Chambermemberonlysurvey Q1Onascaleof1-5,howknowledgeable areyouaboutdrillingandhydraulic fracturing(alsocalledfracking)? Answ ered:144 Skipped:14 (nolabel) 0 0.5 1-Notknow ledgeableatall (nolabel) 3.47% 5 1 1.5 2 2.5 2 3 4 15.28% 22 38.19% 55 31.25% 45 1/7 3 3.5 4 5-Veryknow ledgeable 11.81% 17 4.5 Total 144 5 Av erageRating 3.33 Chambermemberonlysurvey Q2Doyouknowthedifferenceindrilling andfracking? Answ ered:158 Skipped:0 Yes No Notsure 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answ erChoices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 87.34% No 6.96% 11 Notsure 5.70% 9 Total 138 158 2/7 Chambermemberonlysurvey Q3Areyouawarethatthatoverone millionwellshavebeenfracked successfullyintheUS,includingover 2,600wellsinLouisianainthelast6years? Answ ered:154 Skipped:4 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answ erChoices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 67.53% 104 No 32.47% 50 Total 154 3/7 Chambermemberonlysurvey Q4Whichofthefollowingstatements belowmostaccuratelymatchesyour opinionabouttheuseofhydraulic fracturing(fracking)?Selectallthatapply. Answ ered:157 Skipped:1 Iamnot opposedto... Isupportthe useoffrack... Isupportthe useoffrack... Iamopposed totheuse... Ihav enot madeupmym... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Answ erChoices Responses 49.04% 77 Iamnotopposedtofrac kingifsafeguardsareinplac etoensurethattheaquifer(thatsuppliestheparishwithdrinking water)willnotbedamagedorpolluted. 22.29% 35 Isupporttheuseoffrac kingbec auseIthinkweshouldsupporttheoilandgasindustrywhic hissuc hanimportantpartof ourc ommunityandahugeproduc erofjobsinourregion. 21.66% 34 Isupporttheuseoffrac kingbec auseitisalreadybeingdoneonawidespreadbasisandhasbeenproventobesafe. 29.30% 46 Iamopposedtotheuseoffrac kingbec auseIamc onc ernedaboutthepotentialeffec tsontheenvironmentandIdon’t trustwhatthec ompanyissayingaboutitssafety. 12.74% Ihavenotmadeupmymindaboutfrac kingbec auseIdon’tthinkIhaveenoughinformationaboutit. TotalRespondents:157 20 4/7 Chambermemberonlysurvey Q5Doyouhaveanyotherconcerns regardinghazardoussubstancesor environmentalissuesinSt.Tammany? Answ ered:157 Skipped:1 Yes No Notsure 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answ erChoices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 36.31% 57 No 47.77% 75 Notsure 15.92% 25 Total 157 5/7 Q6 Additional comments. Please let us know any other thoughts you have in the space below. Answered: 56 Skipped: 101 Pro: I'm not opposed to the possibility that producing oil and gas in the US would lower has prices and reduce dependence on foreign oil. 7/7/2014 Some say "Fracking is bad." I say that running out of gas is a lot worse. 7/6/2014 Please don't let emotions cause you to decide against this. 7/3/2014 The potential horizontal well(s) planned in St. Tammany have no more risk of polluting the aquifer than conventional vertical wells drilled throughout the state for decades. This is a factual statement supported by an extraordinary amount of real data. The more practical concern in my view, if there are any legitimate concerns, would be the level of O&G activity in the subject area that would proliferate should the test well(s) prove commercially viable. Generally, this would be considered an acceptable level by those with financial interests in this activity (including landowner royalty beneficiaries) and unwelcomed by those who do not have financial interests in the activity. 7/3/2014 This is all so silly....fracking is an acceptable process and Helis should be allowed to proceed 7/3/2014 It seems to me that this company is trying its best to comply with all requests and is taking on all financial responsibility to go above and beyond. 7/3/2014 There is a small vocal group of people in St. Tammany who feel that this Parish is divided between an "in" crowd and an "out" crowd. This small group consistently floods the Parish with misinformation and hysteria whether the issue is a new Wal-Mart, subdivision, office park, whatever. The business leadership needs to develop strategies to deal with them as they are creating an antibusiness reputation for our community. 7/3/2014 I wish the "fractivists" would stop portraying themselves as the voice of St. Tammany. They do not speak for me. I support fracking. While the fractivists have a right to speak their opinion, the publicity that they are receiving is making the people of St. Tammany look like ignorant, extremist fools. I believe that those who are in support of fracking and who are knowledgeable of the issues surrounding fracking should speak up. 7/3/2014 We have plenty of laws in place, they just need to be enforced. 7/3/2014 I think the folks opposing this issue, need to be better educated on the subject and understand this is an important issue for our area and should be granted. It's not like they are doing in their back yards and its wide spread already, why would St. Tammany be on the losing end again, because of uninformed residents. 7/3/2014 I believe fracking is safe if the inspections are done properly & the safety standards are enforced. I have heard Charlotte Batson speak about it twice. 7/3/2014 We should establish the same safety guidelines as California. If they have allowed it and it is being done without problem we should follow their lead. As a State they are known to have taken the best stand in putting in safe guards to protect the environment. 7/3/2014 I think the people who are so adamantly opposed to fracking are short-sighted and misinformed. I think it's safer than a lot of people think it is. My opinion regarding Question 4 would actually be a combo of the first three choices, if that were an option. 7/3/2014 Fracking is Jobs! 7/3/2014 10:42 AM I have lived in several parts of the country such as Pennsylvania where fracking has taken place for a while now and I have only seen positive changes to those communities and no environmental issues to be concerned with. 7/3/2014 If fracking occurs in St. Tammany, it should be subject to zoning laws in order to make sure it only occurs at appropriate locations within the parish. 7/3/2014 Con: Our water source is of great concern to me and I don't trust that it will be safeguarded! 7/8/2014 Development is expanding too fast for the infrastructure of parish. Not enough roads and schools. Also, seems ok to clear property for development, but not for agriculture or ongoing timber production. Parish will become too urbanized and reflect the likes of Jefferson Parish if not managed correctly now. 7/8/2014 I really would like to support fracking in St. Tammany, but I'm skeptical that those doing the fracking are misrepresenting the potential risks. If there is an accident (polluting the aquifer, etc.) who pays? 7/5/2014 Risks of surface spills and there is always the possibility of accidents happening (no matter how safe it may be). Risking the well-being, stability and quality of life of the area is not worth any amount of money. 7/4/2014 We are concerned that an oil well can be drilled in property zoned for single family housing. Do Parish zoning regulations have any value?? 7/4/2014 This particular well site in St. Tammany places a sole source water aquifer, the Lake Pontchartrain basin and Lacombe water shed in danger if an accident should occur. In my opinion, there is too much environmental risk to allow for the minimum reward to the community. Secondary concerns are a proven record of property value declining around well sites. I also feel that question number 4 is biased for multiple reasons; there are 3 obvious approval of fracking options and one opposed option. The opposed option includes a trust factor in the company. The option to oppose fracking and trust the safety record should be an option. Offshore oil drilling is safe and continues to be safe. There are accidents that happen offshore all the time. The difference being that there is a large volume of water to disperse spillage and allow for little environmental impact. St. Tammany sits directly north of one of the largest estuaries (Lake Pontchartrain basin) where even a minor accident would be devastating to miles of shoreline. 7/3/2014 I am not opposed to the practice of fracking, but I am opposed to fracking so close to our community. There are more remote areas where fracking would be more appropriate where the long term effects can be studied at length (10-12 years) to ensure that no long lasting effects occur. Not to mention the added burden on our roads from the transportation of the materials needed for fracking. 7/3/2014 I think that is disingenuous to add the part about not trusting the company on the only choice that is anti-fracking. I am knowledgeable about hydraulic fracturing, I have a degree in petroleum engineering and worked in the oil industry for 20 years. I even designed a few frack jobs. However I have a water well and my house is not far from the proposed location. I would have to say, that in general, I believe it is safe but don't want it in the vicinity of my house and water well. 7/3/2014 I own land, and I am very concerned about my land value if they are allowed to frack. It has made me consider going ahead and putting my lot up for sale before property values decline. I also am considering how large the "shelf" is that they are drilling into and if I should move completely out of St. Tammany Parish before the water goes bad, and I get sick. 7/3/2014 We discourage all forms of industrial manufacturing through our tax structure we pride ourselves as being family oriented. This has no place in our parish. Take it elsewhere. 7/3/2014 The location of the well is too close to Lakeshore High School and residential developments. 7/3/2014 Are you aware that question number 3 is leading and pointed unfairly in a destructive direction?!?! Did you know that 600 chemicals, toxins and carcinogens are used PER FRACTURE. 40,000 gallons of chemicals are used PER FRACTURE. 1-8 MILLION gallons of water PER FRACTURE! I am disgusted by St. Tammany Parish Govt to allow this into our Parish, especially Abita! ... THOUSANDS of FRACKASTROPHES since Jan 2014 ALONE! THIS IS AN ATROCITY TO OUR AREA!! 7/3/2014 Number 3 is a very leading statement. The jury is still out on fracking with growing evidence that surface accidents are common along with destruction of the surrounding and regional ecosystems. Additionally storage, transportation and disposal of fracking waste water is highly suspect...where are the facilities to store and dispose of these byproducts? The brine is radioactive and the practice of disposal into old wells is a growing concern everywhere it is taking place with Oklahoma now experiencing 200-300 minor earthquakes annually, up from 23 with the likely cause being the disposal of frack waste water. While the practice of fracking is relatively "safe", the ancillary cause and effect is not. 7/3/2014 WE ONLY HAVE ONE AQUIFER AND WE CANT RISK AN ACCIDENT. 7/3/2014 Still researching...but I will never agree that fracking should be allowed in our Parish. 7/3/2014 I am opposed to drilling or fracking so close to my office 7/3/2014 St. Tammany Parish needs to STAY and MAINTAIN A PRISTINE environment. I have noticed that with "progress" our parish is gradually being turned into Metairie, Gretna, Chalmette and St. Rose. I believe better planning with a focus on the needs of the TAXPAYERS and not just BIG business should be in the forefront of the Chamber. 7/3/2014 As a parent of a 17 year old severely autistic son we were told many years ago that the MMR vaccination was necessary and not harmful. That was not correct but it was given out of greed by the drug manufacturers. Those vaccinations are now not grouped together. I am not in favor of fracking or drilling in residential zoned areas. The risk is not worth the "reward". I don't want to find out 15 years from now there were long term unknown damaging effects on the environment in the immediate area or the safety precautions were open to human error. Sorry but still have Deepwater Horizon on the brain as well. 7/3/2014 The Louisiana Legislative Auditor has issued a report that indicates that the Department of Natural Resources is unable to perform adequate inspections of wells in the state. Given the inability of government agencies in St. Tammany Parish to function with transparency and without significant corruption issues, it is not a good time to bring in a controversial process such as fracking. St. Tammany would be well served to protect the aquifer that has been historically important to this region by prohibiting this process. As someone who has a Master of Science in Environmental Science and over 15 years of experience in the environmental field, including cleaning up oil field waste sites, I am acutely aware of many of the issues surrounding the industry. 7/3/2014 #4 Additional statement: I support the use of fracking in general but do not believe it should be done anywhere near large communities. Surely in our vast rural parish there are potential sites not within 2-3 miles of neighborhoods, schools, etc.? While I believe fracking *can* be done safely, it is not without risks. And when dealing with a populated area, the risks are not worth whatever reward there is. Of course the company is going to promise safety. Has a company ever done otherwise? They promise safety on the front-end and deal with whatever negative effects happen on the backend, after the fact. If something bad happened, they pack up and leave, WE, St. Tammany Parish, have to deal with the fallout. We've all worked so hard to make this place great for us and future generations, why embrace this risk? Do we need this? I think not. 7/3/2014 Concerns for wastewater and long-term effects. 7/3/2014 Neutral: We as people need to educate ourselves before we take a stand opposing growth. 7/8/2014 Number four is baited. Cannot answer. Trust trust trust. The whole thing has been handled poorly from the beginning. How can we trust our local government now? The government has been walking tightrope anyway. Coroner, DA and Sheriff. Crazy parish we live in. And now our PP could be on the take as well. It will play out. We'll see. The voice of the people need to be heard. 7/7/2014 Anything that helps with our economy is important to me. But I do not want the environment effected. 7/3/2014 I would like to see more attention to cleaning up the Lake & dredging waterways. 7/3/2014 I have talked to people on both sides and understand that the company, Helis is it, has an excellent reputation and they claim it is safe. They say there would be periodic testing of the water, but what if the testing has a negative reading. Won't it then be too late? I have had the fracking explained to me and understand it will be cracked far below our aquifer. I have a home with a well and know that it would be affected but wouldn't the public water be affected as well, they get it from the same place I believe. I would love more information and will read your articles. I also read or heard somewhere that fracking has caused earthquakes in places where they never had them before....... I would like to know if this is true. 7/3/2014 A few months ago, the Parkway Pipeline was installed going all the way across Lake Pontchartrain, through Mandeville, and through Pelican Park where hundreds of kids play sports every day. Where was the anti-fracking crowd then? Nobody opposed it. The Mayor of Mandeville even support the pipeline. While it may not be near the aquifer, isn't an environmental accident just as likely? Where is the consistency? 7/3/2014 Historically, what has gone wrong with past Fracking projects? Can the Oil Company guaranty, 100%, that no damage will occur to our drinking water. If so, then I am not opposed. 7/3/2014 I would be interested in the company’s safety record or environmental reports or incident reports. 7/3/2014 Flooding of residences is a MAJOR concern of My Neighborhood, OAK ISLAND in Mandeville! 7/3/2014 Lack of flood protection 7/3/2014 I am still trying to determine how I will go with this. At first I was dead set against it but I want to hear all the facts from all the parties. A main issue is that it took so long for the company to come out and say anything about this. Even more importantly it looked to me like our parish president knew about this issue yet said nothing about it until it exploded onto the scene. As a matter of fact she still has not come out and said what her opinion on this subject is. I have heard from many parish officials and what their opinion on this is. What is the St. Tammany president's office view of it now? I think it is important for the chamber to press her on this even if we all like her. Stop saying we can't do anything about it and make a stand one way or another. No more fence straddling. It also appears to me the leadership of the chamber has fallen into this same mode. It also almost appears to me this survey is slanted toward pro fracking. That being said we need to study it, discuss it, and make a stand one way or another especially if the parish president’s office does not do so. This is my opinion only. However, this issue affects all of us personally and business wise. 7/3/2014 I am concerned with how this survey is designed and the questions asked and how they are asked that it could lead us to believe that the Chamber may have a position in support of "Fracking". Is that the case? 7/3/2014 Question number 3 is a loaded question and makes this entire survey suspect. If you answer yes you are in support of "Successful Fracking" which I bet that all of those wells have not been around enough to be deemed successful in my mind. If you say no then you appear uninformed. My guess is this question can be used more by the fracking supporters. "Yes" checked boxes "Support Successful Fracking" and "No" checked boxes show an un-informed populace on how "Successful" fracking can be. It's a bad question and I almost did not fill out the rest of the survey. I wonder how many other educated business owners got put off by that question and closed the survey. 7/3/2014 My main concern about fracking involves the contamination of groundwater due to fracking. I am doubtful that companies could "guarantee" that they would eliminate the possibility of groundwater contamination. If they are wrong, what do they then do about it? Nothing. I am not as much concerned about the possibility of earthquakes which have been reported. Bottom line: Prove that you can avoid groundwater contamination and I will most likely pull my objection. 7/3/2014 I have read and seen news reports of additional fracturing concerns related to earthquakes in the Oklahoma, Colorado and California area that is of concern when reviewing overall information. 7/3/2014 It is very important that both sides of this issue are heard and I don't think that has been done. 7/3/2014 Response to #5 above is applicable to the extent that I would learn of any credible safety concerns regarding environmental or hazardous substance issues in St. Tammany. I do not currently know of any, with the possible exception of air quality. 7/3/2014 Your survey and your recent emails are very biased and blatantly obvious. It is possible to be opposed to fracking not because of the options you put in your list. And the one you put first in 4, "I am not opposed" is obviously trying to cause people to accidentally hit it, as the rest of the "pro" responses are support not am not opposed. Shameless. 7/3/2014 A lot of hysteria. 7/3/2014 Occasionally I read your articles in various magazines and newspapers. The one published Sunday was exceptionally well stated. Whether drilling will be approved in St. Tammany is unknown at this point. However the yelling and screaming by some residents of the parish at meetings and on TV interviews has to stop. This past weekend we had the pleasure of taking our two grandkids to The Pizza Man. In comes a man wearing a tshirt with FRACKING CAUSES DEATH on the front and back of his tshirt. And, he had a similar statement posted on his automobile. Thank God my grandkids cannot read. For 40 years my husband has worked as a petroleum and natural gas engineer. I am very proud of the work he does. The residents of St. Tammany deserve to get their questions answered by both sides in calm, factual discussions. But please, leave the FRACKING CAUSES DEATH tshirts at home. 7/6/2014