Si L P Fiiher StoFrinciti a ooooooooooooooooog - 0 THE NEWS THE GRANT "Qoos into almost every 5 Home in Grant" County, .and is read by all, both$ 6 old and young. OOOOCXKKKKXKKKKKKSJ D. U. -- I PROFESSIONAL A Georgia CARDS. farmer prevents BY Canyon City, farOiT.ce sud AS BURY Oreff'-n- Professional call made dav or ORR, ON MONEY. CHAPTER Secret The firstfe money noticed in a a. K(.u 4SW1J .511 ; : . e, ti!lit. 31. D.. Number IS. Societies. A Broken Neck. JURIES. - ! I . nnhDAllinni JB v, y" I V 1 1 I I 1 JZl? lZfa twouls I k. Merita 1 I . ; x .... Canyon City, Ogn. .S3 00 ,.l Mouths...... 50 .. Three Months - S- . i iu the Dr. Horaltv upder end or Jlaln strrru COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Subscription medium through whicbjto greach the people of East--jer- n Oregon. J? The Cronin murder and the The miscarriage of justice in 8. F. CalL r r n n It is evident that we shall the acquittal of Dr. McDbw, ftil8 . i.inL-.Wlwis "ur.i .. . . .......vw fl .foncfi .' I ' mt f ha I nn """"'l provoKeu who killed Mr. Dawson, the edy have to review our anatomical in the sea :.o, oc oc it ... , wasfcus round seem i,,, . . ,r, considerable talk about secret so itor of the o Charleston, S. C, pa- - maxims. It has been an axiom is. , IndhuoirA. Atlantic .feaboanl j per. bee .e, ted on ad ever sinee the dayf of Aristotlo o of shells; one The Xrgemine republic . is used r.l, by .he pre of the couu- - that when a man's neck was . ' O broken he must die forthwith. ifrowmer raniuiv in nonuianon wnue anu wie orner dirck Secret try and no doubt tne veruict there waa ?fmes Il,tU of and wealth, bhe bids fair to i wime was iJiaue trom a peri win- - sopintios MnnriRli in thia nmmir-was a travesty upon law and Fol6om street, whose neck was soon be an important rival to kle; ttie.oiftck was cut from the The laws rather encourage them property. But we do not be- the Ifniied States in the wheat dark paikotlthe clam shell, and and up to a certain point their lieve the south is more blama moat thoroughly broken over a In 1882 was of douWe the value of the existence is beneficial. The thou. ble in this regard than the month ago, and who lived and trade with Europe. she exported 1702 tons of wheat white, asfitltook more labor to ands of societies organized for be- north, or South Carolina more was con scions until yesterday. and .&3 tons of Hour; in 1887 prehre iftrings'of thesfrshellsJ ?eYoJellt ?r social purposes, or censurable than Orego.n. Juries Roth the third aud fourth cerslie "exported r237j")65 of wheat groups of strings and belts con-an- d iui liiv ai;juiiipiiMiiiiuii ui Oilier have arrived at strange conclu vical vertebrae vreru shattered worthy objects have proved a aud quite a number of pieces of Land stituted the Eastern Indians' benefit, 5401 tons of flour. and few people will say sions in mary cases, and fre the broken bone taken away; all i is wry fertile ami cheap in this circulating medium, with the that their existence carries with q.iently the guilty have escaped the nerves rnnniug from tlie republic. , r.ddition of dried codfish along it any danger to the public. Rut and the innocent been punished. the Xorthern coast, there are secret societies that arc I his has become often the case vertebrae were destroyed; them An exchange ays the horse The first money known in dangerous in the extreme. Or- and so well understood that one was total paralysis of tlie musthieves have got up a new this part of the State was the ganizations having objects con having right on his side do not cles below the neck, yet the I T j! scheme in some sections of the . or even wish a jury trial; but when he heart beat, the brain continued otf tlie Jndianf;. irary 10 ine laws tlie of our constitution are has not a shadow of right or to act, the lungs performed, country. It is to get an old This consisted of a lone; slender plug of a horse and1 put it in a white shell, a sort of a periwin- - a!". :l Perpetual menace to thesta- - justice in his demands will de- tiieir function, and the man ' om ,or"'. 01 Sornnient, sire a jury of his peers. barn from which a fine horse is klc, the shall of the nrau-- l oyster "'" The saw. heard, talked and reasoned " as if had undergone no injury. taken and then fire the barn. an.l the scalp of , " wi jill uii nit "1 i E ,.i..t mi .. origin of trial by jury was !tiiu The farmer finds the charred woodpeckers. A belt of warn- - ,i:n:..i ,.r ,i.Sf. : with human freedom, The doctors when they fonud his neck was broken said ho carcass of wliot he supposes to ptim was six feet long and confin. socieiy iornieu ior a vi- and there was greater security could not be his horse and believe? some tained 300 shells. lie man? hours. cious purpose may give out the for Saxon, Dane or Norman, In the early settlement of world a constitution and an ob- under the English system of There are more things in the personal enemy has done him an Massachusetts, a white belt of ject with which no one can find being tried by their peeis than tody and soul of a human crf.iN injury through revenge. wampum passed current for five' fault, and yet within the sccrecv in continental countries where ure than are known to their shillings, and a black one ten of its members may plot theft, other methods prevailed. This philosophy. It is more 'trial uy peers was never in It used to be an axiom that Three black shells murder or treason. shillings. euspcctoil than that Anarchist when a pistol bullet entered the wrc worth one penny. Warn - -force in American jurisprudence, brain .. vvvw"" I anl lodged there deal it In .It Alio in.! l.l... lMltll names and with apparently because the necessity never ex- ensued. Rut there wa a lawtender in Massachusetts. When the" bitter race harmless objects, but so long as isted. In 1641. corn was made a le- - the Dowers of the noliee nflifirR prejudice spread over Great yer in St. Louis who lived; ami tender in the Plymouth col-- j are limited in regard to secret so- - Britain consequent upon Danish carried on business for ten years 1 lie tax gatherers tor ajcieties these orL'amzationH may and ony. Norman conquests, this with a bullet in his brail!. long time in New England continue to exist, to grow and to principal in jury trials was a When he died an autopsy rewere anthorixed to receive corn, disseminate their vile doctrines. safeguard which could not be vealed the bulletfccomfortly enWhen cattle, furs and lumber, but The law tmu-- t wait for some overt overcome, and protected the dif- closed in a cyst. cut into the brain to suspected for the ferent races in the enjoyment of 'lank" cattle were rvfused. sl(' on t,u' lho,r and abscess aclions an lit killed his ,Vf PP" certain rights. This idea that open Wheat was at one time a le.l tet' Nowadays anZ altemP f Soxons would give saxons near- man on the spot. l"S tender in ( ).egon ai.d taken for to motives, their it r ?,. doctors think nothing of cutting iu-,- . nw'ihtnii to vl,. at. u Uinit!;ilt ,iroultfII1 l0 Holve er exact justice and Normans tne ciieulating medium of Ore-- an,i I)roinises to lax the brains of Normans was the leading virtue shavings off the living brain A of jury trials, and when race and patients rajrely die. gon wa -- store orders." There! the wisest. Albany Democrat. surgeon modern remove will were orders on the tfludson Pay prejudice died out, and the bet CJovernmc-iClerk (to friend) erogeneous people by the lapse part of the liver or kidney or store at Vancouver, or on Gen. I of centuries and intermingling other internal organ and if blood Abernath's store in Oregon ' T Jlul in tt frightful hole. City. After the discovery of WC'U to fee Uvo d?.ctoIrs yesterday of blood became homogeneous, poisoning does not get in the a lleaIcnl eeruncaie it ceased He will ;i..o ..LI f'..i:f.: to be imuntp rictus.. In patient may recover. a certihventral tie cnt oil artery or the fifty dollar slugs and beaver-tai- l cate of health for a life insurance America this virtue of trial by a few inches of the intestine, five dollar gold pieces were used company, and the other was a one's peers never attained any Thi.t powder ncer varies A n.arrel of pariextensively ty, Jlrcngth and tbolaotniify. More in Orenon. l prominence, for the colonies sew the ends together and send to send to certificate of illness and cannot be than the ordinary In 173o. Congress adopted the chief with my petition for a founded by the puritans and the his man og rejoicing. He will cold iu with tbe ltttlltlturie vi low weigtit, text. bott alum or pliopliate powders. Pilgrims were very democratic cut out six tnche3 of the bone Sold (nilv iu entiH. Itojal Hal. in 2 Powder Co., the silver dollar as the unit of weeks leave of absence HW Wall St., N. V. d Friend I've done that myself, in their tendencies. There may of an arm or leg and the money, and in 1702 Congress limb will still be of servby law declared that the silver What's the matter? be other good things connected ice. In fact there, is no organ, G. C Matter? Great Scott! with juries in the trials of dollar should contain 37 grains of pure oilver, and a gold dollar ? ,nlC(I the certificates in.mail-2- 4 cause: but for some time we apparently, except the heart, ,ne insurance com-',f- Umhave believed the attending which cannot be cut with impugrains of pure gld. The has mv certificate of ill nity; and by aud by sonic enquality of gold in a dollar icilith, and 'the chief has mv evils were greater than the benWholesale efits, and that humau freedom terprising surgeon may find out changed in ISSi so that a golil oertificato of good health. DEALER in piece, or cairle. con- - tim i,..w.nn and intelligence would take a how to deal with that organ too. tained 232.2-1stride forward if juries were grains, and a ftTJ A fipfj ?fl The Navy department has deis soberly a related that It 28.22-10dollar U AUUIjIIIuP completely abolished in our cided that to change nil tlie flags grains. This Tm nTTTflfnfl is the quantity of gold now in a youthful married couple whose courts of law. It is not neces- now in use on war ships for has recently been glorified sary to pick onl the acquital of r. S. dollar. The ratio of val- house forty-tw- o stars tho addition of a factiniile of Dr. jMcDow as particularly flags bearing ue is one ounce of gold is worth by Flour anfl Feefl. of those having thirty-eigh- t the beautiful little mother de- proiuinet in the llagrant manlo.OSS ounces of silver. be too expensive. woul cided to have the christening ner in which a brutal murderer NEAR THE DEPOT, Sj the bunting will only be A venerable went unwhipped The number of qualified voters service at home. CLTY, Or. of justice. changed as it wears out. The in the city of New York now ex- minister was called to officiate, There have been in Oregon lie took the babe in his arms many cases in which as guilty appearance of the new flag is ceeds thre'e hundred thousand. (Joods found to not not noticeably different from nitiv be returned. South Carolina contains 200,-00- 0 very aflectionately and address- men have been given a license the old. The law about the flag ed a few words of advice to the to prey upon commuities. The more negros than whites. It simply young parents. "Sec that you South Carolina jury consisted of is vei3 indefinite. Consumption Surely Cured. train up this child in the way seven white and five colored provides that it shall consist of thirteen alternate stripes of red To the Editor Please inform that he should go: that von sur was verdict and the about men, and white, vithi white star for your readers that I have a positive round him with the best y the same as might have been every state on a blue field, fou a , ., . ,. for the above named di-- mnna ,nn n. expected from any other. It union. ' sease. liv il.q t mt v use thous-- . uo so, you It good example. differhave makes little been cases apparently ands of boneless permanently cured. I shall b who knows but he way become ence whether a jury is white or tat The New York Grant monuglad to send two bottles of my a John "Wesley or a George black, composed of South Caro- ment fund now amounts to $180,-00remedy free to any of your read- Whitefield? "What is his name? ' linians or New Englahe Yanra ers who have consumption it they u2sellie, sir replied the moth- - kees, the verdict is as incomwill send mo their express and er. prehensible in one case as the postofficeaddro ss. Respectful! v. T. A. SLOUUM. M. C, 181 Pearl The 18U0 census is expected to other, and right and justice have St., New York. show a population of G5,000,OJO. as fair standing in one portion An ordinary swell ball for 500 of the country as in an o'her. enforced in evVSAL & SON. persons in New York costs $4,-- , L tws wouldofbe the J. L, country with iUO. ery part : r WATCHMAKERS ninie exactness, and criminals and JEWELERS.', FOR CHICKEN CHOLERA. Would meet more frequently Oregon. Baker City, their just deserts if juries were P 419 Huron St, unknown. Lawyers would be Bheboycan, f reed to pevote more time to a Dealers in- Wit., Nov. 12. t lorouh knowledge of the sciES, WAT OCKS, I have used ence of jurisprudence and less J WEIRY, MLVERWARS' St. Jacobs Oil for the arts of duplicity and deV OL US and CU TARS. chicken cholera to In fact, without juries with great suc- ception. Money to on Collateral. cess. Every fowl t ie world would be much better aflccted with posite Cnion Meat Market, the disease wa a :d humau life and property Ti "gnes and ras-cl- s Main S'rett. cured by It and more secure. t recommend Itui sure cure. It lint snved would find it harder to ply II. A. KUENNE, fcemanx dollan. RIOAN HOTEL o 0.0 s their vocations and honest men 2 H Breeder of Fine Fowls. 2 easier. Dalles and workots The Chief Kraaon for the grct Sucli Physiciau & Surgeon. A j his cows from jumping fences by cutting oft their lower eye- - C. W. IIARRER. QR. Editor and Propriotor. Si r CANYON CITY, GRANT COUNTS OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 2o, 1889. THURSDAY MORNING, L. 11 JJ tT - Grant Co. News. - 11 0 Volume XL. PUBLISHED H Ofliee on Main Street in Rooms formerly pied b) Dr. Howard. 75 occu- - TRAfWENT ADVERTISEMENTS r ' iqttrfr!Crft,- - X ahd taDaequttu in i cm on fl'pcr aquar 82. U) per tor each J I Plio4oraplie KfUr idVertnlnr rates made known On ap plication. No certificate nUtn noli all charges are paid c CANYON OITY, OREGON. ! S. DENNING. All Reading Notices in Local Column will be charged at the AUorney-nt-I-arate of 20 cents per line for first, and 10 cts each subesquent inserLong Creek tion. Special rales to regular J McCULLOUGH. advertisers. ; j w. J OFFICIAL DIRECTORY: Co Judjre. Clerk Treasurer . Sheriff II. H. Davis. J. H. Neal W. P Gray Assessor ChaH. Timnis. Surveyor Stock Inspector Disc. chargei) reasonable. CANTON OREGON. ! j i fine TO ORDER. -- P IIORSLEY.M. D. Graduate of the University or April 8, 1848. Caniyon City .T Barber Shop , 1 PAT CAMPBELL j ' J Cauyon City, Oregon. O lice in hisDrugStore, Main Street--- ! Jrders for Drugs promptly filled. ; e l i wjncieu.1 paironuge io proiessionai miss directionsare stnctlvfollowed TIIE- cur-taile- j ? - J (J nnsylva.-ua-, -- i ! J. Oliver. F. . econom-ira- Fresh milk delivered daily to customers in John Day and ders. V?1 kitid-1- , JohnDay Milk Ranch ! t Absolutely Pure. 5-3- OLLIVER- Proprietor of ths Posters, Dodgers, Billheads, Let-terheads, Notoheads, State ments, Invitations, Tickets, Cards Etc, etc. PRINTED POWDER J. CHEAPLY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, en j ... Job Printings I W -- nt 1 ; Lands. P-r- vy i EXECUTK con-sona- ". ! Collootor. TO " Du-puytr- OoztataTolo, WE ARE PREPARED i ; Rev. A. Eads holds divine ber , vice at the "Winegar school house TOD HUNTER. at 11 o'clock a. in. on the 1st Sab- -' QLAY bath of each month, and at 7 ctuci. o'clock in the evening at the M. E City, Ores Canyon City. Also at church in Prairie the Strawberry school house at 11 AH uusjniiH entrucd to hit can- - nil rir prompt attention, and all money will be paid a m On the 3rd Sitbbath of each as as fa olWted. ... month and at Praino City in 'he ""VAT". evening of the same day. At John J". 3VE.ols.. Day City at 11 a m. on the 2nd Attomey-at-Laand 4th Soudays, aud at Canyon and Citv at 7 in the evenincr of the "NTrtaiTr "Pn'hHr 8ame d Oregon. Prairie City Also Asrent for the sale of School I 1 .1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW '"anyon City Oregon. j J A ! PaRRISH & COZAD. Church Directo y I 1 - ALL WOBK WARRANTED. James A Fee . . . .J. L. Rand At'orney. a atten- Office over John Schmidt's cabinet shop; office hours from 9 a. m. to 4. p. m. L. B. Ison j y tal drawn, and - - . the-rwl-bc- Knight, CITY 1 ! Mortgage and E. A. E. Hayes. T. H. Curl School Supt Disk Judges Deeds 1 k" j Lnd filinif and Collection promptly J. H. McHaley. Commissioners A 1 "in-Ka-ehii!- Oregon Notary Public. ded to. - ! Canyon City Ore ggTOffice with M. D. Cliff-m-l -- N. R. Maxcy. . Phil Metschan . .N. H. Boley. j Retail , i Hos-ten-doll- ar 0 0 I in-ste- ad 1 BARER BIT SALOON!" Shear Grinding . CANYON CITY . Oregon Hugh Smith, projrr. : , A Full Stock of the liquori. The Best A Specially. YOU IS THE TLACE TO S WISH A of Winei and 1 m GO Liyery aifl WHEN orderly house conducted M Slle. Hair-cu- t. CITY H0TKL LEE MILLER, Canyon City, Grant STREET Propr. Co Oregon - peter kuhl'b old stand Canton City, Oregon. Having bought these populai StablesI respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. First-clas- s Single and Double Teams to let. GROTH $ THOMPSON Proprietors. FINE Rt'OQIEH & ROAD CARTS. Special attention given to the Traveling men will find this a pleasant and desirable place at care of transient stock. i tthich to stop. 3 I t: MAIN i 8. - 3 -- i ; I l.o-.- S-r- ! 0 DEPUTY STOCK INSPECTORS 2. P. L0VEJ0Y. Proprietor. OTICE is hereby given that I N have appointed (ho following- SHSMoliUCoIcI II IJflT liewurt to Uit wti(L nnnfl named persons as my Deputies, viz: . ILLlli lltot lllukrrK'r. . llia.v dUii IlutrJ. l,elj r . . . .John Dny John C. Luce . - Oregon ,' SUuutiar CM. Uth I run Jli. with wuika Warren Carsner Wagner I One l'crkuu la carti . Long Creek n ftrcu. .nr irr. Jas. Wallace . . caltlr e tnrihf r wll ncr ftrp-. . Dayville Johnson. L H line f IIuuhul:l No Chinese cmploed about Mnilfi, n John H Buker . Kitiaplc. Caleb the premises. at the nttcb. .r trui rll Every effort will ViTf. and flcr uu baw kut . i ... T. II. Curl, i thna lo yoer hmi tor S nouibi ul tuavrn iLcm than un uiuuu iu flense guesis ana wka mj br cillfd, lUrr becomn tout ti proptrtr. Tbij Stock Grant for Inspector County. bv vu of melria: lit. make them feel welcome. who writ t tOC ran ntch o4 ftMjMe. W ipv til aprtt. (rrltbt. tie. tdircii Postoflice Mt. Vernon, Or. VUa Stop at the 'Aujericau." & Cat Box 8 fort loud, Maine. Give uk a CitH vav S 8 .r-J- L Sol 5 John Bay UJi-- Md 5 lo- oEl-Si- " Th.-- f x -- .1 CO ju Z W 1 1 1 i j JAS. RET1IAL. Wres Wheezes. o . aad:-Uihl- Bakenfleld, Cnl., Oct. 13, 1639. I hare utd St. Jacobs Oil for sorehead of thickens with prompt permanent cure. Ous iottle will cure 10 to 15 chickens; 2 to 3 drops r Mjj w - 1 influ-lemed- , 0. FIRST-CLAS- Bath, Stave, or Purest cipir in the Market ictly -- a j 9- - a pill cj OESERAL DIRECTlOXS.-- ila iread or douyh fj!urilcd with St. Jitcobs Oil. IJ Yifwl cannof tie 'U"t force it dnwnthtthroii. U& time corn meal dough vitli the Oil. Gin Whiug tUt. i7ify viUfiiwtly eat and be cured. Mountaineer. It iIS lllwilii.ll iiaf lu iarc lake, l win ito completely urv eai.. ....,,..x,.? th.a Mim iei The uater i not t I over nsx feci deep nn where, and a dead except the all tile perch, a? d :hey ar dying. - Sail! At Drccoists aud Dxauus. fHICHAME9 h.mtVK C9., f aWmerc, fcr bl"d tw ger before tiieimbiic. moiiw W,nQrin - u tne new city di- rec ory, Chicago has a population At-curdi- S- ! VI of over nine hundred thousand. cess ol Howl's &irsaparHla is found In t!:o article itself. It la merit that wins, and Uxs fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually .v. compllslies what is claimed for it, it what has given to this medicine a popularity and Ml' zreatertban that of any Uker sanatu- - , ,,0o(1 aawapania cures acrwnui. oa gie lUioum and all Humors, Headache, Biliousness, 0Ttien:ca That Tired KeolltiR, creates ait Appetite, sfrenmb.. ens tlie Nerves, builds up the Wlhik SyMrai. Um4' a aarll! Is sold hyall drug gists l,5lxfor?i Prepared by C I. lltxxi ra .4 L