Celine Dion, the youngest of 14 children, was born on March

Celine Dion, the youngest of 14 children, was born on March 30th, 1968 in Charlemagne, Quebec, Canad
a. Charlemagne is on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, on the east end of the Montreal Isla
nd. She has Hazel eyes and is 5 feet 7.5 inches tall. Her qualities are self-determination, profe
ssionalism and discipline. She is so disciplined that she has actually spent three weeks without ma
king any sound to give her vocal cords a rest. She does have her failings though. She is sometimes
impatient, especially in the mornings. Her lucky number is five. She even keeps a five-cent coin
that was minted in 1968, that she found on the ground. Her favorite perfume is Channel #5, and her
favorite colors are black, white and red. Celine collects miniature cups and crystal objects. She
also collects shoes, having over 400 pairs! She enjoys snow and water skiing, and roller blading.
Her second career choice would be to be a professional model, and her favorite musical instrument is
a piano. Celine’s favorite female singers are Natalie Cole, Barbara Streisand, and Ginet
te Reno, and her favorite male singers are Stevie Wonder and Micheal Jackson. Micheal Jackson even
sent her a signed photo stating “To Celine with love.”, (Http://www.celineonline
.com/bio1.html.) and the hat he wore in the Billy Jean clip, which was also signed. Her first name
comes from a song (Celine, sang by Hugues Aufray and written in 1966 by Vline Buggy) that her mother
was singing while she was pregnant.
Celine has a large family. Her mother is Therese Tanguay D
ion, and her father is Adhemar Dion. She also has eight sisters: Denise, Claudette, Liette, Louise,
Ghislaine, Linda, Manon, and Pauline. Her five brothers are Clement, Michel, Jacques, Daniel, and
Paul. Paul and Pauline are twins. Celine’s family is very musical. Claudette, and Miche
l have both recorded albums, and Michel is part of a band named Le Show. Celine’s parents
own Le vieux Baril (The Old Barrel), a piano-bar restaurant in their hometown. The children did wa
itressing and singing for the customers. Adhemar played the accordion and Therese played violin, wh
ile the children sang. Celine first stood on top of a table and sang a Ginette Reno song when she w
as only five! She also sang a song at her brother Michel’s wedding. The town’s
people called her “la p’tite Quebecoise”, or “the little Qu
ebecer”. When Celine was 12, she and her mother wrote the song Ce n’etait qu&am
p;#8217;un reve (It was only a dream). Celine sang and recorded it on a demo tape, and they sent it
to Rene Angelil, who was a well-known manager in Montreal. Rene was very impressed by the control
and strength of her voice, so he agreed to work with her. He even mortgaged his house to pay for th
e production of her first two albums!
In 1981 French songwriter Eddy Marnay wrote La voix du bon
dieu (God’s voice) for Celine Dion. She added some more songs, and created the album La
voix du bon dieu. He also introduced Celine to France. Later that year, Celine came out with anot
her album, Celine chante Noel (Celine sings Christmas). She even made a guest appearance on the mos
t watched talk show in Quebec. Celine released another album, Tellement j’ai d’
amour… (I have so much love), in 1982. That same year she won a gold metal at the World P
opular Song Festival, and the Musicians Prize in Tokyo. In 1983 she sang in the Cannes Music Festiv
al in France. In France she released the album Du soleil au coeur (Some sunshine in the heart), and
she recorded two television shows. Her 1982 song D’amour ou d’amitie (Of love
or of friendship), sold more than 500,000 copies in France and Celine became the first Canadian to m
erit a gold record in that country. Six days later she received a gold record in Quebec for her son
g Tellement j’ai d’amour. That same year she released the album Les chemins de
ma maison (The paths of my house) in Quebec, and the single mon ami in’a quittee (My boyfr
iend left me) in France. She ended the year with the Christmas album Chants et contes de Noel (Song
s and tales about Christmas).
In the beginning of 1984, the largest private television network
in Quebec made a one-hour television special on Celine. One of Celines songs was also released in G
ermany. At the end of August, she launched her Melanie album, and in September she released Les plu
s grandes succes de Celine Dion (Celine Dion’s Greatest hits) album. Later that year she
released the album Les ois eaux du bonheur (Birds of happiness), and the single Mon reve de toujours
(My everlasting dream) in France. She also sang to Pope John Paul II, and 65,000 people. Celine D
ion did her first live recording in 1985 while on tour in Quebec. It was called Celine Dion en conc
ert (Celine Dion in concert). She was also among the artists who recorded Les yeux de la faim (The
eyes of the hungry), to fight starvation in Ethiopia. Her eighth Quebec album, C’est pou
r toi (It’s for you) is released in Quebec, and as a single in France. In 1986 she took
almost 18 months almost completely off, and changed her looks from adolescent to young woman. She a
lso released two new songs in France, Billy and En amour (In Love). In Quebec she released the albu
m Les chansons en or (The golden songs). Celine got a big contract with CBS in 1987. She also laun
ched the album Incognito, and the single Je ne veui pas (I don’t want), and in France rele
ased the single La religieuse (The nun). She had a television special also later that year. In 198
8 Celine won many awards, and put on many shows. She also released some of her older albums from Qu
ebec into France, and Vivre (To live) in Germany. During 1989 she prepared for her international car
eer by taking English classes, and she recorded three duets. They were Can’t live with yo
u, can’t live without you, Wishful thinking, and Listen to me.
Celine got her first go
lden record in the United States with the album Unison in 1990. She also sang twice on the Tonight
Show. In 1991 Celine sang the song Where does my heart beat now, which stayed on Billboard for 24 w
eeks. Celine was also invited to present an American Music Award. She was invited to sing in Beaut
y and the beast by Disney, and recorded with others Voices that care, which was a special song recor
ded for U.S. troops in the Gulf War. In 1992 Celine launched Celine Dion live at the Tonight Show,
her second album in English, with the slogan “Remember the name because you’ll n
ever forget the voice”. It later went gold, making both of her two English albums gold.
Celine did an American tour in the spring, and that Fall she did tours in Australia, Europe, and Jap
an. She also released the songs Love you blind, and Cry Just A Little. In 1993 Celine sang for Pre
sident Bill Clinton and his wife, and she sang in the soundtrack for Sleepless in Seattle. She also
released a new album, entitled The Colour of my Love, and did a Christmas Special for NBC. She als
o released in Europe an album titled Les premieres annees (The first years).
In 1994 she began
advertising for Hudson Bay Company, and had also previously done advertising for Chrysler, Simpsons
, and Diet Coke. Celine’s song The Power of Love became the 50th biggest hit of all time
of Billboards. She also released another live album called Celine a l’Olympia (Celine at
the Olympia). In 1995 Celine released a French album D’eux, which sold 57,000 copies a da
y in France! It set many world records for album sales. It forced Sony, her producer, to make two
new albums, Celine Dion Gold and Celine Dion Gold Album two. Sony said she was the first singer to
be both the best seller in English and in French. In the year of 1996, she released singles of Beca
use you loved me, and falling into you. By this time Celine had definitely created a place for hers
elf in Stardom. The only way her albums were being knocked off the top of the charts was by her own
newer albums. Her accomplishments from 1996 until now are too many to fit in this research paper.
Celine’s only dream was to become a famous singer, and she is living that dream now.
Celine’s dream now is to become a mother. She wants to hold on to the “real&amp
;#8221; things, like her husband and family. The main goals she has set for is to take things a lit
tle slower, and enjoy her home life a little more. She also wants to try to stay famous, and keep g
etting better.
Celine has enjoyed a great relationship with her fans. She has so many of them,
and most are very devoted to her. When she started out in Quebec, her fans their absolutely loved h
er. But as she became more famous, and started singing songs in English, they began to consider her
a traitor. The people of Quebec as a whole feel she has abandoned her language and her people. He
r fans in the U.S. are very supportive of her, and most feel that Quebec is wrong in their beliefs,
but Quebec’s loss is the rest of the world’s gain. Celine has many fans from a
ll over the world and she works hard to do world tours in as many countries as possible to keep her
fans happy.
All these reasons and more are why Celine Dion is a good role model. She has worked
hard to accomplish her dreams, made many sacrifices for her career, and she still maintains strong
Celine Dion married her manager, Rene Angelil, in December 1994. Celine was then 26, and
Rene, who is 26 years older than her, was 52. Celine hates leaving for tours without Rene, and worr
ies that she is causing him too much stress. Celine said “It’s weird, because I
don’t care about seeing the beauty of foreign countries if he’s not there&#
8221; (People Weekly March 3, 1997 p73+). Celine and Rene are also trying to have a baby, to make t
hem even more of a “family”.
Celine Dion and Rene are building a new house o
n Florida’s Jupiter Island. The island made the news in 1997 when President Bill Clinton
fell and injured his knee after a visit with resident Greg Norman. Celine’s new house, wh
ich was built in the fall of 1997, is a 1,700 square meter mansion. The eight-million-dollar house
will include fountains, waterfalls, and 63 television sets!
Celine and Rene are part owners o
f Nickels Restaurants. Nickels is a family restaurant with an American 50’s theme. Celin
e has designed the uniforms for the waitresses, and sometimes appears at one of the restaurants. Wa
lking through the restaurant is like taking a trip back in time with it’s vinyl booths, ol
d fashion milk shakes, and homemade apple pies. Nickels started out on December 5, 1990 in St. La
urent, Quebec. There are now many locations throughout Quebec and Ontario, with plans of expanding
to include the U.S.
Celine has received numerous awards. Between 1982 and 1998, Celine has won a
Yamaha World Song Festival Awards, a Yamaha Symphony Orchestra Award, 33 Felix awards, 20 Juno Award
s, two Much Music Video Awards, nine World Music Awards, a Popcorn Award, two Edison Awards. She has
also received a CARAS (Canadian Academy for Recording Arts and Science) Award, a VH1 Award, a Cable
Ace Award, an Ivor Novello Award, a Billboard Award, a Eurovision Award, two Victoires de la Musiqu
e Awards, an IRMA Award (Irish Recorded Music Awards), three MIDEM awards, an Amigo Award, a Billet
Platine Award, and an American Music Award. She has also won four Grammy Awards, an Oscar, two Gold
en Disc Awards, and a Diamond Album Award. Celine was also honored by the Canadian Government with
a recognition on Canada’s 125th Birthday from the Governor General for her contribution to
Canadian culture, and was recognized by as the Officer of the “Order of Quebec”
, and Officer of the “Order of Canada”.
Celine Dion is the National Celebrit
y Patron for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CCFF). She has stayed very committed to the c
ause that she joined because of a real life tragedy. Celine’s niece Karine Menard, daught
er of her sister Liette, was born with Cystic Fibrosis, and died of the disease at age 16. For many
years Celine did what she could to make Karine happy, like taking her shopping and buying her every
thing she wanted, but by 1993, 16 year old Karine was bed-ridden and in critical condition, barely a
ble to breathe or swallow. “One day I had her in my arms,” says Dion, &#822
0;and I started to sing softly in her ear, and out of nowhere her eyes closed. I looked at my mom,
who was messaging her feet because her circulation didn’t work, and nodded, ‘Oka
y, it’s happening.’ One tear came down Karine’s cheek, and then she w
ent” (Jeanne Gordon People Weekly March 3, 1997 p73+). Celine believes that no one should
have to go through what Karine did, so she has donated huge amounts of money and time to helping th
e foundation afford to research new ideas for cures and treatments. Celine’s popularity h
as helped the foundation by giving them the money they need, and making people more aware of the dis
Overall, Celine was and still is a hard-working woman, who even though she is rich and famou
s, still remembers the struggles she went through to get where she is today, and remembers that it&a
mp;#8217;s really your friends and family that give your life meaning.celine dion youngest children
born march charlemagne quebec canada charlemagne north shore lawrence river east montreal island haz
el eyes feet inches tall qualities self determination professionalism discipline disciplined that ac
tually spent three weeks without making sound give vocal cords rest does have failings though someti
mes impatient especially mornings lucky number five even keeps five cent coin that minted that found
ground favorite perfume channel favorite colors black white celine collects miniature cups crystal
objects also collects shoes having over pairs enjoys snow water skiing roller blading second career
choice would professional model favorite musical instrument piano celine female singers natalie cole
barbara streisand ginette reno male singers stevie wonder micheal jackson micheal jackson even sent
signed photo stating with love http celineonline html wore billy jean clip which also signed first
name comes from song sang hugues aufray written vline buggy mother singing while pregnant large fami
ly mother therese tanguay dion father adhemar dion also eight sisters denise claudette liette louise
ghislaine linda manon pauline five brothers clement michel jacques daniel paul paul pauline twins f
amily very musical claudette michel have both recorded albums michel part band named show parents vi
eux baril barrel piano restaurant their hometown children waitressing singing customers adhemar play
ed accordion therese played violin while children sang first stood table sang ginette reno song when
only song brother wedding town people called tite quebecoise little quebecer when mother wrote etai
t reve only dream recorded demo tape they sent rene angelil well known manager montreal rene very im
pressed control strength voice agreed work with even mortgaged house production first albums french
songwriter eddy marnay wrote voix dieu voice added some more songs created album voix dieu introduce
d france later year came with another album chante noel sings christmas made guest appearance most w
atched talk show quebec released another album tellement amour have much love same year gold metal w
orld popular festival musicians prize tokyo cannes music festival france france released soleil coeu
r some sunshine heart recorded television shows amour amitie love friendship sold more than copies b
ecame canadian merit gold record country days later received gold record quebec tellement amour same
year released chemins maison paths house single quittee boyfriend left ended christmas chants conte
s noel songs tales about christmas beginning largest private television network made hour television
special celines songs germany august launched melanie september plus grandes succes greatest hits l
ater eaux bonheur birds happiness single reve toujours everlasting dream pope john paul people live
recording while tour called concert concert among artists yeux faim eyes hungry fight starvation eth
iopia eighth pour single took almost months almost completely changed looks from adolescent young wo
man billy chansons golden contract launched incognito veui want religieuse special many awards many
shows some older albums from into vivre live germany during prepared international career taking eng
lish classes three duets they were live without wishful thinking listen golden record united states
unison twice tonight show where does heart beat which stayed billboard weeks invited present america
n music award invited sing beauty beast disney others voices care which special troops gulf launched
tonight second english slogan remember name because never forget voice went making both english ame
rican tour spring fall tours australia europe japan blind just little president bill clinton wife so
undtrack sleepless seattle entitled colour europe titled premieres annees years began advertising hu
dson company previously done advertising chrysler simpsons diet coke power became biggest time billb
oards another called olympia olympia french sold copies many world records sales forced sony produce
r make sony said singer both best seller french singles because loved falling into this time definit
ely created place herself stardom only were being knocked charts newer accomplishments until this re
search paper dream become famous singer living become wants hold real things like husband family mai
n goals take things little slower enjoy home life more wants stay famous keep getting better enjoyed
great relationship fans them most very devoted when started fans their absolutely loved became famo
us started singing they began consider traitor people whole feel abandoned language fans supportive
most feel wrong their beliefs loss rest world gain over works hard tours countries possible keep hap
py these reasons good role model worked hard accomplish dreams made sacrifices career still maintain
s strong values married manager rene angelil december then years older than hates leaving tours with
out worries causing much stress said weird because care about seeing beauty foreign countries there
weekly march trying baby make them building house florida jupiter island island news president bill
clinton fell injured knee after visit resident greg norman built fall square meter mansion eight mil
lion dollar will include fountains waterfalls sets part owners nickels restaurants nickels restauran
t american theme designed uniforms waitresses sometimes appears restaurants walking through restaura
nt like taking trip back time vinyl booths fashion milk shakes homemade apple pies nickels started d
ecember laurent there locations throughout ontario plans expanding include received numerous awards
between yamaha festival awards yamaha symphony orchestra award felix juno much music video nine popc
orn award edison received caras canadian academy recording arts science cable ivor novello billboard
eurovision victoires musique irma irish three midem amigo billet platine four grammy oscar golden d
isc diamond honored canadian government recognition canada birthday governor general contribution cu
lture recognized officer order officer order canada national celebrity patron cystic fibrosis founda
tion ccff stayed committed cause joined real life tragedy niece karine menard daughter sister liette
born cystic fibrosis died disease years what could make karine happy like taking shopping buying ev
erything wanted karine ridden critical condition barely able breathe swallow arms says sing softly n
owhere eyes closed looked messaging feet circulation didn work nodded okay happening tear came down
cheek then went jeanne gordon weekly march believes should through what donated huge amounts money h
elping foundation afford research ideas cures treatments popularity helped foundation giving them mo
ney need making aware disease overall still hard working woman though rich still remembers struggles
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