Chapter Review Games and Activities

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Chapter Review Games and Activities
For use after Chapter 8
Consider the following mathematical puzzle.
There are 100 numbered switches in a row, all in the off position. You go through the switches from
Switch 1 to Switch 100 and flip all of them. Then you go back to the beginning and, starting with Switch 2,
flip every other one. Then again you go back to the beginning and starting with Switch 3, you flip every
third one. You continue in this fashion until on your last time through you begin and end with Switch 100.
After you are finished, which switches are in the on position?
The answers to the following questions will give you the Switch numbers in
the on position.
1. The circumference of a circle is 98π. What is its radius?
2. What is the area of the square with a side length of 2 millimeters?
3. What is the area of the rectangle that has a length of 9 and a width of 4?
4. Suppose that a triangle has a base of 10 inches and an area of 5 square inches. What is the
height of the triangle?
5. What is the area of a rhombus that has diagonals that measure 3 meters and 6 meters?
6. A sector of a circle has an area of 62.5π square inches and a radius of 30 inches. What is the
measure of its central angle?
7. Four of the interior angles of a pentagon have measures of 122, 103, 120, and 131.
What is the measure of the fifth interior angle?
8. A right triangle has legs of length 4 feet and 8 feet. What is its area?
9. What is the height of a parallelogram that has a base of 20 centimeters and an area of
1620 square centimeters?
10. Suppose that a trapezoid has a height of 8 meters and the lengths of the bases are 12 meters
and 13 meters. What is its area?
Review and Assess
11. What do the numbered switches in the on position have in common?
Chapter 8 Resource Book
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