921-NMSL2760-15.DOC rt Shephali IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY C ou ORDINARY ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION NOTICE OF MOTION (L) NO. 2760 OF 2015 IN SUIT (L) NO. 1040 OF 2015 …Plaintiffs …Defendant H ig h Tata Value Homes Ltd. & Anr. Versus Nityanand Sinha ba y Mr. T. Cooper, with Ms. D. Mani, Ms. A. Nair & Mr. Surendheao, i/b Indialaw, for the Plaintiffs. B om PC:1. CORAM: DATED: G.S. PATEL, J 8th October 2015 Heard Mr. Cooper for the Plaintiffs. Notice has been given to the Defendant. An Affidavit of Service dated 8th October 2015 is filed. 2. This is action for damages in defamation. The Plaintiffs are two companies in the Tata Group. The 1st Plaintiff is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Housing Development Company Limited. The Plaintiffs are engaged in the business of various types of housing and housing schemes as also other real estate 1 of 7 ::: Uploaded on - 09/10/2015 ::: Downloaded on - 20/11/2015 15:31:03 ::: 921-NMSL2760-15.DOC development projects across India, including in the National rt Capital Region of Delhi. The 2nd Plaintiff is a joint venture C ou between a subsidiary of the 1st Plaintiff and one SAS Realtech. The 2nd Plaintiff is described, therefore, as a step-down subsidiary of the 1st Plaintiff. 3. The Defendant is an ex-employee of the 2nd Plaintiff. In 2014, the Defendant was a General Manager with the 2nd Plaintiff. ig h He was stationed at Bahadurgarh, Haryana as Project Head of the Plaintiffs’ New Haven Residential Project being undertaken there. 4. On 16th June 2015, the Defendant’s services were H terminated. Although the Plaintiffs have set out the reasons for this termination, I do not think these are germane for today’s purposes. If necessary, these will be considered at the final hearing of the ba y Notice of Motion. It is sufficient to state that relations between the Plaintiffs and the Defendant since that time have been very strained and that there has been much acrimony at least on the part of the B om Defendant. The Plaintiffs have had to file at least one police complaint against the Defendant. According to the Plaintiffs, the Defendant has inundated various officials of the Plaintiffs with emails complaining about his termination. The Defendant, however, did not restrict his communications to the Plaintiffs but also circulated emails to various journalists and representatives of media houses. He also sent an email to one of the Plaintiffs’ investors or financiers. 5. In mid-August 2015 attempts were made at resolving these disputes. It is not necessary at this stage to go into the details of 2 of 7 ::: Uploaded on - 09/10/2015 ::: Downloaded on - 20/11/2015 15:31:03 ::: 921-NMSL2760-15.DOC these. I find that there is annexed to the plaint a transcript of a rt telephone conversation said to have taken place between the most unpleasant reading. 6. C ou Plaintiffs’ external counsel and the Defendant. It makes for the The Plaintiffs’ immediate concern is not only that Defendant has continued to threaten the Plaintiffs and their officials and make unreasonable monetary demands, in respect of which the Plaintiffs ig h have adopted separate civil and criminal proceedings, but that the Defendant has since 24th September 2015 been using social media networks, specifically, Facebook and Twitter to make a number of 7. H allegations against the Plaintiffs. These are said to be defamatory. Samples of the Defendant’s posts are annexed to the plaint at Exhibits “C1”, “C2”, “D1” and “D2”. I must note that for some ba y reason some of these offending posts have been made by the Defendant not only on his own Facebook page but also on the Plaintiffs’ Facebook page and this is evident from the reproduction B om which is found at Exhibits “C1” and “C2” to the Plaint. Exhibits “D1” and “D2” are the Defendant’s tweets on his Twitter account. 8. While it does seem that the Defendant does not have a significant following or a readership of any consequence, I notice that there are certain posts such on Facebook such as those reproduced at pages 40, 41, 42, 43, 51 and 52 of the plaint that seem to have been seen by third parties and received at least some form of approbation. The Defendant’s tweets do not seem to have gained much currency but I noticed that he has not merely posted these on his own Twitter account but has tagged various news channels such 3 of 7 ::: Uploaded on - 09/10/2015 ::: Downloaded on - 20/11/2015 15:31:03 ::: 921-NMSL2760-15.DOC as Financial Express, NDTV India, Livemint, Economic Times, rt MoneyControl.com, Times Now, BBC, the Wall Street Journal and C ou so on. The intention is quite clear and that is to give the widest possible publicity to the Defendant’s posts. There is, therefore, no question about the publication and dissemination of the Defendant. 9. Mr. Cooper says that the posts are per se defamatory. He draws attention to paragraphs 13 and 18 of the plaint in which it is ig h pointed out that the Defendant’s allegations are inter alia of unethical conduct by the Plaintiffs, allegations without, he says, a shred of truth, and of innocent customers being “fleeced”, also equally false. There is generally a denigration of the Plaintiffs’ and H of the Tata Group as a whole. There is, he says, nothing genuine about these posts. They do not fall within the realm of fair comment. They are defamatory and slanderous allegations, and ba y arise from, and only from, the Defendant’s demonstrable disgruntlement, disaffection and hostility. That the Defendant has made a number of monetary demands that the Plaintiffs saw as B om extortionate and did not accept is also evident from the annexures to the plaint. There is, Mr. Cooper says, and I think rightly no privilege of any sort that attaches to these posts so as to protect them. Nothing in them can prima facie be said to be bona fide; on the contrary, in his submission, malice is writ large on the face of the posts. 10. I am inclined to agree. This is no sense journalism or fair reportage. The Plaintiffs are not a public body to be held to have to prove a high standard of actual malice. I do not see how it is possible to conclude that the Defendant’s posts meet a good faith 4 of 7 ::: Uploaded on - 09/10/2015 ::: Downloaded on - 20/11/2015 15:31:03 ::: 921-NMSL2760-15.DOC standard or can be said to have been made in the reasonable belief rt of their truth. They appear, prima facie, to be allegations levelled C ou only to further a private agenda and a vendetta of some kind. That is not protected, and if the Defendant labours under some delusion that because his posts are on the Web they are somehow immune from ordinary civil and criminal law, he is utterly in error. If the Defendant intends to plead truth, then I would have expected his 11. ig h posts to at least hint at it. They do not. I am satisfied that a prima facie case has been made out at least sufficient for the grant of ad-interim injunction. I have also no doubt that the balance of convenience favours the Plaintiffs and H permitting the Defendant to continue posting will cause the Plaintiffs’ irretrievable harm possibly to an extent that does not lend ba y itself to easy monetary recompense. 12. For these reasons, there will be an ad-interim injunction in terms of prayer clauses (a) and (b) of the Notice of Motion, which B om read thus: “(a) That pending the hearing and final disposal of the present Suit, this Hon’ble Court be pleased to pass a temporary order and injunction against the Defendant his servant, agents, employee, person or persons claiming through or under him to forthwith remove all the scandalous material including facebook comments, twitter posts, or any other comment(s) against the Plaintiffs on the social media platform and further be pleased to pass an order of perpetual injunction restraining 5 of 7 ::: Uploaded on - 09/10/2015 ::: Downloaded on - 20/11/2015 15:31:03 ::: ba y H ig h C ou the Defendant from issuing, disseminating, circulating, communicating any defamatory, malicious, scandalous statement(s), allegations, insinuations, either written or spoken, thereby amounting to libel, by way of publication of the same, and/or slander against the Plaintiffs, then directors, principal officers, agents, representatives, employees, servants, clients, business associates, business partners, companies forming a part of the Tata group of companies by way of emails, letters, SMSes, social media posts, websites, newspapers print or electronic, or in any other manner whatsoever, to any third parties/ general public including but not limited to newspaper editors, journalists, clients, business associates/business partners of the Plaintiffs/Tata group of companies or any other third parties/ general public; rt 921-NMSL2760-15.DOC B om (b) Pending the hearing and final disposal of the present Suit, the Defendant be restrained by an interim order not to post, or promote any comments already posted, by way of publishing/writing/ posting, on any social media, print media etc.;” 13. Affidavit in Reply to be filed and served on or before 26th November 2015. Affidavit in Rejoinder, if any, to be filed and served on or before 7th December 2015. 6 of 7 ::: Uploaded on - 09/10/2015 ::: Downloaded on - 20/11/2015 15:31:03 ::: 921-NMSL2760-15.DOC 14. List the Notice of Motion for hearing and final disposal on C ou rt 23rd December 2015 at 3:00 pm. (G. S. PATEL, J.) B om ba y H ig h CERTIFICATE “Certified to be a true and correct copy of the original signed Judgment/Order.” 7 of 7 ::: Uploaded on - 09/10/2015 ::: Downloaded on - 20/11/2015 15:31:03 :::