VERY URGENT "HEART TO HEART” TO MY DEAR FRIEND(S) My very dear friends and family over the years, Greetings in the most precious name of our Lord Jesus. It is my prayer that the good Lord has prepared you and your household for a great year (2013) full of His amazing grace, peace health and more passion for His people. May He also bless and prosper the labor of your hands so that you can reach out to many more who need you your kind and big heart. REASON: The reason why I needed to write to you this "heart to heart" communication is because I am requesting for your intervention in a very challenging situation here at Christaid.. It is a very urgent, crucial and most deserving of your prayers. Your most kind and sacrificial consideration is very highly needed in this emergency. EMERGENCY CHALLENGE Here we go; We have this challenge that's keeping me sleepless and restless day and night while I wait on the Lord for solutions; As you very well know, we have a powerful sponsorship program for kids and grandmas that has been transforming lives in a very remarkable way, perhaps more than I can even put in words. Many of the kids are graduating from Universities and trade schools and now in the work force, while a good number of the grandmas are living strong and healthy, even against the odds of aging ...Praise God. Some of our own graduates from great universities are now staff member of the very ministry that raised them, while some are volunteering. We even have an outreach called "Blessed to bless" composed of our kids who have excelled in education and now are employed already sponsoring kids themselves. That is success…Amen! It has not been smooth though because of the (constant, in our face) biggest challenge of (some) our sponsor’s inconsistencies with their financial support. There are those who have withdrawn from sponsorship largely because of various reasons ranging from the bad economy where some are losing their businesses, retirement, living on fixed PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition incomes and getting laid off. We also have those who just feel that helping a kid or a grandma was just a seasonal effort and that they have to move on to something else. (Not every sponsor wants to get into a lifetime relationship with a kid or grandma like many others do) CONSEQUENCE Consequently, all these changes often leave us in a state of indescribable dilemma and the stress of having to deal with some very discouraged and frustrated kids and grandmas. Why so? Because their hopes have been raised so high by all of us, and now we have to send them on a "free fall experience" back to square zero. Some of the (withdrawing) sponsors have been with their kids or grandmas for as many years as three, six, ten, and fourteen and on. I can't find better comparative definition of a kid getting dropped than the "D" word (divorce) you know why? Because It is a fact folks that ours is not your typical “feel good" child sponsorship program but a “relationship in Christ Jesus” COVENANT (AHADI) At Christaid, we made a covenant with the Lord that we will never break a kid's, or a ninety year old grandma's heart by delivering the hard truth that the sponsor has withdrawn and that he or she has come to the end of the road. In some cases this break in relationship happens just about the time when a kid needs the sponsor the most, like; the final year of finishing high school, acceptance into a University, and several other emergencies. Imagine delivering that heart breaking news to a grandma who is about seventy, eighty or more and is in her last phase of living!!. Now picture the fact that such one, for the last ten years of the ninety, been entirely dependent on that sponsor!! I know some who would collapse right there before you. WHAT WE HAVE DONE IN THE PAST: Whenever we lost a sponsor, what we have always done is; Go on our knees in powerful praying while we put the kid or grandma into a new effort of searching for a matching new sponsor. Some how, God has always made a provision even when at times it came at the painful eleventh hour. “QUALITY” NOT “QUANTITY” It has been because of the above challenges that we have deliberately maintained an average sized program so that we can ensure maximum "quality" as opposed to "quantity” In other words, we are not in a huge hurry to boast of "big numerical achievements" as compared to "being powerfully effective in our labor of "changing lives “one child or grandma at a time” We would rather produce and equip ten men and women who are "movers and shakers of a nation" than ten thousand who just look great on glossy magazines and TV adds. In fact one of our mottos is; "doing more and talking less in Jesus name" THE REAL CHALLENGE: To cut the long story short, we have ended the year 2012 with forty kids and about thirty five grandmas without American parents and sponsors. Their sponsors American parents as we call them (with the most beautiful hearts) have written or called in tears and deep sadness because they feel absolutely unable to help any further. We always feel their pain and tears because they are so dear to us and have made the necessary sacrifices in the past when they were in position to do so. Our hearts and prayers always go to them in the most kind and grateful way. This time around, it has been extra ordinarily hard to find new sponsors for the forty kids and about thirty five grandmas and we are getting seriously concerned. The solution for this challenge is one; we need to do is buy time. We need about one year to get these kids into homes of some great American brothers and sisters, men and women of good will. Of course we are not underestimating the fact that god can do it faster in His own miraculous timing. PLEASE BRING IN YOUR BIG HEART: I am kindly requesting you to stand in the gap in your own special way by choosing any number of kids out of that forty and make a onetime 2013 - 2014 donation towards them. Please let us not break their hearts. You may also choose to make a commitment to support a kid (s) by making him or her your own for as long as the Lord puts on your hearts. These kids are part of our stewardship because we are true disciples of our Lord Jesus whose character we model. There are some organizations that have no problem telling kids that the sponsor is dropped and therefore the chapter Is closed as well, and not have to worry about anything. We grieve at Christaid when a kid loses a sponsor. Jesus finished His work for us and we should do the same for others. I have big faith that we will get them into homes within the time bought by your kindness and sacrifice. I have now and April to get all of them sponsored! If the Lord lays it on your heart to stand in the gap, here is what you do; 1. Be sure to send me an email right away confirming your sponsorship and the kid you have chosen so that we can update our records. 2. Fill the provided “sponsor information” and email to me and copy to christaid@qwestoffice.nt also to Kent Stannard at; 3. You may please donate on line at It costs $40 each a month to keep a kid in school well provided with uniform, tuition materials and a snack lunch. Please pray about this need and shoot me an email today letting me know what the Lord has put on your heart. 4. You could also mail a check to our offices at; CHRISTAID (AHADI KIDS) P.O.BOX 1374 ARVADA CO, 80001 Be sure to write the name of your sponsored kid on the check to avoid the check being mistaken as general ministry support one. Thank you my friend and God bless your sacrificial labor of love. We can do this, all by His grace and for glory. David Mporampora (Your Native Ugandan Missionary to Uganda) PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE CASE STUDIES RIGHT BELOW. NAME:INNOCENTJOSEPH D.O.B:22NDOCTOBER1998 SCHOOL:NYAKASURASCHOOL 415UF GRADE:SENIORTWO RESIDENCE:KITUMBA HOBBIES;Playingsoccer.Andvolleyball Innocentstayswithhisparentsonlythemotherhasajob.The familyisextendedwithseveraldependantsandmostofthemare orphansasaresultofAIDS.Innocentlikesschoolandperforms wellinclass.WepraythathegetsagoodSamaritantoassisthim inhiseducation.Godblessyou. NAME:INNOCENTJOSEPH D.O.B:22NDOCTOBER1998 SCHOOL:NYAKASURASCHOOL 415UF GRADE:SENIORTWO RESIDENCE:KITUMBA HOBBIES;Playingsoccer.Andvolleyball Innocentstayswithhisparentsonlythemotherhasajob.Thefamilyisextendedwithseveraldependantsandmostofthemareorphansasaresultof AIDS.Innocentlikesschoolandperformswellinclass.Wepraythathegetsa goodSamaritantoassisthiminhiseducation.Godblessyou. SPONSOR(S) INFORMATION NAME(S)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________STATE_____________________________ZIP_________________________________________________________ PHONE_________________________________________EMAIL__________________________________________________________________________________________ RETURN THIS PIECE OF PAPER TO CHRIST AID OFFICE OR EMAIL TO XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CHRISTAID@QWESTOFFICE.NET GOD BLESS YOU. NAME NYAKANA EDWIN D.O.B; 31ST JAN 1996 SCHOOL: ST. PAUL’S COLLEGE SCHOOL 429UF GRADE: RESIDENCE: MUKUBO HOBBIES: PLAYING SOCCER Edwin stays with his mother who is a peasant. She has so many orphans in the family and what she gets from peasantry she just use it for survival. We pray that Dennis gets a good Samaritan to assist him in his education. God bless you. Please take this picture and place it where you will remember to pray for your Child ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. NAME D.O.B; SCHOOL: GRADE: RESIDENCE: HOBBIES: NYAKANA EDWIN 429UF 31ST JAN 1996 ST. PAUL’S COLLEGE SCHOOL MUKUBO PLAYING SOCCER I would like to partner with ChristAid, Inc. by sponsoring this child with my tax –deductible contribution of: Monthly $40.00_______________ Quarterly $160.00____________ Yearly $ 480.00_______________ SPONSOR(S) INFORMATION Date:___________________________ Name_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________City___________________________________________________________ State____________________________________ZIP____________________________________Phone______________________________ Email________________________________________________________Church/Org.________________________________________ RETURN THIS PIECE OF PAPER TO CHRISTAID OFFICE OR EMAIL TO XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GOD BLESS YOU. NAME:NIWAGABAYUSUFU 418UF D.O.B:5TH.JULY.1992 GRADE:COMPLETEDSENOIR6 GUARDIAN:PR.JENNIFERBUSINGE(MOTHER) RESIDENCE:NJARA HOBBIES:PLAYINGSOCCER ABOUT:YUSUFUSTAYSUNDERTHECAREOFHISMOTHER ANDDOESNOTKNOWHISFATHER.HEEXCELLEDINPRIMARYANDSECONDARYSCHOOLWITHCHRISTAID’SHELP.HEIS AWAITINGHISSENOIR6TESTRESULTSSOTHATHECAN CONTINUEHISEDUCATIONATAUNIVERSITY.HEISHOPING TOGETABACHELOR’SDEGREEINBUSINESSSTUDIESOR LAW.HENEEDSASPONSORTOBEABLETOFULFILLTHIS DREAM.HEWILLNEEDASPONSORSHIPOF$90PERMONTH TOCOVERHISTUITION,BOOKSANDTRANSPORTATION. NAME:NIWAGABAYUSUFU 418UF D.O.B:5TH.JULY.1992 GRADE:COMPLETEDSENOIR6 GUARDIAN:PR.JENNIFERBUSINGE(MOTHER) RESIDENCE:NJARA HOBBIES:PLAYINGSOCCER ABOUT:YUSUFUSTAYSUNDERTHECAREOFHISMOTHER ANDDOESNOTKNOWHISFATHER.HEEXCELLEDINPRIMARYANDSECONDARYSCHOOLWITHCHRISTAID’S HELP.HEISAWAITINGHISSENOIR6TESTRESULTSSO THATHECANCONTINUEHISEDUCATIONATAUNIVERSITY.HEISHOPINGTOGETABACHELOR’SDEGREEINBUSINESSSTUDIESORLAW.HENEEDSASPONSORTOBEABLE TOFULFILLTHISDREAM.HEWILLNEEDASPONSORSHIP OF$90PERMONTHTOCOVERHISTUITION,BOOKSAND TRANSPORTATION. SPONSOR(S)INFORMATION NAME(S)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________STATE_____________________________ZIP_________________________________________________________ PHONE_________________________________________EMAIL__________________________________________________________________________________________ RETURNTHISPIECEOFPAPERTOCHRISTAIDOFFICEOREMAILTOCHRISTAID@QWESTOFFICE.NET XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GODBLESSYOU. NAME: GORRET KARUNGI AGE: 138UF 15 YEARS OLD SCHOOL: MPANGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADE: RESIDENCE: GUARDIAN: SENIOR TWO KICUNA Mary Komuhendo Gorret is a total orphan, she stays with her cousin sister who is young, orphan and has no job, and head of the family. Her cousin has a burden of looking after orphans. We pray for Gorret to get a good Samaritan to assist her. God bless you. Please take this picture and place it where you will remember to pray for your Child ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. NAME: AGE: SCHOOL: GRADE: RESIDENCE: GORRET KARUNGI 138UF 15 YEARS OLD MPANGA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL SENIOR TWO KICUUNA I would like to partner with ChristAid, Inc. by sponsoring this child with my tax –deductible contribution of: Monthly $40.00_______________ Quarterly $160.00____________ Yearly $ 480.00_______________ SPONSOR(S) INFORMATION Date:___________________________ Name_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________City___________________________________________________________ State____________________________________ZIP____________________________________Phone______________________________ Email________________________________________________________Church/Org.________________________________________ RETURN THIS PIECE OF PAPER TO CHRISTAID OFFICE OR EMAIL TO XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GOD BLESS YOU. PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition