Jason M. Osborne Department of Mathematics and Statistics Boston University josborne@bu.edu Ph.D. (Mathematics, 2007) North Carolina State University B.S. (Mathematics and Physics, 2000) East Tennessee State University Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award Maltbie Award for Teaching Faculty Award for Physics Outstanding Senior in Mathematics Full-Time Lecturer (2012-present) Boston University • Teaching faculty and TF coordinator for MA123 RULE initiative Scholar and Tutor (2011-2012) Boston Area • • • Continued scholarship leading to publication in respected mathematics journal (Notices of the AMS) Continued scientific collaboration with a colleague from The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab AP exam preparation tutor and substitute teacher at an area private high school (The Rivers School) Visiting Faculty (2010-2011) Olin College of Engineering • • • • Experimented with minimal lecture methods in custom-designed mathematics courses Completed a collaborative, technical article for a respected control theory journal (Automatica) Peer-reviewer for technical articles submitted to the American Control Conference; continued national conference attendance and technical presentations Courses taught to-date: Calculus (single and multivariable); Linear Algebra; Ordinary Differential Equations; Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations; Trigonometry; Introductory Algebra Visiting Faculty (2008-2009) Florida State University • • • Integrated technical computing software into all aspects of teaching; designed software tutorials, performed live software demonstrations, and created technical assignments aimed at guiding users with zero experience toward proficiency With colleagues from Air Force Research Labs, completed a control algorithm for a ubiquitous engineering mechanism and personally took ownership of the writing, design, and revision processes necessary to publish our results in a respected, widely-read engineering magazine (IEEE Control Systems Magazine) Prepared custom reference letters and advised students throughout the college and scholarship application processes; mentored student research projects; prepared and presented entry-level, invited talks on document preparation using LaTeX and engaging students in undergraduate research Adjunct Faculty (2007-2008) Tallahassee Community College and Florida State University • Taught introductory to advanced courses at ethnically diverse institutions Research Assistant (2004-2006) North Carolina State University • Supported by National Science Foundation grant to study control of mechanical systems; presented research results at national and international conferences; invited to give accessible and engaging presentations to showcase NC State Mathematics graduate program to potential students Space Scholars Internship (2005) Air Force Research Laboratory • Collaborative research with an engineer and mathematician; participated in both a reading group and two internal, technology transfer presentations; assisted manager in preparing slides for funding presentations; participated in sporting and team-building activities with colleagues Teaching Assistant (2000-2004) North Carolina State University • Full teaching, grading, and management responsibilities for large (+100 student) and small (+20) courses; managed my own TAs and consulted on their grading and tutoring responsibilities Select Publications • Jason Osborne, A Geodesic- and Parallel Transport-Based, Mass-Spring-Damper Error System on the Euclidean Sphere, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 60, No. 5, 2013. • Robert Fuentes, Gregory Hicks, and J. Osborne, The Spring Paradigm in Tracking Control of Simple Mechanical Systems, Automatica, Vol. 47 No. 4, pgs. 993-1000, 2011 • J. Osborne, G. Hicks and R. Fuentes, Global Analysis of the Double-Gimbal Mechanism, IEEE Control Systems Magazine (cover article), Vol. 28, 2008 • R. Fuentes, G. Hicks and J. Osborne, Intrinsic Control Design of Abstract Machines, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 366, 2007 • J. Osborne and Dmitry Zenkov, Steering the Chaplygin Sleigh Using a Moving Mass, Proceeding of the Conference on Decision and Control (CDC-ECC), 2005 • J. Osborne, A Lie Algebra of Integral for Keplerian Motion Restricted to the Plane, Furman University Electronic Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics, Vol. 5, 1999 Student Focused Presentations • FSU Physics Society (2008) Description: Introduction to LaTeX given by student request • FSU Undergraduate Math Society (2008) Description: On engaging undergraduates in research • Tallahassee Community College Engineering Club (2007) Description: On modeling and controlling of mechanical systems • Mathematics Department Recruitment Weekend, NCSU Description: Invited research presentations to showcase graduate program to potential students Technical Presentations • • • • • • • • General Session, AMS-MAA Joint Meetings, New Orleans (2011) Invited Session on Contemporary Dynamical Systems AMS-MAA Joint Meetings, San Diego, CA (2006) Conference on Decision and Control, Sevilla, Spain (2005) AFRL, Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM (2005) Differential Equations Seminar, NCSU (2005) Graduate Algebra Seminar, NCSU (2002, 2003) Physics Seminar, ETSU (2002) A Series of Mathematical Physics Seminars, NCSU (2001) Service and Mentorship American Control Conference Article Reviewer (2010, 2009) Faculty advisor for Olin student's Fulbright grant proposal (2010) Prepared student reference letters and advised students throughout application processes o Graduate school applications: FSU Meteorology (2007), Georgia State Univeristy Financial Math and Risk Management (2009) o Southern Scholarship Foundation: FSU students (2007, 2009) o Summer research program in fluid dynamics: FSU student (2010) o Goldwater scholarship: FSU student (2008) o Study abroad in Florence, Italy: FSU student (2008) o Hispanic Student Schoarship: FSU student (2008) • Mentored undergraduate independent studies o Linear Algebra student developed Mathematica code to symbolically manipulate tensors (2007) • • • o o PDE student worked to understand the Black-Scholes equation (of finance) and its relation to the heat equation from class (2009) Linear Algebra student worked with Maple to implement risk assessment (bidding) algorithms (2008) Awards • • • • • • • Supported by NSF Grant DMS-0306017 (PI: Dr. D. Zenkov, 2004-2006) Armstrong Maltbie Award (Mathematics department teaching award, 2004) Outstanding Teaching Assistant (2003) Outstanding Senior in Mathematics (2000) Rex Depew Scholarship (Mathematics, 1999-2000) Faculty Award for Physics (1999) Academic Performance Scholarship (full tuition, 1995-1999)