Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 MENANDA ARAS KEMAJUAN SISTEM UKUR KADASTER BERASASKAN KADASTER 2014 – PERSEDIAAN JUPEM KE ARAH MENJAYAKAN KADASTER 2.0 Oleh: Sr Dr. Teng Chee Hua Sr Chan Keat Lim Sr Nur Zurairah Binti Abdul Halim Bahagian Kadaster, Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia ABSTRAK Pada 1 Mei 2010, sistem eKadaster telah diperkenalkan di Malaysia dan merupakan di antara sistem berkaitan ukur kadaster yang tercanggih di dunia yang menumpu kepada pelaksanaan konsep Survey Accurate Coordinate. Pada situasi kerja yang ideal, sistem ini berupaya untuk memendekkan tempoh sistem penyampaian ukur Kadaster daripada dua tahun kepada dua bulan sahaja. Walau pun begitu, permintaan terhadap data ukur Kadaster yang tepat, cepat, terkini dan mudah dicapai sentiasa meningkat dan berterusan susulan kesedaran awam terhadap kepentingan data geospatial dalam membantu urusan analisis data yang berkualiti untuk kerja seharian. Sehubungan itu, bagi memastikan JUPEM kekal relevan pada masa kini dan akan datang kepada negara umumnya dan masyarakat khususnya, JUPEM seharusnya bersiap sedia untuk menerokai konsep Cadastre 2.0 dengan ciri seperti berikut selaras dengan saranan di peringkat antarabangsa: i. Multipurpose Kadaster; ii. Mengadaptasi standard pelaksanaan Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) dan Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM); iii. Ketelusan data melalui citizen enggagement; Ms. 1 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 iv. Mewujudkan unsur 3D Kadaster; v. Penerapan konsep mudah alih (mobile) dan cloud computing pada sistem dan aplikasi berkaitan ukur Kadaster; dan vi. Kolaborasi Data (Hubungan dua hala) Oleh yang demikian sebagai langkah memastikan JUPEM mampu untuk menghadapi cabaran Cadastre 2.0, satu proses penandaarasan kemajuan sistem ukur Kadaster hendaklah dibuat terlebih dahulu bagi mengetahui sama ada syor, perakuan atau saranan yang telah ditetapkan di peringkat antarabangsa telah berjaya diadaptasikan. Justeru itu, kertas ini disediakan untuk memaklumkan analisa Sistem Ukur Kadaster di JUPEM khususnya dari saranan Cadastre 2014 yang ditetapkan oleh pihak FIG dan perbandingan di antara negara yang mempunyai Sistem Kadaster yang maju. Selain itu, cadangan persiapan JUPEM untuk menyahut konsep Cadastre 2.0 turut dibentangkan supaya JUPEM kekal relevan sebagai pusat rujukan berkaitan Ukur Kadaster di Malaysia. Ms. 2 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 MENANDA ARAS KEMAJUAN SISTEM UKUR KADASTER BERASASKAN KADASTER 2014 – PERSEDIAAN JUPEM KE ARAH MENJAYAKAN KADASTER 2.0 Oleh: Sr Dr. Teng Chee Hua Sr Chan Keat Lim Sr Nur Zurairah Binti Abdul Halim Bahagian Kadaster, Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia 1. PENGENALAN 1.1. Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM) di bawah peruntukan Seksyen 398, Kanun Tanah Negara (KTN) 1965, dipertanggungjawabkan untuk melaksanakan dan mengurus tadbir hal ehwal berkaitan Aktiviti Ukuran Kadaster di seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia dan Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan khususnya dalam penyediaan Pelan Hak milik (B1/B4), supaya Dokumen Hak milik Kekal atau Gantian dapat dikeluarkan kepada tuan tanah oleh pihak Pejabat Tanah dan Galian serta Pejabat Tanah dan Daerah (PTG/PTD). 1.2. Selaras dengan tanggung jawab ini serta dasar kerajaan yang digariskan di bawah Misi Nasional, sistem penyampaian Ukur Kadaster negara telah ditingkatkan melalui sistem eKadaster yang dibangunkan JUPEM pada Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMKe9). Secara idealnya, penyediaan Pelan Hak milik (B1) dapat disingkatkan daripada dua (2) tahun kepada dua (2) bulan melalui kaedah pengautomasian digital sepenuhnya. Ms. 3 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 1.3. Pembangunan Sistem eKadaster juga adalah selaras dengan saranan atau syor di peringkat antarabangsa (FIG) yang merujuk kepada ke arah memodenkan sistem Kadaster melalui Cadastre 2014, iaitu konsep digital sepenuhnya, mengoptimumkan teknologi ICT dan pengukuran GNSS dalam kerja seharian, dan mewujudkan sistem GIS ready pada data Ukur Kadaster supaya unsur spatial, atribut dan penentududukan (geolocation) dapat dihubungkaitkan dengan hak, syarat dan kepentingan serta tanggung jawab (rights, restrictions and responsibilities). 1.4. Meskipun saranan Cadastre 2014 telah diadaptasikan di dalam pembangunan sistem eKadaster, namun, untuk kekal relevan dan memenuhi kehendak pengguna dan pelanggan yang semakin celik data geospatial dan penggunaan Internet serta media sosial yang meluas maka saranan Cadastre 2.0 wajarlah dipertimbangkan JUPEM supaya dapat dipadankan dengan permintaan semasa. 1.5. Oleh yang demikian sebagai langkah memastikan konsep Cadastre 2.0 ini dapat diperluaskan di Malaysia, satu proses penandaarasan kemajuan sistem ukur Kadaster di Malaysia hendaklah dibuat terlebih bagi mengenal pasti keberkesanan dan amalan terbaik yang telah pun dilaksanakan. Ms. 4 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 2. TANDA ARAS SISTEM KADASTER Kaedah penandaarasan yang diguna pakai bagi mengenal pasti keberkesanan dan amalan terbaik yang telah pun dilaksanakan oleh JUPEM dalam Aktiviti Ukur Kadaster adalah berpandukan ciri-ciri yang ditetapkan dalam panduan berikut: 2.1. Cadastre 2014; dan 2.2. Perbandingan Cadastre Template bagi negara-negara yang dikenal pasti. 3. ANALISA TANDA ARAS SISTEM KADASTER BERASASKAN CADASTRE 2014 Terdapat enam (6) penyataan (Statement) telah ditetapkan di bawah Cadastre 2014 di samping empat (4) syor kaedah pengukuran dan pengurusan data Kadaster bagi memandu negara anggota FIG melaksanakan usaha modenisasi pengurusan Sistem Kadaster di negara masing-masing. Walau bagaimanapun, skop penandaarasan yang dilaksanakan pada kertas ini adalah tertumpu pada penyataan dan syor Cadastre 2014 yang berkaitan Ukuran Kadaster sahaja. 3.1. Analisa penandaarasan yang dibuat terhadap penyataan Cadastre 2014 adalah seperti berikut: i. Penyataan 1: Cadastre 2014 will show the complete legal situation of land, including public rights and restriction; Ms. 5 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 Sistem Kadaster di Malaysia terbahagi kepada dua iaitu pendaftaran dan pengukuran. Sistem pendaftaran tanah adalah merujuk kepada jenis sistem pendaftaran Torrens dan dikendalikan oleh pihak Pejabat Tanah serta tertakluk Enakmen Manakala atau Kanun JUPEM Tanah Negeri masing-masing. dipertanggungjawabkan di bawah Seksyen 398, Kanun Tanah Negara bagi apa jua maksud pengukuran untuk tujuan hak milik tanah serta menyimpan semua rekod ukuran halus bagi tujuan Hak milik Tetap. Oleh yang demikian, maklumat Kadaster masih tidak bersepadu dan diuruskan oleh dua entiti yang berbeza. Melalui proses integrasi sistem eTanah dan eKadaster, perkara ini dijangka dapat diatasi. Dari aspek Ukuran Kadaster, JUPEM melalui sistem eKadaster telah berjaya memenuhi Penyataan 1, Cadastre 2014 dengan menyimpan Permohonan Ukur secara (PU) digital seperti semua Pejabat maklumat Tanah yang bertanggung jawab, nama pemohon, guna tanah, tujuan ukur dan lain-ain termasuklah maklumat ukur seperti nama pengukur, data ukur, kualiti pengukuran dan pelan-pelan berkaitan. Maklumat ukuran warta yang menunjukkan sempadan pentadbiran di peringkat Mukim, Daerah, Bandar atau Negeri, lot-lot tanah bagi kegunaan awam, kawasan pilihan raya dan keselamatan serta hak lalu lalang dan hutan simpanan yang jelas menunjukkan sempadan, hak dan larangan akses boleh dirujuk melalui JUPEM2U atau Cadastral Survey Record System (CSRS). Ms. 6 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 ii. Penyataan 2: The separation between 'maps' and 'registers' will be abolished! JUPEM melalui sistem eKadaster telah berjaya memenuhi Penyataan 2, Cadastre 2014 dengan mewujudkan integrasi di antara lapisan-lapisan daripada Pangkalan Data GLMS (GIS Layer Management System) dan Pangkalan Data Ukur Kadaster Kebangsaan (NDCDB) serta atribut tambahan daripada CSRS supaya pelbagai maklumat Kadaster di ekstrak pada Sistem eKadaster untuk tujuan penganalisisan. Maklumat yang sama tetapi terhad mengikut login boleh diperoleh melalui JUPEM2U oleh pengguna Pejabat Tanah selain memuat naik maklumat di peringkat penghantaran PU dan memuat turun Pelan B1 untuk tujuan pendaftaran Hak milik Tetap. Integrasi di antara sistem eTanah dan eKadaster membolehkan penghantaran PU dan mendapatkan Pelan B1 dibuat secara automatik oleh pengguna Pejabat Tanah dan JUPEM melalui server KOMMS. iii. Penyataan 3: The Cadastral mapping will be dead! Long live modelling! Penyataan ini telah dipenuhi di dalam Sistem eKadaster di mana proses penyediaan pelan-pelan Kadaster dijana sepenuhnya daripada NDCDB. Maklumat asas yang diperlukan di bawah Seksyen 396, KTN iaitu nombor lot, garisan sempadan lot dan luas lot tanah ditunjukkan pada Pelan Akui dan B1. Atribut tambahan yang lain seperti guna Ms. 7 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 tanah, rizab tanah dan tanda sempadan serta lain-lain boleh diakses pengguna tetapi terhad mengikut login melalui JUPEM2U. Selain itu, JUPEM dalam tindakan melaksanakan projek perintis Multipurpose Kadaster di Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya. Pelbagai lapisan seperti 3D Modelling, Street Adresses dan Large Scale GIS Base Map diwujudkan di samping NDCDB kepelbagaian sebagai fungsi asas (Multipurpose) bagi menerapkan supaya multilevel information and dimension yang ada di persekitaran dapat dikembangkan di dalam Kadaster. iv. Penyataan 4: 'Paper and pencil - Cadastre' will have gone! Pengurusan data ukur Kadaster telah dilaksanakan secara digital dan konsep field to finish telah mula diimplementasikan di JUPEM pada Rancangan Malaysia Ke-8 (RMKe-8) iaitu daripada proses pendaftaran fail ukur kepada penghantaran data ukuran dan penyediaan pelan. Penyataan 4, Cadastre 2014 ini telah berjaya dipenuhi apabila konsep paperless sepenuhnya diperkenalkan di bawah Sistem eKadaster di mana kesemua pergerakan fail dibuat di dalam sistem yang berasaskan web dan proses hand-shaking telah digantikan dengan proses integrasi sepenuhnya di antara modul-modul di dalam sistem. Setiap pengguna diberikan login yang unik dan dibenarkan untuk mengakses ke dalam sistem bagi memproses data, membuat carian dan memuat turun atau memuat naik maklumat Kadaster. Ms. 8 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 v. Penyataan 5: Cadastre 2014 will be highly privatized! Public and private sector are working closely together! Dari aspek pengukuran Kadaster, kerjasama di antara sektor awam (Kerajaan) dan swasta khususnya di kalangan Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (JTB) di bawah Lembaga Juruukur Tanah Berlesen (LJT) telah sekian lama terjalin bagi meningkatkan sistem penyampaian ukur negara. Usaha seperti mengkategorikan jenis ukuran yang dilaksanakan sama ada oleh pengukur JUPEM atau JTB telah dilaksanakan seperti pengukuran Hak milik Strata, Sempadan tanah Pecah Bahagia atau Pecah oleh JTB dan pengukuran kurniaan pertama oleh pengukur JUPEM bagi mempercepatkan pengukuran di lapangan. Selain itu, kerjasama mewujud dan memperkasakan NDCDB seperti memadatkan bilangan Cadastral Reference Mark (CRM) di lapangan oleh pengukur JUPEM dan JTB telah membantu meningkatkan ketepatan NDCDB dari semasa ke semasa. Kajian ilmiah di antara JUPEM, LJT, agensi berkaitan tanah yang lain, pihak swasta dan institusi pengajian tinggi membolehkan beberapa feasibility project atau projek perintis dilaksanakan khususnya yang melibatkan inovasi dalam pengukuran seperti projek Cadastral Coordinated System (CCS), Multipurpose Cadastre (MPC) dan Kadaster 3D yang bertujuan mengenal pasti keberkesanan suatu projek sebelum diimplementasikan di seluruh negara. Ms. 9 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 Kerjasama ini haruslah diteruskan supaya JUPEM kekal relevan kepada pembangunan tanah dan geospatial negara serta sistem penyampaian ukur meningkat. vi. Penyataan 6: Cadastre 2014 will be cost recovering. Konsep paperless yang diperkenalkan di dalam sistem eKadaster membolehkan penjimatan dari sudut permintaan terhadap bekalan pejabat seperti kertas, kartrij dan alat tulis dikurangkan. Dari sudut jangka masa panjang, penjimatan dalam keperluan operasi seharian juga dapat dikurangkan dari semasa ke semasa memandangkan tempoh melengkapkan proses penyediaan Pelan Hak milik turut dapat disingkatkan daripada dua (2) tahun kepada dua (2) bulan. Satu kajian cost-benefit akan diadakan bagi mengenal pasti jumlah penjimatan sebenar yang telah berjaya dilaksanakan dengan pelaksanaan sistem eKadaster. Ms. 10 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 3.2. Analisa penandaarasan bagi syor (Recommendations) Cadastre 2014 terhadap peranan pengukuran Kadaster dapat diringkaskan seperti jadual berikut: i. Secara keseluruhannya, pewujudan NDCDB di dalam pembangunan Sistem eKadaster telah membolehkan syorsyor yang diperakukan menerusi Cadastre 2014 ini dipenuhi, khususnya dalam pelaksanaan Survey Accurate Coordinate. ii. Usaha-usaha untuk memperkasakan NDCDB sedang giat dijalankan di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-10 (RMK10) supaya data NDCDB adalah topological error free dan ketepatan data adalah sentiasa di dalam had yang ditetapkan supaya kerja-kerja pengukuran Kadaster di lapangan adalah lebih cepat dan mudah dilaksanakan. Selain itu, penganalisisan yang tepat dapat dilakukan melalui NDCDB bagi tujuan perancangan dan pembangunan tanah. Ms. 11 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 4. ANALISA TANDA ARAS SISTEM KADASTER LUAR NEGARA BERASASKAN COUNTRY REPORT, CADASTRE TEMPLATE 4.1. Analisa bagi proses penandaarasan sistem Kadaster di Belanda, Australia, Denmark, Jerman dan Sweden adalah tertumpu pada reformasi sistem Kadaster khususnya isu-isu sistem Kadaster yang telah dilaksanakan sehingga tahun 2010. Sumber maklumat yang diperoleh di Lampiran ‘A’ adalah melalui laman web dan adalah terkini sehingga tahun 2010. 4.2. Selain itu, pemilihan negara-negara tersebut adalah berasaskan kepada kajian ‘A Comparison Between Cadastre 2014 and Cadastral System of Various Countries’ yang dibentangkan di International Conference Electronic Government di Columbia pada tahun 2009 oleh M. Khasif Faroouq, yang menunjukkan negara Belanda, Australia, Denmark, Jerman dan Sweden adalah di antara negara yang mempunyai sistem Kadaster terbaik di dunia. 4.3. Maklumat yang ditanda araskan adalah seperti berikut: i. Cadastral Issues; dan ii. Current Initiatives. Ms. 12 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 4.4. Secara keseluruhannya hasil analisa adalah seperti berikut, manakala keterangan lanjut berkaitan sistem Kadaster di negaranegara berkaitan adalah seperti di Lampiran ‘A’: i. Isu integrasi data; Kecuali Malaysia dan Australia, majoriti negara yang ditanda aras telah pun menggunakan sistem Kadaster yang telah diintegrasikan dengan maklumat topografi, penilaian dan pendaftaran hak milik serta mempunyai pangkalan data yang bersepadu. Urusan pendaftaran dan penyediaan pelan Kadaster dilaksanakan oleh Unit/ Bahagian yang sama dan memudahkan proses pentadbiran hak milik. Walau bagaimanapun perkara ini tidak dilihat sebagai isu yang kritikal disebabkan oleh penggunaan teknologi ICT terkini melalui konsep Service Oriented Architechture atau Cloud Computing dilihat dapat menangani isu data interoperability. ii. eGovernment Setiap negara yang ditanda araskan telah melaksanakan konsep Electronic Government (eGovernment) terhadap pengurusan data Kadaster di negara masing-masing. iii. Akses data; Kesemua negara yang ditanda aras telah membenarkan akses (tetapi terhad) kepada maklumat Kadaster melalui sistem-sistem yang telah dibangunkan berasaskan konsep Web-based. Bagi negara Jerman, orang awam telah Ms. 13 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 dibenarkan untuk mengakses, menyemak (kecuali maklumat berkaitan nama pemilik) dan memberi maklum balas terhadap maklumat Kadaster. iv. Completeness of Cadastral Database Kesemua negara yang ditanda araskan mempunyai Pangkalan Data Kadaster yang lengkap iaitu merujuk kepada pertukaran salinan peta atau pelan Kadaster secara hardcopy kepada digital sepenuhnya. Isu yang dihadapi oleh setiap negara yang ditanda aras adalah proses mengemaskinikan Pangkalan Data Kadaster masih tidak semasa serta perlu kerap dikemaskinikan supaya asas Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) dapat dioptimumkan sepenuhnya. Walau bagaimanapun, di Malaysia, penggunaan QT telah menyebabkan kelompangan maklumat di dalam Pangkalan Data Kadaster berlaku. Hal ini mengakibatkan satu usaha perlu dilaksanakan baik oleh JUPEM atau PTG/PTD supaya urusan menyegerakan penukaran QT ke FT hendaklah dilaksanakan. v. Survey Accurate Coordinate Majoriti negara yang ditanda aras telah atau dalam tindakan mengimplementasikan Coordinate. Ms. 14 dr. 20 Survey Accurate Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 5. KEPUTUSAN ANALISA Berpandukan analisa yang dibuat seperti di para 3 dan 4, adalah didapati konsep modenisasi atau transformasi sistem ukur Kadaster di JUPEM telah berjaya mengadaptasi antarabangsa, malah saranan turut yang bersaing ditetapkan rapat dengan di peringkat negara yang mempunyai sistem Kadaster yang maju. 6. CADASTRE 2.0 6.1. Walaupun urusan menyenggara dan menambah baik lagi sistem ukur Kadaster di JUPEM khususnya eKadaster hendaklah sentiasa berterusan, namun JUPEM haruslah akur terhadap permintaan data geospatial kini semakin meningkat dan haruslah tepat serta terkini. 6.2. Merujuk Commission 7, FIG konsep Cadastre 2014 yang telah disarankan sejak 1998 perlu dikemaskinikan bersesuaian dengan kehendak dan teknologi semasa. Oleh yang demikian, konsep Cadastre 2.0 dicetuskan selaras dengan istilah bermaksud perkembangan aplikasi yang Web 2.0 yang menjurus kepada penggunaan World Wide Web bagi tujuan perkongsian serta kolaborasi maklumat, data interoperability dan komunikasi. Selain itu, konsep GIS kini semakin berkembang selari dengan teknologi yang lain seperti teknologi komunikasi dan data. Ms. 15 dr. 20 pengukuran, pengkomputeran, Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 6.3. Ciri-ciri Cadastre 2.0 adalah selaras di peringkat antarabangsa seperti berikut: i. Multipurpose Kadaster; ii. Mengadaptasi standard pelaksanaan Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) dan Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM); iii. Ketelusan data melalui citizen enggagement; iv. Mewujudkan unsur 3D Kadaster; v. Penerapan konsep mudah alih (mobile) dan cloud computing pada sistem dan aplikasi berkaitan ukur Kadaster; dan vi. 6.4. Kolaborasi Data (Hubungan dua hala) Oleh yang demikian, adalah dicadangkan perkara-perkara berikut dipertimbangkan sebagai persiapan JUPEM menghadapi cabaran generasi kedua pengguna berkaitan Kadaster di Malaysia: i. Multipurpose Kadaster; Konsep Single Purpose Kadaster iaitu menjurus kepada tujuan hak milik sahaja hendaklah dipelbagaikan terutamanya sebagai decision making tool bagi tujuan penganalisisan data yang tepat untuk perancangan dan pembangunan, dengan NDCDB sebagai peta asas. Konsep Service Oriented Archithecture hendaklah diperluaskan di dalam pembangunan Multipurpose Kadaster supaya isu data interoperability dapat di atasi dan perkongsian data secara terkawal dapat dilaksanakan. Ms. 16 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 ii. Land Administration Domain Model (LADM); Kajian terhadap standard yang ditetapkan di dalam LADM hendaklah dibuat supaya kaedah pentadbiran tanah terbaik dapat diadaptasikan di Malaysia di mana berkaitan. iii. Kolaborasi Data; Meningkatkan kolaborasi data di antara stakeholders dan orang awam dengan mengoptimumkan penggunaan Web 2.0 di bawah inisiatif Cadastre 2.0 seperti berikut: a) Carian, semakan dan urus niaga maklumat Kadaster; b) Laporan kehilangan tanda sempadan atau apa jua perbezaan berkaitan sempadan hak milik melalui konsep crowd sourcing; c) Memuat naik atau memuat turun maklumat tidak terhad Kadaster; d) Volunteered Geographic Information (khusus kepada Ukuran Kadaster) iv. Mobile Computing; Mewujudkan konsep multiple platforms eKadaster di atas teknologi Windows, Android dan Macintosh. Selain itu, mempergiatkan penggunaan teknologi cloud computing supaya kos operasi sistem semakin murah dan pengurusan menjadi mudah serta selaras dengan saranan MAMPU. Ms. 17 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 v. Device Independency; Penggunaan pelbagai peralatan bagi mengakses maklumat Kadaster melalui dalam talian dan tidak terhad kepada notebook atau personel computer sahaja. vi. Space Cadastre; dan Konsep Space Cadastre atau Kadaster Ruang hendaklah dikaji kerana jenis Kadaster sedia ada adalah 2D sahaja tetapi secara realitinya merujuk kepada pelbagai dimensi dan ruang serta darat atau maritim. Ini adalah supaya hak, sekatan dan tanggung jawab adalah jelas untuk difahami oleh pemilik atau pemohon. Selain itu, di Jerman usaha untuk melengkapkan maklumat city modelling kepada Level of Details 2 (LOD 2) sedang dijalankan supaya gambaran Kadaster adalah lebih jelas kepada pengguna untuk tujuan perancangan atau analisa. vii. Integriti Data. Mengenal pasti integriti data dan menetapkan syarat serta garis panduan sekiranya konsep crowd sourcing digunakan di dalam proses mengemaskinikan maklumat Kadaster. Ms. 18 dr. 20 Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 7. PENUTUP Secara keseluruhannya sistem eKadaster yang dibangunkan JUPEM telah mengadaptasi saranan dan syor yang telah ditetapkan di peringkat antarabangsa. Di peringkat antarabangsa, Malaysia mempunyai sistem Kadaster yang setaraf dengan negara maju. Walau bagaimanapun, menyedari permintaan terhadap data geospatial dan Web 2.0 semakin meningkat, maka JUPEM hendaklah bersiap sedia menghadapi generasi pengguna data Kadaster yang baru, yang akan lebih berminat terhadap data ukur Kadaster yang tepat, cepat dan terkini. Beberapa cadangan telah disyorkan di dalam kertas ini sebagai persiapan JUPEM terhadap konsep Kadaster 2.0 seterusnya memastikan objektif Aktiviti Kadaster iaitu perkhidmatan ukur Kadaster JUPEM sentiasa pelanggan dan stakeholder berkaitan Ukur Kadaster. Ms. 19 dr. 20 memenuhi kehendak Persidangan Pengarah-Pengarah Ukur Tahun 2012 8. RUJUKAN 8.1. Australia Country Report, 2010, PCGIAP Cadastral Template 8.2. Malaysia Country Report, 2010, PCGIAP Cadastral Template 8.3. The Netherlands Country Report, 2010, PCGIAP Cadastral Template 8.4. Denmark Country Report, 2010, PCGIAP Cadastral Template 8.5. Germany Country Report, 2003, PCGIAP Cadastral Template 8.6. Sweden Country Report, 2011, PCGIAP Cadastral Template 8.7. Brent A Jones, “Building Evolving Cadastral System”, 14 – 17 February 2012, International Symposium on Spatially Enabled Government, 8.8. G. Schennach, Austria, “Land Management in a Cadastre 2.0 Surrounding”, 6 – 10 May 2012, FIG Working Week 2012 8.9. Brent JONES, USA and Nick LAND, UK, “Cadastre 2.0 – A technology vision for the cadastre of the future”, 6 – 10 May 2012, FIG Working Week 2012 8.10. M. Khasif Faroouq, “A Comparison Between Cadastre 2014 and Cadastral System of Various Countries” ; International Conference Electronic Government, Columbia, 2009 Ms. 20 dr. 20 LAMPIRAN ‘A’ ACTIVITIES MALAYSIA (2010) THE NETHERLANDS (2010) AUSTRALIA (2010) DENMARK (2010) GERMANY (2003) SWEDEN (2011) LAMPIRAN ‘A’ ACTIVITIES Cadastral Issues Current Initiatives MALAYSIA (2010) 1. Existence of Different Coordinate Systems Malaysia has a rigorous cadastral system, which provides a secure basis for land and property ownership. However, it is not altogether flawless. One of the major drawbacks includes the incompatibility between cadastral and mapping data due to the use of different coordinate systems. The establishment of NDCDB which is based on different State Cassini-Soldner cannot be integrated with other spatial data such as topographic which is based on the RSO Projection. To overcome those deficiencies, studies have been carried out to implement coordinated cadastral system and among the outcome is the realization of the geocentric datum GDM2000 which allow mapping and cadastral data to be integrated using RSO projection. 2. Legalising the NDCDB This issue goes hand in hand with the intention of having a continuous Certified plan (CP), which may eventually result in the termination of the use of the said document and the consequent need to give legal significance to the NDCDB. Under the latest amendment to the National Land Code, any databases adopted by the Department of Surveying and Mapping Malaysia will be given legal significance since such databases are used in the title survey. The image database adopted but the Department to assist field surveyor were still be maintained to provide evident should the need arise. The adoption of a continuous CP seems favourable over the long term and the adoption of NDCDB will hasten the pace. However, it appears that currency, quality and integrity of data need further refinement to ensure completeness of NDCDB. 3. Complete Cadastre The absence of QT information in the NDCDB is the biggest hurdle in creating a complete and up-to-date NDCDB for the whole country. Such information is either in graphic form from Land Office or digital form of pre-comp plans from licensed land surveyors. The challenge is to overcome the estimated 0.65 million land parcels where QT plan is not readily available or recoverable. A separate layer has been created for the QT data and is pending the completion of the eTanah system to supply such information. THE NETHERLANDS (2010) The main problem of the Agency is the ICT renewal of legacy systems that currently is going on in order to meet the current and future customer requirements on one hand, and to adopt modern ICT opportunities on the other hand. This is a complicated and expensive process, because the renewal should take place within a growing concern environment. Currently this process I well controlled. As a result all databases are centralized now, with decentralized information management, and excellent facilities for e-access. Especially for the easy internet-access, the Agency was awarded the European e-Award 2006. 1. Accreditation of Surveyors Significant steps have been taken in Malaysia to adopt the quality philosophy both within the public and private sector. DSMM has introduced a system of field auditing, apart from office checks, which is considered essential for monitoring professional standards. However, DSMM could not afford the conventional approach as the workload had over the past years increased tremendously. Thus, there is this current move to look into the introduction of an amicable form of accreditation that would be able to address the issue of quality assurance over cadastral survey work conducted by licensed land surveyors. 2. Enhancing the NDCDB 1. Recording of all public encumbrances on land. There are about 80 of this kind of public rights to land, of which 20 are indeed recorded yet. Law is endorsed by the Parliament to impose recording of public encumbrances, issued by whatever body of government, either in the registers of the Agency or at the municipalities, per 1 January 2007. 2. Law is endorsed in the Parliament pertaining to electronic submission of deeds. This opened the opportunity for the notary public to submit notarial deeds as a digital file per 1 September 2005. The concept is that notary public keeps a paper deed in his/her office as the authentic one, sends a certified true copy electronically to AUSTRALIA (2010) 1. Integrating freehold and State Crown Land to produce a complete cadastre: Because the two systems historically are surveyed, registered, administered and managed separately, the integration of the two in one seamless cadastral map and title register is a major task. The vision of a complete cadastre is accepted but achieving it is difficult. 2. Online conveyancing and e-Land Administration: Electronic and online conveyancing and registration services, such as the digital lodgement of subdivision plans and the transfer of title are major challenges. However there are concerns and risks involved with issues of privacy, identity and fraud. Online land transfers aim to take away the necessity of ‘over-the-counter’ dealings, reducing time and cost, however this takes away the necessity to be holding a certificate of title, which at present is the only state guaranteed proof land ownership document. Recent iniatives include the conversion of paper plans to .pdf format for electronic lodgement with local government for approval. The next level of development is the digital lodgement of plans of subdivision to land registries in each of the states and territories, and at the time of writing this country report was underway. 3. Moving from accurate isolated surveys to a survey accurate DCDB: The proposed implementation of e-land administration projects have highlighted the need for an improvement in the accuracy of the digital cadastral map bases in each of the jurisdictions from mapping accuracy to survey accuracy. This will improve the integrity and accuracy of the cadastral map layer within the SDI. Because the development of Australian cadastral surveying was ‘piecemeal’, created from isolated surveys, the move to adopt a full coordinated cadastral survey approach is a challenge although most jurisdictions are well on the way to achieving this goal. 4. Unbundling of property rights: Water shortages and reduced river flows have led to the total allocation of water rights being reduced. To implement this, the various jurisdictions have created water titles that can be traded separate to land parcels. This has involved establishing water registries to administer the transfer of these rights. 1. Access to data by the Internet and wireless communication: Much attention is currently focussed on the dissemination of spatial information through spatial data infrastructures (SDI). SDIs have evolved out of and rely on a state's or a country's land administration system and are the key infrastructure in enabling land to be efficiently and effectively administered. The evolution of technology increasingly offers more avenues for this to occur. Internet and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) technologies are providing a lead to accessing the complex digital environment in SDI. There are ongoing projects in each jurisdiction. 2. Continued efforts at developing national approaches to cadastre and land management: DENMARK (2010) Process automation In the last years the updating systems in the National Survey and Cadastre have undergone big changes. The current cadastral registration and case processing system was hence first put in use more than 15 years ago, and the digital cadastral map system was made nationwide almost 10 years ago. While both systems have been regularly adapted in line with developments, they were in need of technological renewal. The National Survey and Cadastre has therefore worked intensively to develop a new up-todate cadastral updating and quality system (miniMAKS), which was implemented in 2008. The goal is to ensure increased efficiency and improved standardised digital exchange of data, partly through use of MIA data (Interactive Graphic Software for Creating Cadastral Alterations), and partly by developing a general method to register and maintain items (statutory notes) in the Cadastre. The new system has the cadastral register and cadastral map in a common database so that the register and the map are updated simultaneously. Electronic filing of the digital cadastral cases has been introduced in the new system as well as requirements on digital signatures for licensed land surveyors. GERMANY (2003) The components of the cadastral data bases for maps (ALK) and records (ALB) date back to the 70s and 80s of the last century. They were developed by the surveying and mapping authorities under the technical environment and possibilities in that time. Links from ALK to the topographical information system ATKIS® are very difficult because of different object catalogues. The developments do not follow national or international standards. Further development of these software systems seems not to offer future oriented solutions. SWEDEN (2011) An ongoing activity is to improve accuracy, completeness and contents of the cadastre. Efficiency, accessibility and services are consistently developed to improve and enhance the use of the cadastre in land management and related sectors. The implementation of the INSPIRE directive is a prioritised activity as well as participation in other international and EC activities such as EULIS/LINE. Structural reforms of cadastral data (formerly within Elips). The general purpose is better geodata provision. The basic components are: - Improved cooperation between state and municipal levels - Simplified use of geodata - Reduction of costs to the benefit of the users - Integration of graphic and textual information, which will improve the quality of the cadaster The 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Vermessungsverwaltungen der Länder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland' (AdV) (Working Committee of the Surveying Authorities of the States of the Federal Republic of Germany) decided to design a new and future oriented system ALKIS in combination with a re-design of the Official Topographic and Cartographic Information System ATKIS. ALKIS in combination with ATKIS is designed to: • process all necessary cadastral and topographical data for a parcel based map and register of land owners, land use and more unified basic data for the entire Republic, • control the use and maintenance of the system, and to • enable the use of the entire geographical data of the surveying authorities for all users via a meta data The commercial division of Lantmäteriet, Metria, was separated into a state owned company in 2011. Metria provides services in field surveying, mapping, remote sensing and GIS. The aim of this operation was to achieve a clear distinction between the role of Lantmäteriet as an authority and other more commercial activities. Following the transfer of the Land Registry to Lantmäteriet in 2008 the work has now begun to integrate the processes for cadastral and land registration. This will in the future lead to faster service delivery and increased legal security for the public and for society in general. Lantmäteriet has a vision to be a leading national actor in the field of e-services. The vision has been expressed in the terms “See, Smile and Give” and Access to data One of the main focus areas for the National Survey and Cadastre is to gain access to the cadastral data. A focus which will be further developed in the coming years. Today cadastral data are distributed by the National Survey and Cadastre Map Supply. The Map Supply provides a range of information services based on WMS and WFS. There continues to be a growing demand on the Digital Map Supply, coming partly from a large number of requests from the Danish Nature and Environment Portal, where the Digital Map Supply supplies the maps of environmental data for public administration and the public in general. Different other professional users also prescribe to the Map Supply. Most users include the provided web map services in their own systems. A special user group consists of ‘partners’ that develop applications, for specific use based on the web map services provides by the Map Supply combined with other data. Access to the Map Supply is limited by username and password. The cost is derived based on actual use of the services. Since January 2009 a special agreement has been in effect for all state departments, which gives access to all data at the Map Supply. Rather than paying traditional usage fees, each ministry will pay a fixed annual contribution based on its use and needs.The yearly contribution is paid via the State financial budget and based on stipulated user profile (type and amount of data requirements). A similar agreement has been reached with the Local Authorities in Denmark from April 2010. The agreement underlines the National Survey and Cadastre’s role as the central government’s infrastructure organisation for maps and geodata. LAMPIRAN ‘A’ ACTIVITIES MALAYSIA (2010) The importance of the NDCDB has been recognised; without a complete NDCDB, it is unlikely that Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI) would be able to meet the expectations of the government. Already there is an increased demand for spatial information in government agencies. Increased pressure has been placed to further develop the NDCDB for not only the obvious role it has in the cadastral process but, just as importantly, in national spatial planning. In this regards efforts are underway to capture other data which include those on graphically accurate surveys (demarcation and 3rd class surveys), administrative boundaries as well as building, road and street addresses to support Multi-purpose cadastre. 3. Integration of eCadastre and CLRS There could evidently be extensive benefits if the eCadastre of DSMM and the Computerised Land Registration System (CLRS) of Land Office are linked together. The new eLand (eTanah) system of Land Office will replace the CLRS system for the state of Penang, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan and have integration with eCadastre. With the integration of spatial data from eCadastre and attribute data from CLRS or eLand and through identified applications, efficiency of land administration can be greatly improved. The integration includes of data exchange format, data transmission mechanism, and data sharing. The other states that still do not have eLand have been authorised to access JUPEM2U (DSMM’s eCadastre working portal) to upload and download related spatial and non-spatial information. 4. Propagating Work in the Digital Environment To complement the initiatives of DSMM, the LSBPM has also initiated several programmes of its own, which are aimed at providing the impetus for licensed land surveyors to modernise and increase the cost-effectiveness of their own operations. In one of the programmes, the Board allocated computer software that will standardize cadastral survey processing on a basic desktop computer. Although the computer software is very basic, it not only satisfy the requirements of the regulations, but more importantly, it serves as the vehicle to introduce digital processing techniques to the smaller surveying companies that would not have so readily ventured into the digital arena. Currently, discussions have been conduct to integrate LSBPM THE NETHERLANDS (2010) the Agency, which records the document in a digital work process. This allows for the creation of a single national digital public registers replacing the registers per regional office. 3. ICT renewal programme is currently running (-> 2010). This concerns reduction of complexity (of different platforms, databases and protocols), centralization of databases and database management, integration of spatial databases (cadastral map and large scale topo map) and legal/administrative data) into one database for (on line) information supply purposes, full renewal of cadastral systems, digital public registers, electronic conveyancing and includes data cleaning (quality improvement, e.g. of subject names) etc. 4. As a result of the ICT renewal programme, the rationale for the existence of regional offices is getting less and less. Since September 2005 is it possible to lodge deeds electronically. Already the first months over 30,000 deeds were submitted through Internet. At the output side, in 2005 over 18 million information products were sold via Internet, almost 100%of all output. Unlike former times, clients and citizens do not need to visit the regional offices to do their business. This leads to a restructuring ('organisational development'). In the period 2006-2009 the number of regional offices will be brought back from 16 to 8, and on the long run may be only 1. Also the organisational overhead will be reduced, as is the operational staff. Electronic deeds make electronic updating of register possible, the use of GPS allows 1 man-field parties, as we have 2-man parties now, etc. Staff will go back from 2200 to about 1500 in the next years. AUSTRALIA (2010) In a federation of states where each jurisdiction is responsible for their own development, there are a whole range of differences such as interoperability, jurisdictional responsibility, privacy, cost recovery, custodianship and access. This inhibits the development of national large scale spatial data sets. The Council of Australian Governments meetings bring together ministers from each jurisdiction and provide opportunities for national projects to provide consistency in cadastral systems. 3. e-Land Administration: A national project called “e-Plan” is being implemented across each of the jurisdictions. This involves a consistent approach and specifications for the digital lodgement of plans of subdivision at land titles offices. The lodgement requires the land surveyors to convert plans of subdivision and supporting survey information to landXML format. When fully implemented the land titles offices will have the capacity to visualise the landXML files and provide prints as required. The benefits of this process is that the registration process will be streamlined, new registry processes will be possible, and the cadastral surveyors will have access to the latest digital cadastral map data. DENMARK (2010) GERMANY (2003) system including quality information for all data and a standardised data interface for ALKIS and ATKIS. Of course links of the users’ specific data they already linked to ALK, ALB or ATKIS still have to be possible in the new systems without reasonable new investments on their side. They shall trust in the sustainability of their investment in data. Modelling of ALKIS and ATKIS are based on the ISO standard Unified Modelling Language (UML) and for the definition of the data interface Extensible Markup Language (XML). Most states are working on solutions to provide data via Internet as a part of e-government projects. SWEDEN (2011) will mainstream all activities in the coming years. The government has also given Lantmäteriet the task to coordinate the efforts of developing e-government services within the field of geodata in the Swedish governmental administration.