Essay #2: Education

English 102- CIN
Essay #2: Education
For the past several weeks we have engulfed ourselves in various perspectives on education.
We’ve heard from prominent thinkers, students, teachers and our community. Now it is your
turn to synthesis your analysis of the texts in a 4-5 paged essay. Pick one of the following
themes to explore in your essay: (The questions following the themes do not need to be
addressed in your essay, they are to guide you as you develop your thesis and essay content).
 Transformation- Can education be a tool of change for the individual? What about
society? How? What role does liberation play in education and transformation? How
about politics?
 Responsibility- Who’s job is it to educate? The individual? The teacher? The institution?
Parents? Society as a whole?
 Success- Does education lead to success? Must it be a formal education? Street
education? What kind of education leads to success? Who decides? What is success?
You must use at least four of the texts listed below as sources in your essay.
“The Function of Education”, Krishnamurti
“Learning to Read”, Malcolm X
“Campus Racism 101”, Nikki Giovanni
Tuning the Voice, documentary
“The Banking Concept of Education”, Paolo Friere
Changing Education Paradigms, RSA animate, Sir Ken Robinson
Interview with family & friends
We will be spending all of our class time preparing for this essay over the next two and a half
weeks. You will have a chance to brainstorm, develop a draft, receive feedback and create a
stellar final essay. (more on back)
Essay Prep Schedule
Thursday, Oct 4th Receive Essay handout, annotate for homework
Tuesday, Oct 9th Brainstorm, Sign up for conferences
Thursday, Oct 11th , Thesis development, outline
Monday Oct 15th -Thursday Oct 18th Conferences, Workshops
Tuesday, Oct 23rd – Draft Day
Thursday, Oct 25th - Essay Due
4-5 pages
Double spaced
12 font
Original title
Submitted on Blackboard
Essay due Thursday, Oct 25th @ midnight on Blackboard
Essay is worth 75 points
 All late essays will be taken down one full grade. Essays will not be accepted after
Nov. 1st You will receive an “0” on the essay, and be dropped from the class.