Chapter nine Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes with special emphasis on Atlantic cod Arild Folkvord 9 .1 INTRODUCTION Cannibalism can be defined as : "the act of killing and consuming the whole, or major part, of an individual belonging to the same species, irrespective of its stage of development" (Smith and Reay, 1991) . It has been documented in a wide range of taxa, including Pisces (Smith and Reay, 1991 ; Elgar and Crespi, 1992) . Cannibalism is encountered among most of the well-studied teleost families, and is classified according to the developmental stage of prey, genetic relationship of cannibal to prey, and/or the age relationship of cannibal and prey (Smith and Reay, 1991) . In this chapter intracohort cannibalism is defined as cannibalism involving members of the same year class, and intercohort cannibalism as cannibalism involving members of different year classes . Cannibalism among similar-aged individuals within a year class (in culture, for example) is termed coeval cannibalism . Aggressive behaviour may be a precursor of cannibalism, but inflicted mortality without subsequent ingestion of the victim is not considered as cannibalism in this context (Hecht and Pienaar, 1993) . Early Life History and Recruitment in Fish Populations . Edited by R . Christopher Chambers and Edward A . Trippel. Published in 1997 by Chapman & Hall, London . ISBN 0 412 64190 9 . 252 . Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes Ontogeny Table 9 .1 List of recent reviews of cannibalism in fish and amphibians . Relevant contributions in book reviews are listed under the book editors of coeval cannibalism 253 350 Author(s) Taxa Emphasis c m Polis (1981) Hausfater and Hrdy (eds) (1984) Dominey and Blumer Several Several Pisces 0 Simon Polis and Myers (1985) Amphibia Amphibia Smith and Reay (1991) Elgar and Crespi (eds) (1992) Pisces Several Evolution, population dynamics Infanticide, filial cannibalism Systematic overview, filial cannibalism Systematic overview, evolution Systematic overview (including reptiles) Systematic overview Systematic overview, ecology, evolution Systematic overview, ecology, evolution Population dynamics, foraging Filial cannibalism, modelling Filial cannibalism, ecology Systematic overview, ecology Larviculture 300 250 Elgar and Crespi Dong and Polis Sargent FitzGerald and Whoriskey Crump Hecht and Pienaar (1993) Several Pisces Pisces Pisces Amphibia Pisces Cannibalism in fish is of special concern because it can influence both aquaculture production and fisheries . Several review papers and books U) 200 d 150 !0 R 100 N .g E 3 Z N 50 . o-, - - • I - - - I . -, 4000 1000 2000 3000 0 Numbers at metamorphosis (thousands) . . , . 1 5000 Fig . 9 .1 Numbers of metamorphosing cod (age 35-40 days) and corresponding number of juveniles harvested (about age 100-140 days) from various ponds (separate symbols for different ponds) . Lines represent 1%, 10% and 100% survival between the two periods . mortality (1 .5-5% day- ) after metamorphosis in extensive juvenile production units (Fig . 9 .1 ; Oiestad, 1985) . Cannibalism has been confirmed by stomach analyses in juvenile rearing ponds (own unpublished have recently been published on the topic (Table 9 .1) . This review emphasizes the role of cannibalism in the pelagic environment . Some of the processes involved in cannibalism among amphibian larvae in ponds data), and similar reports of cannibalism in the field are well documented (Bogstad et al., 1993) . Knowledge of the mechanisms underlying canni- parallel those present in fishes, and some references from this field are species, and to obtain a better understanding of the dynamics in natural included as well . In both these groups, cannibalism is mostly a gape- populations . limited process without manipulation of the prey by external limbs . Finally, this review is biased towards case studies from extensive juvenile production and fisheries . In both these systems, temporary food shortage is expected to occur, in contrast to ongrowing under intensive aquaculture conditions, where cannibalism can be significantly reduced by satiation feeding (Hecht and Pienaar, 1993) . Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, is one of the most important species in world fisheries . Large efforts have recently been made to produce juvenile cod extensively for aquaculture and sea ranching purposes . Many of the examples are therefore taken from this species . Observations of cannibalism in cod in outdoor enclosures were recorded in the late 1800s, and recent experimental studies have confirmed this cannibalistic propensity (Howell, 1984) . Due to the lack of other plausible causes of mortality, cannibalism was hypothesized to be responsible for the apparent density-dependent balism is thus essential to improve juvenile production of cod and other 9 .2 ONTOGENY OF COEVAL CANNIBALISM Larval stage Cannibalism has not been observed among early cod larvae in the laboratory (Howell, 1984 ; own observations) . This is not surprising because the larval mouth height is significantly smaller than the larval body height at this stage (average mouth height is 0 .2-0 .4 mm at first feeding and average body height (including yolk sac) is 1-1 .2 mm) (Fig . 9 .2(A) ; Wiborg, 1948 ; Knutsen and Tilseth, 1985) . Typical widths of common prey organisms ingested during the first days of exogenous feeding are 0 .1-0 .3 mm (Ellertsen et al ., 1984) . The possibility of coeval cannibalism is further decreased by the relatively low initial size variability commonly 254 Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes 255 Ontogeny of coeval cannibalism Table 9 .2 Ontogeny of coeval cannibalism of cod in enclosures 0.5- Stage Mechanism/attribute Cannibalism Larval, 4-10 mm Low initial size variation Food limitation uncommon Relatively small mouth ; yolk sac initially large Low Metamorphosis, 12-30 mm Increasing size variation ; zooplankton energy unevenly distributed in size fractions Food limitation common Relatively large mouth High growth rate Incomplete weaning, starvation Stomach not fully developed High density, patchy distribution High Juvenile, 50-150 mm Reduced growth rate Lower susceptibility to starvation Relatively small mouth Greater feeding flexibility Completed weaning Fully functional stomach Low Large relative size difference High o + I1 f I I 3 .0 4 B 0 2.5 - 2 .03 5 juvenile production enclosures (Blom et al., 1991 ; Folkvord et al ., 1994b) . Thus it is reasonable to assume that coeval cannibalism among cod larvae a 6 ' ' in the laboratory and in enclosures is insignificant during the early larval 1 .0 5 10 20 40 80 160 Standard length (mm) Fig . 9 .2 (A) Size-specific mouth height (solid curve) and body height (dashed curve) of Norwegian coastal cod (Otters and Folkvord, 1993) . Average values of mouth' height are denoted by + for Arcto-Norwegian cod (Wiborg, 1948) and by squares for Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus (Shirota, 1970) . (B) Lowest possible predator :prey ratios based on morphological relations (mouth height of cannibal = body height of prey) . Data on cod (from Fig . 9 .2(A) ; line 1, Otters and Folkvord, 1993), koi carp (line 2, van Damme et al., 1989), walleye pollock (line 3, Sogard and Olla, 1994), sharptooth catfish (line 4, Hecht and Appelbaum, 1988), sea bass (line 5, Parazo et al ., 1991) and pike (line 6, Bry et al ., 1992). observed among coeval conspecifics after hatching (Knutsen and Tilseth, 1985 ; Folkvord et al ., 1994b) . Cannibalism is also more common during periods of hunger and starvation (Folkvord, 1991), and the cod larvae are usually not food limited during the transition to exogenous feeding in the stage (Table 9 .2) . The larvae of freshwater fishes are generally larger and more developed at hatching than marine fish larvae (Balon, 1984) . It is not surprising therefore that coeval cannibalism in freshwater species has been reported to take place shortly after initiation of exogenous feeding . In the koi carp, Cyprinus carpio, cannibalism commenced one week after onset of feeding, and was highest the following three weeks (van Damme et al ., 1989) . This is presumably partly due to the relatively large mouth of this species during this period (Fig . 9 .2(B)) . In African sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus, the mouth is relatively small compared with the body depth at the larval stage, and complete ingestion is only observed at cannibal lengths larger than 45 mm (type ii cannibalism, Fig . 9 .2(B) ; Hecht and Appelbaum, 1988) . Several accounts of coeval cannibalism are also reported among amphibian larvae (Polls and Meyers, 1985), and in some species this is due to cannibalistic morphs (Crump, 1992) . The cannibalistic larval morphs typically have enlarged dentition and mouth dimensions and increased jaw musculature compared with normal morphs . 256 Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes Ontogeny of coeval cannibalism 257 Metamorphosis Metamorphosis is defined as the stage when the larvae develop anatomical and morphological characteristics similar to those of adults (Balon, 1984) . Metamorphosis in cod commences with the replacement of the larval fin fold with dorsal and anal fins at larval lengths around 12 mm (Pedersen and Falk-Petersen, 1992) and is completed at lengths around 2 5-30 mm . Around metamorphosis, the mouth morphology makes the cod a more capable predator (Fig . 9 .2, Ottera and Folkvord, 1993) . At lengths of about 20mm the cannibal will theoretically need to be only 25% longer than the prey to completely ingest it (Fig . 9 .2(B)) . Pike, Esox lucius, is one of the few species that is morphologically capable of ingesting relatively larger siblings (Fig . 9 .2(B) ; Bry et al ., 1992) . The relatively large mouth size of cod at this stage may also be an adaptation to its most common prey during the larval and early juvenile stage, Calanus finmarchicus (Folkvord et al., 1994a) . Prey width :mouth gape ratios in Japanese mackerel, Scomber japonicus, larvae average around 0 .3-0 .4 (Hunter and Kimbrell, 1980a) . With these ratios, the cod will have to be around 20 mm long to ingest the later copepodite and adult stages of C. finmarchicus (Folkvord et al ., 1994a) . The relatively large mouth of cod during metamorphosis may create a cannibalism problem, especially when food availability and suitability are reduced . Such a reduction in zooplankton biomass is commonly observed in the juvenile rearing ponds around metamorphosis (Blom et al., 1991, 1994 ; Folkvord et al ., 1994b) . Modelling studies on other species have shown that larvae and early juveniles are particularly vulnerable to reduction in prey availability due to their high metabolic activity (Post, 1990) . A semistarvation situation might also occur during weaning due to failure to accept formulated feed (Howell, 1984 ; Folkvord, 1991.) . The problems of accepting formulated feed at this stage may to some extent be due to the relatively slow development of a functional stomach in cod compared with other species (Pedersen and Falk-Petersen, 1992), which make this a critical stage in their ontogeny. Recent experiments with improved formulated feeds have shown, however, that survival over 90% during weaning is possible at a size of 20 mm and above (Ottera and Lie, 1991) . The size variability within a cohort is larger after metamorphosis than before metamorphosis (Folkvord et al ., 1994b) . Increased size variability has been shown to lead to increased cannibalism in cod and other species at similar stages (DeAngelis et al., 1980 ; Katavic et al., 1989 ; Folkvord and Ottera, 1993) . At this stage a max :min body length ratio of 1 .5 :1 is required for cannibalism to occur, and cannibalism can be a major source 1 .2 1 .0 Metamorphosis 111i 5 10 15 20 1 30 25 Age (days) 35 40 45 50 Fig. 9 .3 Estimated max :min length ratios of cod cohorts in an enclosure (solid curve, cohort 1 ; dashed curve, cohort 2) (Folkvord et al ., 1994b) . Horizontal dotted lines represent ratios required for cannibalism to occur (1 .5) and for cannibalism to be the main mortality cause (2 .0) (Folkvord and Ottera, 1993) . of mortality at ratios above 2 :1 . Size differences of this magnitude do not normally occur within a cohort before metamorphosis (Fig . 9 .3) . The large amount of energy available for the cod around metamorphosis may itself cause a spread in size within a cohort as they reach this stage (Folkvord et al ., 1994b) . The increase in spread can to some extent be a result of only the largest size fraction of cod (or the first cohort released) having the opportunity to prey on the largest and most energy-rich zooplankton organisms, C . finmarchicus copepodite stages ' rv-vi, before the collapse in the zooplankton biomass in the ponds . The highest growth rates of juvenile cod are encountered in the period around metamorphosis (Blom et al., 1991) . If conspecifics account for a fixed proportion of the diet, the cannibalism rates would also be highest at this stage because high growth rates are accompanied by high feeding rates (Folkvord, 1991) . Although cannibalism rates have been observed to be higher at elevated rearing temperatures, experimental studies have not indicated a temperature effect on cannibalism per se because survival to any given size was similar between treatments (Otterlei et al., 1994) . Cannibalism rates are therefore expected to be proportional to growth rates when other factors are equal . Increasing spatial patchiness of fish during the late larval and juvenile 25 8 Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval Cannibalism as and juvenile fishes stages is common, and several experimental studies have shown cannibalism to be density dependent in these stages (Li and Mathias, 1982 ; Giles et al ., 1986 ; Hecht and Appelbaum, 1988) . Density-dependent cannibalism rates have also been observed among juvenile cod in the laboratory (Otterlei et al ., 1994), where only one incidence of cannibalism in 8 weeks was observed in the low-density group (100 fish M-3), whereas 4 .9% were eaten in the high-density group (1000 fish m3 ) . The cod start shoaling and schooling after metamorphosis, and local densities in the juvenile rearing ponds of 500-1000 fish m -3 have been estimated from dipnet catches (own unpubl . data) . These fish densities are comparable to the highest densities used in intensive culture experiments (Otterlei et al ., 1994) and are typically found among schools feeding on zooplankton entering through the screens in the dam . Thus the local densities of juvenile cod in the rearing ponds are sufficiently high for cannibalism to be significant . In flatfishes, the morphological changes around metamorphosis drastically alter an individual's vulnerability to cannibalism and intraspecific aggression . The increased body height post metamorphosis is not accompanied by a corresponding increase in mouth gape, thus reducing the possibility of being eaten by coeval conspecifics . Substantial aggression and cannibalism is observed prior to settling of turbot, Scophthalmus maxim us, during periods of food shortage (own observations), but the mortality under culture conditions is generally low after metamorphosis . In treefrog tadpoles, Osteopilus septentrionalis, the risk of predation and cannibalism is especially high during metamorphosis, possibly because the metamorphosing tadpole is less adapted to the aquatic habitat (Crump, 1986) . Contrary to the common situation, these metamorphosing larvae are attacked by smaller and less-developed tadpoles . Juvenile stage The problems associated with coeval cannibalism of cod in culture are reduced later in the juvenile stage (Table 9 .2) . The growth rate is reduced to less than a third of its maximum value within 1-2 months after metamorphosis . During this period, the stomach becomes fully functional and few problems are encountered during weaning onto formulated feeds (Ottera and Lie, 1991) . Once weaning is completed, proper management will prevent food shortage and starvation . It has been shown in several studies that the role of cannibalism is reduced in the presence of sufficient quantities of alternative food (Li and Mathias, 1982 ; Katavic et al., 1989 ; Folkvord, 1991 ; Hecht and Pienaar, 1993) . Due to their reduced growth rate and metabolism, larger juveniles are a selective process 259 also more resistant to starvation (Post, 1990 ; Folkvord, 1991) . In addition, the larger fish generally have more food available owing to their wider range of acceptable prey sizes (Shirota, 1970 ; Hunter and Kimbrell, 1980a) . The potential for cannibalism is further reduced by the relatively large predator :prey size difference needed for cannibalism to occur, and the relatively small mouth size at this stage (Fig . 9 .2(B), Ottera and Folkvord, 1993) . The potential for cannibalism in the juvenile stage may also increase, however, due to the common increase in relative size between the largest and smallest individuals in a cohort (Folkvord et al., 1994b) . In a culture situation, this can easily be resolved by satiation feeding with suitable feeds and size grading of the fish (Hecht and Pienaar, 1993) . 9 .3 CANNIBALISM AS A SELF''TIVE PROCESS Effects on size distribution Cannibalism is both a cause and an effect of size variation (Hecht and Pienaar, 1993) . In fish it is generally a size-selective process, usually limited by the mouth size of the cannibal (Fig . 9 .2(B) ; Hecht and Appelbaum, 1988 ; van Damme et al ., 1989 ; Parazo et al ., 1991 ; Bry et al., 1992 ; Sogard and Olla, 1994) . It follows that intracohort cannibalism will selectively remove the smallest individuals . The effect can be very dramatic when the size variation in the population is sufficiently large (Fig . 9 .4 ; Folkvord and Ottera, 1993) . The proportion of cannibals in the population need not be very high to cause high mortalities . Two large cod individuals were capable of consuming 56 siblings (56% of the population) within 4 weeks (Folkvord, 1991) . The importance of the largest individuals in the cannibalism process indicates that the relative size difference between the largest and smallest individual in a co-occurring group of conspecifics may be a better measure of cannibalism risk than the coefficient of variation (CV) of length or weight . It is important to note that large relative size differences are more likely to be present in a large group of fish than in a small group of fish . A simple simulation study illustrates this point . Theoretical populations generated randomly from the same original population (same CV) show a logarithmic increase in max :min length ratios with increasing population size (Fig . 9 .5) . Thus not only does the number of encounters increase with increasing density, but also higher relative size differences between individuals will be present at higher densities . The increase in max:min length ratios with increasing population size is more rapid when the population size variability is high (Fig . 9 .5(A,B)) . Size variation within a fish population also depends on previous growth 260 Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes 261 Cannibalism as a selective process Fig. 9 .4 Size-selective cannibalism mortality in juvenile cod (Folkvord and Otters, 1993). Estimated relative loss of small cod in tanks with 2 (solid line) and 10 (broken line) large siblings added (out of 50 fish) relative to control tanks with no large siblings added . The percentages missing are calculated at 0 .05 g intervals (see points) . The experiment lasted 16 days, and the initial CVs (length) averaged 12%, 15% and 20% respectively for the groups with 0, 2 and 10 large siblings added . and mortality history (Pepin, 1989), and can remain relatively constant or even be reduced depending on the extent of cannibalism (Folkvord and Otters, 1993) . Individual-based models (IBMs) seem particularly useful in evaluating the effect of size variation on cannibalism because these models are effective at dealing with rare events or individual characteristics of the population members (Dong and Polis, 1992) . The appearance of size bimodality in the population is, however, not necessarily the result of interaction between individuals . Huston and DeAngelis (1987) listed four possible factors influencing the changes in size distribution : (1) initial sizes, (2) distribution of growth rates among individuals, (3) size- and time-dependent growth rate, and (4) selective mortality . These factors may also act in concert . In the case of cod, a size bimodality is in part due to increased growth rate of the cannibals (Folkvord and Otters, 1993) . Prolonged cannibalism can eventually lead to the removal of the smallest size mode, resulting in a unimodal distribution (DeAngelis et al ., 1980) . Modelling studies have also predicted that the variation in growth rates would decrease with increasing predator abundance (Pepin, 1989), but the estimates of mean and variance in size-frequency distributions would have to be very precise to detect changes in predator abundance . In a similar 20 100 50 Population size 200 500 1000 Fig . 9 .5 Simulated max :min length ratios in randomly generated populations . These populations were generated from underlying populations with a CV (length) of 10% (A) and 15% (B) respectively . Fifty populations were generated for each population size in both (A) and (B) . Regression equations are (A) : y = 1 .071 + 0 .305*loglO(x) and (B) : y = 1 .066 + 0 .623*log10(x) . Note differing vertical scales . study (Rice et al ., 1993), high variance in growth rate within a cohort gave substantially higher survival when size-selective predation pressure was present . This simulation study was based on a piscivore predator (intercohort predation), and the results cannot necessarily be transferred to cases of intracohort cannibalism. 262 Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes Cannibalism as a Bias in growth estimation Growth in fish can be related to size in two ways . First, growth rate generally declines with increasing size (Brett, 1979), with the exception of the early larval period and periods of compensatory growth after temporary food shortage (Blom et al ., 1991 ; van der Meeren and Nmss, 1993) . Secondly, the individual growth rate in a group may vary according to relative size and social hierarchy (Brawn, 1969) . This can be caused by various size fractions of the population feeding on different-sized food particles (Folkvord and Otters, 1993 ; Folkvord et al ., 1994b), genetic differences or behavioural differences (Brawn, 1969) . When estimating growth in populations with size-selective mortality it is necessary to distinguish between growth estimates based on individual growth trajectories and estimates based on average sizes of fish at various periods . In the following I refer to average individual weight (or length) growth rates in cases where the estimates are based on separate individual growth rates : Average individual growth rate = Y [100 * (e5 - 1)] / n (9 .1) 263 selective process Table 9 .3 Calculation of growth rates under three different mortality scenarios : (A), no mortality ; (B), selective mortality of the smallest individuals ; (C), nonselective mortality . Rates were calculated as 100*(ee-1), where g is the instantaneous rate of weight increase during a 14 day growth period . The corrected average start weight was obtained by omitting the fraction of the smallest fish corresponding to the mortality in the following period (arbitrary weight units) Variable Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight fish fish fish fish fish fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 Average weight Corrected average start weight Individual growth rate (% day-1 1j Population growth rate (% day ) Corrected growth rate (% day -') Start Final A Final B Final C 20 20 5 5 5 5 40 40 10 10 10 10 40 40 - 40 10 10 10 20 10 40 20 20 15 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 2 i=1 and gi = [ln(W12) - ln(W,1)] / ( t2 - t1) where W11 and Wit are the weights of individual i at times t 1 and t 2 respectively, and n is number of individuals in the population (or sample) . Population growth rates, on the other hand, are obtained by using average population weights (or lengths) as input and are defined as : Population growth rate = 100 * (ea - 1) (9 .3) g = [ln(W 2 ) - ln(W1)] / (t2 - t1) (9 .4) and where W1 and W2 are the average weights in the population at t1 and t2 . When cannibalism rates are high, large differences between population growth rates and individual growth rates are observed (Patriquin, 1967 ; Ricker, 1975) . Similar effects can also be observed when predation or fishing rates are strongly size selective (Hanson and Chouinard, 1992) . Thus one cannot infer individual growth rates from population growth rates without any measures of size-dependent mortality (Otters, 1992) . On the other hand, knowledge of size-dependent growth is essential because it may influence overall survival and recruitment (Tsukamoto et al ., 1989) . In juvenile cod it has been shown that population growth rate can be more than twice as high as the estimated average individual growth rate (Folkvord and Otters, 1993) . During the early juvenile stage, it is difficult to sample cod quantitatively in the enclosures . Thus it is common to only estimate average mortalities from metamorphosis to harvest (Blom et al ., 1991) . Taking into account the possibility of prominent size-selective mortality, any population growth estimates during this period most likely overestimate the average individual growth rates and should be treated with caution . Using population growth rates is equivalent to assuming no size-selective mortality at all (see also Miller, Chapter 7, this volume) . If the mortality rate is known, approximate individual growth rates can be estimated using a subpopulation concept (Rosenberg and Haugen, 1982 ; Folkvord and Otters, 1993 ; van der Meeren and Nmss, 1993) (Table 9 .3) . This estimate will be an underestimate of the average individual growth rate if any of the larger and presumed surviving individuals died during the growth period (Table 9 .3, scenario C) . In a population where cannibalism and removal of the smallest individuals is likely to occur, the corrected estimate will be a good approximation to the average individual growth rates (Folkvord and Otters, 1993) (Table 9 .3, scenario B) . The reliability of the method is, however, dependent on the accuracy of the mortality estimate and the obtained size-frequency distribution . In the field, individual larval and early juvenile growth rates can be 264 . Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes inferred from otolith microstructure . These rates are dependent on accurate age determination for size-at-age studies (Bolz and Lough, 1988) . Growth can also be back-calculated based on known otolith size :body size relations (Campana, 1990) . Although there are few reliable estimates of individual growth rates of cod at present (Suthers and Sundby, 1993), otolith microstructure analysis still remains as one of the few promising applicable techniques for obtaining individual growth estimates of larval and juvenile cod in the field . 9 .4 IMPORTANCE OF CANNIBALISM IN THE FIELD Intracohort cannibalism The spawning season of the Arcto-Norwegian cod stock typically lasts 2-3 months, and this should produce co-occurring larvae of sufficiently large size disparity for cannibalism to occur. Still, no accounts of intracohort cannibalism on cod larvae in the field are documented in the literature (e.g . Ellertsen et al ., 1984) . Until recently, intracohort cannibalism among 0-group cod juveniles had not been encountered either (Wiborg, 1960 ; Perry and Neilson, 1988) . The findings of two 0-group cod (7-14 cm) off Iceland in 1990 with conspecific juveniles in their stomachs is the first documentation of intracohort cannibalism in cod in the field (Bogstad et al., 1993) . The low incidences of intracohort cannibalism in the field are to some extent due to density effects . First, the average abundance of larval and juvenile cod compared with their most common prey organisms is low (Wiborg, 1960) . Secondly, the density of cod juveniles itself tends to be low, although some exceptions have been observed . Olsen and Soldal (1989) observed over 3 million juvenile cod in northern Norway in large aggregations with average densities of 5-8 fish M-3, which is higher than the average density i "the juvenile production ponds (Blom et al ., 1991) . The highest local deities in the field may, therefore, be close to 100 fish , M-3 the lowest density used in the experiments by Otterlei et al . (1994) . Very low cannibalism rates were observed at this density when the juvenile cod were fed ad libitum . In the field, intracohort cannibalism and competition may be reduced by spatial segregation of the offspring due to advection (Economou, 1991) . The 0-group cod will also be vertically segregated as the settling process commences among the larger juveniles (God® et al ., 1993) . In addition, the shoaling behaviour of fish may reduce cannibalism in the field . It has been documented for several species that fish prefer to shoal with conspecifics of a similar size (Pitcher and Parrish, 1993), and the relatively low size variation in the shoal will reduce the probability of intracohort canni- Importance of cannibalism in the field 265 balism . In summary it therefore seems unlikely that intracohort cannibalism among young cod is of any importance in the field . Intracohort cannibalism and predation among other 0-group gadiforms have been observed in the field, but these instances have usually been coupled with poor feeding conditions (Perry and Neilson, 1988 ; Koeller et al ., 1989) . Intracohort cannibalism occurred among silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis, as small as 22-25 mm, and accounted for over 25% of the stomach content by weight in juveniles larger than 46 mm (Koeller et al ., 1989) . 0-Group cod occurred in the stomachs of 0-group haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus (intracohort predation), at a site characterized by low zooplankton biomass (Perry and Neilson, 1988) . Young and Davies (1990) observed intracohort cannibalism in 1 .5% of the southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii, larvae with food in their stomachs . The consumed larvae were smaller than 4 mm, and occurred in 3 out of 16 (19%) of the larvae between 8 and 9 .5 mm length . Larval and juvenile tunas generally have relatively high mouth size :body size ratios (Shirota, 1970 ; Kawai and Isibasi, 1983), and this most likely facilitates cannibalism to take place earlier in ontogeny compared with other species . The degree of piscivory and intracohort cannibalism in 0-group pikeperch, Stizostedion lucioperca, showed marked annual variations during the period 1976-1983 (van Densen, 1985) . Cannibalism was highest in 1982, when the abundance of pikeperch initially was more than 10 times higher than in the other years . Density effects were also found to be important during a large-scale mark-recapture study . Tsukamoto and coworkers (1989) found seven 20mm newly released red sea bream, Pagrus major, in the stomachs of simultaneously released fish of 40 mm length . Cannibalism was, however, not considered to have a serious effect on mortality of red sea bream juveniles in the field, because this phenomenon was limited to the stocking area on the first 2 days after release . The high cannibalism rate during this period was considered an artifact due to unnaturally high concentration of juveniles following the release (756 000 individuals on the same site) . In summary, there is little information from the field that points to intracohort cannibalism as being of importance in regulating overall survival or ultimately recruitment (Smith and Reay, 1991) . Intracohort cannibalism is only expected to be operating in some species under special conditions with limited food availability . The possibility of detecting cannibalism among 0-group fish in the field is higher in areas with low food availability, but rapid digestion of smaller conspecific prey will still require large numbers of potential predators to be investigated (Folkvord, 1993) . Thus, the local importance of intracohort cannibalism cannot be ruled out . 266 . Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes Intercohort cannibalism Numerous accounts of intercohort cannibalism in cod and other gadoids in the field have been reported (Daan, 1973 ; Dwyer et al., 1987 ; Mehl, 1988 ; Bailey, 1989) . Large regional and temporal differences in the frequency of cannibalism have been observed . These were usually coupled with the cooccurrence of 0-group fish and older conspecifics (Daan, 1973 ; Dwyer et al ., 1987) . It is conceivable that cannibalism in gadoids is of special importance at the time of settling of the 0-group fish, but horizontal and vertical separation of 0-group and older cod may to some extent reduce predation at this stage (Riley and Parnell, 1984 ; Godo et al ., 1993) . Intercohort cannibalism has, however, been shown to account for over 20% of the diet of older cod, and 40% of the annual mortality of 0-group cod in years when the abundances of 0-group cod have been relatively high compared with other prey items (Daan, 1973 ; Mehl, 1988) . Adult walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, have been shown to consume larger-than-average 0-group juveniles, and this was related to the vertical distribution of juveniles (Bailey, 1989) . The smaller juveniles found near the surface were not recovered in the stomachs of adults . Large and faster-growing 0group fish settling early may thus experience a higher mortality during this period than their smaller conspecifics . In a study on Cape hake, Merluccius capensis, Macpherson and Gordoa (1994) found that large adult hake preferentially selected smaller hake irrespective of their density or of the occurrence of alternative prey . This lack of density-dependent regulation was possibly compensated for by the distributional pattern of the different size groups of hake . The majority of the large adult hake were distributed in an area which only partially overlapped with the area occupied by the smaller conspecifics . Cannibalism presure by adult threespine sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, has been suggested to be responsible for an ontogenetic shift in habitat use of juveniles in this species (Foster et al ., 1988), but similar mechanisms were not confirmed for hake . A shift from the pelagic habitat to the benthic habitat for coastal cod was modelled based on mortality rate/growth rate ratios, and the predictions from the model were consistent with field observations (Salvanes et al ., 1994) . Although intercohort cannibalism was documented to be important in the benthic habitat, this was possibly compensated for by increased prey availability in the same habitat . Egg cannibalism is a special case of cannibalism that has been confirmed for several clupeoid filter-feeding species, and field estimates have shown that it can account for 6-70% of the daily mortality (Hunter and Kimbrell, 1980b ; Valdes Szeinfeld, 1991) . The overall consequences of cannibalism are, however, strongly dependent upon the degree of overlap between adults and their spawning products (MacCall, 1981) . Interspecific Importance of cannibalism in the field 267 predation by co-occurring species (intraguild predation) has been shown in some cases to account for an even larger proportion of the mortality . Up to 56% of the daily anchovy, Engraulis capensis, egg mortality was due to sardine, Sardinops ocellatus, predation, while 6% was due to cannibalism (Valdes Szeinfeld, 1991) . Egg cannibalism rates are expected to be lower in particulate-feeding fishes such as most gadiforms, and egg cannibalism in walleye pollock is estimated to account for less than 3% of the total egg mortality (Brodeur et al ., 1991). Several of the largest pelagic fish stocks in Norwegian waters have demersal eggs (Clupea, Mallotus and Ammodytes), and this reproductive strategy effectively eliminates egg cannibalism in these species . Management implications Extensive cannibalism will have implications for both fish production and stock assessment of the given species . The effects of cannibalism should therefore be modelled in fisheries models . During the mid 1980s the capelin, Mallotus villosus, stock in the Barents Sea was drastically reduced (Mehl, 1988) . As a consequence, the young year classes of cod were significantly reduced due to cannibalism . Up to 85% of the mortality of the igroup to in-group stage was due to cannibalism from older year classes (Mehl, 1988) . The failure to take this effect into account resulted initially in far too optimistic predictions of cod recruitment and projected total allowable catch in the region . The failure to anticipate this dramatic reduction of some of the year classes led to the inclusion of cannibalism in the multispecies models for the Barents Sea region . Through an extensive stomach-sampling programme undertaken by Norwegian and Russian researchers, the managers are now able to monitor the annual variations in cannibalism intensity (Bogstad et al ., 1993) . An increase in the occurrence of cannibalism with size/age is observed for several cod stocks (Bogstad et al ., 1993) . The age structure of the Arcto-Norwegian cod stock in the late 1940s and early 1950s was dominated by older individuals, partly due to reduced fishing pressure during the period after the Second World War . It is interesting to note that the overall occurrence of cannibalism in this period seemed to be higher than during the 1980s, when the age distribution has been shifted towards younger individuals (Bogstad et al., 1993) . This example emphasizes the importance of understanding the age- and size-related predation processes occurring in a stock . Cannibalism in hake was included in a virtual population analysis (VPA) model developed by Lleonart and co-workers (1985) . Mortality due to cannibalism accounted for 48%, of natural mortality . As a consequence, it was shown that the standard VPA model systematically underestimated 268 . Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes Perspectives the number and biomass of the youngest cohorts . Without the correction, the stock appeared older and the calculated age-specific mortalities of the releases of cod juveniles in a Norwegian fjord did not contribute signifi- youngest age classes were underestimated . The authors further suggested that in a stock where cannibalism by older year classes is common, a predation from other gadids . The production of cod in this fjord depends to a large extent on advected zooplankton from outside the fjord, and the management regulation of mesh size will be more effective than a regulation of total effort . An increased mesh size will selectively remove large potential cannibals, enhancing survival of younger year classes by abundance of ii-group cod was not different in release areas compared reducing cannibalism (Lleonart et al., 1985) . These conclusions were questioned by Punt and Hilborn (1994), who concluded that little and other species on young cod is high (Ulltang, .1984), and the possibilities of a successful ranching programme will be higher when the popula- precision in the management models was lost by omitting cannibalism interactions in this species . This result was attributed to uncertainties in tion involved is already at a low level due to overfishing . other important aspects of the population regulation in hake . In addition, considerable effort would have to be made to estimate the parameters needed in the external model. have also shown that it can be a major source of mortality and an 269 cantly to recruitment in the area, and attributed this to competition and with control areas . The effects of cod enhancement programmes will therefore most likely not be worthwhile if the predation pressure from cod In summary, studies on intercohort cannibalism in cod and other species MacCall (1981) incorporated cannibalism on eggs and larvae in a stock- important density-dependent mechanism in natural fish populations (Hunter and Kimbrell, 1980b ; Ulltang, 1984 ; Valdes Szeinfeld, 1991) . In the dome-shaped Ricker curves of stock against recruitment, this is recruitment model and concluded that cannibalism in northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, is sufficiently intense to be a regulatory mechanism . The apparent as a drop in recruitment at high stock levels . It is likely, however, that the density effect of adults is often exerted via the density of densities of adult clupeoids are not generally proportional to stock size eggs and larvae they produce, and not necessarily through a direct impact owing to the expansion and contraction of ranges with varying abundance . The harvest potential may thus depend on the spatial fishing of their own abundance (Ricker, 1975) . pattern of juvenile and adult clupeoids relative to the distribution of eggs and larvae (MacCall, 1981) . Usually the spawning migrations undertaken by most clupeoid species will reduce the potential for filial cannibalism . The 9 .5 PERSPECTIVES migration pattern of the adults may, however, be influenced by stock size, Cannibalism among fishes has in the past often been viewed as an artifact as happened in the Norwegian spring-spawning herring, Clupea harengus, following the collapse in the 1960s . The traditional migration pattern into occurring under artificial circumstances . On the other hand, recent reviews the Norwegian Sea after spawning was abandoned, and the stock remained in fishes to be classified as an obscurity (Smith and Reay, 1991) . near the Norwegian coast, in the drift route of their own offspring (Rottingen, 1990) . The presence of adult herring in the Norwegian coastal current may thus have delayed the recovery of the stock due to cannibalism on larvae . Special attention to the role of cannibalism and other density-dependent mechanisms is needed prior to the onset of large-scale enhancement enterprises (Peterman, 1991) . Theoretical considerations have shown that when indicate that cannibalism is far too widespread in the animal kingdom and Genetic and evolutionary aspects The evolution of non-predatory interference (e .g . territoriality) is unlikely in an open environment such as the pelagic ecosystem where resource monopolization is impossible (Polls, 1988) . Cannibalism in fish is usually cannibalism by older conspecifics is responsible for a major part of the an unequal contest where the smaller victim presents no direct risk to the cannibal . The structural simplicity of the pelagic habitat, coupled with the juvenile mortality, the effect of the release will be higher at lower stock tendency of conspecifics to co-inhabit a common environment, will also sizes or higher fishing pressure (Ulltang, 1984) . The gain from such a release may, however, be lost if the fishing pressure exceeds that giving promote multiple encounters between individuals of the same species . The the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of the natural population . Intercohort cannibalism of cod juveniles has been documented by stomach schooling behaviour of many fish species will also further increase the encounter rate between conspecifics . There are thus several sound ecological and evolutionary reasons for cannibalism being a part of the natural analyses carried out in connection with the major cod enhancement behavioural repertoire of many fish species (Polls, 1981 ; Edgar and Crespi, programmes in Norway (Svasand and Kristiansen, 1990 ; Smestad et al ., 1994) . Smestad and co-workers (1994) concluded that the large-scale 1992) . The selective advantage of individuals exhibiting cannibalistic traits is evident in situations of food shortage . In addition to increasing the fitness 270 271 Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes Perspectives of the cannibal, the resulting reduced competition for food will possibly increase the fitness of all other surviving juveniles (Polis, 1981 ; Elgar and Crespi, 1992) . of injury or disease, the existence of so-called runts may have evolutionary The cannibal benefits directly from obtaining a meal of high nutritional value (Polis, 1981) . The proximal composition of the prey is also similar to the proximal composition of the predator . There are also some indications small individuals serves the same purpose in fish populations, where some that cod and other fishes and amphibians grow better on a diet of conspecifics (Crump, 1992 ; Folkvord and Otters, 1993) . Postlarval mahi-mahi, Coryphaena hippurus, grew better on a diet of conspecific yolk-sac larvae tation for the pelagic environment, where the provided offspring in no way can be 'reserved' for conspecifics, is questionable (Polis, 1988) . than on live brine shrimp, Artemia, and the growth rates were up to 34% day l (Kraul et al ., 1992) . The authors attributed this result to the proximal composition of yolk-sac larvae, which had relatively high levels polyphenism, i .e . phenotypic differences in behaviour, morphology, growth rates or life history between cannibal and non-cannibal forms (Polis, of polyunsaturated fatty acids . One of the many striking differences between the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems is the common size disparity between members of the lower and higher trophic levels. In the marine environment this is also manifested in the high biomass density of relatively small planktonic organisms (Boudreau and Dickie, 1992) . Intermediate-sized organisms are often needed in order to obtain an efficient energy transfer between these plankton resources and the higher trophic levels . According to Nellen significance . In snails it is common for some of the offspring to feed on trophic eggs (Polis, 1981) . It has been suggested that the production of of the offspring are provided as suitable-sized prey for the largest individuals later during ontogeny (Polis, 1981) . Whether this is an acceptable interpre- In some amphibians there are well-documented accounts of cannibalistic 1981) . In most cases the development of the cannibal morph seems to be environmentally induced when larval densities are high or food levels are low (Crump, 1992) . The development of cannibalistic morphs is also dependent on the presence of close kin and alternate prey (Pfennig and Collins, 1993) . Few examples of cannibalistic polymorphism are found among fishes, but in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, several coexisting morphs have been identified (Sandlund et al ., 1992) . The morph with the largest mouth dimensions was mainly piscivorous, and was the only morph documented (1986), cannibalism of younger planktivorous conspecifics represents such an intermediate trophic level . In their analysis of the life history of Japanese to be cannibalistic . There are also polymorphic adaptations to reduce the effect of predation and possibly cannibalism . Crucian carp, Carassius fishes, Kawai and Isibasi (1983) observed a between-species discontinuity in growth patterns during the juvenile period . The authors suggested that carassius, living in ponds with larger piscivore predators develop enlarged this was due to differential adaptation of the various species to food acquisition during the early juvenile stage . Species with relatively large mouths, and resulting high piscivory and cannibalism potential, were expected to (Tonn et al ., 1994) . Although cannibalism is documented in carp, it is not clear if this morphological response is triggered in the presence of large outgrow the plankton-eating species during this period . Whether fish preferentially cannibalize non-siblings is unclear . There is, however, some evidence that certain species of amphibians are able to recognize their own kin . The ability to recognize their own kin is necessary for kin selection to take place, and such mechanisms are documented for salamanders and toads (Walls and Roudebush, 1991 ; Pfennig et al ., 1993) . Female poeciliids preferentially consumed individuals body heights compared with those exposed to a lower predation risk siblings . Not surprisingly, a genetic component of cannibalistic behaviour has been demonstrated (Thibault, 1974 ; Hecht and Pienaar, 1993) . Cannibalism may also indirectly be affected by genetic effects because inherent size variation within full-sibling groups tends to be lower than that between mixed-sibling groups (Knutsen and Tilseth, 1985 ; Folkvord et al ., 1994b) . During the extensive rearing process of juvenile cod, periods of food limitation are common, and are expected to favour cannibalistic of other females rather than their own (Loekle et al ., 1982), but further studies are needed to determine the mechanisms involved . Lower canni- individuals (Blom et al ., 1994) . Caution is thus appropriate when selecting for rapid growth among broodstock in cannibalistic species such as cod, balism rates were also observed in full-sib groups of pike, Esox lucius, compared with mixed groups (Bry and Gillet, 1980) . This could possibly because the fast-growing survivors may also be the individuals with the have been due to the lower inherent size variation of the full-sib groups and not directly to genetic effects . Many aquaculturists have noted the presence of unusually small and slow-growing individuals during rearing of various fish species (own observations ; Polis, 1981) . Although the size of these individuals may be a result highest cannibalistic propensity (Hecht and Pienaar, 1993) . There are also mathematical derivations which show that cannibalism can function as a 'lifeboat' mechanism, preventing all specimens in a population from becoming extinct (van den Bosch et al ., 1988) . Such mechanisms should be explained in terms of selection at the individual level . It can, however, be concluded, regardless of whatever selective 272 Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fishes agent is responsible, that cannibalism has the potential of preventing a population from becoming extinct by self-regulation (Polis, 1981) . Concluding remarks Through evolutionary processes, larval and juvenile fish are adapted to variable feeding conditions . In a farming or experimental situation these adaptations represent in some cases undesirable features that have to be dealt with . In extensive juvenile rearing, it is important to match the released numbers of fish larvae with the timing and production of suitable prey . The potential zooplankton production (and supply) in the ponds has been shown to impose a limit on the juvenile production of cod and other species (McIntyre et al ., 1987) . A common error has been to release relatively high numbers of larvae to be certain that some will survive . Almost without exception, this has led to a zooplankton collapse in the ponds before the fish are readily harvested or weaned . Future r studies on extensive rearing with lower initial larval densities and/or earlier harvest are therefore needed . In a culture situation, coeval cannibalism represents an undesirable trophic level reducing the potential output given a limited food resource, and should thus be avoided . On average, around 60% of the zooplankton energy ingested by the cannibal victims will be added heat loss in an extra trophic level (Blom et al ., 1991), and continued cannibalism will thus quickly reduce the population biomass (Kawai and Isibasi, 1983) . An exception is the use of added fish larvae as a direct food source for the older conspecifics . Studies on postlarval mahi-mahi have demonstrated that this can be a viable strategy if available broodstock can produce sufficient quantities of eggs . It was estimated that four females could produce enough eggs and yolk-sac larvae to raise a few hundred postlarvae through weaning (Kraul et al ., 1992) . Cannibalism in the field is highly dependent on the co-occurence of older conspecifics . The process of settling in cod and other fishes stands out as an important event which is poorly described and documented . Spatial and temporal variations in the time of settling are expected to have an important impact on intercohort cannibalism rates (Bailey, 1989) . Cannibal morphs are well documented in amphibians and future studies on fish should look for polymorphic traits in situations where cannibalism is important . Kin recognition in fish, if it exists, can have wide-ranging implications in our culture strategies . At present there is no evidence of kin recognition playing an important role in reducing fish cannibalism, but this possibility needs to be addressed . Comparative studies on allometric mouth morphology can also yield new insight to ontogenetic changes in the intracohort cannibalistic propensity . References 273 A final comment regarding the role of cannibalism in the field : although it undoubtedly does occur in a large range of species under captive conditions, special care should be taken to avoid extrapolation of laboratory data to the field (Nesbit and Meffe, 1993) . Controlled experiments in the laboratory are well suited for isolating factors of importance, but the rates of cannibalism cannot be directly transferred to the field . The ultimate evidence of the role of cannibalism has to be found in the respective habitats of the species under investigation . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The constructive comments of G . Blom, C . Booman and A . Johannessen and three anonymous referees are greatly appreciated . The work has been funded by research fellowships from the Norwegian Research Council (former NFFR) and the University of Bergen . REFERENCES Bailey, K .M . (1989) Interaction between the vertical distribution of juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the eastern Bering Sea, and cannibalism . Marine Ecology Progress Series, 53, 205-213 . Balon, E .K . (1984) Reflections on some decisive events in the early life of fishes . Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 113, 178-185 . Blom, G ., Otters, H., Svssand, T . et al. 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