THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of t h e d n d day of Between: MALASPINA University - College (hereinafter called "the Employer") PARTY OF THE FIRST PART AND: CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES, LOCAL NO. 1858 PARTY OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS: A. The parties have entered into a joint gender-neutral job evaluation plan to evaluate the jobs, responsibilities and functions of support staff positions. B. The parties are desirous of entering into an agreement to ensure that the joint gender-neutral job evaluation plan remains current and operational (hereinafter know as the "Joint Gender-Neutral Job Evaluation Maintenance Agreement"). NOW THEREFORE it is hereby agreed between the parties as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS In this Joint Gender-Neutral Job Evaluation Maintenance Agreement, unless the context otlienvise requires: POSITION - means the current duties and responsibilities assigned by management requiring the employment of one or more persons. NEW POSITION: A position which is added to the workforce that is sufficiently different from work currently being performed in the workplace that it cannot be assigned to an existing job, in the view of the Administrative Supervisor and the Director of Human Resources. New positions require approval by Malaspina University-College's Executive to proceed to job evaluation as a new job description. Approved new positions will be posted. Temporary positions will be rated only when the duration of the position is at least five (5) months. Casual positions will not be subject to the job evaluation process. Created on November 28,2006 I:Uobeval\CUPE JJE\Advisory committee formsUE Adv ProposafiForms\Final agreement Nov 2036.doc CREATION OF INITIAL POSITION QUESTIONNAIRE - Initial questionnaire to be completed for rating of new positions. PRIMARY REVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE - is a description of the scope of duties and responsibilities of a position, prepared by an incumbent and/or a supervisor. EVALUATION - means the process of assigning degree levels of factors as they apply to the job content to determine the relationship of jobs within the college. RE-EVALUATION and RE-CLASSIFICATION - means to consider an existing position using the job evaluation process when a significant change in duties or responsibilities occurs which may alter the ratings in relation to the factors. JOINT GENDER-NEUTRAL JOB EVALUATION COMMITTEE (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) - Refers to a committee composed of four representatives appointed by the employer and four representatives appointed by the union to maintain the job evaluation plan. JOINT GENDER-NEUTRAL JOB RATING TEAM (hereinafter referred to as the Rating Team) - refers to a team composed of any two of the four Committee representatives appointed by the Employer and two of the four Committee representatives appointed by the Union. THE JOINT GENDER-NEUTRAL JOB RATING APPEAL TEAM, (hereinafter referred to as the Appeal Team), refers to a team comprised of the initial rating team plus one additional Committee representative from both Union and the Employer. RED CIRCLE RATE - refers to a rate being paid to an incumbent in excess of the valuated pay grade. GREEN CIRCLE RATE - refers to an existing wage rate that is lower than the pay grade assigned as a result of implementation of the plan. SOLE ARBITRATOR - refers to an arbitrator appointed under Clause 8.4 of this agreement. PURPOSE 2.1 To carry out a Joint Gender-Neutral Job Evaluation Program in accordance with the general objectives and principles set out in this agreement pertaining to a Joint Gender-Neutral Job Evaluation Program between CUPE Local 1858 and Malaspina University-College. Created on November 28,2006 I:Uobeval\CUPE JJE\Advisory committee formsUE Adv ProposaF\Forms\Final agreement Nov 2006.doc 2.2 To implement a single gender neutral job evaluation plan to achieve Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value for all jobs within the CUPE Local 1858 which will include these four main factors: i. .. 11. ... in. iv. skill effort responsibility working conditions The factors and subfactors must have an impact on all jobs being rated. 2.3 Job ratings serve to: a) group jobs having relatively equivalent point values ( this is commonly referred to as banding); b) provide the basis upon which wage rate relationships between jobs are established; c) measure changes in job content; d) assign jobs to the proper pay grade in the salary schedule. 2.4 In the application of the Job Evaluation Plan, the following general rules shall apply: a) IT IN THE CONTENT OF THE JOB, NOT THE PERFORMANCE OF THE INCUMBENT, THAT IS BEING RATED; b) Jobs are evaluated without regard to existing wage rates; c) Job are placed at the appropriate degree level in each subfactor by comparing the specific requirements of the jobs to the subfactor definition, and .the description of each degree level; d) The job analysis and rating of each job shall be relative to and consistent with the job questionnaires and ratings of all other jobs rated under the plan; e) No interpolation of subfactor degrees (i.e. mid-points) is permitted. f) Possible Outcomes of Job Evaluation: i.Re-evaluation-where the JJE indicates a significant change in the skill, effort, responsibility or working conditions of an existing job which may or may not affect its total point value or position level, the iiicumbent (s) remain in the re-evaluated position provided they have the necessary skills and qualifications to perform the core job duties. ii .Re-classification- where the JJE indicates a significant change in the core job duties and functions which warrant it to be moved from the current job description to another existing Created on November 28,2006 I:Uobeval\CUPE JJE\Advisoly committee formsUE Adv ProposafiForms\Final agreement Nov 2C06.doc job description which is substantively the same or very similar. Such a change will result in the previous job being placed at the reclassified job pay grade and job title. The incumbent(s) remain in the reclassified position provided they have the necessary skills and qualifications to perform the core job duties. g) Red circle. When, as a result of the implementation or maintenance of the joint job evaluation plan, a position is evaluated lower than the current rate, the incumbent shall maintain the current rate as a red-circled rate for as long as the incumbent holds the position. Employees will be eligible for salary increments within the assigned pay grade. .. 11. The evaluated rate shall become effective as soon as the incumbent leaves the position. h) Green circle - during the implementation of the plan, when a position is green circled, the existing pay grade shall be maintained until a date mutually agreed to by the parties. i) Copies of the plan and related documents will be available to supervisors and CUPE members from the Human Resources Office. 1. 3. JOINT GENDER-NEUTRAL JOB EVALUATION COMMITTEE The Committee will be responsible for the administration of this Joint GenderNeutral Job Evaluation Maintenance Agreement. This includes any correspondence between the parties that refers to Job Evaluation. The Rating Team shall be responsible for the evaluation of positions using the agreed to factors and factor degree levels, totally the assigned degree level points to each position, applying the points total to the appropriate point salary category. The unanimous decision of the Rating Team shall be final and binding, subject only to the appeal procedure contained in Article 7. 3.1 The Committee shall have equal representation and participation from the parties, consisting of four (4) representatives from the Employer and four (4) representatives from the Union. There may be other trained Committee members on standby for relief. 3.2 The Rating Team shall have equal representation and participation from the parties, consisting of two (2) of the Committee representatives from the Employer and two (2) of the Committee representatives from the Union. 3.3 Committee members shall be granted leave of absence with pay when attending meetings of the Committee, Rating Team or Appeal Team. It is the employee's responsibility to inform the immediate supervisor, in advance, of meetings. Created on November 28,2006 I:Uobeval\CUPE JJE\Advisory committee fomsUE Adv Proposa\Forms\Final agreement Nov 2006.doc 3.4 Routine business decisions of the Committee shall be made by a simple majority of the full committee. Job rating decisions shall require a unanimous decision of the full Rating Team, the Appeal Team, or the Committee, where necessary, and shall be final and binding on the parties, subject only to the appeal procedure contained in Article 7. 3.5 Either or both parties to the agreement may engage advisors for training purposes only to assist representatives on the Committee. Any such advisor shall be entitled to participate in discussions but not to vote and shall not be considered to be a member of the Committee. 4. COMMITTEE MANDATE The Committee shall implement and maintain the Joint Gender-Neutral Job Evaluation Program by: a) Evaluating all the CUPE Jobs using the Job Gender-Neutral Evaluation Plan. b) Maintaining the program. c) Recommending changes to the Job Evaluation Plan, its procedures or methods, as may be deemed necessary from time to time, to the parties. d) Make reconimendations to the parties on matters related to the collective agreement which impact the effectiveness of this plan. 5. JOB ANALYSIS PROCEDURES AND RATINGS FOR NEW AND/OR CHANGED POSITIONS 5.1 NEW POSITIONS Whenever the Employer decides to establish a new position, (refer to definitions), .the following procedures shall apply: a) Step 1 A CUPE JJE Request Form and a Creation of Initial Position Questionnaire form shall be completed by the supervisor and submitted to Human Resources. b) Step 2 Six months to a year after the creation of the Initial Position Questionnaire, a Primary Review Questionnaire will be completed by the Supervisor and given to the Comniittee via Human Resources. c) Step 3 The job shall now be rated by the Rating Team, based on the agreed-upon questionnaire, in accordance with the Job Evaluation Plan. The Rating Created on November 28,2006 I:Uobeval\CUPE JJE\Advisory committee formdJE Adv ProposahForms\Final agreement Nov 2006.doc Team shall use information obtained from the completed questionnaire, interviews with the supervisor(s) and, if required, visits to the job site. b) Step 4 When the Rating Team has completed the rating of the job, it will advise Human Resources and provide the CUPE JJE Internal Rating Sheet. 5.2 CHANGED POSITIONS Whenever the Employer changes the duties and responsibilities of a job or the incumbent(s)/Union feel that the duties and responsibilities of a job have been changed, or that the job description does not reflect the duties and responsibilities of the job, the following procedures shall be followed: a) Step 1 The incumbents(s), Union, the Supervisor, the Employer or the Committee may request a job evaluation review by ensuring the incumbent completes and the supervisor comments, signs, and submits an Job Evaluation Request form and a con~pletedPosition Questionnaire. The form, signed by the Supervisor, should be attached to the completed questionnaire requesting evaluation and forwarded to the Human Resources (normally within 10 working days). Human Resources will complete an Assessment of Change Questionnaire based on information from the supervisor and employee. The Eva.luation Request will be forwarded to the Committee at that point. b) Step 2 The Rating Team shall rate each subfactor of the job and establish a new rating for the job through interviews with the incumbent(s) and supervisor(s). The Rating Team may visit the job site when deemed necessary. c) Step 3 When the Rating Team has completed the rating of the position, Human Resources will advise the supervisor of the decision and provide the supervisor and incumbent with the point details of the ratings. 5.3 PAY GRADE ASSIGNMENT a) The rating of the job shall determine the pay grade for the job; b) If the job is rated at a pay grade higher than the existing pay grade, the incumbent's new salary shall be determined by application of Article 28.04 of the Collective Agreement. c) RETROACTIVITY Created on November 28.2006 I UobevahCUPE JJEMdvlsoly comm~tteeformsVE Adv ProposafiForms\F~nalagreement Nov 2006 doc e -- -- .-- - - --- ? " - 6 - -- Retroactivity shall be back-dated to the date the duly signed form was received by the Human Resources Office. Retroactivity will not normally exceed 90 calendar days. However, in exceptional circumstances, the Committee may recommend a longer period of retroactivity to the Executive of the University-College. 6. REGULAR REVIEW AND MAINTENANCE a) It is important that the Committee maintain accurate job questionnaires and job ratings on an ongoing basis. Failure to do so will serve to damage the integrity of the program. It is the intention of the parties to review jobs upon request and to conduct an ongoing review of all positions in accordance with a cycle of not more than five years as agreed to by the Committee. The Committee will publish a schedule for review of all regular positions and will distribute to those departments involved. The regular review cycle shall commence following the finalization of all reconsidera.tions and problems that might arise with the initialization of this job evaluation prograni. b) Requested Review The supervisor(s) and incumbent(s) will submit to Human Resources a CUPE JJE Position Evaluation Request Form and will include an updated Position Questionnaire Form. This will initiate an Assessment of Change form to be completed by Human Resources. The department(s) will be advised in return if the changes justify going to the Committee. If so, the Committee will review the Assessment of Change form and determine if the position has significantly changed. If there are no significant changes, the existing rating will be maintained. If the Committee determines that there may be significant changes in the position, the Rating Team will reevaluate the position following the steps outlined in 5.2. 7. APPEALS Either the incumbent(s) or the supervisor(s) may appeal a rating decision by completing and submitting a Job Evaluation Request Form to the Human Resources Office stating the specific factors involved in the appeal and reason(s) for disagreeing with the rating of the job. Any such request shall be submitted within twenty (20) working days of receiving notice of the rating from Human Resources. The incumbent(s) and the supervisor shall be required to make a joint presentation to an Appeal Team composed the same representatives who did the initial rating plus one additional committee representative from both union and management. This Appeal Team will make a decision which shall be considered final and binding upon the parties and all employees affected. Human Resources shall inform the supervisor of the decision. A copy of the Appeal Rating Form will be distributed by Human Resources. Created on November 28,2006 I:Uobeval\CUPE JJEiAdvisory committee fomsUE Adv ProposalForms\Final agreement Nov 2006.doc SETTLEMENT OF DISAGREEMENTS If the Rating Team or Appeal Teani is unable to reach a unanimous decision on a job rating within ten (1 0) working days, the rating shall be referred to the Committee for a decision. In the event the Committee is unable to reach agreement on a specific job rating or any other matter relating to the interpretation, application or administration of the Joint Job Evaluation Program within ten (10) working days, each party will designate an advisor to meet with the Committee. The two (2) advisors shall meet with the Committee and assist them in attempting to reach a decision. If, after meeting with the two (2) advisors appointed pursuant to Article 8.2, the Committee remains unable to agree upon the matter in dispute, either party may, by written notice to the other party, refer the dispute to a sole Arbitrator who shall be selected by agreement of the parties. If the parties are unable to agree on the selection of an arbitrator, either party may request the Minister of Labour to appoint an Arbitrator. The Arbitrator shall decide the matter upon which the Committee has been unable to agree and hislher decision shall be final and binding on the Committee, the Employer, the Union and all affected employees. The Arbitrator shall be bound by these Terms of Reference and the Job Evaluation Plan and shall not have the power to modify or amend any of their provisions. The jurisdiction of the Arbitrator shall be limited to the matter in dispute, as submitted by the parties. The Employer and the Union shall be the parties to the Arbitration Hearing and shall have the right to present evidence and argument concerning the matter in dispute. The Arbitrator shall have the powers of an Arbitrator appointed pursuant to the Collective Agreement and, in addition, shall have the authority to require the parties to present additional information and to require other person(s) to present evidence, as deemed necessary by the Arbitrator. The Arbitrator's fees and expenses shall be borne equally between the parties. The time limits contailled in this article may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties. Created on November 28,2006 1:UobevafiCUPE JJE\Advisory committee formsUE Adv ProposdForms\Final agreement Nov 2006.doc 9. JOB TITLES It is the responsibility of the Rating Team to assign titles to the position rated where deemed necessary. Any disagreement will be referred to the committee. Created on November 28,2006 I:Wobeval\CUPE JJEMdvisoly committee formdJE Adv ProposafiForms\Final agreement Nov 2006.doc