Battle Born Bulletin Affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Women January 2011 WELCOME 2011-2012 ARW LEADERSHIP TEAM OFFICERS: President’s Message… Maureen Karas The Menorah is packed away until next year. The Christmas trees are down. And, the fireworks have been exploded from our casino rooftops. It must be the new year! 2011 is indeed upon us, bringing with it a time for reflection on the year past, culminating in new yearʼs resolutions to make the coming year even more productive. President " " 1st Vice-President" 2nd Vice-President" Recording Secretary " Treasurer" " Past President Maureen Karas Estela Vaden Cherie Wood Alice Shillock-Clark Stephanie Reeder Peggy Micco Koning STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS: It is in this spirit that Active Republican Women of Las Vegas embark on this same new yearʼs tradition. In looking back, we owe a debt of gratitude to former President Peggy Micco-Koning, her executive board and standing committee chairs. This leadership team leaves a legacy for years to come in the form of a $1000 annual scholarship to be awarded to a worthy Republican woman student. Proceeds from ARWʼs 40th Anniversary Ruby Jubilee have provided the funds to launch this program. Thank you Peggy, the board, the standing committee chairs and the great Republican Women in ARW for making these last two years the success that they are. 2011 begins a new biennium for ARW. With it comes a new leadership team installed at the December general membership meeting. A round of thanks go to these women who have stepped up and committed themselves to serve, many for a second biennium. Please see the complete roster in this newsletter. Note, there are several positions still vacant and in need of a leader. Perhaps one of your personal new yearʼs resolutions is to serve your community more this year. ARW would love to have your energy and skills. With the new year, it is fitting that ARW take a time out to reflect on the past, and start a new course for this biennium. On January 8th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, your board and standing committee chairs will commence with the annual retreat at Red Rock Country Club to do just this. Viewing the long horizon, your board will plan the club goals for 2011, and project even further through 2012. Looking back politically on this last year, a subject keeps surfacing that to me represents the “Achilles heel” of our great Republican Party. Instead of driving public perception on our core values and why we women are Republicans, we have allowed “others” to paint us as xenophobic, racist, the party of “no” and “rich”. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is time we go into the community, introduce ourselves and communicate to our fellow Las Vegans why we are Republicans. This must be followed up with voter registration and an effective get-out-the-vote. The US Senate Race was lost by 9% of the vote. The gap must be closed, and we have two years in which to do it. Each of you has a story to tell. Many of us were once members of the another party; some of us were not politically active at all. But then something happened; something crystalized in each of our lives to take us onto the path of Republican activism. We are proud, and should stand tall. Mentoring is a gift each of us can give. It costs nothing but time to listen and share. Achievement Awards" Americanism " " Budget & Finance"" Boutique"" " Bylaws" " " Legislation" " Caring for America" Caring for American Soldiers Chaplain"" " Community Outreach" Corresponding Secretary ***Fundraising ! ! ***Historian! ! Hospitality" " Literacy" " " MELP" " " Newsletter" " Parliamentary" " Protocol" " ***Publicity! ! Volunteer Hours" Webmaster" " " Eleanor Mills Sinikka Marten Nancy Hambrick Debbie Leavitt Martha Kimpel Melody Howard Barbara Altman Judy & Katie Kelly Brenda Flank Cecilia Aldana & Brenda Flank Christine Hall Vacant Vacant Margaret Helsper & Bernadette Anthony Molly Governs Marty Bender Iris Stone Kathy Slaughter Bernadette Anthony Vacant Alice Shillock-Clark Iris Stone ***NOTE: Committee chairs noted in red are vacant and in immediate need of filling. If you are interested in becoming more “ACTIVE” or have questions about the requirements of any position, please let Maureen Karas know today via email, (, or phone, (702) 233-4884. President’s Message… continued So, what will ARWʼs legacy be at the close of the biennium in 2012? Hopefully, it will be that ARW executed an effective community outreach program that resulted in big 2012 Republican wins . Two new standing committee chairs for community outreach have been added and filled by Brenda Flank and Cecilia Aldana. To provide inspiration and kick-off our community outreach focus, the February 17th ARW meeting program to date will feature keynote speaker Niger Innis, National Spokesperson for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), MSNBC Commentator and political analyst seen on FOX News, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC. You are invited to make a new yearʼs resolution. Be committed and make a difference in your community. Mark Your Calendars 2011 FIRST QUARTER EVENTS January 2011 January 1st January 8th New Yearʼs Day 9am4pm January 11th January 15th ARW Board Retreat at Red Rock Country Club Amelia Earhart Day 9:304pm NvFRW Leadership Seminar at the Alexis Park Resort January 17th Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 18th Clark County Republican Central Committee Meeting - details to be announced by CCRP January 20th 5:308pm January 28th ARW General Membership Meeting at Technique, formerly Cafe Bleu The Governorʼs Ball at the Wynn Resort, Las Vegas February 2011 Swearing in of our 2011 Officers: Maureen Karas, Estela Vaden, Cherie Wood, Alice Shillock-Clark, and Stephanie Reeder. February 6th February 7th Ronald Reaganʼs Centennial (100th Birthday) 6pm8pm February 14th February 17th Valentineʼs Day 5:308pm February 21st Peggy Micco Koning and Maureen Karas ARW Board Meeting at Charlieʼs Lakeside ARW General Membership Meeting at Technique Presidentsʼ Day March 2011 March 5th Lincoln Day Dinner fundraiser at the Venetian March 7th 6pm8pm ARW Board Meeting at Charlieʼs Lakeside March 17th 5:308pm ARW General Membership Meeting at Technique 1ST QUARTER 2011 PROGRAMS ARW KICKS-OFF THE NEW YEAR WITH RADIO PERSONALITY HEIDI HARRIS, “The Voice of Reason in Las Vegas” with KDWN 720 AM Radio Come join us; bring your friends and family, and you will see why Heidi Harris has become ARWʼs January tradition for welcoming the new year. Named one of the 100 most influential Talk Show Hosts in America by Talkerʼs Magazine, Heidi has also been awarded “Best Local Radio Talk Show” by Media Awards. Entertaining, quick witted and just plain fun, Heidi will keep you laughing and wanting more. If you donʼt believe me, just look at the title of her newly published first book, Cocktail Waitress Wisdom. WHEN:! WHERE: ! ! COST:! ! RSVP:! ! January 20th General Membership Meeting! Check-In, Mix & Mingle: 5:30 pm; Call to Order : 6:00 pm “Technique”, formerly Cafe Bleu Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts 1451 Center Crossing Road, Las Vegas, NV 89144 Members: $25 and Non-members: $30 Checks and cash are accepted at the door Reservations are required by Monday, January 17th to: Maureen Karas: Email, or Call (702) 233-4884 FEBRUARY 17TH PROGRAM: NIGER INNIS National Spokesperson for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) A political analyst seen on FOX News, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC MSNBC Commentator MARCH 17TH PROGRAM: TENTATIVE: 2011 LAS VEGAS CITY ELECTION PRIMARY CANDIDATES CARING FOR AMERICA: Thank you to ARW members who donated 18 backpacks, many filled with school supplies, to give to Safe Nest of Las Vegas. Safe Nest receives victims of domestic violence, and too often those victims are innocent children who have had to leave everything behind, including their school materials. Safe Nest Reports: “Domestic violence takes multiple forms, including physical, sexual, emotional and verbal abuse, destruction of property, abuse of pets, social isolation and economic dependency. Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence regardless of age, gender, race, social status or sexual orientation. If you know anyone suffering from this, please get them to contact Safe Nest 24-Hour Crisis Line: (702) 646-4981 (800) 486-7282 Barbara Altman will be making arrangements for Safe Nest to pick up the back packs in January upon her return to Las Vegas. Thank you again to all who participated! MEMBERSHIP RENEW TODAY! 2011 FULL MEMBERS - $30 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS - $15 Currently, ARW only has 36 full members and 13 associates! We need you to renew your membership now. Our 1st Quarter Membership Report is due to NvFRW January 10th. Please see application in newsletter MAIL CHECKS & APPLICATION TODAY TO: CHERIE S. WOOD 1333 N. Buffalo Drive, Suite 135 Las vegas, NV 89128 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: Lee Ann Bakch, Christine Hall, Jennifer Harringt on, Tammy Jo Lykins, Karen Moser, Darcy Neigh bors, Maria Vega & Diane Welch. ASSOCIATES: Lor i Kimpel, Michael Sprieber and James Vaden. Thank you for your “active” involvement in ARW and inviting friends and family to join. For questions, please call Cherie Wood, 2nd Vice-President Membership, at 702-480-7151. Please note that ARW Membership Dues are payable in the month of January. Any member who has not paid their dues by March shall be delinquent. Non-payment as of April 1st will result in a loss of membership privileges. Your membership is greatly appreciated. ACTIVE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF LAS VEGAS (Nevada) is a women’s political organization, bringing together women to positively impact the direction of our state and our nation. We come together as a collective force advancing the Republican Party and women through political access and participation. ACTIVE Republican Women Membership Application 2011 Annual Dues: Check One: *New ______ Member ($30) ______ Renewing _______ Member Since: ___/___/___ Associate ($15) ______ (Regular member of another club or men only) NAME _________________________________________________________________ (As it appears on Voter Registration – Must be a Registered Republican to join) ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________ CITY and STATE ______________________________________ ZIP ________ PHONE NUMBER ______-________________ CELL NUMBER ______-____________ E-MAIL __________________________________ BIRTHDAY _____/______/______ *Referred/Sponsored by: (new member only) ________________________________________ I am a registered REPUBLICAN and I will support and work for the election of Republican Candidates for office and encourage loyalty to the Republican Party. Signature: __________________________________________ DATE: ____/____/___ Please make check payable to ARW & mail to: Cherie Wood, 1333 N. Buffalo, Suite 135, L.V. NV 89128 Visit our website: Volunteer Readers Needed in Elementary Schools WHO: WHEN: HOW: Any ARW Member As “your” time permits during spring and fall semesters Email Molly Governs, Literacy Chair: Send your name, email address & telephone number to Molly. In return, you will receive detailed instructions on how to start your fun filled journey into introducing our Las Vegas children to the wonderful world of books. “HELP BUILD A LIBRARY AND KEEP OUR KIDS READING” WHY: HOW: TIP: A book can be a source of pride for a child; help build a library! Bring one book a month to our ARW General Membership Meeting. Check out sale tables in stores, garage sales or donate gently used books from your own home. “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. FOR YOUR HEALTH..... DO YOU KNOW SYMPTOMS OF A HEART ATTACK? Atypical Symptoms: • Fatigue • Stomach upset • Nausea ! hievement Awards ARW Help ARW Win Ac 10. What counts? 20 for ay tod urs ard ho r Bo ll tee Fa lun , Spring and Track your vo NvFRW Leadership n ca s, bli ng pu eti Re me , urs hip members mmittee ho o ard meetings, Co als bo urs ly ho nth se Mo ou s, sp ng Meeti sociate member As . etc , u urs yo ho if r b primary clu Campaign voluntee are credited to your urs ly ho nth all mo er, to mb count! Reme ub. Bring hours n one NvFRW Cl e, LV, NV belong to more tha k, 2716 Sidonia Av lar Alice Shillock-C to NvFRW il 10 ma /20 or 10 s ng & meeti information re mo for ite bs See we 89102. e award story. a Kimpel’s incredibl Newsletter for Marth ER TE OLUN V K C TRA S HOUR LEGISLATIVE CORNER: 2011 LAS VEGAS CITY ELECTIONS ! Primary! ! ! Tuesday, April 5, 2011 ! General Election! ! Tuesday, June 7 OFFICES FOR ELECTION: Mayor! ! ! ! ! Councilman Ward 1! ! Councilman Ward 3! ! ! Councilman Ward 5! ! ! Municipal Judge, Department 2! Municipal Judge, Department 3 Municipal Judge, Department 5! No Incumbent Lois Tarkanian, Incumbent No Incumbent Ricki Y. Barlow, Incumbent No Incumbent George Assad, Incumbent Cedric A. Kerns, Incumbent More Common Symptoms: • Shortness of breath • Pressure with or without radiation to the neck,shoulders or back • Sweating Taken from “Twas the Night Before Christmas Coronary...” by Pamela A. Ivey, M.D. FACC, Las Vegas Health, December 2010 Caring for the American Soldiers THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! We want to thank all of you for your generous donations over the last few months! Thanks to your generosity, we donated many books to our veterans, plus we gave them 10 - $25.00 increment gift cards to several different restaurants including Outback Steakhouse, Red Lobster, Applebee’s, Chili’s, and Denny’s. We think our veterans will have some good meals thanks to the Active Republican Women of Las Vegas!!! Also, as you can see from our pictures in this newsletter, the Christmas stocking campaign was a huge success. Believe me, what is shown is still not all we had to offer. We shipped 400 lbs of treats and 100 lbs of toiletries! Three squads of our brave soldiers serving overseas got a lot of goodies. Plus some of the soldiers we provided stockings to, work at hospitals or with evacuation units so we know that the candy, toiletries, drink mix and snacks will be passed on even further. AGAIN, all thanks to our Active Republican Women. We really do make a difference! Two of the soldiers we provided with stockings are associated with our club. Thank you Cheri Wood and Maureen Karas for suggesting the names of these fine soldiers. Please remember that we would like to donate to those with ties to our club. So, if anyone in our club has a relative or a close family friend serving in Afghanistan or anywhere which puts them in harm’s way as they defend our great USA, please let us know. We need their address and how many are in their unit. We heartily believe in supporting our member’s families and close friends first and foremost. Our next priority is supporting Nevadans and then we support all troops as they are all heroes serving our great country! Even though we aren’t close to any deadlines for a campaign, please continue to donate your loose change to our elephant piggy banks. The money does add up and all proceeds go for items that will be Own DVD Memories! ARW 40th Anniversary Ruby Jubilee Here Is How You Can Order Your Very Own Copy of ARW’s 40 Years of History Video Cost: $10.00 Deadline: Orders taken through February 17 meeting. Order: Pay at meetings, or send check payable to“ARW” to Alice Shillock-Clark, 2716 Sidonia Ave., LV, NV 89102. Net proceeds to arw scholarship fund IN MEMORIAM Active Republican Women celebrates the lives of two members, who passed away over the thanksgiving holidays HELEN HEARNE 67, Passed away November 28. Send cards to husband, roger hearne 300 Desert Rim Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89144 donations in her memory may be made to: the American heart association Irene hammer 78, Passed away november 24th. Send cards to her family, The Irene hammer family 3360 N. Pioneer way las vegas, nv 89129 no preferences sited for donations in announcement. future memoriams Should you need to report the passing of a member, please contact Maureen Karas - President ARW @ 233-4884 or