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 156 Dr Siaka (MSc (Hons)) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Lecturer and as Vice Dean II Udayana University Maths and Sciences Chemistry (62) (361) 703137 Bali University of Western Sydney Nepean (1998) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Science and Health Science Analitycal Chemistry (AAS) Analysis of Some Heavy Metals PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2001, 'The source of antthropogenic heavy metals in fluvial sediments of a Rural Catchment: Coxs River, Australia', Water, Air & Soil Pollution, (126), AusAID 2000, 'Distribution of Heavy Metals Between Grain Size', Review Kimia, vol. 3 (2), AusAID 1998, 'Evaluation of some digestion methods for the determination of heavy metals in sediment samples by flameAAS', Analytical letters, vol. 4 (31), AusAID Journals in Indonesian: 2009, 'Distribusi Pb dan Cu pada Berbagai Ukuran Partikel Sedimen Pelabuhan Benoa', Review Kimia, vol. 3 (2) 2008, 'Korelasi antara kedalaman sedimen di Pelabuhan Benoa dan konsentrasi logam berat Pb dan Cu', Review Kimia Udayana, vol. 2 (2) 2002, 'Arang kulit kacang tanah sebagai adsorben alternatif untuk nitrat', Review Kimia Udayana, vol. 2 (5) 2000, 'Perlindungan Korosi Besi dengan Elektroda Korban Magnesium', Review Kimia, vol. 3 (3) Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 157 Mr SIGALINGGING, Utama Sahala Kurniawan (MEngSc) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Plant Engineer PT Petrosea Tbk Petrosea Offshore Supply Base (POSB) Health Management Central Java University of Melbourne (2008) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Engineering and Mathematics PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: Journals in Indonesian: Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 158 Dr SIMANIHURUK, Bambang (Ir, MSc, PhD) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Director Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kelapa dan Palma Lain (Balitka) (62) (431) 812430, (62) (431) 812587 East Java University of Western Australia (2006) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Natural and Agricultural Sciences Conservation Biology and genetics and Plant Breeding Effects of fragmentation on progeny performance, genetical and crop improvement study in fibre and oil crops PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2006, 'Increased ecological amplitude following wide outcrossing in Banksia ilicifolia R. Br', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, vol. 19 (4), Blackwell 2005, 'Preferential outcrossing in Banksia ilicifolia', Australian Journal of Botany, vol. 53 (2), CSIRO 2000, 'Diallel analysis of kenaf yield and its two major components. Journal Forestry and Estate Crops Developments', Journal of Forestry and Crop Developments, Litbang Kehutanan 1998, 'Genetic parameters of fibre yield and its components of potential kenaf accessions. Indonesian Journal of Breeding', Indonesian Journal of Breeding, Unpad University 1996, 'Genetic evaluation of kenaf germplasm through breeding test', Indonesian Journal of Crop Science, Litbang Deptan Journals in Indonesian: 2009, 'Status Penelitian Jarak Pagar dan Penyediaan benih', Prosiding Lokakarya Jarak Pagar IV, Puslitbun, Litbang Deptan 2008, 'Konsep Desa Mandiri Energi Jarak Pagar', Prosiding Lokakarya jarak Pagar III, Puslitbun, Litbang Deptan 2007, 'Aksesi potensial jarak pagar', Prosiding Lokakarya jarak Pagar II, Puslitbun, Litbang Deptan 2001, 'Donor parents for kenaf improvement program on tolerance to rot knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognito)', AGRIVITA, Universitas Brawijaya 1999, 'Respon berbagai aksesi kenaf dan rosela terhadap aluminum dan tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning di daerah Jorong. Kalsel.', Journal Penelitian Tanaman Inndustri, Puslitbun, Libang Deptan Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 2008, Inovasi Teknologi Jarak Pagar mendukung Desa mandiri Energi, Media Indonesia 159 Dr SIMANIHURUK, Mudin (PhD) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Lecturer Bengkulu University Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Mathematics (62) (751) 72576, Ext. 128 Bengkulu, Sumatra Curtin University of Technology (2005) Curtin University of Technology (1990) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Engineering and Mathematics Graph Theory Graph Colorings PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 1998, 'On the Nordhaus-Gaddum problem for the n-path chromatic number of a graph', J. Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, vol. 27 Winnipeg : Charles Babbage Research Centre 1997, 'On minimal triangle free graphs with prescribed 1-defective chromatic number', Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 16, Queensland University 1996, 'On defective colourings of complementary graphs',Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 13, Queensland University 1993, 'On 3-uniform hypergraphic sequences', J. Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, vol. 14, Winnipeg : Charles Babbage Research Centre 1990, 'On potentially P-graphic sequences', Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 2, Queensland University Journals in Indonesian: Books in English / Indonesian: 2009, Cromatic Polynomial, UNIB Press Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 160 Dr SIMATUPANG, Togar Mangihut (PhD) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Associate Professor Bandung Institute of Technology Business and Management Business and Management (62) (22) 531923 West Java University of Newcastle (2008) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Economics and Business Management Science Supply Chain Management and Creative Economy PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2008, 'Design for supply chain collaboration', Business Process Management Journal, vol. 14 (3), Emerald 2007, 'The architecture of supply chain collaboration', International Journal of Value Chain Management, vol. 1 (2), Inderscience 2005, 'An integrative framework for supply chain collaboration', International Journal of Logistics Management, vol. 16 (2), Emerald 2005, 'Supply chain discontent', Business Process Management Journal, vol. 11 (4), Emerald 2004, 'Supply chain coordination in a fashion firm', Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, vol. 9 (3), Emerald Journals in Indonesian: 2008, 'Rethinking management of technology', Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, vol. 7 (1), Institut Teknologi Bandung 2007, 'A taxonomy of supply chain collaboration', Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, vol. 6 (2), Institut Teknologi Bandung 2006, 'Analisis perbandingan kebijakan sistem persediaan penyangga dinamis, peninjauan kontinu, dan peninjauan periodik', Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, vol. 5 (2), ITB 2006, Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, vol. 5 (1), Institut Teknologi Bandung 2006, 'Pemetaan proses penciptaan nilai pada sistem pengukuran kinerja perusahaan', Manajemen Usahawan Indonesia, vol. 35 (7), Universitas IIndonesia Books in English / Indonesian: 2009, Apakah Manajemen Adalah Sains?, Institut Teknologi Bandung Press 2009, Studi Kasus Manajemen Bisnis Indonesia, SBM Institut Teknologi Bandung 2008, Kreatif Industri untuk Kesejahteraan Bangsa, Pusat Inkubator Institut Teknologi Bandung 2005, Pemodelan Sistem, Nindita 2005, Teori Dasar Sistem, Andi Offset Yogayakarta Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 2009, Pengembangan ekonomi kreatif Indonesia, Media Inovasi 2009, Peluang ITB dalam era kreatif, Pikiran Rakyat 2008, Kolaborasi rantai pasok, Pikiran Rakyat 2008, Peluang dan tantangan industri kreatif, MBA ITB Business Review 2007, Potensi Industri Kreatif di Bandung, Pikiran Rakyat 161 Dr SIRADZ, Syamsul (Ir, MSc, PhD) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Senior Lecturer Gadjah Mada University Agriculture Soil Science (62) (274) 548814 (62) (274) 548814 DI Yogyakarta University of Western Australia (2002) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Natural and Agricultural Sciences Non-destructive evaluation Non-destructive evaluation of food and agricultural products PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2009, 'Phosphorus Sorption Characteristics of Red Soils from Lampung, West- and Central Java', Jurnal Tanah Tropika, vol. 14 (1), Universitas Lampung 2000, 'Dissolution Kinetics of Soil Kaolinite Derived from Red Soils of Indonesia', Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan, vol. 2 (1), Universitas Gadjah Mada Journals in Indonesian: 2007, 'Peranan Uji In Situ Laju Infiltrasi Dalam Pengelolaan DAS Grindulu-Pacitan', Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan, vol. 7 (2), Faculty of Agriculture GMU 2006, 'Karakteristik Tanah yang Berkembang Dari Batuan Diorit dan Andesit Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta', Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan, vol. 6 (2), Faculty of Agriculture GMU 2006, 'Degradasi Lahan Persawahan Akibat Produksi Biomassa Di Jogjakarta', Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan, vol. 6 (1), Faculty of Agriculture GMU 2005, 'Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Pengembangan Jahe Pada Beberapa Daerah Di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur', Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan, vol. 5 (1), Faculty of Agriculture GMU 2003, 'Peranan Keragaman Mineralogi Lempung Dalam Strategi Pemupukan pada Tanah-tanah Mineral Masam', Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan, vol. 3 (1), Faculty of Agriculture GMU Books in English / Indonesian: 2006, Kamus Istilah Ilmu Tanah, Gama Press Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 162 Dr SISTINA, Yulia (Dra, MScStud, PhD) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumna of: Lecturer Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Biology Zoology (62) (281) 638794 (62) (281) 633376 Central Java University of Newcastle (1995) University of Newcastle (1992) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Science and Health Science Reproductive Biology Acrosome Reaction in marsupials spermatozoa PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2001, 'Sperm viability in vitro', Biosfera, vol. 18, Biology Fac Unsoed 1998, 'Arachidonic acid & marsupial sperm', Reprod.Fertil.Dev, vol. 9 1993, 'Lysophosposphatidyl choline and marsupial sperm', Molec.Reprod.Dev, vol. 35 1993, 'Induction acrosme reaction by diacylglycerol', Reproduction & Fertility, vol. 99 1993, 'The unique stability of the marsupial sperm acrosmoe', Reproduction, Fertility & Development, vol. 5 (1) Journals in Indonesian: 2001, 'Sperm viability in vitro', Biosfera, vol. 18, Biology Fac Unsoed Books in English / Indonesian: 2008, Biologi Reproduksi, Biology Faculty 2001, Biologi Dasar, Biology Faculty 1999, Biologi Larva, Biology Faculty 1998, Biologi Larva, Biology Faculty Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 1996, Yulia tertarik dinamika hewan, Kartini 163 Prof Soeparno (Ir, PhD) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Professor Gadjah Mada University Animal Science Technology of Animal Products (62) (274) 513363 DI Yogyakarta University of New South Wales (1985) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Natural and Agricultural Sciences Animal Products Technology PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2006, 'Physical Charact. Chemical comp.', Proc. Int. Sem. Trop. Anim. Prod. (ISTAP IV), vol. ISTAPIV, Fac. Anim. Sci UGM 2003, 'Caracteristics of BiupsFernons', Animal Science Journal, vol. 74, Fac. Agric, Nigata Journals in Indonesian: Books in English / Indonesian: 2009, Ilmu dan Teknologi Daging, Gadjah Mada University Press 2007, Pengolahan Hasil Ternak, Univ. Terbuka Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 164 Mr SOEPRIYANTO, Gatot (SE, Ak, MBus (Acc)) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Head of Accounting Department Bina Nusantara (BINUS) University Economics and Business Accounting (62) (21) 5345830 West Java Monash University (2007) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Economics and Business Financial Accounting and Reporting, Accounting Standard, Corporate Governance, Public Sector Accounting, Capital Market and Accounting Information Capital Market Research in Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Earnings Quality Teaching: Financial Accounting, Auditing, Accounting Theory, Financial Statement Analysis PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: Journals in Indonesian: Books in English / Indonesian: 2008, ‘Principle of Accounting: Indonesia Adaptation‘: 1st Edition., Cengage Learning Salemba 2002, Sistem Akuntansi Sektor Publik: Konsep untuk Pemerintah Daerah, Salemba Publisher Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 2009, ‘Should CSR Become Mandatory?: A View from Indonesian Investor", AAAA Conference - Istanbul 2008, ‘Value Relevance of Deferred Tax Attributed to Asset Revaluation Components under IFRS‘, AAA Conference - Anaheim 2008, ‘Determinants of Market Reactions toward Legal Requirement of CSR in Indonesia‘, SNA Conference - Pontianak 2008, Mandatory CSR Implementation Law in Indonesia: Does it Impact Share Price of The Firm?, APTIK Conference - Yogya 2007, Aral dalam UUPM, Suara Pembaruan 165 Ms SORAYA, Emma (MFOR) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumna of: Lecturer Gadjah Mada University Forestry Forest Manangement (62) (274) 548815 DI Yogyakarta The Australian National University (2004) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Natural and Agricultural Sciences Forest Management Management Model of Forest Resources PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: Journals in Indonesian: 2008, 'Land use allocation for Soil Erosion Controlling in Sub watershed of Opak Hulu', Journal of Forest Management, vol. 1 (1), Forest Management Dept. Fac. of Forestry Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 166 Mr Subaer (MPhil, PhD) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Lecturer Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) MIPA Physics (62) (411) 840860 South Sulawesi Curtin University of Technology (2005) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Science and Health Science Geopolymer Material The Use of Clay and Rice Husk Ash in the Production of Geopolymer Cement PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2007, 'Thermo-Mechanical and Microstructural Characterisation of Sodium-Poly(sialate-siloxo) (Na-PSS) Geopolymer', Journal of Material Sciences, vol. 42, Springer-Verlaag, Holland 2004, 'Compressive Strength and Microstructural Character of Aluminosilcate Geopolymer', Journal of the Australasian Ceramic Society, vol. 38 (1), Austalian Ceramic Society 2002, 'Physical Properties of Aluminosilicate Geopolymer', Ausceram 2002 Proceedings, International Ceramic Conference and Exhibition of the Australasian Ceramic Society Journals in Indonesian: 2005, 'Research and Devolopment (R&D) Design', Exponen, Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika, Jurusan Matematika, UNM 2003, 'Karakteristik Struktur Mikro Zeolit yang disintesa dari Bahan Dasar Kaolin', Chemica, Jurnal Ilmiah Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia, UNM, vol. 4 (2), Jurusan Kimia, UNM 2003, 'Sifat-Sifat Mekanik Geopolymer yang Disintesa dengan Metode Alkali Aktivasi Aluminasilikat', Chemica, Jurnal Ilmiah Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia, UNM, vol. 4 (1), Jurusan Kimia, UNM Books in English / Indonesian: 2007, Pengantar Fisika Geopolimer, DP2M Dikti Depdiknas 2005, Fisika Material I, State University Makassar Press Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 167 Prof SUBANDIYAH, Siti (MAgrSc) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumna of: Professor Gadjah Mada University Agriculture Plant Protection (62) (274) 6491296 (62) (61) 8215845, DI Yogyakarta Queensland University (1991) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Natural and Agricultural Sciences Plant Protection Biotechnology PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2008, 'A Virus and its vector, pepper yellow leaf curl virus and Bemisia Tabaci, two new invaders', Biological Invasions, vol. 10, Springer 2005, 'Characterization of the tufB-sec E-nus G-rpl KAJL-rpo B gene cluster of citrus Greening (Huanglonbing)', Plant Disease, vol. 89, American Phytopathological Society 2000, 'Complex endosymbiotic microbiota of the citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri (Homoptera, Psylloidea)', Zoological Science, vol. 17, Zoological Society of Japan 2000, 'Characterization of entomopathogenic fungi attacking Diaphorina citri (Homoptera, Psylloidea) in Indonesia', Mycoscience, vol. 41, Mycological Society of Japan 2000, 'Comparison of 16S-rDNA and 16S/23S intergenik Region Sequences Among Citrus Greening Organism in Asia', Plant Disease, vol. 84, American Phytopathological Society Journals in Indonesian: 2003, 'Kajian Keberadaan toksin pada penyakit jeruk CVPD', Prosiding PFI XVII, Bandung, (6-8 August), Fakultas Pertanian Unpad 2003, 'Pemilihan pasnagan primer untuk deteksi CVPD dengan PCR', Prosiding PFI XVII, Bandung, (6-8 August), Fakultas Pertanian Unpad 2002, 'Identifikasi patogen penyebab penyakit busuk pangkal batang Phalaenopsis amabilis', Prosiding Seminar Nasional Anggrek, (10 November), Fakultas Biologi UGM Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 168 Mr SUBEKTI, Nanang Bagus (SPd,MEd) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Lecture Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Teacher Training and Education Industrial Engineering (62) (274) 562265 DI Yogyakarta Flinders University (2007) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Humanities, Education and Social Sciences Education, English Language Teaching and Learning English Language Teaching and Learning, Teacher Knowledge PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2007, 'Exploring the vocabulary acquisition strategies of Indonesian postgraduate students through reading', International Educational Journal, vol. 8 (2), Flinders University 2007, 'Using Hierarchical Linear Modelling to investigate variables affecting students' vocabulary acquisition', Conscientia, vol. 3 (1), STBA LIA Yogyakarta 2007, 'Interviewing and the analysis of interview data', Conscientia, vol. 4 (2), STBA LIA Yogyakarta 2002, 'Penggunaan kosakata bahasa Inggris dalam artikel surat kabar berbahasa Indonesia', Wahana Ilmiah, vol. 1 (1), Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Journals in Indonesian: Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 2009, Sekolah Tidak Lagi Menyenangkan, 169 Dr SUDANA, Ida Bagus (Dr, Ir, MRurSc) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Lecturer Udayana University Animal Husbandry Animal Nutrition (62) (361) 22096 Bali University of New England (1985) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Natural and Agricultural Sciences Animal Nutrition and Ecology Utilization of Waste for Animal Nutrition PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 1986, 'Effects of Supplementing a Wheat Straw Diet with Urea or Urea-Molasses Block and/or Cotton Seed Meal on Intake and Liveweight Change of Lambs', Animal Feed Science and Technology, vol. 16 (Amsterdam), 1985, 'Supplementation of Urea Treated Rice Straw with Lucerne Hay Fishmeal or Fishmeal Puls Lucerne Hay', (Thailand), 5th AAFARR Workshop 1985, 'Urea Molasses Block for Growing Lambs on Wheat Straw Basal Diet', (Seoul), 3rd AAAP Congress 'Variation in the Nutritional Quality of Rice Straw and its Plant Fraction in Bali', (Los Banos, Philippines), 6th AAFARR Workshop 'Urea Molasses Block Supplement for Bali Cattle Fed on Rice Straw Basal Diets', (Malang, Indonesia), International Seminar Livestock and Feed Development in the Tropics Journals in Indonesian: 2008, 'Pengaruh air Tempat Pembuangan akhir Sampah suwung terhadap Kualitas Air Tanah Dangkal di Sekitarnya di Kelurahan Pedungan Kota Denpasar', Ecotrophic, vol. 3 (3) 1998, 'Pengaruh Komposisi Ransum terhadap Lemak dan Kolesterol Daging Babi Pertumbuhan', Udayana Medical Journal, vol. 29 (101) 1998, 'Pengaruh Perbedaan Frekuensi Pemberian Ransum terhadap Lemak dan Kolesterol Daging pada Babi Bali Pertumbuhan', Udayana Medical Journal, vol. 29 (100) 1998, 'Pengaruh Perbedaan Frekuensi Pemberian Pakan terhadap Kolesterol dan Trigliserida Darah pada Babi Pertumbuhan', Udayana Medical Journal, vol. 2 (99) Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 170 Mr SUDARJANTO, Gatut (PhD) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Advanced Water Management Centre Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology Advanced Water Management Centre (61) (7) 3346 7205 Queensland, Australia The University of Queensland (2006) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Engineering & Mathematics Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology Advanced Oxidation Process, Odour & Corrosion Control PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2006, 'Optimization of integrated chemical-biological degradation of a reactive azo dye using response surface methodology', Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol. 138 2005, 'Photooxidation of a reactive azo-dye from the textile industry using UV/H2O2 technology: process optimization and kinetics', Journal of Water and Environment Technology, vol. 3 2005, 'Colour removal from industrial wastewater using a combination of UV/H2O2 and biological process' 2003, 'Degradation of a reactive azo dye using integrated photochemical and aerobic biofilm treatment' 2002, 'Isolation and Selection of Dye Degrading Microorganism to Degrade CI Reactive Blue 5 (CIRB 5)', Journal of Environmental Engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology, vol. 8 Journals in Indonesian: Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 171 Dr SUGENG, Kiki Ariyanti (PhD) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumna of: Senior Lecturer University of Indonesia Mathematics and Natural Sciences Mathematics (62) (21) 7863439 West Java University of Ballarat (2006) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Engineering and Mathematics Graph Theory and Its Application HGraph Labeling, Application of Graph Labeling on Data Security and Bioinformatics, Directed Graph PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2008, 'A Sum Labelling for the Gen.Friendship Graph', Journal Of Discrete Mathematics, vol. 308 Elsevier 2008, 'New Constr of A-Magic Graph using Lab. Matrices', JCMCC, vol. 65, Utilitas Math 2007, 'On Several Classes of Monograph', Australasian Journ of Combin, vol. 37, Comb.Math Society of Australia 2007, 'On Consecutive Edge Magic Total Lab.', Journ. Of Disc. Algorithm, Elsevier 2006, 'Consecutive Magic Graphs', Journ. Of Discrete Mathematics, vol. 306, Elsevier Journals in Indonesian: 2008, 'Super Edge Magis Total Lab. On Unicyclic Graphs', Makara seri Sains, vol. 12 (1), University of Indonesia Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 172 Mr Suhandano (MA) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Lecturer Gadjah Mada University Cultural sciences Indonesian (62) (274) 513096 DI Yogyakarta Australian National University (1995) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Deseritive lndustri Linguistics Grammatical Relations PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: Journals in Indonesian: 'Klausa Relatif dalam Bahasa Indonesia', TUFS Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 173 Dr SUPRIATNA, Asep K. (PhD) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Lecturer Padjadjaran University Mathematics and Natural Sciences Mathematics (62) (22) 7794696 West Java The University of Adelaide (2000) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Engineering and Mathematics Applied Mathematics Disease Transmission Modeling PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2009, 'A Mathematical Model to Investigate the Long-Term Effects of the Lymphatic Filariasis Medical Treatment in Jati Sampurna, West Java.', ITB Journal of Science, vol. 41 (14), LPPM ITB 2008, 'A Two-Age-Classes Dengue Transmission Model', Mathematical Biosciences, vol. 216 (7), Elsevier 2008, 'Simple Dynamics in a Vector-Borne Disease Model', Journal of Theoretical Computation Studies, vol. 5 (6), LIPI 2006, 'Paradox of Vaccination Predicted by a Simple Dengue Disease Model', Industrial Mathematics (Eds. M.C. Joshi, A.K. Pani & S.V. Sabnis), (12), Narosa Publ. House 2001, 'A Two-dimensional Model for the Transmission of Dengue Fever Disease.', Bulletin of Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, vol. 24 (8), MMSS Journals in Indonesian: 2006, 'Eksistensi dan Ketunggalan Solusi Equilibrium Sistem Persamaan Integral pada Model Epidemik', Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Matematika XIII, vol. (6), Dep. Math - Undip 2005, 'Estimasi Nilai Rasio Reproduksi dasar untuk Model Penyebaran Penyakit SI Tanpa dan dengan Struktur Usia', Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika, vol. (5), Dept. Math - UI 2003, 'Paradox Vaksinasi dalam Model Epidemic SI', Matematika: Journal Teori dan Terapan Matematika, vol. 2 (6), Dept. Math - Unisba 2003, 'Tingkat Vaksinasi Minimum untuk Pencegahan Epidemik Berdasarkan Model Matematika SIR', Matematika Integratif, vol. 2 (9), Dept. Math - Unpad 2000, 'Model Matematika Penyebaran Penyakit Demam Berdarah.', Bionatura, vol. 2 (3), Lemlit - Unpad Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 174 Dr SUPRIHATIN, Iryanti Eka (MSc) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumna of: Senior Lecturer Udayana University Mathematics and Natural Sciences Chemistry (62) (361) 8445229 Bali Flinders University (2004) Flinders University (1994) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Environmental Sciences Environmental Chemistry Water Pollution Control and Monitoring PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2003, 'Determination of Faecal Pollutants in Torrens and Patawalonga Catchment Waters in South Australia using Faecal Sterols', Water Science and Technology, vol. 47 (8), Elsevier/IWA Journals in Indonesian: Books in English / Indonesian: Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 175 Mr Supriyadi (Ir, MForSc) Position: Employer/Institution: Faculty: School/Dept. : Phone: Fax: Email: Location: Alumnus of: Lecturer Gadjah Mada University Forestry Forest Resources Conservation (62) (274) 550541 DI Yogyakarta University of Melbourne (1995) RESEARCH PROFILE Category: Area of Specialisation: Research Topics: Natural and Agricultural Sciences Forest Ecology Forest Ecology PUBLICATIONS Journals in English: 2001, 'Aboveground Biomass in Several Land Use Systems in Tropical Ecosystems of Jambi, Sumatera (Writer no 2 of 4 writers)', Proceedings of Seminar on Dipterocarp Reforestation to Restore Environment through Carbon Sequestration, Yogyakarta-Indonesia 26-27 September 2001, hal.109, ISBN 979-3178-00-0) 1999, 'Modelling the persistence of an apparently immortal Banksia species after fire and land clearing (writer no 6 of 6 writers)', Biological Conservation, PII : S00063207(98)00102-5, vol. 88 1999, 'Effect of Hunting on the Population Growth of Australasian Shoveler (Anas rhynnchotis rhynchotis) in Eastern Australian and Tasmania.', BIOTA ISSN 0853-8670, vol. IV Journals in Indonesian: 2007, 'Model Pertumbuhan Populasi untuk Pengendalian Populasi Akasia Berduri (Acacia nilotica (L.) Wild. Ex Del.) di Taman Nasional Baluran.', BIOTA, ISSN 0853-8670, vol. 12 (Oktober) 2000, 'Lebar dan Tumpang Tindih Relung Spesies Tumbuhan Bawah Berdasarkan Intensitas Cahaya di Hutan Jati', Jurnal Konservasi Kehutanan ISSN 1410-9751, vol. 2 (Agustus) 2000, 'Dinamika Komunitas Tumbuhan Bawah di Hutan Jati', Jurnal Konservasi Kehutanan ISSN 1410-9751, vol. 2 (Februari) 1999, 'Program komputer untuk pengolahan data analisi vegetasi metode kuadrat (dimuat dalam penulis mandiri)', Jurnal Konservasi Kehutanan 30-45, ISSN 1410-9751, vol. 1 (Februari) 1999, 'Analisis Vegetasi tumbuhan bawah di Wanagama I kabupaten Gunungkidul', Jurnal Konservasi Kehutanan 30-45, ISSN 1410-9751, vol. 1 (Februari) Books in English / Indonesian: 2001, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Agroekologi : Peningkatan pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Melalui Pendekatan Agroekologi dalam Menyongsong Otonomi Daerah. Editor no. 2 of 2 editors., Fakultas Kehutanan UGM ISBN 979-96665-0-3 2000, Prosiding Seminar Nasional : Keharusan Konservasi dalam Peningkatan Produktivitas dan Pelestarian Hutan Produksi. Editor no. 3 of 3 editors., Fakultas Kehutanan UGM ISBN 979-95071-7-0 Other Literature in English / Indonesian: 176