Festival Of Flavour
NEW Outdoor Market
18th Annual Toy Run
Falls Brook Centre Events
NEW Splash Pad
Centreville Summerfest
Gallery Events
Summer Reading Club
Johnville Picnic
Come by the Riverside park , Main Street, Bristol and check out the local goods for sale, including fresh cut flowers, fresh produce, food vendors, osborne books, organic produce, eggs, watkins, pottery, clothing and much more!
Starting July 3/08 ; 10:00 am– 2:00 pm ! Enjoy the outdoors, and have your lunch in the park!
This month will début the Strawberry Shortcake Fundraiser hosted by Scotia Bank (fundraising for Habitat for Humanity), P.R.O. Kids, and Youth
180. Each week in July a different group will be selling fresh strawberry shortcakes to raise money. Please come out and support these worthy causes! Special Thanks to
Charlie and Shauna McIntosh for donating the berries!
Little Miss Florenceville-
Florenceville and Bath Scotiabank
Fundraising team who volunteered at numerous fundraisers over the past year to raise $11,681.00 that was donated toward the construction of the New Splash
Events for Thursday, August 21st
Wine Wellness Seminar -Hosted by Marni Olmstead, 6:30pm at the
Andrew and Laura McCain Library—No Admission Fee
Dooly`s Wine and Cheese Happy Hour, featuring the Festival Flavours from 8-10pm- No Admission Fee
5 Course Meal and Wine Pairing – Hosted by Fresh Dining with Ian Purdy, Sara Caines and Sommelier Kempton
Hyson, offered in 2 sessions, 5pm & 8:30 pm– Reservation Required call 392-6000
Events for Friday, August 22nd
Wine 101 Seminar Tasting – 4 Reds & 4 Whites. Hosted by Sommelier Kempton Hyson at the Tannaghtyn Bed &
Breakfast 7:30pm. Tickets are $30 and available at the Town Office
Let's Make Wine & Amateur Wine Making Contest Winners – Hosted by Shamrock Suites at 7:30pm. Tickets are
$10 and available at the Town Office
Dooly’s Live entertainment ( TBA) featuring the Festival Flavours, beginning at 10pm—$5.00 Admission Fee
Events for Saturday, August 23rd
Grand Tasting Event– Sample over 100 varieties of Wine, Spirits and savour the Flavours of `Fresh` Fine
Dining, Terry's Catering, Florenceville Motor Inn, Carleton Coop, and Fusion…. At the Riverside Park
6:30pm– 9:30pm. Tickets $30 – available at all ticket locations
A portion of the proceeds will go to Western Valley P.R.O. Kids
Outdoor GTO Concert- At the Riverside Park from 10pm-1am– Tickets are $15—available at all ticket locations
( Ticket Combo for Grand Tasting and GTO Concert available at all ticket locations for $40)
Events for Sunday, August 24th:
Champagne Brunch — conclusion of the Festival at the Florenceville Motor Inn, For Reservations
Or information phone 392-6053.
Amateur Wine Making Contest– Information packages can be requested by phoning 392-6763
Tickets available at Magan Services, Glen’s Grocery, Florenceville Motor Inn and Municipal Office
Come and Join Us for Four Days Of Fun!! - TICKETS ON SALE AFTER JULY 9TH
For Additional Information contact 392-6763 or visit
Municipal Office located at 4724 Juniper Road
Phone number 392-6013
The 18th annual Toy Run is retuning to Carleton County this year. This group of motorcycle enthusiasts have organized this annual fundraiser to help children in local health care facilities. The run beings at 1pm (SHARP) Saturday, July 19th and runs from the Centreville Middle School to Hotel
Dieu Saint Joseph, Perth, NB. The run is followed by the Adult party at Muniac Park . Admission for the party is $30 per person and you MUST be 19 years of age with ID. The Association also asks that there be no dogs, no children, and no glass containers. The party begins Friday night, July 18th, with live music from Escape. Saturday night, July 19th is live music of the Barker Boys and
Groove Machine!
For Additional Information contact Dwight Buttlerfield (The DUKE) : 278-5897 or
Tanya Wheeler: 278-1887 or 391-6871
Come Out And Support The Sick Children In Your Area
Catherine Linfield’s Horse Sculpture Exhibit– Opening is Thursday, June 26– Using the technique of Raku, Linfield has prodouced a collection of over 100 horse sculptures.
James Wilson’s “Light at the Edge” Exhibit– Recognized NB photographer shows stunning images of the rivers and shorelines of the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.
Kids Sculpture– Saturday July 12, 10am-12pm - Elementary level ($10) Kids will tour Catherine Lenfield’s sculpted horses before creating their own creatures and habitats with model magic!
2nd Kids Sculpture– Saturday July 19, 10am– 12pm– Elementary level ($10) Kids will focus on three dimensional image, by exploring the work of Keith Haring and Michael Snow, as well as group activities before setting their own symbol to render in three dimensions.
Kids Sculpture– Saturday July 26, 10am-12pm elementary Level ($10) Kids will experiment with assemblage and create their own recycled robot from found objects, hardware, and gutted electronics
Science East Day Camp– Monday July 14 to Friday July 18, 9am-4pm, $30/day, Ages 8-12 —as a part of their outreach program Science East is offering a hands on science learning experience. In the past participants have learnt about flight, optics, engineering, explosions, in fun filled activities! (
Summer Reading Club!
This is an exciting program designed for kids from grades
K-6. This year’s theme for the club is Science! The program is from 2-3pm every Wednesday. This years weekly themes:
July 2– Space Theme
July 9– Human Body
July 16– Guest speaker Michael Edwards from Science
July 23– Welcome to the Great Outdoors
Thursday, July 24– PJ Party with Read-to-Me club
July 30– Kitchen Fun (Chemistry)
August 6– All the Bells and Whistles (Physics)
August 13– Combined closing party
For More Information Contact The Library
This program is designed for kids who cannot read alone to participate in the library’s activities by having a parent or guardian read to them at home, then the club will meet every Friday, 10:30– 11:30 am for fun activities! The weekly themes for this summer are:
July 4– Space Theme
July 11– Human Body (The 5 Senses)
July 18– Welcome to the Great Outdoors
Thursday, July 24 PJ Party with Summer Reading Club
July 25– Special Guest Anne Turner
August 1– Kitchen Fun (Chemistry)
August 8– All the Bells and Whistles (Physics)
Wednesday, August 13, 3-4pm– Combined Closing Party
For More Information Contact The Library
Johnville will celebrate the 130th anniversary of their picnic on Saturday, August 2, 2008 making it the longest running church festival in New Brunswick. To mark this milestone, several special events have been added to the program, including an open-air memorial mass and a play that chronicles the history of this rural farming community in western New
Brunswick. The outdoor mass will lead off this year’s picnic at 1:00pm and will be held in honor of Johnvilles’ early
pioneers. Festivities begin on the church grounds at 2:00pm when local performers step onto the outdoor stage and bingo is called under the big tent. Children’s Parade will be at 3:00pm, and a variety of games, crafts and food booths will be operating on the fairgrounds. There will be two showings of “The Road to Johnville” at 4:00pm and 7:00pm under the big pine tree, next to the church hall. The picnic supper– a tasty smorgasbord of salads, cold meats, homemade pies and desserts– will be served in the church hall from 4:00-7:00pm. Admission is $8.00 for adults and $4.00 for children 12 and under. Entertainment will continue through the evening, with a dance under the stars and fireworks display to bring this special anniversary celebration to a dazzling close.
Mary Boyd, Picnic Chair: 278-5509 or email
Canot Restigouche Camping Fundraiser– August 16 & 17– canoe the beautiful Restagouche river, sleep under the stars and help Nicaraguan access basic needs. To register contact Arpin Canoe at or call (506) 284 3104 Toll Free: 1
877 259 4440
Summer Youth Camps– August 14th-17th at Mount Carleton Provincial Park, including a day of canoeing along with the
Nicaraguan fundraiser. A great opportunity for youth to spend time in nature, make new friends, and have fun. (Ages 11-17) Please contact Allison: for more information
One World Traveling Puppet Theatre– A great line up of puppet shows and workshops for youth and adults, all with an ecological and social theme. Great for any fair or festival, indoors or out!
Big Blue the Climate Change Bus– This traveling interactive museum can stop by your event or school! Please contact (506) 375
4310 two weeks in advance
Central America Learning Exchange– Annual March break to Honduras is accepting applicants– call (506) 375 4310
Family Worship Centre Hosting
Gathering at Riverside Park
August 2nd from 10am—3pm
Celebrate summer with the Family Worship
Centre! There will be open air music, face painting, and puppet shows! Youth 180 will be putting on a lunch BBQ fundraiser as well! Bring a lawn chair!
Looking For Participants
Little Miss & Junior Miss Florenceville-Bristol
Fall Pageant
Friday, September 19, 2008
Open to all girls ages 6-11
Registration Fee Little Miss $5.00 Junior Miss $10.00
Junior Miss must be able to perform a talent on stage sing, dance, recite a poem, speech, story, skit etc.
For more information contact Nancy Smith-Pageant
Coordinator at 392-6021
Deadline: August 8,2008
Water Pilates : Monday & Wednesday’s 12:00pm-1:00pm, Florenceville-Bristol Community Pool, Instructor Ciska
Bakker, Cost $3.00/session or 10 for $25.00.
Adult Bicycle Club : A social bike ride will be held every Tuesday & Thursday evening starting July 3rd at 6:15pm, meeting at the Northern Carleton Civic Centre. Those participating are asked to bring there own safety gear.
Family Picnic : August 16th from11:00-2:00pm at the Florenceville Park bring a picnic lunch and a blanket)
Public Swim Schedule Florenceville-Bristol Community Pool:Monday-Sunday 2:00-4:00pm & 6:00-8:00pm
If you are looking for more information on summer programs visit or phone 392-6797