View CV - SETAC Buenos Aires

Department: Biology
Feb 2015
TRUDEAU, Vance L. Full professor, tenured
Member of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
PhD, Zoology, University of Alberta, January 1992
MSc, Animal Science, McGill, October 1985
BSc, Animal Science, McGill, July1982
2007- Professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Ottawa
2000-2006, Associate Professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Ottawa
1998-2000, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Ottawa (tenured position)
1994-1998, University Lecturer, Dept. of Zoology, University of Aberdeen (non-tenured
1993-1994, Postdoctoral Fellow, Neuroendocrinologie, INSERM Post Vert,
Université de Bordeaux
1992-1993, Postdoctoral Fellow, Neurosciences, Loeb Institute, Ottawa Civic Hospital
Ontario Premier’s Research Excellence Award, 2000
University of Ottawa, Young Researcher of the Year, 2002
University of Ottawa Research Chair in Neuroendocrinology, 2011-2016
1. Referee Activities: Editorial board, Gen. Comp. Endo.; Editorial Board, Frontiers in Neuroendocrine
Science and Frontiers in Endocrinology.
2. Scientific community activities: (i) 1st Past President of the North American Soc. Comp. Endo.
(NASCE; next meeting May 2015, Ottawa; I will chair the LOC- expecting 300-350 people); Chaired (as
outgoing President) the NASCE 2013 meeting in Quéretaro. Mexico.
3. Invited lectures (87 in total, showing only 2012-14). (87-86) Antidepressant depress fish
reproduction, uToronto-Miss, 7/01/2014 and uWestern Ont.,14/02/2014. (85) Novel neuroendocrine
action of secretoneurin, Inst. Hydrobiol, Wuhan 7/10/2013. (84) Neuroendocrine Disruption:
upsetting control systems, NASCE, 22-25/06/2013; (83-80) Is secretoneurin a new reproductive
hormone? Tour of Tokyo, Beijing, Wuhan 13-28/01/2013. (79) Are Fish on Prozac Sexually
Depressed? uVictoria, BC,11/07/2013 (78) Pertubation neuroendocrinienne: plus que les hormones
sont dérangés, INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier. Laval, Qc, 7/12/2012. (77) Depressing male
reproduction with waterborne anti-depressant and contraceptive pharmaceuticals, 7 Int. Symp. Fish
Endo., 3-6/09/2012, Buenos Aires, Arg. (76) Secretoneurin: a conserved hormonal peptide with
paracrine and neuroendocrine actions to regulate pituitary function, 7 Int. Symp. Fish Endo., 3-
6/09/2012, Buenos Aires, Arg. (75) Pharmaceuticals as neuroendocrine disruptors, Gordon Research
Conf. on Endocrine Disruptors 06/3-8/2012, West Dover, VT, USA.
Completed: 13 MSc., 18 PhD., 6 PDF
In progress: Currently in the lab are 5 PhD, and 3 MSc that I supervise. I co-supervise one additional
MSc with Dr. Blais.
1998-2008 Advanced Topics in Physiology, BIO8361
1998-2013 Endocrinology BIO8162 (100%; taught with BIO4127).
2003-2008 Recent Advances in Biology, BIO5901
2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 Reproductive Biology CMM 8000
2008, 2009, 2011 Special Topics BIO 8100
2014 Special Topics in Reproductive Biology of Fishes BIO 8100K
Competitive research grants, equipment grants and research contracts.
1. NSERC Strategic Grant, 2014-2017, Fate and developmental effects of oil sands-derived
polyaromatic hydrocarbons and naphthenic acids in amphipods and amphibians (203,000
p.a. Role: P.I., shared with J. Blais.
2. NSERC Discovery Grant, 2011-2016. Neurobiology of vertebrate reproduction:
neurotransmitter and peptidergic control systems. (120,000 p.a.). Role: P.I.
3. NSERC Discovery Grant, 2006-2011.Neurobiology of vertebrate reproduction ($60,000
p.a.). Role: P.I
4. Canadian Water Network, 2009-2011. Assessing the impacts on aquatic organisms
exposed to emerging contaminants in wastewater discharges ($500,000; 5%). Role: Coinvestigator with 10 others. C. Metcalfe, Trent U. is P.I.
5. Best in Science project 2006-2008 (Ontario Ministry of Environment). Tier 1 Screening
Assay Approach to Monitoring Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in WWTP ($20,00,
shared with T. Moon)
6. NSERC Strategic Grant (Priority Research area of Energy and Chemicals from Forests),
2009-2010, Characterization of novel neurochemical activities in pulp mill effluents
derived from Canadian forest species. ($178,000). Role: P.I. with co-investigator J.
7. NSERC Strategic Grant 2006-2009, Integrative investigation of the negative effects of
Canadian pulp mill effluents on fish reproduction (Integrative Environmental
Assessment; ca. $180,000 p.a.). Role: P.I. with 2 Co-investigators.
8. NSERC Strategic Grant 2007-2010, Manipulative whole-pond experiments to examine
the ecosystem-level effects of pesticide applications ($194,000 p.a.). Role: co-applicant
with 4 others; J. Houlahan, UNBSJ is P.I.)
9. NSERC Strategic Grant 2007-2010, Fate and effects of nanomaterials in the aquatic
environment ($345,500 p.a.). Role: co-applicant with 6 others; C. Metcalfe, Trent U. was
10. NSERC Strategic Grant 2003-2006, Flushing fertility down the drain (ca. $210,000 p.a.).
Role: P.I. with 6 Co-investigators.
11. Canadian Water Network 2005-2007, Watershed and Environmental Resource
Assessment Project. Role: co-applicant, $44,000; M. Robin, P.I.)
12. NSERC Strategic Grant 2001-2004. Pharmaceuticals in the Environment ($156,000 p.a.).
Role: Co-investigator with 2 others C. Metcalfe, Trent U was P.I.).
13. NSERC-RTI, 2006. Diluter system for fish dosing studies, . Role: Co-applicant with T.
Moon ($38,000)
14. NSERC-RTI, 2006. Upgrade to core microscope facility. Role: Co-applicant with many
others, S.F. Perry is P.I. ($57,826)
15. NSERC-RTI, 2007. Automated purification system, ( $72,449). Role: Co-applicant with
3 others, J. Blais is P.I.
16. NSERC-RTI, 2007. Aquatic system for Xenopus tropicalis ($51,675). Role: P.I., Coapplicant with 3 others
17. NSERC-RTI, 2008. Laser capture micro-dissection unit, Role: Co-applicant with 9
others, S.F. Perry is P.I. ($142, 755)
18. NSERC-RTI, 2008. Surface plasmon resonance instrumentation for characterization of
biomolecular interactions, Role: Co-applicant with 9 others, J. Harden is P.I. ($89, 755)
19. NSERC-RTI, 2011. Microarray platform, Role: P.I. with 4 others. ($129,469)
20. NSERC-RTI, 2014. Digital PCR platform. Role: P.I. with 6 others. ($92,000)
21. Environment Canada Pesticide Fund 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Molecular
markers for EDCs in frogs. ($9000, $20,000, $20,000, $20,000, $20,000, 20,000
contracts) Role: P.I.
22. Environment Canada (Ecotoxicology), Out-of-season breeding of Leopard Frogs 20122013. ($20.000, contract) Role: P.I.
2002 Young Researcher of the Year
2003-2007 Discretionary fund for
Graduate Director
2011-2016 URC
2013-2015 IRAP
2013-2014 DVRP
(for G. Somoza, Argentina)
$7,000 p.a.
$38,000 p.a.
$10,000 p.a.
$6,000 p.a.
1) Life-time summary (count) according to the following categories:
- Papers in refereed journal .......................................................................... 218
- Abstracts and/or papers read ....................................................................~300
2) Papers in refereed journals: Graduate students, PDFs, technicians and undergraduate
students from Trudeau Lab are in bold. Note that undergraduate students are indicated by
(*). Shown are articles from 2012-2014 only.
218. Bulaeva E*, Lanctôt C, Reynolds L*, Trudeau VL, Navarro-Martín L. 2015. Sodium
disrupts development and affects metamorphosis- and growth-related gene expression in
tadpoles of the wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus). Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2015 Jan 24. pii:
S0016-6480(15)00021-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2015.01.012.
217. Martinez-Moreno CG, Trudeau VL, Harvey S. 2015. Co-storage and secretion of growth
hormone and secretoneurin in retinal ganglion cells. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2014
Nov 27. pii: S0016-6480(14)00446-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2014.11.012.
216. Massarsky A, Trudeau VL, Moon TW. 2014. Predicting the environmental impact of
nanosilver. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 38(3):861-873.
215. Mullally M, Cayer C, Kramp K, Otárola Rojas M, Sanchez Vindas P, Garcia M,
Poveda Alvarez L, Durst T, Merali Z, Trudeau VL, Arnason JT. 2014. Souroubea
sympetala (Marcgraviaceae): a medicinal plant that exerts anxiolysis through interaction
with the GABAA benzodiazepine receptor. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 92(9):758-764.
214. Lanctôt C, Navarro-Martín L, Robertson C, Park B, Jackman P, Pauli BD, Trudeau
VL. 2014. Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on survival, development, growth and
sex ratios of wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles. II: agriculturally
relevant exposures to Roundup WeatherMax® and Vision® under laboratory
conditions. Aquat Toxicol. 154:291-303.
213. Lado WE, Spanswick DC, Lewis JE, Trudeau VL. Electrophysiological
characterization of male goldfish (Carassius auratus) ventral preoptic area
neurons receiving olfactory inputs. 2014. Front Neurosci. 8:185.
212. Navarro-Martín L, Lanctôt C, Jackman P, Park BJ, Doe K, Pauli BD, Trudeau VL. 2014.
Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on survival, development, growth and sex
ratios of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles. I: Chronic laboratory
exposures to VisionMax(®). Aquat Toxicol. 154:278-90.
211. Hamilton CK, Laia Navarro-Martin L, Neufeld M*, Basak A, Trudeau VL. 2014. Early
expression of aromatase and the membrane estrogen receptor GPER in neuromasts reveals
a role for estrogens in the development of the frog lateral line system. Gen Comp Endo
210. Waye A, Lado WE, Martel PH, Arnason JT, Trudeau VL. 2014. Ovulation but not milt
production is inhibited in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) exposed to a
reproductively inhibitory pulp mill effluent. Reprod. Biol. Endo.,12:43.
209. da Silva CA, de Morais EC, Costa MD, Ribas JL, Guiloski IC, Ramsdorf WA, Zanata SM,
Cestari MM, Ribeiro CA, Magalhães VF, Trudeau VL, de Assis HC. 2014. Saxitoxins
induce cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and oxidative stress in teleost neurons in vitro. Toxicon
208. Clulow J, Trudeau VL and Kouba AJ. 2014. Amphibian declines in the 21st century: Why
we need assisted reproductive technologies. Adv Exp Med Biol. 753:275-316.
207. Duarte-Guterman P, Navarro-Martín L, Trudeau VL. 2014. Mechanisms of crosstalk
between endocrine systems: Regulation of sex steroid hormone synthesis and action
by thyroid hormones. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 203:69-85
206. Xing L, Goswami M, Trudeau VL. 2014. Radial glial cells: Critical functions and new
perspective as a steroid synthetic cell. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 203:181-185
205. Arámburo C, Denver RJ, Trudeau VL. Special Issue of The Second Biennial
Meeting of the North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology (Sociedad
Norteamericana de Endocrinología Comparada; Societé Nord-Americaine
d'Endocrinologie Comparée). Gen Comp Endocrinol. 203:1-2.
204. León-Olea M, Martyniuk CJ, Orlando EF, Ottinger MA, Rosenfeld C, Wolstenholme J,
Trudeau VL. 2014 (Feb 13). Current concepts in neuroendocrine disruption. Gen Comp
Endocrinol. 203:158-173.
203. Craig PM,Trudeau VL, Moon TW. 2014. Profiling Hepatic microRNAs in Zebrafish:
Fluoxetine Exposure Mimics a Fasting Response That Targets AMP-Activated Protein
Kinase (AMPK). PLoS One.9(4):e95351.
202. Massarsky A, Labarre J, Trudeau VL, Moon TW. 2014. Silver nanoparticles stimulate
glycogenolysis in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hepatocytes. Aquat Toxicol.
201. Massarsky A, Strek L, Craig PM, Eisa-Beygi S, Trudeau VL, Moon TW. 2014. Acute
embryonic exposure to nanosilver or silver ion does not disrupt the stress response in
zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae and adults. Sci Total Environ. 478C:133-140.
200. Cao M, Chen J, Peng W, Wang Y, Liao L, Li Y, Trudeau VL, Zhu Z, Hu W. 2014. Effects
of growth hormone over-expression on reproduction in the common carp Cyprinus carpio
L. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 195:47-57
199. Massarsky A, Abraham R, Nguyen KC, Rippstein P, Tayabali AF, Trudeau VL, Moon
TW. 2014. Nanosilver cytotoxicity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) erythrocytes
and hepatocytes. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 147C:68-75.
198. Waye A, Annal M*, Tang A, Picard G, Harnois F, Guerrero-Analco JA, Saleem A, Hewitt
LM, Milestone CB, Maclatchy DL, Trudeau VL, Arnason JT. 2014. Canadian boreal pulp
and paper feedstocks contain neuroactive substances that interact in vitro with GABA and
dopaminergic systems in the brain. Sci Total Environ. 15;468-469:315-25
197. Massarsky A, Labarre J, Trudeau VL, Moon TW. 2013. Silver nanoparticles stimulate
glycogenolysis in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hepatocytes. Aquat Toxicol.
196. McMillan SC, Xu ZT, Zhang J, Teh C, Korzh V, Trudeau VL, Akimenko MA. 2013.
Regeneration of breeding tubercles on zebrafish pectoral fins requires androgens and two
waves of revascularization. Development. 140(21):4323-4334.
195. Somoza GM, Trudeau VL. 2013. 7th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology
Special Issue. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 1;192:1.
194. Lado WE, Zhang D, Mennigen JA, Zamora JM*, Popesku, JT, Trudeau VL. 2013.
Rapid modulation of gene expression profiles in the forebrain of male goldfish following
exposure to waterborne sex pheromones. Gen Comp Endo. 192:204-213.
193. Lanctôt C, Robertson C, Navarro-Martín L, Edge C, Melvin SD, Houlahan, J Trudeau
VL. 2013. Effects of the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup WeatherMax® on
metamorphosis of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) in natural wetlands. Aquatic Tox.
192. Silva de Assis HC, Simmons DBD, Zamora JM*, Lado WE, Al-Ansari AM, Sherry JP
Blais JM, Metcalfe CD, Trudeau VL. 2013. Estrogen-like effects in male goldfish coexposed to fluoxetine and 17α-ethinylestradiol. Env. Sci. Tech. 47(10):5372-82
191. Massarsky A, Dupuis L, Taylor J, Eisa-Beigy S, Strek L, Trudeau VL, Moon TW. 2013.
Assessment of nanosilver toxicity during sebrafish (Danio rerio) Development.
Chemosphere, 92(1):59-66.
190. Kouba AJ, Lloyd RE, Houck ML, Silla AJ, Natalie Calatayud N, TrudeauVL , Clulow J,
Molinia F, Langhorne C, Vance C, Arregui L, Germano J, Lermen D, Della Togna G.
2013. Emerging trends for biobanking amphibian genetic resources: The hope, reality and
challenges for the next decade. Biological Conservation, 164:10-21.
189. Trudeau VL, Schueler FW, Navarro-Martin L, Hamilton CK, Bulaeva E*, Bennett A
Fletcher W, Taylor L. 2012. Efficient induction of spawning of Northern leopard frogs
(Lithobates pipiens) during and outside the natural breeding season. 2013. Reprod Biol
Endo 11(1):14.
188. Melvin SD, Lanctôt CM, Craig PM, Moon TW, Peru KM, Headley JV, Trudeau VL. 2013.
Effects of naphthenic acid exposure on development and liver metabolic processes in
anuran tadpoles. Environ Pollution, 177C:22-27.
187. Al-Ansari AM, Atkinson SK, Doyle JR, Trudeau VL, Blais JM. 2013. Dynamics of uptake
and elimination of 17α-ethinylestradiol in male goldfish (Carassius auratus). Aquatic Tox
186. Metcalfe CD, Kleywegt S, Letcher RJ, Topp E, Wagh P, Trudeau VL, Moon TW. 2013.
A multi-assay screening approach for assessment of endocrine-active contaminants in
wastewater effluent samples. Sci Total Environ. 454-455:132-40
185. Zhang D, Xi Y, Coccimiglio ML, Mennigen JA, Jonz M, Ekker M, Trudeau VL. 2012.
Functional prediction and physiological characterization of a novel short trans- membrane
protein 1 (Stmp1) as a subunit of mitochondrial respiratory complexes. Physiol Genomics.
184. Popesku JT, Martyniuk CJ, Trudeau VL. 2012. Meta-type analysis of dopaminergic effects
on gene expression in the neuroendocrine brain of female goldfish. Front Endocrinol
(Lausanne) (2012;3:130. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2012.00130)
183. Navarro-Martín L, Velasco-Santamaría YM, Duarte-Guterman P, Robertson C,
Lanctôt C, Pauli B and Trudeau VL. 2012. Sexing frogs by real-time PCR: using
aromatase (cyp19) as an early ovarian differentiation marker. Sexual Development.
182. Boxall ABA and 41 other authors. 2012. Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the
Environment: What are the Big Questions? Env Health Perspect 120(9):1221-9.
181. Atkinson SK, Marlatt VL, Kimpe LE, Lean DR, Trudeau VL, Blais JM. 2012. The
occurrence of steroidal estrogens in south-eastern Ontario wastewater treatment plants. Sci
Total Environ. 430:119-25.
180. Navarro-Martín L, Lanctot C, Edge C, Houlahan J, Trudeau VL. 2012. Gene expression
profiles during natural metamorphosis in wild wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles
are similar to their laboratory counterparts. Can J Zool. 90(9):1059-1071
179. Duarte-Guterman P, Ryan MJ, Trudeau VL. 2012. Developmental expression of sex
steroid- and thyroid hormone-related genes and their regulation by triiodothyronine in the
gonad-mesonephros of a Neotropical frog, Physalaemus pustulosus. Gen Comp Endo.
178. Melvin SD, Trudeau VL. 2012b. Growth, development and incidence of deformities in
amphibian tadpoles exposed to naphthenic acid concentrations detected in the Canadian oil
sands region. Env Pollution (167:178-83)
177. Tiwari VS, Khetani A, Momenopur A, Anis H, Trudeau V. 2012. Detection of amino acid
neurotransmitters by surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) within hollow core
photonic crystals. Proc SPIE 8233, 82330Q;
176. Basu N, Waye A, Trudeau VL, Arnason JT. 2012. Extracts from hardwood trees used in
commercial paper mills contain biologically active neurochemical disruptors. Sci Total
Env. 414:205-209.
175. Duarte-Guterman P, Ryan MJ, Hogan NS, Trudeau VL. 2012. Developmental Profiles and
Thyroid Hormone Regulation of Brain Transcripts in Frogs: A Species Comparison with
Emphasis on Physalaemus pustulosus. Brain Behav Evol. 79(2):98-112.
174. Milestone CB, Orrego O, Scott PD, Waye A, Kohli J, O’Connor BI, Smith B, Engelhardt E,
Servos MR, MacLatchy DL, Smith DD, Trudeau VL, Arnason JT, Kovacs T, Heid Furley
T, Slade AH, Holdway DA, Hewitt LM. 2012. Evaluating the potential of effluents and
wood feedstocks from pulp and paper Mills in Brazil, Canada, and New Zealand to affect
fish reproduction: chemical profiling and in vitro assessments. Env Sci Technol. 46(3):
173. Melvin SD, Trudeau VL. 2012a. Toxicity of naphthenic acids to wood frog tadpoles
(Lithobates sylvaticus). J Tox Env Health A 75:170-173.
172. Trudeau VL , Martyniuk CJ, Zhao E, Hu H,Volkoff H, Decatur WA, Basak A. 2012. Is
secretoneurin a new hormone? Gen Comp Endo 75(1):10-18 (invited review)
171. Marlatt VL, Gerrie E, Wiens S, Jackson F*, Moon TW, Trudeau VL. 2012. Estradiol and
triiodothyronine differentially modulate reproductive and thyroidal genes in male goldfish.
Fish Physiol Biochem. 38:283-296.
ABSTRACTS: Career total ~300; in the last 5 years ~20% were authored and presented (oral
communications and posters) by Trudeau and ~80% by graduate students at numerous conferences.