DAR and the Ellis Island Immigration Station 125 Years of Service to Immigrant Families T his year DAR shares its 125th birthday with another important American institution: Ellis Island. In the 35 years before Ellis Island opened, immigrants arriving in New York were proLeft: President General cessed at Castle Garden Immigration Depot in Ann Fleck, right, toured Ellis Island on February 17, Lower Manhattan. Ellis Island was chosen in 1890 by the House 1988, during the restoration. Committee on Immigration as the site of the new Immigration Above: The Great Hall as Station for the Port of New York. Before the federal government it appeared during Mrs. stepped in and took over the immigration process on April 18, Fleck’s tour. 1890, each state managed its own immigration records, with varying degrees of organization and diligence. The federal takeover made records much more centralized—and ultimately, lacked proper documentation or because they were suffering easier for genealogists to search. from contagious diseases. DAR chapters from across the counCongress appropriated $75,000 to construct the first Ellis try regularly sent practical donations to aid in these families’ Island Inspection Station, which officially opened on January 1, comfort. At the Detention Building, DAR members passed out 1892. The site quickly became what was likely America’s busiest clothing, food, books, yarn, sewing materials and other items to immigration station, processing more than 12 million immigrants detainees through a window that was later dubbed the “Window by the time the station closed in 1954. In 1907 the station proof Hope.” Immigrants were said to see a DAR member and call cessed 1,004,756 immigrants; its busiest day was April 17, 1907, out, “Here comes the Revolutionary lady.” when 11,747 immigrants were processed. DAR members also provided occuToday, 40 percent of Americans can trace pational therapy via hands-on lessons their ancestry through Ellis Island. in needlecraft, sewing, crocheting and DAR members remain active in For the vast majority of immigrants, more, helping detainees pass the time celebrating Ellis Island and all that it has Ellis Island truly was an “Island of Hope,” meant to this nation of immigrants. Here as well as make necessary items for the first stop on their way to new opportheir families. During the war years, are some ideas for ways to commemorate tunities and experiences in America. For when immigration was halted, the DAR the 125th anniversary. the rest, it became the “Island of Tears,” a remained at Ellis Island to serve the • Examine your chapter’s history place where families were separated and returning wounded and disabled serviceor minutes from the 1920s, 1930s and individuals were denied entry. men temporarily stationed there. 1940s to determine if your chapter sent DAR and other service organizations In 1988 DAR established the Ellis volunteers to work with the detained helped immigrants acclimate to their Island Restoration Committee, the purimmigrants, or sent contributions or new home, generously donating money, pose of which was to raise donations for supplies to be used at the site. Present time and expertise. From 1921 to 1954, the restoration of Ellis Island and promote those findings and any historical photos or the DAR distributed millions of copies of the project among DAR members and documents at an upcoming meeting. its Manual for Citizenship, in various lanthe public. The DAR encouraged mem• Ask chapter members if they have ancestors who passed through Ellis Island, guages, to immigrants at Ellis Island as bers to place an ancestor’s name on the and invite them to speak about those they passed through the Railroad Room. American Immigrant Wall of Honor, ancestors’ experiences. Many immigrants used the Manual to and it also sponsored a room called the • Start a program to assist immigrants learn English and to become familiar New Americans Gallery in the Ellis Island with the naturalization process, whether with the requirements for citizenship. Immigration Museum. The organization’s with English as a Second Language classes On average, the inspection process efforts raised $750,000 toward the restoor civics education courses. took approximately three to seven hours, ration and refurbishment of the site. • Watch newly digitized NSDAR but some families spent weeks or months —By Carol Felson, Commemorative Events Archives videos related to Ellis Island at at Ellis Island waiting for clearance to Committee National Vice Chair, 125th www.dar.org/ellisislandvideos. enter the country, often because they Anniversary of Ellis Island ALL IMAGES COURTESY OF NSDAR ARCHIVES Honoring the Station American Spirit | January/February 2015 7