FNP-21306 Management of Forest and Nature Organizations Course syllabus Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group Wageningen University February 2011 Profile of the course The course FNP-21306 Management of Forest and Nature Organizations offers a systematic introduction into the field of business management and administration in forest and nature management. The main focus of the course is on forest and nature management organizations and their performance; the course explores the reasons for, alternatives to, and consequences of the (business) activities of these organizations. Learning outcomes After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to Describe the context and nature of management within forest and nature management organizations explain basic management approaches, methods and tools for forest and nature management organizations explain the specific guise and limitations of these management approaches, methods and tools for forest and nature management and how to deal with this apply these approaches, methods and tools in situations in which it is appropriate examine the relevance of these approaches, methods and tools in relation to the management of forest and nature Principal themes of the contents The course exists out of five blocks. Block 1: Course orientation and introduction to forest and nature business management (Business) management; economic units as businesses, enterprises and organizations; levels of management; features distinguishing forest and nature from other industries and their implications to decision-making; diversity in forest and nature management organizations; management levels; tools of strategic management Block 2: Accounting in forest and nature management organizations What is accounting; role of accounting in forest and nature business management, double-entry bookkeeping; opening balance, closing balance, and t-accounts; profit & loss account; problems and challenges of accounting for forest and nature management organizations; valuation of forest and nature Block 3: Costing for forest and nature management organizations What is costing; role of costing in forest and nature business management; challenges of costing in forest and nature management; cost types; cost centers; Cost Center calculation; Activity based costing Block 4: Cash flow statements in forest and nature management organizations What are cash flows; cash flow statements; operating activities; investing activities; financing activities; cash flow statements in forest and nature management Block 5: Forest and nature investment analysis Valuing investments in forest and nature management over time; interest and discount rates; time preferences; compounding and discounting; investment criteria The course will not be limited to a certain region, thus including Dutch/European/global applications and examples. Assumed prerequisite knowledge None Continuation course FNP-32306 Economic Aspects of Forest and Nature Conservation Contact person, lecturer and examiner Dr. ir. M.A. (Marjanke) Hoogstra (coordinator and lecturer) Marjanke.Hoogstra@wur.nl, Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group, GAIA Building/room B309, phone: 486206 Ir. M. (Maarten) Punt (lecturer) Maarten.Punt@wur.nl, Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group, GAIA Building/room B321 Dr. A. (André) Blum (Private Consultant in Forestry and Business Management, guest lecturer Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group) Language of instruction and examination English Educational activities The course includes different learning activities: • preparing for and attendance of lectures on the topics indicated above • attendance of and participation in practical with small assignments • attendance of, participation in and reporting of excursion • self-study and preparation for examination Communications In addition to the classes, contact is made by using the website of the course (https://portal.wur.nl/personal/hoogs001/fnp-21306/index.htm). This website provides access to various course materials such as PowerPoint presentations, assignments, calendar. This website should be visited regularly as news and new documents will be added frequently. The student is responsible to make sure that he or she checks this regularly so that key announcements are not missed, etc. In case the student has questions and/or remarks (either positive or negative), it is always possible to contact the course coordinator during the classes, by phone, through e-mail or visit. Examination and grading The extent to which the student reached the learning objectives will be tested by (1) three onehour exams and (2) a group assignment. Assessment method Learning objectives describe the context and nature of management within forest and nature management organizations explain basic management approaches, methods and tools for forest and nature management organizations explain the specific guise and limitations of these management approaches, methods and tools for forest and nature management and how to deal with this apply these approaches, methods and tools in situations in which it is appropriate examine the relevance of these approaches, methods and tools in relation to the management of forest and nature Written exams x Group assignment x x x x x The three exams each will count 25% and the group assignment 25% towards the final grade. Item Exam 1 (block 1&2) Exam 2 (block 3&4) Exam 3 (block 5) Group assignment TOTAL Percentage 25% 25% 25% 25% 100% Students need to have a minimum partial grade of 5.5 for all components. In case the student has a grade lower than 5.5 for one of the exams, several options exist during the year to take a re-exam. Only the exam(s) with a grade lower than 5.5 have to be re-taken. A make-up exam might be given only if absence is due to factors beyond student’s control and if excused by the instructor. The student will be asked to provide satisfactory evidence to be excused. A missed exam (if not excused) will result in a score of 1. In case the group assignment is graded lower than 5.5, an additional assignment has to be carried out to be graded with a 5.5 or higher. Exams The exams are open book exams with open questions and will cover all material included in lectures and assignments. The exams will take place in the 2nd, 3rd en 4th week of the course (see time schedule). The re-exams are scheduled for week 34 (Thursday, 28th of April, 14:00 – 17:00, C417) and the total re-exams for week 50 (Thursday, 18th of August, 9:00 – 17:00, C417). The exam will be graded by one of the lecturers of the course based on a grading key. After the exams are graded and the grades are published, the student has the possibility to set up a meeting with the coordinator to check the answers and compare them to the grading key. During this meeting the student can discuss the grading of the exam with the coordinator. Group assignment Next to the exam, a group assignment (in groups of 2 or 3 students) has to be made. In this assignment the content of the course has to be linked to the (daily) practice of forest and nature management. Different forest and nature management organizations will be visited during the excursion in week 4 and the student groups have to reflect on the activities of these organizations in the frame of the knowledge gained in the course. More information about the assignment will be given during the course. Participation in the excursion is obligatory and absence is only allowed in case of factors beyond student’s control and if excused by the instructor. The student will be asked to provide satisfactory evidence to be excused. A missed excursion will results in an extra assignment for the absentee. The reports have to be sent in before Friday 4th of March, 17.15 hours, in pdf-format, to Maarten Punt. For reports that are handed in after the deadline, points will be deducted. The report will be evaluated and graded by one of the lecturers of the course based on evaluation sheet with criteria. The evaluation criteria for the report include: Description of the organizations visited; Description of the type of organization; Strategic management in the organizations; Cost and costing within the organizations; Cash flow within the organizations; Investments and investment analysis in the organizations. The evaluation sheet will be send to all groups. The groups can discuss their grade with the coordinator based on this evaluation sheet. Outline and schedule of the program of the course Week Date(s) Time Topic 1 Lectures: Self-study: Lectures: Self-study: Lectures: Self-study: Practical: Practical: Lectures: Self-study: 1 1 1 1 Mon 7/2 Tue 8/2 Wed 9/2 Thu 10/2 Fri 11/2 8.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 8.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 8.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 8.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 8.30 – 12.30 13.15 – 17.30 Room Block 1 INTRO Reader articles block 1 Block 1 INTRO Reader articles block 1 Block 2 ACCOUNTING Reader articles block 2 Exercises block 2 Exercises block 2 Block 2 ACCOUNTING Reader articles block 2 C321 C321 C321 P631 C417 P631 - 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Mon 14/2 Tue 15/2 Wed 16/2 Thu 17/2 Fri 18/2 Mon 21/2 Tue 22/2 Wed 23/2 Thu 24/2 3 Fri 25/2 4 Mon 28/2 Tue 1/3 Wed 2/3 4 4 4 4 Thu 3/3 Fri 4/3 8.30 –17.30 Self study Preparation exam - 8.30 – 9.30 9.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 8.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 8.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 8.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 EXAM Lectures: Self study: Practical: Practical: Lectures: Self study: Lectures: Lectures: BLOCK 1 & 2 Block 3 COSTING Reader articles block 3 Exercises block 3 Exercises block 3 Block 3 COSTING Reader articles block 3 Block 4 CASH FLOW Block 4 CASH FLOW C321 C321 8.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 8.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 8.30 –17.30 Self study: Self study: Practical: Practical: Self study: Reader articles block 4 Reader articles block 4 Exercises block 4 Exercises block 4 Preparation exam C321 C417 - 8.30 – 9.30 9.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 8.30 – 12.30 13.30 – 17.30 EXAM Lectures: Lectures Self study: Self study: BLOCK 3 & 4 Block 5 INVESTMENT Block 5 INVESTMENT Reader article block 5 Reader article block 5 C321 C321 C417 P631 C417 8.30 – 12.30 13.15 – 17.30 8.30 – 17.30 Practical Practical Self study: Exercises block 5 Exercises block 5 Preparation exam C417 C417 - 8.30 – 9.30 9.30 – 10.00 10.00 – 17.30 8.00 – 17.30 EXAM Lectures: Self study: EXCURSION BLOCK 5 Intro assignment Preparation excursion C417 C417 Field 8.30 – 17.30 Self study: Writing excursion report - C321 C417 P631 C321 C321 Modifications to the course schedule might be needed during the study period; they will be announced in a timely manner. Learning materials and resources Main learning materials and resources for the course are the lectures, powerpoint presentations, practicals, and texts/articles/websites. There is currently no book available that gives a good overview over the topics discussed and good texts and articles on the topics are also scarce. However, as it is good to have some sort of back up in reading material, a wide range of articles/internetsites/texts/chapters are collected that will help to deepen the understanding in the different topics discussed. The powerpoint presentations, the exercises and the texts/articles/website can all be found on the website of the course. Block 1 – Introduction Probos, 2006. SWOT-analysis of the Dutch forest exploitation sector. http://www.probos.net/biomassa-upstream/pdf/followup05.pdf. Date of access: 2nd of February, 20011 Krott, M. and M. Stevanov, 2008. Comprehensive comparison of state forest institutions by a causative benchmark-model. In: Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung, 179 (4), p. 57-64 Block 2 – Accounting Dave Marshall, 2010. So you want to learn bookkeeping! http://www.dwmbeancounter.com/tutorial/Tutorial.html. Date of access: 2nd of February, 2011 Association of Consulting Foresters of Australia, 2009. An Australian Standard For Valuing Commercial Forests: Version 2.0.1 / Chapters 1,2, and 3. P. 9 – 27. http://www.consultingforesters.org.au/Valuation%20Standard%20V2_0_1_%20090408%20F inal.pdf. Date of access: 16th of November, 2010 Mazzotta, M.J., 2007. Ecosystem Valuation. In: McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology, p. 77-79 Block 3 – Costing Microeconomics. Topic 6: “Be able to explain and calculate average and marginal cost to make production decisions.” http://www.csun.edu/bus302/Lab/ReviewMaterial/micro6.pdf. Date of access: 2nd of February, 2011 QFinance.com. Break-even analysis. http://www.qfinance.com/contentFiles/QF01/g87ba2m9/10/0/break-even-analysis.pdf. Date of access: 2nd of February, 2011 QFinance.com. Marginal cost. http://www.qfinance.com/contentFiles/QF01/g87ba2m9/10/0/marginal-cost.pdf. Date of access: 2nd of February, 2011 QFinance.com. Contribution margin. http://www.qfinance.com/contentFiles/QF01/g87ba2m9/10/0/contribution-margin.pdf. Date of access: 2nd of February, 2011 Boer, P. de, R. Brouwers, and W. Koetzier, 2007. Chapter 11 Cost allocation. An introductory course in finance, management accounting and financial accounting. Noordhoff Uitgevers B.V. P. 231-245 Block 4 – Cash flow statements Boer, P. de, R. Brouwers, and W. Koetzier, 2007. Chapter 17 Other components of the annual report. In: Basics of Financial Management. An introductory course in finance, management accounting and financial accounting. Noordhoff Uitgevers B.V. P. 366-369 Hertenstein, J.H. and S.M. McKinnon, 1997. Solving the problem of the cash flow statement. In: Business Horizons, January - February, p. 69-76 Block 5 – Investment analysis M.E. McDill [1999] Forest Resource Management. Chapters 2,4 and 6. https://www.courses.psu.edu/for/for466w_mem14/Handouts.html. Date of access: 2nd of February, 2011 Guth, J.H. Resolving the Paradoxes of Discounting in Environmental Decisions. In: Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, vol. 18, p. 95-114. Filius, A.M. [1992] Chapter 5: Investment criteria. In: Investment analysis in forest management. Syllabus. Agricultural University Wageningen.