geologija. 2008. Vol. 50. No. 3(63). P. 188–200 DOI: 10.2478/v10056-008-0044-z © lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2008 © lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla, 2008 © Vilniaus universitetas, 2008 Conditions and age of aeolian sand deposition in the Volhynian Polesie (Ukraine) Paweł Zieliński, Stanisław Fedorowicz, Iwan Zaleski Zieliński P., Fedorowicz S., Zaleski I. Conditions and age of aeolian sand deposition in the Volhynia Polesie (Ukraine). geologija. Vilnius. 2008. Vol. 50. No. 3(63). P. 188–200. ISSN 1392-110X The study attempts to describe conditions for dune distribution in the Volhynian Polesie. The structure and age of sandy aeolian forms were obtained from the lithofacial analysis and TL dating at three representative sites. They served as a basis for indicating aeolian sand alimentation areas and for reconstructing aerodynamic conditions during the deposition of three various-age aeolian series. Variations in the speed and direction of dune-forming wind were correlated with changes in the baric situation in the Late Vistulian. The study also discusses the possibility and accuracy of TL date application to determine the dates of dune-forming phases. Key words: aeolian sand, deposition, TL age, Volhynian Polesie, Ukraine Received 24 May 2008, accepted 20 June 2008 Paweł Zieliński, Department of Physical Geography and Paleogeography UMCS, Kraśnicka 2cd, 20718 Lublin, Poland. E-mail:; Stanisław Fedorowicz, Department of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology, Gdańsk University, Dmowskiego 16a, 80-950 Gdańsk, Poland. e-mail:; Iwan Zaleski, Rivne State Technical University, Chair of Ecology, Soborna str. 11, 33000 Rivne, Ukraine. e-mail: Introduction Dunes are one of the most common elements of the Volhynian Polesie relief. Previous papers were mostly of a survey cha­ racter. They discussed the distribution and morphology of dunes, selected textural features of building material, relative age and aerodynamic conditions of sand deposition, and especially the direction of dune-forming wind (Tutkovskij, 1909; Lencewicz, 1922; Krygowski, 1947). Considering the rapid progress in knowledge of the Late Vistulian aeolian processes in Europe, and especially in the Central European Lowlands (development of research methods and the rapidly increasing quantity of geologic data), we find that the Volhynian Polesie is little examined. However, in the recently published papers an attempt has been made to describe the geologic conditions influencing aeolian accumulation and to reconstruct the aerodynamic conditions of sand deposition (Zaleski, 2004; Zaleski, Zieliński, 2005). The Volhynian Polesie is an area of classic development of inland dunes. Their distribution is uneven. The greatest clusters of forms occur in the central, northern and eastern parts of the study area. Vast dune fields, and also the largest dune forms, occur eastward of the meridional tributaries of the Pripyat’ River – on the floors and slopes of their valleys and on the adjacent plateaux. They are also found in the parallel section of the Pripyat’ River valley. In this context, it seems to be worth making an attempt to characterize in detail the factors conditioning the formation of dunes in the Volhynian Polesie and to determine their age. During the field investigations1, there were selected three sites representing the most common aeolian forms in the area, i.e. sandy-silty aeolian cover, a parabolic dune, and a ridge dune. The objectives of the study were: 1) to identify the aerodyna­mic conditions during aeolian deposition, 2) to determine the intensity of aeolian processes and their morphological effects, 3) to define the importance of local conditions, and especially the lithology of form substratum, 4) to reconstruct the sequence of aeolian events. These purposes were accomplished basing on: 1) the geomorphological mapping of forms and their immediate vicinity, 2) the lithologic description of deposits – estimation of texture, identification of sedimentation structures, measurements of the scale and frequency of lithofacies, measurements of structural directional elements, 3) lithofacial analysis, based on which the primary environments of deposit sedimentation were identified according to the classification by Hunter (1977), Borówka (2001), Zieliński and Issmer (2008), 4) thermoluminescence ages obtained using the regeneration method of many portions (Wintle, Prószyńska, 1983) and the method of sample processing proposed by Fedorowicz (2006). 1 Investigations were supported by Grant 2P04E 02427 from Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Conditions and age of aeolian sand deposition in the Volhynian Polesie (Ukraine) 189 Lithologic features of aeolian deposits Morphological-geologic situation. The site is situated within a parabolic dune in the valley of a small tributary of the Vizhivka River. This valley is vast, and its flat floor is at about 170 m a.s.l. The examined dune occurs in the central part of a meridionally elongated dune field, to the west of Kusnischa village (Fig. 1). Its relative height reaches 6 m, length along the crest about 2 km, arm-spread slightly over 1 km, and the orientation of morphological axis is W–E (Fig. 2). Dune asymmetry is visible in the cross-section of its central part. The western slope is inclined at an angle of 7–10° and the eastern one at 15–22°. It is worth noting that the highest peak occurs in the almost W–E oriented southern arm of the dune. Its central part and northern arm are lower by about 2 m. Moreover, the southern arm is separated by a distinct depression with the WNW-ESE orientation. Similarly oriented, longitudinal depressions occur on the western slope of the dune. A plain of biogenic accumulation occurs on the leeward side of the dune, and on its windward side there are deflation troughs separated by remnants; the southern trough is filled with sandy peat. Lithologic features of deposits. Three aeolian series of different lithology and / or separated by deflation surfaces were found in an exploitation pit situated in the southern arm of the dune and in the adjacent central part (Fig. 2B, Photo A–C). The lower series consists of medium and fine sands with inclined cross-stratification, with numerous reactivation surfaces. In places, in the bottom part of the series, sandy strata are separated by thinning out packages of sandy silts. Structural directional elements of this series have generally the south-eastern orientation (Fig. 2D, Photo C). The middle series is most differentiated. It is composed of varigrained sands with a climbing ripple cross-lamination or the so-called translatent stratification, in places interstratified by coarse sands or very fine gravels forming elongated lenses with cross-stratification or massive structure (Fig. 2D, Photo B). Fine and medium sands with small- and medium-scale tabular crossstratification, with a trough structure and concordant filling of troughs, and with a horizontal stratification occur in a higher proportion in the upper part of the series. The orientation of structural directional elements is very divergent (r = 0.61), especially in the bottom part of the series (from SE to ENE). In the upper part it is more concentrated (r = 0.84), with a small predominance of eastern direction. The upper series is discontinuous, occurs only in the highest part of the dune southern arm and builds up the southern part of the distal slope. Within the southern arm, the series is composed of sands with tabular cross-stratification of a medium and large sca­ le, with climbing ripple cross-lamination or translatent stratification and in places single troughs with concordant or dia­gonal filling. In the zone of the distal slope, the series consists of sands with high-angle cross-stratification (Fig. 2D, Photo A). In this series, the orien­tation of directional elements is most diversified (r = 0.45), but two dominant directions – NE and SE – are noticeable. Interpretation. Sands with a high-angle cross-stratification, which constitute the lower series, were deposited on the leeward Fig. 1. Situation of research sites against the background of dune distribution in the Volhynia Polesie 1 pav. Tirtų vietovių padėtis Voluinės Polesės kopų paplitimo fone Kusnischa site slope of transversal dune s. l. as a result of avalanching (McKee, 1966; Sharp, 1966; Hunter, 1977; Borówka, 1980, 1990). The occurrence of silty-sandy lithofacies suggests a contribution of deposition from suspension as a result of flow separation in the crest part of the dune (Sharp, 1966; McKee et al., 1971; Hunter, 1977). The occurrence of these facies only in the bottom part of the series and their thinning out upward the series can also evidence the deposition as a result of the migration of climbing ripples up the leeward slope (McKee et al., 1971; Hunter,1977; Clemmensen, Abrahamsen, 1983). However, according to Clem­ mensen and Abrahamsen (1983), the interlayers of massive silts between high-angle sand structures most distinctly indicate that these two processes overlapped. The direction of deposition indicates dune migration to the SE, probably as a result of the predominance of north-westerly wind. Many reactivation surfaces evidence its cyclic changes. Hunter and Rubin (1983) suggested that such changes occurred in an annual rhythm. In winter, the distal slope was exposed to the action of strong wind. Depending on the time of such exposure, first the upper part of this slope and then its lower parts were degraded. 190 Paweł Zieliński, Stanisław Fedorowicz, Iwan Zaleski Photo. Detailed structure of aeolian series in the Volhynia Polesie and genetic interpretation of deposition environments: parabolic dune (Kusnischa site): A – upper series, B – middle series, C – lower series; ridge dune (Manevichi site): D – upper series, E – middle series, F – lower series; aeolian cover (Kusnischa II site): G – bottom part of the cover. Letter symbols describing genetic interpretations of the recorded lithofacies after Zieliński and Issmer (2008): HL – flat surface, RC – surface with ripples, MR – surface with megaripples, PB – plane bed, DT – deflation troughs, SF – sand flow Fotografija. Voluinės Polesės eolinių serijų detali sandara ir sedimentacijos sąlygų genetinė interpretacija. parabolinė kopa (Kusnischa vietovė): A – viršutinė serija, B – vidurinė serija, C – apatinė serija; kopos gubrys (Manevichi vietovė): D – viršutinė serija, E – vidurinė serija, F – apatinė serija; eolinė danga (Kusnischa II vietovė): G – dangos apatinė dalis. Raidžių simboliai rodo litofacijų genetinę interpretaciją pagal Zieliński ir Issmer (2008): HL – plokščias paviršius, RC – paviršius su ruzgomis, MR – paviršius su megaruzgomis, PB – guolio dugnas, DT – defliacijos loveliai, SF – smėlio srautai Conditions and age of aeolian sand deposition in the Volhynian Polesie (Ukraine) Fig. 2. Characteristics of parabolic dune in the Kusnischa site: A – situational sketch of the site; B – geological cross-sections of dune; C – geomorphological sketch; D – detailed structure of dune 2 pav. Kusnischa vietovės parabolinių kopų bruožai: A – vietovės situacinė schema, B – kopų skersiniai geologiniai pjūviai, C – geomorfologinė schema, D – kopų detali sandara 191 192 Paweł Zieliński, Stanisław Fedorowicz, Iwan Zaleski As a consequence, the slope was completely transformed into a deflation surface and its inclination decreased. A similar annual cycle was observed by Borówka (1980). He described reactivation surfaces, usually formed as a result of exposure of a distal slope to strong winter winds, additionally characterized by a concentration of heavy minerals forming a peculiar deflation pavement. Making an assumption that the described deflation surfaces were formed in an annual cycle, we can estimate the rate of dune migration at about 0.5 m yearly. The lithologic features of the second series are the record of frequent changes in aerodynamic conditions. Sands with a climbing ripple cross-lamination and translatent stratification indicate the deposition as a result of the migration of ripples at wind velocity from 4 to 8 m/s (Sharp, 1963; Hunter, 1977; Borówka, 1990, 2001). Interlayers of coarse sand and fine gravel suggest the formation of gravel ripples representing a wind velocity reaching 18 m/s (Sharp, 1963; Fryberger et al., 1992). A distinct change of material texture can indicate not only a higher velocity of wind, but also some changes in alimentation areas. It seems likely that a layer of somewhat coarser material was exposed, or else – as evidenced by a great variability of wind directions – the alimentation area was changed. A higher velocity of wind is also indicated by the occurrence of tabular sets formed as a result of the migration of megaripples at the velocity of 8–12 m/s, sands with horizontal stratification (12–15 m/s), and sands with a trough structure that evidence the velocity of over 15 m/s resulting in the formation of deflation troughs (McKee, 1966; Hunter, 1977; Borówka, 1990, 2001; Zieliński, Issmer, 2008). The orientation of directional elements evidences a great variability of wind direction, especially during the deposition of the bottom part of the series. The directions from NW to WSW were recorded. The upper part of the series was deposited by less variable winds, with a slight predominance of the westerly wind. The lithologic features of the upper series constituting the southern arm, i. e. a distinctly bidirectional orientation of directional elements, the bed inclination mostly concordant with the slope angle of the form correspond to the structure of linear dunes of a seif type (Bagnold, 1954; McKee, Tibitts, 1964; Tsoar, 1982; Bristov et al., 2001). Such a structure indicates the deposition of the series by a variable, bidirectional wind, i. e. under aerodynamic conditions described by Bagnold (1954), Fryberger (1979), Lancaster (1980), Tsoar (1983, 1984), Bristov et al. (2000). Single troughs and deflation surfaces, sands with a medium-scale tabular cross-stratification, and visible in relief deflation troughs separating the southern arm of the dune from its central part indicate a strong wind from the NW. Sands with a climbing ripple cross-lamination, sands of small-scale tabular sets, and the fillings of fossil troughs represent medium velocity winds from the WSW–SW sector. Sands with a high-angle cross-stratification, which build up the distal slope and occur as a continuation of deflation troughs dissecting the proximal slope, indicate sand redeposition within the dune, caused by a strong north-westerly wind. Similar situations were described by Rotnicki (1970) and Miszalski (1973). Kusnischa II site Morphological-geologic situation. The site is situated within an aeolian cover in the interfluve zone, to the north of the Kusnischa village. The examined cover (<1 km2) has a monotonous surface occurring at an altitude of about 200 m a. s. l., and relative heights are small (Fig. 1). Sands and diamictic sands are found in the vicinity of the form. Lithologic features of deposits. The substratum of the co­ ver is composed of massive, strongly ferruginous sands and dia­ mictic sands. The cover is up to 1 m thick and consists of the following deposits: 1) in the bottom part – rhythmite of sands with horizontal stratification, climbing ripple cross-lamination or translatent stratification and sandy silts with horizontal lamination, 2) sands with a massive structure in the upper part. The orientation of directional elements is very diversified – from SW to E (Fig. 3, Photo G). Fig. 3. Detailed structure of aeolian cover in the Kusnischa II site. Other explanations as in Fig. 2 3 pav. Kusnischa II vietovės eolinės dangos detali sandara. Paaiškinamieji ženklai 2 pav. Interpretation. The cover substratum is probably a glaciogenic horizon transformed under periglacial conditions. The bottom part of the cover was formed as a result of an alternating deposition of silts transported in suspension (Schwan, 1986; Lea, 1990; Goździk, 1998) and sands transported mostly by the migration of ripples forming a translatent stratification or a climbing ripple cross-lamination (Bagnold, 1954; Sharp, 1963; Hunter, 1977; Borówka, 1990, 2001) or in near-ground suspension resulting in a horizontal stratification (Hunter, 1977; Borówka, 1990, 2001; Zieliński, Issmer, 2008). The upper part of the cover – sands with a massive structure – has probably a secondary character, i. e. the primary structure was blurred by periglacial processes (Stankowski, 1963; Urbaniak, 1969), pedogenesis and plant roots (Wojtanowicz, 1970). The preferred orientations of directional elements indicate that the cover was formed by a variable wind – from north-westerly to westerly. Manevichi site Morphological-geologic situation. The site is situated within a ridge dune occurring in an interfluve zone between the Stokhid and Styr rivers (Fig. 1). The interfluve zone is a flat surface rising at 180–200 m a. s. l. The dune is an isolated hill with a relative height of 10 m, about 1 km long, and with the general NE–SW orientation (Fig. 4). A slight asymmetry of slopes is visible in the cross-section of the dune. The north-western slope is inclined at an angle of about 10–12º and the south-eastern one 10–20º. Conditions and age of aeolian sand deposition in the Volhynian Polesie (Ukraine) Fig. 4. Characteristics of ridge dune in the Manevichi site: A – situational sketch of the site; B – geological cross-section of dune; C – geomorphological sketch; D – detailed structure of dune. Other explanations as in Fig. 2 4 pav. Manevichi vietovės kopų gūbrio ypatumai: A – kopos planas, B – kopos skersinis geologinis pjūvis, C – geomorfologinė schema, D – detali kopos sandara. Paaiškinamieji ženklai 2 pav. 193 194 Paweł Zieliński, Stanisław Fedorowicz, Iwan Zaleski The dune crest consists of peaks and saddles with a local relief of up to 5 m. The surface surrounding the dune is composed of diamictic sands and sands with gravels. Lithologic features of deposits. In the central part of the dune, within the highest peak, the exploitation hollow occurs, in which there were found three aeolian series of different litho­ logy or separated by a deflation surface (Fig. 4, Photo D–F). The bottom series is composed of alternating layers of medium and coarse sands of horizontal stratification or climbing ripple cross-lamination, and silts and sandy silts with horizontal or flaser lamination or massive structure. The frequency of silty lithofacies distinctly decreases upwards. The uppermost part of the series is an exception, and it is a thick (up to 20 cm) layer of massive silts. Inserts of fine gravels and fine sandy gravels occur in the series as lenses or layers with cross-lamination or in places with a massive structure. The orientation of structural directional elements is different (Fig. 4D, Photo F). In the bottom part, the cross-lamination is inclined mostly to the SW and its orientation is very concentrated (r = 0.877), and in the upper part it is more divergent (r = 0.449), with two predominant directions – ENE and SE. The middle series is composed of the following deposits: a) the bottom part consists of medium sands with a climbing ripple cross-lamination or translatent stratification, tabular cross-stra­ tification, and high-angle cross-stratification, and sporadically with horizontal stratification or low-angle cross-stratification, b) the upper part consists mostly of sands with a trough crossstratification. Individual lithofacies often occur in cycles starting from sands with translatent stratification or climbing ripple cross-lamination, through sands with tabular and low-angle cross-stratification, to sands with horizontal stratification. Such a cycle is often topped with sands with trough cross-stratification or some elements are reduced. Cyclic changes of lithologic features are accompanied by changes of a preferred orientation of directional elements (Fig. 4D, Photo E). The middle series occurs on the topographic surface in the lower part of the dune slope. Structural directional elements are generally oriented to the SE, and the orientation of trough axes in the upper part of the series is NW–SE and very concentrated (r = 0.92). The upper series occurs only in the crest part and its direct vicinity. It is composed of medium and fine sands with climbing ripple cross-lamination and tabular cross-stratification of a small and medium scale (Fig. 2D, Photo D). Structural directional elements are oriented in two isolated sectors – NNE and ENE-ESE. Interpretation. The occurrence of alternating sandy and sandy-silty lithofacies in the lower series indicates the variable conditions of deposition. Silty lithofacies were deposited from suspension, and sometimes also with a small participation of rhythmic near-surface transport (Schwan, 1968; Lea, 1990; Goździk, 1998). They are the record of calm or wind with a small velocity – up to 4 m/s (Borówka, 2001; Zieliński, Issmer, 2008). Sandy lithofacies were deposited as a result of sand transport by saltation and traction or in near-surface suspension (Bagnold, 1954; Hunter, 1977; Borówka, 1980, 2001; Zieliński, Issmer, 2008). Sands with climbing ripple cross-lamination or translatent stratification indicate a deposition resulting from the migration of ripples (Bagnold, 1954; Hunter, 1977; Borówka, 1980) at a wind velocity of 4–8 m/s (Borówka, 2001). Sands with horizontal stratification are the record of deflation of depositional forms as a result of an increase in wind velocity to 12–15 m/s (Hunter, 1977; Borówka, 1980), while lenses of sandy gravels, which are typical of fine gravel ripples, evidence a wind velocity reaching 18 m/s (Fryberger et al., 1992). Structural directional elements indicate a variable direction of deposition. The south-western orientation of structural directional elements found in the bottom part of the series indicates the north-westerly wind. A very concentrated orientation can evidence a stable wind direction. The very divergent orientation in the upper part of the series suggests a variability of prevalent directions of the dune-forming wind. The higher frequency of ENE and SE directions can indicate the predominance of wind from the NW and WSW. The aeolian cover is the geomorphologic result of the lower series deposition. The lithology of the middle series is a record of cycles deposited at an increasing wind velocity – from medium (sands with climbing ripple cross-lamination or translatent stratification), through a higher velocity (sands with tabular and low-angle cross-stratification), to a strong wind (sands with horizontal stratification). Some cycles are topped with trough structures. These deflation forms were formed at wind velocities over 15 m/s. The highest unit of the middle series – a trough coset – indicates the regularly recurring strong wind resulting in the formation of deflation troughs (Borówka, 2001), which were nearly filled at a decreased velocity. The orientation of structural directional elements indicates that the series was deposited by a cyclically changing westerly and north-westerly wind, the direction of which was more variable during the first stage. The deposition of the middle series resulted in the formation of a dune. The lithologic features indicate the predominance of deposition in a windward subenvironment, i. e. on the proximal slope. Therefore, it can be concluded that it was a stationary form (Rotnicki, 1970; Nowaczyk, 1976). In the bottom part of the series, there were found sands with a high-angle inclined stratification deposited in a leeward subenvironment, i. e. on the distal slope of the dune. This fact confirms the tendency of stationary dune crest to move downwind with the increase of dune height, observed by Rotnicki (1970). However, the type of the form is difficult to determine because of the limited access to the structure of the leeward slope, and especially by small possibilities of measuring the orientation of dips of laminae. Taking into account the fact that the majority of measurements evidence rather a divergent orientation of structural directional elements, the stabilization of wind direction in the upper part of the middle series seems to be curious. Of course, we can assume some stabilization of wind direction caused by climate conditions, but a possible influence of local factors should be also considered. The evidenced wind ve­lo­ci­ty increasing toward the top of the series was accompanied by a distinct concentration of wind direction. This fact suggests the formation of the relief features that concentrated the wind stream. In the case of a new dune on a rather flat surface, the only explanation is the formation of a parabolic dune. Its arms can concentrate air streams causing a relative increase of wind velocity in the central zone of the dune (Kádár, 1966; McKee, 1966). Additionally, the concentrated orientation of directional elements in sands with a high-angle inclined stratification and in trough structures in the upper part Conditions and age of aeolian sand deposition in the Volhynian Polesie (Ukraine) 195 Tab l e. Results of TL dating of aeolian deposits and their substratum in the Volhynian Polesie le nte l ė. Voluinės Polesės eolinių nuogulų ir jų substrato TL datavimo rezultatai Sample Depth (m) Lab. No Dr (Gy/ka) Kusnischa 1 2.5 UG-5449 2.34 ± 0.24 Kusnischa 2 2.9 UG-5450 1.77 ± 0.14 Manevichi 1 2.5 UG-5944 3.08 ± 0.25 Manevichi 2 4.0 UG-5945 2.94 ± 0.23 Manevichi 3 4.3 UG-5446 2.40 ± 0.18 Kusnischa II/1 0.9 UG-5447 1.86 ± 0.14 Kusnischa II/2 1.4 UG-5448 1.82 ± 0.14 of the series, together with evidenced moving of dune structural crest downwind in higher and higher parts of the series, suggest that the deposits examined in the exploitation hollow represent the central zone of a stationary parabolic dune. The distinct deflated surface in the top of the middle series, the occurrence of the upper series only in the dune crest zone, and features indicating a considerable similarity between the upper series and deposits of linear dunes, i. e. the existence of a reactivation surface, tabular sets, and the orientation of structural directional elements in two distinctly isolated directions (Bagnold, 1954; McKee, Tibitts, 1964; Tsoar, 1982; Bristov et al., 2001) suggests that this series was deposited by a cyclically changing bidirectional wind with a variable velocity. The wind from the southern sector was characterized by a medium velo­ city of 4–8 m/s represented by climbing ripples and of 8–12 m/s by tabular sets. The wind from the W–WSW sector seemed to be much stronger. Such wind parameters correspond to the conditions of deposition of seif dunes described by Bagnold (1954), Tsoar (1983, 1984), and Bristov et al. (2001). Therefore, we can assume that the examined form is a longitudinal dune formed by a transformation of a parabolic dune as a result of destruction of dune arms and reorientation of its front; this is why the dune slopes are asymmetric. TL dating of aeolian sands and substratum deposits In order to determine the age of deposits, and thus depositional processes, seven samples for TL dating were collected. For each sample the age was determined in two fractions: 0.1–0.125 and 0.125–0.16 mm (Table). These fractions were selected for the following reasons: 1) each of them constitutes over 10% of a sample2, 2) their contents were very similar, 3) they are most frequently used for dating in thermoluminescence laboratories throughout the world. In the Kusnischa site, samples were collected from the lower and middle aeolian series, from the depths of 2.5 and 2.9 m. The 2 The granulometric composition was determined by sieve analysis. Fraction (mm) 0.125–0.16 0.1–0.125 0.125–0.16 0.1–0.25 0.125–0.16 0.1–0.125 0.125–0.16 0.1–0.125 0.125–0.16 0.1–0.125 0.125–0.16 0.1–0.125 0.125–0.16 0.1–0.125 ED (Gy) 26.7 ± 3.0 26.7 ± 2.9 23.5 ± 2.6 23.0 ± 2.2 34.8 ± 3.2 36.0 ± 3.0 33.8 ± 3.2 33.8 ± 3.0 37.7 ± 3.9 36.9 ± 3.7 30.5 ± 3.3 33.7 ± 3.4 33.3 ± 3.6 31.5 ± 3.2 TL age (ka BP) 11.2 ± 1.6 11.4 ± 1.5 13.3 ± 1.6 13.0 ± 1.5 11.3 ± 1.0 11.7 ± 1.0 11.5 ± 1.0 11.5 ± 1.1 15.7 ± 1.4 15.3 ± 1.4 16.4 ± 1.6 18.1 ± 1.9 18.3 ± 1.9 7.3 ± 1.8 obtained results are in conformity with the deposit stratigraphy. The lower series was dated to 13.0 ± 1.5 and 13.3 ± 1.6 ka BP, and the middle series to 11.4 ± 1.5 and 11.2 ± 1.6 ka BP (Table, Fig. 2). It is notable that the results of TL dating are very similar in both fractions. The obtained TL ages can suggest that the lower series was deposited in the Oldest Dryas and the middle one in the Older Dryas. In the Manevichi site, three samples for dating were collected from the depth of 2.5, 4.0, and 4.3 m. The results of TL dating are not inverted. The oldest ages (15.3 ± 1.6 and 15.7 ± 1.4 ka BP) were obtained for massive diamictic sands of the dune substratum. Samples of aeolian deposits were taken from the lower and the middle series. In the lower series, both fractions were dated to 11.5 ka BP; they differ only in the measurement error which is 1.1 ka for the finer fraction and 1.0 ka for the coarser one. The middle series was TL-dated to 11.7 ± 1.1 and 11.3 ± 1.0 ka BP (Table, Fig. 4). The TL age of the dune substratum indicates that it was exposed to the effect of periglacial climate, which is also evidenced by the massive structure of deposits. The TL dating of the lower and the middle series indicates that aeolian deposits were deposited in the Younger Dryas. A small difference between the TL ages obtained over the thickness of 1.5 m and age inversion in the finer fraction probably indicate high rates of deposition. However, a comparison of the lower series deposits – sandy-silty rhythmite – with similarly developed deposits of Central Europe dated to the Oldest Dryas (Goździk, 1980, 2000; Manikowska, 1985, 1991, 1995; Kase, 1997; Van Huissteden et al., 2000) or Late Plenivistulian (Barcicki, 1997; Wojtanowicz, 1999) can suggest that the age of the lower series is slightly underestimated. In the Kusnischa II site, two samples were TL-dated: substratum deposits from a depth of 0.9 m (17.3 ± 1.8; 18.3 ± 1.9 ka BP) and aeolian deposits from a depth of 1.4 m (18.1 ± 1.9; 16.4 ± 1.6 ka BP). In this case, the TL ages obtained for the finer fraction are inverted. The results suggest that both the periglacial transformation of substratum and the accumulation of aeolian cover occurred in the Upper Plenivistulian. Considering the fact that only the bottom part of the aeolian series was dated, we cannot exclude that aeolian accumulation was continued in the Oldest Dryas. 196 Paweł Zieliński, Stanisław Fedorowicz, Iwan Zaleski Discussion Aeolian forms in the Volhynian Polesie occur on a substratum composed of sands of river higher terraces and periglacially transformed sands, diamictic sands, and diamictons of different origin (Lencewicz, 1922; Krygowski, 1947; Zaleski, 2004). According to the results of TL dating, the age of the substratum surface deposits ranges from 18.8 ± 1.9 to 15.3 ± 1.4 ka BP. Therefore, these surfaces were exposed till the Upper Pleni­ vistulian. The substratum deposits were probably the source of material to build the aeolian forms. Its accessibility depended on the hypsometric and geomorphologic situation of the alimentation area. It seems that dunes situated on wide and flat interfluve elevations could receive the greatest amount of material, which probably derived from river higher terraces of meridional tributaries of the Pripyat’ River and sandy plateaux, as is confirmed by results obtained by Lencewicz (1922), Krygowski (1947), Zaleski (2004). The only limitation could have been permafrost, and probably only during accumulation of the lower aeolian series. Indirect evidences of this fact were found in the Manevichi and Kusnischa II sites. Greater limitations occurred in low hypsometric locations – in wide valley depressions, especially in the western part of the Polesie. The occurrence of numerous lake–mire systems suggests that the area was waterlogged (Dobrowolski et al., 2000). Aeolian processes could have developed only in dry periods, during low groundwater levels. Supply of sand was very limited as indicated by the dune structure in the Kusnischa site where sands of individual series were deposited mostly by redistribution within the dune. This is especially well visible in the lower and upper series. The lower series was deposited on the leeward slope as a result of dune movement, which indicates that the majority of sand came from the windward slope of the dune. Therefore, the material had to move over the level of a capillary ascension, i.e. under the conditions similar to those described by Zieliński (2006). The occurrence of distinct and numerous deflation forms within the dune and a small extent of the upper series indicate that this series was deposited at the expense of the decreasing extent and thickness of the middle and the lower series. The deposition of aeolian deposits occurred in three phases characterized by distinctly different aerodynamic conditions. The lowest series – the aeolian cover in the Kusnischa II site and the lower series in the Manevichi site – were deposited by a medium and strong wind with often calms inbetween. At first, the NE wind of a rather stable direction predominated, then it was more variable and mostly from the NW and WSW. It is worth noting that the variability of wind direction was slightly greater in the eastern part of the Polesie. It is difficult to determine the age of these deposits because in the Kusnischa II site their TL age (16.4 ± 1.6 ka BP) corresponds to the end of the Plenivistulian and in the Manevichi site (11.5 ± 1.1 ka BP) to the Older Dryas. From the sedimentological point of view, both series were deposited in similar conditions probably indicating a monochronic deposition. However, the over 100-km distance between the sites and different morphological conditions can suggest a non-synchronous occurrence of similar aerodynamic conditions in different areas. Taking into account the error (±1.1 ka), the authors think that the lower series in the Manevichi site accumulated in the Oldest Dryas, what is also indicated by a comparison with similar deposits described by Manikowska (1970, 1991) and Goździk (1980, 2000). It is also problematic whether the lower aeolian series in the Kusnischa site can be included to this phase. Doubts are raised by a definitely different style of sedimentation – on the leeward slope of the mobile dune – probably caused by different local conditions. However considering the earlier described local conditions and TL ages (13.3 ± 1.6 and 13.0 ± 1.5 ka BP, compare Klatkowa, 1991; Kozarski, 1991; Kozarski, Nowaczyk, 1991; Litt et al., 1998) we find that this series was deposited also in the Oldest Dryas. The lithologic features of the middle series in both dune sites indicate their deposition on the windward slopes of the dunes. A distinct variability of wind velocity and direction is visible. The bottom parts of these series were deposited by wind with a medium velocity. Cycles visible in the upper parts were distinctly associated with a higher velocity of wind, resulting in deflation. Wind directions were slightly different in both sites. The general dispersion of wind directions in the Kusnischa site was rather great, but two distinct directions were found in the whole series: the northwestern direction predominated in the bottom part of the series and the western direction in its upper part. In the Manevichi site, in the bottom part of the middle series the dispersion of wind directions was great, with a high frequency of northwestern direction, which definitely predominated in the upper part of the series. The age of these series in both sites is similar and corresponds well to the Older Dryas (Klatkowa, 1991; Kozarski, 1991; Kozarski, Nowaczyk, 1991; Litt et al., 1998). This age is also confirmed by the fact that the Older Dryas is commonly recognized as the main dune-forming phase (Wojtanowicz 1969; Rotnicki 1970; Nowaczyk, 1976, 1986; Szczypek, 1986; Manikowska, 1991; Kozarski, Nowaczyk, 1991), and these series constitute the main mass of dunes in both examined sites. Their accumulation resulted in the formation of distinct forms – parabolic dunes – typical of this period and area. However, the different wind directions in the upper parts of the middle series in both sites are difficult to interpret. A distinct change of wind direction in the western part of the Polesie (from the NW in the bottom part to the W in the upper part of the middle series) did not take place in its eastern part where the NW direction was stabilized. This fact was probably conditioned only by local factors, i.e. the formation of a parabolic dune and the influence of dune arms on the stabilization of wind direction. So, how can we explain the unstable wind direction in the Kusnischa site? This question remains unanswered at the present stage of investigations. The dune upper series were deposited by a distinctly varia­ble bidirectional wind: with a medium velocity from the WSW–NW sector and with a considerably higher velocity from the S–SW sector. The directions of medium and strong winds were shifted by about 40° to the south in the eastern part of the Polesie in comparison with its western part. Therefore, a distinct regional variability occurred in this case. The upper series were not TL‑dated. However, taking into account their occurrence over the series dated to the Older Dryas, distinct differences of aerodynamic conditions during accumulation and the existence of a deflation surface separating the series, we can estimate the age Conditions and age of aeolian sand deposition in the Volhynian Polesie (Ukraine) of the upper series as the Younger Dryas. In the literature, the Younger Dryas is regarded as the transformation phase of inland dunes (Urbaniak, 1967, 1969; Wojtanowicz, 1969; Rotnicki, 1970; Nowaczyk, 1976, 1986; Szczypek, 1986). This is also confirmed by the extent of the dune upper series. In both examined cases, the upper series form only dune fragments, indicating redeposition, i. e. transformation of a form. In the Manevichi site the parabolic dune transformed into a longitudinal one, and in the Kusnischa site the windward part of the central segment of the dune was dissected and some dune fragments were built up. The variability of wind direction during the accumulation of aeolian deposits seems to be unquestionable. At first, the NE direction prevailed, which then changed into the NW and further into the W. A variable bidirectional wind from the broadly understood western sector occurred at the end of the accumulation. A similar variability of the dune-forming wind direction from the broadly understood western sector was described by Dylikowa (1967, 1969), Kęsik, Wojtanowicz (1968), Szczypek (1977), Wojtanowicz (1969), while Pernarowski (1958, 1966) and Urbaniak (1967, 1969) noticed also the eastern and northern winds. The present studies also confirm the wind from the eastern sector in the study sites. It was a strong wind recorded as deflation surfaces on the leeward slopes of parabolic dunes or a medium wind represented by the existence of micro- and mesoforms sensu Borówka (1990, 2001). The occurrence of this direction is better visible (higher frequency) in the Manevichi site, i. e. in the eastern part of the study area. A gradual change of the direction and its spatial differentiation can be explained by climate evolution, and especially by changes of atmospheric conditions in the Late Vistulian. In that period, the barometric saddle between the stable Scandinavian high and the Azorian high weakened, travelling lows became active and penetrated deep into Europe between these highs (Poser, 1950; Lamb, 1977; Nowaczyk, 1986; Barron, Pollard, 2002). The weakening of the saddle was probably reflected by the change of the predominant wind direction from the NE, through the NW to the W. The activation of lows was reflected by the increasing wind velocity evidenced by a deposition cycle starting from a set of climbing ripples, through tabular sets and a horizontal stratification to trough structures. Such a cycle was accompanied by the change of deposition direction, resulting probably from the change of wind direction. The retreat of the ice-sheet front from Central Europe caused the weakening of the Scandinavian high, so the route of travelling lows could have been shifted to the north. This is evidenced by the preferred orientations of directional elements in the series of Older Dryas recording wind directions (mostly strong wind). According to the Buys-Ballot principle, they indicate that the low centre was situated to the ENE of the Kusnischa site and to the ESE of the Manevichi site. The low centre reconstructed from the preferred orientations found in Younger Dryas the series was situated to the east of the Kusnischa site and to the northeast of the Manevichi site. Therefore, it appears that in the Older Dryas the low centre usually travelled to the southeast and in the Younger Dryas to the northeast of the study sites. In this paper, we report the results of a laboratory experiment consisting in determination of sample age with the use of two different fractions. In three cases, the older date was obtained for the coarser fraction, in three cases for the finer one, and only in 197 one case the two dates were identical. In each case, the age differences were within the margin of uncertainty. Accepting the principle that the younger date indicates the last moment when grains of a sample were exposed to sunlight, we find that the examination of both fractions may result in a correction shifting the time of dune formation to the period younger by several hundred years, and in the case of samples from the Kusnischa II site even by about a thousand years. In the opinion of authors, examination of several grain fractions from one sample is useful because the degree of zeroing is different in individual fractions. Dates obtained for several fractions, especially these predominant in a sample, may give additional information about the alimentation area, i. e. about transport distances of grains before their deposition in a dune. In respect of time, the activity phases of the dune-forming processes were very differentiated. The shortest (Older Dryas) lasted 120 to 200 years according to different sources, and the longest (Younger Dryas) about a thousand years (Kozarski 1991; Litt et al., 1998). The duration of the shortest phases is difficult to determine by luminescence methods because of several to several dozen per cent uncertainty of the obtained dates. A TL date determines the time which has passed since the examined grains were last exposed to sunlight (Fedorowicz, 2006). A TL date taken with uncertainty determines with the probability of 90% the period in which grains of a sample were deposited. In the case of the study profiles, uncertanties constitute 9–12% of sample age. In the Manevichi site, they are lower in terms of percentage than in the Kusnischa site. This is associated with the lower values of the equivalent dose (ED) in percentage in the Manevichi site, resulting probably from a better reduction of pre-genetic energy absorbed by grains before their last deposition. The sample TL-dated to about 500–1000 years BP has date uncertainty of 100–200 years and the sample dated to about 5000 BP 1000 years. The larger number of dates from the same deposit sequence in a profile reduces the value of uncertainty, and thus the time when a deposit layer was formed as well as the duration of dune-forming phases may be determined more precisely. The number of dates presented in this paper is insufficient for a precise determination of the limits of the time of dune-forming phases. However, taking into account the duration (about 1000 years) of interphases separating dune-forming phases and the chronology of events based on the stratigraphic succession of the series, it seems that the age of these processes was determined with a rather high probability. Conclusions The gathered material entitles us to formulate the following conclusions: 1. Sands of different origin composing river higher terraces and covering flat interfluvial areas of the Volhynian Polesie were the source of material for dune formation. The accessibility of material depended on groundwater depth. 2. Aeolian deposition occurred in three dune-forming phases, in different aerodynamic conditions: a – during the first phase (Oldest Dryas), the aeolian cover was accumulated by winds of a medium and small velocity from 198 Paweł Zieliński, Stanisław Fedorowicz, Iwan Zaleski one direction. At first, the NE wind of a rather stable direction predominated; then it was more variable and mostly from the NW and WSW. b – during the second phase (Older Dryas) parabolic dunes were formed by winds of a cyclically increasing velocity (from weak to strong) and changing direction. The predominant direction changed regionally and with time. At first, the NW direction slightly predominated, and then it stabilized in the eastern part of the examined area, while the W direction prevailed in the western part. c – during the third phase (Younger Dryas) dunes were transformed. The transformation of parabolic dunes into longitudinal ones, their reorientation or the deflation of their central parts was caused by a cyclically changing bidirectional wind from a narrow sector (90–130°). Winds from one direction were of a high velocity and from the other – of a constant medium and small velocity. 3. The variability of aerodynamic conditions in the Late Vistulian was caused by a change of the barometric system in this period. The weakening of the Scandinavian High and migration of lows from the Atlantic Ocean to the east are clearly reflected in the reconstructed variability of wind directions. 4. 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Павел Зелински, Станислав Федорович, Иван Залески Условия и возраст седиментации эоловых песков на ВолЫнском Полесье (Украина) Резюме Предпринята попытка характеризовать условия размещения дюн на Волынском Полесье. На основе литофациального анализа, а также датирования TL в трёх репрезентативных пунктах представлены строение и возраст песчаных эоловых форм. В результате указаны территории распределения эоловых песков, восстановлены аэродинамические условия во время формирования трёх разновозрастных эоловых серий. Представленная изменчивость скорости и направления дюнообразующего ветра отнесена к перестройке барового давления в поздневислинское время. Также предпринята попытка обсудить возможность и точность использования датирования TL для определения возраста этапов дюно­ образования.