5. Human body Think of all the words related to body that you know

5. Human body
Think of all the words related to body that you know. Make as long list as possible. Compare
with other groups:
Parts of body:
1. Study the words in the box. Where can you find these parts of body?
jaw / loin / calf / heel / forearm / palm / crown / buttock / hip / thigh / nipple / groin / navel / toe
Arm / hand
Upper torso
Lower torso
Leg / foot
2. Read the text and complete the text with the words below:
arms and legs
The human body consists of a bony skeleton and muscles. The three main parts of the body are: the
head, the trunk and the limbs (extremities).
The head is composed of the 1. _______ and facial parts. It contains the brain, the centre of the
nervous system. The parts of the face are the 2._______, the temples, the ears, the eyes with eyebrows,
the cheeks, the nose, the jaw, the mouth and the 3. _______. The main parts of the mouth are lips, the
tongue, the teeth, the palate and the gums. The eyes are protected by eyelids and eyelashes. The five
senses are: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
The 4._______ includes the chest (in front), the back, the shoulders and the 5._______ .The internal
organs which we cannot see, are the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver with the gall-bladder, the
pancreas, the spleen, the kidneys and the small and large intestines (bowels).
The 6._______ are called the limbs. The upper extremity (arm) consists of the upper arm, the elbow,
the 7._______ , the wrist and the hand with four fingers and one 8._______ . The inner side of the
hand is called the palm. The finger nails protect the finger tips.
The lower extremity (leg) is composed of the thigh, the knee, the shin, 9._______ , the ankle and the
foot. Each foot has a 10._______ , a sole and five toes.
3. Read the text and complete the text with the words below:
The muscles are connected with the bones by 1._______ ,the bones are bound together by ligaments.
Organs of the body are positioned within spaces called cavities. There are these cavities in the human
body: cranial, spinal, 2._______, abdominal and pelvic.
A body system consists of a group of organs that form different systems as:
The musculoskeletal system is composed of the 3. ._______ and the muscle system. The
circulatory system consists of the heart and a network of blood 4._______ : arteries, capillaries and
veins. The digestive system is formed of the mouth, oropharynx, 5._______ ,stomach, small intestine,
large intestine and the anus. The respiratory system includes the nose, nasopharynx, 6. ._______,
bronchi and the lungs. The urinary system – the kidneys, 7._____, bladder and the urethra. The
nervous system is divided into the brain, spinal cord, 8. _______ nerves, autonomic nerves. The
endocrine system – it consists of seven glands and its function is to produce hormones. The
reproductive male system consists of the testes, 9._______, seminal vesicles and the prostate; and the
female’s: the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, 10.______ and the vagina. The integumentary system
consists of the skin, lymph channels and lymph nodes.
4. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F), read the text again and check:
a) The heart and the lungs are situated within the thoracic cavity.
b) The thorax lies above the diaphragm.
d) The pelvic cavity lies below the abdominal cavity.
e) The inner side of the hand is called the forearm.
5. Name the parts of human body in these illustrations:
6. Answer these questions.
1. Which are the main parts of the human body?
2. Describe the parts of the head.
3. Describe the parts of the trunk, the upper and lower extremities.
4. Name the five cavities.
5. Which organs can we find in the thoracic and the abdominal cavities?
6. What are organs of senses?
7. Describe the human body and its organs using the expressions:
consist of, contain, is situated, is made up, comprise, is referred to, is attached, is composed of
The human body consists of a bony skeleton and muscles.
The head is composed…
The head is attached to …
The trunk includes the…
The head contains the brain.
The upper extremity is made up of …
The hand comprises four fingers and one thumb.
Grammar – future tense - will / to be going to / present continuous
- spontaneous decision
- offer
- promise
Going to - decision made for the future
I’ll go with you.
I will help you
I’ll always love.
When I finish uni, I’m going to travel.
Present continuous - already arranged activity I’m having dinner with my mum tonight.
1. Circle the correct form. In some cases both sentence are possible.
1. I’m going to study / I’ll study English here next year.
A. Shall we / Will we eat out tonight?
B. Good idea.
We’ll go / We’re going to Brazil next week. I can’t wait.
What are you going to wear / are you wearing to the party?
Do you think it will rain / it’s going to rain tomorrow.
A. This is heavy.
B. I’ll help / I help you.
I’m meeting / meet a friend this evening
I’m really sorry, I promise I won’t do / I’m not going to do it again.
They’re getting / They’re going to get married in May.
2. Complete B’s replies with a correct future form.
A. Sorry, Ann’s not in.
B. OK. I’ll call back later. (call back)
1. A. There’s no milk.
2. A. Can we meet on Tuesday?
3. A. Can we have pizza for lunch?
B. Don’t worry, I _____________ some. (get).
B. Sorry, I can’t. I _____________ to Brighton. (go)
B. No, we ____________ chicken. I’ve already put it in oven.
B. Yes, but don’t get up. I _____________ it. (answer)
B. She’s pregnant. She _____________ a baby in May. (have)
4. A. Is that the phone?
5. A. Jane’s put on a lot of weight!
Extra topic for discussion – Immortality
Questions for discussion: If you had a chance, would you like to live forever? Do you think this
would be possible in near future? How would that be technically possible?
Will Google's new project make humans immortal? - http://sploid.gizmodo.com/willgoogles-new-project-make-humans-immortal-1348899998
Could humans attain immortality? - http://curiosity.discovery.com/question/humans-attainimmortality
Scientist have discovered a new human part - http://www.geek.com/science/scientists-havediscovered-a-new-human-body-part-1576472/
Future of immortality – (3min) - http://www.sciencechannel.com/tv-shows/pop-scis-futureof/videos/popscis-future-of-ice-man.htm#mkcpgn=snag1
Immortality is definitely possible in future - (9min) - http://www.inc.com/allison-fass/stephenwolfram-immortality-humans-live-forever.html
Immortality by 2045 – (7min) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5c3LKgzAMI
Will we live forever? – past, present, future of human immortality - (5min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r9PfT4AsGU
Teacher’s notes / keys:
Jaw. crown
Arm / hand
Forearm, palm
Upper torso
Loin, nipple,
Lower torso
Buttock, hip,
Leg / foot
Calf, heel, hip,
thigh, toe
2. cranial 2. forehead 3.chin 4. trunk 5. abdomen 6. arms and legs 7. forearm 8. thumb 9. calf 10. heel
Vessels-ceva / ureters-mocovod / thoracic-hrudni / skeletal / trachea / peripheral / uterus- deloha /
sinews/slacha / oesophagus / epididymis /
3. 1. sinews 2.thoraic 3.skeletal 4. vessels 5.oesophagus 6. Trachea 7. Ureters 8.peripheral 9.
Epidiymis 10.uterus
4. a)T b) T c) T d) F
I’m going to study English here next year.
A. Shall we eat out tonight? B. Good idea.
We’re going to Brazil next week. I can’t wait.
What are you going to wear / are you wearing to the party?
Do you think it will rain / it’s going to rain tomorrow.
A. This is heavy.
B. I’ll help you.
I’m meeting a friend this evening
I’m really sorry, I promise I won’t do it again.
They’re getting / They’re going to get married in May.
A. Sorry, Ann’s not in.
1. A. There’s no milk.
2. A. Can we meet on Tuesday?
3. A. Can we have pizza for lunch?
4. A. Is that the phone?
5. A. Jane’s put on a lot of weight!
B. OK. I’ll call back later. (call back)
B. Don’t worry, I’ll get some.
B. Sorry, I can’t. I am going to Brighton.
B. No, we are going to have chicken. I’ve already put it in.
B. Yes, but don’t get up. I’ll answer it.
B. She’s pregnant. She is having a baby in May.
- Discovery- revealing the human in new ways – (3min) - http://www.discovery.com/tvshows/other-shows/videos/other-shows-human-body-videos.htm
- BBC – wonders of human body http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdLpZ2FDbbA&list=PL8DF0B2257A6AED60
Other links:
- Human body flashcards – learning strategy - http://www.cram.com/flashcards/teas-human-bodyscience-778419
- 20 amazing facts about the human body –reading http://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/jan/27/20-human-body-facts-science
- Teacher vision – interesting activities on - https://www.teachervision.com/body-parts/childrensscience-activities/56185.html
- http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-6874.php
- http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/future-simple-will-be-going-to.html
Macmillian Publisher. Human body. [online].(c)2006 [cit. 2014-04-18]. Dostupné na www:
< /www.onestopenglish.com/clil/secondary/english-across-the-curriculum/science-andnature/pdf-content/the-human-body/146836.article>.
WaggingdogmediaLtd. [online].(c)2006 [cit. 2014-04-18].Dostupné na www:
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