Merrydale Infants Summary of Evidence quotes following our

Merrydale Infants Summary of Evidence quotes following our Healthy Schools award
July 2013
Merrydale Infant School has long established procedures for supporting children’s behaviour and
this was clear and evident on the day of the Anti-bullying Community Award assessment visit.
Throughout the visit, speaking to children and a variety of adults involved with the school, there
were consistent messages outlining the systems the school uses and praising the effect they have in
promoting good behaviour and respect for others.
Central to this is a deep seated positive ethos about behaviour and learning which is understood by
the school community and has created an environment of trust and mutual respect. The school was
described as ‘a lovely school’ and the head as ‘brilliant’. Parents who attend the parent group have
the opportunity to voice their opinion about issues of concern. Children are encouraged to speak
about their feelings in circle time and voice their opinions in school council meetings.
Communication and liaison with parents was mentioned on several occasions during the visit thus
stressing the importance the school places on ensuring all members of the school community
understand the procedures and systems that are in place to support the children with their learning
and behaviour. As part of a whole school approach the school has an embedded nurture group
where experienced staff have tailored resources to match the needs of their children and to help
them build their confidence and self-esteem for as long as it takes.
The lunchtime staff have been trained for their role and are clearly part of the behaviour
management system and liaise with teaching staff when behaviour incidents occur. There is a clear
recording system for behaviour incidents and a bullying log has been introduced which currently has
no incidents recorded. The school has a system for collecting and analysing data as well as using
questionnaires and surveys to gather information about the school community’s perceptions about
behaviour and safety. This shows that Merrydale is a happy school where adults and children alike
feel confident and safe. The children interviewed demonstrated that the school promotes taking
responsibility through the lunchtime peer support programme. This was valued by the children and
adults alike and praised for being effective in supporting children in need as well as helping reduce
incidents escalating. The children also reported knowledge of the school rules, satisfaction with the
reward system and an understanding that inappropriate behaviour had clear consequences.
Merrydale Infant School has taken an holistic approach to children’s learning and behaviour which
can be seen engrained and embedded in and around the school. Whether it is in the playground
where exciting equipment provides a stimulating experience and buddies support their fellow pupils
or in teaching and learning where children are taught about emotional health and anti-bullying
across the curriculum, the school recognises the part these elements contribute in preventing
bullying from happening and in creating a positive anti-bullying school worthy of the Leicester City
Anti-bullying Community Award.