Understanding the Elements

PreProfessional Advising Center
Silver Center, Room 901
College of Arts and Science
New York University
Understanding the Elements:
Assessing Your Application to Health Professional Schools
Course Requirements
To meet the requirements of the vast majority of health professional programs in the US, we recommend that you complete the
following courses:
2 semesters of Biology with labs
2 semesters of Inorganic Chemistry with labs
2 semesters of Organic Chemistry with labs
2 semesters of Physics with labs
2 courses in Expository Writing and/or English
Calculus I, fulfilled with at least a 4 on the AP, OR by successful completion of the course
Biochemistry I*
1-2 courses in the Social or Behavioral Sciences*
*These courses are strongly suggested for all students preparing to take the MCAT on or after January 2015
Requirements may vary from school to school and discipline to discipline, as can Advanced Placement (AP) credit policies.
You are responsible for researching the requirements of specific schools of interest and incorporating any special requirements into
your academic planning.
Academic Preparation
Professional schools look for evidence that you can manage the challenges of a medical school curriculum and will view your
cumulative grade point average (GPA) and BCPM (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math) GPA as your way of demonstrating this.
Other considerations include trends in your academic performance, the diversity and rigor of your courses, and other academic
NYU’s competitive candidates for allopathic medical schools traditionally earn a 3.6 GPA overall and in the sciences and earn a 32 on
the MCAT entrance exam. Roughly 90% of competitive NYU students and alumni who apply are accepted to medical school each
year. Academic standards vary from discipline to discipline and school to school. Professional organizations and centralized
application services often publish records of admissions trends and standards.
Clinical Experience
Schools of the health professions expect students to have a solid grasp of the roles and responsibilities of members of the medical
team. You are encouraged to gain clinical exposure by working, volunteering, or shadowing in a variety of healthcare settings.
Research Experience
You are encouraged to participate in basic science research, research within your major discipline, or clinical research as it relates to
your academic interests and professional goals. Conducting research will challenge you to question the status quo, follow procedures,
and collect and analyze data. While not a requirement for admission into health professional schools, more and more applicants are
applying with research experience.
Community Involvement
Medical professionals are expected to be altruistic and committed to serving others. Schools of the health professions view
engagement in community service as a way for students to demonstrate cultural sensitivity, empathy, and social awareness.
Leadership Skills & Non-Healthcare Pursuits
Involvement in activities within your community will provide you with opportunities to build and reveal your leadership skills,
cultivate personal interests, and establish meaningful relationships.
PreProfessional Advising Center
Silver Center, Room 901
College of Arts and Science
New York University
Understanding the Elements:
Assessing Your Application to Health Professional Schools
NYU’s Committee Letter of Evaluation
All students that have completed the majority of the core science curriculum at NYU are eligible to participate in the Committee
Interview process and receive a Committee Letter of Evaluation. Completion of the Committee Packet and the subsequent interview is
expected during your application year. The Committee Letter is designed to present you as a candidate by describing your academic
record, engagement with the community, personal qualities, and demonstrated interest and commitment to healthcare.
Letters of Recommendation
Letters of recommendation are an important component of the health professions application process. We encourage you to collect
between 3-5 letters of recommendation by the time you apply to professional programs. Letters should be solicited from:
Professor(s) of Science
Professor(s) in your Major
Professor(s) or a Supervisor from a Clinical Experience
Research Experience Supervisor(s)
You should select writers who have observed your work, can attest to your abilities and strengths, and can appropriately assess your fit
for your professional program and future occupation.
Selecting a Major
Choosing a major that reflects your strengths and interests is critically important, as you will be more successful in courses where you
genuinely engage with the material. Schools of the health professions accept students with broad academic experiences within and
outside the sciences.
Study Away
As a member of the Global Network University at NYU, we encourage all students to study away during their undergraduate career.
Studying away will challenge you to appreciate cultural differences and gain independence. Qualified students in most majors can
enroll in prehealth courses at NYU London during the academic year. Non-science majors may choose to study at other sites and
should work with an adviser to plan for future completion of prehealth requirements.
Deciding When to Apply
Students should only apply once and when their portfolio (grades, entrance exam scores, extra-curricular activities) is the strongest.
Decisions about when to apply should result from a reflection of your academic record and accomplishments in respect to the
admissions standards at your programs of interest. Advisers are available to help you assess your readiness for application.
Because no two applicants are alike, it is in your best interest to meet one-on-one with an adviser to discuss your personal preparation
for applying to a health professional school, at least once every semester.
 Schedule an appointment: call 212-998-8160 or stop by 901 Silver
 Visit our website: http://prehealth.cas.nyu.edu/
 Receive our weekly listserv by sending a blank email from your @nyu.edu account to: join-prehealth@lists.nyu.edu
 Follow us on Twitter: @NYUprehealth