) BOBBIE PACHECQ DYER and PATRICIA STALLWORTH, on behalf ) ) of themselves and all others similarly ) situated, ) Case Number: C 13-2858 Complaint Filed: June 20, 2013 ) ) ) 7 Plaintifls, 8 ) 9 10 ) ) vs ) WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., ) ) 12 PLAINTIFFS'ECOND AMENDED RULE 30th)f6) NOTICE OF TAKING VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF CORPORATE REPRESENTATIVE OF DEFENDANT. DELLS FARGO BANK. NA,. Paul Berkowitz, Esq. Thomas Kaufman, Esq. SHEPPARD, MULLIN, RICHTER 8i HAMPTON LLP 1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1600 Los Angeles„California 90067-6055 18 21 22 Please take notice that, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6) and applicable law, the videotaped deposition of the Corporate Representative of Defendant, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. will be taken on examination before an official authorized by Iaw to adm inister oaths, commencing 25 at 9:00 a.m. on January 15, 2014 in the offices of Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P„Suite 2200, 100%'ashington Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55401-2159, 612-3394900. This examination 27 or place to place until completed. will be subject to continuance or adjournment from time to time Demand is made that Defendant, %ELLS FARGO BANK, more of its officers, directors, managing agents NA., or other persons duly designate one ot to testify on behalf ot Defendant, %ELLS F~GO BANK, N.A., on the subject matters more fully described in Areas of Inquiry, attached as Exhibit "A". CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 9th day of January, 2014, I PLAINTIFFS" RULE 30(b)(6) NOTICE GF TAKING DEPOSITION served the foregoing OF CORPORATE REPRESENTATIVE OF DEFENDANT, DELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. by transmitting via E- mail to all attorneys listed on the attached Service List. 10 lsi John Yanchunis John A. Yanchunis {Pro Hac Vice) FL 324681 12 13 ivanchu nis&forthepeople.corn Tamra Givens (Pendi ng Pro Hac Vice) FL 657638 tgivensforthepeonle.corn 16 MORGAN k MORGAN COMPLEX LITIGATION GROUP 201 North Franklin Street, 7th Floor Tampa, Florida 33602 Telephone (813) 223-5505 Facstmile (813) 223-5402 18 Clayeo C. Arnot, CA SBN 65070 carnold&iustice4vou.corn Christine M. Doyle, CA SBN 106865 cdo vie(Riustice4vou.corn 14 19 21 CLAYEO C. ARNOLD A PROFESSIONAL LA% CORPORATION 865 Howe Avenue Sacramento, California 95825 Telephone (916) 924-3100 Facsimile (916) 924-1829 Attorneysfor Plainttff and the Class 26 SERVICE LIST SHEPPARD, MUM&, RICH~ k HAMPTGN I.LP THGMAS R. KAUF~ (CA S BN 177936) fmanosheppardmullin.corn tkau a PAUL BERKG%ITZ (CA SBN 251077) pberkovutzosheppardmullin.corn DANIELLE I LEVINE (CA SBN 280390) dlevineosheppardmullin.corn 1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1600 Los Angeles, California 900674055 Telephone (310) 228-3700 Facsimile (310)228-3701 Attorneys for Defendant 10 %ELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. DEFINITIONS 12 13 The following definitions apply to this Notice into each area of inquiry listed below. of Deposition and are deemed to be incorporated "You," "your," "company," "%'elis Fargo" and "Defendant" mean the defendant to whom these requests are addressed, i.e. %'ELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., and any of the defendant's directors, officers, sales agents, agents (including, but not limited to, attorneys, accountants, consultants, investment advisors or bankers), employees, representatives, divisions, branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, and any other person purporting to act on their behalf. 16 12 18 19 21 2. "Plaintifls" shall mean BOBBIE PACHECO DYER and PATRICIA STALL%ORTH, the Plaintiff's identified in the Amended Complaint filed in this case. "Document" or "documents" shaU be interpreted in the broadest possible sense and includes, without limitation, all written, recorded, printed, typed, transcribed, filmed, digitized, or graphic matter and all other tangible things and media upon which any handwriting, electrostatic or other copy, typing, printing, drawing, representation, sound or video recording, inagnetic or electrical impulse, visua1 reproduction or communication is recorded, reproduced or represented, including, but not limited to, each and any books, records, correspondence, reports, memoranda, electronic mail, contracts, tables, tabulations, charts, graphs, diagrams, plans„schedules, appointment books, calendars, diaries„ time sheets, reports, studies, analyses, drafts, telegrams, teletype or telecopy messages, files, telephone logs and messages, checks, microfilms, microfiche, pictures, photographs, printouts„electronic data compilations, tapes, diskettes, drives, removable media, notes, minutes or transcripts of proceedings, included but not limited to, minutes of meetings, or other communications questionnaires, of any type, including inter- and intra- office communications, surveys, charges, newspapers, booklets, circulars, work papers, bulletins„notices, instructions, resolutions, reports, records„papers, bills or invoices, books of account, financial statements, working papers, deeds, loan agreements, notes, ledgers„security agreements, financing statements„ tax returns, checks, receipts, journals and data of every description and shall include each and any original produced or reproduced by any method, all non-identical copies (whether different from the original because of notes made in or attached to such copy, or otherwise), an other data compilations from which information can be obtained {translated, if necessary into usable form), and any preliminary versions, drafts or revisions of any of the foregoing. "All documents" shall mean every document, within the custody, possession or control of you, your national, regional and local offices, and any of your attorneys, representatives, employees, and/or agents, whether an original or copy, as defined above, known to you and every such document or writing which you can locate or discover by reasonably diligent efforts. "Person" or "persons" means any natural person, business, proprietorship, public or private corporation, company, firm, government or governmental partnership, trust, joint venture, entity (including government any board, agency authority, commission or political subdivision or department thereof) or any other form of businessor legal entity,organization„or association. 14 16 6. 17 "Correspondence" shall include any written letter, memo or note which hand was delivered, mailed, transmitted by fax machine, E-mail or other communication system. 18 "Communicate" or "communication" shall mean and include ever manner or means of disclosure, transfer or exchange of information {in the form of facts, ideas, inquiries or otherwise) whether orally or by document or whether face-to-face, by telephone„ telecopier, mail, facsimile, personal delivery, overnight delivery or otherwise. 19 8. "Including" shall mean "including, but not limited to," or "including, without limitation," any examples which follow those phrases that are set forth to clarify the request, definition or instruction. "And" shall mean and/or. Note that the connectives "and" and "or" shaH be construed either disjunctively or conjunctively as necessary to bring within the scope of the discovery request ail response that might otherwise be construed to be outside of its scope. and/or. Note that, the connectives "and" and "or" shall be construed either disjunctively or conjunctively as necessary to bring within the scope ofthe discovery request all response that might otherwise be construed to be outside of its "Gr" shaH mean scope. "Refer," "referring," "relate," "relating," "concern„" and "concerning" in whole mean all or'n part, explicitly or implicitly, documents, as defined compare, were received in conjunction with, or were generated as a result of the subject matter of the request, including, but not limited to, all documents, as defined above, which reflect, record, memorialize, discuss, describe, consider, concern, constitute, embody, evaluate, analyze, review, report on, comment on, impinge upon or impact the subject matter of the request, above, which 12. 19 "Class" and "chss Members" shall mean the class as defined case. RELEVANT TIME PERIOD 12 13 in the complaint filed in this Unless otherwise stated, the relevant time period for these Areas of Inquiry is frorr, January 2010 to the present. AREAS OF INQUIRY 17 18 19 1. The drafting of the incentive compensation plans or formuhs Producing Branch Sales Managers and Home Mortgage Consultants, including which apply to any amendmenL or modifications to such compensation plans. 21 2. The manner and method for determining and calculating compensation of Branch 22 Sales Managers and Home Mortgage Consultants, including the compensation paid to Plaintiff's 23 to date, and your interpretation of any provision 24 Complaint as it relates to the method 26 of determining of the contract attached to the compensation Branch Sales Managers and Home Mortgage Consultants. the Arnenderl to be paid to Producing 3. 1 plans or formulas foi Any decisions to modify or alter the incentive compensation Producing Branch Sales Managers and Home Mortgage Consultants. 4. The manner in which you communicated, distributed or disseminated to Producing Branch Sales Managers and Home Mortgage Consultants the incentive compensation plans or formulas alterations, for these positions, including any amendments, changes and/oi modifications to such plans or formulas. 8 The process and system Branch Producing 12 13 compensation Sales Managers in and and any response or resolution place for handling Home Mortgage complaints Consultants or inquiries relating from to their thereto, including disputes over compensation, the persons who are involved in handling, resolving or deciding those disputes and the manner and method by which such persons are compensated inquiries you have handled Consultant in which and paid, and the number a Producing Branch Sales Manager or Home Mortgage chimed to have not bee n paid the proper rate of commission Comphint and the outcome of complaints oi of each such as alleged in the complaint or inquiry. 18 6. 19 Any determination made by you of the compensation which may potentially owed to all Producing Branch Sales Managers and Home Mortgage Consultants Amended 21 22 Complaint filed in this case, including be owed compensation, manner which determinations, such determinations. of the as alleged in the individuals who mal, the amount which each such person might be owed„and the method oi you used in whole your identification be to make these determinations. If you have not made any such or in part, the process or steps you would have to undertake to make 1Nelts Fargo Home Qoftgage h c WOE 2 2011 tnCentive Cofnpensation Plan for Home Mortgage Consultant Wsgs Fargo Home Mortgage FWFfAI ar ihe 'Ernpfoyor'j Is sbangiy carnmgied h a phbasoPhy of psy for performance. The Home Mortgage Consdlsnt Incentfve Pfsn ls desfgrsd ia mobvafe snd reward yaer conlnbu lan ~nd reinforce tho nood to moot fho risk snd campksnca accaurusbbby requirements of your asftfcn. As s psrgclpent h lhe Horne Mcrtpsge Consuttanl (qgVIC'r Eynpfoyeo Incengva Plan ghe Pion'j yau vrgt be rewarded for assisting end counsegng borrowers Ihet meal Wobs Fargo guldalnes end reguteiary roqukcrnarrts end far msrkobng ond angfnsbng tughqudily loans ond lines. For purposes of lhis Plan, Webs Fargo a company shab bs referred lo es "Wsgs j Fargo.'scffan IL EFFECTNE DATE OF THE PLAN Tho Ran fs otfecbve for loans butt hew kcked Aprl 1. 2011 snd altar (lho Etrocliw Dots j. The ianna and candaons af the Plan sro subject ta potfodk rovkrw and msy bs adjusted by wFIBA (seo 'Amendrnonl and Tennlnsgon of the Ran h Sedfon Yl D.j ~ rebeds wFIgvrs axpcdsgane af the mortgsgoomdhg environment, The plan Is subject to chango at eny Ilne sf he Employers sale cbscrekon. wFHM era conknus to monitor market conddlons during snd may madby any of Iho of tho Plan duo to the EmptayeA dstsrmeattan, that there is a signlcenl chango In tho martgsgo. Isndhg snvianmsnt or for such other reasons oanslslonl with the spktl snd purpaso of Iho Plan, Thkr plan Sactfon III. EUGISJ LITT Tean Members of Wobs Fargo Home Mortgage, a dtvtskfn of Webs Fargo Bank, If A. or of a psrbcipaling amfbaysr', dsssfffed es Home 5hxt gage Ccnsullants vnlhin Netfonsl Consumer l.endhp ero sbgibls lo psrffcfpsfa In this Ron. Other learn members ero obg Ibis to psrbdpels only sl tho dl sctsftan of the Erfacubw %ca President, Role 4 Net knel Safes Manager, or other designated representative. To bs eggfbfo far comps nsstfon under the Ran, yau must asbsty rlffrbmurn standards ard roqufnrra ants ss dct fcvth In tho plan. Addibansby, yau must argues lo Wolfe Ferpab Code of Effrfcs end aashess CanducL Wobs Feign's ~rnpfaymsnt pofrcios, ond Ihs campbsnce and nsk accountsbgity rsqutrornonts fur your positron. indudlng, but nat smiled IO Campf isaac With Sb WF HM pal idee, ISWS, ruleS, Snd repuiaganb agpfkgbfe IO WHIM bushsss scgvttfes ss s ccncgtfan procsdont ta earning compensation under tho Plan. Faburs to moot twomo mhfnssn eland ards snd roquksmonts will squusfffy yau flam sarnhg camponsatlon under Iho Ran (unless dekumkleb by WFHMj snd may result h correcbw scbon. Inckd fag bul not grnltsd to Insneckate Iarmlnabcm of smpfoymonL Please refer lo tho fbr Wolfe Fargo Teem Members for hfamaban about Wells Fargo's employmenl pcdces, Ihe Coda af Ethics snd Sustness Conduct, end the Campfience snd Risk Management Accounts bfity Palky. ~ msn~ ~ Compliance with Lmvs and Governance The d etennln ebon sad psyms nl of any Incengw carnpsnssgon und sr fhe Rsn fs subject Ia Ihe condnfons ond reatrkbans Imposed under sppbcabfe laws, nbes end refpletlon1. A Partfdpant's rights I 0 ar facelpl af under the Rsn mey be Imited, fredNlad, csnccfhd or recovered lo ensure campfktrme vrtth sI such applicable laws. rules, rsgutsfbrts snd guidance Ihal msy be kfsusd themunder. In eddflkn, Ihs Plan Admhfstrsfar sncgar WFHM (subiod to fho oulhanty of ho tlurnon Roscsfrcos Camrnllloo ot Webs Fargo's Board af Dfrocloa (fho 'H~& hss ths fub cgscrecansry authority to adjust ar emend s psrgdpsnrs fncentfve or hconkve payout under the Plan el sny time. ~tfan city BIT () ' ~ ~ /5J.4n psrbdprrririg smpfofsr means sny subidiary cviaht vvrturo Psrtnot af Wobs Fargo Horeo Ikvtgvgs, e dkihlon af Wsls Fargo Bank, IfA, thol efects ta h bur Ptsrc sut(oct lo he sppravsf af Vf ega Forgo Hcrns kkvtgsgs Fcr PLrpacov Cf biv Pfvn. rgonrrfcss ta Enrpfaysr fnctfcss such psfbcfpsbng gWOtf241tj Page I cf t2 %F000522 I ! ~ e Inccnsve compensetton svnrrds under Ihs Ptsn msy bs petd In the form of cash or equity, or ccrnbtnssoc br yyFHIVfa dtsoregcn, TO SXteni SN Or 8 Of Sn SWard WN be Pred In sq Vtty, the aqrdty 8Wrrrd Wis under ths Vyrdis Fsrtpr N Company Long Tenn Nrcmngve CompemreNon Plan jtha LTICP awards SS ~ Ss 'LTI~ s~ Sereol, bs made sra e~ condiyoned to such terms snd conrgcons es snd subject lo 8pprcvat ot the HIIC snd sre by SS HRC sr SCCcroanoe WIS the prcvtstcns Of ihe LTICP 88 reseCIeCf In SS apptuXtbfe 8Wsrd agresman L A. 08nerat. Emfxoyeo'8 total compensation shaN be orrprvred sourly of je) houdy pey frAdvesces on Commissions), (b) ccmmtsstons, bonuses snd aSsr scantvss earned, if any. per Ftsn fn excess of sdvsrcss, snd jc) ovrxttrne premiums for ovsrtbne hours wonted In sccordsrros vvah sppgcatxs hrw. t~, For sN Plan provtsanvt„s basis potnt pbty) shag bs defsred ss ons one-hraxtrsdth j1 bp e 0.0001 Or 0.01%). of ons percent provided Es;ployee as defies aN conrNNons snd rrv nynurn requfrem enls as sat torth br the ptsn. Nnd subject lo 8 N plan terms, orxnrrdssfon creryt wW be granted on Ss Isat da} of Ihe mort S In whkh the loan scfuagy funds (l.e. disbursement of funds lo Nre ctosingfsetifernent agent). Funded Rxrrrs wiil be reported in dotbrrs snd unN8 on Ihe Adua! versus Plan (Avp) bmnch Profit snd loss jPAL) statement. ho~ for aN hours earned. worked snd oSw paid Nme, al ths hourly rais of pay sstsbsshed by WFHM Employee vrfs be paid troat bwe to Nme jbut vrfuch shag at 8N times equal or exceed the sppgcsble nanimum wage rsur), For purposes ct sn advance 898insl Ihl8 Plan, aN hourly psy ls and Perfbrm ance Scorecard Ccrnrnl asicns. end mon arly commissions also against aN brcsnttves Ihst Empoyss ts oservrfce sltglbla to earn under this Plan untsss otherwise spodgcafy provided Nr the Emplr&ysa'8 Attachment A for specINc As such, Em)Noyes's houdy pey is referred to 88 on Commissions, and unless othenvlse spscINcstfy provided fn lhe Employee'8 Atlschrnenl A, Employee wtg saw corenisskxrs snd other Incsnaves under 088 Plsnonty to tha extant the gross earned incentive anlunts exceed ths hourly pay Ihe Empbyse hes fThe 0.5x overtbns premium WFMM pays Emfxoyae on hourfy psy, hovrsver, ls not treated as an advance under ths Pian), ~ l~. As used in Ibis pbrn, tncenNve'efers Emptcyee ls aagfble under this Pum. 9. Standard Commrsslon to commlsrrbwrs. bonrrres snd aN other Incsngve psymaras for which lhs Include horxfy pay. Incsnbves'o nol Schedu/e, Commission mte of pay under this Plan Is datelined by the type of reaidcntial morqptgo and Iha monSly funded Vutume {dONer» '8 Or unky) Of reatdenaal rnCXtgage buxinaca SCCured by EmplOyee. CcmmisSen Credit shaN be based on ths fog owing standard corrxnt stion schedule. subject lo say modicsUons set out ln Atlschmant A harelo, which h Incorporated by reference, snd whkh msy bs smrrnded or modified by Employer si any tin e. 1. Gtandard Commtssbn Schedule Ths Standard Commission Schedrxe determines Ihe commission rats based cn the Employee'8 mcnttcy fundrrd snd referred doNar volume that funds gf funded snd rsiarred ulvts thai fund. The hiqher rslg derived from iha schedule per usga M dotter volume applies. The comrnlxsron rare rbr purchase loans snd regrrsrrcs foarrs Ix deierrrtked by fhs fgjgj Purch888 snd refinance rfolrsr volume or unifx ltrrrrferr enrf assured Ihrrt fund by Emfrfoyee fn fhe morrlh. Ths comml eaten rale Is 8ppliad lo tt'8 ended loan doNer volun gadfhry'T)rffN "'IBrtstg 8 to determine " I'.i59~nTiims ~ Commission credd. 1':Kh%d%6~CR%rrRI.% '..'-~A'Qtl'RbfgftaiFhp,j11 N ). )- N.ktWRW:e "3 '.IN-e.:NNC~W.NN,a:9;. e,gjqfE NN-e":e:.a.rN a.g-'a.NN:.a;a.if:,e,N'NN -» Ny;W-'h..m . 1-8 7-9 10- 19 13 and shove VI .Se $ g"R'vr se-Itsrvtr ~sere 'sv re .re 43 80 - $899,999 9900.000-%1,399.999 81,400,GOO- $ 1/99,999 NL900.000 and oi%.N '4 ''.Njjpj%nXn4: ~ 1% e rt:rrvr)Fw abae These ttBBdilrd corrxr|issfon rates apply unbrxs 8 different, dsscrsrsd berrvv sheN be according lo the provf~ below ~c In 4tt 8 8 55 8 54 64 63 8 59 49 rats sppyas. commtccb& rata fcr sny Ioun types lieu of Ihts Standard ccnvrissen scheduvr. I For psrpa««of dshrrnuWrg the purchase snd rsinancs rxrmrnhrshn rolK ~ wFHM lo wFHMrainoncad lasn commfrshn rxdes are ~ Nsl 43 bps. - - — . - ~ Parlfoio Loans (sanded snd referred) ahsN be hchrded ln manthty funded doiior (6)vahrme or unks,. r Brakarad Out Ia«rr {lunded end referred), and Canrtruathn leone Shai be enstuded fram nrOnthly IUnded daller (5) vohmo ar unbs. r Rafsasfs to pragrara speciathds (Inctudng Corporate Connscion) shaibe hctuded In lhe monthly Nrndod doser (5) vohrmo ar units. Referrals to program spsdslists count for carrsnbrsttxr crodNNsring on parsanal banractiona Rsfsnal doisr (6) vriumo snd unNs crxnt m the month that Ihe rsfsnal funds wih the pragmrn spuctuisL ~ WaNs Fargo Hoes Equiy hens snd dnss of credit (Nrsded end referred) shel bs brcbded in 6 volume totals based on the trNNra uliizsd balance ~ AN watts Fargo Home Equity hans funded and referred h the Nrsl position (hclu ding Smart Psy Unos af Crorit) ~nsN be Inchxted h monthly hrndsd urut lalsts. AN other Wois Fatgo Home Equity hans end lines af crsrit (funded snd rof«rod) shai bs excluded fram rxr8 htstr. Commlsshn roles on dress lass types ara describsd br8aw. walls Fargo Nsntr ralsrrst loons thol fund shsi hove a cammtsrhn rats of a rtat 43 bps. credi psr loan oi $T00. Exctudes rsansncos wdhin srx (8) months Marfrnura aommlalan arsdi per hsn of $ 10 000. ~ AN Mrnhxsn commission ~ Ca lTlrrlfas hn Exs m ptas.'e~'~~'~ i 8A Ni l « hrny 88'. N )6, k."0: 0 ~+4''& ~'+'ltd~'% 8''ai"~Mr 8 O'II )6 %. lf I 88 lusts 3 52IXI,NO July 10 $hscooN RFI$68rII 88 K'435'.Ri8$ .:xJf 5:%l .A8 68'Ct'$--8$ ,'8$ . trnns, vvlurnv 5 ')rrnv $5aO.OOO 2 8 $1.0M.ON 2 5 2 Vvtvms 5 $250.000 $350,000 $M0.000 $3000N "l3nns %(NN'88 vcturrrs 5 2 $25).OO0 2 $253.0IXI $503.000 5 2 'luigur4%'.8,".Kiterifitt)NNIN'.;NdrslgtrNNu I ".n644g 'Ni~JSi%~88 Sr«4863 ton 63 ~JrN na tres &I bra 63 san lf".4f~g~I1$ tnrn i i 63 bas 83 sas 43 ben 43 bps r3bps 43 ben %-Kniti Nf '6 6888 88f ';%-' $t.df5 $ 8,050 58.560 '15.150 2. ReAnonces wihln six (6) manths, Emphyos wil nat bo eligible fcr cammisc on crrugt on the refinance of 8 a sxtsgng WF)68 laen thol arigina8y funded toss lhsn three (3) months prior to the re An ance hmdvrg data cammisshnreto on e rainsnce of sn sxiring wFHhf loon Ihat angfnatly funded fina (4) IO Shr (8) month S Paar IO Ihe refrrrsnCO furuing dots Shel be na greater 81en 25 bpe al lhs tundsd hsn vohsno. The m'etmum commission crsrit por lasn is nal provided hr rsinancss within six (6) months. 3. Relsrsnces wihin stx (8) months wilh s prs4ray penalty Emphyos wli not be ot tglbte for commission credit on ths refinance of sn ordr Nng WFHM Ia«r thol haa ann $IX (6) manurS pnOr ta the rOAnanCe hndhg date Vrhh 8 pra-pay psnatty. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ funded ~ ~ 4. Spscbrt ty Rsinence Rates ~ ~ly (3) Stop rolinsrlced loan oonrrnadon clod 8 rates sra por Nla stand«d corrnnlc rhn rchsduh. WF)glt herr or a Freddie Msc to Frsddb Msc Rcdsf Rsbnsnce Mortgage rabnenced hsn caranirrhn credit roles are per ths standard carrxnisshn schedule WFHM loan of ~ Freddie Msc ia Frscktur Msn Rnisf Morlpsgol Tluso (3) Stop Express rsAnencsd hsn orrrvnlsshn credit rater «s psr tha stsndsnf carnmbsrfan schedule Tradilhnsl Three (3) Step Express reilnsncsd loan cammlrnlon credil rates are s i st 43 bps. TradNhnst Three (3) Step RalslTsrm Roll refrnsnced hsn canvnisshn credit rates ore 8 list 43 bpe. Trsdbhnsl Throe (3) Step Cash Out Rsi rninanced lean cammlcrtcn crodi rains «s a Aat 43 bps. WFHM loon af e Fonrfe Mss lo Fannie Mao Rai Plus lasn camrnbrdan cradi rates ors per the slQndsld cant rills shn sensa use WFf+l loan ol s Fannie Mss to Fsrvus Mss DU Rsfi Plus rein«rand loan commission asdit mtcs are por the Standard camrrlrrlan schedule Non WFHM hsn of s Fsnrds Mss ta Fsncf s Mss DU Rsh Ptur rsansncsd hum carrvnlrsran crsrQ rates are par ths standard carrrrntrnlon schedule HARP Three 5. Davsmmsnt Loans (FHA/VA). Cammtsshn crsdN rais on Government Loans ended by Ernphyes rhsi Ibiaw the standard cammtrrk«scheduln. ~arming d. Product Sst camrntrrhn crscQ rale on hhn-Conforming loans funded by Employee shaA hihw lhs standard corrxnirsion schsdue, There h na commirrhn credit on Ihe second nxxtgooe ol s DAP portion af s Sand La«1 under $25.000 In lass stxs, (ot2) tl2011) Prus 3 af 12 %'FOUOST4 t~ 'f. Spechrt Housel rats on Secondary Msrkegng Comm ~e. ~ ~~~ (Scxxt Loans). programs snd other special WFHM as by WF HhYs (Federal, Stale or City Bend Programs,.atc.) xhaILba par tha slaadsnf comtnixxon ~ t Houtxng 8. Smkerad Gut Loans (Employer does not receive Etacttve March t5, 20I t, Wacs Fargo Home Mortgage no pr~s ann~ longer wiN agovr Retail 8rotrar Oul appNcsdcn s- g. WeNs Fargo Home Equity Loans snd Unsx of CradiL gw. Hon» Equity Loans crecNI ttua on Hone Equity Loans funded by Employee sha5 foacvv the standard comm!salon schedufe. Refinance cornrctsxton rais lo foNovr standard WFHMIo WFHM refinance schedule A mtnimutn commission creryt per loan of $700. The minknurn applies in tots! for $70O fcr a combination of e fmt andfor second Home Equity Lean snd LN». Cornrnlxsioa N.b. Home Equity Lines The foaovrtng tenne apply Io Home Equrty Linea Of Credit, induding purchase money, raierierm refinsncss, snd each out rafinences on Home Equg y Lhes, Srnah Pey Uncs, Srrxut FN LJr»s, Horne Equity Accounts, snd Horne Assai Management Accounts. Commission cred 5 svsil sbNI tv and rates Etnpfoyae wINbe aygtbhr to rsceha cornrntsxton crsdN for Horne Equity Uncs of CrediL Ths cosmksxton credN rata on Stand-alone Home Equity LN»a of Credg snd Simo Hc rxe Equity Lines of Credit Is par the shtndsrd comrntssfcn schedule. Tt» commission credit rale on refinance br tot tax stwxlsrd WFHM tu W FHM ra Nnsnce scheduar. Employee vrfl not be etrgtbxt for carnmtsrdon cravat on rncdftcegona, subordhattor», equity lines to emphases of wells Fargo 8 Company, snd ragnancas cr sxtxNng Nnas of cradN vrtttun one year ot the ortghsl funding date. If 5» amount of the reitnsncad line Is greater Nxtn the origina srncunt, then commission credit chaN be given on the tncremanbd amount only, Extbnetad and commtxxkrt credits wNI be granted when tha Hams Equby Ltna cf Credit funds, Ttds estimate wif be based on lha lnlgai UINrzdd bahuxxr orgy {thai ls, 5» enxxxd lhs borrouarr receives al tfoslAQ) Conxntssrons pxtd on these ssdrnales ara tan!eave and not earned. Tha Nnet commission credit vrt5 bs based upon Ihe linet utN{ted btdance on 0» Home Equily Lsur of Credit. The Nnsl uNtbxrd ba!ance (for purposes of corrxnlseon credg) shaN be deterrnmed baaed on Ihe ending bsisnca ot the biiNng cygne st the end of the thxd month. If the change is aa Ntcrease equal to or greeter than $5 000, then en upward comm!salon crxKNt sdjusbnent shag ba given based on the anllra amount cd lhe Increase, If the change ts a decrease greater than or aquei io $ 5.600. then ihe estimated Commtaxtcn Cradd Shaa be Sdjucted dtnvnWard by the SnNnr Srncunt Of the daCreaS«. Any utNIZed balanCe Change Nud ls not at least $5,000 or greater does nol trigger a chmge in tha oomrnlsslen credit An Inigal. Nrxrt cstinsted cornrnhsion credit The ridnbnurn corntnNttxon credit on any line of crarNI hr $50 regardless of utf trad srnounl. Tt» rninlmum cornndcxton credit on a purchase Sano Horne EquNy Une cf Credit ls $200 regardless of utftxod amount. Ho three rnonlh review shag be comfdeted on badge loans, lot loans, and Bmrncie Ex la of fncr sass; Jg,~+ ~Po iniasl Transaction (commission credit advance) Three month review (Nnai comrrsxxlon I ) crarat crucutahon) Tourt ~ $ I,000,000 Nt,ooc.OQQ, 5» hon;e equity Nxed rais srnorNnng NN~~sgfo~ 7': 55sab&T 5 t 5750,000 $750,000 x 43 bpa e $3.225 $ 900@KI $ I50,co0 x%3 bps ~ 5045 $ 3,870 loan ~ of Oscrssxs; 'alFic4 EV51ft Jnikal Traruurcdoo , NTIGG,GGQ.. BT50,000 51,000.000 5500,GGO " 'CSr'ri%1M~rt 4750,GQQxd3 bps .53,225 (convntmkn crsdd advance1 Yhnss month ravrsur Oink cornmtwion rxsdtt crdcrds5onj Toutr - 5750,000 ~ %250,$Xl x 43 bps = 5500,GOO - II,DTS ~ $2,I50 tG. Watts Fargo Employee Loans (tndudes WFHM and Non-WFH+, Commission rate for loans ortgkvxted by Employee far snqrlcyees of Wells Ftugo sngttes, inctucang shaD be s Gat 35 basis prxnts ot the tunded toan volume, No overage or underage, other Ihsn the vvshr ed odgtnadon hre, fs sarnwtd on Mse loans. Employees can eb5 ba directed Io the HOME Tsagn SGO phone number. There ls ~ Sat 10 bps prefer to refer cornrnlsshn credh for loans retsrrad tlat fund Itvuugh ths ItOME Tssrn 500 phone nurrbsr. No ttsther commission rate sdjusbnent tor WFHht to WFHM refinance hans. No further cone,lest rate sdfusbnent for Wells Fargo Sank tosn rerenafs. Employee's must refer 3-Slap Emptoyes Loans to the HOME Team fbr loan funccngs. Ttxs udt ensure proper tosn pricing these loans. If Ihs Employee does assrnpt to orltpnals 3.step Ernfxoyse loans. then lhsrs wtD bs no onxrsaaron crude on those hndlngs. 11. Premiere Asset Services Loans. comrskraon rata fbr loans odgtnatad by Employee snd derived from referrals from premiere Asset ssfvtoes sha5 be per Ihe slsndard commission crsdg scheduh. 12. Conskucdon Loan Express fCLX} Loana rais st the constnrctlon Iosn chas shad be s Cornmlsrdon thd 25 bps, No unit credil al conxbuctton cfose Commtsxton cradil et the permanent loan funding s'util be scorxdwg tc the standard cornrnisshn schedule for that praducL tsss shy cornrntsskxt credit given sl ranttrucfen kuxt close. Any cortstructton ongtnsGon fes cosscted ie ethwed to be induded as revenue when deuumfntng Ihs Adjusted AII-tn Pace of the pernxtnera loan. Hawever, in no xttusgon. csn ths conslnrdlon ongtnsaon revenue be sHowed for overage revenue exceeding 101,50 overall pdcing (ratr ~ levels). 13. Bu5der Loans Employees ars requksd to collect ths Builder Best tes wtiNn 35 days of Ihe InCal lock dear. vtolailon of Ihe fee cot krcgon pof cy could result in perfcxrnance counseling. sn informal or fonna I warning. and@r loss ot the right to originate loans under fhs Buldaf Best Prcrgram. Buader Loans wtat Extended Locks: Employees sre rsquk ed to cotlscl Ihe Extended Lock fes viltvn 35 days of the inldsl lock dale, vlotsdon of ths fes collection policy could resrst in performance counseling, sn ktforrnsf or fennel vrsrning, sndfor loss of the right to ortgyrshr loans under the Exlandsd tock options. Iq. Spsdal htadrsdng Programs snd Special Addendums. conr6 sskrn rate for spectsl kans, nonstandard products snd unique srrsngsn'ants applicable Program Guidelines. 15, Asxurrqxens No padtctpstton srd Bridge Loans. by Employee except as ssl shalt be sei forth in the forth in sppNcabte Pro@era Qukfsgnss. 1tL Accornrnodua on Loan+ No parGcips gun by Ejnptoyee unless Ihe teen cornea out of scoo rrtrnodakon status wiINn 90 days of loan fund vqt. Comrnttudon credit wrD not be given urtiil Ihe loan comes oul of accomrrXxfathn stsiu S urdesa approved by the Regional Stdcs Manager. ~~d ~, ~ce Upon request from Employee, snd subJect to wFHM's wFHIA may elect to hire s Mongsge Axscctate to assItt Errtproyss with securing rssldenG ~ I mortgage business. fn such a case, shdi no longer be kx cornrnhr dona I ha cornrrtfxxion cr scat schadukr hrxsln. Ixa Instead vrl be stlgtble for rxxnrctsston credit under one of Ihs Dvca schsdukrx sat forth on Ihs current Attachment 8, Compensation Plan Arnendmenl for Horns Motfgsga Axxocfsts, hereto snd incorporated by reference, as!I may bs amended or Irrodtsd by Employer tram tyne to bms. The appkcsbt ~ cchsdukr shalt be ssi forth on Employee's Attachment A. a~is 'or ~a~~ ~yee may spta ar chere s As~Is and af hrsrhsr aammtssuw evade vvtth en Associate, ya ths extenl that »lyse 81 share dulac and spNI commf~ 8«m scatty tor eas» af sdmlrdatra%on tha cammiss«tn sntatbe calculated under ths Employee'a Empbye»IQ num ber, sr«l tire camausstan Assodeie sh»8 be renectad ss s hne item adjustmsnt an 8«r Em phys»'s shan »faceted to lhs report, Despite pvs method„sny commhs««ts earned by the Mongage Assactste as a result af ths cammtcsbn cfat I sty bs the Mortgage Accacis le's own esmt ngs snd the Assadst» shaN be s for sa psyma snd Incorn» taxes an those amaunbt. To bs sffecgve, eny agre»mani ta spth commissions behveen an Ass oaale marl be ma morteilccd tn Alt»chant A tor the F mployes and the corn panes bon Em~a and Ptsn far at% IVta/lgsge Asco&kta. tn eckgcan, s Mortgage ~age ~ corn~ r~ 18. Prefer 10 Refer. Cammlcr4on credn an sny fasn res«red by Emffayse ar s prstyam SPsciefsrt ar an sny Iocm hwdsd by Employee and dedved fram a referral earn a program specisgsl, shag be grsr ted fn accordance vvkh Ihe Prefer to Refer compens»Non Ptsn Addendum attached hereto end Incoqtant ted by reference. as lt msy be emended or mod tyisd by Ernpbysr fram Nme Ia Iims, 19. Commission Sharing I Commbrshn Splas. In sny csea un»ra Employee agrees to chars or apgl commission credit on any Iosn Vlh ans ar more sttgibis emfacaaes, btst comrrfsskcn cred8 to sll employees on that bsn shs8 nat »cased Ihs commission schedule sst forth herein. Any commission shsruvg I spat csnnal exceed Ihe max commis+on level ln lot»i. 20. Reconcgbgon for Early psymenl Defaults. Esmlng commissions ar other bcentlvss on a laen is sub)sct la the condition lhat the loan must not suyer en early peyrneni default (EP 9).as determined by s sbc (8) month review. EPO Is delved es a borravtm nbtaty days deturquent Wahat the irat SCC 18) manths at paymenta Canung dua. If the laen fa en EPD, then the CammISSICSC Credil odg1nsgy grani ed vvgt bs adjusted dovrnwa rd by lhe enfbs amount of ihe commission rale of pay on thai particular ban, sxdudtng EPD bans veth Ids events'his means that the comrrsssian cnsdit cvt8 be adjusted downward to xsra bps for Ihs commt Mian rats af pay on Nurt particcdsr bsn. appeals C Personed Production Performance Scorecard Bonus Tha Parfcvmance Scorecard Bonus wW consist of tvro abyrcbves: Customer I.oycfty Scares and initial Fga Qusaty (IFG) Rating scores on personal praducgon. The performance scorecard vcl bs paid on semi-Annual'cores on per%RMI praductbn volume vv8h no true-Up af bulldog. 'ivafe: The 8rst perfbrrnsncs psnod far 20r I rvr8 ce Jtpril fa Jcrne scares eppfrbd to April fa Arne Itrndrngc. Ths second eerfarmance pen'od fbr 2ff I f tvf8 be July fa Dec»rober ccarae fo tufy ta December fundings, ~ Ernpbyss must be employed by yVFHM ar sn aflifets an June 30 and December 31"lo be elfglble ta be ccvtstdsred far Perfonnance Bonus ss described belovr. If Employee is employed by VVFHM on ths respec8vs dal»s abave bul nat covered by this Ptsn far the enlire pedannsnce period, rnplayss vval be considered forihaperfarmancsscorecard fadh ls Ih» Plan. lf Employee hss s due. Cus/amer I avnitv Emplayrr;antstatuechsnyw ptanprovlsionsssset s commission credt Scorned Bonus psy Bonus athenvls Bonusinacccrcencswththe chattage (vs. hourly pay advances) on the 1lrst ar second performance period, 'tyFHM rscsrvss the ttght la offset Rls shortage sgrunct ths psrfcsn"ance Scorecard Scare Bonus TIts customer I.oyat ty scare Banus la based an aa of ihe arsban ccs reccvved on ques uarta 4. 8. and 8 of the custarnertayslty survey during tha perfcrmenca pedad as their personal production. If 50Vi or mars ot the Employee's responses receive Sa an »8 three questions, than the Employee v88 be sf8Iibhr far s Customer I.ayslly Scars Bonus. The Employee can alee qua iy far the Banus 8 ther scars an persancc pntduc fan is outperforrning ths corrpsny average during 8» perfanrsncs period. Psos 8 af 12 ~ ~ ~'» parf~ F~ ~ad The Bonus is thme (3}bps an the funded drmr$ I the padad. shsN inckxfs purchase srul rsg vrxume, Caipcrsts ConnecNrxt vaktms, snd Home Equity leans snd lines af Cf Sdg, Srokenad nut.loans srs sxtf~„snd Iasns refenedlo aihsr emproyaes ~ Srs~ ~ons~ to s mbutraxn ccmnsauon level wrN be tar sn sddrconsf three (3}bps bonus dudng Ihe ihe msx creds per krsn vill nol be stglbfs for sn sckssanst three period. I.sana bonus during lhs performance period. Ttvs wN Incfuda kums schtsvmg ~ max comfraaaion credit when Ihe (3}bpa mactt@ snd pertormsncs scorecard bonus schievs the msx camml~n+ bonus credN in cambrnsson, I.cans sc~ performance ~akxr Example $ 1 5M lasn size st 53 bpa monthly commisiion creN = $9.%0. $ 1.5 lean stxe St 9 bps ssmkennutN perfonnance scorecard bonus credit = $900 Monthly commtatson credit snd asrrs-annual bonus crstNI ~ $ 10,350 «t tctst Tots i maX comrni asker + bonus Credit payout wid equal $ 10 000 The IFQ Score Bonus is based an sii af dar IFO tent scares Oncludes csnaalad snd denied loans} during ths performance perkrd on (hair psrsanst praduaiarn. If BIW or mare Cf the Emptoyse's INes are scored in s "green status, een the Employee wNI be eltgilrte for sn IFQ Scare Bonus during the performance penad on their personal production. 0reen stslus shsN be commrxticsted in wriling by WF HM snd maybe rnadiked from Nrne ta Bme. The Bonus 9 Ihree (3}bps on Nte Emfsoyse's funded vakxne tiur lag the performance pcdad. Idonthly tunded vohane ahss include purchase snd refi vdume, Corporsle Cannactian vakane, snd Home Erpaty loans snd knaa of creak, Brakered o4 loans sre excluded, and loans referred to other employees ere excluded, laena trued~ ta S minimum samoa asian teual Witt ba Sbgtbte far Srl SddiNOnal three (3}bpa bOnuS dudng lhe performance period. Loans achieving the msa convniaaion credit per loan wNI not bs elgibls for sn sddtgonst three (3}bpa bonus during the psrfalmen cs Perod. This wgl intfude kxans achieving s max comrrNMkxt credit when the mcmthiy cammiardon snd performance scorecard bonus schlevs ths msx conxniardon+ banus credd ln cambinalion. Exsmpht: $ 1BM lasn sits st 53 bps mcnNtty comrra asian crsdg u $9A50. $ 1.5loan sixe st 5 bps semi-annual partormsrws acorecsnl bonus crs4t = $900 Morley commission credit snd aemtwnnusl cxxnmiaslen crsdN ar Total msx Camnxsskxt + barents crsdd payout wtN squat $ 10,000 0. $ 10,350 In total Ovcraae end Vndaraaa. 1 Overage. Overage ls defined ss Ihs amount ot rfkrcount end origins son fee paid et fundrng over ths discount snd orig%@dan fee aulharixed by the Secondary Msrkesng Department st Nts Nms the test price on lhe loan is krakad in. Empklyeee mey flat retauve S CammiSSOn, banua, Or alber Iieerdlve Credit baaed an the OVerage generated psrhcular loan. This included tosna locked berars September 1, 2010. On S 2. Underage. Underage la defirted sa sny deBdt raaulsng from lhe dis'erence between tha company rnxhortzed discount snd fes srxf Ihe discount snd arlglnsscn fee sctussycollatxed. altgsuuioA Emphases wrN nof be sub} act ia generated on s psldcuhrr laen, s commission, bonus, or other inca ntkre creat ed}ustment baaed on Ihs underage E. Cc mmiaatons snd Advance Calculate&n. Hers Is an example af Nra atapa taker, ta oxnpanaats Ernplayaea on s monthly basis, This exsrppte iNuatratca only how monthly camrrvaakrna sre handled snd does nol Irckahr bonuses ar other incentives. ~ ~ Paautsr Haurtv pav Employees wrs eam sn paycheck The hourty rats provided Exsrnpkr: $ 12.06 $ 12.00 x 40 haunt rata af psy for each hour vnxked. This wIN stew sa Ragucrr psy" on lhe Employee's be sa eatatxiahad porn Nme la 1ma by the Emfxayer, in the ErrfNayer'a saic discretion, equal or exceed 9;a mkdmum required by abtbt snd federal Isvr. wiN Nrat It ahoN ahvoya rshr a: $180 pet week of regular pay Horne Btartsa pa CarsLd tars 2. . overtime Ptnr Erntxoyses v»N eem 1.5x Ihe hourly rste ot p»y kx exch tnxrrhme haut worked. Thi» w6 show s» s Employee'» psych»ck.. ~ psy" on Exempkx Eight (8) hour» averNrne $ 12.00 x 1.5x 8» $ 144.00 per we ek af "av»rome psy" 3. ~e att Comm t»starts The IV»I 1X Ihe haurly rate af Pey earned far Sll hat»e Warturd and Cdhe I OS»I Nme t» en edve sac Sgtsn»t ccxnrrN»txans, bonus»», end cxher Incentives. Ths sdrsxtxud 0.5x overtime prernkxti Is nat en sdvsncs. 40 hours regular+ eight (8) hours avarNme $ 1200 x40 hours» $480 psr weekaf "rogtttsr x 8»r $9&per week af »Irslght time O7 psy $480» $96 ~ $576 edvenoa on camrnl»»ion», bonu»e», end other inc»nA»» Ex»mptot pxy'1200 Comrnt»»tons Gm»» cnrrissians wtN be ceto»lated scconkng ia Ihe coma»'s»ton credil »checiuie end the loon» funded tn the month. The sdvsnce wiN be subtrsclsd ta dstermee the net carnrni»»ians, tf the net comrrd»tdons are negative, that dsgcN wlN be canted faIVrerd ss en sdvence »9»In»t gro»S Cammw»en in Ihe next month. 4 Examptrx $5,000 gross commissions far Inanlh $ 1 920 regui»r pey for month ($480 x 4 week») $384»trsight Ume OT pay far month {$96 x 4 weaks) $5,000 - $ t.92g - 5384 $2,896 comm t»»ton psysbl s s 5. Comrr»»»ion Overtime Psv ErnfNoyees wgl skm be p ski en avergme premium on commissions. The nst cammisrions wNI be dvtdsd by latsl hours for the month lo determine on haudy camel»sion rale. Emffaye»» wNI be pekf 0.6x that rate for sech overyrne hour worked, Exempkr". $2.696 commis»kxts peyebkt . 'I92 tatsl his worked(4 weeks@48 hr» per week) 22 avsrhme hour» (& per week x 4 weeks) $2,608 f 192 x 0.5 x 32 $224.67 ibr rrerdh Monthlv Total: 81 Regular Psy: $ 1,920 B2 Overt»ns Psy. $575 S3 Conmi»»ion»; $2,898 94 OT Premium on Camrrf»»kxt»: $224.57 $5,415.87 tat»i rsanthly payment ptee»e refer la the Teem N4»riher Handbook end FAQ document posted an Retax change centra) tar further detwts. F, New Employee &tartan Options, of Employer, one of Ihe»t»rt-up options below m»y bs »elected by the \" level N Errxxayse Ic s new»mplayee msrwger ~lh approval from the 2 lev»I men»ger. The optian»ei»ct»d wtN be in force iar s Nrrdtsd period af Nme beginnir g wHh lhe Nrst dste of einfdayrnent. AN»tert~0 opbons rsquNo ep prov»i af the Regional Safe» Msneger snd Sn eklen»tan may be grenled at the dhar»NOn Of the Regtanet Stse» Manager. Ekhar OpNOn, the guerardeed sdver~ ar corrvrx»»ton»pNI, m»y bs reduced ar efminsted on s pra»pecsve assis st the»ots di»cr»gan of Bur Employer. Any loans retN»tered eN»r Ihe sxpksllan ar terr»inrun of this Opthn sre»ubjecl ta the»tender d ca rarnir»ian»chedukt »»I forth »bove. 1. Guar»ntoed Corno»»don Advene»m»nt oon rrx»»kxt edvenc»rn»rd in the kxrn of howty pey m»y be authorized for» Nrnilcd amount of tkne for credrts sfe new e Empt»e our~ Ihs Nfna Empxrfae Is r»ccfvtng ipux»ptosd ed v»noes, If the grass Ie»» than the edv»nce», Ihe diffwsnce I» nal corded over i»ta ihe Iatowlng month s» requksd with nor tnel hourty psy. Cuer»at»ed advene»» shaB typic»By be Nmkad ta Ihbtc n pey periods, et wtdch I»ne standard »omnia»»km sdvwae prove»on» spplyper pten tenn» A guereniaad ~an ~~ &ample: ~ ~ ~ ~ IS Put orl asrrfa }tvurr, 8 gualarrtead advance of $24 per haul NE~ C~ng Sl hrrs on March 1 ~ April ef Ihs has $3000 ln fyoss CO~crone an lMAS iundad in A/Larch, EmplbyaeWS receive Nut gusrantslKf smersrL au. $1,820 par pay period essurrrlng ag hours per vraek er raugrfy $38@Din s typical mans, Snd the remaining $840 rrafarenea Wif net be Carded uuar te afreet Cammkudena en April funding S. lf Employee has $8,000 ln grass camrnkrabns an loans hrndcd in Aprk, Empbyae cl Ai recervs NI s guaranteed advance amount, e.g $ 1,820 per pay petted assuming 40 hours per week er reugffy $3,840 in a lypicaf month, and $1,180 ln nct cenvnfs arena in May. starung vr Msy, the advance ls no laager guaranteed snd. therefore. any ahanegss going krrvvanf betwson grass commission and advances wiN bs cerned ever each mons unNI lksty recovered from commkrrriana, bonuses, ar ether krcrvrtivaa unde. this Pkrn. ~ ~on earner!gags Spat vpenRsgutrasenrFunrkng Fer loan r sgislrsl!ens ubtakrad durtng Nre term of Ibis Optksr, the Empkryes's camrlfrslan rate shall be specillcd by tha 1st tsvat manager on Empteyesb A. aomrrusaicn credit at Ihe rate pacer'ed on the Attachment A lean regisuadona obtakurd by Employee end accepted krto pracesrdng durkrg lhe month. chaN ba given An additional commission credN st Ihe rafa spectgsci cn lhs Attachment A shall ba given during lhe mcnth lhe tean funda Irma Csee Shad aanVnkrabn Credit be gkran On Cradk~ Spppeagana. AN ban fypea that pay Outairfe Of the standard Nanng structure are nat esgtble for ths Aegitrtratkrn/Funding startup opuen. 2. AN~ The fallowing ben f}pes ars sama, btrt nct aN, examples af loan types excluded fram this Open and commicsian crerfrt shell bs given per standard Pan terms; ~ Watts Fargo ta Wcgs Fargo Ref}nance Loans ~ RekrkanshNr Product Loans ~ Watts Fargo Empkryee Loans ~ Referrals le Program Speciettsta (Prefer lo Refer) kvct&ing Corporale CcnnscQan and Prognun Connedian s Canceled Loans {If a lean cancels, the cradd fmm ths sppgcstren wlN be adjustscf fram future ~saba fundings) Employee's asgSfkty for Ihu opaan ls condkioned on Employee continuing tn employment Nrraugh ths and of ths lime perbd covered by the Gpuon. If Empbyae's smaloyrrsru ends far sny ressan tksfng lhe tenn of this Optian, sN cemmtssiort credka shaN ba datarrrNnad par normal Plan Ierrrrs. 0. Fee Co 8 ection. 8 is ths rsspeas Nasty et Ss Emplayss la cagact up-Nant Nrkd patty ta a a inc turkng, bul nol ta, the appratrurt and credit report. Employee's commisakrn cra4I shaN be adjusted ta sccaurs fcr any urea! krcted fees on canceled krsns (krckrtftrr 0 brckersd aul canceled loans), end denied bans unlace ths em pbyas coaacts ai Issct $350 (higher in select oivaions and Rcgkrns) of eny Ihkd party fess awed an s given loan. If Iha advances} Empk;yes ceiiads el leasl $350 ln up-kent feea, Ihera wiN be ffO commis sran crerst sdgstment for any add kionst uncrakrctcd fees an that particular loan. Nrrutad Secden V. PAYNEJVT ScffEDULZ A Gsnsrat. subject te the ccvrvnkrsten camnvcctans isss hourly pay krndirtg of mertgags bans originated hy scorecard sanua on penrenst praduckon performance period. racanctkacan process sel forth shove, net cammissbns {grass shag be pod on Iha iasl pay perbd of each rnonlh based on the aclucl Employee dudng Ihe previous mensr. Ths SamkAnnual Performance chal be paid no later than 80 days fatbwing the end of Ihe semi-annual 8. Hcuflv f sv Is Fuilv Earnsti Ths fact sat hawty pay(Advancas Agskrs! camirÃsskfns} ls taken inlc sccaunl kt calcu tsting nat canvrva slane/lncsntlves under thkl Plan ch8II rrot give Empldyer tha right ie recover any hardly pay back kam any cmpbyce. Hourly pay is fusy vested when cerned snd is nol subject ta recapture by Empbycr under sny ctrcumctanCCS. e'er krcengves under Sts Plan, Q,s Employee must be actively ernpkryed by Ways Fargo gvough the data credit is granted and t rvaugh lhs end ef Ihe applicable performance pedarr, unlace kr this Hen or expracshr appose tew. This ts sn express cenditkrn af esne ng Incacrrvarr under gus Pkrn, ii being cne purpose af this Plan io prevkfa an IncecQva b the ErrTrbyce to r smafrr in empkrymsnt +ah Empkryar, This ccndiiian atua Nre Employee's engaktg Ieb rccpondblMcc wls respect to thtr af Iasns enwrrlch ths Employee mey bs dygrbhr lo receive cammkriiresFrncsnttvss. As praAdcd b this Plan, sama cammkrafans and assr Incentives ara wkan prkd, ar are subject ia sdfvcltnsrsc sRH Ilray ara paul when or ether these hcsnttvua are advances af snscipaled wages and sre nel wages N,at ihe Employee has srunad, These advances sre rrct earned ange after as adjurr trna nts provided far in this plan have been e'~ Implemented, snd 0'w ether terms and canrktbnc ef Ihe Plan have bean caNsNad. C. When incentive Pavrnenta are Earned. Tc aam comirrtcuons, bonuses, ar ~a ~km p~ r~dby re~zes ufo~ ~, ~tc~s, be~, a~as ~ed ps~ E~'s A. wdhhoidino Texas Employer& shss deduct born eg under Nve Pan sn srrcunt scsssary ta ssbsfy federal, slats or local tsx withholding rsqukements. These aosgsocnsv4N be withheld born the comperwsbon prkrr to payment. B. Ma 6usrsntee of Emotavmont. Pergcipsban is gtkt Pion does nof conshhse s guaranies or conksct of smff aym std wah WFHM, or psrbarpsyng employer. Such psrticipsban shsN fn na wsy interfere w'Ih eny ng Ms of ar the terms snd WFHM, or psrgcipodng smptoyor, to determine lhe derslkl of s psrvclpsnfs shsN remain sn employs~it st sl! brass dunng Iha candINcns Of such amp Therefore, each durstcn af emptcymsnt wsh Employer. ~. ~eni E~ C. Plan Administration. The Pion Administrator ie the EVP, Human Resources ks WFHM. Ths P ten Admintskstcr to sdrrdntstor, Intorprol snd construe the tenne of lhe Plan, Ia stfsckstio the purpose end spelt af the Plan. The plan Adlrsniskstor msy, st sny Nms, dtdsgots to other personnel such recponsibitilias ss il considers to be eppraprkrte to Isctf tete Ihe deyM~ sdminislnstion af the Plan. hes the M cbsoedonsry authority termination 0, Amendmsnt snd Tsfmhtstfon of the plan, The plan Adrrsrdskstor, wgh spprovst of iha Head ot wFHM, msy emend, suspend or terminate Ihs Plan ot ony orna far any reason, wsh or wahaut Mice. Mo amendment, susponstcm or tonhlnstlon of the plan shsN sdvorsdy affect Employee's commtctdonflncangve poy Nomad imdof tha af Ihs Plan. PI so prior to ths stfective date af ths emandmenl, suspedan ar E. Dispute ftesolut tan Process. Ths plan Ad&ntctrs tot hec lhs suthaaty to resolve ell issues snd cBcputss rsmled ia ths Pfsn. If Employee bsSevss lhst his/her commisskmibonvs psy is incorrect, either by being overpaid or undsrpskf, Employee must give written nalice af tat snor lo Ihs Plan Admkv'citator (or ks delegate i wahkt 50 days shet EnTNoyee receives the carnmkrskrrtfbonus pey Erntdcyes believes to be incorrect. The notice shoukf inch@a cslcuisbons or other rskrvsni Iscts supporting Ihs request fcr review. within 30 days, the pion Adrrsrdstrstor (or its delegate} wIN rsvtsw the request io de harness If Ihere ls en errcr snd whether sn s djusim ant kt sppropdeie ta offset he error. To lhe sxfsnl sn adjustment ls epplopdskt, ths adjustment will genersNy be made within 30 days follovring are dstsfnsnetkul. AN dsosione by Ihe Plan Aclrninislretor wlN bs Nnsl, condvsIve end binding. F. Attachment A, AN Attachment As sraaMne for eiectrorvc ussge snd sign aft. Fosow Instnrdions an Ihs Atischmsru A websile for instructions snd fnrquentty asked quasaans fFAQ) The knk to lhs Allechmonl A's ku htto.0bonusctwttmtsston.vrfhm.horriestead.wo Nsfartto.ccrnfhaitto.as'he Bonus Commisskst Accounting cuslamsr service no&or kc 515-2 I 3-2458. }~~ml~i. ~~[@~~~8~~~~P~Wi%~M888-- ~ P~8~ ~8 ~ B eavdIIy amrvr»aakwrcnwt» E~fcr hIrdsd leam for lhe hakl Ntnu Hire, Transfer ln, OR Pr atnot tan In f57lproyee becomes 8 anhhpanr aobaeauenf to Fust day of the Ptas Ysed ~S ~ Transfer or Prarnatlan Oui , mph, fwwuol Pfan (Ernfwoyss part»dpapan due fa trna»far or promohon lnla e nanehphm poa»ton uIthvI Iahda Fsaga} teretnadan af snfr»syrrshf. If. at pre Ems af vorunrartr Sam«span, leam member fc oftptwbihr } ass Iosrs wNcn fund UFsrsn awry at~ loII f88} Employee Faraalna tuwd» icavant ova Ptornsncs Scorecard Bones util be swrswcled 88 gstlfft ktrd scl loan voamws ard coarse rscalvad through Ihs sttecdvs data of lf w1dar cr pnwrcfbaa ol» of ~ poa»wwI oau«ad by the Plan„asafact to Pion bursa. ~8 vFnh VVaga Fargo far Ete ggrly gC) day pe»ad bgau»rg lha tnmshw ar promotion. camrraasian awdII kw «»»ch toad g»ttsn 8»rty fK} Ew mon»IIy days agar tsar»nalian of amfdoyIasnl, or In aoconlanoa vvsh atsas lew, No ccnwniaaion cswwgt ahaf be asvwckd for losns vFNch lund mare ttwn It»ay f30}days agar tbe dale af tsrmlnsoan at employment Nat obgItso fw Perform«co coracanl Bonus d Emt»ayoe ls nal smpbryed on Jsee 59 or Decerobar Stu yI aooardIwxa wlh the plan tanna, UF»aaa Employee Islirea tgsa 'fsadrarnanF boknv.} Vtslksrnerw'ssrnv. Tertntnabon Misconduct or cauaeInvoluntary for Faguie la theat mssnam alanabvda and ngtulraInoid 8 dbqge4588 Employee fmm sswI»ng campsrsadan under ggr plan. Na mor»Ny commiauon crsdd ahdt be OFFanhd for laena vd»ch kawf ln tha mar»h cf ~~ ~ tanrdoadon. Qualifying Crea» ksvwa lha g»f be for gg}IB} boded loan volume snd »came twcetvvd camrosrwing Inwnacsalaly upon tha attscbvs date at hwe. ban»ter or promolicn yda an ~ub}act to Plan tenne. days agar tnushw or PamotkwI out el 8 pcoilian covered by 8»r Pbwr, ar aI w»th ands bnv, pmvkiad 8 hers fEFFIP}oyae dfacanNgFoa Pfarr penflcgseyon dua to vohat I sry Raonwnanb ~~ Ebokle for mcn»IIy a«amia«an orrdlt Egg»»e b'aluntory Tertttlnattats tar Sa pas»kws lar aI»»set lo pbwI towns. Event Under Salary Bontinusttan Poy Plan MOOBIty oonwstaalancIOFM wig bs tar Iundsd laws based Fwl thmugh Ba os»andar Iaoath that incbrdoa erd af Employee'a nagca pena» gws Nat sdgIHO for P «farm snca Scoracsnl Sage 8 awa Employee N not cnw»aye 8 cn dune 30o or BacenIhat M ln accantance vrsh 8Ia plane tents. h prorata chare oflhe Perfonnance Scorecard Bonus v»8 ha aumntsd, If OFIy, hsaacl an aIE»» acwwsa srd furggcgs gwougb the cakwwtor month thd inokdas the and of Empiayae'a nodce period. fgrnpbyse cfaoonl»IOas PIOFI pardctparnwI chre to 8 Flue}Frying aver» uortcr the yirF Ssfsry Congnu»IIon Psy pfanin etfacf Sr Iho bma ol the 8 IIanl} 088th or Rettremord- Approved Leave Ellgibts fcw rrgwI»Ily efgi58 hens cornmbuuan credit fcr vrtdcb fund w»hin g»ny T}0} doya aller Employee ossa or Isfma-'o camntlsdon cnggt abag be avrardad for loans grach hsd more thsm Ihbly (50) days anar CI8 date of death or rairrsmonL Ps ymanl ndf be made lo Emptoyae, or Ernptoyaa'a estate Normal ocFIWIVaskwt crad», if «ny. pwr Plan tdnI» wdt eon!baus chnng tha brave. ved tor p}o ia rag der pay for tha alsndsrd hears Emtiayso would have vFUFkad It warn Ig» uabIg tho PTCc This amma» ia achencsd sgdrat 8IO pef race E~ corn~ oectf Employee. Or Emf»oysa'8 estate, «d bs psd ~ pro-ala ah»Is at Ps Performance Scorecard BonUa hsaad CFI Ihs acllrd paffonnwlcs gltaUgh lha ard of ths calardsr marsh InwNch Employee aura ar ratiIsa. Efg»ahy for iha Psrlannence Scorecard Some ba Favanfad, tl srry, baa8d an gcnrrs scales ard tundwIgw during the I»dad. pa~ No mvect ta lho pariamtwce Scorecard Bonus. NFwmsf conwnbakwI uvrwa writ aacfrgIa I, 1 sty, par fnan dIFwIg aponrvad pdd Sais wr»t CW, Forpurpacaa of Ihfc Ptag Re JI+lnerrl }8deFined 88 fhe Is!tran»finn of errtp}ayrrwsnt gff or rriach}rrg fhe'3 liar of gi age SS wrth fg years OF aapdca, (w) 80 paint» fgrtfh ane pont cree}god far each completed ega year and ana pain/ alert»et} for each canIfye red }8ar of gorvrcaj or frrgag%l 55 with one coftplofod yoer of corvfce. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~, ftdsco~ For ptuposes of gris or Cause means pj Employee's race+ of nofks of fe~watton by Errtpioyer Fargo srfsvrg from f Employee's continued fsifrrre to subsfeniracy psribnn s job rruses, ager nrcerpt of wnrren "net(ca ftcvn Ernprrrrer of thb pertbrfnsitcs (series: 2) coiritcbon of e crime rffsrronasty or brat(cft trust or money lsundenng, Of S (stony, or commission of a crime cf any act that rnsrnrs Sr a9gibre for era ptoyrnenf re(fr IVeA Fargo; 3) Era pfoyes'g violation of Ernpicyerb fncrurgng, but nof ((mr)ed 's code cf Ethics and to. rvefs Informs ffon Sacurfry pobcy or contprlsnce snd Risc Management Account sh'hfy Petr'cy; d viobtron cf statutory. roguio tory or any ether cornpfance raqsfrsrn ants spptfcabfe to Ernpicyar1f business 5 8 braacfr of Ernptoyse s rtgrs ament or Trade secrets AgflNYAsnt Isfh end ag erfvfn)sand shachrnents thanrro; snd/or 8) broidering loans outside of Errrptcyer or ons of its at)(pares srrfnorrt Employer's Jrnowrerrge and approve( j ~s's in~ ~ss ~s; j j Ernpkr~ ~ gamrntsstons snd at(t(tLnges durfna short Term Dlssbrlihr(sfDE Employees sra snginta lo psnidpsts in tha Wet(S Ferga 8 Company Shet( Tenn Oicabttrty Ran {Ihe "STD Rang Detailed STD Plan irdnrmallcn te aVSttabt S in lhe Benslfts Sons for waifs Fargo foam or by cstfing jasvs Management ai lhs HR service center, 877HRNE(.Ls (1-Sly&19-3552). Employee must use PTD lo cowt ths sTD plan's ssven~ ~ing period. Psy received by Errptoyas tot this PTDvntt bs advanced sgaklet monthly commtsAÃls For tha psrtod httows: ~ ~ ~ ~ irl vvhich Employee receives bansfds one(sr tna sTD plan, monthly ss If Elnptoyae wwe vrorkjng commission erode vdt continue ss Total monthly oornniission credit rn(nus total monthly standsrrt or gueranteecl advrtnca rnbttrs sny intel monthly advance deficits sr(usta commissions psystN Then setrsrststy, sn added STD benetlt payment Tha excess {ifany) nst cornrntsston credit kl pakt to Sa Embtoyea, in hn casa shae the employee be pakt toss 81arl the ccfcvtotad STD bencfa tsvst each month vrhga on Approved baavo. Evarnnta - J~marv Funrftnns- Fmclevee tares on Annrcvsd Total Gross CornrntsrJons = hourly pay advance e monthly advance denck -" cornrn'scions psynbts o lnonlhly sTD bsnettt ~ To(st Totst Totst Total TOtet mcnthly COrnpancaliOn Evarnnls - Fsbrgsrv save mid.lncnth $5%0 4080 (psrfkd mor th) $0 skeet 58.0S0 S(Q23 {psrgal STD benefit(or ths month} $55}83 ftolsl nat comn1ia sion Snd STD ben rdrt) (~t e 'Based upcn covered pay of the t maximum sos~) $50000benelts bess for STD benrrft F end(no s -Errotoves ls on leam for the full mcrnh: Commission Credit = 52,000 $0 (no sork performed) $0 commissions payable~ $2.000 (comm(sr'ens lsss advance) Tots! monthly STD bene(it ~ 83,8( 8'futt lnorvh of STD bsnset} Total ssmsd inorehty compensation = 552(SS (tote( nat and STD benet) Total Total Total Total rnonthty advance = monthly advance dagcit = saved upon covered pay cf lha ~s~ mtnrklvjrn M0,000 ban afks base for STD benefit " 'f Wega Fargo Home Mortgage Plan for Hortte jttjortgage Coftsctjtftttt 29M jftcertthfe ~~ Corri~on ~ . ~s } consu Nants (the "Ran tt The yifslls Fargo Home Mortgage krcdntivs compensation Piss far Home snd rswsnl your canbNrvbans end Irdrrtbras ths hood to meet lhs Itctt snd campli sacs ta to pravkNAQ the best passible uustarner saalsusbady requirements af yow pasrran. WFteh is sxpen'once. As sn jtMC end psrdcipsnt In Ihs ptsn, yott srs expected to counsel bormwsrs an product apgans, &ducats barrarvws an Nte tasA Ivcrcess. srtd provide Nrnsty end saaurals carnlnuntcagon throuQhaut process. You WNI be rsvtsrdsd for OAQIASNAQ fllgh quaked loaAs end Nnes that meet Wsss Fargo Qvktssnss snd fsgulssoty rsqulrsrnsnta Sou fCS delivering the heel passible custarnar SxpartaACe. . Horne Far purposes of fhfs Plan, Wars Fargo Home Mortgage shell bs referred lo ss WFHM'r "Employer ktartgege Caruruttsrrt shah be rsrsasct ta ss "HMC ar Ernprayrrs". Wsss Fwga 4 Company shss be referred to as 'Wells Fertfo,'hs Ran Is stfscttvs fcr hans that have funded Jsnrwry 1, Qof 2 ~ rrd slier (ths CNecove Dots"}. fhs terms end of the Plan sre avb}sct io psrtadio revlsW Snd msy be adjusted by WFHhf. (See Amendment Nnd of fhs Plan'n gscgon Vf D.} caruNNanc Tenntnsgon The plan ls subject to chariots st eny This plan rogscts wFHM's expectabons af the rrtortgsgo-kstcrng envitarunerrt Nme st Nrs Qrnplayer's sole dl scrstbn. WFHM wtr canrrsrs lo monitor nrsrkst candc tons snd may modify any af lhe provisions af tha Plan, Qsagan N. EUOlBIUA'ssm Members al'WFHM, s divudon of Wage Fargo BNAA„MA, ot of s psrrcfpstlrig smpkrysr', cfossidsd es corn Bepkrysss vrkhtn Hodanat Consumer Lsrugng ore sgty'ble la panklpote in th's Plan. Cther loom members sre erg NNe to psrtktpsts only st the dlscrsbon of the Barcurv» tdae pre&dent. Itshdl Ivatkrrurt sstes Manager, or other designated rsprsssnolgvs To be etlgtbkr for cwnpesss dart under Nre Rsn, you must ssgsfy lrdntrncan stsndwds snd requirements ss sst forth in the Rsn. AddNtorudly, yau must sdhsrs to Hreys psrga c cocle a/Erhrbs srrd frtrsdrerts conduct, wsas Fargo's srnplayrnsnt pctklss, snd lhs camprsnas encl risk management sccauntsbtrty raquivtrrruvcs for your pasINan, inctursrff, but nat krnltsd to, corrptutnce vrrth NN pokokrs, Leva, rukrs, ond rsgutssans spprcsbto Ia wFHM bursas scgvtges ss s canrNNan precedent lo earring carnpensatlon under tre PlsrL Failure to tneet grace minimum standards snd Isquirerrrsnts WIII durqustdy yau from earning ccrrnpcrosNari under Ihs Pkrn (ussr SS Outurvrtse detsrodned by WFHM} encl rosy rosuN In arradive scharr, Including, btN Aat NmBsd ta, immediate taimbtsttan of please rrrfsr to Nra rrrrhaak Itrr Irwufs Fargo yearn ffumbsrs far lnfarrnssan sbaul wars Fargo's srnpkrymsnt. omptayrnsnt patlcer, the Cade af FNrics snd ttusinsss conduct, snd ths Carnpdonas snd Risk Msnsgsrrrent Accarsrtstrsky PANcy. Camp rsrce wgh Laws encl avsrrnsrco Ths dot turrrnodon snd psymsnl of sny IACsnsvs a+ ad to lha aoncN liana sruf comps nasgon under lhs Rsn hr, ssrtrictinns err peared undw sppkosble knvs, rules encl ~uhtiantr. A Pwt& pants lights to ar loastpt of pensstkr n under Nur Pion may bs tensed, rrracfitted, crecslteef or recovered io ensure canrps ance whh sN such spplicsbls lese, rules, rsgutst tons arrd Qukf ance thol may be tvsusd theta under. In sdrykm, ths Plan Administrator sndrar WFHM (subject la ths sudrarby af Ihs Hurt'1 A ftasccsces Casrtntgse af Wells Fsrgcrs Sasrrf af Duectars (lhe hes Nrs tutt drscnrsansry avthanty lo sdfust or emend s parsdpant's Acanave appartunhy ar Incsnyvs psyaul uACkr the Plan st any Nrns "H~} ~ce Aparucipsnrs Incendvs apportunay under Nur pion may be adjusted ar dsrvsd, rsgsnpsss al rnsekng rnasstsac, far unssdctsctary or nan carrqdisrcs rvkh Or vs sdan at Wars &srga's Code of Eitfas snd Burnout Conduct; 2. ~Nan 8~ pcrtcy, sndktr Carapttsnce snd fttck Management AcaNsttsbtrty ~ ~ ~ A psrrcbsdrvf Patio. ~ ~, rrctcyvr rhstvrc srry subcl4cry orjcfru vesture pcttrsr af vfsrc Frrsa Hcvrra Ltcrtovge, s cdvtckrn cf vrsrc Fsrsa tn tho phd, cusjvct ta Nrs cf vrvttr Fhrtp tuvrur Far purpavev uf NV4r pen, such ssrocprrtng evifatera, 8srtk, IIA, that surete ta la 'Enrparsr (614tf2012} p~~ Psos1 al tg Hrvre ~ Ca~ w~ d~ ....under ~ ~ tfon thereof, awards under SN pten msy be paid In the focw of cash or equhy, or s WI or a poruon ot an sward wSI b» petd ln aqutty, ON squfcy sward wII bs rnsds awscda sra TICP CompansauonPten (ths ). I gut Wells Fsrgo 5c Company I ong Term condtoonect upon sncf subject lo oce spprovsl of the &Second are sub)sec to suctc terms snd ooncfttfons es spproM by 9N Hftc tn accordance vath oN plovers of the I.TIcp ss re5scbsd in lhs appli csbuc award agreement, bccen5ve oompencetion bt To th» ostent "Lid EnTuoyes's local oornpensstcon stw lt ba oocnprtsod solely of (s) houdy pey (Advances on corrvntsstons), (b) cowrrfsstons. bonuses and other tncNnt was earned, 5 sny, per Rsn tenne, ln osocss of ~fvencass, and {o)ovar5me prswtums for overttms hours vcortcsd In accordance with applicable law. A. ttoneret, For sl Pbrn ptovtctons, 9 basis poba (1 bp 0,0001 Or QA31% j. ~ ss ona shag ba defsted onehundrscfth ot ona percent provxfsd Employee sstts5as s5 cond0ons and minsncsn requirements as set forth In ths plan,and subject to a5 plan tarnN, commission credg vrf5 ba grsrdsd on lhe leal dsy og for ths month In which the loss sctuaIy funds (I e. cgsbursament of fttnds to ths ctosingfsst5amant agent). Funded tosnswi5 ba reported ln dottars and un5s on ths Actual versus Ran (Avp) branch Prof5 and Loss (PSI.) slotsmenl. Employee ccII bs pstd hourly fcr sll hours worxad st ous hasty rats of psy sstsbtshsd by wpttht from ttm» lo time. For purposes of Ibis ptsn, sfl hourly pay anci otfurr psuf Qrna (sg psuf Time Off, paid ttotdaya} le an advance against monthly oomcntsstons snd Performance Scottsosrd genuses, snd stso against eg tnoentivcss that Erpptoyes Is otnalvrtsa sllgAls to aaltl under lhls pxr n unless otharwls a spe eiNcstty prov@lad in ON Employee's Attscfxrumt A for spacifio As such, Employee's houdy pay snd assr pskt ime Is referred to ss Advsnoss on cocnw Scalene, snd cmfess ottNrwfss spsoaicathf provtdecf in tha Employee's A, EmptoycN wta sem conxnlsstons and other Incentives under lhls plan only to the extent lhe gross sawed incentive amounts exceed the houcly psy tha Employee has earned. The 0.5x vvsrtcvcr prsmhsn tffFHM pays Empxryss on hovcty psy, however, ls sot becusd sa an 4A8AM under ON Plscl, end 1ncan5ves's used 4 tha Pfen doss nol refer Io hourly psy, Icctuding ovsr5ms. ~, A~ As Used In this Pion, 'hcentive'efers Employee is a5glbls under this Rtat. s. standard Commission to at( oorrmissions, bonuses and other btocmtfvs payments for which Iha Schedule Commhslon rafa ot psy under this Plan bc determined by the tspa of rscudsn5st mortgage snd Iha monthly fundocf " volume (dottocs "$ or cmasj of rastdanttst mortgage bustnass saccrrsct by Employee. cowwfsston orecbt shaft be based cn tha fo5ovdng slsncfsnf oammisston schedcjts, ac+}act lo any modlIca5ons sat out st Attachment A hsralo, whkh ls nccvpcsatsdby reference, snd which msy be swancfsd or modiaed by Em ptoysr st any 5me. 1. Standard Commission Schedule The standard Commlsafon Schedule cfstsnntnes lhe occtvrfcston rats boxed on Iha Employee's mordhly fUnded snd refaneddotucr vctume 9Nthxutsgt tunctecf snd ncfarrad urvts that fund, whlchem is greeter. Ths hfaherrsie derived bom ON schedUls psr Lsrits Q,dotsf voiurcla appfe%. The cocnmtssion rais is applied Io ON funded toen dotter VO4rns to datsnnbN Occnnf Scion orscIt '~~~~$ f~ ) I"I ) cljt58f .R .ISSgnISLrfttcdl5; I: +(Sf.W,a .4ft+g&j}f'.O'.0&'.IFWg~P5e a" I '55 '~T)n%. R, I r Y 55r Ilk'-'W 55 9'O'NN-NN'8 Ã'Itr I I %'4'c% R:.0'%.%'-'%I;.%~'g 05 IS 1-8 7-0 10- 12 I3 end I %'% @'%%5 ftl $0 $ttwt,999 '0QO,QQQ - $ 1PQQ,999 5 1,4QQ,QQQ- $1,509,999 ~~ above j $ 1.9QQ.QQQ snd shove Tb see standard roles apply unfess cfoecr Ised botovr ctuc5 be according lo ths {014ff2612) 55 SN 43 %6lgc%dgk'rgti I'r.'%)j(fs)5 55 % '%IS'%. 55 8 ~ St 0$ ' ) I 55 %'SI yt 40 ' 8 64 84 80 rate sppf as. Commtssusn rate for any loan types be bnv in Seu ol uvs Stoncfcvd Comrnuw ton Schedule. 9 different, p~ons II 55 %%~ ~ ~ cammisskm rais; For p«rposes of detannlrttng tha purchase snd ~ vrFtoJI to wFHMratrnascad roen carTTrntsrda/T rsttst ere 8 flat 43 bpa. referred) shag be kududcd in nionthry funded {6)vermeer unAhr. paroatto bagats loans shellac aactudad from mantrity tundad doser ~ Bras«red aut Teens (tundedend retsrradj, snd ($) valuate ar units. ~ Rstatrrsa ta praoiani apecttdtata gnduding Corporate Cannacyan) shel b» kictudsd in Ihe monthly f«ndad doter ($) volume ar units. Referrals ta ProtPTtm sPadeNsta Count fcr ccmmtaaton crtrtftt tterkig an Personal transactions. Retsnat datisr ($) Trot«me and Txiits count in oie monlh lhst dia rsfsnet funda with the program spear«fat. W868 Fargo Horne Erpdty loans and tnas of credit (ttsidad snd rehirrsd) ahaN be Inckided in $ volume tat«Is baaed on the births ullrtxad balance a AN W868 Fargo Home ETI«Ny taens hstdad end rstttrred in fhe first position. Shag be NTCtuded tn monthly funded unit hANs. AN CNTar WsNs Fargo Home Equity loans snd tkTSS Of sredN (funded and referred) shaN ba sxckidcd from unN totals. COTTSTThsian rates on These loan types ere descrNTad below. ~ All WaNa Fargo Bank rslsnsl loans that fund shsN tunis a coinr14ssktn rate af 8 Nst 43 bps. Eaans transferred fram At/8 to f«nd wNh WFHM wiN /claw tha internal commission creTQ nde af 8 flat 43 bps. ~ Mirdmtxn commtaakxt ciarg I pat lasn of%700. Excttxkng oadeln fcfinencas wtoitn aix {6)TTToniha ss described ~erxf ~0an bekrw. MadmAn ccrranisskn cradN per Commis«tan "«"NN )oat of $ 10,000. ETTsmptsai 4l '" L":%T%'%' Q" %:N.r Rv'% O'".I':.R Unka 'at«TTIS 6 {NTS'/«tunis $ $5i)0,0T30 2 0 $ 1,000,000 2 3 $200.0M %1.900.000 6 $250,000 $260,000 $500,IQI 2 $300.0CO 10 X. Rett fiances wlNn skt 4NIff'kX.e.'.I:~a .'~ f.-aZi:"X iN."RaÃ,.I+ Me MN'e: a Irk~{„".N.",.4"+PA:g: gujjIN ) a.3ijt".%W NI'o"to'N' ~'asc~~ %«oi '~ Tst~w, 2'x&."'&«fo'Itt'istcstrs& vctiirris Usita 2, 6, 2 I 3 $260,000 $2te,tXN $500 OCO 5302NO 48 bps 48 baa 63 Cpa 63 bpa 63 bps 63 bps tta bps 63 bpa 43 baa 43bpa 43 bpa 43 bps, $4.676 SN.IOO ~660 $16.T50 (6) months. Employee vnl not ba eggibts far continlssian credit an the refinance of en existing WFHMlaan that orfginaNy tundad taas ihsn three (3) months pricr to the Tet!nance hrndkTO date. commission rate on 8 raNnenca ot sn adallng wFHM taen that ottgktetty funded tour (4) lo six (6) melba prior ta the rsfktsnce fundktg dele ahsNbe no creator than 26 bps atlhe tundsd I«an Trah«TT«. Tha minimum commkialan credit per loall Is Tlat applicable ta rssnsnoes wrlhin six (Oi months. par~ 3. R«Oneness wkhin skt (0) months with s lasnhaTAng 8 penahy Employee woi nct be afigitha for cortxTsasian ctaTNI on Ihe retinsnce of an exlsivg wF HM loan that anginaNy funded lass t harl six (0) months txror la ths ragsencs hinds'ais with 8rl/ kan ar Ihe cf cf sdN hsvkig ~ prepay penshy. 4. Specialty ~ * Rahrtanca Rates HARp Three (3) step reNnanced loan anTTni'aston credit rates arTT par Ihs stand anl commission schedule. WFHM tasn af 8 FnsckNa Meats Frsddkt Msc ReNef RsNTTenca Mortgage rcNnancad Icon commission crarfN tates ars psr the standard commission «chert«br wF HM kan of 8 Freddie Mac la Fr«delis Mec Raltef Refinance Mcrtoagst Three (3) Slap Express relnencad toan costmhtdon credit rates are psr the standard commission Sahairute Trad rdanrrlThrae (3) step Express rattnanced taen corrxrtisalen credit rates era 8 fist 43 bps. {wFHM to wFHM rafstancs) Trsd5onst Thme (3) Btsp Rate/Tenn R86 refinanced tean commission crsd4 roles ai a 8 Nst 43 bps. (wpto4 la rsNnsnce) Trad@anat Three (3) step ceah Out RsN rsknancad lean cornrnaaion credit rstsa sr» 81st 43 bps. (wFHI4 ta Vr FHM refirusice ) wFtod taan ate Fannie Mss lo Fsnrda llAse Reo plus monancad kuin carrimraakin credit rstaa ars per tte standard camirxaatcn sd4rdukr WFHM loan of 8 Farm«i Msa to Fsnrihr Mee DU Raft Plus rahnenced iasn commlaacn crerOt Tates sr« par NTe Nsrtdard cc nrritaalan schedule Man WFHM kent«T cf 8 Fsnnll ~ Msa te Fannie Mse {)VRsN pcs rsensnced laeri OITITTTTTT«kxr creed rates sia per the staridard ooiirrirastan Scherruia WFHTA ~ ~ a ~ O. Hcn44inhrtnkTO cornnita AÃi crsdN rats Bst cn ~TCTTTTing Loans tundsd by Empxtyae atitdt krrrcw the xi aitdard aorrxnhston y. Qpsshd . Housing ~ (Iand I.aensj. pr~ aw snreuncsd by w FHM's rate on spocbt HaurJng programs snd other cpa«yet wFHNI sand programs, etc) chal be per khs standard (Fadora/, sbde«w Secondary kkancsdngkkwlxak/rwwd schaduhr. There ls no commission crecNI an lhe second mortgage ol s GAP porgan of a Sand Loan under $2500Q /n Iosn size. carnnkMwon c+ ~sske-- schcwkwa. Commis@fan credit rats an Horne EquNy leans II/ndad by Employee shsN fcfhw Ihs standard commission fkafkuecs ccwrwnlsaton rate to Ndknw standard WFHkk Io WF Hkk tormen«e sahsdu/s. A mhlmum acmmkuuan ore«it second psr Home F quity loan af $700. Tharrknimcwn apples In kckat hw $700 fcr «ornbww/Qan ot a tbwk and/ar Horne Equity loan snd Nns af cradN. s fhe falhwlng tenne apply to Hams Equly Nnes of crsdN, trdu«fng purchase money, rats/twwtn relnancos, snd cash out telnsncss an Home Equity Nnss of crscNI, inducgng Hams Asset N/wr urgemenl Ac««nets. ~}on Carnmjss/on crscll cnwtihrb/Nh'd rates credit rska Emfwayse wrIN be i@gibls to rscah/s cwwnwrkswlen cracNt Nr Horne Equgy Lines af creoL The an Standalone Hams Equly Uncs of Crsdg and Sino Hams Equity Lees af Credit is lhs standard camndcshwn ~chsdute sw«opt thsk the commbshwt credit tale an lsgnsnce ls tha same ss Ihs VlFHM to WFHM /eftnsnce schaduhr. Ernptayoe wg nol bs algibla fcw ccwnrn/swfon crecNI an mackficalfens, suker6ns/tees, equity tirws lo employees af Weks Fargo IL Company, and rafmsnaes af ewlsNng Itnss at crabs within one year af lhs ortglnsf funding dale. If ths amount af the rennsnasa Nns is plaster than the artginal s/nount, than commbsion credit shall be gtwen an the In«cemental amount only. Ewnmstsd snd final commILdcn crsdns An wwwst, essmatsd comm/salon ere«st wiN be gfonrsd when Nwr Hams Equgy Ltno bt cra«NI funds. This ostinato wtk belsncs only (Ihwk la. Ihe srrounf lhs'orroursr nrceh/as sl cdo wing), 'cwnmtsstons paid an these asNmstes era tentsiiwe and nat asmscl. Tha Nnal ccwnmiwsion cweckt w/ki be based upon the fakk utNL«ed begin«a an Ne Hone Equgy I/ns af Credit. The Nnol uNNzsd bolonc@(ftr Purposes of cnrwnisaoit credit} shak be dstsmknsd based an the ending bairn«a of tns bk&g «yclw st Ihe snd of the «hid manlh. If the change ls an Increase aquaf to or greater than $5000, than an upwnwd ccwrwnlswhm crocNI adjuskmcnt shaN be gh/en based an the antis smocwn of ths wtcrswss. It the ahsnge ls s dac/esse greater Ihon ar equal to $5,000. than Ihs ssgrnstad cammtwshrn «recit chal bs adjusted downward by the anlm wmounl af tha aecraewa. Any utkkzsd balance change Ihkk ls not et least $5 090 cw greater does nat \riggar s change ln ths cornny salon crcdN. be bnwwd an Iha InNhk vNN2ad r~ The minimum oamniwwirn cradll an any Nns of crscgt /s $50 repwdlecs of utkhed smaunL Iba minknum Commhraton «wade an S Fur«ha%a QBla Horns Equ/ty Line Of Credg IS $ 20Q af uNNZad SmaunL Ewnznle of increase: "WNo/INnltfti«fit Irslst Transaction (commission crsda $ 1,000,000 advance) Three month rawhnw (thai commnrwicn crsdl catcutwlan} $ 1 INk0,000 ' 'Bn/Bh«NF' NT50,000 $900,000 ' .~'tkhinThiydtakm 5750k}GQ @ 43 bPs w m '900,000 x 4$ bps a $4,320 ($ 1,005 dttfenrnca j To& Pwtrw 4 ef 12 ~~ $3925, E~ of Decree&a; EviPI trdbrd . Ttwaacgrxo - Crlrnm~kc rE $0PK,OGO 5TOOPQ 4TB0000&4326r& ~ 43p25 6 1,000,000 6600,000 4600.000- 5960,000 a 4250,000 x 43 bps = (cornmts& ton crarat cd~ Throe mongr rexhsw tttnrd 'rxxgt - P,075 32. 1 50 c&fcutagoa) Total g. Waas Fargo Employee Loans conxrrl&sbn rats for k»r» odglneted by Empkrfae tor employees of wols Fargo antgfe&, brckrding wFHNIL &hei be'o Ibt 35ba&l& pobrtsot the tundad loon rotuee. Employe&a cxar atgt ba diradod to ths HQ4 Team 500 phono number. There la a Nal 10 bp& pmfar to mr&r oommlsakrn aedlt krr loans ref&nod grat frxrd Nuough u» Hoh% Teem 800 phone number. No Nrrgror commb&tcn rote oreustriisnt fbr wFHM to wF HM oofbrenr» loons. No further cornrn& Ion rate aguatment Ibr W&N& Fargo Bank k»n referral &. Employees must refer ortglnal& 34tap 10. Plarr&ero Employee Loan& to tho HoME Toom hr loon hrnrgnge. If tha Employee doe & attempt to k»ns, Il»n N»raw&I be no oorrxnr&&bn credh on Inc&a IUndinys. $4top Errqrloyaa As&or 0&nrice& Lost». ConmJsshn Iota for burr» ortgb»tsd by Employee and derhtod par Nre standard oomml &&lan ared h &cheduta. bream rat&tel& Ircm Premhrra Asset S&rvk»e shall be t t. Construcgcn Loan Expras& gUQ Loar» ot tha con&uuodon k»rr ck»o ahal be ~ tlat 29 bpL No Ger&mix&ton rata urdt crorgt at ccnsbucgon dose. Carr&Iris&ton crorgt ot 0» perm&bent k»n Itxrdlng shaN be secor drng to Ihe standard cornrrx&&hn scharhfe f«r that producL brea any corhmta&laa crbdit gbran al consbucttoii hon ck»krg. 12. Build« Lorara Employ&co sm roqutrad bx cog&et Ihe Balder Baal fbe wfiNn 36 days of the tnhtrf kck date, vkrlagon of the foa ccaodk» pogcy coukf I«&VII In pa oornance counaotbrtL an blforrnal or forrnal warning, andlor loss of tha rfght to otgburte loans under lhe Builder Beet Program Bugdor Loans with Exhsrdad Locks: Empt&yeso ora roqvbod kr cog&et tha Extended Lock fao wIINn 35 days of Iho Int5el hack dale, xtot&gon of the laa ccdscdon palky orxdd la&uk ln perlomumca coun&ra lng, an brfonnal or formal waning, sndk» Is&a of Ihe right to ortgb»la loons under tbo Exlandod lock opbons. 13. Spedal hhrrkeang Pnrgron» and Sped&I Addondrxr». srd product & and unique Carrrrxt &alen rata far &Pedal loans, ~ppfcabhr ~~It ~tend era ngen»rrt& Shall bo &at fcrth GUS&linea h the . tq. A&cwnpgona and Bridge Loans, No porgdp&Uon by Employee except a & sat forth br appg cable Program Ouktslb» x. 15. Accomrnodagcn Loan&. by Ernf&oyae urf s& & the loan conte& out cf arxxxnrnodsccn sbrtua within 00 days of k»n funcang. Commhaon cr&CNI wg nol be given unbl the loon comas out of accommbdsbon status urdax& apprcW&d by tha ft&gkx»t Sale& bien&ger. No parltdpagon te. ~go~i Upon vrdunlory raquar& tram Employs&. and &ubjed to wFHhf& ccncanL WFHM rr»y ehrct to hiri a Mottgoge A&sort&to Io ml&I Enrfrrryrra wah arrcurtng ro&snqat rncrtg&ga buf nax&. In such e caco, Ernpkryoe &has no bs elgqdo fcr commission& under Iha commix&lan «adX &Oh&dura heroin. but instead wlf be &Nglblo for canxnl &&km credi und«ono of 2» Nrmo &ch&dul&& &et forth on Iha currant Adochraont 8, Comp&a&agon Ran Amondmonl for Home Mortgage A&&ochbr, alt&chad her&br and cooperated by rot«ence, e& It rosy bo amended or morÃlad by Errqrloyar born Nma to Ifrne. The applicable &chackda &hoN be &at forth on Aqechnr&nt A 'agar E~'s fOIINIttat2) P&N& $ &f I2 ~~ ~~ ~ In edCIQcn, Employee may votuntarqy choose to apet or ahura s poruon of nlaiher comrnisaurn credit with sn snd Elnpioyee agree to vcuuruaray share dudsa and spth Ascorfats. To fhe echult that e Mortgage aha5 be rudcuhrtect under the Emfuoytar's..., th»rsrdrdytcc esca of adrayl~ntheocrqndcrdret shsa ha convria»on ahura vftocsted to tha Mortgage aa a tvra ID e» number, and Employee 55a accounbng rnestod, sny ocrqndauona nomad colnrtyaclen reporL rtcln adtuabnant oft fha by Iha Mortgage Assoc}ata ss s rsvuri of Iha convnsvion split a ha Ihe Mortgage Acsodsta'a own esrrfngs and ths fcr a5 payrott «rvf Incorqs ta»» on Qu»a amounts. To be sgecave, any voluntsrsy Acsochrts ahs5 ba sgreemant lo afaa commlsshu» behveen sn Enquoyee and Mortgage Assorts must be memoltahzed bt Auachmarrt A for the Brrqaoyss end dur Componssson plan for the Mortgage Associate. E~'s re~ ~a fy. Prefer to Refer. cornrqischrn credh on any 'knur referred by Eqqtoyee to enrrpar HMc or a program cpecfkllcL of orl sny loan funded by Emfaoyee and derived from s refute hom enott»r HMC cr a program spechrlhrf, shaft ba granted br accordant» with the Refer to Rater Conqral»agon Pbrn Addendum sgachod haralo and incorporatsct by reference, sa It msy ba emended or mcdigad by graptayel from Qme io tbss. 18. Cornrntsslan Sharing f Corenhafon Bptds. case Where Employee sgrsaa to share or spit oonvrf eaton rvorfd on sny loan vrlth ona or mars ctlgltde arnpaqu»r, total commission credq to sa employees on 5»t foun csn exceed ter comrqhcton schedule set forlh herein. Any commission char trrg 1 split csn sra»ad tha rnsv corvntcchrn level in total. Msu carom»sion apIII to the rafardng tap la 54,600. Max cornnisaton spat Io the cfrvgr 5 rap ls $%,000. In eny E»rrnple; 53M Loss Sze ~ Rafentng Rap: 83M c 25 hpa prefer to Refer a Qy,600. Referral cornpancagon capped st $4,000, Funrsng Rsp: 83M x 38 bpa {53bps standard Qering -25 bpa Prefer to Refer) ~ Qt t 400. Funding cornponaatron capped et 50,000. tg. Rsconc3'ar5on for Earty Paymaid Defauda. Earning corraniaafons or ofhre Nconbvea cn e foun ia subject tu the condithn Oat the loan must not suffer an early payment dsfar5 {KPD), sa dstarrrvnsd by a cirr {8)month reviser. EPG ic rhdlned ee a bonowsr nasty days ds5nquara vrlthbr ger grat six (0) months ot payments cornhg dure It Iha loan is an EPD, 5»n the commhaton credit on4naly granted vrIQ bs srguated downvrard by the angra amount of the cornrniaakut rata of pay on that pargcuhrr tosn, eucfudfng EPD loans vrlth 'l)fe avenbr'. This means that the comeiacion credit wyt be adjusted downward to xsro bps for Ihe cornrnerrfonrsta ot pay oh that partlcuhrr ban. C, Personal Producdon Perfonnance Bcovacsrd Bonus The Performance Bcoreclud Bonus wt5 corudst ol hvo ohfocuvac: Customer Loyalty Scores asd tnqbrl Ftte Chkalgy {IFQ) Ragng Bcoras oh p»const Pruduchon. The Performance Scorecard wN bs pard on Bern)Annual acorsa on ps)tuqt» producgon voiurqe vrghno tiuo4rp or ttue4fuaTt, The performance pcttoda ars January 1"through June 30 snd Aay1 through Dscsmhar 31". hqnhnunt Requirements. Employee roust ha employed by Vt FHM or an afffhde on Ane 30 end Daocrnbor 3T io be eggible to be coruddared fur Perfunr»ncs Scorecard Bonus aa described tuuovv lf Employee ia srzptoysd by WFHM on tha raspecSve dates above bui not coven@ by thhr fqon for lha angra psribnr»nce perbd, Ernphqsa wIQ be considered lor tns parlonnenca Scorecaro Bonus bl acccrdsnce with Rs surh» chsnQoa pleo provtalor». Emp~nt If Emff oyae has ~ convnicaton Ivadit shortage SCOreCard genus Pay Panud, yVF HM reaarVSC Bonus ot4vwha dure {vs, hourly psy advances) on sur 5rat cr second Performance the right tO Otf@at Ihla ShOrtage against Ihe Pa durrn erg a SCOreCard The Customer Loyalty Score Bonus Ia bsvad an alt of tha responses received on quesgons 4, 5, and 0 of the customer loyal ty c covey dunng tns partout»nca panod on Ihelr peraontu produces n, If Qc'k or mora at the Efn plop& e rsapcvNN% receive Bs on al thrll s gUSIL56 Fla, Blon fhe Emfuoyve wia bs sf gibls for' Cuctorr»r Loyally Score Bonus. T)» Empto)ea can cfso qusfcy for the Bunt» 5 5ley score on panronaf Ia ouipsrromvrq) the company average during tha appucau» psrformanoa period. p~ Page 5 of t2 ~ ~ ~an 'fhe Gonu¹ is gvce {3)bp¹ an ths Ernpbyss'¹ funded votrrns during bre spp scshkr psrbrmancs psdad, Manb¹y funded volrxns, corporate krnded vaxrme, snd Horns klnded vaftxns shs5 I@duds snd vakr ms {a¹demanded hsnsin). Broksred aut bans... Equity bane funded vakrms frrrd $frss of ared'yfzed re sre srxfudod, encl bans rcferred ta rxhw srr¹xa)ess sfs oxckldad. Loan¹ busd-up to ~ rrdntnrum canvr¹¹¹bn lsvst @lb bs ekgkrls far sn sddtyonxl lhrss {3)bps bonus dun'ng the perforrr¹rrrcs psrkxf. Loans schkrving Ihs msx canxrris¹frxr cr¹d8 pw bsn wgt nat ba cttgibte tar «n sdd5onsl ysee {3)bp¹ bonus during gut parfamsrnce parod, This wlN Inckrde bans schfeviny s rs¹x corrvnk cion crsd)i when the mardhty carrrmrx¹lan snd perfarrurncs xaorscsrct bonu¹ schfsvs the msx rrorrvnkrxbn+ bonus crsdrt fn aamxkuruon. Exsrnpkr: $ 1.5Mbsn size st 53bp¹ monthly cwnrnlxxion $1 5M ben ¹txe st 5 bp¹ ¹smbsnnuet crsdtt = $0.450. ~wras scorscsr¹ bonu¹ erode rr Morru¹y carnrnkrskrn orwtit snd ¹em&nrxud banus crsds ~ $16,350 in total Total msx corrxnk¹fan + banu¹ crsr8t payout vvf squat $ I 6,000 $000 The IFQ Score Bonu¹ kr bs¹sd an ¹$ af ihe IPQ tool ¹corsf {Induds¹ csncxfed sad denied Iasns) during the performance perbd an yurx par¹onrd productkrn. ft more af Ihe Ernpbyes'¹ Ba¹ sre scored h 6 green" ¹tshrs, bren Ihs Employee Wl be shybts lor sn IFQ Scare Borxl¹ during ths perhrnrance period an their par¹anst Qresn stxfu¹ ¹hsl bs carnrnurdcated ln wdgng by WFHM snd maybe modilsd bom grna ta erne. !K'r . The yanu¹ fs Ihrss {3}bps arl 6re Employee'¹ funded vokxns during lhs spplicsbls parfarrnsncs psrbd. Monthly hxrdsd vahxns shrdt lnOtuds plrrchsxe end lel ftrndsrl vakttns, Galpar¹te Collnsc6cn funded vOIvms, snd Horrre Equky loans funded vctrxns snd gne¹ of rxsryf raft Ized balance vokxns {s¹described herein). Brokered out Iasnx srs excluded, end bans referred to athw srnpbysss sre sxcfUdsd. ~ Loans tucd.up ta a rnkdnxxrl ccrnmkurbn tsvsl will bs eltgbkr for sn sddt5anrd three {3)bps bonu¹ dudny the performance prrred. Loans chHrovtng the msx commkurkra arsdtt psr loan wy nol be ostyble kx sn sddxlonsl throe {3)bps banu¹ during Ihs perfalrnsrxxr pwlad. This wf8 fndude bans schfsvkry 8 msx cornrnlxxfon credy when the monthly commbxfan snd psrfcnnsnce scorecard bona¹ schtsvs fhs msx carnrnfxrdan+ bonus credit in corninslian, 1~ bsn xlzs st 83 bpx monttdy comrrxx¹bn credit = 59,%xi. $1 5M ben size st 8 bps serai-srlusl performance scoiscsrd bans¹ cisdg c $000 Exemple: $ Mar¹hfy.~ian Total msx comrnls¹fan credit end xwnrennurd carnrniw ion credit ~ $10,350 kt totst e banu¹ crsd8 payout wy equal $10,000 snd Advance Cstcutsttorr. Commts¹lorrs Hats I¹ sn rorsmpls of Ihs haw monlhly carrvnt¹¹bn¹ ¹tsp¹ taken to cstrxdste compsn¹sgon an s mordhly bsx!¹. This are hsnrssd encl dos¹ not Inrdude bonuses ar other bcenlivs¹ sxsrnpkr fturdrots¹ only 'I. Rsautxr Hauriv Psv Empbyxs¹ wfb ssm sn hourly rats Of psy far sech hour worked. Thkr vugg xhavv a¹ Regukrt Pay an the Empiayss'¹ paycheck Ths haurty rskr wts be ss established bom time fa 8ms by ths Employer, In Ike Empbyar" sale dl¹creten. ¹ Exsrnpkr'12 00 hwAg rsfe $ I2.to x 40 hours s $480 psr vrssk af tstpksr p¹y 2. Ovwxms Psv E mpbysas wis exm 1 Sx ths houny nrle af psy kx sech orertfrns hour worked. This sn Ernpby¹a'¹ paycheck. Exsrnpkr; Eight {8)hour¹ witt xhavr s¹ 'Qvsrtkrle Psl'n a@sr%ms $ 1 2,00 x 1.5 x 8 ~ 8 f44.00 psr week of 'overtime pay" 3, rxdvsnce an Cammf¹ttan¹ Ths II'¹I I xtho hourly rsur of pay orrrfwd far carrvnkrxbnx, bonuxrr¹. snd other snd aulof paid xrc~.¹8The sdt$woad 5cnrd OW avorgrns harxx Exemple: 4l hours regular+ slgrrt {8)hews ovsrbms $ 1200 x ¹0 hours $t 80 psr vrs¹k ot 'rsgrxsr pay $1HS x 8 = $96 prrr vrrrvk af xrrofgt¹ dms OT psy $480+ $86 s $5)6 ¹dVWCS On Canxrtf¹¹bnx, banu¹SX, Snd ayr¹r Irnrr fs sn edvsrxxr sgalnllt prsrnkrrn I¹ not sn advance. ¹ inaenIIV¹X 4. Gtmmtss»ns sfl be cskxlsfsd according tn tha cottmlaxion wadg achedukt snd ths k»ns funtted in ka .The «dvtetcs vrtk bs ssbtrechtd to dasnnine lhs nat cottvnktetona. If ihe nat ccrtvtv'aston« ste negative, dc«dt vrg be cat turd torvrstd as en edvtstco against gmaa correnl tuuon ln Os next ntonth. Otoax txttntnisskons monbL oat- Example: $ 5,M0 gross commttatons fw month $ 1,$20 regular pay for month {$4tgi x 4 vresks) $284 ctnsght gnw OT pay fnr n»nth {$M x 4 tvsaks) $5,000 $1,020 - $384 & $2,808 commission payable &staple: $7 898 colvnttsktna payable 48 hm per vveek) 192 total hts vtcrked {4vveeke $2 ovettkt» hours {8psr steak x 4 vveeka) $25987 192 x 0.8 x $2 = $224.87 for monO 6 Monthtv Tokttt Retndsr Psy: $1,920 ft2 Ovettltna Pay; $678 't1 $8 Cornrntsskttta'. $2,898 84 OT Pramktm on CornttNsxhns: $22487 $$,418.87 tntsi monthly psyrsont Please refer to the Tean Msmbat Hancltook snd FAQ docen»nt potttad on ftstsl Change Central for further dtdals. E. fttmt Ettetnvaa ~ St«trio Oogonc, II Employee Is s nevt sntploysaof Ernfdoyot, ona of 8» ststbup opgoro bekvt nuty be by iha 1 level manager udlh approval ftctn ths 2 lovel manager. The nylon selected vtl be tn furca for a limited period of kms bcginrung vnfh 8» 5rttt day vrotked. Al aisttwp opbona tequke apptovsl of he Regkx»l 8alss Manager and an extension msy be granted st the dlMtetton of lhs Region«I Salsa Manager. Eilhsr opkon, lhe guaranteed advance or commfsaian spgt, n»y be reduced or etlmk»ted on a perspective basis at tha acta dtca «ban of Ihs Employer. Any la»ns egal«red «get the atkrkstion or lennlnalcn ol hts Option era sub)ect to lha standard txtmmiseon schattute aat lcrth above. t. Guaranteed Commtsakxt Advancement A gutttantaed otntnktxktn advancement in 8» fntnt of Itottty pay tnsy be aulteraed fw s limited atrxwnt of tithe ktr a nsvt Enkxoyea. Qurtng tha tvtvt F tsp»yee is tecslving gtstsrsaett advances, $ the gross commlatdon crohts are ktas 8»n 0» advances& 8» dtdtvsnca ia not confed ovsf ktto 8» ftgowltl9 lnnnlh as tee)Usted viith normal hourly pay. Guaranteed sdvtstcss shtN typlcsly bs lknlad lo thittsan psy psttodtt, st vttsch Ume standstd ktcentive pay advance prtntts'et» apply par Plan ktnns. Example: ~ Employee Is put on ~ s guaranteed «dr«neo ot $24 psr hour corntnencfng at hite on March 1 gvough Apt N of the sattts year. If Emptoyt» hea $$,36 in gross comtntss'ena on bans funded in Match, Etnflcyse vrIN tactNvs lha guaranteed advance amtrted, s 9, $ 1,920 Pttr psy period «turundng 40 hours par vrtrttk or roughly $3@40in a typtcet murtth, and fna tarnslnAg $ 840 difference vrll not be corti«dover to ogset comtn»clone on Apn1 turxttttgs, lf Empkvtee has%8,{N0 In gross oonvnhsks» antenna funded in Aprl, Employee chal receive ths guaranteed advance sttxtunt, e.g. $ 1.820 pst psy period staurntng 40 hours pst vtsek or roughly $3,&0 In s typical month, and $ 1,180 in nsl ccmmktaior» gtLtr{ In May. stater» kt May, the advtrnce ts no longer guaranteed amf, Suttsktte, any shortages going fonvsrd bohvasn «no advances vtN be canted over esch meth untl kttty tttcovvrsd ttcrn commixtxonh tfoss bonustta, or clhar under Itaa Plan. cumin I~ 2. Cctttttttxctcn ~kshxVF~ 8fftt Upon Fot k»n tsgtcksdona obtained dutktg 8» t»rtn of thta Optktn, Oa Empoysa'a commtcaktn rata chal bs coact%ad by the 1st tevol on Empxtyoa'a Attachment A. Concdxaktn credit at fhe toto spec%cd on fhs Attsctvttant* shaN bs gtvsn on tttodgsga kutn rsgbtttsttontt obtained by Ernfsoyss snd sccepktd irdo ptoceaaktg duting the tnonth. ctetct st tha tate sparkled on gttt An A «tutti be gktsn dutktg the monst the loan Ntnds. kt no case shatl comm'arden wadI ba given on credit~ appScettotvt, Al ktsn types tt»t pay outside of lhe ctsndant Natktg structtes sre nol all@to for the fteghttadcnt punting tttsttup oplon. ~cr ~ttt corn~ ~nt ~ af foen types smvJdsd from this Dpgan snd cammarscut The lcgawlng fasn types sre corno, but nal sit, crerkt shs9 be gnsrn per rusndsrd phn terms: v- Vasss Forgo ta V/sgs Forgo fbrfursncs Loons fsstsganshNI Product Loans trysss Forgo Employee Loons ConnecHan snd pragrsm Connscnon kr Refer) tnctuatng Referrals ta Protpsrn Spsctstfsts ~ Csncekscf Loans ftf s lasn cenoshL the aarnrah4rfan crsdrl ham the sppthatfoa wiN bs sdusted tram hdure fundtngs) .. ~ter ~ Emptayss's esgrbstty er this opaan fs cond@oned an Empkryss meUnufng in emptayrnsnt through ths end of the Nrne period covered by the Cpgon, If Employee's smptopnant ends lor any reason during trur term af this Dptkrn, eN cammlstuon crsdds shsN bs dstsnnasd psr nannsl ptsn terms. hesf~, s but not F. Fee Cagectlan. 5 is ths rsspansgNNtyof the Employee ta aagert up front ffdrd party Nm5sd Io, Ihe epprsissf snd credit rsporL Employee scfmcsrfedges lhsl frsturs to cagect fs wNNd vkustian af the uncoNected fees an eN crecg shsN be srtjusted la account far sny end Ernplayer pal lay. Employee's ~km canceled Itums (tnchsftng browed oui csnatvsd tosnst, end denied loons. Sscdan V. PAYNrKIVT UCHECIINE ~} ~ I A. Usnsrsi. Subiect lo ths commission rsconalgsgan pracsss sst forth above, nst commissions gross shell be psfd on lhe lest psy period af each rnoruh based on Iho actual cornndssrans kuur hourly psy fundkrg of rnartgege bans originated by Employee during ths previous month The gern4%ntuef Psfbrrnonce scorecard genus on personal inel or advances) shalt bs paid no kdsr then fg days fbsawfng the snd of Uur MAll sf&Vol psrfcrnlwrcs 8. If our lv Psv )s Fugv pertocL ~s on Carwnisstans) is taken into account h Earned, The feat lhst hourly psy under this pion shsN not give Ernfuoysr Nut ngnt to recover sny hourly psy krsng net cammuworuutncsndves beck from sny smpfajee. Hourly pey is fogy vested when darned snd ls nru suhfecl lo recapture by Enppaysr tsufsr sny ctrcum usllcllk YyfLen.lacentIVs Psvmsnts sfs Earned. To sam cornrrisslana, bonuses, or other ncsantfvss unaer this Pfsn, the Ersplayes roust be ecthcly rntuayed oy vvetts Fargo through lhe date commission credit Is grsnled end through lhc snd of thur sppycsble porfirnwre period, ttnfess olherwfss eqxestNy provided fn this Pten al rsttutrsd by sppccsbt a bnv. This is en turpress condigos of earring tncengvcs undor this Ptsn, it being ans purpose of thhr Pion ta provide sn incentive lo tho Employee to remskt st ernptoyrnsnt vvhh Employer, This condNlan also rscogtuzes the Employee's ongoing Jab rsspansfb55fss with respect ta the ckrsfng of lowe an which the Employee may bs sfghfs '!o rocstvs camrAlsskÃw~ss. As provided Nt thfs PtofL saner amrnlssions snd other lrlcsnsvas ere ssdmstas to safu&nents after they srs pskl. vyhen pskt, those consnhrsfons, bonuses, or alber when paid, ar sre incenkvss srs advances af erufdpstsd wages end we notwsgss thol ths Errrpkryss hss ssrnsd. Those advances srs not cerned un'Jl sf!sr sil sdtustmsnts provided far ln this plan hsvs bees ctucutshrd sad implemented, snd the other terms snd aanargans af the pl en hove been ssdsgetL C. ~ Secffon VL ADkOPd SyyfAyfohf ~~ p~ ~na Taxes, -Ernfdoysr fhsti dsduot gom sf or UFors Irrr ntthhrr rang nrquirenusrts. These pnor lo peymsrd. A. yyithhotdbid fedw st, UIUIO &hist smorsd ISXessory to Sngshf wf I be wghnskf h'om Ihe Ernfsoyes's under this pa~ kI this pkrn does not conasbrts e guarantee of contract of tso ffoarantaa ot Efnoknrmsfd. atnpfoymars wnh w FHM, cr psrtldpsting arnfdoysl. Such partajwQe shall ln no wsy kderfare wkh sny Irghts of yrFH)rt, or pankf pssngemploysr, to dstsnrfrvr the duratkn of s oarscipanys ernployrnant or Ihe arrme and condisons of such mpkryment. Therefore, each Employee shag Fsmakr an smptoyaeat wgt st sl tlrnss durtns tha durstton of UFFPIoymant whn Emfaoyrs, 8 C. plan Admlnlstraffon. The ptsn Admkrtsfrstor is lha EVp, lhsnsn Resources for VIIFHM. The plan Adminbtrstor has the fus durcresoruuy Uueurrdy io sdmtnkrter, Interpret and const~ Iha terms of tha ptsn. The ptan Administrator may, st ony gms, to o@er personnel such rssponslbutlas as If considers to b» approprhrto to tecskste Iha Qaytwdsy sdtnkrbtr assn of lha Plan. d~ 0, Amendment snd Termination nl ths plan, The p!an Adtnjnfstrrdor, wgh spprovsf ot the Head of WFHM, msy emend, suspend or tarmhate Ihs Hen at any dme for any reason, wgh or without noiioe, No amendment, suspension or tanntnagon ot the Rsn shsf advorsrdy affect Employee's commtsstonr)ncsntlvs pay earned under the Ptsn prior to tha effective dsfa of tha Ienrsrdnent, suspension or errnlnetkFn of tha Pisa F fNsouto Rcsotugon process. The pish Admtntstlatcr has fha stshonty Io Fasolva all Issues snd dlspulss Io gre plan. If Erspioyea begeves thsf convnissloNbcnus or other bc'andyo pay is ncorrect, either by being over pakf or underpaid, Employee ntust give vrigtsn notice of tha Furor lo tha Plsfl AdnllnlstrNor (or Its «wegsts) wIINn 80 days aller Employee receives tha trtcenbve pay Einplofsa belavas Io be inconacf. The nolico Should include crdcvlasons or ogler relevant facts, suppons1Q Ihe request for tavkrw. wtthtn gg ds)e, the ptsn AdmintrfrakvF fur its delegate) wf I revkrw ths request Io dsarrnV'ne If Secs kr an anor arvf whatiuu Un Udfmtrnent Ia ~ppopptate to otfset fha «ror. To tha ax!ant an edtustrnard is appropriate, the sdjusbneni vdf genersgy ba made wtthkr 39 days fotkrwtng the detarvnrnoAon. Al dechuons by ths Pbrn Adminlstndor wW ba Anal, conclusive and her ~Ukdsd binrang. F. Attachment A As Asaohrnant As ma on Rna for akrrsronkr usagi afvf sign off: Fosow fnabucdons on the nl A wabstta tor Instructions andbaquendy asked rfuesyons fFAQ). The link to ths Alhrchmant A's kr. htto:Flbonu scommlsske vrthm.hornastcod.wollsfruno.cornr The f)onus Cornmnrshn Accounttng cue@mar service number ls; 815-21&245'age lg of 12 QQa Hove Igr», I:~ ~ :=IMP~=,~I.=,=-„.dtp~~fg pavud nacuh, Brpfuyoat t»camas a pwtbyr«u ~rdraogusat b flat day rd the Ptsn Ya«I Tr»nslar or Pyornotfon f2ut ~ ca» 0 trsnwlar portta)»treat , I iub scuds' sorgaj Ran ~ ~ rvg Saamconl Sanus hnvsru tha F be ewwdsdbr ggh8) alghb funded loan tsau«vulva» b)igdle br munauy caavcusaion credu tor ~trghb b«» wbah bed vwgin uraty fM) sut af e days assr tmrwt«« paaruan Cavarvd by uvs Pla, » n wiuvs»le bw, tuwvhtsd Brpcayae rsmeaw wnduyvd «tui ursus pbrga far Ihe tirgf Qt)) day pened bkweg Pcunadrm lho Irsnotvr ~ a nanoduQA wtuun Wads t»saran CC a oral ocul»aaivad ccvamondng arcaedudoty upon lhe artschvo usb at Hnc trswctar ar tuumathm huo en ahgttdo passion, ~ ubfoal ta Plan bow. C»dC hrvr«d g» P«br»unco Caracard thvu» vdt he awarded Iar gggb) drghle funded ban atbaaus schema and ace»a n»srvucr uvaugh dab ar honor««prancNcn aut af s pawtcm cavvrsd hy the faun, svafwu ta plan Ianna. Empbyso ronlQfas ettlayoctl wN1 wd» Fargo tar g» seadareuaf t»rfalut«»e padad tatbwing d» l» ~~ tr«uter ca peseta. ~ ~ ~c Plan partta)»derv abo b vrdaaary Nrrattaa of srrydsyrr»rrt. Ir. d» ursa af vahvrl»y lao» mamtwr ts sdgtHs Ar btbumant, see fEmpbyss J ~ t2uallfytng d for Event ifndov sabay Conunuatlon Pay Plan i annvunadm w~ tsuaoa Empbyao murws. d ampbymanL Ap pravcld Lsnve Paid Tbne 12ff f01tg 112012) (sce ~rsmcnt'sbrv) f«p~ Fadurs lamest rnytnusu standards and tequiornanb Scquaeba Empbyse fram ~amhg aampvvvwuan under lha Avn. No nvaruHy wurvshabn cv»N shel bo awsnbd Iac bans whbh fund ln gm cratuh d brmsvctlarc Hat skgguo scorecard Beaus if Iho Bnftayee+ rad emplayed on tune 30" ar wlh u» Pbno lsnso. tkwwnber 51 in Bphb A tawvvua «hara st Iha Psrlarm «we Scarocw rd 8anua wta bo ewwdad, if any. t»ssd anb8gt) ~cares and landings hmugh II» calendar month nauce parka. that lndudes Ihe ond at tra nuvvhly eammhsian cradu br keno wHah lund walcn uhty I30) dsya al«u» end d Ihs Bnployca'a tuclce ~hdhte pened afacardinvec Pfan fwvrrnhvitcvr chw la a puou)urg avunr tsrdar the nac defray Cotuvurottan Pey Prwr ar onbcf ~I theow ar u» avwrd Ossth ar Rattrernerrt ~ ~ Bnsbyae io rwt oraprsyvu an June sg ar 1u lt wlh g» ipm tenn %Hoon»sf'cyavv, Involuntary Termtnagan fdloaancfuct , Etphb tra manauy cammtsdan snab br cdglara bw» wHch tusd wSHn tHny I20) of ompbya»nh ar b wuh ate» lmv. No cccrurvsdan aredl shag bo awarded far bane stAA led meso lhan dirty f38) days al«g» dsb ol days agar b usrvdam, crack bwsrd g» psrbrtr»rrc» 8ccrus wil bs awarded br IKgtd aggbb bsuad Irvm vduma enu occaaa rasahrod vt bcfaodtataty»lOn tl ~ ~ Itaaaue dote af eanatuf ar yao dw f)btouffauo aaaabn. sutfact ra Pbn4m», Mat elgrbo lar Porbnncmce Scorecard 8aaue d 8drNcf Vatunbuy Tarndnsdan ..~ fcv'naN br maauuy carr»scales crud I a»dad bene br Ihe paoabn laAlfar urs Etbuua Btgtda br masm fr sam»balan crsdh br sggttte bccw «Hch tund wlHn ufrly f2g) days all«Kmpbyse csea ru rein».'a crmr~rcsbn anirst «»s ha uwasucd I bsna which fund swuw than aurty Pl) days atter Iho da4 at death or rwhvowru. paymard wtl ba made Ia Bntcayaa, cr Bnalawh sauna. Haeaat a»rvrvoaian craurt, l any, psr Pion br»a wal canon|» duryrg aw leave. ~ Pay racorvrd br PTO is regular twy for ths ~Isadora hours Brdfayee aautf have wcvhad it wave nat cnbg the Pf0. )Hs onvaau is «fvenced Sgolrwt lm corn»iso'nn cractc Normal caenucauur credtt, lt sny. par Pan t«n» w8 cangnuo duirna scanned add arne alt. " ~'s ~ ~ ~ ~ Eapbyeac cr Kmpbyoo s osb4, lHI be prod a share at uw Paannoruw 8anus based and» gggtg) scares and Iunutngs Ihmugh the asct d ma ccuondar march tn vouch dka sr ra area.'ligfvby tsr lhe Psrlarrsanca 8asua wil oworuvd It srrr, baawt aw fdhutr vauroc and tundrpo dura» S» parkcra esca parbd, hw No inpaat lathe Perfonnance gaaraaaru genus, Psga 11 at 12 WFOOOS44 credited f~ R~f 'For~oaf rrtth f 0 sge dd ~ this&en fed~ neth» of empb~nt sderrsechfng the esdforaf (f) years or service, tt(t ffp points (with one pahf crerfited ibr escn aunp(efed sge year end one prv'rd pier af servjce cantarefed yser of canvass, or ftt0 sge ftfi sdh eri M «sch sub~I 'Rv purpoves af thfs rrtert @&conduct mesne Ernpfayee's race fpf of noffce ol term'nothn tiy En$ ifa)or srfcfng penbrm Employee 'h pdr duriss, seer rscsfpt of watt en nodce f) Employs s's canftnuerf thfture to ronvtcttcri of e crime that Errrpfayer rthf craw s rogues issues yj ttorn Ernproyer of the rerrnfrwrfan or sn sct ar amtrsfon that Employer determines rsnrfers mppu)ree unbandsbie; 3) Entpro)osb vrorstfan poscws krcftnynt$ buf nof limited tcL ytrsrrs Fsrtfo's code of Etfscs snd sostness conduct, fnnnmsfficvi ay S»aunty Paftay Or CarnP4enCO Snd itfrfr ii4enefternent ACCOunfe biQ)r Pafiayf 4) Vfaietfan al Stefufary, fufetaiary Or any other comptfcrice requfrsrnsnsr sppftcsbfe to Empfoyerb tcrsdress scfivftfcs; dj s frresch or Ernpsryee b Ernukupnenf Agrserrnrnf or Trade Secrets Agrsernerd srlth Ernpfaysr end off srrfvbif» snd attachments thereto; sndfor 5) broireifng fosns oufsfde of Ernpfoyer or cne of Ss sfffffstes vcthouf Erryrtoyer s finovdeage snd siaprovsl egotist ~'s p~a /tarn ~s commissions hnd sdvsnces durlno short Tenn Dtssbttrtv (STD). EmptayseiL sre etlgRde ta participate in ths Wells forgo 5 Compsny Short Term Otssbtiny plan (the 'STO ptsn"), Getsttsd STO ptsn infarrnsdan ts evsitehte in lhe Ssnettts 8aofr for tryetfs paya Tssm tsrvnbers or by crtdng Leave hhrnsgement st the Hft 8srvtae center, SyyHRVf ELLS (1-57?&79.355r). Employee must use Pl'0 to cover the STO Ptsn's ssvsrHtsy Vretttitg Period. Psy rscehrsd by Employee hir this Pf wd be advanced monthly commissions ss it Employee were working. 0 Far ths period ln which Employee receives bsnents under dw STG ptsn, manthiy commission credit witt continue ss follows ~ Tatd mrethty convstssion credit minus total monthly standard or guaranteed advance rnfrius eny tobd monthly advance deficits ettusts commhrsions psysbls ~ Then separately. sn sctfed STD bensfk payment ~ ~ The sxctnts (lf sny) nst colnlntsrlort crsdd ttt pstd to ths Eniptoyss. tn ho cdss shstt ths smptoyss be pwd toss Ihsn ths calculated 5'TG benefit level each ncinth wNta on Approved Lsava Firsrnote Total Total Tolsl Total Total - Jsnusrv - Ernatovco Fund thos Qross Commissions hourly psy saver e sdvrvics doled commissions psysote = benefit = STO monthly TOtal monthly Cam paneatlOn & e 'Bawd upon covored psy at ths orwlb-F Total Tatst Total Taint Totsl Total INU $5,000 $800 tpstttst march) $0 $4,040 (coinmtsdons icos advance) St A@3'partlet STD benefit for ths month) $5,80$ (tctst net commission snd STG bcnefh) ce- monthly Fllhdh nuodmum $50,000 beneath bess tcr STD benefit IN~lltl ~lltlOHNII Commission Cied tt -" nsnithty advance ones on Acaravsd Lssvo rnid-month: $2,NO $0 (no e moirthty advance deficit = Carcmtcetane pefshie~ mondcy STO bene%i= earned nunlhty compensation Based upon covered psy af die $0 = hiartt IUI pcrbnnel ONh: j $2,000 (commissions tees edvsncs) $3,845 (lub month of STD benefit) $5 t)45 (tatst net commie snd STD berwfit) msidmurn $ 60,000 beneffs bose for STG bsrwM Fargo Home Mortgage INeNa f'AIILI) ITO.,YV Ago 20% Ifgcentttre Com peftaatlon Platy for Branch Satea N attagey - Prortucfng Sectfoe I, PIIRpoSC ~ ~- ~ Tha thirds Fargo Homo Mortgage su»nave ccngrensedcn plan Ior thanch safes rerffsre {grs 'ptary) le designed to mode»le wrd reward your corsrgrugcns snd rotdorce Ihs feadkr meal Ore rhk snd oorcpthrnce acccatn{aQlly As s Stench gta bool posebhc custom« rectcsraments of your posiean uuFHM le cerers ass to "lo oounoct oonrouwus snd fgdce yo» menage cm sahe Manager and poryctpsrs tn grs pten, you ws end occurs«consramkegon and porlds gmsiy on bran feecesa. lha poducf a»done, sctucsto presses 'youw5 be nnnectMIbr orfgfnatsrg encl maneghg HMcs ther odgtrste Isgh cfuaey lo«e eod ares grot tho beet poecgde uatocmer cpanorincca meat Wale Fargo Iudlinss and grudshry tscpsreraants and tu ~ E~. ~ Fer purposes ol des Bert wrds Fargo Horne Modgsge eh»ebs retorted to os 'wp HM'r 'Enfdoyer". ttench safes Wass Fargo 4 Company shul be refaned to ea 'Wage Fargo! Man»dr» shel be art»sad lc as Soclon a EFPECTTtrt GATE OP TIIK PIAff Tho Pion Io sit»clue fcr bono that lava 4ndod daawy t. 2C12 end stt«{tha 'Effech» Outre Tha Isnrre and ccndgons of gra Plan srs euttect lo psrtucdc revtrw snd noy be oc}uehxl by WFHM. (Sss 'Arnwrdmant and Tnnaaoegcn of Sur Ften tr Socdcn Dy 8 TNo Plan redact» WFIgfrs ererectsgoce of gut rnodgegebrndfng envtanrncmL The Plan {ssubNud Io change wptdd atl condnuo to moracr rnarbet canctthns and rosy rngrgty any ~ma sl Ihs Enykyef s sotr pcwls lone of gra plan. caser~ el eny of the ~s Teart Ltembers of wFI4A. ~ dutsbN ot wsgs Fargo Esrtc, NA, or of a psrtktpsttng ecnployar', ctrssyfad ea In gfa Ftsr. other town mersbws sr» Emfdoysas wlMn Nsdonsl consumer Lencgog ear cdgsr to to ~Igsdo lo ssscoat ~ oner al ths decretonof Isa Esecudrabtcs prsddsnL fbual re»sorus gatac Msnrrgar, or oturr ecigraacd rofaassraat)va. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AtM Isndsrda snd racyrberaents os sst lÃlh To bo egggdo Ibr compenesllcn und«ge phm, yrN rrrust asdsiy gur plan. Add glonoly, yos or»st scgrwa lo Halt Fr»gab Gods ot Elf&a and tfustrsss candu+ wsls Fargo's ~ counlaQly rwtubernonte he your pc»Mon, ~+plop'«S poldas, erd tha corsegance and riot wth sl patches, laws. rutra, end reacted one apfdcsble lo WFHM bustrrae fncfucSng, bed not trr4ed «r, acdvtsss oe ~ canddcn to sanded ccsnpensolloa undrf lra Flan. Fatura lo meet these ntttnuls under the Ran (urtecs thtorviss stsrufards sns rscscssrnrmteuts cctusrsy you from ssndng detwrntred ty WFHM) snd may roe»I tr scgon, Ina4dlng, bul nut Imgsd lo. tnrurcgsla cf ampteysrsrs. pesos ratrr to sro Mencgocfc fbr Htcss Fargo raanr Mamtuus tu odrnsdcn saocawess Forger s and tho Compliance end Idea Management ~ mployment a»tees, Ihs Coda ol 8Nos wd Bustrosa Accourdsbflty Patcy. ~~nant ~.~~ tt ~ ~~ ~ utth Lan% »cd Govarruuaa Comps«rce and payment Of eny InCeraha Cumpaaeegcn Plan le Sutteol IO Ihe The v —. and oasththure imposed under brws, riess snd Ia+JfalenL A petsdpsnyo rtgrte t) or receipt of compenmgon cmuer lhe pbrn may be ImuocL moclsd, Nuagsd Or lo ensue Ooluplooce wsn og such lowe, rufso, raguh gore end gubtsnoe drat msy bo he»ed tare cmdor. In oculxn. Ihs Ran A dmlnhtrator crusts WFHM ccrorra'oe of welo Forgo'a go»el d srscrore {tha 'HRcT) hso s» Is»bract to 0» ausrorcy ot sw He»non grs dhcragcnsry suthorky to acljuet or emend ~ or bc»cthe payout under the plan ~I cny tyne. un'ra ~ ~ p~a urruru Ihe Phn msy be wffucted cc dsnfod. regrucfbse uf moedng pe. A Pw9dpsrt'e hcarehe noes»utes, krr Neststsctory psrfornaroc or rolHKlmplurncrc atgt or urotsson of well Fargo's; of Eddas Cede snd gcurtrese ConducC t. 2. Irdonnsthn Pathy. sndfbr conyrlance and ftas Acccurgabgty po6cy. M~ ~ ~~ ~ ~„~ ~ A soar»saws crrcwrw eoow os»recrr «has wrewo sonorr of woec I'ego rroroo Ir ooacoo, ~ eaccroo cr wells Forso aouc. rrA* sac orocro to h ao arse orators ro «o oreowoc sr vireo carlo frame ccocrs are. sar puryaocs or eh pare to tuacao sucs p= grto trrrrr li Sago I or I l sornca shoo arsr - 6Z Clean AN ~ fggn@oant conucu Re pcuctad process ~ ~ v . ot Intara ard Vvc»ct, of 5» borvca flan ars auh)act bc cornpanccrcta rcuycga ~ ~anL Eccamph» of ocAcomm that vcocAd raaul tin tn~ secdecclse ln bce canegava assn of aonvcA Idvntsvcd In 5» ot nfaacta tggnftosnt (ltd) ka s cartsbc bncnch a bonus ~ Rtca Itavvcw. tbench )sate Radon gcccnctc yt 5» vcatancc» of fraud vssttn 5» span of con1rcl. to yvFHM hu dneaa P etlure of 5» manager tons»ply wgh VVPHL1 pcAkfoa hws, ndcs, and rogcAegor» scriAgaa„or Fatbacr to lnvaal gi's srd lsactvs known bsbrncea ofnorvoonfclance ccghtn 5» manager'a span of contrcf. ln 5» event lhat cne of 5»ae bcaucca occcarecL gec racra arvf cftcc»vctaroaa vroutd ha researches amt avbrvced In contuncdon cvgh Hc»»n ffccacuroc», concpgarcs, and oguc consol iuncthna, The Noel bcvcua bnpact cvocsd be detarmuvcd al rnsncoarnanya discrascn tro»cgvs cocepanaayon swans under ths Ran may ba prfd In ths form of cash or equity, or s coac idnsttorc thereof, tn dbccvepcn. Yo 5» ever nt ol or s porttoa of an avaccd vrtg be pcdd!n actuby, gro equay cacrard vAN be made LT)CP tnvsrda sre undorthe)Abc)a Fargo g Company (on() Tenntnoenths Coapcnaagon Phtn(guc colvttgonad upcft snd auh)oc( to the approved of tho HRC Ircd Brs cub)oct to such tarrra end ondbiona ea sppmvad by 5» HT)C bt aocord»xe vAth the prodabcc» of the LT)CP sa resectad In tha appgcabbr swart agrearnenL vf Hbf'a L~ Sccgon fK COQPENMTTQf A gttggt). compenasdon shel be compdaod of a asbcry aet by ths ~ ~ v ~ Pe~ Employer tuuv the heowing mpacvcrca: htondf y Cornrrfaattnt Personal oddudrvc Scomcacd ttorar, htcvuhly Vcfun» Dventde; Qcacdarty Purdlsaa 8oncac snd genus. Street 4 Indbect Report perfonnance ~d pot sg Ran provlatcna, s basta pdnt (1 hp a D.DN)t or {LOs%). TTgr ) chas be dagnad sa or» or»-nuncvackh cf ons percent ccndlbona snd rlfnbnccn ractulrscnentc sa aat forth In 5» Plan, and auh(oct to el pbcn he grsrsad frc It» month In vAAch 5» loan actually funcbr (I a. cthtburaenvcrs of hvvta to svc doctnglvaotam ant agvng. Funded loena vctg be repoccad In dohcra encl ucctbc on Iha Actual varaua Plan {AVP) brccndc Progl end 4aca (PAL) atatarnanL pnrAdod Employee aathgea terna, cornndvcAon craca NN vAN Inc»rgva raecra lo conanladona, Employee Iv dtgtbte undec thbc Ran. Aa uaad bt thh pbvn, bcvcucea, and ab ott»r bccsratvs Iacymanta hrr which ths (L Standard Convnhatott Scheduta. comrdaalon rata of pay under thh ptcn Ia detarmb»d by gra type cd acsldenttat rnortgoge and tt» rnorshty grndact volume (do)eve'v oruffbr) ofrsvttandal mortgage uaatfvaa asccasd by Employee. convnhabN crsdh shay be baaed on 5» to NovAng atanctard ccannf caton echactubr, actr)aca to any mocslicagorcc acct out tn Attachment A hereto, vAach ta trvcorporatad by ncfcwanca, arxl cvhtch tray he amended or rnoclcod by Ecvfuorer at any tyne. E~' The gbcnderd Coarmlscdon Schacbss Nccsrmbcea 5» comrcbrfon rale baaed on 5» rnctnthty ended and referred doser vcAume oat 4nctt rc funded and ckvracf ca@& that funcL Afct»var Ia greater. Tho IAohsr rata ctvrtvvd tram 5» aohadcde pccr catta gt soarer vokrna apfftea. , Qs cprnfstsstgnmsa& r 055dbd Io the(ungag btsrt tfofbtr tcrb500 '%5%lflngo gysgmyercwor c( 'i+ J 1 '; tf(/CD~ srrvttrrc~ f .,4 ~' r 5 r'~M 'nr 40 60 ~~ sboua, ~ ~J .5Tc(bT;. ~wjgc J rrCCm0dt) %}ntst '5 gf /00,0IN-QI,QMI,NQQ Qf.g(OAXO snd onrn .. gglf~;, C NNNPe - Qt.dgg,ggg 1$ snd abcwe comodatbn.cfadl. MpRp w . '5- ' gg. NQQQ,Ngt d y-g 10-12 b otenntfm 02 '.J. & ~u n 0 4Q d 54 0 0 04 dg T}rcea atandrsd conrmtrahm rates apply unbes 0 dNenn4 specsb tale apples. Gonmscsion mls br sny ben types deeafhd bakes shall ba ccwcgflgt b lha babel b Nau ot thb Standard Commlscbn Schacbfe, For parpoeae of detormtntng Ibo ond mlnsnce ccsnmhsbn rois: ban atmndsslon tabs aa 0 IO 43 bps. portbgo IJ)sne (Imded ond mfsnad) shel bo Inotudwf b mengdy funced dodec (I) voime 'or unba. - bans shel be euctudod flom mcngdy lmdod dogsr rcurored out bans (bnded snd starred), snd ~ (I) volume or units. Rosenrle to progrmn apecfetbts (bafucdng Car utwdim) shol be Incided b the rnontHy IIrnded dolsr (I) volume unde. efarrats lo pmgrem epacfsfhb Nsrrd br cortsntssbn cradb sadng on psrscntd ~ ~ ~ WFIQN ~ b WFHII +%rued a (I) mime ~ he rslbnst ftrnds wflh gra program spectaNsl, Wegs Fmgo Hams Equby bans and Nnos of crodl (heated snd refensct) shes hs Incided tn wdume a}tats based on gto)nltfal uOtod balance. Al waifs Fargo frame gqulty bene lrndsd and rafarmd b tha Nrsl 'pos}gon, shel be bctuded h monthly tundad ratb islets. AI other Welh Frugo Horne Equgy hens snd boos of rsedN (bndsd end rofomxl) shel be asrsudsd born ung tctstL cccrsnbcbnrstaa on these bmt types srs bcbw. AN wetb Fargo 8ank ratsnat bens gwt fund shel hcnm 0 comminbn rale of ~ flel43bps. AN pmgmm ccnneclbn (yudcdlng corporate onnnacfbn) referral bans Ihsl I(rod shel turva 0 ccrnrnlsabn rats ot ~ Nrd 46 bpa. toens transferred Iom JVs to bnd wlb WF)dt wg hftocr Iho Internet cnrrunhslan crecN rats ot s liat 45 bpe. hgntmcsn conushtebn crorgl pef ben o(gygtb Eocbcgng coftstn fadnsncwc sagkl Str (6) 11XNlbs as dascrRled betwr. Ibcrdmum cornngsrson crergt per bRI of $t 0,(O). trorNm:Nuns. Referral doser and unls courl In the month grat ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ I :~~;&'~M~ %&a~ep 6-~::~-%,C ..--.'i.k%~M@4':4~'gk~N@l commtsston FJcsrrsrlos: - Pe4 Ianr June Jurr .era..tJdrcco~ & I Unus, 4 I I 0 5 I IO Vusrms I 55re.000 It,oeo,oco 5200AOO 51,%otwo rrmsrm t8 '}ntc I ~ Vutueo ' I 5250.0rd 5250.000 5500.0ca 5 I ~ i 5500090 ~AVON 'l mvas'rtsr.'sarraar nat t}r Sa Vcuene I 2 5250000 2 5HOJ}o} 5 50eoJ}00 2 5500000 kgfg P '~ ~nnnrt p~ ~ 2. Rst!aeneas gr w .~ 40 tnrc cs sac 0S ten 4S les cs tcw 5C 59 sec OS turn ss ops CS Sac $0,NO 53 sus 45 bwr l cs tca die sdsso 515.150 wtbtn sbr (6) nxmgrs Employee wll not bs sggbte br cccnmtastun cl8ctg on lha of sn co4ctcrg wFIgd loan Inst crtgbsly yurtded lass then three (2) monsrs prior to be efinonco func5ng dsla cornrntmton nrle on ~ ragnsnca or sn sr(sang WF}QI loon awt ortgbvdty funded four (4) ln sts (0) mon so prbr to sro rolnenco buusng date chad be rct greater thon 26 bps ot tha tunaact bsn The mbgmcsn ocrlcrf sctcn crtstl per loss h not gppucobte Io agnsncss wtsrto sts (0) lllonthe. vol~ X Rclnoncae wghtn stc (I})mongrs ucg} a loan hwnng 0 pe-pay penaly Ernpbyee wtN nol be elgble br commlssbn erst% on Ih 0 rebnsnca of an crdstbtg WF)gd ban that orlglnsly hrndcct loss turn six ftf) rncngts prtcc b gw mlnenco Irnrftng dele wNh sny bsn or Ine d heutng e prwpsy penally. cM (otarl}20'l2} presS cf 14 ~ Ragnance Rphta HARp Ttsaa atop r«an«need bsn cornnu«sbn ararat rates sm pw ihe «rend«id camey««bn «chedcfa. loaner«nmi««bn credg vYFHM loan of a Freddie Macle fy«ddt ktsc Regaf Retyience Marti}age rates are par lhe at«ndwd oonnvnlsebn «chadul s WFHM ban of s Freddie Msc Ic Frsdiqa Msc Regef Retinrinca hkstoeoar Ttiras {3}step Eripre««rein«need ben c««««a««ion crsda r«isa are par tha «kmdsrd oornmki«ton «eh«du is ~ Th«rgtbnsl Three {I} gtep Sqisa«agnencad ben corned«ebn crscHretee «m a get @3 hgs. {IArF}qf ts WF}IM Ifnsncst «Trsdktcnel Three Q 8lsp Rstsff wm Rail rtlnancad ban corn+i««bn cisdq rale« wa ~ 5«l d3 bpL prFH M to wt-HM roan«neo) «Tsdhkkist 'three {)}Step Cath Qul Roti regtsncad ben commission cmdg ad«a sra a gst 15 bp«. {WFHM to + ~ WFHM~ } s iPIFHMban Of 5 Fanrle Meets Fannie MSS Reg Ptua raqnanead ben Colnni««bn Cradg mica Sra Par Ita slsndent mtnsr1«sbn «eh«dub wFHM lean of s F sr«de Llso io Fermi« Msa DU Rsg ptus ranancod bsn currents«bn rrodti ireisr srs per the «tendon} cemnfaabnachodukt Hon WFHM ban cf s Fannie Msa te F«rods Mas t}U Reg plus roan«need tosn car«mls«km credit saks ois psr Oie «le«dard «ammo«ten schedule ~n 8. Govemrnsnt t.esne {FHAA/A). wedq rate on Qoren«nant I orms IJndad by Ernpbyas shah foaoiir Iha «tend«el crmsnisdon 8. IfunConfonntng ~ ~ Pmduct gol conines«bn crscgt nd son Ho+C«nfoming teens funded by Employee shel fotber the atandsnf cc« imt««bn y. Spactd Houelrtf Plottrsms {Send tosn«). bn rate en Bpocktf }busbg Programs «net other «peclal WFHM progrsni«sa by WFHhf « Second my kiaraaBrq} f}spark««mt {Fedaref,gbte or city Sond programs, etc) ahai be psr tha standard commtaabn «scend There nu comrnkr«bn clocft unl and irotume crsda) cn the ts Inongsge of a ttAp portbn gndurgng ~eh«duke ot a Send Lsen undor 556,000 ln bon at«a, 8. Wefe gx. Fartfo Home Equtq Loans end Linea of CredL Horne Equiy loans Crone««bn cradB rata on Home Equiy bans fundsdhy Empbyas «h«5 folk«i tha «lend«id amino«bosch«dub. R«gi«nce cornnikr«bn rats to frfbrr «tend«id IAPHM le WFHM rope«neo «chsdde. A nunknure commis«ion creed pw Hwna Equity lusn at 5200. The rradnssn sppis« tn total for 5200 br a cc«stan«con ef e F«at «ndkrr second Homo Equtty bsn snd Ibe of cretan The tcarndng teria« apply to Home Equhy Ines ef credit, tncbrang purchase money, rskrhsnn r«an«ncaa, snd cash out regna«oar on Horse Eouhy Ibss ot crccft, indudinq Home A«sst M«nogement Accoimts. Cr«nisi««bn crorat sv«5«ht5hr snd rsirsr Employee i«lf hs sag ibi« to rscaius consnl««bn cree% for Home Equky Lbes of Crack. The comnds«bn crerat rale on 8tsnd sbne Homo Equity Una«of Crsdq snd qkso Home Equqy Una«ef Cmett I« tha «isndenf cornrni««ton achetaeo except gist Ite mrna«««on cr«dg rate on m5nsnco b Ihe asnm ae ihs wF tgd lo wFHMrsgnsnco erhsraae. Employee sat nol be ~ Igibie br oorrerrf««bn crsdq on modybwbnf, «ubont|urfon«, equity Ines b employee«of Wsls F aran I, Comeeny, snd refinance«of rnd«Sng ines of crsda iratitn ons year of ihs crlokist br@ling d«ts. If lhs since«a ot tha i«an«ncaa Ine tr grower lhsn tha original runount. Asn cornmhdon erode «hsq ba giiren on Ihe Increment«t «meum only. tu«rch S«a« I«gr - P~ . WF000549 Ettti atcd and ~ oonsdstkxv crates I» lUndL This estbnrts wl5 Itomo Equly Ltr» of Credt I»arne An hlbd. eshrvNad comndsston crorN villbs granted when Osroowrsc rocatvss at ctostvt0 Corrsrdukas paid be based on gro IniIsl ulxsd bskdce ordy {Ieth. Qra amrxmt Isntoyvo «xf not earned. Ths Ind comrnfasknt aa4I vvt$ bo based txxxt gr ~ Inst ubtcrod on trace «unnatos Iten» Eautly Una of Ctadb, Tho Ilnal ulrodbatsnoo (ftrr purposes of comrnhakxt crach) shel be balance tat change Is sri dat«rnbrad basa4 tm Ihe andsvg bstsnoa af lvo bgltlg cydo st tho ond ol gl4 thirrt rsor4v. 5 en upnord ocmndsaton rxrx4 or$ uotment she& Iw ghen booed on 0» Increase aqurt to or greater than $ aetirrtatod ~ntya amounl of 0» Increase. 5 pe change ts o deeense greeter 0»n or equal Io 563Ko. conertsskrn crtvdt shel bs «$ ustod downnsrd by tho erato amount of Iw decrsoaa Any usttsd txuonca chango Ihst ts not Isect $5,IXN or Qrcalaf does not Irlggar e chango Irv gto oolnrntaslon clsdtL I» m I» se 5.00'sm 4 Tbe mtntrstss convrdaskxt rrsr4 on any Ins of crerI ts $50 regar4ess of st%cad smounL Tho e&nxm ccnsntulon orodb on a purchase Nne Home Eru4y Lho ol Credt te $500 regnbees of ulled srnounb ~m 4 ~~~ms& $ ExrrnEI7 of (commission cradt advance) Ttvoa month rovtsvv (Inst crscyt Totrd ~) ~ioo Example of 71vyogay. Xv's@yk AP$ 5L'tftyr@: tdtat Taaenncacn (ccssmtsston crtrdt advance) Throe month revtevv (Inst comsdssion credl catcubgord Tchd ~ I,DNL000 473 ~fs$ $ $ 1.009,000 $900.000 Srttol Tronsochrn 7&tLOCO 3~ $000.000 x Ca bps ($1pS5 t ~ $7~000 x C I bpe = $ C~ ~$ uC(xhn%8iSX WBi5fihcaiv'Ir,''vT(db%GcrnhtsEdti~ 51,000,000 $7&0+IN $7&OAXO x a3 bys ~ $5575 ~ IL Wrdspargo Estptoyeo Loans Czxnrntadon rsla kv learn dgtnstad by Employee for ot ygrds Fargo onwtes, tnctudng WFHM, shall be a Ial 35 bath potrrts of Ihe hnded krsn volume. Empkryoos erst sdt be dbeotsd Io HCN5 Teen 000 phone nurr4er. Ttere ts o Iat 10 bcs txsbrr to refer crxrstdsstcn credt for b»ns referred Ivct kvvd Ixough Iw HOME Toom 000 phone rusnhsr. t4o lather ccxrsnbatos rate ru$ ustmerc tor wFHll to wFHII regnonoa loans, Ho further commtuirxv rais adjustmont Ior Wak Forgo Sank toss raburvt« I» ~ ~ Employees must rater 3 Stop Employee L rusts lo Iho HO&IE Torso for tean bxrdngs. Employee keno, Ihsn h«e vdl be no ocrnmfsston orocN on Ihoao I the Employee 10, Promkxo Ataat Son&ceo Lots». Coovmhstonrsta ku hare originated by Employee nnd derived ttorn raf«rats hrxn Premkxo Aust par the standard comsdsslon credl sctledute, 11 Cnncbur4on Losrt Express (C1X|Lowe Coismtraton reta al tho crxvtsuctton toss ctoaa sfx4 ho e fkd 25 bpL No ur4 CAKR tk»s attempt lo Service shab be sl consiruclon ctosa. Corvmtsston acct sl he porn»nant bran kxxttng shat be sccordkxi lo Ihe standard commlestcn schedule Inr thol product, last any corrvrssske cre4I given et conetructlontoan ctoing 12. HuMor Leore Emptoyass ara rarptrad te redact iha gustier gest tse ccdoctton poky could resuN h orkpnata teens ontsf ye 8140or baal piogmnL ~ ~ parterre«vco~, vvshvv «t 36 days of svs Inlsst suer cats, Itoiascvv ct tte Ios bdormst or Iwmal tremble, anchor tou of the right lo QuWsr Loans v4h Looter, Emptoyaaa «a required to ct4oct gvv Extended Lock fse v4htn 30 days of tnxiat kxtt dais, vktsson ol Iho Iaa co4actton pofcy oaid rasud ln performance corvrsafng, on informal or funest vvandny. oocyor icos ot the dghi to hase under Iha RXhndad kch CI4One. se 51 Speckd bbukoprg Progrsrss ond 0pectst Addsndumh Commlssbn rota for spodel teens,norvvtsrvdard prodrcts arvt unktue snsngsrnonts a ptdcobta Program uktsttnee. (oINrgot tI patte o N 'la vhaI be sat kxih In iha I snchauutvtP- ~ mroaesSO 15. Arnmmmodahm Ho ~hm Commhaton ~ ~. E~ th&4. ~. un{sea lhs loan comes aut at scccrrmradathm atshra vrNfn 50 days af tean hy ihe crsrN wN not he tpven un@ the loan comas oui of ecoammodeaon status un{see tsytcnetf Safes by ~ Upon Vahrrtary raamat fmm Employee, and Sub{eat tOVIR4ya CantenL WFHM may SNICI ta htra a ktartgaye AalcxBlte to anal%i Elplofee rrtth eecratng eddlsnthd lnol1gags hunkie ca. tn such csarc Employee shag no frmger vrN be ellgttf e Nrr comncrnfon hs sfggrta for camrra«arne under An cornmtaaurn crsaN schedut» heron, hut cmdl under ona af Ae Nasa fahs4Atsa sel Nrrth on yre crarent Aaachmaat 8, corrprmaagan plan Arnendmsel rar Home Mortgage Asaodats, ahsched hereto and Incorporate hy reference„aa N mey be «nonded or mad6sd try ntnurysr ham fmn Io Sms. Tha appNcehfa cahcduts shak be set forth on Kmtdayorra Aaedwnrd A. s tn «hktton. Emfharas may funtarfy choose to soll or sham a pargon of tfsrher comraforyrn oadl st th an Aarerfrda. To Ae «rtsra Aat e Mortgage Arsoctrde encl Employee agree Io vekratargy ah«s dulsa and soll canrmt«dans, then cohdy for sass of edmhrhtrethrn Nre canwnhaion shsN be calculated under Ae Emptoyse'a rnffoyaa ID ruaranrr, and the canmrkratan share abocaled ta the Mortgage Accartato ahaN be mkocfsd sa ~ Nrre Nom sryrstmant on Iha Emptoyae's canaohstan repeL Dsspga thh ccouunUng mehod, any cammlsruona asmsd hy the sa a maul ef ihe aranndsetrm spN wIhe Aa Mortgage Aaaaohrte'a arm eamfnys and the Mortgage Aaacrtas shay bs reopens{Ma for al poyral and hcams hates an therm «aounlm Ta ho asecavrL sny ggsarnam Io apNI camfataahma behlwrn an Emptayrm orcf Mortgage Aaaocfste must ba rne otettced ka Ahachnnrd A far Ihe Employee snd lhs Compansstfan Phm far Ihs Mortgage Aaaortets. ~ ~ ~e a~ 17. pronrr to Refer, lo anoAsr HMC or a program spnclsysL or on sny fowl hrrdsd Cornmtastan crerN on any lomr ratarrnd hy hy Employee and dsrtvsd ham o rafanat Nam anoonrr Hhg; or a pragrara apsclakaL ahol he yrersad tn mph ths prefer to ftefer compenaagan plan ddoaoaam altarfrsd berate snd Incorporated by rafemncs, aa racy he amended ar roorykod by Employer fram Nma lo Nmo, l 15. Commtcatcn Shadny1Cammiss! on SPIN+ ln any caco whats Emphyse agrees to share ar acyl corrrrrhahm cradl on any Icon arhh ona ar mons okyhfo employees, tatd caemhshn crsrkt Io ay ~ array«rs on dnt non can eccasd As cammlsrhrn schs4ro sat forA hslatrL Any ccmmhslan ahadny 1apN can m(cead Ihe m«r aommhaforr level hr totaL Mart epN la As mfsrrtng rep fa 54+5k Mart cammta curn cpN Io the jrnalny rep ls $5,000. ~ton Erramptm $3M Lose She fteferdny Aap: 33M a Nb bps Pre hrr to fksfer ~ STS00. Its hrrrrd compsncstton capped st NC000. hPO Standard tf«fng -53 hPa Prefer ta fkrdar) ~ y11r{00. Fundtny carnpencaaan cappea st 35,000. Punrfrrg IISP; 53M X 30 boa 15. gl ~yon far E'arly Paymenl Dafouln. Ercrhrg canaalsstors or other Incerahes on a taan M cub{act lo Nrs candtaan that tha form musl not suffer sn srnty payment dotsu5 {EPDI, as detarmhurd hy a akr {SjrnrrIA rsw'ew. EPD h dahned aa a hcnowor nhurty deya druarrtusrk wahtn Aa Cod sh {ajncrome of paymenla comtny dus. If Aa IoNl ls an EPD, ann the cnrnrrraoion cradh orfgfnat ty graraed wN hs adturda 5 dorrnrrerd hy Iha sabre amourf or the tomrrrsdon mta of pay on that particular tare, sech@flog EpD learn rrNr Isa avanta 1har rnsarra that lhs cammtaa urn crsd5 wN ho odfrofnd nrrnraard ta asm hpa for tha commhatan rate af pay on that aagcc4ar lwrlL . C. Preearret predacean Performance Scorecard Sanua Ths pe rhnurnce caracara genus wN candel of tao h{ecurss. crart«ner Lorahy Scores snd Intyet Fke t3uatrry {fPDIfkckng Scores rat poraonnt producthnc 'Aw Parhwmancs Scamcsrd artk be psM on Semr Ant uet a+res an peraauut paduchobn vokrmc vrgh re yupup or uad-arrrL Ths parfanrmncs peAxlc ara Jsrarery I" trmo 30P and tuty I" Nwough December ~lr 3I, 6~ac ~ ~ ~ must bs amprryad by yyFHM or sn artglata an June 30" and December 31"ta be Io hs far performance scorecard sanda aa daarakred beta@. If EmfNof as h cropped hy yuytpr an tha roapeccrs dates shura hul nat cavamd by Ihla P tan he oar sacra prrhrrmnrrm psrtad, ErnfJoyes wg hs ronctdered for lhe Performance Rcomcrrd Bonus ln accent ance vrhlr the Status Pten provldonL ~nt ~~~~ ~ Salas Assodstsa, Bonus la not eltghrhr Io ha spN vvbh Asy sggthhr cosecant Bonua quaMsdhy aNvsr gvs surdor m ssrdoA Nsuangs Ths ccm~ oa ~ntaf. Its adfurc splits hr other HMCs„ folovr Ae standard momhiy vvft ~ ~ The cgsbsnar Loyagy score Bbnttt ls baaed ort ag of the response racotvsd an qgasgona4, 0, and 0 of yts customer loysgy survey durfng the ssfonnnance period on Noir personal podgcgon. If gtN or mere of Ihs Ernptoysa'a responses rscdvs gs on ss ovvra questhma, then ths Employee wll he aggbhhrr s uwstorsei Loverly Is oulpmformlng gut scant Bonua The Empofss cmt also qutply tor the Bofors y their scars oo personal conpany average during lhe appl tcstde psrtorotanca pedod. + perfonnance pwfod. MonOly The Bonus Is three hpa on!he Employee'a hrndod vrdums during Ihe hmdcd volume shag induce purchase sndmg ttjndsd vohsre. Cmporals Connscitonhrndsd volume. snd Home Equay Ioovs funded vahsns snd Nnas of ararat ugttsad hstsnra votrsna (es d soothed heroine Bnksrsd out loans srs ~octrdsrL end brans rshvrad hl other smploymm sla ejrcftdscL ~ Loans trued.gp lo a ninanum aornmhtdon hrvsl vrN ha sgggds Ihr an sddghvud Ihrsa fy) hps bonus dudng Iha performance ported. Loans scHeHng Nst msu commhudtn crsdg per hutn wN sot hs osghts tor sn sdrp annot gvse pf bps bonus dudng lhe tnufarmsncs partotL Tide vrN tncfude ttmns at&saving a mac comsdsdcn crsdN vrhsn bongo aahtava Iha mao Carnndaatan+ banua CreCN tn Ccinhhallsn. mangrp Ccmnfaalan aof perhnntmse ss Exemplar 81,5M hen SICO al 85 bpa mangily COrnmtaatcn Crodg n gg,abtt $1,5M hvan doe st 0 bps ssmt-srnust perfonnance corocard banus crsdg ~ ggto Monthly comnfsdan crsdh and sartaonnust bonus crsdt» 510,350to itsst mss ccnvnhslcn+ bangs crsdg psyoul utg squat 810,050 Tel The IP 0 SCOre Bonus M beaed On ag Of Ihe IP 0 IOOI SCOrea gnrjudaa Canasiad Snd dented IOSno) during tha pa fonnanca podod on gnrh personal producUoa lf 80th or mere cf Nsr Empfoyoo's Ifas are scored fn a ourn the Employee wgt he stghfa fores IFR score Bonus dunng iha performance petted crr their personal pnxlucdon. Green slshn story hs convnuntcsicd Nt vvrtuna by vlFHM sn@ maybe modlqad from gms io arne. "groan'wus, ~ Ths Bonus ts thme 9) iqrs an Nut Em ptoyee'a Led+I vohsns dgrbqt Iha sfadcsMa performance perfotL Monthly funded vs@ms jrtng hnfude purctvno and rahhtndsd vohvns, corps|ate connamlan funded volume. and Home Equgy kutns funded vokvoo and Itnes at oodtt utNcad htfance vs bane (ss described nanun1. Brcttsiad out Mana sra sxchrdad. and loam mtorrad la other are sscfudorl Lonvt uuarpup lou ndnbuum rammiadon taval Mf bo oggltte for an oddahnst thee p) bps bangs during gm psrtomsrnce padod. Loans aeNerrg Nut max comndsshat cntdg par «ron utg std ha agggps htr sn addghuad Buss hps brulUs durulg Nlo prufcnnancn pnruld This vvg hc44$ horns sdkwblg a mns commhst(Ãl cnKNI who@ Nvr nxmthly comrHsdon and parfonrumcs acrvscsrd bonua addevs Ihe mart rnrsmisacn & bonus crsdif rn comhturgon + Evsmpla 813@/ hen skrs st 85 bps monthly comnfsston crvdtt ~ NIL+%. 81.8M tean dce rd 0 bps ssnd-annuvf performance mcrmoud bonus cradN ~ NNO0 hhmgfy rcnvrtmbmcradq nnd acm4snnust mrmmhdon crodN ~ Nt Total rsmt comrrfsaton + bonus crstgt pofogt vrf I squat gtgp@ Etnpavfss rsovWlng wiN be ~ to mostvs salary, Nre egttthw s Wvrcshty g~ In tutrd as pc|send prckeson. &ah the Krnftovvn already to mcsfvs s bkvvsady fsgttw or ggsrsnhed s inorthty onvvfass/oncrsdq wgt nrd bs ogg his ~ E~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~~ ~~ corsmtsston drsrv, the stsrcgp cpaon boavvr rosy ha by Ihe 1"level mrvcrgar wtgt vrg be in truce fora The pedod of lhns bsghratg vrtm the Nrst day spoon mquuss sppmvsl nt ym ttsghnst Sstss snd an mnonaor, may hs grsnhuf st the tgtcrts lan of!he ftegbnst Salsa Ttur rrury ho educed or on a Ivor pecyve hash si Iha sais dscnH on af ihs Employer. Any Icons rs ahsr the ntrphs san or hvmhsgon of this rattan snr suhjsd to ths stmvhud comrntsdon sdwduts sst form above. lt Employee B a nsvr ~ pprovst imrn Set vvonrstL Ths tcl ewtot st of lovel nmnsgsr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t rag~UpcutR~Furcgng Conor{aston SPIN Fac tash tats kudt hs by Nte hnn of les {}pubs, gs Ernfsayssfsccunr~ As tk loved munsgor on ErRuoycuvs peechnwnt A. Cosvnhsurn cnrdI st As rsso spakttod on Sur Attuchnwnt R snd et@opted ytht ptacemng dUing the morsIL ahudnsd hy shel hs Slush an tnalgtsgs hen A shsIhe shan rbstng the month ths laen canurNskcn cntcgt et Nro tats spscitsd on Ihs fin sppsaunans. pN IMn types tturt poy Ouuuds of %le ommrtssklan crsrst hi an vudhoaty llturh given tunss. In ns ceio iuutup aplfun stsndant Nertng ssucture its not sgssfa fcv Nts Rsglibulutupuncung tsg~ ~ The hsawfng fosn types we srusa, bk nut sg, exrun plse ot hen lypei suchdsd porn sts Qpuorl snd ccrnrnlsdan orsdb shkt be given psr stends nf Bsn tonne ~ Loans ruyuucsng rsdnsncs wtgun sbc {gt months) wsbs Forgo to wells Fargo ~ Rstsgonthlp Praduk Leone e Wugs Forgo Kmplayee Loons e Referral ta Program gpeatehlu {Prefer ls Refel) ICchrdytg Calparete CrutneC{tan Snd Pragrem Cruuteagan Canaeted Launc {tfS burn Cergebr, Sur Camrntualan Crods tram lhe SPfdaudanWIN be Sdtuetau Irtrn MWe ~s hndhgs} eNSNdtty for Sss Qpgon Is condbfonsd an Eruphvtes eonlhdrp bl mppbtrnsnt through Nre snd ot the swe pe dad covered by tur Gphan. If Kmphryeds emtoyynnsnl ends for any reason durvtg %e tenn of thor opgon, canunlwdon cledNs ihsN be dksnntned psr normal Ptsn lees. sN ~ F. Fse cattsctton. It h lhe rusoansMIy of the Ewptsyso to colbrct up4anl IHrd party fees cnfudbby, bul nai Nmgsd uppruhel snd crcdh rsparL Emtdaysu scbnawfsdgss Ihk figure la calect fs e vrgyut vlasdon of Ihe Employer Emphym'a ccnuntsrtan oedg shsN be ed{usted ta account for iny end sN mxgeelsd fees on csncsbrd burns pcgcy. loons), ind denied ianna {jnctucgng bnderud aut hc Nur Llanthfv Volruno O}vsrrtdo. Ersrbtpce Is sights ta ssm s maNy ovinlds bonus an lhs ttrndsd vabune of stgtbts skes of employees reporNng cyrucsy la Employee c}vsntds rats shss hs dstsrrnlned sech norah by Ihs total blench Cast Psr Loan {CPL)snd sccongng lo Nur Srthwbrg hrunchmanttfy Srnded ungs end Ar R yes~to t&M}{%%'».~~NliffNReP."~'{ -%22'-I"",NS- NK|~KS~40~4'{I-'4~%gekP%6%] '~'m~tureedtouest'ttse isirry-us: rue grudteesu ejtrng)AOI ua srsrie ev- e 25 Sg 42 2 Tarot Itnb I ~ c~ 2 4 2 6 thur crech{s}I+ludo funded unbs cutgbunsdhy sf!bible colas employee raper&5 ulrsagy ind budracyy lo Ai EIIlplof so snd Sur Etnftoyas'I praducttcn. gpsdsl unI orsdN2yf ruhs ers ss lbllaws: ~ Koch purchase unb cours ei ruur {t}.Koch rail uns caunt ~ Each pcshv fo refer tstcntds 'lo stnpbycM urho ere nct tn e ~ ~ QPJ Era/&yes's tcunouy shel bo cm dtsd ss ans {t) unb. caruruuceruuperm uuuvr rturN be crucscact ei ane {l}unb ln 1he monA Iho canurudhn ursa funds wxt «ne {1} ung tn lhe mortA As permansrd losrl htnds, Losni refsnudta Ar Corporate Ccruuugan ptsdanu ihiN l» crichsd si one {I}urdL Hams goosy hons fundlkt ss e Ibk deed truk purchses mortgage vrII hi crsdrurd ei ons {f)unN. tco unhs wlN bi aroched far any alber Hami Kauhy hens ar Itnss of crarNL tto ungs tvtf bs c/NBod for I!uborsd out ktsns. If lwa or naca sshur rptayees sptt curnrntuvbrn one lain, ths unit tall bs crscstcu htr yur solos tncgcetsd ei Ihs primary Hcrns Morta sgs Consugont on sur burrc Ths unh crscft chas nat bu ipth cast per ~ ss ans {I). Nrs ~. ~~ ~'S~ ~ Loan Includes direct snd tuytbnsnt msurnss. erect snd fufIINmsnt supsnce ls aoftned os: 4 c}vururns {nk bututsng roses or SMs} u sszursts h Tsuuu u Tarsi No+carnp Kvpsnso {lnebauc kc.). duos rud ar carrvntmton t}suucss I Fugt vaunt cast tdocshuut CPL perfarrnanCO li rnaSVCred ii S rabup af ig the brunan{CS) SS bXlteked Cn Nur jgISCIVaant fL ~ (hrs!«do Caaadsgon Ths avordds rum at»g (ro spp4rt Ia If» martHY tunrfmf v04lla of ellggjfa sated af redy 'Iholo smpbrieso reportng stomach. Formrmapla, if Emttayoe hes a Salas piano«sr rfect rspcrL Ihen Ernptoyve le agtybhr lo esm on but net Iho hmded vopnoe of lhs altos nqdayeos raper«ng of g» Baden Idanegsr volm» 4ndsd «» lo Isa Safes Manager. btarrydy 4aded vabraa at snpticyes'd dtrord rsporh shag frrrhrdopu!chase and mg vabrne. Srobarad md loans and Enqdoycira Corporate Carrnectlon volume, and Hmae Equgy hens end Ihee outride tbe nnpbryaa'a bmtbny ma personal y«nose«one mo aacLrdmf, and low» refwred to ~ stree«y to ovensto on Ya»~ fteronrlrsdanor Alho end of hs CPL rCaavnn A k Sl plan year, 1hs ever«de ws bs recant«ad baaed on branch(s«L 1. Madmum Reqyaaaents. ~ he ~ lhal yesapodsts cpL level for he ~~ for the YomEmployee nwst be employed by yvFHM or sn ssdete an otacamber 31"lo be egglbtv lo ba by vYFHN ee Ihel dme but nat covered by thta Hen ~nd ttecancssson ea descrhed brdrw. It Enfdoyse re br Ihe Ycanend itscancgagan to accordance wgh he hr hs engm calendar year, Empbyee wR be 'Empbryn»m smsra chan«em'ron pravtdane aa am err% lnhe pmn. year~ ~ Ihe Yasaend Detonrdnlng ~gao IL hen ha Ennttoyas shag ba adg«do fcr an adrjgcnal ovsnQe vma patd Column A cd ca The adckcnst overrHe wig be equal ta ur ~ tundad va4!ne la that aaanh muNpbed by the rssvmnce br lhe ccturan A and reise br he ung ge! sctdevad hei mrmh. rmxncgagon Othe unit Uw'. Hats hara b no lf sva cpL taeug corresponds Io Crtunm fram any prior menthe the year~ s year~ CPL revug aonsapondc lo Column A, henha E!nphqnm shall accrue oa ovanlde dahcg gars sny rateL The dsgcg w% bs squat lama hcvded vo4ms @hat manh many» the Ernpbfee waa fvdd crdumn mu«thdd by ho dllfsmra» In ho Cafrrrvr A snd S else hhe un« gar ortrb!ved ihsl month. Hate «»rs la no yew. ~nd raconcf ladon al Ihe unb ger. The averdde deddl wig be an uneorned advance ihst vN be sub«acted from any rmnatnbrg usetarty vFM saws far wrtch Enqdayae Is oyphle. and any mmshlng dogdt shag be corded knwred and aubysctod from sny q!»dsdy vFM So!aureole Ihe fdla4ng pbtn yea; 'fho ovenido de«Stol»g nol bs subbsctad baao salary, mcnNy ovenfde or cammlerdcn peymrvda. tram If the s prtar ~'a Ecarn ala: Branch arhhnvre yr»send CPL of gJgg end ls agggda for Cohmn B rates hrr 4 'vv '~ 2 i~;st!F"LIE .. 2 r'Ltg'I .& . "mare ev aE'%$7: vw.'W Is~'Jr'.vr!r~ ea; ec .Irrrvlhc.svv I Jen 1 Oct 31 lg bce 0 fAI lwr I -Nav30 ygbte 2 2(A) Oec Jwr t - Gsc 31 S l5I Td bca - Oct Hov ' al mace ' fqg«ii i.'0~4IPOI-'j$ vvvwv'Fl& 3 1st tv~'.av.'throat".w dtSI ' 3%1 0 In Ihe evsrnpte, «» manager ta alptble far on ad«sand ovsrdde far 3» mo!ahs ot October end Hovembar. The add«coat waukl be 3 ape on October Itraded vrdurna ond 2 cps an Hovambe r pr ndvd vckvarL whgs ihe rearm(to la pm«ed la he «rH «voe mange. an acbrd racmrc«agon would apply Ia each month d iho pbm year (co!nn»scrag Ap!y 1) lhe n»nsperwsa pekl Cotuarn A raise, H. tdonthIv vshme override gmrt4l a oattan. tf Emfdoyes fa a naw empt oyes af Emppryer, lho ftagkaal sales Manager may aopmvs s guaranteed vctu!ei over«de. Gusranleadvahrne ovsrnds vheg Irplc&y be 3!naca Ia rknvty dsfv, sl whrch lane vtsnrtanl vo4ars avsnlde prowskuw epfty per ptan lerma. for s trnged armrunt of Erne for a nmv Bmnch grdce llano«or ed fcgorm: A guvrsmeed overrate shat be oalrwrr aa a narvreovervhi ~ reanssy va4me cvenare wr»reby Employee rvcsrvm awt amount wrdchla the tpevtvr ot ho hro, dansant vctrrne cvwrlde as vm forh above, or he rncnhty ovoadda, he ascend pot pssad ol each march. he ttrvtard votarae orenlde Ia leva han he guerardaed rrrarrlde, rggemnca nal confed ha ia over Inio he fagmvjng monSL h tprtrsrdead ovsetfs d»g be au@orbed ~ I p~ ~ 2nd pdymonl of 3» gt»!anteed vcfraas override thai bo made on 3!a second pay polfod ot ths rncnh E!vpbyevrv start dais ae a smncn Sdea Manager. h srcardsnca wRhhe payment scherhde lar voklra ave!lido, Hras hat the he Peda 10 ar rd WFO(f D555 For Esrsnnkc ~o ~~ 'mpioyoo fs pul frs 5 gubisnfeecficfursa ovdrrfdo of BIN frr mordh papsQi ths tse))isy polod of each 'onsrrn¹ng February t of An csrsponoslkw plan Ysok. If chrfinp fho Iha Ibst dace moner or moner of swndod vckons ovaolde le 5200, Emtdoyee wly rscahe dm gmalsr gcmrsntaadmongsy Fobnwry. Smocrd ot gÃKL 5 Enrdoyoa'o alandanl vcksrw ovonde 4 55I)d'or gw rncnlh of Morctc Employee shel mc¹ve the 5500 slsndsnl ovsrdds payaQS pw ascend psy ps doc of April Swnkw tn Mey. Ihe ovsntde is no longer guaronlood revots bach Io lbo ¹sndod vctumo ovonfds ond Rs v smh v por iqsn IormL Iho~ I, ~ j I2usrhntr pun'.haoo Unit I Purchasa vniumo Bonus. p1odded s+blhy trill ~ ars moL Empkryrm sho5 bs oggkds to receive s poscs¹sge of the brsnchss'cksne sg¹nst Ihe pofannersw d yw branctvw os kvgc¹ed on Empt eyes's Atlackinod A, ~ 55nksum Roplrwnods. Emftoyes must bs employed hy YJFlbf or an sBBsts on March 21-".Juno 3IF', Baptonbsr 30 snd ecernhru 51 fo bs opygde lo be onstdsn¹ hr Rro tusrtedy Pund1~ Unk) Ahchaso Voksss Bonus (Taqtwso Ban~(krtgst 50% payout) sa dsecrkwd b¹or. Enpkrycw must be oopkrfed by VfFHM or an SRNoW on pacsmhar 2 t to t» ~ROWS io bo for km year~ bue up {Rnal BNL jayccs) of 51~ purctwss Bonus, Enqdoyeo ls omtdoyr¹ by uvp HM on Ihe rospocdvo dales above but nol covood by Ihk pion kv gw antko calendar querier, Employee vrki bo considered for gw Quarlody Pur¹urre Bonus ln occontsrco rlh tw 'Enqdsymsnt BI¹us Changes Pum paHslare as sel forgt h Iho ptoc 1 prcrvkh¹ oqptssty crssrw wo ttrl os Ql krrh, lEmfdoyoo chsR bs slshts to rscskm ~ poundage of itw branch(os) voiioe as ce4mlnHby Ihe scheckde prcsddod dier end performance d the branch(es) as hdkssed on Emokryoe' Agachmenl A Psrtonnancs b msosurad as a Iobup of SR yre branch(as) )sgsh¹ m4 up gcstL ls If Employee two alr Incsndvs poy 1/sch shcrtooo on Iho lnti Purchase Bonus poy twdod br Iho fusd pbrn yoru. 5ro shansgo shel ba an otrancs psymsrs, end wFHLl rssovss Ihe dgtd Io offset thts advance agakwt liw trust Purchase Bonus onount Rsr dro Phm Yssr Purchase unit end purchase vo4ma for purposes of dsknmksng Empbyoc's Purchase Bonus shag be doknod so ks¹ branch vokmrs (In¹uding parson¹ pnxhctw, chroous and kskrors report hsvdngs). Purchase unit snd purchase vokrnw v4I bo sskststsd by yw Fkwncs 0~marl for tw Cons mr»sscn Flan Year. ~ Tha Bonus h dsfnnrllnod by srou¹ pcschaso IKtt or purchsrr volans thshsr of purchase volvnr) farina bnrnch(ss) snd the lo0owlry bonus schodtso ; 20-55 unhs or 55NM - $1RNRSl 50 ~ opurtwor, Bffgltl- 52499MLI 2 bps S bns or purctl sso jt 50 unks+or I 525MM+ 5 bus Hoke Rooutis ~ ro cumutssvo Yft) roscSIS. For mamp4 kqr tier of 5 bpv ls 150 vnka sftsr 05 results, and 050 urSW assr CS rovuhs, ~~ MARI 02 nrsuks, 2yb unks sksr ~s Empkrysa w8 bo skg Efa fo oorl Rtty psrcod (syt() of Eoqhryads pcssnysl quanoty purchase borsst bosad orl yasrts.date produqpcsr rssulo Ihroush the snd of gro hns day cf sos asunder Cosrisrs sndng on tune MF ond suotsmhar an4 vns be okgibkr io sam one hundrsct pvrcsnl (1 ccrjL) ol iho Insvnckd qusnnrty bonus bas«t on pmducgon resuke tscush!he snd ot the bsd dsy of Ihs c¹sndar quater ~ndtng on ocornbsr 3t . ~, yosr~ ~ ~ Ths bonus shel be kuodup sl yw snd ot each querier based on the year.toddle purdurso rssukc. If dw purchase Bema sua board an ynsr todatsmsutts ls gmsrar own acsstl purchase Bonus paid crouch uw snd of yw os!ender cpnrrtsr. Ihon yro purctwso Bonus Cfue shelbo paid no lstar hcn 00 days fdkrvrkvl 5» and cd Ihs csisndsr 1pwdsr. If yw sctuol ptschssa Bonus pakl fs grerser than the ptschsss Bonus, for vrtfch Ernpkqnw Is sfgtkls, based on tw rrwuks. Ihsn any oscars shel ba an adnrrsw lhoi stwk ba cordsd fcrvranl ts 8o foyorrfng quoter snd lrtrach¹ from any fvturo purchase Bosus urcy gw ortho advance ls Any edvsnrr mrnakllng ot phn year sns r% bo carded ovsr lo Ibe nsrs p\o1 year old subtmctsd Rani lrkas Purchase Bccosea yar~ f01 sruko IS) psas ft sr 15 ~. Bwcn pshs Hot - PnrCrvo'nl %Vj0005$6 t. {greet S indirect ftsaort Pa~tea Bc~ Bonus, ~ scaraowd Boriua vrw aons4t ofhvo btscyvsw Lorcvty Scores and ln54l Fge Quagty 5pet) ICsung Scores on olracc 5 bvyrad rspwta. Tha psaraasnco Scnrscwd vCII bo pHd cvt qcaurarly scores on direct snd hvgrsct report srducdckn volcano wytr ns truocar or sue4eva The pcvconnwuN MIOICsan Itscscbwnanta 3t, . tuna 3cf', Soptemkw 30 snd Dacsmhsr gsa Employee musl bs amphryed by vvFHM or a1 astlaca on Leach Io bs oonvkhaad for Podonwwos Sccvasard Bonus sa dcocvgr wt ba4vr. tf Employee ts smphryad bythrFHM on gur sspocuve dates above but not corwad by 514 plan ior lha angra pwfonaanco pwtod, Enrphrycw arll ba ccnsctwed for Iho pwfonrwnce cooacasnl Bonus in accoafsnca vith the 'Emp4ymant Status changes plan provts4na ss sat fwth 4 Chs Plarl. cuccomsf Lovsllv Sacra Bonus The cuatcmw Loysgy score Bonus 4 based on f5 of gal raspsnsos rocaHod cst quasgons s, 5, ands of Iho uasarnasr loysgy survey durhg Iha paracnnsnco period on lw Emfaoyas's personal producEon, dhacL end bvgnrot rsporla If IN% or mors ot the Errtgoyes's pwvonsl oxccbco, cgrscc, snd bagrect report responses receive 5s on sg Itvsa quaagcns. Ihsn Iha Employee vrs bo sggtbhr hrr a customw t.orshy Soars Bonus Ibr tha pedonmwrce psnocL The Enagoyee can also quwffy grr the bonus If gvrb score sn pwccnsl Orducgson, dhacL snd Indbact reports ls avwage dunng Iha pw'latlnwae psr4cL ougraraurnfng Ihs ~ Tha bonus ls ww {s)bp on aa E mpvrrsa's rgract snd lngact raporbr 4adao volume during Ihe psrfcvmsnca pored. Monthly hrndod vduma shel sufuds pumhsso snd rag hndad vcdrvna, Corpcvsta connocgsn fund ed volume, and Honle btusy loans graded vo4ma Nld grise of clocsl Ulllhsd balance vohaaa {ssdascdbsdhsncfn). BrolNsd out personal Isnsacccms sre sacsahvL N1d loans referred to Napioyasa oulshhr 51o Emp4yos'a 4ara Nld Isrckory ~'s Na cvcckldscL The IFQ scars genus is baswl on all of Iha IFQ grot scenes {Mudss csncatad snd ctsood loans) during tho perhrnanca parhd os ths Errployos's porsonst Ctuc541L diNCI, and hd Vsct reports. If gff)L or mora of the 54s of Iho Step)eyes's personal producgon, cgrscL end lncsard reports ara sosrscl 51 e glvory alahrs, than lha Emp4yso vrN be elglblo for sn IF0 Score Bonus IN 5N pwgrrmanca pcdocL chaon stshs shat be commun@sard br vrrgtng by VVFHM and maybe lnodgsd hom 6ma io cane. 'fha bonus ls cna {c)hp on 5N Erap4rss's dirsct snd tasrsct resorts'vncfsdvs4rna during the pa fonnsnce pwhcL Monthly lunged vctcvna shag Induda purchase and reg funded vctcano, Ccvporals Connocgon IUnd sd voturncL and Home Equip loans 4nd ad v64ma snd snas ol credg csgtcsd bstsnca vo4rse {ps dascrtbwt hash). Brotcarad out 4ons and Elnployss's pwscnal aro cuc4dwL and burns referred lo amplo}ass ouhtda No Emp4yss's INrgory aro sÃc4docL fr~a Sscffon V. PAYlifENT SCff Ef)ULE ~ A ttsnoraL Comrn4a41N stvrg ba paid cvr Iha last pay pwlod of each monlh baswt on ths schrat functng sf mortgage loans by Emparyaa dudng gur pnrvtoua monlh. Tha SarrkAnnual Pwfonnarvs Scorecwd Bonus on psrRxwl producgon shag bs patd no tslar gun OQ days fof f7wtng Iho acct of 5N pwflxnlanca parlocL Monthly volume ovsrdde shag bo pcud Nk ION pay psnod of each raonst bcaad N1 ulo schist Lrtcgng of lnortgsgs Icons by asglblo ss4s ntporgng cgrscsty to Employee during the prav4us month. Ths YON~ ovwncta Roconctlsthrl paystso no later thwl gg days hors Iho snd of Iha p4n yvar. Quartwty Purohase Bonus ctus, 5 any, INN Smounls paid In drsvv par plan leone, shsliba prkf no 4tsr Ihan to days 45ovrlng 5N end of gvr psrrorrcanca perlocL Tha Qusrtarty Psrfcln1snco ccoracod Bonus cn cgrsct and bvgroct ropor4 production shag ba pahf no 4tar gwn 50 days hctovcng 5N snd of lha parfonnwxo panwL 4 %F06{)597 ~~ ~ ~ E~~ s~ ~ I, ~ when lncandvs Pavrnsrne ere Earned To sara bonuses, or ottus under gda Ran. lbs. Emtdoyae rruet be acguaty by Iffsita Forgo fhrough tha data crsdb fe granted snd ths snd ef the spy%cable perbvrmerme period, unlace cAerwtm wcpreeety provkfed ln Ale Plan or requked by sppgoebt» herr. Tfds Is an a%presa of ssmhQ tncwgvaa undre ttda fqtel, Nba@gone purpose of Itda plan lo provide sn Incardhm ls Nw No mrnan fn wIA Ernpfoyev. TNs cond@an «feo recogntras Nur Eraptoyse'a ongeng)ob mepon~a wlgt respect le Aa closing ofk»ns on whtch As Ervfuoyea may ha afglbla to racefvs rummlasfansdrusedhrsa. Aa provkkrd In Nfa Pion, tuwm end other krcengves era eedrnalsa when pal@ or are aubfect lo attar they am paid. when pekl, Aoas commheona, bonuses, or oAar InnstUIvse afa ddvennra of waosa and wa aol wsgaa trwt pw Employee haa canted. Tteee tvhmncaa eve nol earned untg ager stt fugukrnorda provktsd for ln Ate Plan tuwa bean and trnplamantsct, snd ths other farms and c~ton rtar~a ~ento any~ conrggons of As Plan have bass eedrukrd, A. Yyithhokttno Yovee. Efepkryar chait deduct flora ON peymenh under gee phln en amount ecoea5ary to satisfy hrdersl, state or local toe wknnoidhg mqubementa Theve ohilgsQona wtk he vfthheki bom the Enqdoyew'a compeneagon prior lo paymonh 8. Ite tbuerantse of Erne~ pargdpaycn In NNa plan doss not coneuhfe s guararnae or conbscf of smtuoymenl wah yuFHM. or pordcbragng snpkrfsr. such parBctpegcn a hat h no wwy Interfere with any rights of Vfptfbt, or pergcbnryng ersfduyer, to dsterrntna ths duragon of a portkdpsnfa ampyyntud or the terms anti oondtfots of such amploynwnL Therefore, each Ernpkryse aha N rsrnaln an amp@yea-stag at aN times dunng the du@dion of amp ioymenl with Emfdofar. ~ c. plan Administration. The pkrn Adrnhlebatslla tns Evp. Human Iqasouroea for yyprt M. Ths plan Adrakdetndor hss gw fug &aecresonsry augustly to adndniker, ktesrtvel end mneauo the tonne of gur ptsn, The plan Adrnkdeastor msy, et any N~ dehlgslo to other poraonnaf such raspoaearcftoa sa N conetdarl to tte approprbus lo ths day.toeiey adndnteba don of ths Plan, ~ 9. Anrandmant end Tannkwffcn of the Ptm. The Plan Adndnhhstor, wbh approvaf of Ae Head of WFHNN, may envwxk suspend or tenntnet ~ Aa pkm al any Nme tur any reeve, wlA or wllhoul nodes. Iqo amendment, auepankon of kvmvraaon of tha plan ahab adveraky affect Era pkryeda oommlesloNlrcandva pay earned under tna plan poor to the etfocgve dots of gw smendrnank or lennkatton of Ihs P lsn. E. f)taouts ftesofution Process. Tha Plan Adrknhtrator heath! suAorfty to raeotvs eg ieeuas arid dtaputea nrhrrod to Ihe plan. NEmptcyes begovae grat htwher rvunnhvkxvbonua or olherllcanAw pay te thconiect, either by befog overpaid or underfwtd. Em pkryee muol Ntve wriban ncdca of the anor to tha Phn Adrnkdekafor (or bo rfetegka) wntfn dg deye attw 6mpbyew receives Ae Inasndvs pay Employee betknres to be Incan vct. The nodes ehoukt tnc4dp cstcufadoaa or other nkvag facts sup porgng ths request for review, yybhh 00,{faye, Nrs phil Arbntrfatrstor (or its dkegsbr) vfg review Aa raquoel to determine It Ihore ls an enor and whether sn tuqustmsnt la approfefala to oifeel Nw enor. To the ovkue an arNusbnent le spproprhh, Nra adjuslment wfg gonsrsay ba made wynkt dg days *bowing %e dotsnrdnelke, Alt odalcna hy Aa ptan Adrakdacstor wNI be Nnal, anctuelvo and tdrcÃnp. F, Adachrvent A, Atlachraanl hite rirro AN Agachnvrnt Aa om on-Nno for etocbonk ueoga and sign off. Pogovr Ineuucg ore on tho and baqusnay asked quealorw (FAG). Ths Nnk to Ihs Acecrereat A'a bc h wabaN e for tnttucdona a et on.wrhmsreneelead wege feroo.curry The genus comrnleekrn Accounlbg cualomar aervbe number Ic d1LN)d-yedd. EV ay llew tdto. ~1~~~ CB gf..~ III')ll, CP ~~ n) N %.tff »B Sc 'W:4P' ~ ~ EIINO, «ra«ahly ananhah» en»h ha Paaknn odfda itttds Fargcd ample)oarsmen» taadtd leans hc'Ihs pack»n hyd ha y» Inonth, aub)sct Io PI«i 4nsa Ttbt¹fsr h, 0)E pot1l Premed)on ln thnnkuno boaacoaa a r at that dsp ef Sa Pptn ya«f ot P¹tmotfcnf Ckft T~ dftccrndnree Phrt t»nab»dan des ta tcsndot sr aoonatt» pdosraroktatt ~ Ef able for rnanhlycacwnkrtkrn craft) for ~aa44 Ianna wikh hmd wbdn cary C)O) daye a4a hsnetar srpnanath» n» V S poalhec enter«i hy Ihs PI«h or In wkh Fags tar 4» alfie hat prccnaee «nphywf wsrlacm yyrty f)0) day p«lent kaknrbs tntna¹r or pntmayan. ~ ~~ ~ fcr Ettybar kc mani@yearn«ncchar««la ~ IINa leone whkh kmd wahhr yuny IM) ~ayaoh«4«uaakr» Of a ---- wkh atda law. Its w~ «4 ~p Td 'Er a¹to¹ ~4nkwaa. hs Vcoon¹u¹s ptas thais yshadart Sanyndk¹ofa a r 4 Est he Stet at caiarhry Bt tfifrrM". R ttl Bt thar% loved he Pwawa«n» ennacora beaut «S he seceded let IOBIS eagkrk 4nded lees aaho» old aooros lwsMI cccfansnctfQ inmactawtt span he astcyus dals et has, penvar to or perecthrn hhr en ayakte poddae, Crack Inwact Ihe P«f¹maaca Bcarec«d 8¹ sa vS be awwda4 tw yakty) eny44 hmchd hroc Mrheaa aad oc«% tacehed Oasuyh ISO a¹ccdro c cul et s paewarc do4 V uonatv « i csacred by Ihe pine, suttect lo P4n leans. Eafaoroe»morn «npnrye4wlh yndh F«ge yrr Ihs nstonrnN pef4nnaaos p«fod otoasdnft Ikr nlcnay«C kanefar ¹ y chfect to hsnattr4 «sda Invcod ho Porto« «»e w y«nw wil ba sverde4 4r Sdtty) stable hlndwl kaa satan» and access touched spall ylo aafÃllts dms of ~ ~ hda y» lsl.atkdtaa podyeL henttat K ~ lb)act ts Phn tetma Pha atkhis he Perfonnaaco Sc«scant Scnue N Empbrrea b aat «splayed an Aa» 3d'ar plaeleerw unlo» Ernpkan» tales. (See h~wsry» J arech shall he «e«dad tor 4ancwhkh keel rnaca than Inly tag) days attar I» dale of ot accptapnocL ~sloar 4¹srnaak eee Tbt¹snwnC bshe. I fnuctuntnfy Term)nabs» for kttseomtuct FalcNIO meal adntlutn hlaoccdc and Hol sigNO lnl p«tcamance ba«nance Borne Nd» Eapkvjm it nct onpkted nn tur» If'' st Ctuakfftnb Kuant itndat Salary Conbnuobon Poy Pfsn lnr Eay ate lar maathrt ~table lease whtch hmd wthtr holy)to) date once I» ond af hs EmphrrcVO r»yco ~ 4«n «embay it at)pbta St ~«ec¹ peded. Plan udOab»km ca» to e uadfrfls ~rwd cotter the p)P bakry cheat»a«st Jeep plcnfnedcct ~I Ihe Sns style ararat Onadt or ttobfcsr»nP Apprcnled Leave ~ ~ ~ twaacemeate Eccta¹Bm Encphyto lram ~andny oarnponaayan und«ha p4n. No ccats anal ao mrcnfod lnsnyuy lar Iaeaa whtch hndtnlha oranh V talma»tata tNcemh«)ta h ~ wahine A pncae4 chare v Ihe pars»a«u» Sa«nacrd Sara» wd aa nacudacl k any. snead on yNS) econ» and kcVICta thnwgh y» cehndar lnonh that arckdae Iho en4 et mptsyoaa nake p«tad, ar Empkeaa's oatate. «S he p«d a plo. rata choo v I» perknaenca bcnracnnt bema baaed an s ytkad accuse and htuynya Ihrcwgh Ihc and ei ha aaknasr moran In vtuch Empt» dha ca Elgtte 4r mash k amdt hr saoh¹ lease whkh 4ad «char aasy f3o) 4 eye aller Emphryee daa ca rettea, tta aelealce tradk shay he avaatcd ha lear» whkh 4 ed mcus Ihan hiiy fga) dale ek« y» date at death cr IH»rn«L paya»m ws ba n»do IO Emnanuth Ca Enatrtae'a ae¹O. ttannst «vdl, y anr. Iar Pisa 4«» rda cardnae dudny n» leave. acchrrs¹ Pay»cased na PTO 4 ra«acr Pry lcu ~tanawu howe kayaryaa well acne tta rapan Ia O» Pamanwwnhwmc«d wart»4 N Empltyao Thk osauet ware nal letty aw 4 adroaed agchst he the 8«» bnna, $ lehea.'tgbyty for yal Pe rlomc I im» ~ Saws wk ant, hated on SCES) eccaac «al bacynye danny Ihs p«fam»ac» padad. ~a oversea, tea»a Pf O. ccedw riess¹ cNINOA ctacS, y any, per Phn 4tms s¹cerfyncw dwgct aopmcepoatt Sne oy Pago Ia el ty WFM0559 ~ ~~ ~ .~ ~ ~,~~~ FCV'~ Of «V« &~«s dcdned ep he le n~g e S Ydyeer«of««rctcch Pj ss potstd j4ll one pdbd ciidtted br««Cb aaoh ~a '~ poor erson«cab a t«S a«w «$ acth coca FS«rh For purposes oyftdofrtarh Of ~~ y ~ Ofterleydhkg camptsted «gaper yaer of sanfccL 4» Oerttar Cd@ ipe Q WNI «ndqnd poht dredgedibr mon» Q Empfdpoes mcctbt cyncdtc» of Icnntatfcn by Encotcpef ertchs thun t) Ernpbcpae'«««be«cad fhbrro le «Id»Nrctfctfy fnnfonn Ernphcyea's)aa I«cd«eh «hey rscmpd of wrgten noose snm Emfdsya oflha frcufbcn»nao issuae; bp Gcqphcywe'e aawk5m ot e sr«no Ref cectu«we fmtnegtm Or en Sdt of dtdstron P»t Emfdoyer dcdanrdnae rentiers Emphases unt»ndhfdtt JP ~«vfef«Eccl of Enlphcywye page«so twdsnb«$ but rrnt gnclod Q lybds portfo'o Cods cd Gh«» and hrtsblsao frr«cm»dcn Sacsstty Polby or Cong«tarn» end Pdsfr «fsc»tpscnord Acoocsctabfgfrpcsgay; 4J r«chdhm of or any cd»f oorcpbn»w ractcN»nentb tot «busfr»se ccldgbcq Q e breech ot ErnPfsyee'«c,s '~.M a Tiedo Secret«Atfreereont crbtc Ernpkser ond eg enhEHx snd edactcn»ids p»actor one«br EI Agleam«f4 A»ne ocrfsfdo of Emotcsfr orans af gs et«peto« ndguMct &sdopwrb «nd opt«noel sn Iitncg!CTVL:ki %j KLt New pgre, Trensfoc In. OR Pcwreodon ln ~ ~ Gc ches w .Cci OC SI .M 'NL ccccfd~tCIPI 51-Cd 41:crcrln. Cd":ns'u .hy rsicaii«A/D|nFtucaa~rCAQiak'.crw C ~ AroPA~~ ca«~gw aa m m m .m .a;m w..m~ccucnaCC a.'m na '4 ac a.,xi 'fhe psnaasorce sccuecocd scnus wAi Apnscns shee ore» thscnsny .Icc In, m'sxxrtwgcnca h pcocah Kln el 4» ~cctacd rs phcs h Icenotac or Pro»othe Out oanshr ~ Sf ~ can«dtcohnre ovanfds wn lw cousrdcdhr Ihopastbn hsai Isr sa par«CI sess aml boccsssa e pcgcrpcrk N bsaeusnt fysrcL cfn Pron yowl Phnaihpndhn CF,',.Sn drsddccNcvctcdtia+ ~ ~ ~ ~ A Osacsla shee sl Wa caarshly wdcnw auaccrds wn bs eeaiesd ln Ihs pss«hnc odd hr «w pmddrnoigb and Ssbnmla Res hanL is ihhr bann, a usa»» and recehcct. coun I la ass«us dma K bha, esnsscc or eoccfcncaaa whc PimhcncL hasL A plcMna chanc af ol ~ hcacacir Pcschsco Ssncn wS bs awarded tsr «» techon hal4 hr «w psc«K ~I 4» snd ol Ibo monS ef KWs dnucgo nsd h ~scscnhnca wha Proc lonaw Cnck Iawanl Isa Psdwmwna Scacacanl ~ance aS be swwds4 tcr «gb»I at«hds «musd loan ceases snd scones race«sad glmugh lhe arise«co dah of Inmshr cn Isa»an»md ot ~ poc«hm cnvsncdby S» phuL cc«4scc Io Rsa hans. rscnsba snnfhcyad sc«c Wchc Fargo for Ias euoiiany pocfoncwcccw period hdowls4 «» InnAr or ACaebrraa CanrchW ecaebcyad whh Iw Wa auanmly psrhccwsnc parlsdbcgonCCS Wo Wsh Fsc«o , ~ ~cdod lor ac«ad Ruchsco scans ws ba ewnhK fawn posbhmhddshnbp tsr dsc «col cd cnoas h w cccsnder susccsr s«sr canus chan«s and Is banchr cu pnsccsksc prwns«snh» a«theo hndod lass sn asgsch pa@lan pacycsn ~ =.~=- ~ ~~ hktsc«h hcrccfcnL ccecR hwsrd We padcscsanm Ccsaccud Saawc wd ba hc «chhl s««hua bended has swarded ~ scsusa ceculv wf upcm Ihe afhdhw dsh at bsosow K Cccnllogcm inlo «I a Sng ate«ah Sos«bcc a ubhccc la Plcn hares. paclcmsanca scacansid Sensa ws ncc bo Ye«uncs ~ Ild Vcducdscy Tacechcallon ~~ Nca«grec«ursa nosed«a anacdK«N sndsfacch 1 gisphtao ct»wdcnws saba«ca mani«. Shacks uohcnhuy unnctndhn Of wnisccymscn I« al wa Ih» wapl0ycnent bs bcroce «w ~nd al Sn cnlnlda alack Plan~»rois or usrnhny ~canc awaaar 'drscssnr L s«SNo Ar saa bshcn p Inuolunlasy Tonntnadon hni l%accncduat or C«ciao Qualifying Svorcc tinder Salary Concnnuodon Pey Plan tttseualea tasccscouos pros pcncapcsocn clos cs o Octatbtp ewni sneer Sa Ndc «Slay OSS«WOSNn PCcy ~sisal 6usnsdy pcscnsss%na h ~ceno« cn Ihs snd at sade cabndsr qusnsr st the Ras acnplsyad cn Van. dcf ot cf «» Rwl Ysa. e Dcocalo abaca Kew nconnty solwas ococdds wS hs swords« hc «hCCdd gcsrcrysu'S ISCC day or n«dopnwd bc Oscars wa ond or tcs ascender auanar cl wo Plan YCK ne 4asrbnt bcrws cng ba pact hs Oac«hnhdd Icr«» ow«simon«c wul h ccordsnm wch Phw ItnsL San«dy uoluaw ovscnch w ~ ~essd el 4» anl at esch csbndaraaspc «hsuld Ikatucrnsis bsc doy at bebKwa«w ~CKK«w cahmlwcsanma Wa Hsn Year, ne a»naia wS ba sdd. A pcwcsis ahwa ar Wa aces«cy vocurcs crrccndents ba swccdcch based on «Ctuai porose«cn chrsugb na cshadm mac«I Ihal bnhctaa ~w sn4 af ntclsyss'a nance pwlscl. Quis«r Pcschaca «anus ls nomad onlhs snd ct oc«h cahndsr cocansr or Inc plan Ysa. «hasid esphrrcnrs huc ~sf cd sn«c! Cycnani ba bclbca Wa and of ea cawnosr coccccsc or oc ~ Ran Yacc, no bonus wil bo pshL ~ A fuOCS» Saaw Sr Scr sensa Wal ~a aaeedal, «any, bcnsd on «duct ccos ucUon Ilcoueh «w cehncni »orch wm hdudas wo end of cwucs psdocC 4w~w, SaphnLMK Scancbac M" h waa the pena snlw, ucusss Ccpcsyaa IOCNa. t«so lulsw.i ~ ~~ P Soocscwd Bonus wit nol be ~washed y Ihs IC nal scdcscr ~cspccrsd on 4nnaoCIP, tcpwncosr Sd'& «la h accus»sos wlS Wa Plans laans. sasca sl Ihs Padcucnsnca «ascccacd Sanuawd ha cncwdsd, pony, based on Sated cowss sod hcndasrc scsu«h sa cobe«sr numac wm ndsoca «» Oad St nolce pmlol. A pcwcshc ~s Rsnhacbwslho gens ar Ws econ5 Papal«af I« branch Sahs i«gr- PicchcL« a hmoviyoo„w pcnpbyao o aoc«w,tea se a prwrcdo aliars af 5w Psthtnoancw Scciscwd Bonus baaed m Irw Scbvd ~ccvoc ond acvotiav nvtarph Ihs arel ot Aa otlacdotmos¹ln video Inmphrtaa isoo ot advM Boast cif Rourom4lg'apattva, ot trtpvrteo+ ," ocdsto,wtthhhohtocs ' paht ratratib vctwcw ownhto daa ant, booed aa Iho ac!vol parttaaowta Sewan the ant ot I» cabncar tacnb In wahb Gephyoo dbe or I t chcananr sccvocLd Bees duo. any, v4 sa pius snead on pcsud oconlo cvtt tant&so uvovs a oe and ct ace ccl tithe maivti Ace &lkiycm oooo on an ~ ppnwat lsovL scnsstwlama ovonido sve, Approved Leave t any, wa sa peal hated on paltvaomaa aiawah Hvi aivt of sw cahndw manA Aai fscpatyw asst olios oppmvac leave tvvpbym vdt nat hs slants Sv Ow aanedr vol was Otatdda Bmpbyve Ia en e hia nvtoSI bew asar Sw Emccone wS sat bo ttobht I hntw ccncnovcecL ~ smtscyso cd los cds'hb hv provahc ch¹sef tw s mwdhhi toaaaa seundo hu Sta scents «which nw ndvrnahom asappntvod bate Paid TlmsQtf la'a Ovaaany pvrvtwm Hcvvs ~corucg on ihs tvphnvto'a tval hit monA an a Iotiva coded elhi t cta pmcodcn wo ho apptoa Ie Ilw rocvvahr vitae ovwrlda. Fol ovsnhte due. 5 ~ay. pot phm Ieano wal ha pour lor Cpprcvad past was Sw loaw oarwesccad. smtmvm ws ba a4ysca he a proteus chars ot sw Quanany Pucchcvw Swan Iw bto mcnoirn vases Aa tvttayaa rolwna hwn ~n sppntvod tia vvpaid smphiyoo ws sg be atohca fcr lhs Duatlodr Scettmid Satan tsar&a cn Iha Bmplotaa'o civr M mon¹ cvi ~ Itlavv ~ pwvvt oh¹ uto taaw canvnonoscL withe ttbbla htt s tice Iota a rtwltl Ct Iha Ovanany Scotac¹d Scuwa tw dw ioonth b wttch }hs tts ptores nkwtw lamas a oprovod Ioave. hsvo, Ia the Qvan¹ly Pumhaoo Sonua, I 'For pcvpaass of ttcfs plan, tlat vernant ia dchrad sa the tsntdnnttcvc af nrptoynmnt offer machtng ftts esttthr af aye 55 wytt to tests of satvfcrr, pj ty potitts tirttn one pottt atsdtsd tbr sash corcpsttad ege year snd one posit ctedtted tbr each ccrnptcted yswr of wn4eg ¹'ap age tta whb anp ovnptbhtd yasr af ca@fee. Far ctrpooas ofgita Ran, ~ I ~ tdfsccnctucd or cease means Emptcyes's mcefpt of noyes of fsnnhrrtttan hy Etnptayor srtatny I) Eunptcryaab canynu¹t AAro to aubctcntfoty perform Ernpfotos's job doyen, aPer tscs Ipt ot wrttcmnoyce frets Ertifcoyorof Ihe perlbnnancottsoes; zp Emluayesb canvtctan of s crtns Ivatvtng dtohonosty or hmscfr af intat arntcney foundering, nf a felony, or oommftcdur of s ciftno af any ect Ibst mabro Empties btetpMe far hcvn etnptoyrnont wyh yyabt Forge; ST Empfoyaeb vtatattanof pntctea fnctucdng, but nat rbnftod lo, NsCs Fsrya's cacb af Etbfcs snd thndnesa condltct fnfhnnstiaa soctrrfty paftcy or cantpysrse snd lttah Itsneg ament caooodtrbdty Fattcy; q vtctattan of afshihuy. myutshuyor sny ather carnptsncs rsctuftemanta spptcshfo to @nptoyai's huatnuts scttvtyoct @»bvsoctt af Emptoyaoh Entttoycnotd Aymamanl or Trade 6'screlc Ayrs¹n std vith Empteyw'nd ag echfbttr smf stledunenhi ytetstcX SncAtr ftt baaerhrgyrrrrs acitttdo af Etnptaysr orans of tfs oyttstss vtartrcwt pnd approval ~~ comrnloslcns snd salaries duihto snon Term Dlsnbtslv tBTDg. Kmphcyeac are aogada la psrdctpale vt Ihs wobc Fargo s camp any short Tsso Dtaebtfcly plan yhe 'sTD ptacf L Dered STD ptsII rAcrrdtlce Ia svstabls ln the ttanattc ttnoa for tarota Fargo Tacan ahunbats or by cshhig Leave hlsnegarrvrrt sl tie HII Satvlca Constr. 8TfHRvvELLs tl syy~-tdyf), ntdayvtc musl uaa pTole covsr Ihs ttfD Phtn's cavan day weeny parhciL For the pouted fn whtcti Ehc phrtse recdvos be aetio undhr gw BTD pts n, mant Icy ca nmloslan cracnt sttt curlicue. Than separately s STD benatI poymsnL Iattot tta lc)