INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Overview LEXIA INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS The Lexia Reading Core5® program provides Instructional Materials to ensure that all students receive personalized and comprehensive instruction and practice in all skill areas. Lexia Lessons®, Lexia Skill Builders®, and Lexia Instructional Connections are designed to be used in conjunction with the online learning activities in Lexia Reading Core5. These materials can be incorporated into classroom routines in a variety of ways, including whole class instruction, small group activities and independent work. When used as part of an integrated implementation of Core5, Lexia Instructional Materials support student achievement of rigorous standards by providing opportunities to further develop and consolidate language and literacy skills. Through the activities in the Lexia Lessons, Lexia Skill Builders, and Lexia Instructional Connections, students integrate and build their listening, reading, speaking, and writing abilities. Lexia Instructional Materials provide opportunities for students to: • Respond to open-ended questions orally and in writing • Reinforce skills using multi-sensory manipulative materials • Build fluency through oral reading • Engage in collaborative discussions with peers Lexia Reading Core5 LEXIA LESSONS Lexia Lessons LEVEL 10 | Structural Analysis Suffixes, Lesson 1 Description This lesson is designed to help students recognize common suffixes and understand that suffixes can change the meaning or form of a base word. The ability to identify suffixes serves as a foundation for understanding the most common spelling rules and thinking about the structure of words (prefix, root/base word, suffix). Lexia Lessons are scripted materials for teacher-led instruction that target specific skills associated with Core5 online activities. Teacher Tips This lesson teaches suffixes using suffixes –s and –es. Use the same sequence to give students practice with other suffixes (listed in the Adaptations section). Preparation/Materials •A piece of lined paper for each student to use in Independent Application Direct Instruction Today,wearegoingtolearnaboutsuffixes.Suffixesarewordpartsthatcanbeaddedtothe endofabasewordtochangethemeaningslightly. • Designed for individual, small group or whole class targeted instruction Display the word cup. Thiswordiscup.Icanusethewordinthesentence“Thereisacup”andIknowitmeansthere isonlyonecup.But,Icanaddthesuffix–stotheendofthewordcup,andthatwillmeanthere ismorethanonecup. Add an s to the end of the word to make cups. • Automatically recommended for struggling students based on performance in online activities SonowIcanusethiswordinthesentence“Therearetwocups.”The–sattheendchangesthe meaningofthewordcup.Itmakesitplural,whichmeansmorethanone. Find an object in the room that can be made plural by adding –s (e.g., desk, pencil, or book). Name the object using the base word, then model adding the suffix –s as above. Display the plural word for the object and use the following procedure to model how to identify the suffix. • Provide adaptations to further support or enhance student skill development First,Ilooktoseeifthereisasuffix–sattheendoftheword.Icircleit.Next,Iunderlinethe baseword.Finally,Iwritethesuffix–snexttotheword. Repeat this procedure using the suffix –es. Possible objects include: watch, hall pass, bench. Then, write the suffix –s above the words that end in –s. Write the suffix –es above the words that end in –es. T hesuffixes–s and –escanbeaddedtobasewordstochangetheirmeaningslightly.Both–s and –esmakeabasewordplural,meaningmorethanone.Weusethesuffix–stomakemost wordsplural.Weusethesuffix–eswhenabasewordendswiththeletterssh,th,tch,ss,xandz. • Include materials such as picture cards, wordlists, activity sheets and graphic organizers Script page 1 Lexia Reading Core5 SKILL BUILDERS Name: Lexia Skill Builders Level 17 | Structural Analysis Greek Combining Forms 1 Read the Greek combining form at the top of the page and think about the meaning. Then, write the combining form next to the picture that best shows the meaning. derma astro graph gram biblio anti scope meter tele naut sphere audio Lexia Skill Builders are paper-based practice materials that reinforce and extend the online learning. 2 1 • Recommended upon completion of an activity to build automaticity and promote generalization meter 3 NO 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 • Extend online learning to many speaking and writing activities • Designed to be used independently, with a teacher, or with a peer partner • Developed for classroom centers, homework, or after school programs Try to think of some words with these Greek combining forms. Write a list on the back. 2 LEXIA INSTRUCTIONAL CONNECTIONS Vocabulary Skill Sequence • Basic Categories • Spatial Concept Words • Describing Words • Combining Adjectives • Categorizing Words • Multiple Meaning Words • SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS • Similes & Metaphors • Idioms • Simple Analogies • Affix & Root Meaning (Structural Analysis) • Shades of Meaning • Complex Analogies • Greek Combining Forms (Structural Analysis) Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms (e.g., big and large) are words that have the same meaning, while antonyms (e.g., big and little) are words that have opposite meanings. As students learn more about synonyms and antonyms, they develop their vocabulary and expand their descriptive language skills. Classroom Ideas As necessary, teach or review the definition of synonyms and antonyms. Collaborate with students to create word webs, with a word, such as cold, at the center and related synonyms, such as chilly, frosty, and freezing, on the outside. Students may check if words are synonyms by using them in the same sentence. Then, have students generate an antonym for the word and create a unique sentence using that word. Use examples of synonym or antonym pairs. Display and say one of the words and provide a clue for the student to guess the matching word. For example, “I’m thinking of a word that means almost the same thing as loud and begins with the letter n.” Lexia Instructional Connections Lexia Instructional Connections provide strategies and routines to structure individual, small group or whole class activities. • Target essential components of reading skill instruction Select at least four synonym or antonym pairs and have students write each word with a picture cue on an index card. They can use these cards and play Concentration, trying to turn up pairs of synonyms or antonyms. • Provide guidance and context to teachers while allowing for creativity and flexible delivery Create a page with three columns with a target word in the middle column (e.g., happy). Have students fill in synonyms for the target words in one column (e.g., glad), as well as antonyms in the other column (e.g., sad). Provide a thesaurus and have students collaborate in pairs to complete the task. • Link reading activities to content-area instruction in science, math & social studies Curriculum Connection Review classroom vocabulary by having students generate synonyms and/or antonyms for previously learned terms. For example, vocabulary words and synonyms from a science unit may include soil (dirt), rocks (stones), and grow (develop). Display and read sentences to students (e.g., He was not very polite, so he grabbed the book). Underline specific words and have students generate thoughtful, specific synonyms or antonyms. Work with students to rewrite the sentences, using the new words (e.g., He was not very courteous, so he snatched the book). • Include reference tables, word lists and graphic organizers page 1 1-800-435-3942