Interference analysis


MFN network analysis with ICS telecom

Interference due to one interferer

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – theoretical consideration

Tx1 is considered as interfered by Tx2 on the point M if :

C1 (dBµV/m) > Threshold (dBµV/m) and

C1-C2 (dB) < C/I Required (dB) – RXAPA (dB) - XPD (dB)

Therefore, we talk about the Nuisance field strength (NFS) delivered by Tx2 at the receiver’s location relatively to Tx1 which is defined by the following formula :

NFS (dBµV/m) = C2 (dBµV/m) + C/I Required (dB) – RXAPA (dB) - XPD (dB)

Interference due to several interferer

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – theoretical consideration

In this case, two different definitions of interferences can be used

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – theoretical consideration

Single interferers mode:

Tx1 is considered as interfered at the point M if :

C1 (dBµV/m) > Threshold (dBµV/m) and

C1 (dBµV/m) < Max j

1 (NFS) (dBµV/m)

Summed interferers mode (power sum):

Tx1 is considered as interfered at the point M if :

C1 (dBµV/m) > Threshold (dBµV/m) and

C1 (dBµV/m) < Sum j

1 (NFS) (dBµV/m)

Sum(NFS) is defined by the following formula, where NFS(j) is the NFS due to the j-th interferer expressed in dBµV/m:

Sum(NFS) = 10 x Log10(Σ j


10 NFS(j)/10 )

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – launch the function

To perform an interference calculation, the coverage of all the considered stations have to be calculated previously!

• Define the protection ratio values

• Define the receiving antenna pattern:

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – set the protection ratio parameters

• Priority system

• Always check the values applied

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – set the protection ratio parameters

• The protection ratio values can be defined in a curve, set by the user (priority 1 and 3)

• The protection ratio values can be extracted from recommendations - ITU, FCC,

ETSI… (priority 2)

• Cross-polar discrimination: This parameter, also called XPD, is set by the user and decreases the protection ratio when the victim and the interferer do not have the same polarization.

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – different ways to consider the interferences

In ICS Telecom, there are three main ways to consider the interferences:

The first one is the interference + best server mode

In this mode, a pixel will be considered as interfered if all the received signals are interfered. If the point is interfered, the displayed value is 255, otherwise, the displayed value is the number of the station transmitting the best signal on this point

• This mode can be used if the transmitters broadcast the same program

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – different ways to consider the interferences

The second one is the global interference mode

In this mode, a pixel will be considered as interfered if at least one received signal is interfered. If the point is interfered, the displayed value is 255

• This mode can be used if the transmitters broadcast different programs

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – different ways to consider the interferences

The third one is the Network ID mode

In this mode, a point will be considered as interfered if at least one program is interfered on this point. The list of programs is determined by all the distinct values of Network ID among the activated stations. If the point is interfered, the displayed value is 255, otherwise, the displayed value is the number of distinct programs received on this point

• With mode the user check on each point, if all the programs are received without interferences.

It is used to study a network broadcasting several programs

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: analysis of analog network versus analog network a. Set the network

We consider that the analog network broadcast the same program

• Load the existing network

• 6 analogue transmitters

5 from the BRIFIC

1 new site

The patterns have been adapted.

The exercise is done with 4 channels.

The coverage calculation has been performed with a deterministic model (ITU-R 525)

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network b. Definition of the analog parameters

Stations parameters

1 PADANG PAUH 100.13000 6.29000




Longitude X Latitude Y Code Frequency (MHz) Channel Power (W) Ant H (m)

100.45060 5.48570











3 GUNUNG RAYA 99.49160 6.22060

4 GUNUNG JERAI 100.26120 5.47160

5 BUKIT LARUT 100.48210 4.51290

6 New Site 100.48216 4.32526





















Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network c. Calculate the interferences

• Do not take in consideration the Rx antenna discrimination

• All the activated stations are considered as

Wanted and Unwanted in turn

Interferences are displayed in pink

The non-interfered signal is displayed as

Best Server

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network d. Population analysis (1/3)

• Launch the population analysis function- Filter on value 255 (interference value)

• Calculate the population interfered inside each polygon

• Calculate the total population interfered

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network d. Population analysis (2/3)

Calculate the area interfered with the filter function

Population Area (km²)

Analog network interferences 424 039 11 127

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network d. Population analysis (3/3)

Take in consideration the Rx antenna discrimination

(ITU recommendation 419)

Analog network interferences (Rx ant.)


130 828

Area (km²)

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network e. Analyze on specific points (1/4)

Use the button “WAY” to know exactly the situation on one point

Define the protection ratios.

• Set the same value as for the one used for the interference map

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network e. Analyze on specific points (2/4)

In this mode:

• All the stations need to be activated

• The receiving antenna pattern is not taking in account

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network e. Analyze on specific points (3/4)

At this point, we know that:

• One transmitter is received over the threshold: Tx5 with a FSR=81dBμV/m

• Tx5 is interfered by Tx3 with a FSR=32dBμV/m

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network e. Analyze on specific points (4/4)

The protection ratio defined for interference between

Tx5 versus Tx3 is 52dB (Co channel case)

Thereby, we can manually check the calculation:





= 81 – 32 = 49dB => 49<(C/I) required

(52) => The point is interfered

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network f. Draw a profile

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network g. Site by site analysis

To study the influence a network on another one, deactivate the network considered as Unwanted.

There is two ways to consider the activated stations:

• Activated wanted station mode: Only de-activated stations are considered as interferers. The activated stations does not interfered between themselves.

• Activated + Deactivated mode: both activated and deactivated stations are considered as interferers

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network g. Site by site analysis

Isolate the station to analyze

• In this case, we can chose the “Activated wanted station mode” or the “Activated +

Deactivated mode”, the result will be the same

Interferences in pink

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network g. Site by site analysis - example

Exercise: Calculate the population without interference and the population interfered for each station

Example on transmitter 4:

• Display the best server

• Calculate the population covered on the value corresponding to the transmitter’s number (4 in the example)

Tx4 best server coverage

Population covered

2 083 068

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 1: Analysis of analog network versus analog network g. Site by site analysis - example

• Display the interference map

• Calculate the population covered on the value 255 (interference value)

Tx4 interferences

Tx4 best server coverage

Tx4 real coverage

Population covered

83 885

2 083 068

1 999 185

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Analysis of digital network versus analog network

a. Creation of a digital network

Duplicate the “key” analog stations (high power sites):

• Station 1

• Station 4

• Station 5

• Reduce the power of 7dB.

• Modify the coverage

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network b. Definition of the digital parameters

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network c. Summary of the digital network





Longitude X Latitude Y Code










Power (W)




Ant H (m)




Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network d. First automated frequency assignment (1/3)

• Isolate the digital stations (the analog stations

(deactivated) will be taking in account for the assignment)

• Launch the frequency assignment tool:

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network d. First automated frequency assignment (2/3)

• Define the frequencies to assign (List assignment mode)






Analog frequency





Digital frequency





• Define the assignment method: in the exhaustive method all the combinations are checked, the one with the less interferences is selected

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network d. First automated frequency assignment (3/3)

Define the protection ratios

Check the interference distance

Finally check:

• Threshold

• Rx antenna discriminations

• Other assignment rules…

• The frequency is automatically updated in the station parameters

• We modify the channel manually

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network e. Result of the frequency assignment

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network f. Calculate the interferences without taking into account the interferences analog vs analog

• Activate the analog network

• Deactivate the digital network

• Check the option “Activated Wanted Station”

(interferences Analog Vs Analog are not taken into account)

Analog network interferences

Population Area (km²)

152 759 1203

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network f. Calculate the interferences by taking into account the interferences analog vs analog

• Activate the analog network

• Deactivate the digital network

• Check the option “activated + deactivated” (interferences analog vs analog and interferences digital vs analog are taken into account )

Population Area (km²)

Analog network interferences 832 216 14 269

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network f. Calculate the interferences by taking into account the interferences analog vs analog

Current situation (analog/analog)

Planned situation (digital/analog)


Population interfered

424 039

832 216


=> Launch the assignment calculation again with an additional channel

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network g. Second automatic frequency assignment

• Add a new channel in the frequency list

Digital Channel




Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network h. Calculate the interferences without taking into account the interferences analog vs analog

• Activate the analog network

• Deactivate the digital network

• Check the option “activated wanted station”

Analog network interferences

Population Area (km²)

18 456 56

Interferences are very low

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: Digital network versus analog network h. Calculate the interferences by taking into account the interferences analog vs analog

• Activate the analog network

• Deactivate the digital network

• Check the option “Activated + Deactivated”

Population Area (km²)

Analog network interferences 572 719 12 208

Current situation (analog/analog)

Planned situation (digital/analog)


Population interfered

424 039

514 719

90 680

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: analog network versus digital network

a. Set the network

• Activate the digital network

• Deactivate the analog network

• Check the option “Activated + Deactivated” to take in consideration the interferences Digital Vs Digital in addition of the interferences Analog Vs Digital

(Even if MFN interferences between the digital network itself are very low)

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: analog network versus digital network

b. Calculate the interferences

Digital network interferences

Population Area (km²)

909 217

Interferences are very low

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Interference + Best Server mode

Exercise 2: analog network versus digital network

c. Analyze the results

Interferences of a digital network over an analog network are stronger than the interferences of the an analog network over a digital network

Analog station (N°1) as wanted and digital station (N°9) as unwanted: the protection ratio to apply is 40

Digital station (N°9) as wanted and analog station (N°1) as unwanted: the protection ratio to apply is 3

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Global interference mode

We consider that the analog network broadcast the different programs

Same exercise with the global interference mode

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Network ID mode

We consider that in the analog network, one program is broadcasted by a group of stations, and another program is broadcasted by another group of stations

• Define the program broadcasted by each transmitter.

• Fill the field “Network ID” in the station parameters:

Interference analysis:

C/I Mode – Network ID mode

Same exercise with the Network ID mode, considering the following elements

Station #













