BIODATA EDITOR 1. Nama lengkap: Maman Fathurrohman, PhD 2. Tempat dan tanggal lahir: Serang, 25 September 1982 3. Kedudukan/jabatan dalam sidang penyunting: Editor 4. Alamat Kantor: Prodi Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Telepon/Faks/E-mail: 08157966597/ 5. Pendidikan terakhir: S3-University of Wollongong, Australia 6. Pengalaman dalam mengelola terbitan berkala ilmiah: 1. Ketua Penyunting: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Matematika (JPPM), Tahun 2008, Tahun 2012-sekarang 2. Reviewer (Mitra Bestari): Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology, Tahun 2012 7. Penguasaan bahasa asing: Inggris: Baik 8. Daftar publikasi selama 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir: [1] Fathurrohman, M., and Porter, A. (2012). Addressing the Needs of a Developing Nation: Electronic Maps of Mathematical Learning Resources Accessible Via the Internet. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (JCMST). Volume 31, No 4. Pp. 337-362. a. Available at: b. The Excellence in Research of Australia (ERA) 2010 Ranked B Journal. [2] Fathurrohman, M., Porter, A., and Worthy, A., L. (2014). Learning Design Map (LDMap) for Mathematics Teachers in Developing Countries and the Benefit of Its Use for Curriculum Review. The Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology (EJMT), Vol 8, No 2. Pp 88-101. a. Available at: b. The Excellence in Research of Australia (ERA) 2010 Ranked B Journal. [3] Fathurrohman, M., Porter, A., and Worthy, A., L. (2014). Comparison of Guided Hyperlearning, Unguided Hyperlearning and Conventional Learning in Mathematics: An Empirical Study. The International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (iJMEST). Vol 45, Issue 5, Pp. 682692 a. Available at: b. The Excellence in Research of Australia (ERA) 2010 Ranked A Journal. Demikian biodata ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya dan penuh tanggung jawab. Serang, 28 Maret 2014 Maman Fathurrohman, PhD