Advanced Topics in Particle Physics Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC Ulrich Husemann, Klaus Reygers, Ulrich Uwer University of Heidelberg Winter Semester 2009/2010 CERN = European Laboratory for Partice Physics the world’s largest particle physics laboratory, founded 1954 Historic name: “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire” 2500 employees, almost 10000 guest scientists from 85 nations Ju ra M ou nt ai n s Proton-proton collider La ke Ge ne va 8.5 km Accelerator complex (approx. 100 m underground) Prévessin site (France) Meyrin site (Switzerland) Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 2 Large Hadron Collider: Proton-Proton and Lead-Lead Collisions CMS Experiment: Multi Purpose Detector LHCb Experiment: B Physics and CP Violation ATLAS Experiment: ALICE-Experiment: Multi Purpose Detector Heavy Ion Physics Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 3 The Lecture “Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC” Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN: premier address in experimental particle physics for the next 10+ years LHC restart this fall: first beam scheduled for mid-November LHC and Heidelberg Experimental groups from Heidelberg participate in three out of four large LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, LHCb) Theory groups working on LHC physics → Cornerstone of physics research in Heidelberg → Lots of exciting opportunities for young people Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 4 Scope of this Lecture Goal: Overview of most important physics topics pursued at the LHC High-pT physics (mostly ATLAS and CMS) Flavor physics (mostly LHCb) Heavy ion physics (mostly ALICE) Target audience: Master/Diploma and graduate students with prior knowledge of theoretical and experimental particle physics Builds upon previous lecture(s) “Experimental Particle Physics” & “Introduction to the Standard Model” Part of program of the “Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics” Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 5 Organizational Issues Advanced Topics in Particle Physics: “Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC” Date: Mondays, 14:00–16:00 c.t. (2 SWS) Room: INF 227 / HS 2 Lecturers: Ulrich Husemann (KIP & DESY, ATLAS): High-pT Physics Tel.: 06221-54xxxx, E-Mail: Klaus Reygers (PI, ALICE): Heavy Ion Physics Tel.: 06221-549317, E-Mail: Ulrich Uwer (PI, LHCb): Flavor Physics Tel.: 06221-549226, E-Mail: Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 6 Preliminary Schedule # Date Topic Lecturer 1 10/12/09 Introduction All 2 10/19/09 The LHC Multipurpose Experiments U. Husemann 3 10/26/09 Hadron Collider Basics U. Husemann 4 11/02/09 QCD, Factorization, Jets U. Husemann 5 11/09/09 W and Z Boson Production U. Husemann 6 11/16/09 Top Quark Production U. Husemann 7 11/23/09 Higgs Physics U. Husemann 8 11/30/09 Supersymmetry U. Husemann 9 12/07/09 Exotic Models: Extra Dimensions etc. U. Husemann 10 12/14/09 U. Uwer 11 12/21/09 U. Uwer 12 01/11/10 U. Uwer 13 01/18/10 K. Reygers 14 01/25/10 K. Reygers 15 02/01/10 K. Reygers Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 7 Literature The Particle Data Book, of course: Detailed papers on LHC machine and detectors published back-to-back in open-access journal before startup: Machine: 2008 JINST 3 S08001 ALICE: 2008 JINST 3 S08002 ATLAS: 2008 JINST 3 S08003 CMS: 2008 JINST 3 S08004 LHCb: 2008 JINST 3 S08005 More detailed literature lists for the individual topics later (few books, many review articles) Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 8 Chapter 1 Introduction A Little LHC History The early days 1977: LEP tunnel to be built large enough for another ring 1984: First LHC workshops in Lausanne → superconducting 10 T (= 17 TeV) pp collider in LEP tunnel → feasibility of magnet design shown in late 1980ies 1990: Aachen workshop → evaluation of LHC physics potential 1992: Évian workshop → experiment proposals 1993: US congress terminates SSC (Superconducting Super Collider, 40 TeV) → integrate US physics community 1994: Approval by CERN Council Initial plan: two stages (10 TeV in 2004, 14 TeV in 2008, due to budget constraints), later changed to 14 TeV in 2005 Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 10 A Little LHC History Construction phase 1998: civil engineering starts (experimental caverns and surface buildings) 2000: LEP terminated and dismantled from 2000: (pre-) production of magnets 2005–2007: magnet installation [] Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 11 A Little LHC History LHC startup September 10, 2008: first beam event, experiments (partly) switched on September 19, 2008: magnet incident stops LHC operation November 2009: LHC restart Further details on LHC history: CERN Courier (issue of October 2008) [CERN] Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 12 LHC Physics Program Main LHC goal: search for the Higgs boson and physics beyond the standard model → high-pT & flavor physics Broader physics program considered early on: Collisions at four points around the ring: two with large collision rates, two with medium collision rates Allow LHC operation with heavy ions (lead) Optimize design of machine and detector for above goals, given technical constraints: Tunnel: re-use from LEP accelerator → 27 km circumference Magnets: maximum B field strength with available technology for superconducting dipole magnets → 9 Tesla → approx. 15 TeV center of mass energy Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 13 High-pT Physics @ LHC Hadron collider physics = discovery physics at the highest available energies (“energy frontier”), complementary to precision physics at e+e– colliders CERN Sp!S: 1982–1990 → W and Z boson discovery, searches for top quarks, SUSY… Fermilab Tevatron: 1987–2010 (2011?) → top quark discovery, Bs flavor oscillations, searches for Higgs, SUSY, exotics… Next step in energy: explore energies around 1 TeV (“terascale”) → relevant scale for electroweak physics Machine & detector design goals: Highest possible energies and collision rates Versatile multi-purpose detectors Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 14 Protons or Antiprotons? Sp!S and Tevatron: proton-antiproton colliders At leading order many processes dominated by quarkantiquark annihilation, e.g. W and Z production, but: no valence antiquarks in proton → antiprotons p p ν̄" , "+ u, d W± ¯ ū d, ū, d¯ − " , ν" p̄ e+, µ+ u, d Z p̄ e− , µ− Particle and its antiparticle can be accelerated in the same structure (single beam pipe, same magnets, …) Problem: protons are “cheap”, but antiprotons are hard to produce (in proton beam dump) and to accumulate (“cooling”) → performance of collider limited by antiproton availability Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 15 Protons! At LHC energies: Interesting final states with a few 100 GeV (Higgs, top, …) produced by partons that carry small fraction x of proton momentum (more details on proton structure later) Important HERA result: gluons dominate at small x → don’t need valence antiquarks, e.g. for top pair production p p q W– ! " b t W+ #’ Ȟȝ ȝ+ Caveat: need separate acceleration structures (two rings or double ring) Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 16 Heavy Ion Physics @ LHC Heavy ion collisions: study strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities → expect new phase of matter: quark-gluon plasma Experience from previous heavy ion programs, e.g. CERN fixed target program: ions from SPS Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory: 200 GeV gold-gold collisions LHC: explore highest available energy densities Design goals: Allow for acceleration of heavy ions in addition to protons Dedicated experiment for heavy ion collisions: ALICE Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 17 Flavor Physics @ LHC Flavor physics: indirect search for new phenomena in very rare decays via loop effects → multi-TeV Central tool in flavor physics: B hadrons → long history of fixed-target and collider experiments, e.g. LEP and Tevatron multi-purpose experiments ARGUS & CLEO: e+e– collider experiments on ϒ(4S) resonance BABAR & Belle (“B Factories”): experiments at asymmetric e+e– collider on ϒ(4S) resonance LHC: extremely high production rate of B hadrons Specialized interaction region with lower collision rates Dedicated experiment optimized for detecting B hadron decays Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 18 Chapter 2 The LHC Accelerator Chain Pre-Accelerator Chain LHC beam to consist of: 2808 proton bunches with spacing of 25 ns (40 MHz, distance: 7.5 m), complicated bunch structure High intensity bunches (1011 protons/ bunch) with small longitudinal and transverse spread (“emittance”) Cannot accelerate beams from zero to 7 TeV in a single structure → need chain of pre-accelerators Re-use existing pre-accelerators Some upgrades necessary (Proton Synchrotron: 50 years old!) Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 20 LHC Bunch Structure [ATLAS L1 Trigger, Technical Design Report, 1998] Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 21 Pre-Accelerator Chain 7 TeV protons in main LHC ring 450 GeV protons in Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) 26 GeV protons in Proton Synchrotron (PS) 50 MeV – 1.4 GeV protons in LINAC/PS Booster Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 22 [] Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 23 LHC Layout Basic layout: eight interaction points (IP), four with experiments, others for acceleration, beam dump, etc. [] Status of LHC cool-down last Friday: everything below 4.5 K Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 24 Typical LHC “Fill” Acceleration and preparation for “physics:” Injection from pre-accelerator chain (approx. 4 minutes) → protons circulating at 450 GeV Acceleration to 7 TeV (“ramp to flat top,” approx. 20 minutes) Beam focusing at interaction points (“squeeze”) → collisions Collimation: remove non-bunched protons → ready for physics Experiments switch on and take data (< 24 hours) Controlled beam abort (“dumping the beam”) Extraction (“kicker”) magnets deflect beam into carbon block Abort can also be triggered by accelerator problems Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 25 RF System Radio-frequency (RF) system provides: Beam acceleration and beam energy loss compensation Formation of bunch structure LHC RF system: 400 MHz superconducting niobium/copper cavities: field 5.5 MV/m Two independent RF systems of 8 cavities First LHC RF capture [O. Brüning, CERN] Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 26 RF Cavities Switching every 1.25 ns (400 MHz) 2a !"#$%&'()**)(%"&$+",-)#./$("$(0.$-#.1%"2'$3%4,"/2*.$+"&!%52#)(%"&6$70.$+"&+.-(%"&$"!$(0.$+#8","/2*.$%'$%('.*!$ z ,"/2*)#9$)**$+)1%(%.'$)#.$%/.&(%+)*$)&/$+)&$3.$%&'()**./$%&$)&8$-"'%(%"&6$:!$)$-#"3*.,$)#%'.'$;%(0$)$+)1%(8$%($+)&$ <.)'%*8=$ 3.$ #.-*)+./6$ 70.$ (%,.$ ()>.&$ ("$ /"$ (0%'?$ !#",$ .@-.#%.&+.$ )*#.)/8$ 5)%&./$ ;%(0$ "&.$ ,"/2*.$ ;0%+0$ '2!!.#./$)$/.5#)/./$+)1%(8$)!(.#$%&%(%)*$)''.,3*8?$;"2*/$3.$*.''$(0)&$"&.$,"&(06$ E(z) E0 -E0 _";.#$E"2-*.#$ g )&/$J)1.52%/.$ Z2.&+0$ a)*1.$ G.$ :&*.($ z `.+("#$a)*1.$ )&/$a)+22,$ _2,-$ [V. Kain, CERN] GHI$ E"2-*.#$ [LHC Design Report, CERN-2004-003] G.*%2,$7)&>$ E"&()%&%&5$ E)1%(8$ G.$ H2(*.($ 72&.#$I"("#$ Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture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ipole Magnets */1+%.#$20& Dipole magnets: keep beam on circular orbit P)+0$+#8","/2*.$0)'$)$'%&5*.$%&*.($!"#$*%Q2%/$0.*%2,$)&/$)$'%&5*.$"2(*.($!"#$(0.$0.*%2,$.1)-"#)(./$38$'()(%+$ )&/$ /8&),%+$ *"''.'6$ 70.$*.1.*$ %'$ #.52*)(./$ 38$ (0.$ %&-2($ 1)*1.$ 2'%&5$ !../3)+>$ !#",$ '2-.#+"&/2+(%&5$ ;%#.$ 1232 main superconducting *.1.*$5)25.'$%&$(0.$+#8","/2*.6$70.$'()(%+$*"''.'$)#.$CMK$J$-.#$,"/2*.6$F($&",%&)*$!%.*/$(0.$RA$*"''.'$)#.$ CKK$J$dipole )&/$ )($ (;%+.$ (0.$ &",%&)*$ magnets, 15!%.*/$ m SKK$J$ long -.#$ ,"/2*.?$ ,)>%&5$ (0.$ ("()*$ *"''.'$ TMK$J$ )&/$ UMK$J?$ #.'-.+(%1.*86$ A"#$"-.#)(%"&$)($&",%&)*$!%.*/$(0.$-#.''2#.$%&'%/.$(0.$0.*%2,$()&>$0)'$("$3.$+)#.!2**8$+"&(#"**./$("$)1"%/$ “Twin-aperture” design: two !#.Q2.&+8$ 1)#%)(%"&'$ "!$ (0.$ +)1%(8?$ (0.$ '.&'%(%1%(8$ 3.%&5$ )&$ )--#.+%)3*.$ CMK$GVW,3)#6$ 70.$ ,)@%,2,$ separate beam pipes, 56 mm .@+2#'%"&$)#"2&/$(0.$&",%&)*$1)*2.$"!$CXMK$,3)#$0)'$3..&$!%@./$("$YCM$,3)#6$70.$"-.#)(%"&$"!$(0.$+)1%(%.'$ ;%**$ 3.$ 1.#8$ +#%(%+)*$ !#",$ -"%&($ separation "!$ 1%.;$ "!$ ')!.(8D$ (0.8$ 0)1.$ 3..&$ /.'%5&./$ ("$ ;%(0'()&/$ )$ ,)@%,2,$ aperture, 194(0.$mm -#.''2#.$ "!$ T$3)#$ )&/$ ;%**$ 3.$ +"&&.+(./$ ("$ (0.$ ZR[$ *%&.$ \$ %&$ ;0%+0$ -#.''2#.$ +)&$ #%'.$ ("$ 2-$ ("$ TK$3)#$ %!$ ,)5&.('$Q2.&+06$F$-#.''2#.$';%(+0$;%**$(0.#.!"#.$+*"'.$(0.$"2(-2($1)*1.$%!$(0.$-#.''2#.$%'$)3"1.$CMKK$,3)#6$ Superconducting cables: NbTi F$-"''%3%*%(8$-#.'.&(*8$3.%&5$'(2/%./$%'$("$-#"1%/.$)$+"&&.+(%"&$("$(0.$J)#,$R.+"1.#8$[%&.$]JR[^$("$.&'2#.$ alloy (0.$')!.$/%'+0)#5.$"!$.1)-"#)(%&5$0.*%2,$%&$)&8$"-.#)(%&5$,"/.6$70.$+)1%(%.'$;%**$%&$)&8$+)'.$3.$.Q2%--./$ [CERN] ;%(0$ ')!.(8$ ]Q2.&+0^$ 1)*1.'$ ("$ /%'+0)#5.$ (0.$ 0.*%2,$ %&$ +)'.$ "!$ %&'2*)(%&5$ 1)+22,$ *"''$"#$ %&)3%*%(8$ ("$ /%'+0)#5.$%&("$*%&.$\$"#$(0.$JR[6$$ Sophisticated cryogenic system $ Dipole magnets assembled and tested on surface, inter-magnet connections in LHC tunnel More than 7000 additional magnets: focusing & higher order corrections of beam orbit Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 28 LHC Dipole Magnets [CERN] Dipole magnets Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 29 Interaction Regions Complicated sequence of dipole, quadrupole, and correction magnets to create collisions: MQXA Quadrupole Beam pipes are joined into same vacuum Interaction region at ATLAS [KEK] Triplet of “low-β” quadrupole magnets to focus beam (Q1–Q3): 31 m long, ±23!m from interaction point [2008 JINST 3 S08001] Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 Figure 2.4: Schematic layout of the right side of IR1 (distances in m). 30 200 magnets with separate beam pipes for each ring. From the IP up to the DS insertion the layout comprises: Cryogenic System Previous superconducting accelerators (Tevatron, HERA): supercritical helium (T > 4.2 K, boiling point of He) → magnetic field limited to B < 5 T LHC: superfluid helium (T < 2 K) The world’s largest connected cryogenic system: 10000 tons of liquid nitrogen, 130 tons of liquid helium LHC Helium Refrigeration Plant Advantage: zero viscosity & entropy, infinite thermal conductivity Caveat: heat capacity of superconducting cables drops by more than factor of two [CERN] Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 31 Vacuum System Inside beam pipe: ultra-high vacuum (UHV) Low background from beam-gas interactions → long lifetimes From scattering cross section for protons in typical gases: pressure < 10-13 hPa (equivalent of 1013 H2 molecules per m3) UHV techniques at the LHC: Ion Pump Mobile pumps for initial vacuum Sputter ion pumps: ionize gas & accelerate in electric field → molecules bound on surface Bake-out: heat beam pipe to 250°C → outgassing of volatile compounds [] Beam pipe coating with TiZrV alloy (“non-evaporable getter”, forms compounds with active gasses) Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 32 Safety Systems Large amount of energy stored in small area: Beam: 360 MJ (kinetic energy of ICE-3 at 150 km/h in 3×1014 protons → kinetic energy of a mosquito per proton) Magnets: 600 MJ of magnetic energy Danger of uncontrolled beam loss & “quenches” Typical problem of superconducting magnets: local loss of superconductivity (e.g. energy deposit by spray of protons) Consequences: high magnet currents (>10 kA) feel resistance → heat & helium vapor: danger of destroying magnet → magnetic field drops: danger of losing beam Specialized electronics to detect quenches and induce controlled beam abort (“Quench Protection System”) Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 33 The Incident Incident on Sept 19, 2009 Faulty connection between two dipole magnets (“busbar”) ruptured Massive helium evaporation → collateral damage from pressure wave: displaced magnets Dipole Busbar Repair work: 53 magnets (39 dipoles) repaired on surface, beam pipe cleaned [CERN] Better helium pressure relief and instrumentation Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 34 ElectricalDipole joint in 12Busbars kA bus bar Upper Tin/Silver Soldering alloy Layer Inter-Cable Tin/Silver Soldering Alloy Layer ³:KDWPDNHVDJRRGMRLQW"´ Superconducting Cable in Copper Stabilizer Lower Tin/Silver Soldering Alloy Layer Completed Junction Lower Copper U Profile !"#$%&'%() Cable Junction Box Cross-section !#&%*(*+(,%#)-(.+#-/#01-2+# 334#. '(+5#106#%7%8+&(807# 0.6#+5%&907#8-.+08+*#'(+5# +5%#*+01(7(:%& No electrical contact between wedge and U-profile with the bus on at least 1 side of the joint No bonding at joint with the U-profile and the wedge Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 23/03/2009 LHC status and commissioning 35 4 LHC: Facts & Figures Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 36 [M. Lamont, LHC status and commissioning, La Thuile ‘09] Upper Copper Profile Current Plans for Startup !"#$%&'($)*((+,,+*-+-. /0*%'0 (')1+-& )1&)2*34 /0*%'0$(')1+-&$)1&)2*34 Energy Safe 567 8$&89 Very Safe 8$&88 8$:&; 9<6$&88 9<6$&87 ?<6$:&; 9<5$&87 @A*%& =,,&-4+'0$567$/&;$)*((+,,+*-+-. > 1+ >')1+-&$@A*4&)4+*4 4+ )*((+,,+*-+-.$8 + + + 8 567$/&;$)*00+,+*-, B'(@$)*((+,,+*-+-.$4*$8$:&; CD,4&(E%&'( )*((+,,+*-+-. CD,4&(E%&'($)*((+,,+*-+-. >')1+-& @A*4&)4+*- )*((+,,+*-+-.$9 >')1+-&$@A*4&)4+*)*((+,,+*-+-. 9 ?<6$:&;$%&'($F$G+A,4$)*00+,+*-, H300$(')1+-&$@A*4&)4+*-$I3'0+G+)'4+*CD,4&(E%&'($)*((+,,+*-+-. J+0*4$@1D,+), ~one month to first collisions [S. Myers, Talk at ATLAS Collaboration Meeting, October 5, 2009] 5K Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 37 Current Plans for Startup !"#$%&&' ( )**$+,-./$,0012345,-.6 ( 7.,/28,9*.$5,:;48.$,<,4*,94*4-=$,//>5.+ 7.,/28,9*. 5,:;48. ,<,4*,94*4-= ,//>5.+ [S. Myers, Talk at ATLAS Collaboration Meeting, October 5, 2009] ?& Probing the High Energy Frontier at the LHC, U Heidelberg, Winter Semester 09/10, Lecture 1 38