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By Liz O’Sullivan
Enema (N) Pl. Enemata or Enemas
A quantity of fluid infused into the rectum
through a tube passed into the anus
(Oxford Dictionary definition)
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Introduction ...........................................................................................3
The Colon ..............................................................................................3
History of Enemas and Colonic Hydrotherapy ...........................................4
An Ancient Enema..................................................................................5
Brief History of the Coffee Enema ...........................................................7
Coffee Enemas in Orthodox Medicine.......................................................8
About the Coffee Enema.........................................................................8
Why Take a Coffee Enema?...................................................................10
How to Make a Coffee Enema ...............................................................11
The Chamomile Enema .........................................................................12
The Castor Oil Enema ...........................................................................13
Preparing to Take an Enema .................................................................14
What you Need for your Enema ............................................................16
Taking an Enema..................................................................................16
How Many Enemas Should you Have?....................................................17
Enema Techniques: Intestinal Spasms and Clamping ..............................18
Contra-Indications ................................................................................20
Other Types of Enemas.........................................................................21
The Differencies between Enemas and Colonic Hydrotherapy ..................24
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Cleansing the colon is not something that was invented recently. All
ancient cultures and civilizations knew of the necessity to keep the colon
clean. Plenty of useful cleansing formulas still exist that were handed down
through the generations, either by ancestral education or by traditional
Although the exact mechanisms of these time-tested cleansing procedures
were not as well understood then as they are today (through methods of
scientific understanding and investigation), they are no less valid, scientific,
and effective than any newly-proven therapy.
Medical science has yet to come to terms with the fact that numerous
useful methods of healing have worked for millions of people throughout
the ages and can make all the difference in the treatment of the most
threatening diseases that plague modern societies.
Colon problems can be associated with modern-day diseases such as:
Cardiovascular disease;
Chronic fatigue;
Excessive inflammation;
Auto-immune diseases; and
Digestive complaints.
The colon, large intestine or bowel is situated in the abdomen and is the
end portion of the human digestive tract. An extremely important organ in
its own right, it is approximately 1.5 metres (5ft) long, 65mm (2½”) in
diameter and has deep corrugations.
Its major functions are to eliminate waste, to conserve water and
synthesise certain nutrients such as vitamin K and portions of vitamin B
complex. The colon is a major part of the excretory system, and is
responsible for eliminating food and other body wastes, as well as
protecting us from infection and disease.
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In a normally-functioning colon, all this is achieved with the help of billions
of friendly bacteria which inhabit the colon and make up some 70% of the
dry weight of our faecal waste. However, the delicate balance of this
internal ecosystem can very easily be disturbed by a number of factors
including stress, pollution, poor food and drink choices, certain drugs,
smoking and exposure to toxic substances.
The healthy transit time of food through our bodies is less than 24 hours.
On average in the UK it is now 60 hours for men and 70 hours for women.
Waste material, especially that retained in the colon for some time, (i.e.
impacted faeces, dead cellular tissue, accumulated mucous, parasites,
worms, etc.), poses several problems. Firstly this material is quite toxic
(poisonous). These poisons can re-enter and circulate in the blood stream
making us feel ill, tired or weak. Secondly, impacted materials impair the
colon's ability to assimilate minerals and bacteria-produced vitamins.
Finally, a build-up of material on the colon wall can inhibit muscular action,
causing sluggish bowel movements and constipation, and the result of
these is disorders.
The United Kingdom is one of the most constipated nations in the world
and has the highest incidence of bowel cancer in the world with 20,000
new cases per year. Bowel disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome
(IBS), Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Diverticulitis and yeast infections (Candida)
are now widespread. The repercussions of a toxic bowel may be seen
throughout the body in a wide range of health problems.
The history of cleansing ones intestines goes back as far as the ancient
Egyptian Pharaohs to Hypocrites, ancient Yogis and Essenes. Imhotep,
Chief Vizier to the Pharaoh Zover (circa 27th century BC) became hallowed
as the Physician God of Egyptian medicine. He was associated with healing
shrines, incubation cures and colonic hydrotherapy. His job title was
“Keeper of the Royal Rectum” and he was required to administer colonic
irrigation to the Pharaoh and staff on a regular basis as required.
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Imhotep - Keeper of the Royal Rectum
The following is an excerpt taken from The Essene Gospel of Peace,
translated from a third Century Aramaic manuscript and Old Slavonic texts
by Edmond Bordeaux Szekeiy.
''Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you
outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanlyness (sic) within is greater by
much than the uncleanlyness without and he who cleanses himself
without, but within remains unclean, is like to tombs that outwards are
painted fair, but are within full of all manner of horrible uncleanlynesses
(sic) and abominations. So I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to
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baptise you also within, that you may become free from all your past sins,
and that within likewise you may become as pure as the river's foam
sporting in the sunlight.
Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man;
take out its innards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has
warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground
before the angel of water, and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing
gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your
bowels. Afterwards rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water
and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all your past sins, and
pray to the angel of water that he will free your body from every
uncleanlyness and disease.
Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from
within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan and you shall see
with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations and
uncleanlynesses which defiled the temple of your body, even all the sins
which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains. l tell
you truly, baptism with water frees you from all these. Renew your
baptising with water on every day of your fast, till the day when you see
that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam.”
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BAG: A strong,
collapsible, 2-litre
capacity plastic bag
with a reinforced top
for mounting on a wall
hook. It is easily
cleaned inside.
B Tube Lock
C Vaginal Nozzle
D Rectal Nozzle
E Enema Tube
During World War 1, Germany was blockaded by the Allies, and towards
the end of the war the country experienced many shortages, including
painkillers such as morphine. The surgeons had a very difficult time at the
front when train-loads of injured soldiers arrived, needing surgery and
patching up. The surgeons only had enough morphine to help their
patients through the surgery but had nothing to give them against postoperative pain. Many of these soldiers were prescribed water enemas for
However there was one thing that was always on hand, and that was
coffee for the surgeons and doctors who often had to work around the
clock for 24-36 hours and could only keep awake by drinking coffee.
Sometimes there was coffee left over in the pot, and the nurses, desperate
to help the patients with their pain after surgery, decided to use the coffee
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for the enemas that they were being given anyway. They reasoned, ''Since
the coffee is doing the doctors good, perhaps it will help the patients too''
and, indeed, the patients reported that they were getting pain relief from
the coffee enemas.
After the war, intrigued by the nurses' experience, two German professors
at the University of Göttingen investigated the effects of introducing
caffeine into the rectum of laboratory animals. They found that the
caffeine entered the liver via the portal system and caused an increased
flow of bile. This bile, in turn, allowed accumulated poisons and toxins to
be released and evacuated from the body.
These days many people find the idea of coffee enemas unusual and
bizarre. However, it is interesting to note that for a considerable part of the
20th century, several references to coffee enemas can be found in
orthodox medical literature. For instance, coffee enemas were frequently
recommended for various conditions in medical articles on nursing
practices. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, the world's most
widely-read textbook of medicine, recommended coffee enemas as a
stimulant continuously in all its editions from 1898 until 1977 - a period of
nearly 80 years. Coffee enemas were also widely prescribed for a wide
range of conditions during the 1920s and 30s. Studies exploring the
physiological effect of coffee enemas have shown that the rectal instillation
of the fluid stimulated the contraction and emptying of the gallbladder.
Coffee enemas are not given to improve elimination but to stimulate the
liver to release toxins. The caffeine in the enema is absorbed through the
mesenteric veins, (Diagram 1). Patients are recommended to take their
enemas while lying on their right side, as there is better absorption into
the mesenteric veins on this side. From the mesenteric veins the caffeine
is then absorbed up into the portal system, which carries the blood supply
to the liver and to the gall bladder (Diagrams 1 and 2).
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There are effects on both the liver and gall bladder brought about by the
irritant nature of the caffeine. These effects can sometimes cause the
following symptoms:
As the gall bladder is irritated, it begins to produce spasms as it
attempts to get rid of this irritant. It begins to flush bile down through
the bile duct to the outlet of the bile system where it empties into the
duodenal loop of the small intestine (Diagram 2). The caffeine causes a
dilation of an opening of the sphincter at this location, allowing a much
greater amount of bile to be flushed from the body. This can sometimes cause spasms at the start of the therapy, because of irritation of
the walls of the intestinal tract. Also, as the bile is going through the
intestinal tract, it can cause flatulence. However, all this is a positive
sign that the gall bladder is beginning to work well. Many people with
chronic diseases have a gall bladder which is not functioning adequately.
Not all of the bile goes down the intestinal tract, however: on occasion,
some of the bile backs up into the stomach, where it comes to rest,
causing some irritation. This can happen during a healing reaction or
'flare-up', when a lack of appetite, nausea and sometimes vomiting can
be experienced. Should this happen, copious amounts of peppermint
tea should be drunk every 15-20 minutes, to flush the bile out of the
stomach, and gruel should be used in all the juices, which will help
soothe the lining of the intestinal tract.
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Enemas are used for detoxification. Detoxification of the body is of the
utmost importance. It is therefore necessary to administer frequent
enemas. Patients with more advanced cancer are severely toxic and the
absorption of the tumour masses poisons them even more. In the
beginning, Dr Gerson lost several of his patients due to coma hepaticum,
since he had not realised the vital importance of frequent and continued
elimination of poisonous substances from the body, with the help of juices
and enemas. As Max Gerson has said, ''A patient is unlikely to die from
cancer, but from the toxins accumulated in the body.”
Frequent coffee enemas also largely eliminate the need for sedation, as
they can help to reduce severe pain, nausea, general nervous tension and
depression. They also help against spasms, precordial pain and other
difficulties. However, after much heavy pain medication, coffee enemas do
not work immediately and do not control the pain at once. Therefore the
pain medication should continue to be used. In most cases it can soon be
reduced as pain levels decrease.
Frequently Asked Questions
If coffee is so beneficial, why can't one simply drink it instead
of going through the rigmarole of having an enema?
Coffee taken orally goes through the stomach, causes
digestive problems and affects the liver by shutting off the bile
ducts. It also raises blood pressure and tends to cause
capillary spasms in the extremities.
Won't the normal evacuation process be stopped if one takes
five or more enemas a day?
No. Normal stools can be passed between enemas.
Remember, the contents of the enema do not travel very far
in the colon, and with the healthy, fibre-rich food, normal
elimination continues smoothly. At the end of the therapy,
normal elimination returns without enemas.
Always consult a Registered Colonic Therapist for advice on colon care.
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Recipe for One Enema
3 tablespoons of organic ground coffee (not instant coffee) 32 fl oz
distilled water.
Put the water into a pot and bring to the boil.
Add the ground coffee (a little at a time, so it doesn't boil over).
Boil for three minutes uncovered, to drive off the oils.
Cover, lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
Strain (through a fine-mesh tea strainer) and allow to cool.
Add extra distilled water to make up to 90ml (32 fl oz.)
Use at body temperature.
Recipe for Six Enemas
This makes a coffee concentrate, which is then diluted to the correct
strength before use.
18 rounded tablespoons of organic ground coffee.
140ml (48 fl oz) distilled water.
Put the water into a pot and bring to the boil.
Add the organic ground coffee (a little at a time, so it doesn't boil over).
Boil for three minutes uncovered, to drive off the oils.
Cover, lower heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
Allow to cool and allow the grounds to settle.
Strain into a 1½ litre (3 pint) jug or jar.
Add distilled water to make up to 140ml (48 fl oz.)
You can mark the jar for convenience with tape, Tippex or paint, indicating
one cup increments, or simply measure 20ml (8 fl oz) of concentrate for
each enema. This will keep in the refrigerator for up to two days.
1. The coffee can be put into cold water and brought to the boil, but be careful
that it doesn't boil over.
2. It is important to use either distilled water or water treated by reverse osmosis.
lf fluoride is present in the local water supply, only distilled water may be used.
3. Use a stainless steel, glass or enamel saucepan - never aluminium or copper
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Why Organic Coffee?
It is just as important to use organic coffee as to use organic fruits and
vegetables. If organic coffee is not used, any toxic material in the coffee
such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or chemical fertilisers will be
readily absorbed from the rectum directly into the blood system.
Recipe for One Chamomile Enema
4 tablespoons (2 oz) of dried organic chamomile flowers and 90ml (32 fl
oz) distilled water.
Place the chamomile flowers in a glass dish and add boiling water. Cover
the dish and leave to infuse in a warm place for 15 minutes. Strain and
use, after cooling to body temperature.
Recipe for Four Chamomile Enemas
16 tablespoons (8 oz) of dried chamomile flowers and 90ml (32 fl oz) of
distilled water.
Place the chamomile flowers in a glass dish and add boiling water. Cover
the dish and leave to infuse in a warm place for 15 minutes. Strain and
press the flowers to extract the fluid.
If some water has boiled away, add distilled water to make 90ml (32 fl oz).
Keep in a covered glass bottle in the refrigerator for up to two days.
To use, mix 8 oz of concentrate with 24 fl oz distilled water and heat to
body temperature.
1. The concentrate is prepared by using one tablespoon of chamomile
flowers for every two ounces of water: 8 oz (16 tablespoons) of
chamomile flowers infused in 90ml (32 fl oz) of water makes four doses.
2. You can use chamomile tea bags instead of loose flowers. Use two tea
bags per enema.
3. It is important to use either distilled water or water treated by reverse
osmosis. lf fluoride is present in the local water supply, only distilled
water should be used.
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Chamomile can be mixed with coffee and taken as an enema to help
soothe the bowel or on its own for the same purpose.
If you have had chemotherapy - please read “Contra Indications”.
At the beginning of the therapy, two tablespoons of castor oil are taken by
mouth every other day, followed by a cup of black coffee, sweetened with
raw brown sugar. Five hours later, a castor oil enema is administered,
instead of one of the coffee enemas.
Needed for Castor Oil Enema:
Pure, unperfumed soap - now available as organic liquid soap
Second enema bucket just for castor oil
One tablespoon to measure the castor oil
One tablespoon to take castor oil orally
One teaspoon to measure the ox-bile
One wooden spoon to stir solution or a hand or electric whisk.
At 5.30am take two tablespoons of castor oil, followed immediately by a
cup of black coffee with raw brown sugar – following, if you wish, with a
piece of juicy fruit such as a peach or a pear. The coffee serves to
stimulate the musculature of the stomach to empty the castor oil into the
intestine, thus lessening the discomfort of the castor oil.
At about 10.30am, five hours after the castor oil by mouth, take a castor
oil enema as follows:
• Into the enema bucket put 8 fl oz of coffee concentrate and add a
further 8 fl oz of very hot water.
• Make a soapy solution as follows: take the bar of soap and immerse
your hands with the bar of soap into the warm water and rub the bar
of soap for a moment, or use about 3 or 4 drops of organic liquid
soap. Don't use too much soap or it will irritate and inflame the colon.
• Add three to four tablespoons of castor oil and one teaspoon of oxbile powder.
• Add 16 oz of cold, distilled water and stir until it becomes an
• To save effort, an electric whisk or hand-held blender is useful.
Failing such devices, a wooden spoon can be used. The castor oil
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enema must be stirred while it is taken, otherwise the oil floats on
top of the liquid and remains in the container.
• Heat the enema tube by immersing the outside in warm water (to
help the castor oil flow through more easily) and quickly lie down.
Insert the tube in the rectum and open the clamp. Now take your
enema, stirring the mixture gently with a wooden spoon. The castor
oil enema can be retained for a short time, but this is not necessary.
You will probably need to evacuate almost immediately. This is
acceptable. Later on take the usual coffee enemas, but the castor oil
enema will take the place of one coffee enema.
To avoid stuffiness and cramping with castor oil by mouth, eat frequently.
Alternative Times to take a Castor Oil Enema
Castor oil may be taken orally at 10.15am, 15 minutes after the juice. The
castor oil enema will then be taken at 3pm. Coffee enemas are taken at
the normal times.
Some people don't tolerate castor oil after breakfast. An alternative is to
take the castor oil at 7.00am and a coffee enema at 7.05am, a small piece
of soft fruit at 7.30am and breakfast and juice at 8.00am. Until the castor
oil enema at 12 noon, at least one small piece of soft fruit should be eaten
every half hour to prevent cramping. Juices are taken at regular intervals
and a coffee enema at 11.00am.
Depending on what you find most comfortable, enemas can be taken lying
on the floor with padding and a waterproof cover, or on an enema couch.
This should be a comfortable height from the floor – 45cm-60cm (18-24
inches), plastic-covered or washable. An inexpensive folding camp bed with
its own mattress also serves the purpose well.
Do whatever you need to do to be comfortable. Aim to make enema time
as pleasant as possible. Some people use plastic-covered exercise mats
and cover them with a towel. A thick towel folded in half, with a sheet of
plastic on top and another thick towel on top of this which can be
frequently washed is adequate. A colourfully printed piece of plastic mat
bought from Mothercare or Boots baby section (for use under high chairs
to catch any food dropped on the floor) can also be used. lt's nice and
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large and useful for those days when things just don't go right! Be sure
you are covered and warm. A thick pillow is a must. It can be doubled
over, to raise your head - useful when reading.
Enema buckets can be hung from an improvised stand, or can be stood on
a stool. You can invent things for yourself using hooks, 'G' clamps, 'S'
hooks, whatever. Do whatever is suitable for you. The personal enema
bucket is very sturdy and rigid and can be stood on a surface quite easily.
However, travelling enema bags can be used if this is easier. Some people
insert the plastic hose itself into the rectum, others use a red rubber
catheter tube (essential for those with haemorrhoids.)
A pillow for your head.
A clock to check on the 12-15 minutes’ time lapse.
Kitchen roll or thick tissues.
Chickweed cream or petroleum-free jelly.
Enema bucket or bag.
Red catheter tube (optional - useful for those with haemorrhoids,
A rug or blanket to keep you warm.
A thermometer to measure the temperature of the enema solution.
A stool or chair on which to stand the enema bucket 40cm-50cm
(16-20 inches) high - NO MORE, if you're lying on the floor. If you're
on a couch, then 40cm-50cm (16-20 inches) above the top of the
A kettle. The enema mixture can be made up in the kitchen and
carried to the bathroom. Depending on the layout of your home, you
may find it convenient to have an electric kettle close to your
bathroom to heat the water for the enema.
A wooden spoon, whisk or electric hand-held whisk or blender.
When making up the castor oil enema, it is easier and preferable to
make the mixture blend (emulsify) completely. To save effort, an
electric whisk or hand-held blender is useful. Failing such devices, a
wooden spoon can be used.
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Medium or light roast organic coffee.
Organic dried chamomile flowers for making the chamomile
enema solution.
Either distilled water, or water treated by reverse osmosis. If
fluoride is present in the local water supply, only distilled
water may be used.
Biodegradable detergent, such as Ecover washing up liquid,
for cleaning equipment.
Milton sterilising tablets.
Put 225ml (8 fl oz) of coffee concentrate into the enema bucket. Add a
further 225ml (8 fl oz) of very hot water. Bring up to 900ml (32 fl oz) with
cool, distilled water - to just body temperature.
Eat a small piece of fruit before the first enema of the day or whenever
some time has elapsed since the last meal, juice or snack. This activates
the upper digestive tract and restores blood sugar levels. Nourish first then detoxify.
The coffee solution should be at body temperature. Run a little of the
solution through the tube into the toilet to get rid of air bubbles. Close the
plastic tube. Place the enema bucket about 45-60cm (18-24 inches) above
you (whether lying on a couch or on the floor), NO MORE. Lubricate your
anus and about 5-7cm (2-3 inches) of the tube or the red enema catheter,
with a little chickweed cream or petroleum-free jelly. Lie down on your
right side and draw your knees close to your abdomen. Breathe deeply.
Insert the tube about 12-20cm (5-8 inches) into your rectum, but NEVER
more than 20cm (8 inches). Open the plastic clamp and allow the fluid to
run very slowly to avoid cramping. Relax and breathe deeply, in order to
suck the greatest amount of fluid into the colon. If you can, retain the
solution for 12-15 minutes. Experiments have shown that after 10-12
minutes almost all the caffeine is absorbed from the fluid. The blood
circulates through the liver about once every three minutes: therefore in
15 minutes the blood will have filtered through the liver five times.
lf you have trouble retaining or taking in the full 900ml (32 fl oz.) bucket,
lower the bucket. If you feel spasms, lower the bucket to the floor to allow
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the flow to back up a bit to relieve the pressure. After 10-20 seconds,
slowly start raising the bucket toward the original level. You can also
control the flow by pinching the tube with your fingers or adjusting the
plastic clamp to a partially closed position. You will quickly learn what
works best for you.
To stop the 'bearing down' feeling and to keep the enema in, try singing or
humming loudly, breathing quickly, panting (as in childbirth), turning your
feet in circles at the ankle in both directions, raising and lowering a leg or
squeezing the buttocks together. This keeps fluid in and lets gas out.
Do not place the tube back into the bucket until after you have thoroughly
cleaned both the bucket and the tube. The bucket and the tube are very
good growing grounds for bacteria. The working end of the tube must be
cleaned thoroughly with soap and hot water. After use, rinse and sterilise
with Milton in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions or with a
teaspoonful of 6% hydrogen peroxide in a little distilled water.
Enemas should be taken every four hours at the start of the therapy, and
even more frequently for severe pain, nausea, general nervous tension and
depression, as recommended by your colonic hydrotherapist.
Those who have had chemotherapy should only take three
enemas a day, and more frequently during a flare-up.
Colostomy patients, only two coffee enemas a day with less
volume - only 55-70ml (20-24 fl oz), mixed with chamomile
Those on the less intensive therapy should take two or three
coffee enemas daily, after meals. A further coffee enema
should be taken immediately if in pain or discomfort of any
It is usually recommended that the enemas be taken at 6am, 10am, 2pm,
6pm and 10pm. During the first two to three days, patients sometimes
have difficulty going to sleep at night, and in this case it is recommended
that the last enema, at ten o'clock at night, should be a chamomile enema
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instead of coffee. In a few days, coffee can slowly be added to the
chamomile and soon increased to the full amount.
At the first sign of a healing reaction (flare-up) the frequency of the
enemas should be increased, certainly to one every three hours, and in
many cases, especially with people who have problems with pain, to one
every two hours but not if bile is vomited. In that case, take alternate
coffee and chamomile enemas and consult your colonic hydrotherapist.
Increase enemas only if patient consumes 8-10 juices daily.
These (frequently painful) symptoms are caused by strong irritation to the
intestinal tract and can lead to problems with the enemas. lt becomes
difficult to instill the full 32 fl oz of coffee solution, and difficult to hold the
enema for the full 12-15 minutes. On the other hand, the enema can
become trapped and cannot be released. Here are some possible remedies
which have helped others:
Check the Enema Technique
Be sure that the tip of the enema tube is inserted only 12-20cm (5-8
inches) past the anal sphincter, NEVER more than 20cm (8 inches). Do not
try to force the tube. The temperature of the enema solution must be at
body temperature. Do not raise the enema bucket too high. If the flow is
too rapid, it can set up counter-spasms. 45-60cm (18-24 inches) is the
correct bucket height. Even at this height, spasms can occur. The flow can
be controlled by pinching the tube with your fingers, by adjusting the
plastic clamp to a partially closed position or by lowering the bucket. lt
may take some time to get the enema completely instilled, but this is
Heat over the Abdomen
Heat can be applied with a warm hot-water bottle, which has a calming
effect on the irritated, hyperactive intestinal tract.
Chamomile Tea Enema
Use full strength prior to the regularly-scheduled coffee enema. Retain the
chamomile enema for about five minutes. After release, immediately start
the coffee enema. In severe problems, chamomile concentrate can be
added to all coffee enemas.
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Lower the Dosage
This can be accomplished by either using less coffee concentrate in each
enema, or by using only part of a prepared enema.
Take the Enema in Two Halves
This will take twice as long, as each half must be retained for the full 1215 minutes.
Start with a Smaller Volume of Fluid
Lower the total amount of fluid in the enema to 45ml (16 fl oz). The
amount can be gradually increased to 65ml (24 fl oz) and eventually to
90ml (32 fl oz).
While lying on the floor with the enema tube inserted in the rectum, do
not sit up! Be very careful not to insert the tube more than 20cm (8
inches). About 12cm (5 inches) is quite sufficient.
Faecal matter can get stuck in the tube, in which case keep pinching the
tube until it is released.
lf, after inserting the tube in the rectum, the liquid won't move in or out,
slightly move the tube in and out of the rectum.
Before using an enema tube with the red catheter, make sure you cut off
the end of the tube with the small hole in the side to avoid leaking.
After a while the end of the enema tube which is attached to the bucket
can become enlarged. Simply cut off this bit and re-attach the tube.
Avoid Disaster
Remember to check that the enema tube is clamped shut before filling the
enema bucket with coffee concentrate and distilled water, and check that
the tube at the join with the bucket is pushed firmly on. This will save a
mopping up operation if the liquid seeps out of the open tube!
Some people develop haemorrhoids while taking enemas. These are not
caused by the enema, but are already an underlying problem. The red
catheter tube should be used in this case. Various remedies can be used,
such as calendula or haemorrhoidal cream. Consult your therapist.
It is important to drink enough fluids to avoid an electrolyte imbalance.
As a rule, three juices of 8fl oz should be taken for every coffee enema.
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CAUTION: for those who have had Chemotherapy
For people who have had chemotherapy, taking castor oil by mouth and
enema should be treated very cautiously. Do not take any castor oil for the
first 6-9 months! The reason is that much of the chemo originally taken is
stored in the body tissues. Only 40-45% is immediately evacuated by the
body. The dose itself may have been very small, but the drugs are very
lf castor oil is given by mouth, this can immediately release the stored
chemo into the bloodstream which the liver may not be able to handle,
causing a potential overdose of the drugs used for chemotherapy.
After 6-9 months, it may be possible to give a very small dose of castor oil
(say 1-2 teaspoons), cautiously, by enema first and then possibly by
mouth, but your colonic hydrotherapist should always be the judge of this
as each person is different.
People who have had a high dose of chemotherapy often have a reaction
about six months into the therapy. This is not just a healing reaction, but a
reaction to the chemotherapy as the body begins releasing it a little more
intensively. This may produce the original symptoms the person had when
first taking the chemotherapy.
For ex-chemotherapy patients, a maximum of two or three coffee enemas
a day are allowed and ten juices. The coffee can be mixed half-and-half
with chamomile tea to soothe the colon. Then the chamomile can be
decreased gradually, leading up to a coffee-only enema. lt is difficult to
know when to increase the coffee enemas from three a day for those who
have had chemotherapy. There are no hard-and-fast rules. It depends how
toxic they are and if they are in a healing reaction. They may have
problems with their intestinal tract, so must be more careful.
It is also important to remember that a person who has had chemotherapy
should only take a reduced amount of all medication. Your colonic
hydrotherapist will advise you on this.
CAUTION: When it is time to begin taking castor oil, start with very small
doses and build up gradually, so that the body can detoxify very slowly. It
may take longer to heal, but will save a lot of suffering and discomfort in
the long run.
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If you have ulcerative colitis or diarrhoea, do not use coffee enemas, only
chamomile enemas.
Colostomy patients: Only two coffee enemas per day, with less volume:
only 55-70ml (20-24 fl oz) mixed with chamomile.
OTHER TYPES OF ENEMAS (in alphabetic order)
The virtues of aloe vera are endless, but a little added to your enema
water before insertion can be a great anti-inflammatory as well as
providing the right pH balance within the bowel and therefore assisting in
the promotion of positive bacteria.
Aloe vera is also very rehydrating, thus cleansing and being supportive to
the system as a whole.
Excellent for the blood, kidney, bladder, skin and hair. (Nettle also has a
similar effect, helping to gently break down excess calcium deposits).
Bit of a babe when it comes to chronic heart and circulatory problems. It is
highly stimulatory and helps stop bleeding (as does flaxseed).
Soothes the body and is good for relieving fever, gas, flu etc. and useful
for children.
Choline bitartrate actually opens up the liver cells, allowing nasty fats etc.
to move out. Choline can be found primarily as a constituent of lecithin combined with a phospholipid – allowing fat emulsification.
DO NOT mix it in a coffee enema as this is far too aggressive and not a
good plan physically speaking.
1-2 level tablespoons per 2 pints is ample in your enema water. It is
particularly good for those with a blocked reproductive system as well as
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Very similar to that of chamomile.
Very calming, especially for the nervous system. Helps disperse gas and
worms as well as improving digestion and waste removal.
Do this once daily for 1 month. It kills all undesirable viruses, parasites,
bacteria and fungus in the lower bowel. lt is best to clean out the lower
colon area with a pint of warm water before retaining the garlic and
chlorophyll enema. Add 2-3 cloves of garlic to 500 ml (20 fl oz) of water in
a blender and 2 tbsp. of liquid chlorophyll (2 teaspoons of colloidal silver is
another option which helps quite a bit). Beat until completely blended
(about 2 minutes). Pour into the enema bag and use either early in the
morning or late at night once a day. Try to retain the mixture in your colon
for at least 5 minutes before releasing it. Adding 2 or 3 capsules of black
walnut may make this mixture more effective in killing parasites. Using a
“colema board” is the easiest way to do this. But if no board is available,
suspend the enema bag 24” above your body while lying down. NB: See
previous notes re height.
Lying on your left side, insert the lubricated tube. Allow the water to fill
the colon until it feels full, then lie on your back and continue to allow
more fluid into the colon until it feels full again. Shut off the water flow
with a finger control valve. Use a pillow to prop up your buttocks. This will
cause the enema solution to move deeper into the colon. Retain for as
long as possible or for up to 5 minutes before releasing. Note: enemas
should not be taken just after eating, but about 4 hours after your meal.
Use enemas once a day for the first month, then 2 or 3 times a week after
that, as needed. It is best not to use tap water for this – distilled water is
Garlic (and onion) is good for getting rid of worms and general bowel
nasties. Very replenishing and cleansing, it also helps the liver by breaking
down, thus combating cholesterol (four crushed cloves per pint).
The use of (preferably fresh) organic root ginger in your enema water can
be very soothing and anti-inflammatory as well as good for congestion,
headaches and circulation. It helps to disperse gas and support the liver,
therefore adding it to a coffee enema can be of a great advantage to the
nervous system and digestive tract. Simply slice the fresh root into the
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fluid before boiling and then, when the enema fluid is ready, infuse it so
there are no remaining particles in your enema.
The use of linseed oil in an enema can be very interesting. Linseed oil is
anti-inflammatory and a very good sodium releaser. 250-500ml can be
used rectally (then topped up with warm water) in order to relieve
pressure and promote cellular activity as well as bowel and liver function.
Holding a small (1 pint) oil enema for one hour – releasing and then
repeating the process – is a really good precursor to cleansing, especially
for those whose energies are low, as the cellular energy connection over
the following three days is lovely.
The addition of one or two opened capsules of magnesium citrate to a
simple water enema is very cleansing, rehydrating and relaxing.
Magnesium and potassium are very relaxing where sodium and calcium are
contracting, thus the use of magnesium citrate (the most absorbable form
of magnesium as the citrate is what the body converts it into) helps to
calm the system as well as alkalise the blood/body.
The use of mixed potassium salts in enemas (and orally) really moves onto
a deep cellular and molecular level and is often used in deep cleanses.
One should seek the advice of a trained and experienced practitioner and
should not be considered for those suffering from kidney complaints of any
This is a big 'woman' herb as it assists all reproduction primarily due to its
naturally absorbable potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and silica content.
Very soothing, softening and also helps to absorb and remove bowel
Astringent - witch hazel, bayberry or white oak bark. This is useful in cases
of severe diarrhoea – but a simple water enema is probably more efficient
and practical.
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A simple yet effective way of cleaning the bowel, especially in times of
intense cleansing eliminatory pressure. It delivers an essential rehydration
message throughout the bowel, and thus the whole body. Drinking lots of
good, clean water (at least 2 litres daily) helps the body remove most
toxins and poisons. You can imagine how dirty your clothes would look if
you tried to wash them with just half the water you normally use. People
with low rates of metabolism and low body temperature do not crave
water and this causes the toxins to build up in the blood and in the cells.
Increasing body temperature increases thirst for liquids. This urge should
be satisfied as water (but definitely not soft drinks) is necessary for the
kidneys to function in removing toxins from the blood. Freshly squeezed
carrot, celery and parsley juice will increase energy levels quickly when
taken at levels of 2-4 glasses daily). Practicing at least 30 minutes of
meditation daily helps to clean out the mind of stress and anxieties.
Colonic Hydrotherapy (also called Colonic Irrigation) should be performed
by a qualified and experienced Colonic Hydrotherapist who should be a
member of The Association of Registered Colonic Hydrotherapists
(“ARCH”), preferably using the gravity method.
Enemas are usually self-administered and need practice. The coffee enema
stimulates the production of bile, which enables the liver to discharge
toxins. Enemas also remove some faecal matter from the rectum, but that
is not their main purpose.
Colonic hydrotherapy is the best method to cleanse the whole colon and
usually takes about 45 minutes: however, it usually takes more than one
treatment to release old, impacted faeces from the deep corrugations of
the colon, which is over 5ft long.
Colonic hydrotherapy is a gentle internal bath using body-temperature
purified water which is flushed gently into the colon and helps to eliminate
stored faecal matter, gas, mucous and toxic substances from the colon.
Often the deep corrugations of the colon become impacted with faecal
matter, which can be retained for decades. Colonics have a much broader
effect than simply cleansing the colon. Additional benefits can be observed
throughout the body in the form of clearer skin, enhanced energy levels,
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improved mental clarity, fewer headaches and weight problems and
improvements to the immune system.
It exercises and reshapes the colon and stimulates reflex points. Working
with an experienced Colonic Therapist, you will learn to expand your
awareness of your body’s functions including signals from your abdomen,
skin, breath and eliminations. You will be able to spot the beginnings of
developing adverse conditions such as constipation, IBS etc. before they
become more serious.
R Porter “The Greatest benefit to mankind – a Medical history of Humanity
from antiquity to the present”
Andreas Moritz “The Amazing Liver and Gall bladder Flush.”
Sonia Rowley “Enemas”
McClain ME: Scientific Principles in Nursing. St. Louis. CV Mosby Company
1950 p.168.
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, “Enemas'' 12th ed, pages
1760-1761. 1972-1977.
Bastedo WA.”Colonic Irrigations'' NEJM 199(18). 865-866. 1928.
Bastedo WA: ”Colonic Irrigations'' JAMA 98(9) 734-36. 1932.
Fiedenwald J. Morrison. S:”Value, indications, limitations and technique of
colonic irrigation”, ''Med Clin of N.Am, p 1611-1629, 1935.
Marshall JK. Thompson CE: “Colon Irrigation in the treatment of mental
disease.'' NEJM 207(10), 454- 457, 1932.
Snyder RG: “The Value of Colonic irrigation in counteracting autointoxication of intestinal Origin”, Med Clin N Am. p 781-88, 1939.
Garble AL. Jacobi HG: “Secretion of bile in response to rectal installations.”
- Arch Int Med 44, 455-462. 1929.
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dot colon colonic hydrotherapy
Liz O'Sullivan RGN RM Dip.FP MACH
Colonic Hydrotherapist
Liz O'Sullivan was brought up and educated at Balloonagh Convent of
Mercy, Tralee in County Kerry, Eire.
She trained as a Nurse at Greenwich District Hospital, London and
subsequently as a state Registered Midwife at the world-famous St.
Thomas' Hospital, London.
She then spent 3 years working as a part of the commissioning team for
the then new AI Zahara Hospital in Dubai, during which period she
obtained experience in all specialities including paediatrics.
She began to suffer with a long-standing bowel problem (aggravated by
the stress of divorce) and began to have colonic hydrotherapy herself,
which resolved the problem. Realising the benefits of colonics, she
proceeded to train as a Colonic Hydrotherapist under Dr. Milo Siewert, the
American doctor who first introduced colonics to the UK over 40 years ago.
With over 14 years’ experience practicing as a Colonic Hydrotherapist, Liz
has practices at Tettenhall, Wolverhampton and Powick, Worcestershire.
Contact details: Tel 07976 839193
Website: www.dotcolon.co.uk
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