THE FEDERALIST & ANTIFEDERALIST PAPERS (Group Project) Name: ____________________ Task 1: 1) Read assigned Federalist Paper 2) Define words you don’t understand. 3) Write a summary explaining what the premise/main point Federalist were trying to accomplish? FEDERALIST PAPER # & THEM E ANTIFEDERALIST PAPER #; COUNTERARGUMENT Given in class Loo k up; W hat argu me nt is presen ted w ith relation to a Federalist Paper? (What is the main premise/point of the antifederalist paper for this topic/theme?) 10 (Factions; Continuation of 9) 10 dom estic 37 The Utility of the Union as a Safeguard Against Dom estic Faction and Insurrection (continued) 39 (Federalism; Setting up a republic) Conformity of the Plan to Republican Principles 44 (Necessary & Proper Clause; Limits on States rights) 17 14 55-58 17 Restrictions on the Authority of the Several States 51 (Federalism; Separation of Powers; Checks and balances) The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Diffe rent D epa rtm ents 70 (Set up/Nature of the Executive Branch) The Executive Department Further Considered 78 (Judicial Review; Judicial independence) 46 47 48 51 (This the m e co m es u p severa l times.) 67, 69, 70 (Main ones) 68, 71-77 22 The Judiciary Department Task 2: (Homework) 1) With respect to the Federalist Paper you were assigned, you will read and analyze the Antifederalist Paper(s) written as counter-arguments. 2) If you encounter words you don’t understand, look up the definitions. 3) Summarize the antifederalist argument about the federalist paper topic you were assigned. Task 3: Prepare a brief presentation that explains what your federalist paper was about and what the antifederalist rebuttal (debate) was of the given topic/theme of that paper. HELPFUL NOTES: FEDERALISTS ANTIFEDERALISTS Supported the Constitution Did not support the Constitution W anted a strong central government Fear that States would not have enough power W riters: John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison (AKA Publis) W riters: (No one is certain, but they are believed to be written by these people) Sa muel Bryan or a combination of B ryan and Eleazer Oswald (AK A: C entine l) Richa rd He nry Lee (AKA : Federal Fa rmer) Robert Yates (AKA: Brutus) “John DeW itt” (Author’s real name is unknown.) George Clinton (AKA: Cato) Sa muel Bryan t (AKA : Pe nnsylva nia Minority) In addition, there were essays written by several different (unkn own) m en signed , "A Farmer," "O bserver," "A Philanthropist," "Montezuma," "A Federal Republican," and oth ers. Pa trick Henry and Melancton Smith also gave public speeches denouncing Federalism. Use the Internet as needed to help you with your task. BIG THEME FOR ANTIFEDERALIST: Antifederalist #1 - Need for a bill of rights Helpful Links: For Federalist Papers: For Antifederalist Papers: Videos about the Federalist, Antifederalists, and their papers: Ratification: Struggle for the Constitution (1:33) The Battle for the Ratification of the Constitution - National History Day 2011(9:56) The Constitution Ratification Debate by Lucy W ynn (5:22) https ://