TALBOT COUNTY DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATES RECORD BOOK, MS.1471 Record book (MS. copy) of distribution of estates, Talbot County, Maryland. Shows executor or administrator by whom the estates were distributed. Indexed. 1 vol., 1751-1776. TALBOT COUNTY INDENTURES AND DEEDS, MS.1484 Collection of indentures and deeds to land, Talbot County, Maryland. Tracts involved include Troth's Addition, Powell's Patent, Kingston, Wales, Sutton. Principals include Daniel Powell and his wife (1707), William Dickinson (1707), Howell Powell (1649), John Whittington (1649), Nicholas Holmes (1674), John Dickinson (1667), Thomas Powell (1663), Henry Alexander (1667), Thomas Weanning (1664), Frances Armstrong (1727), John Alexander (1726), Samuel Dickinson (1727), Andrew Skinner (1663), Edward Lloyd (1663, 1665), John Preston (1740). 12 items, 1649-1740. TALBOT COUNTY LAND RECORDS, MS. 2330 Talbot County deputy surveyor certificate book: reports to the surveyor general for official land records; names of property owners; descriptions of property locations and boundaries; alphabetical index to volume for 1662-66. Pedley, 757, 982, 1501, 1503 4 vols., 1659-82 TALBOT COUNTY MARRIAGE LICENSES, MS.801 Notebook containing MS. copies of Talbot County marriage licenses, apparently made from the original records of John Leeds, clerk of Talbot County. Copies may have been made by John Bozman Kerr, whose name occurs in the back of the volume (1870). 1 vol., 1738-1750 (1870). TALBOT COUNTY SURVEY BOOK, MS.1595 Survey book for Talbot County, 1667-1726. Entries up to 1689 made by William Coursey. At this date the hand changes and later additions were probably made by William Turbutt, Surveyor for Talbot County, or by his deputy, Philemon Hems1ey. Area covered includes what are now portions of Queen Anne's and Kent Counties. 1 vol., 1667-1726. TALBOTT LETTERS, MS.799 Letters, articles, general correspondence, mainly relating to the genealogical research of Ida M. Shirk on the Talbott family. Bulk of collection is letters to Ida M. Shirk and William J. McClellan on Talbott genealogy from various members of the family. 3 boxes, c. 1899-1912. TALBOTT SCRAPBOOK, MS.872 Clippings concerning the Talbotts, Leverings, and other Baltimore families. Items on William Talbott (1824-1915), Member of Congress-death notices, wedding announcements, and social news. 1 vol., 1900-1930. TANEY PAPERS, MS.800 Letters to Roger Brooke Taney (1777-1864) from Andrew Jackson, Francis Scott Key, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Edward Livingston, A. Stevenson, John Forsyth, F. 0. Blair, Henry Clay, John A. Campbell, Thomas H. Benton, Martin Van Buren. Some letters from Taney and correspondence between other persons. 1 vol. (36 items), 1825-1871. TANGIER STEAMBOAT COMPANY ACCOUNT BOOK, MS.802 Account book showing charges for freight shipped for various customers from Baltimore to Prince George's and Somerset Counties by the Tangier Steamboat Company. 1 vol., 1855-1856. TAVEAU MANUSCRIPTS, MS.803 Collection of the poetry of Augustin Louis Taveau (1828-c. 1886). Includes two typescripts of Montezuma (c. 270 pp. each). MS. of Montezuma in seven parts, possibly in Taveau's band. The Conquest of Granada for Boys (MS., n. d., apparently unfinished). Printed edition of Taveau's Poems, vol. 1 (Montezuma), New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1884. 2 boxes, c. 1883-1885. TAYLOR ACCOUNT BOOKS, MS.804 Vols. 1-3, journals of Everard Taylor, Calvert County merchant, 174 ( ? 1747. Show sales of food, fabrics, and household articles to numerous persons including William Allen, Robert Brooke, Charles Clagett, Gideon Dare, James and William Dawkins, Robert Gardner, John and William Cray, Samuel Griffin, John Hungerford, James John Mackall, Barrington Pardo, John Parran, William Sharpless, Robert and William Sollers, Dr. James Somervell, and John Wilkinson. Vols. 4-5, journals of Dr. James Mackall Taylor, Calvert County physician, showing visits and prescriptions to numerous patients including William D. Brome, Basil Brooke, Nathaniel Dare, James Duke, Charles Gantt, George Gray, Captain Thomas Hellen, Eleanor Hungerford, John Mackall, Alexander Parran, Walter Smith, Michael Taney, and Kidd Turner, 1802-1816. 5 vols., 174 ( ? ) -1747, 1802-1816. TAYLOR, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, PAPERS, MS. 1863 Taylor's (1840-1919) career in the Union army (Second Maryland Regiment, Veteran Volunteers) during the Civil War, National Volunteer Reserve and the Spanish-American War including letters to Taylor from ten men desiring to participate in his regiment and information about the captured Spanish cannon in the Towson Courthouse yard; correspondence and newspaper clippings about the Antietam Battlefield Commission, the monument to Maryland soldiers at Antietam, and circulars and minutes of the commission; manuscripts of Taylor's history of the Second Maryland Volunteer Infantry and John Pope's history of the Second Maryland in the Army of Virginia; eight scrapbooks compiled by Taylor of newspaper clippings about his service on the Board of Election Supervisors and Board of Commissioners for Baltimore County, politics in that county, the Grand Army of the Republic Club, Union Veterans Association, the Maryland monument at Chickamauga, and Chattanooga National Park, 1871-78 and 1897-1912. Register available. 8 boxes, 1861-1912 TAYLOR, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, PAPERS, MS. 2197 Letters, mainly to Taylor (1840-1919), about his command of the Second Regiment Infantry, Maryland Volunteers, Company B, his postwar career in local government, and work with veterans' groups; muster rolls, payrolls, invoices, and inventories of the regiment; few items pertaining to the Taylor family. 5 boxes, 1856-1914 TAYLOR, JOHN, PAPERS, MS.1437 Correspondence between John Taylor, fireman on the U. S. steam frigate Mississippi and his father, Robert Taylor (1795-1863), Baltimore commission merchant, during a cruise of the naval squadron in which John served in the Mediterranean, 1849-1851. Short exchange of letters between John Taylor and Priscilla C. Nutting of Tracys Landing, 1855. 21 items, 1849-1851, 1855. TAYLOR, MATTHEW, PAPERS, MS.1436 Correspondence of Matthew Taylor of Baltimore, deeds to land in the city. Petition from the citizens of Baltimore nominating Matthew Taylor as Master of Lexington Market. Certificates from the Mayor of Baltimore appointing Taylor as Lieutenant in the Western District Night Watch, 18511852. Last will and testament of Thomas Henning, 1830. 15 items, 1830-1886. TAYLOR, NANNIE, CORRESPONDENCE, MS.1413 Letters to Miss Nannie Taylor from various correspondents, many of whom had come under her care in the Civil War. Include her brothers; her uncle, R. L. Mackell; R. Minor; Harold Alston (later killed, 1865). Correspondence with Harold Alston's mother, Mrs. A. L. Trollope, and her second husband, Rev. John J. Trollope, in Herefordshire, England, chiefly concerning Alston's death. Drafts of letters from Miss Taylor are included in some cases. 56 items, c. 1865-1867. TAYLOR, ROBERT, PAPERS, MS.1438 Letters and bills of Robert Taylor (1795-1863) and his family. Deeds to land in Baltimore. Taylor's marriage certificate, 1827. Accounts from Baltimore merchants, citizenship papers, family correspondence. Business letters of Benjamin W. Stone to his brother, March-April, 1861. 67 items, 1827-1903. TAYLOR SCRAPBOOKS, MS.971 Newspaper clippings, calling and greeting cards, mainly pertaining to the Gary, Taylor, and Black families, collected by Mrs. Robert C. Taylor. Material on social functions, including the McKinley Inaugural Ball; invitations; articles on World War I; social activities to benefit the war effort; art work, place cards, and miscellaneous ephemera. 5 vols., c. 1890-1920. TAYLOR, WILLIAM, PAPERS, MS.1439 Letters to William Taylor, Baltimore merchant, mainly consisting of his correspondence with William Prentiss concerning debt owed by Prentiss and improvements to property in Alexandria, Virginia, offered as security. Some accounts and letters dealing with Taylor's shipments to Silvanus Bourne of Amsterdam. 30 items, 1797-1807. TAYLOR, WILLIAM WALLACE, LETTERBOOK, MS.808 Letterbook of William Wallace Taylor (1769-1832) containing copies of his letters to various correspondents. Volume continued from September, 1832 (death of William Wallace Taylor) by his son, R. A. Taylor (probably Robert Alexander Taylor, 1812-1901). Correspondence is mainly financial in nature and deals with real estate, mineral investmentg, ancl tho liquidation of the estate of William Wallace Taylor. 1 vol., 1830-1840. THEATRE PLAYBILL COLLECTION, MS. 2415 Printed playbills for Thomas Wall's Maryland Company of Comedians which performed at the Theatre in Annapolis in 1781 and at the New Theatre in Baltimore in 1782, with manuscript notations of the performances' proceeds; printed playbills for Wignell and Reinagle's Philadelphia Company which performed in Baltimore in 1795; the rules governing the Maryland Company of Comedians and the rules applying to benefits performed in the Baltimore theatre; lists of the plays with their gross proceeds; 1782 newspaper notices and reviews. Lynn Haims, "First American Theatre Contracts: Wall and Lyndsay's Maryland Company of Comedians, and the Annapolis, Fells Point, and Baltimore Theatres, 1781-1783," Theatre Survey 17 (November 1976): 179194 describes and prints a segment of this collection. 1 box,1781-96 THEOBALD, DR. SAMUEL, SCRAPBOOK, MS.953 Civil War clippings collected by Dr. Samuel Theobald (1846-1930), including death notices of General Thomas "Stonewall' Jackson. Bulk of material concerns the Confederacy. 1 vol., 1861-1864. THIRTEEN CYCLES RECORD BOOKS, MS.815 Volumes recording meetings, trips, and other activities of the Thirteen Cycles Club, Baltimore. 2 vols., 1894-1899. THOM PAPERS, MS. 2339 Notebook, 1923, of Mary Gordon Thom (1892-1975) containing recipes, nutritional information, and notes from a home economics class; scrapbook of newspaper clippings on agricultural topics and cooking maintained by J. C. Thom, 1858-61 and De Courcy Wright Thom, 1934. 2 vols., 1858-1934 THOMAS, ALBAN G., PAPERS, MS. 2244 Letter of Alban G. Thomas (1843-1928) to his brother describing a Confederate raid on a store in Sandy Spring, Maryland and the death of a Captain Bowie of Prince George's County, 1864; two letters, 1914 and 1915, to Thomas reminiscing about this battle; two letters from Richard Thomas, possibly to Alban G. Thomas, about financial matters, troop movements, and the likelihood of a battle near Baltimore, 1864. Photocopies only; location of originals unknown. 5 items, 1864, 1914-15 THOMAS ACCOUNT BOOK, MS.810 Household, personal, and garden expenses of Mrs. George Thomas at Mattapany, St. Mary's County, Maryland. 1 vol., 1870-1872. THOMAS, DANIEL M., PAPERS, MS. 1970.2 Thomas family of West River, Maryland: correspondence of Daniel M. Thomas (1827-1913) about family affairs, vacation trips, the riot in Baltimore in April 1861, the occupation of Baltimore by the Union Army (1861-65), and the conditions in Maryland during the Civil War with many references to the treatment of Southern sympathizers; bills of lading; land records; manumission records; poetry; wills. Register available. 4 boxes, 1674-1938 THOMAS DIARY, MS.814 Diary kept by Elizabeth [Todhunter] Thomas while on a tour of Europe, 1836-1837. Contains detailed accounts of activities, cultural experiences; observations of customs and peoples; reflections and historical information gathered in England, France, and Italy. 2 vols., 1836-1837. THOMAS, EDWIN, PAPERS, MS.1520 Deeds, wills, and business papers of members of the Thomas family, 17981891. Material on Edwin Thomas (d. 1879) includes will, 1878, estate accounts with Selina Thomas as executrix. Material of James H. Thomas (1792-1845), includes will, 1845, to Isabella Thomas, land papers concerning land in Baltimore (Fell's Point, Strawberry Alley), business papers, 1840, and miscellaneous items. Other material includes title deeds, specification of workmanship and materials for a house on South Broadway (n. d.), inventory of the house of Susannah Muskett (n. d.). c. 50 items, 1798-1891, and n. d. THOMAS, GEORGE P., PAPERS, MS. 2170 Baltimore City collector (1828-87): the payment of city bailiffs; a controversial resignation order in the department of the city collector; a request for a donation to the Democratic Conservative Party of Baltimore, 1877. 7 items, 1876-78 THOMAS, G. W., REGISTER, MS.816 A private register of the Rev. George W. Thomas's pastoral activities at St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, Worthington Valley, 1894-1898; also at St. Paurs, Point of Rocks, and St. Luke's Chapel, Adamstown, Frederick County, 1899-1911. 1 vol., 1894-1911. THOMAS, JOHN CHEW, PAPERS, MS. 2139 Two deeds of manumission issued by John Chew Thomas (I 764-1836) of Anne Arundel County, 1812 and 1818; a list for the assessor, 1804. 3 items, 1804-18 THOMAS, JOHN L., PAPERS, MS.1521 Large collection of the papers of the John L. Thomas and Jacob W. Hugg families of Baltimore, 1830-1891. Material deals mainly urith business affairs (shipping) but also includes some items of a political nature. Principal members of the Hugg family concerned are Sue, Marion, Jacob W. (18011870), and Jacob, Jr. Period covered is 1830s-1890s. The Thomas papers mainly concern the career of John L. Thomas (1835-1893), 1857-1890s, and a few relate to William S. Thomas, 1890-1891. Boxes 1 through 8 concern the Hugg family, and boxes 9 through 18 the John L. Thomas family. The following list refers to box numbers. 1. Account books and ledgers of Jacob W. Hugg, 1850-1870. 2. Shipping information and correspondence of Jacob W. Hugg, 1839-1859. 3. Letters of the Hugg family, 1835-1899, with later MS. abstracts. 4. A port invoice of shipments to Robert Purviance, 1770; diaries, copy-books, account books, 1830s-1890s. 5. Autograph books, diaries, and cookbooks of Sue and Maggie Hugg, 1850s-1860s. 6. Account books, copies of letters, 1880s-1890s. 7. Family diaries and notebooks, 1830s-1890s. 8. Miscellaneous group of letters, wills, freight lists, marketing data, correspondence of Jacob W. Hugg, insurance papers, correspondence of Maggie, Lena, and Emma Hugg, 1860s. 9. Diaries of John L. Thomas, 1857-1893, and William S. Thomas, 1890-1891. 10. Incoming letters, 1853-1921, some describing events in the Civil War. 11. Account books, 1880s-1890s. 12. Letters asking for the retention of John L. Thomas as Collector of the Port of Baltimore, 1881; account book, Collector of Customs, 1870s; Custom House correspondence, 1880s. 13. Arithmetic book, autograph book; minutes of Baldwin Manufacturing Company, 1890s. 14. Legal correspondence, 1890s, and volume of clippings on the death of John L. Thomas, 1893. 15. Clippings on excursions taken by Congressmen, 1866, 1867, and scrapbooks of clippings, 1880s. 16. Legal correspondence, 1877-1884; Treasury Department correspondence, 1870-1873; political correspondence, 1860s-1870s. 17. Two scrapbooks with menus and other souvenirs, 1880s; clippings of Pen-Mar and Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania. 18. Two scrapbooks with autograph letters of political personalities, 1870s-1880s. 18 boxes, 1770,1830-1921. THOMAS, JOHN L., PAPERS-SHIPS' LOGS, MS.1521.1 Collection of ships' logs and journals, some very brief, either of ships belonging to Jacob W. Hugg, or logs acquired by John L Thomag su Collootor of the Port of Baltimore. Maggie V. Hugg logs, 1842, 1862-1863, 1864, 18661867, 1868, 1872-1873, 1877-1878; account, 1867-1868; abstract of journal, 1862, private journal, 1862-1863. Barque Marion log, 1857; private journal, 1861-1862; journals, 1858, 1859-1860; abstract of journal, 1859-1860; cargo list, 1859. Cornelia L. Beaven log and journal 1858, and cargo accounts. Robert C. Wright journal, 1865-1866. Logs of Comet, 1812-1813, Squirrel, 1806, United States, 1827,1831, Eugenia, 1828, Virginia, 1831, Amazon, 1833, Spirit of '76, 1855, Plato, 1821, London Packet, 1823. 2 boxes and 2 pkgs., 1806-1878. THOMAS, KATE, PAPERS, MS.1440 Letters from Severn Teackle Wallis (1816-1894) to Mrs. Kate Thomas while he was a prisoner at Fort Warren, Boston, 1862. Several letters from George Moore, British Consul at Richmond, Virginia, regarding the seizure of Mrs. Thomas's trunk. 20 items, 1861-1863. THOMAS SCRAPBOOK, MS.813 Volume of miscellaneous clippings collected by Miss Kate Thomas of Cremona, St. Mary's County. Mainly includes verse and Civil War material. 1 vol., c. 1865-1900. THOMAS SCRAPBOOKS, MS.812 Volumes of newspaper clippings concerning activities at Emmanuel Church, Alpin Ridge, Elmira, New York, and reports on sermons by its rector, Rev. Lawrence Buckley Thomas. Marginal notations, possibly in the hand of Rev. Thomas. 2 vols., 1897-1901. THOMAS THEOLOGICAL COMMONPLACE BOOK, MS.809 Commonplace book of Lawrence Buckley Thomas (1848-1914) containing entries on various theological subjects. 1 vol., 1874-1885. THOMPSON ACCOUNT BOOK, MS.811 Ledger of George Thompson, storekeeper at Williamsport, Maryland, selling general merchandise. Lists prices in great detail. Items sold include foodstuffs. 1 vol., 1883-1891. THOMPSON COMMONPLACE BOOK, MS.817 Commonplace book of Benjamin Thompson, English iron manufacturer, pertaining to manufacturing processes in Yorkshire, 19th century. Drawings of furnaces and machinery. Family records of Thompsons. 1 vol., c. 1820-1864. THOMPSON DIARIES, MS.820 Diaries kept by Henry Thompson (1774-1837), merchant and owner of Clifton (now Clifton Park), Baltimore. Describe home life, social events, weather, places visited, and occasionally refer to his political opinions. Diaries for the years 1808-1811, and 1823 are not included in the series. 9 vols., 1802-1836. THOMPSON, HENRY FENWICK, PAPERS, MS.819 Material compiled by Henry Fenwick Thompson (1830-1910), includes items on church history (list of Church of England clergy in Maryland before 1775, with full details; information on various parishes). Proceedings of Council, 1692-1750, concerning St. Paurs Parish, Baltimore County. Extracts from records on Margaret Brent (fl. 1636). Material on Maryland trade (2 vols.). Action against the ship Looking Glass, 1640s, with material on trade (2 vols.). Genealogical data on Dorsey, Ridgely, Carroll, and other families. Notes on the Joppa area. Clippings concerning the proper spelling of the name of Anne Arundel. Extracts from the Maryland Gazette, 1746-1762. Notes and miscellaneous material on the case of Cloberry vs. Claiborne, and on the Thompson family. Notes on St. Anne's Church, Annapolis. Notes on and print of Congress Hall. Biographical sketches of members of the Continental Congress by Henry F. Thompson. 9 boxes, c. 1636-1900. THOMPSON, HENRY O., PAPERS, MS.821 Transcripts of letters between Dr. Charles Carroll (1691-1755) and Charles Carroll the Barrister (1723-1783), while the latter was in England studying law. Letters from both Carrolls concerning business, land surveys, shipments, and bills. The transcripts were made by Henry 0. Thompson, 1879. 1 vol., 1752-1769 (1879). THOMPSON, HUGH, PAPERS, MS.990 Papers of Hugh Thompson (1760-1826), Baltimore merchant. Include bills, receipts, and correspondence with London and Dublin merchants, as well as with customers in the United States. Included are letters from Robert Oliver, George Law, John Gordon, Baring Brothers, David Steuart, Hall Harrison. 1 box, 1813-1824. THOMPSON, JAMES, ACCOUNT BOOKS, MS.823 Records of James Thompson, Baltimore commission merchant. Vol. 1, policies on ships and cargoes, 1833-1835, with more than three thousand entries, fully indexed. Vol. 2, daybook for purchases and sales of chemicals and drugs, 1837-1844, including many entries relating to Philadelphia and New York firms. Keeper of this volume unidentified. 2 vols., 1833-1844. THOMPSON, JAMES, PAPERS, MS.1442 Business papers of James Thompson (d. 1836), Baltimore commission merchant. Include miscellaneous bills and receipts for materials purchased, letters from merchants in other sections of the United States and abroad. Papers of James Thompson as trustee of the estate of Dr. Henry Bennet, 1829-1834 (18 items). Business papers of George Law (1785-1848), commission merchant, William S. Thompson, and others. Miscellaneous Thompson family correspondence (53 items). c. 360 items, 1814-1836. THOMPSON PAPERS, MS.1441 Letters to Captain Henry Thompson (1774-1837), commander of the Ist Baltimore Troop, Maryland Militia, concerning the dissolution of the organization, rebuilding, etc. 32 items, 1812-1813. THOMPSON, DR. SAMUEL A., PAPERS, MS. 1720 Business and legal papers, mostly about land, of Doctor Thompson (d. ca. 1843) of Queen Anne's County. Family estate papers of Richard Thompson and Sarah Thompson. 10 items, 1812-43 THOMPSON, W. S., ACCOUNT BOOKS, MS.825 Records of William Silver Thompson (1823-1894), Baltimore druggist and chemist. Vol. 1, administration account for the estate of George W. Andrews, 1877-1879, former partner in the firm of Andrews & Thompson. Vol. 2, daily expenses, 1888-1895, including marketing, laundry, clothing, contributions. 2 vols., 1877-1895. THOMPSON, WINFIELD SCOTT, PAPERS, MS. 2127 Letters from John William Thompson (1842-63) of the Maryland Battery of the Confederate Army to his brother, Winfield Scott Thompson (1838-99), about troop headquarters and movements in Richmond and Fredericksburg; letters to Winfield Scott Thompson about the death of John William Thompson from typhus, 1863. 9 items, 1862-63 THOMSEN-CATHCART PAPERS, MS.822 Vol. 1, autograph book of Emily Thomsen, 1869. Vol. 2, testimonials to A. Roszel Cathcart (1848-1928) as President of the Board of Fire Commissioners, Baltimore, 1898. 2 vols., 1869, 1898. 313th INFANTRY RECORD BOOK, MS.826 Illuminated vellum volume with list of dead of 313th U. S. Infantry, 79th Division, American Expeditionary Forces. 1 vol., 1917-1919. 313th INFANTRY, 79th DIVISION, WORLD WAR I SCRAPBOOK, MS.1523 Scrapbook made by Major John Elliot covering the activities of the 313th Infantry, 79th Division, in World War I, 1917-1919. Also items relating to Major Elliot's service on the Mexican Border, 1916. 1 vol., 1916-1919. TIDEWATER LEVELS-BALTIMORE TO HARRISBURG, MS.1568 MS. account by T. H. Poppleton, July-August, 1823, of levels of tidewater at locations from Baltimore to Harrisburg Bridge, Pennsylvania. 1 vol., 1823. TIFFANY PAPERS, MS.1443 Miscellaneous correspondence of Tiffany family; includes Israel Thorndike to his son, Israel, 1801; George P. Tiffan)es correspondence with Josiah Quincy, President of Harvard, 1848; letter of Daniel Webster to 0. C. Tiffany, February 15, 1851; notes and letters by Edward Everett, 1846-1848. Confirmation of arms to Thorndike family, 1809. 13 items, 1801-1867. TILGHMAN ALBUM, MS.829 Album of verse copied from various sources, owned by Miss Elizabeth Tilghman. 1 vol., 19th century. TILGHMAN, JAMES, PAPERS, MS.1444 Miscellaneous family correspondence of the Tilghman family, especially James Tilghman (1793-1845) and Richard Cooke Tilghman. Various topics include supply of wheat, legal matters, family affairs. Included is a receipt, 1763, signed by Tench Tilghman, and a social note of John Pendleton Kennedy. 25 items, 1739-1847. TILGHMAN NOTEBOOK, MS.1059 Notebook of legal precedents, kept by a member of the Tilghman family, possibly Richard, c. 1740-1750. Most of the decisions recorded refer to the legal practice of James Tilghman and all relate to Maryland. 1 vol., c. 1740-1750. TILGHMAN PAPERS, MS. 1967 Letters, 1857-1908, addressed to Ann Margaretta Tilghman Marye from A. Stuart Marye, Henrietta Maria Tilghman, Anna Maria Tilghman, Tench Tilghman, Robert Lloyd Tilghman, Ella Sophia Tilghman, and Sarah Charnberlaine Tilghman about news of friends and relatives, social events, business matters, and related affairs; letters, 1842-46, addressed to Tench Tilghman primarily from his wife, Henrietta Maria Kerr Tilghman, about accounts and cost of maintaining the "Plirrihimmon" estate while Tench Tilghman was transacting business in Annapolis and Baltimore; diary, 1859-65, of Anna Maria Tilghman describing her travels (Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Georgia), her activities as a teacher, and the effects of the Civil War on her family in Maryland; journal of John Leeds Tilghman, 1858-59, describing a journey on ship from Baltimore to Florida and the conditions, the weather, the coast of Florida, and the amusement of men on board; genealogical notes on the Tilghman, Lloyd, Marsh, Kerr, Forman, and related families. Pedley, 1544-48 2 boxes, 1818-1930 TILGHMAN, TENCH, PAPERS, MS.1445 Commercial correspondence of Tench Tilghman & Company, Baltimore merchant firm (connected with Robert Morris, 1783-1786). Bills and receipts show dealings in many different types of goods. Correspondents are in ports in England, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and America. Papers contain information on European markets and prices, with comments on the wheat famine of 1784-1786. Early items include business papers of Benjamin Tasker, Jr., February, 1763. List of values of foreign coins in Maryland, September, 1783. Bulk of material is 1783-1791. 372 items, 1731-1808. TILGHMAN, WILLIAM, PAPERS, MS.1446 Miscellaneous business papers of various individuals, including bonds, legal opinions, statements on land disputes. Letters to William Tilghman (17561827) of Chestertown, Kent County, from Patrick Hamilton, James Holyday, Benjamin Ogle, and John Warden. Will and inventory of George Little, 1772-1773. Collection of letters and documents in the hand of or addressed to William Tilghman, concerning land boundaries, the validity of old Indian deeds. Letters to various families both before and after the Revolution. Business records of Tilghman. c. 270 items, 1732-1826. TILLARD MEMORIAL FREE LIBRARY MINUTE BOOK, MS.828 Record of the meetings of managers of the Tillard Memorial Free Library at Reisterstown, Maryland. Shows their efforts to maintain and extend the use of books in the community. 1 vol., 1891-1908. TIMANUS ACCOUNT BOOK, MS.830 Journal and ledger of Timanus & Company, Baltimore, with separate accounts for flour, whiskey, and fish bought and sold; also individual accounts with dealers in Maryland and Pennsylvania towns. 1 vol., 1816-1819. TITLING RECORD BOOKS, MS.827 Rough copies or drafts of titles issued for tracts of land throughout Maryland, recorded daily, with names of owners and acreages. Vol. 1, 1771. Vol. 2,1798-1801. Vol. 3,1810-1812. Vol. 4,1820-1822. 4 vols., 1771-1822. TOBACCO CARGO RECORD BOOKS, MS.832 Detailed records of tobacco cargoes carried from Maryland to London in the ships Brothers, Richmond, and Nancy, showing marking, contents, and proceeds from individual hogsheads. Merchants concerned were Christopher Court, Gale, Feron & Company, Joshua Johnson, Mildred & Roberts. 3 vols., 1774-1775. TOBACCO INSPECTION LAW PROCEEDINGS, MS.843 Volume inscribed "Liber ILP. Test B. Bordley Clerk of Balto.' Contains entries on financial accounts and bonds of the tobacco inspectors of Baltimore County. Accounts for money due to the Crown, accounts of the Assembly concerning tobacco inspection. (Legislation concerning the appointment of inspectors passed by the Assembly, 1764.) 1 vol., 1743-1769. TOBACCO WAREHOUSE BOOK, MS. 1690 Record, possibly belonging to Alexander Douglass: tobacco received for storage; to whom assigned; hogshead markings; accounts of the firm Forrest and Stoddert with warehouses in Dorchester, Somerset, and Wicomico Counties. Letter from John Hutchinson to Alexander Douglass, 22 October 1799, and Douglass's reply, about renting space in Vienna, Maryland for the storage of grain. 1 vol., 1783-89, 1799 TODD PAPERS, MS. 2284 Careers of Martin L. Todd (1832-95) and his sons, William Franklin (1874-99), George D. (d. 1956), and Martin L. (d. 1945): includes marriage certificate of Martin L. Todd and Ann Emily Cooper, 1855; three letters from Martin L. Todd to his wife; a ship's pass; licenses for dredging, purchasing, and carrying oysters on Maryland and Virginia waters; certificates of Todd's membership in the Maryland and Virginia Oyster Exchange; will of Martin L. Todd, 1891; newspaper clippings about the wreck of the schooner General E. L. F Hardcastle and William F. Todd's death, 1899; correspondence between George D. Todd and C. B. Keeler about the wreck; notebook, correspondence, and notes of George Todd on the Todd and Cooper genealogies. 34 items, 1839-1931 TODHUNTER PAPERS, MS.1447 Letters to Joseph Todhunter, Baltimore merchant, concerning the trade in linens, muslins, nankeens, and other textiles. Correspondents include Isaac Edmondson (Philadelphia), Elisha Riggs (Georgetown), John Stoddart (Philadelphia), Robert Westwater and Joseph Whitehead (Keswick, England). 8 items, 1800-1803. TONGUE ACCOUNT BOOKS, MS.844 Daybooks kept by Thomas Tongue, storekeeper at Tracy's Landing, Anne Arundel County. Show sales of miscellaneous items including food, whiskey, clothing. 2 vols., 1822, 1825. TORREY NOTEBOOK, MS.846 Copies of lectures by Professor J. Torrey, D.D., made by Lewis H. Wheeler. Subjects include psychology, literature. 1 vol., 1853-1858. TOWSON AND COCKEYSVILLE ELECTRIC RAILWAY PAPERS, MS.847 Material relating to the Towson and Cockeysville Electric Railway Company, including subscription lists for stocks, maps and deeds of tracts of land on the railway's route, receipts and accounts, annual reports, schedules, tax forms, and miscellaneous items. c. 500 items, 1905-1923. TOWSON, SOPHIA, PAPERS, MS. 2024 Letters of Sophia Towson to her sister-in-law Ruth Towson: the society in Washington, D. C.; references to parties, acquaintances, and family news with mentions of Martin Van Buren, John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, and Winfield Scott. 36 items, 1822-43 TOWSONTOWN LAND ASSOCIATION RECORDS, MS. 2369 Auditors' reports; meeting minutes; financial accounts; agreements for the sale of land; tax accounts; rents; officers; interest sheets; some correspondence. 75 items, 1850-80 TRADER PAPERS, MS.1448 Collection of deeds, patents, and miscellaneous contracts relating to the Trader family of Worcester and Somerset Counties, Maryland. 31 items, 1803-1875. TRAVEL DIARY, MS. 848 By an unidentified Baltimore woman who travelled to Europe with her aunt and uncle in 1858 and 1859: travels in England, Ireland, France, and Italy; visits with relatives in Ireland and to numerous castles, museums, and churches; a trip to the Crystal Palace and a lace factory and poor house in Ireland; mentions concerts, operas, and lectures attended; notes foreign recognition of her country. 1 vol., 1858-59 TRAVEL DIARY, MS. 2296 Diary, 1827, of an unknown person on a voyage from Newcastle to Liverpool on the Algonquin and of travel experiences in England and Ireland: seasickness; companionship of fellow passengers (who included a Mr. Ridgely and a Mr. Carroll of Baltimore); food; visits to the Liverpool town hall, wharves and docks, and exchange reading room; comparison of Liverpool and New York for the size of its warehouses and the volume of business; English class consciousness; construction of a railroad; visits to Belfast, Dublin, Londonderry, and Armagh commenting on the scenery, churches, houses, vegetation and hospitality; relatives and other Irish families; Irish way of life. 1 vol., 1827 TREIDE, HENRY E., COLLECTION, MS. 2376 Collection by Baltimore resident (d. 1969): trade route reports by the United States Maritime Commission and the Postwar Planning Committee; international trade; trade routes; volume and character of trade; competitive service; passenger services; import and export commodities; recommended services. 1 box,1945-46,1951 TRIMBLE PAPERS, MS.1449 Papers of Colonel (later General) Isaac Ridgeway Trimble (1805-1888) during the first weeks of the Civil War. Include many letters of instruction from Charles Howard, President of the Board of Police. Letters dealing with the riot of April 19, 1861; the mission of Colonel Francis J. Thomas, Adjutant General of Volunteer Forces, to Virginia to obtain supplies from the Virginia authorities for the defense of Baltimore; the control of volunteer forces for the preservation of order in Baltimore, under the command of Colonel Trimble. List of organized bodies. 39 items, 1861-1865. TRIMBLE PAPERS, MS.1449.1 Letters on military affairs to Colonel (later General) Isaac Ridgeway Trimble, from General Jackson (5 items), General Robert E. Lee (4 items), General Cooper ( 1 item), and the ladies of Baltimore ( 1 item) - Two letters from Jackson to General Cooper. 13 items, 1862-1863. TRIMBLE, RACHEL RIDGEWAY STARR, PAPERS, MS. 1762 Letters from Rachel Ridgeway Starr Trimble (1841-1930) and Isaac Ridgeway Trimble (1802-88) to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Trimble and John Trimble: family news, weather, and social events. Pedley, 1559-60 12 items, 1800, 1830, 1886-87 TRINITY PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH ACCOUNTS, MS.1601 Account book of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, Baltimore. 1 vol., 1860-1873. TRINITY PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH REGISTER, MS.850 Register of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, Baltimore, showing baptisms, marriages, deaths, names of proprietors of land in the burial ground, communicants of the church, pew holders, and miscellaneous notes. 1 vol., 1815-1836. TRIPP RECEIPT BOOK, MS.849 Receipt book of John Tripp of Wilmington, Delaware, for payments on a variety of items, including milk, limes, rum, clothing, taxes, blacksmithing. 1 vol., 1771-1783. TRIPPE, ANDREW NOEL, PAPERS, MS. 2252 Correspondence of Andrew Noel Trippe about the state of his finances and the status of his will; copies of his will and trust agreements between Andrew Noel Trippe and the Equitable Trust Company of Baltimore; journals (presumably kept by Trippe) of sailing vacations on the Atlantic coast and the Carribbean; an account book of Andrew Noel Trippe, 197 1 76; a scrapbook owned by Caroline A. McConky, 1852. 35 items, 1852, 1900-50, 1970-76 TRIPPE PAPERS, MS.851 Large group of letters received by James McConky Trippe (1874-1936), Speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates, 1912-1914, on local option bills (liquor, anti-saloon league), 1912; letters received on a wide variety of bills and measures, 1913-1914. 1 portfolio box, 1912-1914. TROOP FAMILY PAPERS, MS. 2060 Papers, mostly correspondence, about the marriage of Scottish sea captain Andrew Troop to Elizabeth McKerlie (I 797-1874), his death, his estate, his business, the Troop family of Scotland, their farm near Baltimore, education of his children, and other family news. 49 items, 1815-91 TUESDAY CLUB RECORDS, MS.854 Records of meetings of the Tuesday Club, a literary and social club founded at Annapolis, 1725. This volume dates from 1745-1755, and was compiled by Dr. Alexander Hamilton (1712-1756), Secretary of the club. Some papers of a later date, apparently unconnected with the Tuesday Club, are bound in the volume. Also included is James Carrolrs letter presenting the Tuesday Club material to the Baltimore Library Company, 1824. This volume is Hamilton's fair copy made from notes taken at meetings. 1 vol., 1745-1755, 1824. TULIP HILL DIARY, MS. 1871 Unidentified person living at "Tulip Hill," West River, Anne Arundel County: notes of readings on poetry, history, philosophy, religion, astronomy, and mathematics; writings labeled "West River, Occasional Thought, Observations and Reflections" about love, happiness, courtship, etiquette, and word usage. Photocopies only; permission for publication must be obtained from owner. 1 vol., 1781-1801 TURNBULL COLLECTION, MS.1101 Papers of Frances Litchfield Turnbull, poetess and authoress, founder of the Womaes Literary Club of Baltimore. Include sketch of her, study of William Watson by her, MS. poems, school compositions, and miscellaneous items. Material relating to her husband, Lawrence Turnbull. Items on the Percy Turnbull Lectures at The Johns Hopkins University established by Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull. Papers of Eleanor Turnbull (1875-1964), including translations of poems and correspondence with Professor Salinas. Scrapbook with letters from Sidney Lanier, William Cullen Bryant, Robert Browning, William Dean Howells, James Whitcomb Riley, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Christopher Morley, Alfred Noyes, Gabriela Mistral, and Archibald MacLeish. Also included in the collection are letters from Albert Einstein, Woodrow Wilson, and Robert Frost. 9 boxes, 1840-1947. TURNBULL FAMILY PAPERS, MS. 1719 Autograph collection of European and American political and literary figures, 1820-90, organized by Marion B. Turnbull; family letters with reference to Maryland politics and the Civil War, 1861-1920; genealogical data on the Turnbull family; sonnet by Lizette W. Reese; references to Grace H. Turnbull. 1 box,1820-1942 TURNBULL, FRANK, PAPERS, MS. 2058 Letter from the Rev. Edgar A. Hamilton to Congressman Mahlon Pitney (1858-1924) and from Pitney to Frank Turnbull concerning public opinion on the impending Spanish-American War; letters from Richard G. Davenport to Turnbull about Turnbull's reporting to the United States Navy Yard in New York; letters from A. C. Oliphant about a football game in Annapolis and from Pitney asking for support in his bid for election to the state senate of New Jersey; grade reports of Archibald D. Turnbull while at the United States Naval Academy, 1902-3; business letters of Frank Turnbull while a real estate dealer in Morristown, New Jersey. 8 items, 1897-1903 TURNBULL, GRACE H., PAPERS, MS. 1797 Baltimore sculptor and author (1881-1977): manuscript entitled "A Searcher Overseas" with letters and diary passages when she was a Red Cross volunteer in Europe, 1918-19, discussing crossing the Atlantic Ocean, ship life, European customs, hospitals, and her opinions on the war; a typescript copy of one of her anti-war speeches, 1935; a copy of her short story "Why" about alcoholism and miscellaneous other stories and poems. Parts of "A Searcher Overseas" were published in her autobiography, Chips from My Chisel (Rindge, New Hampshire: Richard R. Smith, Inc., 1953). 1 box, 1914-61 TURNBULL, GRACE H., PAPERS, MS. 2017 Sculptor, writer, and philosopher (1880-1977): autobiographical sketch; notes used in lectures and exhibitions of her art work; catalogue of an exhibition of her work at Baltimore junior College, 1966; newspaper clippings of her editorials and about her career; correspondence concerning her election as an honorary member of Phi Beta Kappa; newspaper clippings and correspondence concerning her publications of Tongues of Fire: A Bible of Sacred Scriptures of the Pagan World (New York: MacMillan Co., 1929), The Essence of Plotinus (1934), and Chips from My Chisel.- An Autobiography (Rindge, N.H.: R. R. Smith, 1953). 85 items, 1907-73 TURNBULL, GRACE H., PAPERS, MS. 2017.1 Scrapbook of newspaper clippings and letters related to author and sculptor Turnbull's books (1880-1977), The Essence of Plotinus and Tongues of Fire, and newspaper clippings concerning her exhibitions and Maryland history; manuscript of poems translated by Eleanor L. Turnbull, the introduction by James D. Breckenridge to her Paintings and Sculptures (Brussels: Malvaux, 1959) and her short story, "Why?"; miscellaneous newspaper clippings about Turnbull; letters to her from Edith Hamilton, Andrew Turnbull, Thomas I. Cook, Tylden W. Streett, and the National Women's Christian Temperance Union. 80 items, 1877-1973 TURNBULL, GRACE H., PAPERS, MS. 2017.2 Letters from Albert Einstein, Helen Keller, Christopher Morley, Rheinhold Niebuhr, King George V of Great Britain, and Richard Byrd to Grace H. Turnbull (1880-1977) about her literary and art work and humanitarian efforts; manuscript of a book by Turnbull, "The Uncovered Well," 1955; poems of Lizette W. Reese and newspaper clippings about her career; translations of poetry by Eleanor L. Turnbull. 1 box,1891-1971 TURNBULL PAPERS, MS. 2077 Land grants to William Turnbull, 1789 and 1842; papers concerning a legal case involving William Turnbull (ca. 1800-57) and Robert Y. Brent, 1845; life insurance policy of William Turnbull with the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1848; deed for plot in Oak Hill Cemetery in Georgetown, 1858; undated description and map of coal-bearing land in Virginia being offered for sale by Frank Turnbull. 13 items, 1789-1858 TURNER, LEWIS McKENZIE, COLLECTION, MS.853 Printed leaflets, flyers, broadsides, and other items printed by Lewis McKenzie Turner (1863-1938) at the Salt House Press in Baltimore (i existence from 1920-c. 1933). Some sheets of proofs with MS. corrections by Turner. c. 50 items, 1926-1933. TURNER PAPERS, MS.852 Collection made by Lewis McKenzie Turner (1863-1938) of Baltimore land records (leases, deeds, mortgages, receipts for ground rents, drafts of agreements). c. 200 items, 1807-1852. TURRIER, JOSEPH, PAPERS, MS. 1747 Two volumes possibly of Joseph Turrier: hauling of coal, 1804-5; hauling of lime and stone, 1813-14. 2 vols., 1804-05, 1813-14 TYLER, ADELINE, PAPERS, MS.1450 Collection of papers relating to Adeline Blanchard Tyler (1805-1875), especially concerning her care for victims of the riot of April 19, 1861, in Baltimore. Resolution to her by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; account of the riot by A. Fulton; material on her hospital work in Baltimore, Chester, and Annapolis, 1861-january, 1864; correspondence of Mrs. Tyler concerning her hospital work; proceedings of the Massachusetts Legislature on Maryland's indemnity for the occurrences of April 19, 1861 (Boston, 1862); miscellaneous clippings and accounts of Adeline Tyler's nursing activities in Maryland and Pennsylvania. 43 items, 1861-1864. TYSON & COMPANY LEDGER, MS.865 Accounts of Tyson & Company, Baltimore merchant house, dealing chiefly in flour. Also show cargoes of coffee and plaster, and "adventures" of the schooner Leander. 1 vol., 1818-1823. TYSON FAMILY PAPERS, MS. 2107 School correspondence of Isaac Tyson, Jr. (I 792-186 1), founder of the chrome industry in the United States, to his mother Margaret Tyson and father Jesse Tyson; later letters to Isaac Tyson, Jr. and his wife Hannah A. Wood Tyson with many from friends and relatives in Philadelphia on the activities of members of the Society of Friends (of which Isaac Tyson and his family 'Were members); letters, 1830-40, from Isaac's son R. W. Tyson written at Haverford School and school letters from sons James (18281900) and Jesse (1826-1906); letters, 1850-60, from relatives and friends to James Tyson including several letters discussing the sport of boxing in Sykesville, Maryland; correspondence between various members of the Tyson family on the various attitudes of a group of members of the Society of Friends toward the Civil War; letters, especially those dated 1862, detail the development of the chrome industry and the possibilities of foreign competition for the sale of ore and bichrome; reports of Jesse Tyson of a business trip to London, Glasgow, and Frankfort about the condition of the chrome industry in Europe and also frequent speculations upon the attitude of England and France toward the United States. Pedley, 1573 2 boxes, 1775-1889 JESSE TYSON AND SONS RECORDS, MS. 2371 Baltimore flour firm dealing with South America, the West Indies, Africa, England, Mexico, Philadelphia, New York, Charleston, Alexandria, and Norfolk: incoming letters to Jesse (1761-1821) and Thomas (1791-1857) Tyson, 1816-26, abo'ut prices of goods, market conditions, and voyages; records of the vessels used by the firm, 1823-26, including bills of lading, cargo lists, portage lists, some correspondence; business records, 1818-26, with bills, receipts, vouchers, cancelled checks, notices paid, barrel receipts, duty bonds, orders. Pedley, 1570 14 boxes, 1800-26 TYSON, MARY, LETTERBOOKS, MS.1597 Letterbook of Mary Randall Tyson of Baltimore County, mainly containing correspondence on the estate of Nathan Tyson. Includes inventories of the estates of Nathan Tyson and Charles J. Tyson (d. 1819, aged 10). Book of land indentures by Mary Tyson as guardian for Ellen Tyson, 1822-1827. 2 vols., 1821-1827. TYSON PAPERS, MS.981 Letterbooks: of Matthew Smith, 1803-1862. Account book and journals, exercise book, and diary of A. Morris Tyson, 1888. Memorandum on a trip from Baltimore to the 'Vestern Country' 1819. Diary of a tour of Europe by Elisha Tyson, 1817-1818, with advice on the tour by Evan Thomas, Jr. Diary of Catherine W. Smith, 1869-1870. Scrapbooks and genealogical data of A. Morris Tyson. Notes on the Baltimore fire of 1904. Business and personal papers of Matthew Smith and members of the Smith and Tyson families. 28 vols. and c. 50 items, 1803-1950. TYSON RECORD BOOK, MS.863 Deeds, indentures, agreements, and contracts concerning the copper and chrome mining operations of Isaac Tyson, Jr. (1792-1861), owner of the Tyson Mining Company, Baltimore. Mainly relate to tracts of ore near Baltimore. 1 vol., 1826-1849. ULMAN, JOSEPH NATHAN, PAPERS, MS. 1914 Judge on the Baltimore Supreme Bench and active leader in various reform causes: school composition book, 1887; themes, papers, and a scrapbook from student days at Johns Hopkins University in the late nineteenth century; scrapbooks relating to his appointment to the Baltimore Supreme Bench; forty-two volumes of records of cases tried before him, 1924-43; papers showing his reform interests including a typescript copy of and correspondence related to his book, A Judge Takes the Stand (New York: A. A. Knopf, 1933); speeches; copies of his printed articles and reviews; four volumes on his involvement with the Prison Industries Reorganization Administration; scrapbooks of obituaries and letters of condolence to his widow and related material. A fuller description is in Nancy G. Boles, "The Joseph Nathan Ulman Collection," Maryland Historical Magazine 67 (Fall 1972): 307-09. 28 boxes, 1887-1960s UNION CLUB RECORD BOOKS, MS.855 Records of The Union Club of Baltimore, founded in 1863 to perpetuate Union ideals in the city. Vol. 1, 1863, has signatures of club members including fohns Hopkins and Enoch Pratt; constitution of the club. Vol. 2, 1863-1872, minutes. Vol. 3, 1863-1871, register of nominations. Vol. 4, 1863- 1872, register of invitations. Vol. 5, 1863-1872, register of visitors. 5 vols., 1863-1872. UNION FIRE COMPANY RECORD BOOKS, MS.856 Proceedings of a fire company organized by the residents of Howard's Hill, Baltimore. Vol. 1 describes the organization of the company, its members, their duties and laws, and has minutes for 1782-1806. Vol. 2, records of expenses, debts, and contributions to the company, 1796-1842. Vol. 3, minutes, 1824-1842, with items on new apparatus, a ball, and membership. Includes meetings of March, 1842, concerned with the Fire Riots. Vol. 4, minutes, 1843-1865. 4 vols., 1782-1865. UNION LITERARY ASSOCIATION MINUTES, MS.868 Volume with details of papers read and other transactions of the Union Literary Association, Oakland, Harford County. 1 vol., 1858-1861. UNION ORPHAN ASYLUM ACCOUNT BOOK, MS.857 Records of Emily Albert, Treasurer of the Union Orphan Asylum, showing receipts and expenditures, 1865-1882, on behalf of this Baltimore institution. Include material on various benefit performances. 1 vol., 1865-1882. UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY PAPERS, MS.858 World War I military and naval records of lineal descendants of Confederate veterans, compiled by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Maryland Division. 1 vol., c. 1920. UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY SCRAPBOOKS, MS.805 Scrapbooks compiled by the Maryland Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy, during the Presidency of Miss Sally Washington Maupin. Contain original letters, poems, essays of the Civil War period. Bulk of material consists of clippings, pictures, and magazine articles about the Civil War and the Confederacy, collected after 1900. 18 vols., c. 1860-1940. UNITED STATES ARMY ORDER BOOK, MS.859 Volume with MS. copies of letters and general orders issued from army headquarters in various parts of the United States. Cover regulations for numerous activities of troops, transfers and promotions of officers, proceedings of courts martial. 1 vol., 1797-1813. UNITED STATES CONGRESS RECORDS, MS.864 Typed copies of records of the United States Congress. Acts, 1789, including those to establish the departments of State and of War. Report of the Attorney General, 1790, and of the Secretary of State, 1791. Two speeches by George Washington to both Houses, 1794. Bills and Resolutions of the House and Senate, 1786-1826. 18 items, 1786-1826. UNITED STATES FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ACCOUNT BOOKS, MS.869 Minutes, January-October, 1870. Premiums and risks taken, 1870. Account book, 1867-1869; record of dividends, 1867; record of stockholders and dividends paid to them. Account book showing transactions, oil purchased, lumber, and other commodities. Account book of money on hand. 4 vols., 1867-1870. UNITED STATES FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY RECORDS, MS. 1798 Three volumes listing insurance policies made by this Baltimore company. Pedley, 1582 1 box, 1868-69 UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION DATA, MS.862 Two typescript volumes of wholesale and retail fair food prices, compiled 1918. Policies and plans of operation in regard to wheat, flour, and bread, December, 1917. Accounting instruction booklet, 1917. Mimeographed data books on conservation, publicity, rulings, and miscellaneous subjects. Relate to World War I shortages, etc. 4 boxes, 1917-1919. UNITED STATES LINES EMPLOYEES' CARDS, MS.834 File cards on employees from Maryland who worked for the United States Lines shipping company (name changed to International Mercantile Marine Company, 1943). 1 box, c. 1935-c. 1949. VAN BIBBER, IV, GEORGE L., PAPERS, MS. 2409 Diary of Van Bibber (1906-79), Harford County draftsman, architect, and local historian. Diary, 1926-79, on everyday life, meals, weather, conversations, parties, clothes, financial transactions, movies, book, radio and television programs, world affairs, travels, and writings. Also includes three volumes of poetry written by Van Bibber, a monograph on Bel Air in Harford County, and a treatise on the spelling, grammar, and pronunciation of English. Register available; restricted until April 1999. 63 vols. and 5 boxes, 1926-79 VAN BIBBER, HENRY P., PAPERS, MS. 1666 Letter, 1793, to Andrew Van Bibber concerning land purchase in Georgia; letters, 1820-23, to Henry P. Van Bibber from William B. Taylor about the disposition of land near Milledegville, Georgia; letter, 1820, to Mrs. Sarah E. Van Bibber about the administration of the estate of Abraham Van Bibber in Washington, D.C.; a printed circular, 1828, directed to Isaac Van Bibber announcing the merger of the Bank of Columbia with the Bank of the United States; miscellaneous letters, 1832 and 1834, regarding land in Washington, D.C. Pedley, 1585 14 items, 1793, 1820-25 VAN BIBBER JOURNAL, MS.515 Diary of Isaac Van Bibber (1810-1847), 1844, on a journey through Maryland to collect money for the building of Ascension Church, Westminster (where the Van Bibbers of Avondale, Carroll County, are buried). Towns visited include Sykesville, Ellicotes Mills, Elkridge Landing, Annapolis, South River, Upper Marlborough, and Washington, D. C. Families mentioned (mainly clergy, landowners) include Garrett, Hewitt, Brune, Dunbar, Sykes, Warfield, Dorsey, Worthington, Harwood, Randall, Brice, Chase, Magruder, Gill, Cheston, Maynadier, McKubbins, Claggett, Chew, Hodges, Morsell, and Patterson. Pencil sketch of the Brice House, Annapolis, on the first page of the volume. 1 vol., 1844. VAN BOKKELEN PAPERS, MS.1451 Draft of a letter from Libertius Van Bokkelen, November 20, 1855, to the Governor of Maryland, concerning military drills in the schools of Muyland. Address by Van Bokkelen before the Maryland Historical society on the public schools of Maryland, 1671-1775. Memoranda by Van Bokkelen on the Civil War. A poem compiled by "Wm. T. H.," student at St. Timothy's College, 1849, entitled, The Different Sounds of Baltimore. 5 items, 1849-1865. VANNEMAN, J. P., RECEIPT BOOK, MS.1070 Receipts of J. P. Vanneman, mainly for purchases of lumber made at Port Deposit, Maryland. No details of Vanneman are known. 1 vol., 1850-1855. VANSANT, RICHARD, ACCOUNT BOOK, MS.1054 Farm accounts of Richard Vansant for wheat, corn, tobacco, and other crops, wages paid to laborers for harvesting, and for personal purchases such as clothing. Accounts of Jonathan W. Vansant. Copy (MS.) of deed to land in Baltimore sold to Jonathan Vansant by Sarah E. Clary, 1896. 1 vol., 1854-1875,1896. VATTEMARE PAPERS, MS.1452 Letters to Alexandre Vattemare (1796-1864) from Brantz Mayer, John H. B. Latrobe, W. B. Wyatt, Robert Gilmor, Robert Cary Long, and others on the "System of International Exchange7 proposed by Vattemare in 1840. Several letters dealing with the exchange of gifts between the city of Paris and the Maryland Historical Society. Letter sent from John Bigelow to John H. B. Latrobe, October 15, 1890, forwarding this correspondence. Letter, November 17, 1846, records the building of the Baltimore Athenaeum. Note, September 25, 1847, lists gift of art to the Maryland Historical Society by Alexandre Vattemare. 35 items, 1840-1854. VEAZEY, GEORGE ROSS, PAPERS, MS. 2187 Chairman of the Library Committee of the Maryland Historical Society concerned with a pension plan for society employees: insurance policies, 1951-56; retirement and pension plans, 1957-60; financial records including budgets, dues, endowments, and expenses, 1955-60; council meeting minutes and notes, 1955-60; annual reports, 1900, 1943, 1947, and 195556; library committee reports, 1955-59; correspondence, 1952-60. 1 box,1900,1943,1947,1951-60 VETCH, ALEXANDER, PAPERS, MS. 1748 Letters of Alexander Vetch of Scotland to his son John Vetch of Bladensburg, Maryland: family news, requests to his son for financial assistance, his son's return, and news of his activities. Transcripts only; permission for publication must be obtained from owner of originals. 9 items, 1763-74 VETERAN VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF BALTIMORE RECORDS, MS. 1909.1 Letters of thanks, invitations, and requests to the Veteran Volunteer Firemen's Association of Baltimore from the Independent Engine House of Portsmouth, Maryland State Firemen's Association, Charlestown Volunteer Firemen's Association, Vigilant Steam and Chemical Fire Engine Company, Laurel Steam Fire Engine Company, and Veteran Volunteer Firemen's Association of California. 15 items, 1886-1914 VIRDIN PAPERS, MS.866 Virdin family papers include land records relating to Lapidum and surrounding tracts in Harford County. Material on Chiriqui Real Estate Company, Central America, including eighty stock certificates, 1856-1858. Papers relating to the Philadelphia, Wihnington & Baltimore Railroad, 1850s, and Chesapeake Bay shipping, 1890s. Letters from P. L. Hooper to Mrs. Kate E. L. Virdin on lots in Havre de Grace, 1899-1909. Correspondence of John E. Virdin, 1926-1931. Correspondence between Mary D. V. Steinback, John S. Young, and Philip H. Close concerning land near Havre de Grace, 19331938. "Harvest Book' 1839, and memorandum book with farm inventory and slave record, n. d. 1 box, 1838-1938. VIRGINIAN AND HIS BALTIMORE DIARY (A), MS-1584 Typescript copy of a diary of John Montgomery Gordon (1810-1884), entitled A Virginian and his Baltimore Diary. Mainly relates to his residence in Baltimore, with observations on his life and contemporary events. 1 vol., 1835-18 [84 ? ]. VOCKE, CLAAS, PAPERS, MS.1453 Miscellaneous papers relating to Claas Vocke (b. 1815). Include birth certificate, passports from Germany to the United States, 1836. Citizenship papers, and appointments (1856, 1888) as Consul of the Netherlands for Maryland. 12 items, 1815-1888. VOGELER LEDGER, MS.840 Ledger of A. Vogeler, 1856-1858. (Details of Vogeler and location of his business are unknown.) Entries mainly relate to cash and unspecified mer- chandise, but occasional references are made to bicarbonate of soda, quinine, cod liver oil, sponges, cold remedies. Purchasers were located over a very wide area, including Richmond, Virginia, Louisville, Kentucky, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Chicago, Illinois. Many Maryland names also appear. 1 vol., 1856-1858. VOLCK COLLECTION, MS.867 Collection of Civil War etchings, 1860-1864, by Dr. Adalbert J. VoIck (1828-1912). Cartoons by Volck. Several sketch books of the American west, landscapes, caricatures of westerners. Scrapbook of clippings on exhibitions of the work of VoIck. Correspondence of Mrs. Frank H. Falkenburg, Dr. Volcles daughter, with Baltimore museums and others, concerning exhibitions. Correspondence of Dr. Anderson, VoIck collector. Four letters by VoIck, with sketches along the margins. Original General Jackson sketch. Explanation by VoIck of one of his cartoons. Several collections of Confederate war etchings, second and third state, by Volck. 1 box, c. 1860-1944. VORDEMBERGE, HERMAN H., PAPERS, MS. 2094 Deeds for land in Baltimore owned by Vordemberge and his family, 1829-89; Vordemberge's citizenship papers; two birth certificates (in German) of family members. 26 items, 1829-89 VOSHELL, JONATHAN K., PAPERS, MS.941 Papers of Jonathan Kersey Voshell (1866-1935), include letters concerning the State Roads Commission, 1929, report of the investigating committee (of which Voshell was a member), and newspaper clippings regarding the scandal. Material on various aspects of Maryland roads. Scrapbook of material on the 1929 general hospital campaign (Voshell was campaign chairman), newspaper clippings. Minute book of the Baltimore Steamship Company, 1919-1927, with rules and record of meetings of the Board of Directors. (Voshell was a member of the Board and Treasurer, 1926.) c. 100 items, 1919-1929. VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES OF MARYLAND, MS.1554 Printed copy of the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Delegates of Maryland, November Session, 1790. This copy apparently was owned by Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and is signed by him. Attached to the booklet is A List of the free Male Persons from Eighteen Years Old and Upward$ In Huntington hundred 1778 (MS., author unidentified). 1 vol., 1778-1790.