Home Enemas: How and Why You Should Perform

Home Enemas: How and Why You Should
Perform Them to Help Achieve Optimal Health
By www.BodyEcology.com
Most people greet the notion of a home enema with a wince and a snicker. Knowing the benefits of
an enema can change that wince into a whisper of relief.
An Internal Bath for Your Colon
An enema is a method to flush waste out of the colon. It's not such a bad idea when you consider
that the average person may have up to 10 pounds or more of non-eliminated waste in the large
intestine! [1]
Simply put, an enema cleans up the colon and induces bowel movements, leaving you feeling
cleaner, lighter and healthier almost immediately.
Whistle Clean Means Everything
If you've read the Body Ecology Diet, you know that good health begins right in the gut. Eating a
natural, wholesome diet with fermented foods drinking clean water, exercising, getting plenty of rest,
and breathing fresh air is essential for proper digestion, vibrant health and well-being.
But all of your efforts toward a healthy lifestyle could go right down the drain if you're not eliminating
The main job of the colon is to absorb water and nutrients from food and remove waste and toxins.
Over the years the colon walls can become encrusted with non-eliminated waste, making it sluggish
and inefficient. When that happens, you might experience some of the following symptoms:
Loss of Appetite
Weight Problems
Inability to Concentrate
Stomach Pains
Bacterial Gaper Delay of the Colon
When waste material travels too slowly through the intestines or you become constipated and they
literally jam up, putrefaction and toxins occur. Constipation is damaging to every cell and to every
organ in our body not just to our intestines. Our bodies are designed to absorb whatever is in the
digestive tract ... good or bad.
So in other words, if you begin your meal and eat truly healthy foods, and if you chew and digest
them well, your body will absorb truly valuable nutrients. But if you leave putrefying, toxic waste in
your system, your body will absorb that, too.
That's the point where autointoxication, or self-poisoning occurs.
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Digest This!
There's no denying it – gastrointestinal diseases such as Crohn's, Colitis, Diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel
Syndrome and other diseases of the intestinal tract are a direct result of the foods we eat. Up to 100
million North Americans suffer from intermittent forms of digestive disease, making it the number one
cause for hospitalization over any other group of disorders! [2]
Watch television for an hour or two and count how many commercials you see advertising over the
counter and prescription drug products for digestive tract disorders. They're enough to convince you
that it's perfectly normal to suffer the consequences of a bad diet, easily remedied with a pill.
So normal, in fact, that $2 - 2.5 billion dollars per year are being spent on these drugs. Two and a
Fit For a King
Enemas are not a new fad or something that's only performed by those obsessed with their health.
It wasn't that long ago that enemas were routinely prescribed by doctors as part of a normal cure for
An Egyptian king, as early as 1500 BC, was known to receive routine enemas by a physician who
used them for regular medical treatments. The Egyptians believed that all diseases were caused by
tainted, unwanted additions to food, or too much food, and understood how an enema could offer
relief to serious situations.
Ancient regions in Africa, Greece, Babylonia, India and China used enemas. [3] American Indians
performed enemas. Louis XIV had almost 2000 enemas in his lifetime and stayed healthy
throughout. And even the vivacious and voluptuous Mae West started every day with a morning
enema. [4]
Today the medical community has somehow disconnected itself with the benefits of enemas, and so
it is up to us individually to take back a powerful tradition for maintaining health!
You Want Me To Put What, Where?!
Alright, before you hit the "Exit" button, let us put your mind at ease. The thought of an enema can be
a little off-putting but they're really much more comfortable than you might anticipate.
In fact, an enema can be a very nurturing experience.
All you need is either a bag or a bucket, specifically designed for an enema in mind, a gentle catheter,
a little coconut or olive oil for lubrication, clean water and a little privacy. You can definitely get
creative with what you can add to your enema but we'll talk about that a little later...
Learn To Appreciate Enemas!
Before we get into enema-techno, let's take a look at what you could see disappear with regular
Candida Yeast Infections
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Weight Issues
Skin Conditions
Sinus Congestion
Loss of Concentration
Unpleasant Breath
If you experience any of those conditions, perhaps you should consider an enema!
Cleansing or Retention – Two Separate but Powerful Tools
There are two types of enemas – cleansing and retention.
The cleansing enema is retained for a short period of time until your natural peristaltic movement
eliminates both the water and the loose fecal material. It is used to gently flush out the colon.
The retention enema is held in the body for longer. For example, the famous "coffee enema" is
retained for approximately fifteen minutes or can also be left in and absorbed. Coffee enemas are an
example of a short term (fifteen minutes) retention enema. They were made popular by Max Gerson
who used them with cancer patients to open the bile ducts increasing bile flow, helping to rid the liver
of impurities. [5]
Examples of Cleansing Enemas:
Lemon Juice – Just what you need to clean the colon of fecal matter, balance its pH and
detoxify the system
Apple cider vinegar in water – helps with viral conditions and to clear mucous from the body.
Great if you suffer from nasal congestion or asthma.
Catnip Tea – Relieves constipation and congestion and will bring down a high fever
Burdock Root – Helps to eliminate calcium deposits and purify blood
Examples of Retention Enemas:
Coffee – A coffee solution (we mean a good organic breakfast blend, not decaf or instant)
stimulates both the liver and the gallbladder to release toxins. (15 minutes only)
Minerals – this is one you will want to retain permanently. It helps rebuild the energy of the
adrenals and the thyroid.
Probiotic – Perfect for candidiasis and other yeast infections
Red Raspberry Leaf – High in iron, great for the eyes and particularly helpful for women [6]
Each enema requires a slightly different method, but the results for each will be glorious. When a
smaller amount of liquid is retained permanently we prefer to call this an implant. One cup of liquid
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with a probiotic, minerals or something green with chlorophyll (like wheat grass) makes an excellent
implant. They'll quickly have you on your way to a happier, healthier colon!
When Enemas are REALLY Important
Whenever you're feeling lethargic or constipated, it's a sure sign that an enema should be scheduled
into your immediate future. Even if you're feeling great, releasing extra toxins can only make you feel
But as you approach a healthier lifestyle and begin the Body Ecology Way, home enemas are
incredibly important because:
Fermented Foods – As you begin to add fermented foods and drinks to your diet, such as
cultured vegetables, kefir, Coco-Biotic or our new Innergy-Biotic, you might experience
symptoms of yeast and pathogenic bacteria die-off as the good bacteria begin to colonize your
inner-eco system. Gas and bloating is a signal that the mighty floras are busy attacking toxic
waste in and on the colon walls. Home enemas will rinse out the toxins, helping to shorten the
discomfort you might be feeling.
Fasting – If you choose to fast, enemas are critically important. You must keep things moving
out of your body because your cells will be dumping their toxins quickly. You will feel
miserable if you are not cleaning downstream.
Colon Cleansers – If you're using any type of clay cleansing agents to pull toxins out of the
system, you'll want to use an enema to help release the bulk. You don't want to pull out toxins
and leave them with nowhere to go!
Liver Cleansing – Because your liver dumps its toxins into your colon, you want to make sure
the colon is open and in perfect working order to move all those toxins out quickly.
Will Any Bag or Bucket Do?
We're so glad you asked! At Body Ecology, we highly recommend the home enema kit and supplies
from Health & Yoga. We particularly like the Enema Kit with the Stainless Steel Can and think you
will, too! [See http://www.healthandyoga.com/html/product/enemaequipment.html ]
(1) Colon Cleansing and Enemas: Who Needs Them? Pure Inside Out,
(2) Health & Yoga, Death Begins in the Colon - Part I,
(3) Heath & Yoga, History of Enema, http://www.healthandyoga.com/html/enema/enema-history.html
(4) Detox.net.au, Enemas for Bowel Health, http://www.detox.net.au/articles/enemas.html
(5) Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Second Edition, James F. Balch, MD, Phyllis A Balch, CNC
(6) Cleanse & Purify Thyself, The Clean-Me-Out Program, Dr. Richard Anderson, ND, NMD