SSSTID SSSQID SSSHS SSSQOD SSSQAM SSSQPM SSSQ4H SSSQ6H SSSQ8H SSSQ12H SSSQ46H SSSQ68H SSSQ812H 1SSSQD 1SSSBID 1SSSTID 1SSSQID 1SSSHS 1SSSQOD 1SSSQAM 1SSSQPM 1SSSQ4H 1SSSQ6H 1SSSQ8H 1SSSQ12H 1SSSQ46H 1SSSQ68H 1SSSQ812H 2SQD 2SBID 2STID 2SQID 2SHS 2SQOD 2SQAM 2SQPM 2SQ4H 2SQ6H 2SQ8H 2SQ12H 2SQ46H 2SQ68H 2SQ812H 2SSSQD 2SSSBID 2SSSTID 2SSSQID 2SSSHS 2SSSQOD 2SSSQAM 2SSSQPM 2SSSQ4H 2SSSQ6H 2SSSQ8H 2SSSQ12H 2SSSQ46H 2SSSQ68H 2SSSQ812H 3SQD 3SBID 3STID 3SQID 3SHS 3SQOD 3SQAM 3SQPM 3SQ4H Take ½ tspful three times a day Take ½ tspful four times a day Take ½ tspful at bedtime Take ½ tspful every other day Take ½ tspful every morning Take ½ tspful every evening Take ½ tspful every four hours Take ½ tspful every six hours Take ½ tspful every eight hours Take ½ tspful every twelve hours Take ½ tspful every four to six hours Take ½ tspful every six to eight hours Take ½ tspful every eight to twelve hours Take 1½ tspfuls every day Take 1½ tspfuls two times a day Take 1½ tspfuls three times a day Take 1½ tspfuls four times a day Take 1½ tspfuls at bedtime Take 1½ tspfuls every other day Take 1½ tspfuls every morning Take 1½ tspfuls every evening Take 1½ tspfuls every four hours Take 1½ tspfuls every six hours Take 1½ tspfuls every eight hours Take 1½ tspfuls every twelve hours Take 1½ tspfuls every four to six hours Take 1½ tspfuls every six to eight hours Take 1½ tspfuls every eight to twelve hours Take two tspfuls every day Take two tspfuls two times a day Take two tspfuls three times a day Take two tspfuls four times a day Take two tspfuls at bedtime Take two tspfuls every other day Take two tspfuls every morning Take two tspfuls every evening Take two tspfuls every four hours Take two tspfuls every six hours Take two tspfuls every eight hours Take two tspfuls every twelve hours Take two tspfuls every four to six hours Take two tspfuls every six to eight hours Take two tspfuls every eight to twelve hours Take 2½ tspfuls every day Take 2½ tspfuls two times a day Take 2½ tspfuls three times a day Take 2½ tspfuls four times a day Take 2½ tspfuls at bedtime Take 2½ tspfuls every other day Take 2½ tspfuls every morning Take 2½ tspfuls every evening Take 2½ tspfuls every four hours Take 2½ tspfuls every six hours Take 2½ tspfuls every eight hours Take 2½ tspfuls every twelve hours Take 2½ tspfuls every four to six hours Take 2½ tspfuls every six to eight hours Take 2½ tspfuls every eight to twelve hours Take three tspfuls every day Take three tspfuls two times a day Take three tspfuls three times a day Take three tspfuls four times a day Take three tspfuls at bedtime Take three tspfuls every other day Take three tspfuls every morning Take three tspfuls every evening Take three tspfuls every four hours 3SQ6H 3SQ8H 3SQ12H 3SQ46H 3SQ68H 3SQ812H 4SQD 4SBID 4STID 4SQID 4SHS 4SQOD 4SQAM 4SQPM 4SQ4H 4SQ6H 4SQ8H 4SQ12H 4SQ46H 4SQ68H 4SQ812H 23SQD 23SBID 23STID 23SQID 23SHS 23SQOD 23SQAM 23SQPM 23SQ4H 23SQ6H 23SQ8H 23SQ12H 23SQ46H 23SQ68H 23SQ812H 34SQD 34SBID 34STID 34SQID 34SHS 34SQOD 34SQAM 34SQPM 34SQ4H 34SQ6H 34SQ8H 34SQ12H 34SQ46H 34SQ68H 34SQ812H Take three tspfuls every six hours Take three tspfuls every eight hours Take three tspfuls every twelve hours Take three tspfuls every four to six hours Take three tspfuls every six to eight hours Take three tspfuls every eight to twelve hours Take four tspfuls every day Take four tspfuls two times a day Take four tspfuls three times a day Take four tspfuls four times a day Take four tspfuls at bedtime Take four tspfuls every other day Take four tspfuls every morning Take four tspfuls every evening Take four teaspoonfuls every four hours Take four tspfuls every six hours Take four tspfuls every eight hours Take four tspfuls every twelve hours Take four tspfuls every four to six hours Take four tspfuls every six to eight hours Take four tspfuls every eight to twelve hours Take two to three tspfuls every day Take two to three tspfuls two times a day Take two to three tspfuls three times a day Take two to three tspfuls four times a day Take two to three tspfuls at bedtime Take two to three tspfuls every other day Take two to three tspfuls every morning Take two to three tspfuls every evening Take two to three tspfuls every four hours Take two to three tspfuls every six hours Take two to three tspfuls every eight hours Take two to three tspfuls every twelve hours Take two to three tspfuls every four to six hours Take two to three tspfuls every six to eight hours Take two to three tspfuls every eight to twelve hours Take three to four tspfuls every day Take three to four tspfuls two times a day Take three to four tspfuls three times a day Take three to four tspfuls four times a day Take three to four tspfuls at bedtime Take three to four tspfuls every other day Take three to four tspfuls every morning Take three to four tspfuls every evening Take three to four tspfuls every four hours Take three to four tspfuls every six hours Take three to four tspfuls every eight hours Take three to four tspfuls every twelve hours Take three to four tspfuls every four to six hours Take three to four tspfuls every six to eight hours Take three to four tspfuls every eight to twelve hours NOTES: This is a standard SIG list. Your pharmacy may have modified one or more SIGs. The SIGs marked with an * indicate that the verb, unit and route will be taken from the product record of the dispensed product. EnterpriseRx - SIG Code Reference Guide AA PC PCB PCBHS PCHS HS 1HS 2HS 3HS 4HS SSHS 1SSHS 2SSHS 3SSHS +HS 23HS 34HS PCBS PCL PCD PLBM ALT ALTD ALTW ALTAM ALTPM ANX APP APPF APPR APPV AP AUD AAA APPT ATC UD PRN PRF PRNF PRNP PRP P PA PRSP UPR PRFP PP PPA BDA BEA AC ACHS ACB ACL ACD ACS BP HBP OU PO C CS affected area(s) after meals after breakfast after breakfast and at bedtime after meals and at bedtime at bedtime * one at bedtime * two at bedtime * three at bedtime * four at bedtime * ½ at bedtime * 1½ at bedtime * 2½ at bedtime * 3½ at bedtime * one to two at bedtime * two to three at bedtime * three to four at bedtime after breakfast and supper after lunch after dinner after each loose bowel movement alternate on alterate days alternate with on alternate mornings on alternate evenings anxiety applicator applicatorful applicatorful rectally applicatorful vaginally apply apply as directed apply to affected area(s) appointment around the clock as directed as needed as needed for as needed for as needed for pain as needed for pain for pain for pain as needed for severe pain use as needed as needed for pain as needed for pain as needed for pain before dental appointment before each before meals before meals and at bedtime before breakfast before lunch before dinner before supper for blood pressure for high blood pressure in each eye by mouth capsule capsules CP CH CH1T CHSW CONG CONS CG CR D DC DIS DZ GTT GTTS DRP EA AU EVE Q QOD QOH CR D DC DIS DZ GTT GTTS DRP EA AU EVE Q QOD QOH QOW QOM Q2D Q3D QAM QEVE Q5MIN QSSHR QH Q2H Q3H Q4H Q5H Q6H Q8H Q12H Q23H Q34H Q46H Q68H Q812H Q48H Q72H EXT EUO QID X1DO X2DO for chest pain chew chew one tablet chew and swallow for congestion for constipation for cough for cramps daily discontinue dissolve for dizziness drop drops dropperful(s) each in both ears in the evening every every other day every other hour for cramps daily discontinue dissolve for dizziness drop drops dropperful(s) each in both ears in the evening every every other day every other hour every other week every other month every 2 days every 3 days every morning every evening every 5 minutes every ½ hour every hour every 2 hours every 3 hours every 4 hours every 5 hours every 6 hours every 8 hours every 12 hours every 2 to 3 hours every 3 to 4 hours every 4 to 6 hours every 6 to 8 hours every 8 to 12 hours every 48 hours every 72 hours externally external use only four times a day for 1 dose for 2 doses X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X10 X14 X1M X2M X6M X1YR X1Y X21D X28D X30D X1W X2W X3W X4W X5W X6W X7W X8W 2XM 3XM 4XM X3M X4M X5M G G1T G2T G3T G4T G1C G2C G3C G4C G1S GSSS G1SSS G2S HA H HRS INF INS 1APR 1APV 1SUPPR 1SUPPV IN12H IN24H EN AM AMHS INH INJ 1GT 2GT 3GT for 1 day for 2 days for 3 days for 4 days for 5 days for 6 days for 7 days for 10 days for 14 days for 1 month for 2 months for 6 months for 1 year for 1 year for 21 days for 28 days for 30 days for 1 week for 2 weeks for 3 weeks for 4 weeks for 5 weeks for 6 weeks for 7 weeks for 8 weeks Twice a month Three times a month Four times a month for 3 months for 4 months for 5 months give give one tablet give two tablets give three tablets give four tablets give one capsule give two capsules give three capsules give four capsules give one tspful give ½ tspful give 1½ tspful give two tspfuls for headache hour hours for infection insert insert one applicatorful rectally insert one applicatorful vaginally insert one suppository rectally insert one suppository vaginally in 12 hours in 24 hours in each nostril in the morning in the morning and at bedtime inhale inject instill one drop instill two drops instill three drops Printed in Ireland 4GT 5GT +GT 23GT 34GT 45GT IM IRR OS AL MINS MW MWF AMPM 1PM 2PM PM QPM +PM 23PM 34PM CMD NA NV NRV NMT NTE STAT 2STAT 3STAT 4STAT UNG QD QW QM SS SSHR SSH SS1 RECT AD OD REX SP SOB ST SL SQ SUPP SUPPR SUPPV SE S/S TAB TABS S TSP TSPS TB TBS T TSST T1T T1SST T2T T2SST T3T instill four drops instill five drops instill one to two drops instill two to three drops instill three to four drops instill four to five drops intramuscularly irrigate in the left eye in the left ear minutes on Monday and Wednesday on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the morning and evening One in the evening two in the evening in the evening every evening * one to two in the evening * two to three in the evening * three to four in the evening **Must call MD for appointment** for nausea for nausea and vomiting for nervousness no more than not to exceed immediately take two now, then take three now, then take four now, then ointment once daily once weekly once a month ½ ½ hour ½ hour ½ to one rectally in the right ear in the right eye rinse and expectorate for severe pain for shortness of breath for sore throat under the tongue under the skin suppository suppository rectally suppository vaginally swish and expectorate swish and swallow tablet tablets tspful tspful tspfuls tbspful tbspfuls take take ½ tablet take one tablet take 1½ tablets take two tablets take 2½ tablets take three tablets T3SST take 3½ tablets T4T take four tablets T+T take one to two tablets T1C take one capsule T2C take two capsules T3C take three capsules T4C take four capsules T+C take one to two capsules TSSTSP take ½ tspful T1TSP take one tspful T1SSTSP take 1½ tspfuls T2TSPS take two tspfuls T2SSTSP take 2½ tspfuls T+TSP take one to two tspfuls T1TB take one tbspful T1SSTB take 1½ tbspfuls T2TBS take two tbspfuls T2SSTBS take 2½ tbspfuls T3TBS take three tbspfuls G1TB give one tbspful G1SSTBS give 1½ tbspfuls G2TBS give two tbspfuls GSSTB give ½ tbspful G2SSTBS give 2½ tbspfuls T+TB take one to two tbspfuls TUD take as directed TAD take as directed TWFM take with food or milk WFM with food or milk BID two times a day 23XD two to three times a day TID three times a day 34XD three to four times a day ATL apply a thin layer 2XW twice weekly 3XW Three times weekly 4XW Four times weekly 2CSTAT1QD take 2 capsules as one dose on the first day, then take one capsule daily thereafter 2TSTAT1QD take 2 tablets as one dose on the first day, then take one tablet daily thereafter G2STAT Give two now, then G3STAT Give three now, then G4STAT Give four now, then 2STAT1QD VERB 2 UNITS ROUTE as one dose on the first day, then take one daily thereafter ZITH VERB 2 UNITS ROUTE as one dose on the first day, then take one daily thereafter BC21 VERB one UNITS ROUTE once daily for 21 days. Stop for 7 days and repeat BC28 VERB one UNITS ROUTE once daily for 28 days as directed TAT until all are taken UUD use as directed UTD use as directed UF until finished UG until gone UR until relieved UAT until all are taken UAG until all gone VAG vaginally WA while awake W WB WL WD WM WF WJ WW 1QD 1SSQD +QD 2QD 2SSQD 3QD 3SSQD 1QOD +QOD 1SSQOD 2QOD 2SSQOD 3QOD 3SSQOD 1QAM +AM 23AM 34AM 1SSQAM +QAM 2QAM 2SSQAM 3QAM 3SSQAM 1QPM 1SSQPM +QPM 2QPM 2SSQPM 3QPM 3SSQPM 1QH 1SSQH +QH 2QH 2SSQH 3QH 3SSQH 1Q2H 1SSQ2H +Q2H 2Q2H 2SSQ2H 3Q2H 3SSQ2H 1Q3H 1SSQ3H +Q3H 2Q3H 2SSQ3H 3Q3H 3SSQ3H 1Q4H 1SSQ4H +Q4H 2Q4H 2SSQ4H 3Q4H 3SSQ4H with with breakfast with lunch with dinner with meals with food with juice with a full glass of water * one every day * 1½ every day * one to two every day * two every day * 2½ every day * three every day * 3½ every day *one every other day * one to two every other day * 1½ every other day * two every other day * 2½ every other day * three every other day * 3½ every other day * one every morning * one to two in the morning * two to three in the morning * three to four in the morning * 1½ every morning * one to two every morning * two every morning * 2½ every morning * three every morning * 3½ every morning * one every evening * 1½ every evening * one to two every evening * two every evening * 2½ every evening * three every evening * 3½ every evening * one every hour * 1½ every hour * one to two every hour * two every hour * 2½ every hour * three every hour * 3½ every hour * one every 2 hours * 1½ every 2 hours * one to two every 2 hours * two every 2 hours * 2½ every 2 hours * three every 2 hours * 3½ every 2 hours * one every 3 hours * 1½ every 3 hours * one to two every 3 hours * two every 3 hours * 2½ every 3 hours * three every 3 hours * 3½ every 3 hours * one every 4 hours * 1½ every 4 hours * one to two every 4 hours * two every 4 hours * 2½ every 4 hours * three every 4 hours * 3½ every 4 hours 1Q6H 1SSQ6H +Q6H 2Q6H 2SSQ6H 3Q6H 3SSQ6H 1Q8H 1SSQ8H +Q8H 2Q8H 2SSQ8H 3Q8H 3SSQ8H 1Q12H 1SSQ12H +Q12H 2Q12H 2SSQ12H 3Q12H 3SSQ12H 1Q23H 1SSQ23H 1Q24H +Q23H 2Q23H 2SSQ23H 3Q23H 3SSQ23H 1Q34H 1SSQ34H 2Q34H 2SSQ34H 3Q34H 3SSQ34H 1Q46H 1SSQ46H 2Q46H 2SSQ46H 3Q46H 3SSQ46H 1Q68H 1SSQ68H 2Q68H 2SSQ68H 3Q68H 3SSQ68H 1Q812H 1SSQ812H 2Q812H 2SSQ812H 3Q812H 3SSQ812H 1BID 1SSBID 2BID 2SSBID 3BID 3SSBID 1TID 1SSTID 2TID 2SSTID 3TID 3SSTID 1QID 1SSQID * one every 6 hours * 1½ every 6 hours * one to two every 6 hours * two every 6 hours * 2½ every 6 hours * three every 6 hours * 3½ every 6 hours * one every 8 hours * 1½ every 8 hours * one to two every 8 hours * two every 8 hours * 2½ every 8 hours * three every 8 hours * 3½ every 8 hours * one every 12 hours * 1½ every 12 hours * one to two every 12 hours * two every 12 hours * 2½ every 12 hours * three every 12 hours * 3½ every 12 hours * one every 2 to 3 hours * 1½ every 2 to 3 hours * one every 24 hours * one to two every 2 to 3 hours * two every 2 to 3 hours * 2½ every 2 to 3 hours * three every 2 to 3 hours * 3½ every 2 to 3 hours * one every 3 to 4 hours * 1½ every 3 to 4 hours * two every 3 to 4 hours * 2½ every 3 to 4 hours * three every 3 to 4 hours * 3½ every 3 to 4 hours * one every 4 to 6 hours * 1½ every 4 to 6 hours * two every 4 to 6 hours * 2½ every 4 to 6 hours * three every 4 to 6 hours * 3½ every 4 to 6 hours * one every 6 to 8 hours * 1½ every 6 to 8 hours * two every 6 to 8 hours * 2½ every 6 to 8 hours * three every 6 to 8 hours * 3½ every 6 to 8 hours * one every 8 to 12 hours * 1½ every 8 to 12 hours * two every 8 to 12 hours * 2½ every 8 to 12 hours * three every 8 to 12 hours * 3½ every 8 to 12 hours * one twice a day * 1½ twice a day * two twice a day * 2½ twice a day * three twice a day * 3½ twice a day * one three times a day * 1½ three times a day * two three times a day * 2½ three times a day * three three times a day * 3½ three times a day * one four times a day * 1½ four times a day +QID 2QID 2SSQID 3QID 3SSQID 112XD 1SS12XD 212XD 2SS12XD 312XD 3SS12XD 134XD 123XD 1SS34XD 1SS23XD 234XD 23QID 223XD 2SS23XD 323XD 3SS23XD 5QD 5XD 6XD 23QD 34QD 45QD 5BID +BID 23BID 34BID 45BID 5TID 5QID +TID 23TID 34TID 34QID 45TID 45QID 4BID 4QD 4QID 4QOD 4SS12XD 4SS23XD 4SSBID 4SSQD 4SSQID 4SSQOD 4SSTID 4TID 5Q23H 23Q23H 34Q23H 45Q23H 5Q34H +Q34H 23Q34H 34Q34H 45Q34H 5Q46H +Q46H 23Q46H 34Q46H 45Q46H 5Q68H * one to two four times a day * two four times a day * 2½ four times a day * three four times a day * 3½ four times a day * one one to two times a day * 1½ one to two times a day * two one to two times a day * 2½ one to two times a day * three one to two times a day * 3½ one to two times a day * one three to four times a day * one two to three times a day * 1½ three to four times a day * 1½ two to three times a day * two three to four times a day * two to three four times a day * two two to three times a day * 2½ two to three times a day * three two to three times a day * 3½ two to three times a day * five every day five times a day six times a day * two to three every day * three to four every day * four to five every day * five twice a day * one to two twice a day * two to three twice a day * three to four twice a day * four to five twice a day * five three times a day * five four times a day * one to two three times a day * two to three three times a day * three to four three times a day * three to four four times a day * four to five three times a day * four to five four times a day * four twice a day * four every day * four four times a day * four every other day * 4½ one to two times a day * 4½ two to three times a day * 4½ twice a day * 4½ every day * 4½ four times a day * 4½ every other day * 4½ three times a day * four three times a day * five every 2 to 3 hours * two to three every 2 to 3 hours * three to four every 2 to 3 hours * four to five every 2 to 3 hours * five every 3 to 4 hours * one to two every 3 to 4 hours * two to three every 3 to 4 hours * three to four every 3 to 4 hours * four to five every 3 to 4 hours * five every 4 to 6 hours * one to two every 4 to 6 hours * two to three every 4 to 6 hours * three to four every 4 to 6 hours * four to five every 4 to 6 hours * five every 6 to 8 hours +Q68H 23Q68H 34Q68H 45Q68H 5Q812H +Q812H 23Q812H 34Q812H 45Q812H 5Q12H 23Q12H 34Q12H 45Q12H SSBID SSQ12H SSQ23H SSQ24H SSQ2H SSQ34H SSQ3H SSQ46H SSQ4H SSQ68H SSQ6H SSQ812H SSQ8H SSQAM SSQD SSQH SSQID SSQOD SSQPM SS+XD SS23XD SSTID +SQD +SBID +STID +SQID +SHS +SQOD +SQAM +SQPM +SQ4H +SQ6H +SQ8H +SQ12H +SQ46H +SQ68H +SQ812H 1SQD 1SBID 1STID 1SQID 1SHS 1SQOD 1SQAM 1SQPM 1SQ4H 1SQ6H 1SQ8H 1SQ12H 1SQ46H 1SQ68H 1SQ812H SSSQD SSSBID * one to two every 6 to 8 hours * two to three every 6 to 8 hours * three to four every 6 to 8 hours * four to five every 6 to 8 hours * five every 8 to 12 hours * one to two every 8 to 12 hours * two to three every 8 to 12 hours * three to four every 8 to 12 hours * four to five every 8 to 12 hours * five every 12 hours * two to three every 12 hours * three to four every 12 hours * four to five every 12 hours * ½ twice a day * ½ every 12 hours * ½ every 2 to 3 hours * ½ every 2 to 4 hours * ½ every 2 hours * ½ every 3 to 4 hours * ½ every 3 hours * ½ every 4 to 6 hours * ½ every 4 hours * ½ every 6 to 8 hours * ½ every 6 hours * ½ every 8 to 12 hours * ½ every 8 hours * ½ every morning * ½ every day * ½ every hour * ½ four times a day * ½ every other day * ½ every evening * ½ one to two times a day * ½ two to three times a day * ½ three times a day Take one to two tspfuls every day Take one to two tspfuls two times a day Take one to two tspfuls three times a day Take one to two tspfuls four times a day Take one to two tspfuls at bedtime Take one to two tspfuls every other day Take one to two tspfuls every morning Take one to two tspfuls every evening Take one to two tspfuls every four hours Take one to two tspfuls every six hours Take one to two tspfuls every eight hours Take one to two tspfuls every twelve hours Take one to two tspfuls every four to six hours Take one to two tspfuls every six to eight hours Take one to two tspfuls every eight to twelve hours Take one tspful every day Take one tspful two times a day Take one tspful three times a day Take one tspful four times a day Take one tspful at bedtime Take one tspful every other day Take one tspful every morning Take one tspful every evening Take one tspful every four hours Take one tspful every six hours Take one tspful every eight hours Take one tspful every twelve hours Take one tspful every four to six hours Take one tspful every six to eight hours Take one tspful every eight to twelve hours Take ½ tspful every day Take ½ tspful two times a day