10th edition | October 16-24, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
12.30 pm – Sala Petrassi
Auditorium Parco della Musica di Roma
Minister for the Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Dario Franceschini o
Major of Rome and of “Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale”, Ignazio Marino o
Governor of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti o
President of Rome Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicrafts, and Agriculture, Lorenzo
Tagliavanti o
President of the Fondazione Musica per Roma, Aurelio Regina, and CEO of the Fondazione
Musica per Roma, Carlo Fuortes o
President of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma, Piera Detassis o
General Manager of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma, Lucio Argano o
Artistic Director of the Rome Film Fest, Antonio Monda o
The 10 th Rome Film Fest o
The Official Selection o
Work in Progress, Hidden City, Reflections o
Close Encounters o
Retrospectives o
Tributes o
Films of our Lives o
“Tutto il cinema in 100 (e più) lettere” o
“Pre-opening” screenings o
MIA – Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo o
Alice nella città – the line-up o
General Information o
How to attend the Fest – Tickets, advance sales, prices o
How to reach the Fest o
Guide to the venues o
Venues and services for the press o
Rome City of Film
The Rome Film Fest is back, profoundly transformed to crown a very positive year for the Italian film industry, partly as a result of the measures taken by the Government. In the first eight months of the year, the number of tickets sold in movie theatres rose by 8%, the resources allocated by the national entertainment fund were increased by 18%, the tax credit was extended to the audiovisual sector and increased from five to ten million euros for foreign productions shooting in Italy. Protection measures and tax incentives were introduced for the renovation of historic movie theatres. These measures are reflected in the greater international distribution of our cinema, in the growing and significant participation of Italian auteurs in the major international festivals, in the consolidation of the Italian film market after years of economic crisis.
The Rome Film Fest will thus be ready not only to intercept the exciting new developments bubbling up in the world of cinema, to discover new talents and promote alternative approaches to filmmaking, it will also be ready to honour its masters, in particular with the retrospective dedicated to Pier Paolo
Pasolini on the fortieth anniversary of his death. Furthermore, in response to the vocation introduced by the Istituto Luce upon becoming a partner of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma, the market will be reinforced by the new section at the Baths of Diocletian.
I therefore invite everyone to participate enthusiastically in this authentic cinematic “Festa” in our
Capital city, and wish its organizers the best of luck.
Finally, a very different “Festa” is in store for the city of Rome from October 16 th to the 24 th . A city event, in fact, in downtown Rome and in the outskirts as well, and one that reclaims its original spirit, which had distinguished it from so many other film festivals in Italy and around the world. A thoroughly urban event, therefore, cinema being the popular art form par excellence ; warming hearts and prodding intellects, it reaches one and all, touches all our chords, and makes us laugh, cry, and think.
I think that all Romans deserve a major “fest” they can be proud of, one that satisfies festivalgoers and residents of Rome alike, as the latter see their own city host such a successful event that has taken its rightful place alongside the world’s leading festivals. And the Rome Film Fest will be ongoing, its initiatives set to continue long after the nine-day-long event itself. After all, cinema is about culture and education, and it helps an intelligent, aware, and mature community to grow.
These two features – the urban character of this event and its year-round activities – make the Rome
Film Fest a truly unique experience that places our city at the forefront of modern and all-inclusive cultural initiatives. It is just the way we like to think about the city’s cultural events: engrossing, high calibre, but accessible to one and all, anywhere and at any time.
The community the Rome Film Fest caters to is made up of Romans/festivalgoers, but it’s also an economic community, since the audiovisual industry – in terms of output and employment – represents an extraordinary resource. For Rome, the quintessential film capital, the Rome Film Fest is at once a dream and a reality. Over the decades, the Eternal City has witnessed countless expressions of the very essence of the cinematic art, and seen them become legend, as the great Roman director Sergio
Leone put it.
To conclude, I am delighted that this year’s edition includes a tribute to Pier Paolo Pasolini, who died forty years ago. His ideas, and his vision of the city and contemporary society, are sorely missed.
Ten years have gone by since the first Rome Film Fest, and today we can say that it has proven to be an excellent intuition. In the first place, because this event dedicated in Rome to filmmaking and filmmakers, was met from the very beginning with the enthusiasm of a community that shares a historical bond to the art of cinema. Rome is a city that breathes cinema. Second, because the Rome
Film Fest has helped to make the city a stronger point of reference for the many professionals in the audiovisual field, both nationally and internationally. And finally, because this event is the result of a specific strategic decision: to focus on the audiovisual sector as an identifying element of our culture, and a fundamental asset of our economy, that produces wealth and employment.
At this point it is important to move forward and to imagine new directions to make this event grow.
The executive boards of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma, which organizes the event, have been renewed with very high-profile members. We have begun the process for greater integration between the Rome Film Fest and the RomaFictionFest . We have observed encouraging signals with regards to the vitality of this sector, which emboldens us to invest in this challenge with new resources and new ideas. Within our strategy to support the audiovisual segment, the Rome Film Fest remains a cornerstone, an exceptional opportunity to shine a spotlight on our territory, attracting talent and investments, to rally our audiovisual system, and above all, to serve the passion for this splendid art shared by Romans and visitors alike.
The Rome Film Fest crosses the threshold of its first ten years with a return to its original vocation: from October 16 th to 24 th , the tribute to the best of cinema will turn the spotlight on its audience and on the city for a wonderful event that will animate not only the Auditorium, but the entire city with its many different initiatives.
The Eternal City - where the first Italian film production company, CINES, was founded in 1905 - is the ideal venue for this celebration. Our territory boasts a lengthy tradition of creativity in handcrafting, recognized worldwide thanks to the talent of the set designers and costume-makers who have won many Oscar awards. It is the centre of a dense network of small companies in this sector who provide jobs for tens of thousands of employees.
The 10 th Rome Film Fest coincides with an era of new creative vitality in Italian cinema and a new surge of international productions that have chosen the territory of Rome as a location. It is no coincidence that in recent years, the Rome Film Fest has proven to be a prestigious showcase for the products of the Italian film industry and, at the same time, a precious opportunity for networking between professionals, with its business section now playing an indisputable role as a driver for the
Italian film industry. This function has been extended this year to the entire audiovisual sector, thanks to its new platform – the MIA, Mercato Internazionale dell’Audiovisivo. The important results achieved by this event, in terms of positive downstream economic returns for the city and the entire country, confirm the validity of the commitment that the Chamber of Commerce, Rome economic institution, has made to the event since its very first edition.
The actions undertaken by the Chamber of Commerce to create a regional context that ensures a superior degree of creative and cultural vitality, include participating in and supporting Rome major
Cultural Foundations, not only Cinema per Roma, but Musica per Roma, the Accademia Nazionale di
Santa Cecilia, and the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma as well.
The Reform of the Public Administration has forced the Chamber of Commerce system to reduce the resources it allocates to cultural programmes. Nevertheless, our institution intends to continue to guarantee its commitment, convinced of the strategic significance of culture as a fundamental lever for social and economic development.
“A picture is worth a thousand words”: this is a sentence that each of us has probably heard, and agreed with, time and time again. And today, in an era dominated by the social media, we are literally and constantly flooded by images that come to us in real time, perhaps too many and in many cases to the detriment of the “slowness” we need to cultivate understanding and thought.
From this point of view, fortunately, the privileged realm of images continues to be – along with photography of course – cinema, which with music is certainly the most popular of the arts, so closely linked to people’s feelings and emotions, the form of expression that more than any other fills the eyes and souls of its spectators. “Cinema may not be able to change the world”, said maestro
Bernardo Bertolucci once, “but it can create a world”.
If that is the case, and there is no doubt that it is, then from October 16 th to 24 th the Auditorium in
Rome will be transformed into a special and magical place, to celebrate an event that this year has crossed the wonderful threshold of its first ten years. Once again, the protagonists will be international and Italian stars, renowned directors and actors, producers and critics. The other protagonist will be the audience, the thousands of people who will be here to enjoy the magic of the silver screen in a most unique way. And who knows, perhaps through the universal language that films, stories and performances bring to life, it might be possible to create a bit of the change we so greatly need in a world that is walking such a tight and narrow path through its and our History. This change would mean first and foremost the abolition of all borders and barriers between men and cultures. In the name of art, of dialogue and the encounter between civilizations that cinema embodies and symbolizes in such an amazing and significant way.
We are just ten years old, and we have the extravagant idea of starting all over, placing our bets on change. The history of the Rome Film Fest is not long but not lacking in intensity, a tale of successful gambles, evolution, and intricate changes. From the start of my mandate as president, the direction was clear: the Fondazione Cinema per Roma and its exciting main event, the “Festa” in October once again under its original name, must reach out beyond the splendid confines of Renzo Piano’s
Auditorium to become a beacon for the complex audiovisual industry with its headquarters in the
Italian capital.
The Film Fest, which its new artistic director, Antonio Monda, has chosen to streamline by removing juries, prizes, and the obsession with exclusives at all costs, gives the festivalgoers pride of place at the event. It is still a celebration of the best in film in all its many forms, but it highlights the close encounters it offers with leading film personalities and other cultural figures. The programme spills over into local cinemas thanks to the efforts of ANEC-Lazio: the Casa del Cinema and MAXXI Museum are getting into the act, and film will be taking over an entire neighbourhood, Pigneto, with the help of our youthful independent sidebar, Alice nella città. A truly ‘Fest’ive occasion, therefore, on the same wavelength as filmgoers and their whole film experience, in keeping with the original spirit of the festival dreamed up by Goffredo Bettini and Walter Veltroni, whom I cannot thank enough for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this adventure from the very start. And this year the Film
Fest can only benefit from its synergies with a brand-new audiovisual market, MIA, directed by Lucia
Milazzotto and using an innovative formula combining film, TV, documentaries, and video games.
If the word ‘Fondazione’ contains the idea of foundations that are not ephemeral, but continue to exist, then another great reward of my tenure as president is having succeeded, not without difficulty, in spinning a tightly woven web of relationships with all the government institutions, agencies and film industry players active in Rome and in the Lazio region, as our General Manager Lucio Argano, my personal guide to the public sector, will doubtless explain better than I can elsewhere in this press kit.
The result is a continuity, in our offerings and the Fondazione’s cultural mission, which has found its full expression in CityFest, our year-long program of talks, premieres, and film literacy initiatives; partnerships with dynamic local realities like the film club Il Piccolo America, showcased by the leading festivals and set to continue in the coming months; and the RomaFictionFest in November, devoted to the TV series ‘renaissance’, created by the APT with the Lazio Region and the Chamber of
Commerce, and produced this year by the Fondazione. The CityFest program will feature a special tribute to a great Roman actress, the Virna Lisi Award, arranged by her heirs, with the first edition taking place at the Auditorium Parco della Musica on November 8, Lisi’s birthday.
We hope that the above programme will go far towards creating a unique model for a Film Fest that can respond to the many needs of the audiovisual sector in Rome and Lazio and satisfy filmgoers near and far as well. There is still much to be done, but for showing us the way and supporting us as we go,
I would like to thank, first of all, our founding members, Roma Capitale, the Regione Lazio, the
Metropolitan City of Rome, the Rome Chamber of Commerce, the Fondazione Musica per Roma, the
Istituto Luce Cinecittà - representing the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (MIBACT) -, and the entire Italian film industry with which I have worked proficuously for so many years now. Special thanks, then, to ANEC Lazio, ANICA, APT, Luce Cinecittà, the Centro Sperimentale di
Cinematografia/National Film Archives, and the Italian Film Commission. Thanks, as well, to our sponsors for their support: our Main Partner, BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas, with us since our debut; Mazda, which erected this year’s Mazda Cinema Hall; JTI Japan Tobacco, Akai, Wella, Mastercard and our many technical partners, chief among them Pino Chiodo.
Finally, I thank Antonio Monda for a lively dialogue, always rich in ideas. My heartfelt thanks to the entire team at the Fondazione, which runs like clockwork and can solve any last-minute problem. I would like to end on a personal note, if I may, and acknowledge Gian Luigi Rondi; it was my great privilege to have him as President of the Rome Film Fest and work side by side with him, and it is his
incomparable style that I keep in mind every day in my unexpected new role. I am delighted he has chosen our Roman event to present his new book, consisting of his monumental, decades-long correspondence with the most prominent figures of the film world. Rondi’s legendary cinematic life paying homage to a youthful “Festa”: what more can we ask for?
Fondazione Cinema per Roma
Celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Rome Film Fest with this brand-new 2015 edition necessarily involves taking a look at the Fondazione Cinema per Roma that organizes the event. Bringing together an array of local and regional institutions, the foundation was established in 2007 not only to produce and manage a highly complex event, but also, and more importantly, to play a key role in promoting the audiovisual industry and film culture in Rome and Lazio, as its statute specifies. This function informs the strategic restructuring of the foundation which its members were eager to implement starting in 2015, thus setting a consistent course for all the foundation’s present and future initiatives.
In keeping with this new orientation, the return to the original name of the event, “Festa” is a symbolic evocation of the community’s involvement and participation, which distinguish it from other film-related events in Italy. Even here, there are novelties in store which reflect a renewed drive on the part of the Fondazione, proof of the maturity it has achieved in its organizational capabilities; the full recognition it has received from the public players; and the realization of its potential.
These novelties include the abundant variety of cultural offerings in our year-long CityFest program, and the wholesale relaunch of our Industry branch, MIA – Mercato Internazionale dell’Audiovisivo
(International Audiovisual Market), promoted by ANICA and APT, in which the Fondazione plays a supervisory role thanks to the support of the Ministry of Economic Development, ICE and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism. Not to mention: the RomaFictionFest created by APT, now going into its ninth year, produced by the Fondazione and to take place in November 2015, the Film Literacy project in collaboration with Playtown; plus the participation in the 2015 EXPO, with the National Film
School, and many other initiatives large and small.
The above is no faded photograph of a foundation resting on its laurels, therefore, but a dynamic portrait of a vital player intent on turning its founding members’ aims into a reality, placing cultural policy once again at the center of the city dwellers’ social experience, and underscoring Rome’s specialization in the audiovisual sector, from an artistic, economic, and production point of view. As
Amartya Sen put it, it is a matter of generating capabilities: enlightening people’s consciences, listening to but also recounting stories, probing the contradictions of today’s complex society, proffering poetics and stirring emotions, promoting the meeting of minds, championing diversity, drawing attention to new values and rights, cultural ones above all – and sharing in the endeavor. It is this “giving back” of an experiential dimension tied to film culture that the Fondazione considers best practice in social innovation and public service.
To achieve this, alongside the awareness and sensibility that go into our mission and our determination, the Fondazione Cinema per Roma has enlisted the extraordinary intellectual capital at its disposal: structure personnel, relations, method, and competences. It is a heritage that more and more functions as part of a system, with a multiplication of collaborations and partnerships openly engaging the entire audiovisual industry as well as the arts scene, education and business, at all levels.
One example? Rome is a candidate for UNESCO City of Film; should it be selected, the Fondazione
Cinema per Roma will be implementing the project and involving local and regional audiovisual players.
The Rome Film Fest, and the above considerations it prompts, are a perfect opportunity to thank all those players who work with the Fondazione side by side, loyal friends and collaborators. Many thanks, therefore, to the Board of Directors, the statutory auditors, our historic partners such as BNL Gruppo
BNP Paribas, and the founding members for their support (not only economic). And a special thanks to all their offices (staff and directors alike): they are an integral part of our success in our day-to-day efforts.
Lastly, heartfelt thanks to the Fondazione’s “team”, its full-time staff, collaborators, consultants, volunteers, and interns, an extraordinary ensemble of generous and tireless individuals, a guarantee of quality for the present and future editions of the Rome Film Fest and for all the activities of Cinema per Roma.
General Manager
Fondazione Cinema per Roma
In recent years, there has been a proliferation of film festivals that now overlap, in sometimes illogical and inappropriate ways, with more established events that can boast a glorious tradition. You can find countless variations on the theme, and when I was appointed artistic director of the event to be held in Rome on October 16-24, right away I decided that I, for one, would not be contributing to this trend, which I consider sterile and counterproductive.
My first move was to change the festival into a ‘ Festa’ . It was conceived as such ten years ago, at its debut, and although it may seem like just semantic trickery, the substance remains: the Rome Film
Fest is no mere joyful happening, but a true celebration of cinema.
This decision, I believe, is also the first real response to the charge repeatedly levied at my predecessors: that is, of creating an event lacking its own identity. I must confess that I never really understood what this criticism actually meant, and I hope that the event I have set in motion will defuse this type of self-serving polemics and negative judgments about the past.
Therefore, I decided to eliminate the competition, the juries, the opening and closing ceremonies, all rituals that I view as too stuffy and conventional, inappropriate to what I had in mind. For the same reason I opted to abolish all the prizes except the Audience Award, carried over to underscore the idea of a ‘people’s festival’. The truth is, for the Rome Film Fest that I have the honour of directing, every film and every guest is a winner simply by virtue of being invited to Rome.
Another aspect of film festivals about which I felt strongly about showing a discontinuity with the past is the question of the premieres. I am proud and delighted to point out that the majority of our event offerings are European and world premieres, but the fact is, there are a number of Italian premieres as well. In fact, I consider it absurd and even ridiculous that festivalgoers in Rome should be deprived of the chance to see a film simply because it has already premiered in New York or Paris. I hardly believe a festival’s quality should be judged on the basis of whatever film it manages to ‘steal’ from another showcase, or whose screening date it ably moves up to ‘get that premiere’. The yardstick for a festival should be the degree of emotion and mutual wonder that its films are able to stir in its viewers.
I am also proud of having triggered a modest revolution by forming an alliance with a top-notch festival such as London’s; when its director, Clare Stewart, and I realized that on more than one occasion we had set our sights on the same titles, we decided to share our list of invitees, and alternate the premieres of the films on different dates in London and Rome. In thanking Clare for her cooperation and farsightedness, I feel I can safely say that we have sent an important message and established a healthy curatorial relationship, the beneficiaries of which will be festivalgoers in our two cities, who will be able to see films that would otherwise have been discarded according to the myopic, arrogant, and egotistical logic behind the premiere for the premiere’s sake.
I have had the privilege of working with a remarkable group of programmers whom I can never thank enough for their dedication and sheer competence: Alessia Palanti, passionate and incisive; Giovanni
Fulvi, shrewd and wise; Francesco Zippel, energetic and enthusiastic; Alberto Crispi, ironic and profound; Mario Sesti, who coordinated the group and brought to it his precious experience as former director of “Extra” and of the Taormina Film Fest; and Richard Pe
ñ a, who agreed to come on board after working at the New York Film Festival for twenty-five years.
I have added those sort of thumbnail profiles to each programmer’s name to underscore the camaraderie and spirit of genuine collaboration that characterized our efforts. Obviously, we all have different tastes, backgrounds and predilections, but we share a love for film at its finest. Indeed, I can now reveal that there were very few films that we were not virtually unanimous about. In any case, as a tribute to the group’s diversity I have asked each member to single out a favourite film classic, and their picks will be screened during the Rome Film Fest. It is a further token of my esteem for our team effort.
Then there is the team at the Programming Office: Sara Colautti, Marta Giovannini, Jacopo Mosca,
Simona Patrizi, and Alessandra Fontemaggi, who directed the operations and often worked through the night to put our program together. I would like to publicly thank Alessandra for her modesty in repeatedly insisting on working behind the scenes, when she deserves to be in the spotlight for her remarkable achievements.
When we first got down to work, I provided each of my programmers with the briefest of guidelines, on which we instantly all agreed. They can be summed up in just a few words: discontinuity with the past, variety and quality. The search for quality forced us to say some “no’s” that pained us and at times surprised us, yet I feel I can speak for all of us when I say we are extremely satisfied that we raised the bar and held it so high. The Film Fest we have organized is inclusive when it comes to the festivalgoers and exclusive when it comes to the final list of the thirty-seven films in our official selection. We are genuinely enthusiastic about many of the titles; some of the directors are very well known and enjoy cult status, while others are younger or simply less familiar, but with a very bright future indeed. It is this blend of celebration of the known and discovery of the unknown that, I believe, is one of the Rome Film Fest’s chief aims.
I am also relieved to add that none of the programmers was even once tempted to suggest a film for the chance to earn a little media coverage thanks to titillating subject matter or a marquee name in the cast. After all, no bad film has ever been redeemed by a knockout red carpet or an article discussing the theme it addresses. And this will be another hallmark of our event; too often of late, festivals and even world-class awards ceremonies could be mistaken for fashion shows. I say that with the utmost respect for those who work in the fashion sector, but it is like comparing apples and oranges, while what I have in mind is restoring the very essence of the film experience: the sharing of emotions triggered by images on a screen in a darkened room. The Rome Film Fest will succeed or fail on the grounds of that one test alone: shared emotion. As far as variety is concerned, I firmly believe in ‘genres’ – as does everyone who was involved in our programming – and I do not think some are
‘nobler’ than others; the only distinction that holds is between good films and bad films. Anyone who attends the Rome Film Fest will instantly grasp the effects of this policy: our nine-day-long program will be teeming with musicals, documentaries, thrillers, melodramas, comedies, animated films, action films that sometimes verge on the supernatural, TV series and personal, experimental works.
Those who know me are aware of my antagonism towards an albeit politically correct enslavement to quotas, but I am pleased to be able to say that the variety of genres in our showcase is getting an additional boost from the marvellous diversity of our offerings, which come from all around the world and provide a fascinating cross-section of how cinema the world over is currently evolving.
In addition to the examples provided above, the discontinuity with the past - crucial to making the rebirth of the Rome Film Fest possible - is illustrated by my redesign of the structure of the showcase in three branches: the thirty-seven films of the official selection, the retrospectives, and an array of conversations, as well as tributes to masters of cinema past and present.
The retrospectives, curated by Mario Sesti, are further proof of the variety of our offerings, featuring a major Italian filmmaker all too often overlooked, such as Antonio Pietrangeli; one of the leading directors on the international film scene today, Pablo Larrain; and the animation giant Pixar, in my view one of the most influential and revolutionary cinema experiences in recent years.
Both the Antonio Pietrangeli retrospective and the tributes to film giants involved a close collaboration with the Istituto Luce Cinecittà and the National Film Library: I would like to express my gratitude to
Roberto Cicutto and Emiliano Morreale for having understood that art, and culture in general, have a basic need to be part of an industry and a concerted effort between its players.
One more sign of discontinuity with the past is the proliferation of events across the city. Apart from the Auditorium, headquarters for the showcase, there will also be screenings held at some of Rome’s preeminent cultural institutions, such as the MAXXI Museum and the Casa del Cinema, and for that I wish to thank Giovanni Melandri and Giorgio Gosetti; in tandem with these events, others will be arranged in areas where we have never gone before, like Rome’s emerging Pigneto neighborhood: one more way to drive home our message of sharing cinema with the public at large, which underlies the philosophy of the Rome Film Fest.
One of the most important signs of discontinuity with the past are the onstage conversations, or what I have called the “Close Encounters” as a homage to a filmmaker I deeply admire and hope to celebrate in the future. Every night the Auditorium theatres will see some of today’s leading figures in entertainment and the arts take to the stage and share with the audience just how film has influenced their lives; a few will even talk about their own love of Italian cinema. That will be the case of two very different artists of the calibre of Wes Anderson and Donna Tartt. Another conviction of mine is the necessity for a dialogue between different art forms. In the case of genuine art, I believe, different mediums represent a way to perceive the universal in a detail and the absolute in a particular. And in one final gesture of discontinuity, I decided to entrust one of our guest speakers
with the choice of a film classic. This year the choice fell on Donna Tartt, whom we have to thank for the screening of an astonishing and quite rare documentary, Holy Ghost People .
We have also decided to replace our classic trailer that precedes each film screened with a series of sequences of party scenes from famous films, one more way of underscoring our way of conceiving the event and our love for cinema.
Lastly, we wanted to put our own imprint on the Rome Film Fest with a new “artwork”: a photograph of Virna Lisi, a wonderful actress who managed to be quintessentially Italian, Roman, and international, all at the same time – yet another suggestion of what we aim to be.
It would be hypocritical on our part to hide the difficulties we have encountered in the seven months since I was appointed, starting with fewer days of programming (nine instead of ten), a budget much smaller than that of previous years, and the unavailability of the Auditorium’s largest theatre, the Sala
Santa Cecilia, which will inevitably lead to lower audience figures. However, it would be unforgivable of me not to appreciate the opportunity I have been handed, all the drawbacks notwithstanding. Long ago I appropriated a definition of Winston Churchill’s, to the effect that the difference between a pessimist and an optimist is that the former sees the difficulty in every opportunity, while the latter sees the opportunity in every difficulty. I myself want to be, and am, optimistic, and I am totally satisfied with what we have accomplished. There is not a single film or event which I am not sure of or not thoroughly proud of. I will strive to work through some of the above problems next year, yet I do believe that they have paradoxically brought out the best in us.
In thanking our generous and enlightened sponsors, the entire staff of the Fondazione Cinema per
Roma (there are a lot of you, but a big hug to each and every one, starting with Valeria Allegritti), and all those who assured me of their trust in this endeavour, I would like to express my affection for and gratitude to Piera Detassis, for her warmth and serenity at times of difficulty, and Lucio Argano and
Francesca Via, who were unfailing in their support.
I write these words from New York, the splendid metropolis where I have lived for the past twenty-two years. One of the many privileges of my appointment as artistic director is the opportunity to spend several months in Rome, the city where I grew up; without question it is the most beautiful city in the world, and no other place has a history as rich and glorious as the Eternal City’s. It is my hope that in these complicated times the Rome Film Fest will represent a moment of joy and elegance, a moment for sharing, and a further enhancement and further enrichment, for the city and its inhabitants.
In parting, I would like to end on a special note, the last words, in fact, spoken by Marcello
Mastroianni in 8 ½. After undergoing a personal crisis, he rediscovers happiness and a sense of wonder, saying, “Life is a party, let’s live it together.”
Antonio Monda
Artistic Director
Festa del Cinema di Roma | Rome Film Fest
New York, September 2015
The 10 th Rome Film Fest will take place from October 16 to 24, 2015, at the Auditorium Parco della
Musica and in other venues in the city of Rome.
For nine days, the building complex designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano will host screenings, exhibitions, onstage conversations, events, conferences, and panels. The 1,300 square metres of the avenue leading to the Cavea (an open-air theatre square) will become one of the largest red carpets in the world.
l have a choice of several movie theatres from the “Parco della Musica” (Sinopoli,
Petrassi, Teatro Mazda Cinema Hall, Studio Gianni Borgna, Studio 3, and AuditoriumArte), to the
Auditorium MAXXI at the National Museum of XXI Century Arts, the Casa del Cinema, the Cinema Trevi, from many other movie theatres in the city (Eden, Alcazar, Atlantic, Greenwich, Aquila), to the Ostia
Cineland Multiplex. Accanto all’Auditorium sorgerà il Villaggio del Cinema, costituito da padiglioni e stand in acciaio, vetro e legno, appositamente realizzati per la manifestazione e i suoi visitatori.
The Official Selection of the Rome Film Fest is composed of 37 films, with the aim of offering quality and excellence in film: from independent to genre productions, from renowned authors to emerging talents, experimental cinema and films with a clear vocation for entertainment, animation, visual art, and documentaries. This year the Tributes, the Retrospectives, and the “Close Encounters” will play an important role, offering onstage conversations with actors and protagonists of the Italian and international cultural panorama.
The parallel and independent sidebar Alice nella città will present a selection of youth-oriented films, following its own regulations.
The 10th Rome Film Fest is produced by Fondazione Cinema per Roma. Piera Detassis is the President of the Fondazione, Lucio Argano is the General Manager. Antonio Monda is the Artistic Director of the
Rome Film Fest, supported by a selection committee coordinated by Mario Sesti and composed of
Richard Peña, Giovanna Fulvi, Alberto Crespi, Alessia Palanti, and Francesco Zippel.
The event is promoted by Roma Capitale, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicrafts, and
Agriculture of Rome, the Regione Lazio, Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale, Fondazione Musica per
Roma, Istituto Luce Cinecittà representing the Ministry for the Cultural Heritage and Activities and
Tourism. The Main Partner is BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas.
The Institutional Partners are the Ministry for the Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism,
Ministry of Economic Development, ICE - Italian Trade Agency. The Rome Film Fest takes place with the support of Creative Europe, and in collaboration with Alice nella città, Centro Sperimentale di
Cinematografia – Cineteca Nazionale (Experimental Cinematography Centre – National Film Archive),
MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts, and SIAE. The official sponsor is Mazda. Pino Chiodo is
Technical Partner supplying projection equipment (film and digital). ATAC is the Eco Mobility Partner.
Rai Movie, Rai News 24, Rai Radio 2, Getty Images, and Erma Production are media partners. In 2015, the Rome Film Fest maintains its commitment to social issues, in partnership with Fondazione
Telethon and AIRC – Italian Association for Cancer Research. The Rome Film Fest will once again guarantee audio description and digital subtitling for people with visual or hearing impairments. During the Rome Film Fest, people with sensory disabilities will be guaranteed access to the screenings: special subtitling services and audio descriptions will be available for some of the repeat screenings to be held at the Mazda Cinema Hall.
Concurrently with the Rome Film Fest, from Friday October 16 to Tuesday 20, the MIA – the new–
International Audiovisual Market will take place. Cinema, tv series, documentaries, videogames: for the first time ever in Italy, a Market will cover every segment of the audiovisual product. MIA will offer
film industry professionals networking opportunities, screenings, panels, lectures, workshops, coproduction meetings, roundtables, as well as focuses on the latest market trends, on co-production and distribution at the global scale, paying particular attention to new platforms, transmedia storytelling and gaming. MIA will be held in some of the most extraordinary locations in Rome, first and foremost the Baths of Diocletian, the largest thermal complex in ancient Rome. The other venues will be the Hotel Boscolo Exedra, the Quattro Fontane, and The Space Cinema Moderno Multiplex.
MIA is produced by the National Association of Film and Affiliated Industries (ANICA) and the Television
Producers Association (APT), Doc/it and Fondazione Cinema per Roma (Implementing Body), backed by the Ministry of Economic Development and ICE – Agency for the global promotion and internationalization of Italian companies, promoted by the Ministry of Cultural Activities and Tourism and Luce Cinecittà with the collaboration of the Roma Lazio Film Commission, in synergy with the
Italian Film Commissions association and with the participation of RAI Com.
The Rome Film Fest brings the Cinema back to the city of Rome this year for its tenth edition.
The Auditorium Parco della Musica will once again become the red carpet for journalists, directors, and actors.
Some of them are familiar with the sets, studios, and locations Rome offers. For others, the 10 th Rome
Film Fest will be a chance to discover the Eternal City and to feel its allure directly, in a first-hand experience unfiltered by cameras. And some of them might be so fascinated by Rome that they will decide to elect the city as their home.
Like Virna Lisi, an icon of Italian cinema known for her unique and fascinating elegance, who passed away this year. She has been chosen as the testimonial for our advertising campaign. A tribute to an international actress of indisputable talent, and to Italian Cinema as a whole. Art Director / Sabina
The audience will be the protagonist of the 10 th Rome Film Fest and will award the BNL People’s
Choice Award, in collaboration with the Main Partner BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas.
After last year’s successful experience, thanks to XAOS and Funweek, the audience will be able to cast its votes in the following ways: in the dedicated posts in the Auditorium, via the official app, and on the fest website www.romacinemafest.org
Films/documentaries/TV Series in the Official Selection
Special events
Films in collaboration with Alice nella città
Films/documentaries/projects in the programme branches Work in Progress, Hidden City,
Countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan,
Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Palestine, Poland, United Kingdom,
Russia, Spain, Sweden, USA.
ALASKA by Claudio Cupellini, Italy, 2015, 125’
Cast : Elio Germano, Astrid Berges-Frisbey, Valerio Binasco, Elena Radonicich, Marco D'Amore, Lubna
Azabal, Paolo Pierobon, Pino Colizzi, Roschdy Zem
AMAMA – WHEN A TREE FALLS by Asier Altuna Iza, Spain, 2015, 103’
Cast : Kandido Uranga, Iraia Elias, Klara Badiola, Ander Lipus, Amparo Badiola, Manu Uranga, Nagore
ANGRY INDIAN GODDESSES by Pan Nalin, India, Germany, 2015, 104’
Cast : Sarah-Jane Dias, Rajshri Deshpande, Sandhya Mridul, Amrit Maghera, Pavleen Gujral, Anushka
Manchanda, Tannishtha Chatterjee
AU PLUS PRES DU SOLEIL by Yves Angelo, France, 2015, 103’
Cast : Sylvie Testud, Grégory Gadebois, Mathilde Bisson, Zacharie Chasseriaud
In collaboration with Alice nella città
CAMPO GRANDE by Sandra Kogut, Brazil, France, 2015, 109’
Cast : Carla Ribas, Julia Bernat, Rayane do Amaral, Ygor Manoel, Mary de Paula, Márcio Vito
THE CONFESSIONS OF THOMAS QUICK by Brian Hill, United Kingdom, 2015, 94’ | Doc|
LA DELGADA LÍNEA AMARILLA / THE THIN YELLOW LINE by Celso R. García, Mexico, 2015, 95’
Cast : Damián Alcázar, Joaquín Cosío, Silverio Palacios, Gustavo Sánchez Parra, Américo Hollander,
Fernando Becerril, Tara Parra, Sara Juárez, Enoc Leaño, Fermín Martínez
DISTANCIAS CORTAS / WALKING DISTANCE by Alejandro Guzman Alvarez, Mexico, 2015, 104’
Cast : Luca Ortega, Mauricio Issac, Joel Figueroa, Martha Claudia Moreno
DOBBIAMO PARLARE by Sergio Rubini, Italy, 2015, 98’
Cast : Fabrizio Bentivoglio, Maria Pia Calzone, Isabella Ragonese, Sergio Rubini
THE END OF THE TOUR by James Ponsoldt, USA, 2015, 106’
Cast : Jesse Eisenberg, Jason Segel, Anna Chlumsky, Joan Cusack, Mamie Gummer, Mickey Summer
EVA NO DUERME / EVA DOESN'T SLEEP by Pablo Agüero, Argentina, France, Spain, 2015, 85’
Cast : Gael Garcia Bernal, Denis Lavant, Daniel Fanego, Imanol Arias, Sofia Brito, Nicolas Goldschmidt,
Sabrina Macchi, Ailin Salas
EXPERIMENTER by Michael Almereyda, USA, 2015, 90’
Cast : Peter Sarsgaard, Winona Ryder, Kellan Lutz, Dennis Haysbert, Jim Gaffigan, Taryn Manning, John
Leguizamo, Anton Yelchin
FARGO – SEASON 2 by Randall Einhorn, USA, 2015, episodes 1-2, 100’ | TV Series|
Cast : Patrick Wilson, Ted Danson, Jean Smart, Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons
FAUDA by Assaf Bernstein, Israel, 2015, episodes 1-12, 433’ | TV Series|
Cast : Lior Raz, Hisham Suliman, Shadi Mar’I, Laëtitia Eïdo, Itzik Cohen, Yuval Segal
FREEHELD by Peter Sollett, USA, 2015, 103’
Cast : Julianne Moore, Ellen Page, Michael Shannon, Steve Carell
FULL CONTACT by David Verbeek, Netherlands, Croatia, 2015, 105’
Cast : Grégoire Colin, Lizzie Brocheré, Slimane Dazi, Alain Blazevic, Robert Jozinovic, Zvon Munivrana
HISO HISO BOSHI / THE WHISPERING STAR by Sono Sion, Japan, 2015, 100’
Cast : Megumi Kagurazaka, Kenji Endo, Yuto Ikeda, Mori Kouko
HUA LI SHANG BAN ZOU / OFFICE by Johnnie To, China, Hong Kong, 2015, 117’
Cast: Sylvia Chang, Chow Yun Fat, Eason Chan, Tang Wei, Lang Yueting, Wang Ziyi
JUNUN by Paul Thomas Anderson, USA, 2015, 54’ | Doc|
LEGEND by Brian Helgeland, United Kingdom, 2015, 131’
Cast : Tom Hardy, Emily Browning, Christopher Eccleston, David Thewlis, Chazz Palminteri, Tara
Fitzgerald, Taron Egerton
LO CHIAMAVANO JEEG ROBOT by Gabriele Mainetti, Italy, 2015, 112’
Cast : Claudio Santamaria, Luca Marinelli, Ilenia Pastorelli, Stefano Ambrogi, Maurizio Tesei
MISTRESS AMERICA by Noah Baumbach, USA, 2015, 84’
Cast : Greta Gerwig, Lola Kirke, Heather Lind, Cindy Cheung, Jasmine Cephas Jones
MOJE CÓRKI KROWY / THESE DAUGHTERS OF MINE by Kinga Debska, Poland, 2015, 87’
Cast: Agata Kulesza, Gabriela Muskała, Marian Dziędziel, Małgorzata Niemirska, Marcin Dorociński,
Łukasz Simlat, Jeremi Protas, Maria Dębska, Barbara Kurzaj
MONOGAMISH by Tao Ruspoli, USA, 2015, 74’ | Doc|
OURAGAN, L'ODYSSÉE D'UN VENT / HURRICANE 3D by Cyril Barbançon, Andy Byatt, France, 2015, 83’
| Doc|
POJKARNA / GIRLS LOST by Alexandra-Therese Keining, Sweden, 2015, 104’
Cast : Tuva Jagell, Emrik Öhlander, Louise Nyvall, Alexander Gustavsson, Wilma Holmén, Vilgot
Ostwald Vesterlund, Mandus Berg, Adam Dahlgren, Filip Vester
THE PROPAGANDA GAME by Álvaro Longoria, Spain, 2015, 93’ | Doc|
PTIČKA / LITTLE BIRD by Vladimir Beck, Russia, 2015, 90’
Cast : Pyotr Skvortsov, Margarita Tolstoganova, Matvey Ivanov, Aleksandra Rybakova, Timofey Shubin
REGISTRO DI CLASSE – PARTE PRIMA 1900-1960 by Gianni Amelio, Cecilia Pagliarani, Italy, 2015, 54’
| Doc|
LES ROIS DU MONDE / MAD KINGS by Laurent Laffargue, France, 2015, 100’
Cast : Sergi Lopez, Céline Sallette, Eric Cantona, Romane Bohringer, Guillaume Gouix, Victorien
Cacioppo, Roxanne Arnal, Jean-Baptiste Sagory
ROOM by Lenny Abrahamson, Ireland, Canada, 2015, 118’
Cast : Brie Larson, Jacob Tremblay, Joan Allen, Sean Bridgers, William H Macy, Tom McCamus
SPORT by Ahmad Barghouthi, Tal Oved, Lily Sheffy, Matan Gur, Israel, Palestine, France, 2015, 90’
Cast : Lior Ashkenazi, Dov Navon, Nehad Rada, Ruty Burstein, Lirit Balaban, Hadar Ratzon Rotem, Nava
TRUTH by James Vanderbilt, USA, Australia, 2015, 125’
Cast : Cate Blanchett, Robert Redford, Topher Grace, Dennis Quaid, Elisabeth Moss, Bruce Greenwood,
Stacy Keach, John Benjamin Hickey, Dermot Mulroney
UNDER SANDET / LAND OF MINE by Martin Zandvliet, Denmark, 2015, 100’
Cast: Roland Møller, Louis Hofmann, Joel Basman, Emil Belton, Oskar Belton, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard
VILLE-MARIE by Guy Édoin, Canada, 2015, 101’
Cast : Monica Bellucci, Pascale Bussières, Aliocha Schneider, Patrick Hivon
THE WALK – 3D by Robert Zemeckis, USA, 2015, 123’
Cast : Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ben Kingsley, Charlotte Le Bon, James Badge Dale
ZHUO YAO JI / MONSTER HUNT by Raman Hui, China, 2015, 111’
Cast : Tang Wei, Baihe Bai, Eric Tsang, Jing Boran
Two special events will celebrate the work of Academy Award-winning director Paolo Sorrentino. The first will be a preview screening of a hitherto unreleased fifteen-minute film, entitled La fortuna , the segment he directed for the anthology film Rio, I Love You, part three of the “Cities of Love” project, after Paris, je t’aime (2006) and New York, I Love You (2009).
And in a tribute to the Neapolitan filmmaker, the tenth edition of the Rome Film Fest will close with the screening of an extended version of The Great Beauty, featuring 40 minutes of previously unreleased scenes.
RIO, EU TE AMO / RIO, I LOVE YOU - La fortuna (segment) by Paolo Sorrentino, Brazil, France, 2014,
LA GRANDE BELLEZZA / THE GREAT BEAUTY by Paolo Sorrentino, Italy, France, 2013, 172’
Cast : Toni Servillo, Carlo Verdone, Sabrina Ferilli, Carlo Buccirosso, Iaia Forte, Pamela Villoresi,
Galatea Ranzi, Giorgio Pasotti, Roberto Herlitzka, Luca Marinelli, Serena Grandi, Isabella Ferrari
UNE ENFANCE / A CHILDHOOD by Phillippe Claudel, France, 2015, 100’
Cast : Alexi Mathieu, Angelica Sarre, Pierre Deladonchamps, Jules Gauzelin, Patrick D'assumçao
LE PETIT PRINCE by Mike Osborne, France, 2015, 108’
Voice cast: Toni Servillo, Paola Cortellesi, Stefano Accorsi, Micaela Ramazzotti, Alessandro Gassman,
Giuseppe Battiston, Pif, Alessandro Siani
The 10 th Rome Film Fest presents three further programme branches alongside the Official Selection:
Work in Progress, Hidden City and Reflections.
This space is dedicated to two interesting Italian projects, currently in progress, of which the Rome
Film Fest is pleased to reveal the first images. 2 di noi is the new film by Ivan Cotroneo, director of La kryptonite nela borsa, presented in competition at the 2011 Rome Film Fest, a successful author and screenwriter who won the Globo d’Oro for Mine vaganti by Ferzan Özpetek. Luca Rea, the author of entertainment programs such as Stracult, Cocktail d’amore, Matinée, Isolati and Bla Bla Bla, director and screenwriter of Lillo e Greg – The movie!
and Cacao (2010), will present Liberi tutti, the saga of the private Italian television broadcasting stations in the late 70s.
2 DI NOI by Ivan Cotroneo, Italy, 2015, 25’
LIBERI TUTTI by Luca Rea, Italy, 2015, 60’
The Rome Film Fest presents three films that explore the city of Rome at its most surprising, with its least-known personalities and the stories it has to tell. The journey begins at the source of the Tibre
River and ends at the Fiumara Grande (along the itinerary set in the debut film by Massimo Saccares); it makes a stop in the heart of the Capital’s nightclubs, as seen in Showbiz , the second feature-length film by Luca Ferrari (the discerning narrator of life in the suburbs in his documentary film Pezzi, presented at the Rome Film Fest in 2012); and ends at Filmstudio, the historic film club seen through
the camera of Toni D’Angelo, the author of Poeti, presented at the Venice Film Festival and set between San Lorenzo and Testaccio.
TEVERE by Massimo Saccares, Italy, 2015, 64’
SHOWBIZ by Luca Ferrari, Italy, 2015, 75’
FILMSTUDIO MON AMOUR by Toni D'Angelo, Italy, 2015, 68’
UNA MAGIA SARACENA by Vincenzo Stango, Italy, 2015, 90’
RACING EXTINCTION by Louie Psihoyos, USA, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Mexico, United Kingdom,
2015, 90’
SWINGING ROMA by Andrea Bettinetti, Italy, 2015, 73’
WATATU by Nick Reding, Kenya, 2015, 88’
The 10 th Rome Film Fest dedicates great space to the encounters with directors, actors and important cultural figures.
Twice nominated for an Academy Award for his performance in The
Talented Mr. Ripley and Cold Mountain, both by Anthony Minghella, throughout his remarkable career Jude Law has worked with some of the most famous auteurs in modern cinema: from Mike Nichols (Closer ) to Steven Spielberg ( A.I. Artificial Intelligence ), from Sam Mendes
( Road to Perdition ) to Steven Soderbergh ( Contagion, Side Effects ) to
Martin Scorsese ( The Aviator, Hugo Cabret ). An extraordinarily versatile actor, in recent years Jude
Law has portrayed Dr. Watson alongside Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes) in the dark reinterpretation of Arthur Conan Doyle’s most famous work, made by Guy Ritchie – and participated in
Wes Anderson’ The Grand Budapest Hotel . He is the star of the first television series made by Academy
Award winning director Paolo Sorrentino, The Young Pope , an international co-production by Sky, HBO and Canal+.
He is one of the most admired and imitated auteurs in contemporary cinema. With his surreal sophisticated style, he has created galleriesfull of portraits of unpredictable yet familiar characters. His hits include films such as The Royal Tenenbaums , The Life Aquatic with
Steve Zissou , Moonrise Kingdom and The Grand Budapest Hotel . She is an exceptionally talented American writer, winner of the Pulitzer
Prize for Fiction in 2014 for The Goldfinch.
Her novels are like torrents of words, the main characters are children and young people who leave the land of the innocent to plunge into the murky waters and the anxieties of life. Two sharp and sophisticated narrators will speak to the public about their great love of Italian cinema, nurtured by the films of Fellini, Visconti, De Sica and Germi. Donna Tartt will also present the documentary directed and narrated by Peter Adair, Holy Ghost People.
Born in 1935, over 40 years of great filmmaking: William Friedkin, the director of The French Connection , winner of 5 Academy Awards, and
The Exorcist , winner of two Academy Awards, one of the milestones of horror films. In 2011 he won further audience and critical acclaim for
Killer Joe and in 2013 he was awarded the Golden Lion for Lifetime
Achievement of the 70 th Venice International Film Festival. Who could be better matched to dialogue with Friedkin than Dario Argento, the master of Italian spine-tinglers?
The Roman director and virtuoso of Italian horror films, took the rituals of violence and mystery to unrivaled levels of potency with films such as The Bird with the Crystal Plumage , The Cat O’Nine
Tails , Four Flies on Grey Velvet , Deep Red and Suspiria . An encounter that will send shivers down your spine between two cult directors who will reveal their influence on each other, their sources of inspiration, the similarities between their works: “In my mind Dario is a revolutionary director”, said
Friedkin. “His films are journeys into desperation, but filled with irony” explained Argento.
Husband and wife, director and actress: he is a talented director who shies away from the star system, she has defined herself as a housewife-secretary-PR. Joel Coen and Frances McDormand met in
1984 on the set of Blood Simple , the Joel and his brother Ethan’s film debut. Married for over thirty years, they have often worked together in films such as Arizona Junior, Fargo, The Man Who Wasn’t There and Burn After Reading.
And while Joel co-directed masterpieces such as The Big Lebowski, No
Country for Old Men, A Serious Man, Frances worked with directors such as Robert Altman, Sam Raimi,
Cameron Crowe, Wes Anderson and Gus Van Sant. Together they will explore the theme of the relationship between husband and wife on the set, looking at the stories of other famous couples in film history.
His film style is highly personal, blending rigorous form and original screenwriting, rhythmic and virtuous camera movement, Baroque dialogue, unusual and extreme characters. He awed Cannes with Il divo and Hollywood with This Must Be the Place , and he triumphed at the Academy Award with The Great Beauty . He is currently making his first television series, The Young Pope , with Jude Law and Diane
Keaton. During this encounter with the audience, Paolo Sorrentino will offer an advance preview of the fifteen-minute segment he directed for the anthology film Rio, I Love You , entitled La fortuna .
The tribute to the Neapolitan director will continue with two more major events: on October 24 th , the conclusive film of the Rome Film Fest will be an extended version of The Great Beauty, with 40 minutes of scenes that have never been seen; on the same day, there will also be a screening of the documentary Cercando la grande bellezza by Gianluca Iodice, which will take the viewers on location to the places where the Jep Gambardella story was set.
With six feature films to his name over the course of his twenty-five year career, Todd Haynes is an essential point of reference today in
American independent filmmaking. Since his very first film, Poison, the California-born auteur impressed the most advanced audiences and critics for his original, non-conformist and often subversive style.
All of his films have been presented and acknowledged at the major international film festivals, from Cannes to Venice to Sundance. Far from Heaven, considered his masterpiece, earned several nominations for the Academy Awards and the Golden Globes. During his meeting with the public at the Rome Film Fest, Todd Haynes will present his latest film Carol, screened in competition at Cannes last May, which won star Rooney Mara the award for Best Actress.
Carlo Verdone, the embodiment of melancholy comedy, sprinkled with an anxious propensity to be problematic, nurtured with sentiment and flashes of cruelty in the glorious tradition of classic Italian comedy.
Vocal mannerisms and everyday gestures that are usually not comical become exhilarating and magically surprising. His filmography spans thirty years of Italian history, shaping characters that are a mirror of
Italian society. Paola Cortellesi can do whatever she wants on the screen, thanks to her amazing comic talent and extraordinary expressive versatility, which have given rise to a gallery of fully rounded characters that celebrate women’s self-esteem. Verdone and Cortellesi, who appeared together as an
artistic couple for the first time in the film Sotto una buona stella in 2014, will come back together as a duo, this time on the stage of the Auditorium, in the name of comedy.
The father of the Auditorium Parco della Musica will meet the public in the splendid building that he personally designed. The Senator-forlife Renzo Piano, an outstanding representative of Italian culture around the world, will talk about how the imagery of film dialogues with architecture. The great architect from Genoa has a special relationship with cinema. “If I weren’t an architect I would probably have been a filmmaker”, he recently told journalists. His project for the Academy Museum of Motion
Pictures in Los Angeles will be a veritable temple to the seventh art, a 90,000 square meter complex to house the materials in the Academy’s archives and the temporary and permanent exhibition galleries. Imagination, technique, dialogue with the world: Renzo Piano will talk about the intersection between cinema and architecture, and the exceptional potential it offers.
Nine years after the concert at the Teatro dell’Opera that inaugurated the first edition of the Rome Film Fest, Maestro Riccardo
Muti – the most famous of Italian conductors, and one of the most important in the world – will be at the Auditorium to meet the audiences of the event, to talk about the relationship between cinema and music. Currently the Music Director of the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, and the former director of the Teatro alla Scala from 1986 to 2005, throughout his lengthy and extraordinary career, he has conducted the most important orchestras around the world.
Forty years ago in 1975, the clerk Ugo Fantozzi appeared on movie screens for the first time. Behind that extraordinary character, who has since become part of Italy’s cultural heritage, was the Genoaborn actor and writer Paolo Villaggio, who will come to the Rome Film
Fest to meet the public and present the first two episodes of his hit saga, Fantozzi and Il secondo tragico Fantozzi , directed by Luciano
Salce, and now available in a restored version thanks to the collaboration between Eagle Pictures and
Premium Cinema. Villaggio will talk about his career, from his early days in television portraying the characters he invented himself (Fracchia, Prof. Kranz) to his first appearances on the screen in films by Monicelli and Ferreri, from the box-office success of the most famous clerk in Italy to the collaborations, as a dramatic actor, with the greatest names in Italian filmmaking: he won the David di
Donatello as Best Actor for The Voice of the Moon by Fellini, and the Nastro d’Argento for his performance in The Secret of the Old Woods by Ermanno Olmi.
The retrospectives of the 10 th Rome Film Fest are curated by Mario Sesti, artistic coordinator of the selection committee.
The tenth Rome Film Fest celebrates Pixar Animation Studios twenty years after the release of its first feature-length film. This ample retrospective draws inspiration from the creative team led by John
Lasseter who, from Toy Story to Inside Out , redefined the boundaries of animated film, breaking boxoffice records around the world with the many extraordinary films it has made so far.
The event will be celebrated with a screening of select footage from the new Disney•Pixar featurelength film The Good Dinosaur , directed by Peter Sohn ( Partly Cloudy ) and produced by Denise Ream
( Cars 2 ), which opens in theatres on November 25th. This new animated adventure takes the audience on an epic journey into the world of dinosaurs where an Apatosaurus named Arlo (voice of Raymond
Ochoa) makes an unlikely human friend. While traveling through a harsh and mysterious landscape,
Arlo learns the power of confronting his fears and discovers what he is truly capable of.
The Rome Film Fest will also host an on-stage presentation with Kelsey Mann, Story Supervisor for The
Good Dinosaur and Monsters University . Mann also contributed his talents to the Academy Award®winning feature Toy Story 3 and directed the short film Party Central .
TOY STORY directed by John Lasseter, USA, 1995, 81’
A BUG'S LIFE directed by John Lasseter, co-directed by Andrew Stanton, USA, 1998, 95’
TOY STORY 2 directed by John Lasseter, co-directed by Lee Unkrich, Ash Brannon, USA, 1999,
directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Lee Unkrich, David Silverman, USA,
2001, 92’ preceded by the short film
FOR THE BIRDS directed by Ralph Eggleston
FINDING NEMO directed by Andrew Stanton, co-directed by Lee Unkrich, USA, 2003, 107’ preceded by the short film
PARTYSAURUS REX directed by Mark A. Walsh
THE INCREDIBLES directed by Brad Bird, USA, 2004, 115’
CARS directed by John Lasseter, co-directed by Joe Ranft, USA, 2006, 117’
RATATOUILLE directed by Brad Bird, USA, 2007, 111’
WALL•E directed by Andrew Stanton, USA, 2008, 98’
UP directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Bob Peterson, USA, 2009, 101’ preceded by the short film
PARTLY CLOUDLY directed by Peter Sohn
TOY STORY 3 directed by Lee Unkrich, USA, 2010, 109’ preceduto dal corto
DAY AND NIGHT directed by Teddy Newton
CARS 2 directed by John Lasseter, co-directed by Brad Lewis, USA, 2011, 114’ preceded by the short film
HAWAIIAN VACATION directed by Gary Rydstrom
BRAVE directed by Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman, co-directed by Steve Purcell, USA, 2012,
103’ preceded by the short film
LA LUNA directed by Enrico Casarosa
MONSTERS UNIVERSITY directed by Dan Scanlon, USA, 2013, 110’ preceded by the short film
THE BLUE UMBRELLA directed by Saschka Unseld
INSIDE OUT directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Ronaldo Del Carmen, USA, 2015, 94’
The Rome Film Fest pays tribute to the figure and the work of Antonio Pietrangeli, with a series of extraordinary films that, unlike many others made in the 50s and 60s, have no aged over time. There are very few directors like Pietrangeli, who have shown his degree of sensibility in bringing the soul of women to the screen, and even fewer who have been able to weave poetry and culture into an industrial conception. Pietrangeli’s cinema remains an unidentified object in our historiography.
Leafing through the writings of film critics and historians, it is hard if not impossible to find Antonio
Pietrangeli’s name in the pantheon of Italian cinema. Perhaps his story is simply that of a filmmaker who loved women, and realized that to capture how rapidly they were changing, he could and would have to shatter the rules of established film genres. The films selected for the retrospective, curated by the Istituto Luce Cinecittà and the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia/Cineteca Nazionale, include masterpieces such as Io la conoscevo bene ( I Knew Her Well ) , La visita ( The Visit ) , Adua e le compagne ( Hungry for Love ) , and gems to rediscover such as Il sole negli occhi ( Empty Eyes ) , Lo scapolo ( The Bachelor ) , La parmigiana ( The Girl from Parma ) .
During the Fest, there will be a presentation of the book Antonio Pietrangeli, il regista che amava le donne, in a double Italian and
English edition, edited by Piera Detassis Emiliano Morreale, Mario Sesti, and published by the Centro
Sperimentale di Cinematografia/Cineteca Nazionale, Fondazione Cinema per Roma and Istituto Luce
Cinecittà in collaboration with Edizioni Sabinae.
Italy, 1953, 103’
Cast : Irene Galter, Gabriele Ferzetti, Paolo Stoppa, Pina Bottin
Italy, Spain, 1955, 92’
Cast : Alberto Sordi, Rossana Podestà, Virna Lisi, Sandra Milo, Nino Manfredi, Madeleine Fischer,
Anna Maria Pancani, Abbe Lane, Xavier Cugat
Italy, 1957, 100’
Cast : June Laverick, Isabelle Corey, Gabriele Ferzetti, Ingeborg Schoener, Vittorio De Sica,
Alberto Sordi, Massimo Girotti, Mario Carotenuto, Antonio Cifariello, Dario Fo
Italy, France, 1958, 109’
Cast : Jacqueline Sassard, Gabriele Ferzetti, Mario Valdemarin, Tina De Mola, Gina Rovere
Italy, 1960, 125’
Cast : Simone Signoret, Sandra Milo, Emmanuelle Riva, Claudio Gora, Marcello Mastroianni, Gina
Rovere, Ivo Garrani, Gianrico Tedeschi, Domenico Modugno
Italy, 1961, 100’
Cast : Marcello Mastroianni, Eduardo De Filippo, Vittorio Gassman, Sandra Milo, Tino Buazzelli,
Lilla Brignone, Belinda Lee, Claudio Gora
Italy, 1963, 110’
Cast : Catherine Spaak, Nino Manfredi, Didi Perego, Salvo Randone, Lando Buzzanca
France, Italy, 1963, 110’
Cast : Sandra Milo, François Périer, Mario Adorf, Gastone Moschin, Angela Minervini, Didi Perego
Italy, France, 1964, 124’
Cast: Claudia Cardinale, Ugo Tognazzi, Gian Maria Volonté, Salvo Randone, Bernard Blier,
Lando Buzzanca, Brett Halsey
Italy, France, Germany, 1965, 116’
Cast : Stefania Sandrelli, Nino Manfredi, Ugo Tognazzi, Mario Adorf, Enrico Maria Salerno, Jean-
Claude Brialy, Franco Nero
LE FATE (segment Fata Marta )
Italy, France, 1966, 35’
Cast : Alberto Sordi, Capucine, Olga Villi, Gigi Ballista, Anthony Steel
Italy, France, 1969, 100’
Cast : Danielle Gaubert, Philippe Leroy, Horst Buchholz, Elsa Albani, Lilly Lembo, Liliana Orfei,
Colette Descombes
The 10 th Rome Film Fest will dedicate a complete retrospective to Chilean director, screenwriter, and producer Pablo Larraín, curated by Mario Sesti, artistic coordinator of the Selection Committee.
The thirty-nine year-old Chilean auteur, a remarkable talent with the capacity to imagine and create truly unique cinema, which has led him to become, with five films to his name, one of the most interesting filmmakers of his generation, will be in Rome to meet the audience of the Auditorium and to present his work. In a trilogy with rare visual and emotional impact, Larraín adopted original perspectives to tell the story of the rise and fall of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship. A parabola that went from Tony Manero (2008), presented at Cannes and winner of the Best Film Award at the Torino
Film Festival, to Post Mortem (2010), in competition at the Venice Film Festival, to No , starring Gael
García Bernal, nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign-Language Film. His outstanding ability to provoke aversion and empathy, dismay and entrancement, in the characters and spaces of his films, emerged early in his debut film, Fuga , and remained unchanged through El Club , which won the Silver Bear in Berlin this year and will represent Chile at the next Academy Awards.
Argentina, Chile, 2006, 110’
Cast : Benjamin Vicuña, Gastón Pauls, Francisca Imboden, María Izquierdo, Willy Semler
Chile, Brazil, 2008, 97’
Cast : Alfredo Castro, Amparo Noguera, Paola Lattus, Hector Morales
Chile, Germany, Mexico, 2010, 98’
Cast : Alfredo Castro, Antonia Zegers, Marcelo Alonso, Amparo Noguera, Marcial Tagle
Chile, USA, France, Mexico, 2012, 118’
Cast : Gael García Bernal, Alfredo Castro, Luis Gnecco, Néstor Cantillana, Antonia Zegers
Chile, 2015, 98’
Cast : Roberto Farías, Antonia Zegers, Alfredo Castro, Alejandro Goic, Alejandro Sieveking,
Jaime Vadell, Marcello Alonso
Along with the Official Selection, the Close Encounters , the Retrospectives, the 10 th Rome Film Fest pays tribute to a selection of key figures in the history of Italian and international Cinema with a series of previews, screenings, restored films, conversations, and events. These tributes celebrate Ettore
Scola and the Taviani brothers, who have represented the excellence of Italian cinema around the world for over fifty years, Francesco Rosi, who passed away last January, Pier Paolo Pasolini, on the fortieth anniversary of his tragic death, and Ingrid Bergman, on the one hundredth anniversary of her birth. The Tributes examine Cinema from its roots to its achievements, from Luis Buñuel to Alfred
Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick, and celebrate the world of entertainment in a commemoration of
Frank Sinatra.
- RIDENDO E SCHERZANDO by Paola Scola, Silvia Scola, Italy, 2015, 82’
- THE TERRACE by Ettore Scola, Italy, France, 1980, 155’
Restored version by CSC – Cineteca Nazionale in collaboration with Dean
Ettore Scola is a brilliant screenwriter ( Il sorpasso , I mostri , Io la conoscevo bene ), but he is best known and loved for some of the finest comedies in Italian film, such as Jealousy, Italian Style , We All
Loved Each Other So Much , Ugly, Dirty and Bad and The Family . The Rome Film Fest celebrates Ettore
Scola with the premiere of the documentary Ridendo e scherzando , directed by his daughters Paola and Silvia. A biography of the great filmmaker and a portrait of the artist and the man, based on repertory material, film clips from his movies, old super-8 reels, backstage documents, photographs borrowed from the family albums, drawings, cartoons, and an interview with Pierfrancesco Diliberto, known as Pif. “The challenge was to tell the story of our father Ettore Scola, a director, screenwriter, illustrator, humourist, intellectual, and activist – explain the directors – using an approach that we believe is the key to his cinema: talking about serious issues with a touch of humour.” On this occasion, the Rome Film Fest will screen the restored version of one of Scola’s best-loved films, La terrazza ( The Terrace ), about the social life and private humiliations of five characters who represent
Rome’s social elite. La terrazza screened in competition at the Cannes Film Festival where it won the awards for Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress for Carla Gravina. To celebrate the restoration of the film, Disaronno will be organizing a party-event at the Terrazza Caffarelli.
- LA PASSIONE E L'UTOPIA by Mario Canale, Italy, 2015, 93’
- KAOS (Segment LA GIARA) by Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani, Italy,
France, 1984, 41’
Since their very debut, Paolo and Vittorio Taviani have left their mark on international cinema with their unique and original style. They have presented their films at the major festivals, from their debut film I sovversivi ( The Subversives ), presented at the Venice International Film Festival, to Padre
Padrone ( Father and Master ), winner of the Golden Palm at Cannes, to Cesare deve morire ( Caesar must die ), winner of the Golden Bear in Berlin. To celebrate the two directors and winners of the
Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement, the Rome Film Fest will be screening the documentary La passione e l’utopia dedicated by Mario Canale to the places and passions that have distinguished the
Taviani brothers’ films: an on-the-road perspective that tells the story of this sixty-year love affair with Cinema. The tribute will end with the screening of the film Kaos , inspired by the book Novelle per un anno by Luigi Pirandello, which the Taviani brothers set in Sicily, a land of prostrated landscapes scorched by the sun. This extraordinary anthology film, awarded with the David di
Donatello and the Silver Ribbon for Best Screenplay, features the Italian comedy duo Franco Franchi and Ciccio Ingrassia in their last extraordinary performance together on a film set.
- LA VOCE DI PASOLINI by Matteo Cerami, Mario Sesti, Italy, 2005,
- PASOLINI. IL CORPO E LA VOCE by Maria Pia Ammirati, Arnaldo
Colasanti, Paolo Marcellini, Italy, 2015, 60’
Onstage conversation
Forty years after the death of Pier Paolo Pasolini, the Rome Film Fest pays tribute with a series of events to the most important, controversial and surprising intellectual, poet and director in post-war
Italy. On October 18 th , at the Nuovo Cinema Aquila theatre, in collaboration with the Assessorato alla
Cultura of Rome, there will be a screening of La voce di Pasolini by Matteo Cerami and Mario Sesti,
“the most exciting of all the films about Pasolini”, wrote Ninetto Davoli. Following the screening of the film, there will be a public meeting entitled: Forty years later: 10 questions about Pasolini, with the participation of historian Guido Crainz, philosopher and political science scholar Diego Fusaro, and the scholar and heir to Pasolini’s work Graziella Chiarcossi. On October 23 rd and 24 th , at the
MAXXI and at the Auditorium, the Rome Film Fest will present the world premiere preview of the documentary film produced by Teche Rai, Pasolini. Il corpo e la voce, by Maria Pia
Ammirati, Arnaldo Colasanti and Paolo Marcellini, featuring
Pasolini’s most famous and historic appearances on television.
Italy, 2012, 16’
- MORE THAN A MIRACLE… by Francesco Rosi, Italy, France, 1967,
Almost one year after his death on January 10 th 2015, the Rome Film Fest commemorates Francesco
Rosi - awarded with the Golden Lion in Venice for Le mani sulla città ( Hands over the City ), the
Golden Palm in Cannes for Il caso Mattei ( The Mattei Affair ), and considered the father of investigative cinema - with the documentary by Marta Pasqualini Il cinematografo è una malattia!
Conversazione tra Francesco Rosi e Giuseppe Tornatore . A meeting between two great directors of
Italian cinema, the documentary is a dialogue-interview with Francesco Rosi conducted by Giuseppe
Tornatore in 2012, reconstructing this extraordinary artistic and human experience and above all, the great passion they shared for cinema. Rosi’s work, which courageously bears witness to the darkest moments in the Italian history, will be celebrated with another film that reveals a different side of the
Neapolitan director, C’era una volta . A “social fable” starring Sophia Loren and Omar Sharif, it was inspired by the seventeenth-century novellas of Giambattista Basile. The screening will be introduced by Matteo Garrone, who has worked on Basile’s texts fifty years after Rosi.
- SIAMO DONNE (Segment INGRID BERGMAN) by Roberto Rossellini, Italy,
1953, 16’ – Restored version by CSC – Cineteca Nazionale, Ripley’s Film Srl,
Viggo Srl in collaboration with Marzi Srl
2015, 66’
For the one-hundredth anniversary of her birth, in the presence of her daughter Isabella Rossellini, the
Rome Film Fest will pay tribute to Ingrid Bergman, the icon of classic world cinema, who began her meteoric rise to Hollywood stardom with Casablanca , to become one of the actresses who won the greatest number of Academy Awards in the course of her career. The Rome Film Fest will screen a cinematic gem to rediscover, the segment directed by Rossellini for the anthology film Siamo donne
( We, the Women ) , the story of a woman anxious over her adored garden, filled with trees, plants and flowers that she has tended with loving care, and which are threatened by the rooster kept by her cotenant. Isabella Rossellini’s Green Porno Live, by Jody Shapiro, is a film based on the backstage material from “Green Porno”, the hit television show in which Isabella Rossellini gives an ironic account of the sexual habits of animals, to express her own love for nature.
- NAZARIN by Luis Buñuel, Mexico, 1958, 94’
- TRAS NAZARIN by Javier Espada, Spain, Mexico, 2015, 75’
Considered one of the greatest filmmakers in the history of Cinema, Luis Buñuel has been one of its essential points of reference since his first three films, the Surrealist manifesto Un chien andalou
(1929), L’âge d’or (1930), and Las Hurdes (1932). The Rome Film Fest presents a double tribute to this artist, a native of Aragona. It begins with the screening of one of his masterpieces, Nazarin (1958) awarded at the Cannes Film Festival, made with the help of a number of the most famous Mexican cinema artists and technicians (it features, for example, the extraordinary photography of Gabriel
Figueroa). The Tribute goes on to present the documentary Tras Nazarin , by Javier Espada: the director of the Centro Buñuel in Calanda completes a journey through the locations scouted by Buñuel during the shooting of Nazarin , almost sixty years later, with period material and interviews with people who participated in the shooting of the film.
- S IS FOR STANLEY by Alex Infascelli, Italy, 2015, 58’
It has been sixteen years since the death of Stanley Kubrick: director and philosopher, a tireless and eclectic experimenter who turned his back on Hollywood in the name of creative freedom, to be able to control every single aspect of his films’ production. Throughout his fifty-year career, he has delved into the contradictions of Western culture’s, without ever compromising on the spectacular impact of his mise-en-scène , and trying his hand at every conceivable film genre: from his debut noirs, Killer’s
Kiss and The Killing to the sword-and-sandals epic Spartacus ; from war films such as Paths of Glory and Full Metal Jacket to the fierce social and political satire of Doctor Strangelove; from sciencefiction, in 2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange, to the horror film Shining up to the psychological-erotic drama of his film-testament, Eyes Wide Shut.
The Rome Film Fest pays tribute to Kubrick with the documentary by Alex Infascelli entitled S is for
Stanley, which reveals a previously unknown aspect of Kubrick’s life: his odd friendship with Emilio
D’Alessandro, a farmer and car racer from the outskirts of Rome who became his personal chauffeur and factotum. This is an interesting and original eyewitness account not to be missed.
- HITCHCOCK/TRUFFAUT by Kent Jones, France, 2015, 80’
An extraordinary tribute to cinema as such. Starting with the original recordings of François Truffaut’s interviews with Alfred Hitchcock, which were the basis for one of the most important books dedicated to the seventh art, “Hitchock by Truffaut: A Definitive Study of Alfred Hitchcock”, the critic and documentary filmmaker Kent Jones offers an in-depth look at the work and legacy of the London-born director, through the films and first-hand accounts of some of the world’s greatest film directors:
Martin Scorsese, Wes Anderson, James Gray, David Fincher, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Olivier Assayas, Richard
Linklater, Arnaud Desplechin, Peter Bogdanovich, Paul Schrader.
- SINATRA: ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL by Alex Gibney, USA, 2015, two segments – 244’
On the one hundredth anniversary of his birth, Frank Sinatra remains one of the most charismatic figures of all time in the entertainment industry. Alex Gibney, the director of Taxi to the Dark Side
(presented in Rome and winner of an Academy Award in 2008) and author of many award-winning documentaries, offers an intimate and personal portrait of the life and career of this legendary artist.
The film features interviews from the archives, accounts by friends and relatives, heretofore unseen
film clips, little-known recordings of his famous “farewell” concert in Los Angeles in 1971. The story unfurls through the songs that Sinatra selected for that concert, which guide us through his life story.
- ODISSEA NUDA by Franco Rossi, Italy, France, 1961, 120’
Restored version by CSC – Cineteca Nazionale, Istituto Luce Cinecittà,
Euro Immobil Film
Fifteen years after his death, the Rome Film Fest pays tribute to the cinema of Franco Rossi, with a screening of Odissea nuda.
The Florence-born filmmaker trained during the years of Neo-realism and rose to fame for films such as Il seduttore with Alberto Sordi, Amici per la pelle (Nastro d’Argento for
Best Film), and the television productions Odissea and Eneide . In Odissea nuda, a film that deserves to be rediscovered, Rossi tells the story of an intellectual (played by Enrico Maria Salerno), who travels to
Tahiti to film a documentary. But his work soon begins to take second place to his primordial instincts and his desire to flee from civilization. However, the news of a death will suddenly interrupt this idyll.
- SERGIO CORBUCCI - L’UOMO CHE RIDE by Gioia Magrini, Roberto Meddi,
Italy, 2015, 54’
Sergio Corbucci was one of Italy’s most prolific and eclectic filmmakers: in the course of his forty-year career, he made over seventy films with forays into every possible genre, from “sword-and-sandals” to horror, from comedy to detective stories, from musicals to westerns – with the utmost consideration for his audiences who always rewarded him with record box office earnings. Borrowing from the director’s unpublished autobiography, the documentary tells the story of the man and the filmmaker, using repertory materials from the Istituto Luce and private amateur photographs and videos, and relying on the accounts of friends and collaborators and in particular of his wife Nori, whom he met in
1959, and with whom he shared 31 years of life together.
The artistic director Antonio Monda and the members of the selection committee – Mario Sesti (artistic coordinator), Richard Peña, Giovanna Fulvi, Alberto Crespi, Alessia Palanti and Francesco Zippel – will offer viewers a brief but suggestive anthology of “films to love”.
Each of them has selected a film to watch with curiosity and surprise or to reinterpret once again with new awareness, the ideal film you would want to discover at your film festival or the one you have kept in the front row of your video collection for years; each member of the selection committee will share the film he has loved with the audience, in an open discussion with authors, actors and guests.
Antonio Monda
THE LAST TYCOON by Elia Kazan, USA, 1976, 123’
Mario Sesti
ANCHE LIBERO VA BENE by Kim Rossi Stuart, Italy, 2006, 108’
Richard Peña
RIO 40 GRAUS by Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Brazil, 1955, 100’
Giovanna Fulvi
1991, 237’
Alberto Crespi
TOSCA by Luigi Magni, Italy, 1973, 104’
Alessia Palanti
APRIMI IL CUORE by Giada Colagrande, Italy, 2002, 93’
Francesco Zippel
RACHEL RACHEL by Paul Newman, USA, 1968, 101’
On October 20 th , the Rome Film Fest will host the presentation of
“Tutto il cinema in 100 (e più) lettere” by Gian Luigi Rondi, the doyen par excellence of Italian film critics. The book reveals life backstage in the Italian film industry, which speaks up to tell its story… on paper.
Rondi diligently kept all the letters he has received throughout his lengthy and enviable career, and has now donated them to the
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia: from Alessandro Blasetti to
Vittorio De Sica, from Federico Fellini to Luchino Visconti, from
Michelangelo Antonioni to Valerio Zurlini, without forgetting the great actresses (Gina Lollobrigida, Sophia Loren, Anna Magnani,
Monica Vitti…) and the great actors (Giorgio Albertazzi, Eduardo De
Filippo, Alberto Sordi, Totò…).
This is a book to look at, not only to read: the eloquence of these highly personal styles of handwriting which appear on the most heterogeneous array of letter paper (from hotel stationary to postcards, some of them with a very exotic appeal), speaks even louder than the content. The book also features a large number of photographs, some of them from the critic’s own archives, which better than any essay, describe a world of entertainment in which the arbiter of any self-respecting ceremony is always the same, Gian Luigi Rondi himself.
The book of photographs is edited by Simone Casavecchia, Domenico Monetti and Luca Pallanch, with preface by Walter Veltroni (Edizioni Sabinae – Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia).
On Monday October 12 th at the MAXXI, Samantha Cristoforetti, European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut,
Italian Air Force Capitan, and flight engineer for the second long-term mission of the Italian Space
Agency (ASI), will present the docu-film AstroSamantha, la prima donna italiana nello spazio – una storia vera.
The film, directed and produced by Gianluca Cerasola, a journalist and writer of international reports, was made in collaboration with ESA, ASI and the Aeronautica Militare (the Italian
Air Force).
With the narrative voice of Italian actor Giancarlo Giannini, the director follows three years in the life of Samantha Cristoforetti, from her training to her splashdown at her return from space, showing us a new side of the woman who was awarded the highest Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, the title of
Cavaliere di Gran Croce, upon her return from her mission.
On Tuesday October 13 th at the “Casa del Cinema”, American director Julie Taymor will be the guest of An onstage conversation curated by Antonio Monda, in collaboration with the United States
Embassy. It will be followed by the screening of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a film adaptation of the famous play by William Shakespeare, shot in the fall of 2013 during the acclaimed theatre premiere
Taymor staged with the photography of Rodrigo Pieto and the music of Academy Award-winner Elliot
Goldenthal. Well-known for films such as Frida and Across the Universe and for the stage adaptation of
The Lion King , in A Midsummer Night’s Dream Taymor continues her extensive research and experimentation between theatre and cinema which began with Titus and The Tempest.
On Wednesday October 14 th , the MAXXI will be the venue for the screening of La stoffa dei sogni, the new film by Gianfranco Cabiddu, one of the most significant auteurs of Italian cinema, nominated for a
David di Donatello Award and a Nastro d’Argento Award as Best Emerging Director for the film
Disamistade. La stoffa dei sogni tells the story of a modest theatre company involved in a shipwreck with a group of dangerous organized crime figures along the coast of the Asinara, the island-prison in the middle of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Through assonance, this story develops the profound theme of the role of art in the life of man, bringing to light the universal themes of guilt, revenge, redemption, and pardon. The cast features Sergio Rubini and Ennio Fantastichini.
On Thursday October 15 th , ahead of its opening, the Rome Film Fest presents Era d’estate by Fiorella
Infascelli. This Roman director, who has worked by the side of Giuseppe and Bernardo Bertolucci, Pier
Paolo Pasolini, Nanni Loy, and made films that have been screened at the major international festivals, from Cannes to Berlin, from Venice to Locarno, focuses on the period when Italian judges
Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino were forced to move to the Asinara in 1985. Isolated on the
Sardinian island for security reasons, it was there that they wrote the maxi-inquiry for the major mafia trial held the following year. The cast features Giuseppe Fiorello, Massimo Popolizio, Valeria Solarino,
Claudia Potenza.
The first edition of MIA, the new International Audiovisual Market directed by Lucia Milazzotto, will be held in Rome from the 16 th to the 20 th of October in the frame of the Rome Film Fest.
MIA is both a content market and matchmaking hub. A European market with an innovative and flexible format, it aims to be a networking & business booster via: an effective acquisitions and sales platform for the most recent film product and TV premieres; a co-production market of the most interesting film and documentary projects; a hub for analyzing and discussing TV drama and a unique matchmaking tool with the top players of the television industry; a focus on factual TV and documentaries that examines the opportunities of non-scripted production and distribution; a think tank and an instrument for information, discussion and exploration of all business models (specific and general) and present and future market opportunities, in an environment of shared strategies and visions by industry professionals and national and international institutions.
Cinema, TV series, documentaries and gaming: for the first time in Italy, a Market will cover all the segments of the audiovisual product, providing the Industry professionals with screenings, debates, round tables, workshops, co-production meetings.
Among the activities organized by MIA: for cinema, The Business Street, New Cinema Network, and a special focus, ‘Make it with Italy’, devoted to high quality projects from around the world seeking minority co-producers and financing in Italy; for TV, the first edition of the TV Days, an innovative market format that supports the creation of a network of stable relationships among the leading figures of the TV sector; for the documentary, the eleventh edition of Italian DOC Screenings, an international forum showcase devoted to the Italian documentary produced by Doc/it; the second edition of Doc&Factual Agorà, an international forum for factual product and a panel focused on the cinema/videogames interactions.
MIA is produced by the National Association of Film and Affiliated Industries (ANICA), the Television
Producers Association (APT), Doc/it and Fondazione Cinema per Roma; backed by the Ministry of
Economic Development and ICE – Agency for the global promotion and internationalization of Italian companies; promoted by the Ministry of Cultural Activities and Tourism and Luce-Cinecittà with the collaboration of the Roma Lazio Film Commission; in synergy with the Italian Film Commissions association; and with the participation of RAI Com.
The industry hub will be in the heart of the historical center. The Terme di Diocleziano (Diocletian
Baths) will host the co-production meetings and networking activities. The Hotel Boscolo Exedra, in
Piazza della Repubblica, will be home to the conferences and meetings between buyers and international sales agents. And the Cinema Quattro Fontane and The Space Cinema Moderno will screen the most recent titles offered at the Market.
For further information see the MIA Press Kit.
The programme of the thirteenth edition of Alice nella città, the independent and parallel sidebar of the Rome Film Fest dedicated to the younger generations and to families, which will take place from
October 16 th to 24 th 2015, will present thirteen films from the Young Adult Competition, three films
Out of Competition and four special events, to be held in the spaces of the Auditorium Parco della
Musica. But in this coming 2015 edition, Alice nella città takes a new step forward, and broadens its programme with Alice/Panorama, going out into the streets of the city to make cinema increasingly accessible to its audiences. In addition to the spaces of the Auditorium Parco della Musica, an authentic “film district” will be created in the Pigneto district, which will screen all ten films in the
Alice/Panorama section and feature the repeat screenings of Alice and the Rome Film Fest at the
Nuovo Cinema Aquila movie theatre. The screenings of Alice/Panorama, the expanded programme of
Alice nella città, will be held at the Cinema Avorio, one of the city’s historic movie theatres, which closed in 2009, and will reopen temporarily thanks to the close collaboration between Alice nella città and the owners of the theatre.
For further information: www.alicenellacitta.com
THE BIG DAY / LE GRAND JOUR by Pascal Plisson, France, 2015, 86’
Cast: Nidhi Jha, Albert Gonzalez Monteagudo, Delgermurun (Deegii) Batjargal, Tom Ssekabira
In collaboration with the Rome Film Fest
CAMPO GRANDE by Sandra Kogut, Brazil, France, 2015, 109’
Cast : Carla Ribas, Julia Bernat, Rayane do Amaral, Ygor Manoel, Mary de Paula, Márcio Vito
In collaboration with the Rome Film Fest
A CHILDHOOD / UNE ENFANCE by Philippe Claudel, France, 2015, 100’
Cast : Alexi Mathieu, Angelica Sarre, Pierre Deladonchamps, Jules Gauzelin, Patrick D'assumçao
DEPARTURE by Andrew Steggall, France, 2015, 109’
Cast : Juliet Stevenson, Alex Lawther, Phénix Brossard, Niamh Cusack, Patrice Juiff, Finbar
FOUR KINGS / VIER KONIGE by Theresa von Eltz, Germany, 2015, 98’
Cast : Paula Beer, Jella Haase, Moritz Leu, Jannis Niew
GRANDMA by Paul Weitz, Brazil, USA, 2015, 80’
Cast : Lily Tomlin, Julia Garner, Marcia Gay Harden, Judy Greer, Laverne Cox
JACK OF THE RED HEARTS by Janet Grillo, USA, 2015, 100’
Cast : AnnaSophia Robb, Famke Janssen, Taylor Richardson, Scott Cohen, Israel Broussard
MICROBE & GASOLINE / MICROBE ET GASOIL by Michel Gondry, France, 2015, 103’
Cast : Ange Dargent, Théophile Baquet, Diane Besnier, Audrey Tautou
MUSTANG by Deniz Gamze Erguven, France, Germany, Turkey, Qatar,2015, 94’
Cast : Günes Sensoy, Doga Zeynep Doguslu, Tugba Sunguroglu, Elit Iscan, Ilayda Akdogan,
Ayberk Pekcan
THE NEW CLASSMATE by Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, India, 2015, 96’
Cast : Swara Bhaskar, Ratna Pathak Shah, Pankaj Tripathi, Riya Shukla, Neha Prajapati,
Prashant Tiwari, Vishal Nath
RETURNING HOME / Å VANDE TILBAKE by Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken, Norway, 2015, 75’
Cast : Åsmund Høeg, Fredrik Grøndahl, Ingar Helge Gimle, Lia Boysen, Isabel Christine
SCOUT by Laurie Weltz, USA, 2015, 109’
Cast : India Ennenga, James Frecheville, Onata Aprile, Jane Seymour, Nikki Reed, Tim Guinee,
Shelley Hennig, Danny Glover, Ellen Burstyn
VETRO’S CHILD / IL BAMBINO DI VETRO by Federico Cruciani, Italy, 2015, 80’
Cast : Paolo Briguglia, Chiara Muscato, Vincenzo Ragusa, Claudio Collovà, Fabrizio Romano
Maziar Firouzi
CONTINUE by Christian Duguay, France, 2015, 97’
Cast: Félix Bossuet, Tchéky Karyo, Margaux Chatelier
IQBAL: TALE OF FEARLESS CHILD by Michel Fuzellier, Babak Payami, Italy, France, 2015, 85’
In collaboration with the Rome Film Fest
THE LITTLE PRINCE / LE PETIT PRINCE by Mark Osborne, France, 2015,108’
Voice cast : Toni Servillo, Paola Cortellesi, Stefano Accorsi, Micaela Ramazzotti, Alessandro
Gassman, Giuseppe Battiston, Pif, Alessandro Siani
ALIAS MARIA by José Luis Rugeles Gracia, Colombia, Argentina, France, 2015, 92’
Cast : Karen Torres, Carlos Clavijo, Erik Ruiz, Anderson Gómez
THE BOY AND THE BEAST / BAKEMONO NO KO by Mamoru Hosoda, Japan, 2015, 119’
CLOSET MONSTER by Stephen Dunn, Canada, 2015, 90’
Cast : Connor Jessup, Aaron Abrams, Joanne Kelly, Aliocha Schneider, Jack Fulton, Sofia
Banzhaf, Mary Walsh, Isabella Rossellini
LONG WAY NORTH / TOUT EN HAUT DU MONDE by Rémi Chayé, Denmark, 2015, 81’
Voice cast: Christa Théret, Audrey Sablé, Rémi Caillebot, Thomas Sagols, Feodor Atkine
MONITOR by Alessio Lauria, Italy, 2015, 78’
Cast : Michele Alhaique, Valeria Bilello, Riccardo De Filippis, Claudio Gioè, Ettore Nicoletti
Caterina E. Capodilista
THE NEW KID / LE NOUVEAU by Rudi Rosenberg, France, 2015, 80’
Cast : Raphael Ghrenassia, Johanna Lindstedt, Max Boublil, Géraldine Martineau, Joshua
RAGING ROSE / CRACHE COEUR by Julia Kowalski, France, Poland, 2015, 80’
Cast : Liv Henneguier, Yoann Zimmer, Andrzej Chyra, Artur Steranko, Léa Mesni
SLEEPING GIANT by Andrew Cividino, Canada, 2015, 89’
Cast : Jackson Martin, Reece Moffett, Nick Serino, David Disher, Erika Brodzky, Rita Serino,
Katelyn McKerracher, Kyle Bertrand, Lorraine Philp
STREET OPERA by Haider Rashid, Italy, 2015, 70’
Cast : Clementino, Gué Pequeno, Tormento, Danno, Elio Germano
THE WOLFPACK by Crystal Moselle, USA, 2015, 89’
Cast: Mukunda Angulo, Govinda Angulo, Narayna Angulo, Bagahvan Angulo, Krisna Angulo,
Jagadesh Angulo, Susanne Angulo, Oscar Angulo
ALICE IN THE CITIES / ALICE IN DEN STADTEN by Wim Wenders, Germany, 1974, 113’
Cast : Rüdiger Vogler, Yella Rottländer, Lisa Kreuzer
GAME THERAPY by Ryan Travis, Italy, 2015, 97’
Cast : Favij, Federico Clapis, Leonardo Decarli, Zoda
PAN 3D by Joe Wright, USA, 2015
Cast: Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund, Rooney Mara, Levi Miller, Amanda Seyfried
THE ZERO HUNGER CHALLENGE by Costanza Quatriglio, Italy, 2015, 9’
Cast : Leone Alazar Di Biagio, Carolina Niranjan Singh, Masomeh Zamyndoost, Meriam Faidi,
Younis Hashem, Carl William Papi
Tickets may be purchased in advance for the tenth edition of the Rome Film Fest at the following locations:
At the Central ticket office of the Auditorium Parco della Musica (Viale P. De Coubertin, 30) on
October 6 th from 9 am to 8 pm, and from October 7 th – 15 th 2015, from 11 am to 8 pm;
Authorized ticket points. The list is available on the website www.ticketone.it
By telephone from the TicketOne phone service (subject to fee): for calls from Italy 892 101
(from Monday through Friday 8 am – 9 pm, Saturday 9 am – 5:30 pm, closed Sunday);
Online on the websites www.romacinemafest.it
and www.ticketone.it
from October 6 day before the event to be purchased. th to the
Advance sales of individual tickets will begin on October 6 th at 9 am, at the same time via all the sales channels. On the first day of advance ticket sales for this edition of the Rome Film Fest, there will be a numbered queuing system at the main entrance to the Auditorium Parco della Musica.
For the duration of the Rome Film Fest, tickets will also be sold at the following locations:
At the Central ticket office of the Auditorium Parco della Musica (Viale P. De Coubertin, 30)
And at: from October 16 th – 24 th , from 10 am to 11 pm;
The Villaggio del Cinema ticket office (Viale P. De Coubertin, 30) from October 16 from 10 am to 11 pm; th to 24 th
The Nuovo Cinema Aquila ticket office (Via L’Aquila n.66) from October 17 th to 24 th , from 3 pm
• to 10:30 pm;
Authorized ticket points (list available at on the website www.ticketone.it
By telephone from the TicketOne phone service (subject to fee): for calls from Italy 892 101
(from Monday through Friday 8 am – 9 pm, Saturday 9 am – 5:30 pm, closed Sunday);
Online on the websites www.romacinemafest.it
and www.ticketone.it
from October 6 day before the event to be purchased. th to the
Please note that the tickets for screenings with an admission charge scheduled at the Maxxi Museum and the Mazda Cinema Hall may be purchased at the Central ticket office of the Auditorium and the
Rome Film Fest’s Villaggio del Cinema ticket office. Tickets will not be sold directly on the premises of the Maxxi Museum or the Mazda Cinema Hall.
Admission to the activities listed below at the Cinema Greenwich, the Cinema Trevi, the Casa del
Cinema and the Studio 3 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica, will be free of charge.
Sala Sinopoli
Afternoon screenings € 10
Evening screenings € 20
Late night screenings € 10
Sala Petrassi
Afternoon screenings € 10
Evening screenings € 15
Late night screenings € 10
Alice nella città
Screenings for Schools € 5
Preview screenings € 8
Repeat screenings € 6
Cinema Eden € 9
Cinema Alcazar € 9
Cineland Multiplex Ostia € 9
Cinema Atlantic € 9
Teatro Studio Gianni Borgna € 10
MAXXI Museum from € 5 to € 9
Mazda Cinema Hall from € 5 to € 9
Nuovo Cinema Aquila from € 5 to € 9
Cinema Avorio from € 5 to € 8
Retrospectives/Tributes € 5
Cinema Greenwich free
Casa del Cinema free
Cinema Trevi free
Studio 3 free
Repeat screenings € 9
Movie theatres in the city:
Tickets for the screenings at the Cinema Eden, Alcazar, Atlantic and Cineland Multiplex may be purchased during the Rome Film Fest exclusively at the ticket offices of the respective movie theatres, where prepaid tickets may also be picked up. The following is the list of ticket offices:
• Cineland Multiplex Ostia Ticket Booth: Viale dei Romagnoli, 515 Lido di Ostia RM (opening hours as indicated on the programme) Online: www.biglietto.it – website www.cineland.it – info: 06-
• Cinema Eden Ticket Booth: Piazza Cola di Rienzo, 74 (opening hours as indicated on the programme) Online: www.cinemaz.com website www.edenfilmcenter.it – Info: 06-361 2449;
• Cinema Alcazar Ticket Booth: Via Cardinale Merry del Val, 14 (opening hours as indicated on the programme). Online: www.biglietto.it – info: 06-588 0099;
• Cinema Atlantic Ticket Booth: Via Tuscolana, 745 Cinecittà (opening hours as indicated on the programme) Online: www.biglietto.it – website www.ferrerocinemas.com – info: 06-761 0656.
Independent and parallel section of the Rome Film Fest
Tickets for the films in the Alice nella città line-up will be sold at the price of € 5 to € 8. Tickets for the screenings open to the public may be purchased at the Rome Film Fest and authorized ticket offices during regular opening hours, as detailed above. Any co-productions made in collaboration with the Rome Film Fest may vary in price.
Schools and large groups may make reservations by sending an e-mail directly to: scuole@alicenellacitta.com
. The Villaggio Casa Alice is in Viale de Coubertin.
Movie-goers between the ages of 18 and 26 years old, or over the age of 65, are entitled to a 10% discount on the full price of the ticket. Please note that discounts for concessions to entities or associations from the Fondazione Cinema per Roma will only be applied at the official Rome Film Fest ticket offices. There will be no discounts on tickets for screenings costing € 5 or less purchased individually.
Accreditation passes for the Fest and Press categories may be collected at the accreditation desks in the offices of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma (at the Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de
Coubertin). Accredited visitors will receive a color-coded pass corresponding to the category of accreditation.
Accreditation passes may be collected at the Accreditation Desks of the Rome Film Fest (Auditorium
Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin - Rome) from October 14 th to October 23 rd 2015, according to the following schedule:
October 14 th from 10 am to 5 pm;
From October 15 th to 19 th from 9 am to 7 pm;
From October 20 th to 22
October 23 nd from 10 am to 5 pm; rd from 10 am to noon.
Accreditation passes for the MIA – Mercato Internazionale dell’Audiovisivo, may be collected on
October 14 th and 15 th at the Accreditation Desk of the Rome Film Fest (Auditorium Parco della Musica –
Viale P. De Coubertin, 10 – Rome), according to the following schedule:
October 14 th from 10 am to 5 pm;
October 15 th from 9 am to 7 pm.
After these dates they may be collected at the Accreditation Desk located in the Hotel Boscolo Exedra
(Piazza della Repubblica, 47 – Rome, 1 st floor), according to the following schedule:
October 16 th from 8:30 am to 7 pm;
From October 17
October 20 th th to 19 th from 9 am to 7 pm;
from 9 am to 1 pm.
Cinema Line
ATAC, the Roman public transportation company, offers the Rome Film Fest audience a daily shuttle service between the Auditorium Parco della Musica and various venues in the city, on a fleet of new buses: from the Auditorium Parco della Musica (viale de Coubertin), the service will run on via
Flaminia, piazzale Flaminio (piazza del Popolo), viale San Paolo del Brasile (Villa Borghese), via
Veneto, piazza Barberini, to reach piazza dei Cinquecento. From Termini Train Station shuttle buses will travel back to the Parco della Musica, with two stops at piazza Mancini and via Guido Reni
The Auditorium Parco della Musica may be reached by means of the following public transportation services:
910 - Terminus Termini / Piazza Mancini (weekdays, Sundays, and holidays)
53 - Terminus Piazza Mancini / Porta San Giovanni (weekdays only)
53 F - Circolare Piazza Mancini (Sundays and holidays)
233 – Terminus Largo Maresciallo Diaz/Via Bressanone (weekdays only)
2 - Terminus Piazzale Flaminio / Piazza Mancini, stop at Auditorium: Via Flaminia / Piazza Apollodoro
(weekdays, Sundays and holidays).
Metro A stop at Flaminio, then tram line 2.
Roma-Nord, stop at Piazza Euclide.
In the immediate vicinity of the Auditorium Parco della Musica, ATAC S.p.A. runs two parking garages
(with entrance on Viale Maresciallo Pilsudski) and a street-level parking lot (with entrance on Viale P.
De Coubertin) for a total of 1,005 parking spaces, 26 of which are reserved for the disabled.
The heart of the Rome Film Fest will be the Auditorium Parco della Musica with its screening rooms:
Sala Sinopoli
Sala Petrassi
Teatro Studio Gianni Borgna
Studio Tre
External screening theatre “Mazda Cinema Hall”
All the Auditorium spaces are barrier-free.
From October 16 to 24, the entire pedestrian area in front of the Auditorium will host the Cinema
Village, designed to offer Fest audiences information and services.
The village will feature:
1 info-point (for detailed information on the Fest and general information for citizens)
1 ticket box office (for accredited and non-accredited visitors)
1 BNL automatic cash dispenser
Fest partner spaces, designed for meetings and discussions about cinema with the Village public
Welcome Area, located near the Info-points, to serve the logistical needs of the Sponsors and
Area Radio 2 hosts live the main shows of the Italian radio station
Mazda Lounge with the MX-5 Cinema Hall, the screening theatre for two spectators only
AuditoriumArte (open to the audience during the screenings organized by RAI Movie)
Founding Members reception area – RAI Movie
From October 16 to 24, the Cinema Village Roma Food Story, ReD restaurant, Kiosko del Kebab, Bar’t.
Cinema Eden: repeat screenings from October 18 to 21;
Cinema Alcazar: repeat screenings from October 22 to 25;
Cineland Multiplex Ostia: repeat screenings on October 23;
Cinema Atlantic: repeat screenings on October 23;
Cinema Greenwich: screenings from October 20 to 22 – free entance;
Nuovo Cinema Aquila: screenings Rome Film Fest and Alice nella città from October 17 to 24;
Casa del Cinema: Julie Taymor event on October 13; screenings from October 17 to 22 – free entrance;
MAXXI: Cristoforetti event on October 12; La Stoffa dei sogni directed by G. Cabiddu on
October 14; screenings for audience and badge holders from October 16 to 24;
Cinema Trevi: retrospective Pietrangeli from October 16 to 24;
Cinema Avorio: screenings Alice nella città from October 16 to 24;
Hotel Boscolo Exedra Roma: from October 16 to 20 (for MIA | TBS, TV Days and Agorà)
Terme di Diocleziano (for MIA | TBS, NCN, and IDS);
Cinema Quattro Fontane: screening MIA from October 16 to 20;
The Space Cinema Moderno: screening MIA from October 16 to 20.
The press room will be located in the Spazio Risonanze; open to journalists, it will offer Internet connections and be furnished by Natuzzi with the support of Lenovo for the technical equipment.
The press room for photographers will be located in the cloakroom of Sala Sinopoli, and offer Internet connections.
Located at the entrance to the photographers’ press room, in the cloakroom of the Sala Sinopoli.
The Official Press Conferences room will be the Sala Petrassi in the Auditorium Parco della Musica.
Photo calls with the delegations will be held in the Sala Ospiti, to the right of the entrance to Sala
Sinopoli, approximately 15 minutes before the press conferences.
Accredited televisions wishing to film the red carpet appearances, which will be held approximately 40 minutes prior to the official screenings, must apply to the Press Office for confirmation of their filming position.
The service offers journalists access to press books, press releases, video material, and high resolution digital images. Accredited journalists will have access to the reserved press area on the website www.romacinemafest.org. Username and password will be provided by e-mail in the letter confirming accreditation.
Images will be supplied by Getty Images which will be one of the media partners as the official photo agency for the tenth edition of the Rome Film Fest. The agreement between Getty Images and the
Fondazione Cinema per Roma is now its tenth consecutive year.
Applications are open for Press/Media accreditation to the Rome Film Fest through October 6, 2015.
Accreditation entitles the holder to attend the official screenings of the Fest, provided seats are available and within the terms established by the organization of the Fest. Press/media accreditation is reserved exclusively to professional journalists for the written or online press, multimedia, radio, television, press agencies, photographers, public relations agencies, press offices.
October 16 th 2015 | 10:00 am
Rome | Baths of Diocletian | Spazio Rai.Com and Istituto Luce Cinecittà
In July 2015, the Italian National Commission for UNESCO has nominated Rome City of Film to join the
UNESCO Network of Creative Cities, which as of today gathers 69 cities from 32 different countries.
With this initiative, the public and private entities in Rome’s film and audiovisual industry are seeking to consolidate the process of local development now underway to share, enhance and promote, within the UNESCO Network, the identity, history, experiences, professional capacity, and governance of this
City, with a view to refresh and revitalize its creative and cultural industry.
Before the announcement of the final evaluation, scheduled for December 11 th 2015, the Fondazione
Cinema per Roma, which has been designated to coordinate all the activities in the initiative promoted by Roma Capitale, is organizing a panel entitled “Rome candidate for UNESCO City of Film.
Presentation, ideas and considerations”.
The event is part of a programme of events to support Rome’s candidacy and will be held on October
16 th at 10 am at the Baths of Diocletian in the Spazio Rai.Com and Istituto Luce Cinecittà, concurrently with the opening of the Rome Film Fest and the MIA – Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo (International
Audiovisual Market).
Conceived in collaboration with Roma Capitale and the Istituto Luce Cinecittà, the meeting is an opportunity to compare the objectives and results envisioned by the development plan for Rome’s candidacy with the most advanced and productive Italian and international experiences on the relationship between cities, urban policies, and the creative and cultural industries.
Invitations to the conference have been extended to the spokesmen for the cities in the UNESCO network, national and international decision-makers and experts on the economy of culture; with them, professionals from the audiovisual industry and the cultural and socio-economic organizations in
Rome and the Lazio region.
The panel will be attended by: Piera Detassis, President of the Fondazione Cinema per Roma, Silvia
Costa, President of the Culture and Education Commission of the European Parliament; Ignazio Marino,
Mayor of Roma Capitale; Giovanna Marinelli, Councilor of Culture and Sport for Roma Capitale, Roberto
Cicutto, President and CEO of the Istituto Luce Cinecittà, David Wilson Director of Bradford UNESCO
City of Film, Vittorio Salmoni Director of Fabriano UNESCO Creative City Crafts and Folk Art , Valentina
Montalto, KEA European Affairs, Daniele Pitteri, Fondazione Forum delle Culture Naples, Maurizio
Carta, Università degli Studi di Palermo.
Press office: press@romecityofffilm.com
| www.romecityoffilm.com
October 11 th at 9:00 pm
Auditorium Parco della Musica – Sala Sinopoli a co-production by Ponderosa Music &Art Fondazione Musica per Roma in collaboration with the Fondazione Cinema per Roma with Isabella Rossellini and Christian De Sica conceived and written by Ludovica Damiani and Guido Torlonia in collaboration with Isabella Rossellini directed by Guido Torlonia
The Ingrid Bergman Tribute is a theatrical tribute to one of the greatest actresses of all time, on the centennial of her birth.
The show consists in an autobiographical reading accompanied by a video.
The narrating voices of Isabella Rossellini and Christian De Sica will accompany viewers through a journey into the life of the actress. A collage of memories, interviews, letters and previously unreleased family films from her private archives, with the accounts by friends and artists who had the privilege of knowing her and working with her, including Roberto Rossellini, Alfred Hitchcock, Robert
Capa, Ernest Hemingway and many others.
The project was created and written by Ludovica Damiani and Guido Torlonia, authors of the earlier
Tribute to the Great Masters (Luchino Visconti, Giorgio Strehler, Federico Fellini), in collaboration with
Isabella Rossellini.
Rome will be the conclusive performance in an official tour that began in London on September 6
(Isabella Rossellini with Jeremy Irons at the Royal Festival Hall), in New York on September 12
(Isabella Rossellini with Jeremy Irons at BAM Brooklyn Academy of Music) and in Paris on October 5
(Isabella Rossellini with Fanny Ardant and Gérard Depardieu at the Théâtre du Châtelet). th th th
Daniela Staffa | press.staffa@gmail.com | +39 3351337630
Federica Ceraolo | federica.ceraolo@gmail.com | +39 3409172947