2014-2014 Supply Lists - Liberty Christian Prep

Liberty Christian Academy
Grades 7-12 Supply List
Bible: King James Version
Blue/Black Pens
Red Pen
Highlighters: pink, blue, yellow, green
Notebook paper
Flash drive
2 boxes of Kleenex
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
3 ring binder
Non-spiral notebook
Calculator (Algebra I and above)
Liberty Christian Prep
K3-K5 Supply List
Preschool 3 year olds
Backpack or school bag(small)-required
1 bottle of Elmer’s glue
2 large boxes of tissue
1 pack washable paint
2 refills antibacterial wet ones
Plastic school box 8 ½” x 5”,
Blunt end scissors (aluminum edges)
1 4 pack of play dough
Crayons 8 pkg. Jumbo Size
1 pack washable markers
4 glue sticks
*** Please provide a change of clothes in a Ziploc bag marked with child’s name.
Preschool 4 year olds
Backpack or school bag(small)-required
2 large box of tissue
1 pack washable paint
1 large container of Clorox/Lysol wipes
Small dry erase board
1-4 pack of play dough
Dry erase markers
2 packs Crayons 8 pkg. (Large NOT Jumbo Size)
1 box white chalk
2 glue sticks
1 pack computer paper
1 pkg. multi-colored construction paper
1 package finger paint
6 plain folders with pockets
*** Please provide a change of clothes in a Ziploc bag marked with child’s name.
Kindergarten (K5)
Backpack or school bag
2 Large boxes of tissue
2 Boxes of 16 crayons
4 containers antibacterial wet wipes
20 glue sticks
1 plastic folder-2 pockets and fastener
1 roll paper towels
1 box/container non-perishable (low
sugar/no nuts) snack
1 folder w/2 pockets
2 bottles hand-sanitizer
Please do not label items: we use them as a classroom community.
Liberty Christian Prep
First – Third Grade Supply List
Grade 1
1 pack of multi-colored construction paper
2 large boxes of tissue
Small white board with markers and eraser
6 glue sticks
1 pkg. Ziploc bags
1 pkg. of pencil eraser tops
1 wooden ruler with inches and centimeters
2 Boxes of 16 crayons
Blunt end scissors
3 container antibacterial wet wipes
2 composition notebooks
12 #2 pencils, sharpened (no mechanical pencils or pencil sharpener)
3 plastic folders with pockets and fasteners
1 ream of cardstock paper
Grade 2
Backpack or school bag
Multi-colored construction paper
2 large boxes of tissue
*1 box fine and thick tip washable markers
2 containers of Lysol wipes
plastic school box 8 ½” x 5” (no larger)
*Blunt end scissors
Dry erase board, marker, and eraser
50 #2 yellow natural wood pencils
*1 box of crayons
1 King James Version Bible
*2 large bottle of Elmer’s glue
12” wooden ruler with inches and centimeters
*Watercolor paints
2 pkgs. of wide rule paper
*3 pink erasers
2 composition notebook
2 large bottles of hand sanitizer
2 plastic folders with pockets
1 box Ziploc bags
1” 3 ring binder
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division flash cards (found at dollar store)
Starred (*) items need to be unwrapped and placed in the clear shoebox.
Grades 3
1 King James Version Bible
24+ pencils (not mechanical)
4 large glue sticks
1 pkg. crayons
4 pocket folders
1 wooden ruler (not plastic)
4 spiral notebooks
1 small white board with eraser
4+ dry erase markers
1 pkg. of multi-colored construction paper
1 plastic school pencil box
2 pkg. markers
1 pair of scissors
2 large boxes of tissue
1 large containers of Clorox wipes
1 pkg. of wide-ruled notebook paper
1 large bottle of glue
1 box sandwich or snack size Zip-lock bags
1 package multiplication flashcards
1 package division flashcards
1 can Lysol sanitizing spray
Liberty Christian Prep
Fourth – Sixth Grade Supply List
Grade 4
2 large boxes of tissue
2 containers of Clorox wipes
1 pair of scissors
1 package blue or black pens
2 highlighters
1 King James Version Bible
Wooden ruler with inches and centimeters
1 pack of pencil eraser tops
3 pkgs. Of wide rule paper
4 spiral notebooks
1 pack of red pens
1 pkg. 3x5 index cards
Grade 5
2 large box of tissues
12 #2 pencils
Pencil sharpener
White board, markers, and eraser
6- pocket folders
Pens-Blue, black and red
1 pkg. of multi-colored construction paper
Grade 6
Back pack
King James Version Bible
2-2” three ring binders
3 large boxes tissues
24 #2 pencils
1 (12 pack) colored pencils
Pencil Sharpener
White board, makers, eraser
Pens: blue and black (12 of each)
4 glue sticks
4 large glue sticks and 1 bottle of glue
2 pkgs. markers
1 plastic school pencil box
1 small white board and erasers
4 dry erase makers
1 box of crayons
1 pkg. of multi-colored construction paper
24 #2 pencils-(not mechanical)
1 pkg. cardstock
6 pocket folders
1 box of colored pencils
2 highlighters
Colored pencils
1 King James Version Bible
Ruler with centimeters and inches
2 containers of Clorox Wipes
1 bottle of Glue
Wide ruled notebook paper
Glue sticks
Highlighters: orange, blue, yellow green, pink
1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
5 pkgs. Wide ruled notebook paper
1 set of multiplication flash cards
1 set of division flash cards
Ruler with centimeters and inches
2 containers of Clorox wipes