Calorimetry I Electromagnetic Calorimeters 6.1 Allgemeine Grundlagen Funktionsprinzip – 1 ! Introduction In der Hochenergiephysik versteht man unter einem Kalorimeter einen Detektor, welcher die zu analysierenden Teilchen vollständig absorbiert. Da durch kann die Einfallsenergie des betreffenden Teilchens gemessen werde Calorimeter: ! Die allermeisten Kalorimeter sind überdies positionssensitiv ausgeführt, um Detector for energy measurement via total absorption of particles ... die Energiedeposition ortsabhängig zu messen und sie beim gleichzeitigen Also: most calorimeters are position sensitive to measure energy depositions Durchgang von mehreren Teilchen den individuellen Teilchen zuzuordnen. depending on their location ... ! Ein einfallendes Teilchen initiiert innerhalb des Kalorimeters einen TeilchenPrinciple of(eine operation: schauer Teilchenkaskade) aus Sekundärteilchen und gibt so sukzessi seine ganze Energie diesen Schauer ab. Incoming particle initiatesand particle shower ... Shower Composition and shower dimensions depend on Die Zusammensetzung und die Ausdehnung eines solchen Schauers hänge Schematic of particle type and detector material ... calorimeter principle von der Art des einfallenden Teilchens ab (e±, Photon oder Hadron). Energy deposited in form of: heat, ionization, excitation of atoms, Cherenkov light ... Different calorimeter types use different kinds of Bild rechts: Grobes Schema these signals to measure total energy ... eines Teilchenschauers in Important: particle cascade (shower) incident particle einem (homogenen) Kalorimeter Signal ~ total deposited energy [Proportionality factor determined by calibration] detector volume Introduction Energy vs. momentum measurement: Calorimeter: [see below] σE 1 ∼√ E E e.g. ATLAS: σE 0.1 ≈√ E E i.e. σE/E = 1% @ 100 GeV Gas detector: [see above] σp ∼p p e.g. ATLAS: σp ≈ 5 · 10−4 · pt p i.e. σp/p = 5% @ 100 GeV At very high energies one has to switch to calorimeters because their resolution improves while those of a magnetic spectrometer decreases with E ... Shower depth: Calorimeter: [see below] E L ∼ ln Ec [Ec: critical energy] Shower depth nearly energy independent i.e. calorimeters can be compact ... Compare with magnetic spectrometer: σp/p ∼ p/L2 Detector size has to grow quadratically to maintain resolution Introduction Further calorimeter features: Calorimeters can be built as 4π-detectors, i.e. they can detect particles over almost the full solid angle 2 large for small θ 2 Magnetic spectrometer: anisotropy due to magnetic field; remember: (σp/p) = (σpt/pt ) + (σθ/sin θ) 2 Calorimeters can provide fast timing signal (1 to 10 ns); can be used for triggering [e.g. ATLAS L1 Calorimeter Trigger] Calorimeters can measure the energy of both, charged and neutral particles, if they interact via electromagnetic or strong forces [e.g.: γ, μ, Κ0, ...] Magnetic spectrometer: only charged particles! Segmentation in depth allows separation of hadrons (p,n,π±), from particles which only interact electromagnetically (γ,e) ... ... Electromagnetic Showers Reminder: Dominant processes at high energies ... Photons : Pair production Electrons: Bremsstrahlung Pair production: � � 7 183 2 2 σpair ≈ 4 αre Z ln 1 9 Z3 7 A = 9 NA X0 Absorption coefficient: [X0: radiation length] [in cm or g/cm2] NA 7 ρ µ = nσ = ρ · σpair = A 9 X0 X0 Bremsstrahlung: dE E dE Z2 2 183 = 4αNA re · E ln 1 = X0 dx A 3 Zdx ➛ E = E0 e−x/X0 After passage of one X0 electron has only (1/e)th of its primary energy ... [i.e. 37%] 10 PeV 0 Electromagnetic Showers 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 y = k/E 1 Figure 27.11: The normalized bremsstrahlung cross section k dσLP M /dk lead versus the fractional photon energy y = k/E. The vertical axis has un of photons per radiation length. 200 � � � � dE dE (Ec )�� = (Ec )�� dx dx Brems Ion � dE dx 710 MeV = Z + 0.92 � Brems �� dE dx EcSol/Liq � Ion 30 E 10 2 5 10 20 50 Electron energy (MeV) [see also later] 100 200 Figure 27.12: Two definitions of the critical energy Ec . with: � � incomplete, dE and� near y = 0, where divergence is removed b �the infrared dE E Ec � � = ≈ = const. & amplitudes the interference dx �of bremsstrahlung X dx � X from nearby scattering cent Brems 0 Ion February 2, 2010 Transverse size of EM shower given by radiation length via Molière radius lu ng Ionization Brems = ionization 610 MeV = Z + 1.24 Z ·E ≈ 800 MeV Rossi: Ionization per X0 = electron energy 50 40 20 Approximations: EcGas l ta o T 70 ss tr ah Critical Energy [see above]: Br dE /dx × X0 (MeV) 100 em Ex s≈ ac tb re m Further basics: Copper X0 = 12.86 g cm−2 Ec = 19.63 MeV RM 21 MeV = X0 Ec 0 15:55 RM : Moliere radius Ec : Critical Energy [Rossi] X0 : Radiation length Electromagnetic Showers Typical values for X0, Ec and RM of materials used in calorimeter X0 [cm] Ec [MeV] RM [cm] Pb 0.56 7.2 1.6 Scintillator (Sz) 34.7 80 9.1 Fe 1.76 21 1.8 14 31 9.5 BGO 1.12 10.1 2.3 Sz/Pb 3.1 12.6 5.2 PB glass (SF5) 2.4 11.8 4.3 Ar (liquid) S rlo Ca te on (M rs ue ha Sc en sch − eti e gn + + ma e γ tro + lek K e+ se + → d K ine ng ge K → hlu + lun γ K tra ick s + tw ms e e En Br ). .2: E0 rch ern se g8 u s K e 2 d − = oz = o Pr 1 se K E ( a ie ev d i igt rd rg rt t e ne Nu ich rli s e E v eE ck i rü ,d X0 = be X0 ke en E± ch rec t na rd we f Au Analytic Shower Model rS de Simple shower model: [from Heitler] Only two dominant interactions: Pair production and Bremsstrahlung ... γ + Nucleus ➛ Nucleus + e+ + e− [Photons absorbed via pair production] ert isi ial e + Nucleus ➛ Nucleus + e + γ Electromagnetic Shower [Monte Carlo Simulation] [Energy loss of electrons via Bremsstrahlung] Shower development governed by X0 ... Use Simplification: After a distance X0 electrons remain with only (1/e)th of their primary energy ... [Ee looses half the energy] Photon produces e+e−-pair after 9/7X0 ≈ X0 ... Ee ≈ E0/2 Assume: E > Ec : no energy loss by ionization/excitation du E < Ec : energy loss only via ionization/excitation Eγ = Ee ≈ E0/2 [Energy shared by e+/e–] ... with initial particle energy E0 rch us assume that the energy is symmetrically shared between the part Analytic Shower Model Sketch of simple shower development E0 Simple shower model: [continued] Shower characterized by: / / / / 1 2 3 4 E 0 2 E 0 4 E 0 8 E 0 16 Number of particles in shower Location of shower maximum Longitudinal shower distribution Transverse shower distribution Number of shower particles after depth t: N (t) = 2 t Energy per particle after depth t: E0 E= = E0 · 2−t N (t) ➛ t = log2 (E0/E) 0 5 6 7 8 t [X0] Fig. 8.1. Sketch of a simple model for shower parametrisation. Longitudinal components; measured in radiation length ... ... use: x t= X0 Total number of shower particles with energy E1: N (E0 , E1 ) = 2 t1 =2 Number of shower particles at shower maximum: N (E0 , Ec ) = Nmax Shower maximum at: tmax ∝ ln(E0/Ec ) log2 (E0/E1 ) E0 = E1 E0 =2 = Ec N (E0 , E1 ) ∝ E0 tmax Analytic Shower Model Simple shower model: [continued] Longitudinal shower distribution increases only logarithmically with the primary energy of the incident particle ... Some numbers: Ec ≈ 10 MeV, E0 = 1 GeV ➛ tmax = ln 100 ≈ 4.5; Nmax = 100 E0 = 100 GeV ➛ tmax = ln 10000 ≈ 9.2; Nmax =10000 Relevant for energy measurement (e.g. via scintillation light): total integrated track length of all charged particles ... tmax−1 T = X0 � 2µ + t0 · Nmax · X0 µ=0 tmax As only electrons contribute ... with t0: range of electron with energy Ec [given in units of X0] E0 = X0 · (2 − 1) + t0 · X0 Ec E0 E0 log2 E0/Ec X0 ∝ E0 = X0 · (2 − 1) + t0 · X0 ≈ (1 + t0 ) · Ec Ec E0 T = · X0 · F Ec [ with F < 1] Energy proportional to track length ... 27. Passage of particles through matter 16 Eq. (27.14) describes scattering from a single material, while the usual problem involves the multiple scattering of a particle traversing many different layers and mixtures. Since it is from a fit to a Molière distribution, it is incorrect to add the individual θ0 contributions in quadrature; the result is systematically too small. I is much more accurate to apply Eq. (27.14) once, after finding x and X0 for the combined scatterer. Lynch and Dahl have extended this phenomenological approach, fitting Gaussian distributions to a variable fraction of the Molière distribution for arbitrary scatterers [35], and achieve accuracies of 2% or better. Analytic Shower Model Transverse shower development ... Multiple coulomb scattering Opening angle for bremsstrahlung and pair production 2 �θ � ≈ 2 (m/E ) = x 1/γ 2 x /2 Small contribution as me/Ec = 0.05 Multiple scattering splane deflection angle in 2-dimensional plane ... �θk2 � = k � m=1 2 = k�θ2 � θm � � x 13.6 MeV/c 2 �θ � ≈ p X0 In 3-dimensions extra factor √2: � 19.2 MeV/c 2 �θ �3d ≈ p Ψplane yplane θplane Figure 27.9: Quantities used to describe multiple Coulomb scattering. The particle is incident in the plane of the figure. Assuming the approximate range of electrons The[β nonprojected (space) projected (plane) angular distributions are given ⋅X0 ... = 1] to be Xand 0 yields lateral extension: R =〈θ〉 approximately by [33] 2 21MeV θ 1 space RM =2 �θ� X0 (27.15 exp x=X � − 0 2· X 0dΩ≈, 2π θ 2θ EC 0 0 x Molière Radius; X0 [β = 1] characterizes lateral shower spread ... 2 θplane 1 √ exp − (27.16 2 dθplane , Insertion – Multiple Scattering M,v Reminder: τ = 2b/v [Derivation of energy loss ...] 2Zze2 ∆pt = bv ∆pt ∆pt 2Zze2 1 θ≈ ≈ = p� p b pv Atom �θk2 � = Proof: θ�k2 = m=1 � m=1 �θm �2 = k � m=1 }b Coulomb scattering θk 2 = k�θ2 � θm k � θ Atomic number: Z As θ ~ Z ➛ main influence from nucleus; contribution due to electrons negligible ... k � pt Multiple Coulomb scattering θ�m2 + 2 � i�=j θ�i �θj = k � θ�m2 m=1 Here, the term ∑θiθj vanishes as successive interactions are statistically independent; to calculate ‹θk› one needs to average ... Insertion – Multiple Scattering n : dx, x : db, b: N(b) : N : Probability for a single collision with impact parameter b: N (b) 1 P (b) db = = · 2π b db dx · n N N 2 � = N · �θ2 � = N · �θN N ≈ N � bmax bmin � 0 x � ∞ with N (b) = 2π � b db dx · n N= 2 P (b) [θ(b)] db Estimation of bmin, bmax: 0 2π b · n particle density layer thickness impact parameter average number of collisions total number of collisions � 2Zze bpv 2 �2 Atomic radius for bmax : bmax = aB ⋅Z–⅓ Nuclear size for bmin : bmin ~ A⅓ ~ Z⅓ db dx � 4π � 2 2 1 2 = me c · x z · 2 2 α p v Z 2 � ➛ bmax/bmin ~ Z–⅔ Also: � 4π m e c2 α e2 1 X0 = , re = m e c2 4α n Z 2 re2 ln(183/Z 1/3 ) Es = Z 2 z 2 e4 bmax = 8π nx 2 2 ln p v bmin � N (b)db 2 e m e c2 �2 ζ nα ln 1/3 Z � = Es2 � 1 pv �2 x z X0 2 Analytic Shower Model Transverse shower development ... R [continued] θ x Deflection angle: Lateral extension: R = x⋅tan θ ≈ x⋅ θ, if θ small ... [Molière-Theory] 1 x 2 · 2 2 ·z · �θ � = with Es = p v X0 � x 21.2 MeV ➛ �θ� = Ee X0 [β = 1, c = 1, z = 1] 2 Es2 � 4π (me c2 ) = 21.2 MeV α [Scale Energy] Lateral shower spread: Main contribution must come from low energy electrons as〈θ〉~ 1/Ee, i.e. for electrons with E = Ec ... Assuming the approximate range of electrons to be X0 yields〈θ〉≈ 21 MeV/Ee ➛ lateral extension: R =〈θ〉⋅X0 ... Molière Radius: RM 21 MeV = X0 Ec Lateral shower spread characterized by RM ! On average 90% of the shower energy contained in cylinder with radius RM around shower axis ... Electromagnetic Shower Profile 8.1 Electromagnetic calorimeters Longitudinal profile 600 5000 MeV Parametrization: dE / dt [MeV/X0] [Longo 1975] dE = E0 tα e−βt dt α,β:free parameters tα : at small depth number of secondaries increases ... e–βt : at larger depth absorption dominates ... 400 2000 MeV 200 1000 MeV 500 MeV Numbers for E = 2 GeV (approximate): α = 2, β = 0.5, tmax = α/β 0 5 0 More exact [Longo 1985] [Γ: Gamma function] ➛ tmax = α−1 = ln β � � E0 + Ceγ Ec 10 [MeV/X0] (βt)α−1 e−βt dE = E0 · β · dt Γ(α) 100 1 10 t [X0] 15 with: Ceγ = −0.5 Ceγ = −1.0 [γ-induced] lead [e-induced] iron aluminium 20 Electromagnetic Shower Profile Transverse profile z/X0 Abbildung 8.4: Longitudinalverteilung der Energiedeposition in einem elektr energy deposit Schauer für zwei Prim ärenergien der Elektronen [arbitrary unites] Parametrization: dE −r/RM −r/λmin = αe + βe dr α,β:free parameters RM : Molière radius λmin: range of low energetic photons ... Inner part: coulomb scattering ... Electrons and positrons move away from shower axis due to multiple scattering ... Outer part: low energy photons ... r/ R r/RM r/R MM Photons (and electrons) produced in isotropic processes (Compton scattering, photo-electric move away from Abbildung 8.5: effect) Transversalverteilung der Energie in einem elektromagnetisch shower axis; predominant beyond shower maximum, particularly in high-Z absorber media... unterschiedlichen Tiefen gemessen Shower gets wider at larger depth ... 159 Elektromagnetische Schauer Longitudinale und transversale Schauerentwicklung einer durch 6!GeV/c Elek ausgelösten elektromagn etischen Kas kade in einem Absorber aus Blei. Electromagnetic Shower Profile 2 s: lineare Skala. – link rprofil Bild – Bild rechts: hablogarithmische Skala Longitudinal and transversal shower profile 6!GeV/c Elektronen udinale und transversale Schauerentwicklung for a einer 6 GeVdurch electron in lead absorber ... r aus Blei. Absorbe östen elektromagnetischen Kaskade in einem [left: linear scale; right: logarithmic scale] energy deposit unites] Skala. – Bild rechts: hablogarithmische Skala lineare ks:[arbitrary energy deposit [arbitrary unites] [X pth 0] e d gitu n lo sh l a n rd we o i lateral shower width [X0] ho r we ls ina de pth ] [X 0 d Quelle: C . Grup en, Teilchendetektoren, B.I. W issen gitu schaftsverlag, 1993 M. Krammer: Detektoren, SS 05 lon lateral shower width [X0] Longitudinalshower Showerprofiles Shape (longitudinal) ctromagnetic Energy deposit per cm [%] Depth [X0] Energy deposit of electrons as a function of depth in a block of copper; integrals normalized to same value [EGS4* calculation] Depth of shower maximum increases logarithmically with energy tmax ∝ ln(E0/Ec ) Depth [cm] *EGS = Electron Gamma Shower Longitudinal Shower Shape Scaling is NOT perfect Energy deposit per cm [%] 10 GeV electrons Lead Iron Aluminum Approximate scaling .... Energy deposit of electrons as a function of depth for different materials [EGS4* calculation] Depth [X0] Pb Z = 8 Fe Z = 26 Al Z = 13 Longitudinal Shower Shape Photons Photons: Photo-electric effect ... σ ∝ Z 5 , E −3 Compton scattering ... σ ∝ Z, E −1 Pair production ... σ increases with E, Z asymptotic at ∼ 1 GeV Electrons: Critical energy ... 1 Ec ∝ Z In high Z materials particle multiplication ... ... down to lower energies ➛ longer showers [with respect to X0] Electrons Z Lateral profile Transversal Shower Shape Transverse profile at different shower depths .... Up to shower maximum broadening mainly due to multiple scattering ... Characterized by RM: [90% shower energy within RM] RM = 21 MeV X0 Ec Energy deposit [a.u.] Molière Radii Beyond shower maximum broadening mainly due to low energy photons ... Radial distributions of the energy deposited by 10 GeV electron showers in Copper [Results of EGS4 simulations] Distance from shower axis [RM] 16 Lateral profile Material dependence: Scaling almost perfect at low radii ... Most striking difference seen in slope of 'tail' or 'halo' ... Slope considerably steeper for high-Z material due to smaller mean free path for low-energy photons ... Energy deposit [%] Transversal Shower Shape 10 1 Halo 0.1 Radial energy deposit profiles for 10 GeV electrons showering in Al, Cu and Pb [Results of EGS4 calculations] Remark: Even though calorimeters are intended to measure GeV, TeV their performance is determined by low energy particles ... 0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 Distance from shower axis [RM] 15 Some Useful 'Rules of Thumbs' Radiation length: 180A g X0 = Z 2 cm2 Critical energy: 550 MeV Ec = Z [Attention: Definition of Rossi used] Shower maximum: Longitudinal energy containment: Transverse Energy containment: Problem: Calculate how much Pb, Fe or Cu is needed to stop a 10 GeV electron. Pb : Z = 82 , A = 207, ρ = 11.34 g/cm3 Fe : Z = 26 , A = 56, ρ = 7.87 g/cm3 Cu : Z = 29 , A = 63, ρ = 8.92 g/cm3 − 1.0 E tmax = ln − 1.0 Ec − 0.5 { e– induced shower γ induced shower L(95%) = tmax + 0.08Z + 9.6 [X0 ] R(90%) = RM R(95%) = 2RM Homogeneous Calorimeters ★ In a homogeneous calorimeter the whole detector volume is filled by a high-density material which simultaneously serves as absorber as well as as active medium ... Signal Material Scintillation light BGO, BaF2, CeF3, ... Cherenkov light Lead Glass Ionization signal Liquid nobel gases (Ar, Kr, Xe) ★ Advantage: homogenous calorimeters provide optimal energy resolution ★ Disadvantage: very expensive ★ Homogenous calorimeters are exclusively used for electromagnetic calorimeter, i.e. energy measurement of electrons and photons Example: CMS Crystal Calorimeter Homogeneous Calorimeters imeter (ECAL) are described. The section ends with a description of the preshower detec which sits in front of the endcap crystals. Two important changes have occurred to the Example: CMS Crystal Calorimeter ometry and configuration since the ECAL TDR [5]. In the endcap the basic mechanical u the “supercrystal,” which was originally envisaged to hold 6×6 crystals, is now a 5×5 u The lateral dimensions of the endcap crystals have been increased such that the supercry remains little changed in size. This choice took advantage of the crystal producer’s a ity to produce larger crystals, to reduce the channel count. Secondly, the option of a ba preshower detector, envisaged for high-luminosity running only, has been dropped. T simplification allows more space to the tracker, but requires that the longitudinal vertice H → γγ events be found with the reconstructed charged particle tracks in the event. Homogeneous Calorimeters . Description of the ECAL 4.1.1 Scintillator : PBW04 [Lead Tungsten] Photosensor: APDs [Avalanche Photodiodes] The ECAL layout and geometry 147 The nominal geometry of the ECAL (the engineering is simulated in detai Number of crystals: ~ specification) 70000 the 4/ model.Light There output: are 36 identical supermodules, 18 in each half barrel, e 4.5 photons/MeV covering 20 in φ. The barrel is closed at each end by an endcap. In front of most of fiducial region of each endcap is a preshower device. Figure 4.1 shows a transverse sect through ECAL. e barrel part of the ECAL covers the pseudorapidity range |η| < 1.479. The barrel granuity is 360-fold in φ and (2×85)-fold in η, resulting in a total of 61 200GEANT crystals.The truncatedOSCAR ramid shaped crystals are mounted in a quasi-projective geometry so that their axes ◦ make mall angle (3o ) with the respect to the vector from the nominal interaction vertex, in both φ and η projections. The crystal cross-section corresponds to approximately 0.0174 × 174◦ in η-φ or 22×22 mm2 at the front face of crystal, and 26×26 mm2 at the rear face. The stal length is 230 mm corresponding to 25.8 X0 . e centres of the front faces of the crystals in the supermodules are at a radius 1.29 m. e crystals are contained in a thin-walled glass-fibre alveola structures (“submodules,” as own in Fig. CP 5) with 5 pairs of crystals (left and right reflections of a single shape) per bmodule. The η extent of the submodule corresponds to a trigger tower. To reduce the mber of different type of crystals, the crystals in each submodule have the same shape. ere are 17 pairs of shapes. The submodules are assembled into modules and there are modules in each supermodule separated by aluminium webs. The arrangement of the 4 dules in a supermodule can be seen in the photograph shown in Fig. 4.2. Barrel ECAL (EB) y = 9 7 1.4 Preshower (ES) = 2.6 z 653 . 1 = = 3.0 Endcap ECAL (EE) Figure 4.1: Transverse section through the ECAL, showing geometrical configuration. Sampling Calorimeters Scheme of a sandwich calorimeter Principle: passive absorber shower (cascade of secondaries) Alternating layers of absorber and active material [sandwich calorimeter] Simple shower model Absorber materials: incoming particle [high density] Iron (Fe) Lead (Pb)Bremsstrahlung Consider only Uranium (U) production and (symmetric) pair active layers [For compensation ...] Active Assume X0materials: ! !pair Plastic scintillator After t XSilicon 0: detectors Liquid tionization chamber ! N(t) = 2 Gas detectors ! E(t)/particle = E0/2t Electromagnetic shower Sampling Calorimeters ★ Advantages: By separating passive and active layers the different layer materials can be optimally adapted to the corresponding requirements ... By freely choosing high-density material for the absorbers one can built very compact calorimeters ... Sampling calorimeters are simpler with more passive material and thus cheaper than homogeneous calorimeters ... ★ Disadvantages: Only part of the deposited particle energy is actually detected in the active layers; typically a few percent [for gas detectors even only ~10-5] ... Due to this sampling-fluctuations typically result in a reduced energy resolution for sampling calorimeters ... Sampling Calorimeters Possible setups Scintillators as active layer; signal readout via photo multipliers Absorber Scintillator Light guide Photo detector Scintillators as active layer; wave length shifter to convert light Scintillator (blue light) Wavelength shifter Charge amplifier Absorber as electrodes HV Ionization chambers between absorber plates Argon Active medium: LAr; absorber embedded in liquid serve as electrods Electrodes Analogue signal Sampling Calorimeters Example: ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Sampling Calorimeters Example: H1 SpaCal Lead-Fibre Matrix [Front view] [Spaghetti Calorimeter] 4 SpaCal Supermodules Lead matrix ... [Technical drawing] Example: CALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter :;<=:9.642)1- Sampling Calorimeters ‘Alveolar Structure’ Tungsten frame ?4 Sensors + r/o electonics >45?34232.53. Detector slabs max.: 1.6 m Tungsten layer /84.:; Example: CALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter Sampling Calorimeters Aluminum protection Heat shield PCB with r/o-chips Tungsten layer Silicon matrices Read-out chip [embeddable?] Detector slab PCB ! ~ 3 mm !"#$%&' ()*+' ,-.&/01"-' 2"&3' 45' 0' 6477"89&' :&1&-14%' 7908;' <%&&=' "7' 1.&' >?@' "=' 3."-.' 1.&' A!B' 0%&' "=-9$:&:C'1.&'7"9"-4='/01%"-&7'D4%0=#&E'0%&'#9$&:'4='>?@;'F.&'1$=#71&='7.&&1'D9"#.1'89$&E''"7'3%066&:' "='-0%84='5"8%&'D8%43=E;'G='42&%099'6%41&-1"4='7.&&1'"='09$/"="$/'D#%&HE'7$%%4$=:7'&2&%H1."=#;' ! 4.3 Tungsten 1.4 mm Current status of the project Silicon Pads ! $%&!'(&)*'!+,!-%&!./+0&1-!1+)1&/)2!'32+!-%&!1+)2-/41-5+)!+,!'!2&1+)*!(&)&/'-5+)!+,!./+-+-6.&7!-%52! [5 x 5 mm2] -58&!'2!13+2&!'2!.+22593&!-+!-%&!,5)'3!*&-&1-+/:!$%52!2&1+)*!(&)&/'-5+)!52!.'/-5'336!,4)*&*!96!-%&!;<!./+(/'8! ;<=;$:!$%&!-&2-!>5-%!%'*/+)!9&'82!52!,+/&2&&)!-+!9&!*+)&!-+(&-%&/!>5-%!-%&!*5,,&/&)-!?@AB!+.-5+)2!+,! @ABC@;:!!! ~ 3 mm Example: CALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter Sampling Calorimeters Structure 2.8 Structure 1.4 Structure 4.2 Front End Electronics Event Display Energy Resolution Ebeam = 1 GeV [Pads: 10x10 mm2] Active area < 20%/√E Ebeam = 45 GeV !! !!! !"#$%&' ()*+,' -"./%"0$/"12.' 13' /1/45' 6789' &2&%#:' 31%' +;' <&=' &5&>/%12.' ?5&3/@A' B"/C' 4' <4$.."42' 3"/' .$D&%"ED1.&FG'%&.15$/"12'13'/C&'6789'31%'&5&>/%12.'?%"#C/@A'B"/C'F4/4'42F'H12/&'74%51''>1ED4%&FI'' ' run 230243, Ebeam=1.5GeV 2.5 RMS 30 run 230252, E 9.518 =6GeV mm) GeV] Entries run 230248, Ebeam=3GeV Mean 17.78 40 !! !!! center ECAL ‘Physics’ Prototype [CALICE] Homogeneous vs. Sampling Calorimeters 28. Detectors at accelerators 57 Table 28.8: Resolution of typical electromagnetic calorimeters. E is in GeV. Energy resolution Date NaI(Tl) (Crystal Ball) 20X0 1983 Bi4 Ge3 O12 (BGO) (L3) 22X0 1993 [E is in GeV] CsI (KTeV) 27X0 CsI(Tl) (BaBar) 2.7%/E1/4 √ 2%/ E ⊕ 0.7% √ 2%/ E ⊕ 0.45% Resolution of typical electromagnetic calorimeter 16–18X0 2.3%/E 1/4 ⊕ 1.4% 1999 PbWO4 (PWO) (CMS) 25X0 1997 Lead glass (OPAL) 20.5X0 Liquid Kr (NA48) 27X0 Scintillator/depleted U (ZEUS) Scintillator/Pb (CDF) 20–30X0 CsI(Tl) (BELLE) 16X0 18X0 15X0 Liquid Ar/Pb (NA31) 27X0 Liquid Ar/Pb (SLD) 21X0 Liquid Ar/Pb (H1) 20–30X0 Liquid Ar/depl. U (DØ) 20.5X0 Liquid Ar/Pb accordion (ATLAS) 25X0 √ 13.5%/ E √ 5.7%/ E ⊕ 0.6% √ 7.5%/ E ⊕ 0.5% ⊕ 0.1/E √ 8%/ E √ 12%/ E ⊕ 1% √ 16%/ E ⊕ 0.3% ⊕ 0.3/E √ 10%/ E ⊕ 0.4% ⊕ 0.3/E 1998 1990 1998 1988 1988 1995 1988 1993 1998 1993 1996 Sampling Scintillator fiber/Pb spaghetti (KLOE) 1.7% for Eγ > 3.5 GeV √ 3%/ E ⊕ 0.5% ⊕ 0.2/E √ 5%/ E √ 3.2%/ E⊕ 0.42% ⊕ 0.09/E √ 18%/ E 1996 Homogeneous Technology (Experiment) Depth