UNITED CHURCH OF DORSET AND EAST RUPERT FEBRARUY 14, 2016 FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT ~ WORSHIP SERVICE ~ FEBRUARY 14, 2016 ~ FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT ~ NURSERY CARE AND CHURCH SCHOOL Babies and children of all ages are invited, welcomed and encouraged in worship services. We have a basket in the narthex filled with children's worship activities to use during the worship service. We have a nursery available for newborns and toddlers for your convenience. The nursery room is staffed with two volunteers who would be happy to care for your child while you attend worship. You may drop your children off in the nursery room at 9:45 a.m. and pick them up immediately following worship. All children aged three through 12 are invited to go to church school following the TIME WITH THE YOUNG. SILENT MEDITATION Love is in the little things. Of sentiments accumulating layer upon layers of sacrifice, instead of lavish times of nice. The songs you sing as night descends, The daily work to make amends. A passing hug, a praise by chance, A duty shared, a sexy glance. Locking out the world sometimes And doing nothing arms entwined. Ceasing your authority And letting Love so delicately lead the two of you along For then the Both of you are strong. Kindness, patience, small, obscure All add up to and help endure. So as each day you re-arrange Pay Love's toll of little change. (JHG) GATHERING MUSIC Ask of Me Nolan Lynne Welsh and David Chandler WELCOME, ANNOUNCEMENTS, PASSING OF GOD’S PEACE AS WE BEGIN OUR WORSHIP, NOW IS OUR TIME TO SPEAK TO GOD ENTER “THE FLAME” AND “THE WORD CHORAL INTROIT Emma Thomas, Acolyte; Anna Thomas, Beadle CALL TO WORSHIP L: P: L: P: L: P: L: P: L: (Based Upon 1 John 4:7 ff) Where there is Love, there is God. For God is Love. All who love know God, and God knows them, And abides in them, for God is love. God's love was revealed among us this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. In this is Love. Not that we loved God, but that God loved us through that Son. So let us learn what Divine Love is all about. Let us worship God. *HYMN (CH) # 295 In This Very Room *UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Adapted from 1 John 4:17 ff) L: The Lord be with you. P: And also with you. L: Let us pray. ALL: Love may be perfected in us this way: that we may boldly stand on judgment day, and have no fear. For perfect love casts out fear. Fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has yet to reach Love's perfection. Likewise, those who say, "I love God", and hate their brothers or sisters are liars; for those who do love a brother or sister whom they have seen cannot love God whom they have not seen. The commandment we have from (Jesus) is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters." MOMENT OF SILENT CONFESSION *UNISON ASSURANCE OF PARDON If we are called to forgive others, seventy-times seven, just think how forgiving God is to each of us. Let us not count our sins. Let us not let our sins measure how much we count. Let us believe in the immeasurable, uncountable, unimaginable love of God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. *THE LORD’S PRAYER (trespasses) GLORIA PATRI Glory Be To The Father and To The Son And To The Holy Ghost. as It Was In The Beginning, is Now And Ever Shall Be; world Without End, Amen, Amen. TIME WITH THE YOUNG ANTHEM Circle of Love PRAYER OF PASTORAL CARE Choplin HYMN (CH) # 526 The Gift of Love AS WE CONTINUE OUR WORSHIP NOW IS THE TIME TO LISTEN TO GOD’S WORD SCRIPTURE LESSON SERMON Matthew 4:1-11 The Devil’s Valentine AS WE CONCLUDE OUR WORSHIP NOW IS THE TIME TO RESPOND TO GOD’S WORD OFFERTORY Prayer for Love Cleveland *DOXOLOGY Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen PRAYER OF DEDICATION *HYMN (CH) # 517 vs. 1, 2, & 3 Love Divine *BENEDICTION *CHORAL BENEDICTION Our thanks for today’s flowers to Gay and Roger Squire Our thanks to Lynne Welsh and David Chandler for the Gathering Music this morning Our thanks to today’s acolyte, Emma Thomas and today’s beadle, Anna Thomas Our thanks to today’s ushers, Judy Dunn and Rich Weinblad Our thanks for hosting Coffee Hour to Nancy Faesy and Linda Drunsic PRAYER LIST Our prayer list is a network of love and faith in the power of prayer. We receive these names from members and friends of our church who hold these individuals up in their own prayer life for God’s healing and strength upon them. IMMEDIATE NEEDS PRAYER CONCERNS: Ruby Mattison Johnny Howard; Justin; John Frost; Marilyn Kinney; Joseph Wasik; Mark, Michelle & Lucas; Amy Dunn; Samantha Webb; Martha Haggerty; Ruth Genco; Linda Bushee; Dot Watson; Joss Kelley; Terry Tole; Stephanie Dobski; Lee & Jill Swartz; Linda Turner; Diane & Russ Dwyer; Ben Stearns; Randy Farley; Douglas White; Betty Czaplicki; Bene Molloy; Mary Buchmayr; Lisa Genco; in the Dorset Church for the incoming officers and committee members we appreciate your willingness to serve our church; in the Vermont Conference, for the Congregational Church of Brandon; in the UCC, for Rev. John Dorhauer, general minister and president of the UCC and the group of 21 disciples making a pilgrimage to Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Palestine as an expression of solidarity with Middle East Christians. LONG-TERM PRAYER CONCERNS: Jane Osterland; Brian Jennings; Lynn Branscombe; Anne Marie Betow; Henry Stannard; Will Livermore; Anne Moran; Jack Hontz; Hal DeBona; Adella Buswell; Helen; Doris and Gene Chartrand; Maridell Mason (Sue Westin’s cousin); Linda Locker; Barbara Barriage; Taylor Patrick; Janet Saint Germain; Glen Hall; Terese, Kathy Mazeck; Antoinette Cannizzaro; Rachel Ynesta; Shepard Scott; Kathryn Carrington; Benjamin Loggins; Betty Abbott; Dr. B & P; Brody James; Sue Speath; Becky Dix; Sue Bamford; Thomas Biggs; Sarah Shehadi; Bobby Strickhart (Lindy Bowden’s nephew); Dale; Lillian Saari, (Derry’s friend); Gregg Tobin; George Smith; George Livingston; Sarah Mowry; Rick & Terry Lee-Bowen; Jennifer Scott; Amy; Rob Somers; Charlotte Parks; Chris Lucier; Bridgette Eichorn; Ethan Jack Olson; Maureen Moore; June Davis, Gladys Barrows. ANNOUNCEMENTS DEACONS There will be a Deacon’s Meeting this morning at 11:30 AM. SERRV COUNTER "The SERRV counter will be open next Sunday! Stop by and see what we have!" YOUTH GROUP WINTER RETREAT We will once again have our February Retreat from Sunday, February 14 to Monday, February 15. Meet at the church at 1:00 PM . LENTEN BOOK STUDY We will be reading and studying Pope Francis' recent encyclical, Laudato Si -- On Care for Our Common Home, which raises exciting challenges and basically asks us to reconsider the way in which we live on a planet beset with climate change, limited resources and global inequities. Most remarkable is its loving and hopeful tone. The study will take place on Tuesdays, March 1, 8, and 15 from 5:00-6:30 PM. Watch the bulletin. CHURCH DIRECTORY 2016 PASTOR.....Rev. Dr. James H. Gray* MUSIC DIRECTOR.....Jane Wood* CHRISTIAN EDUCATION DIRECTOR......Gretchen Lima ADMINISTRATOR.....Jane A. LoBrutto* BOOKKEEPER/ADMINISTRATOR ASSISTANT ….. Diane Jennings SEXTON......Lynn Jennings MODERATOR.....Linda O’Leary* CLERK..... Ginny Longacre * TREASURER.....Al Lindsey* MEMBER-AT-LARGE...... Pam DeBona * CHURCH DELEGATES.....Nora Larsen, Nan Leach, Jane LoBrutto and Linda O’Leary MANSE LIAISON …..Clarissa Lennox TRUSTEES Linda Chapman, David Chandler, Chair; Rev. Jordan (Skip) Dickinson, Gail Ebling, Rehana Grip, Sandi Hedman, Andy Longacre, Ray Prescott , Bruce Welsh BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Shawn Hazelton, Carl Hedman, Chris Lima, Ellen Maloney, ____________Trustee Rep. INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Harry Chandler, Dick Freeman, Andy Longacre, Trustee Rep., Al Lindsey, Treasurer; Ellen Maloney, Tom Smith STEWARDSHIP Henry Chandler (A), Rev. Jordan (Skip) Dickinson, Gail Ebling, Trustee rep.; Carl Hedman; Lori Hong, Diane Jennings (A), Jane LoBrutto (A) DIACONATE Katherine Buchmayr, Robin Chandler, Ginger Foss, Eric Hangen; Betty Hazelton; Shawn Hazelton; Suzanne Hittle, Gay Jesup, Barbara Melhado, Keith Michl, Co-Chair; Sid Staunton, Dan Zimmerman Samantha Citron and Walker May Youth Deacons WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP Lucinda Gregory*, Co President; Betty Hazelton, Secretary; Diane Jennings, Treasurer; Linda O’Leary, Co-President PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Nan Leach, Henry Chandler, ______________, Trustee Rep. HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Gail Brodie (A), Linda Drunsic, Secretary; Cindy Gregory (A), Betty Hazelton, Sandra Hoverkamp (A), Diane Jennings, Nan Leach, (Chair); Barbara Melhado (A), Muriel Roeth (A), Caroline Sargent, Funeral Coordinator; Dotty Streeter (A), Treasurer; Rose Watrous MISSION COMMITTEE Jackie Becker, Derry Dickinson, (A); Caryl & Joe DeFelice (A); Cheryl Gasperetti (A), Rehana Grip, Trustee Rep.; Nora Larsen, Ellen Maloney (A) , Muriel Roeth, Dan Zimmerman CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMITTEE Janet Chandler, Youth Group Rep.; Gretchen Lima, Christian Education Director; Nan Leach, Ellen Leeds (A), Megan LoBrutto, Youth Music Director; Jane LoBrutto (Administrator), Heather McGuire (A), Linda O’Leary, Mark Putnam, Daniela Stewart, Dotty Streeter, Ellen Wright SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Sid Staunton, Linda Chapman, Esther Gray, Janet Chandler, Lucinda Gregory, Megan LoBrutto PASTORAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE David Chandler, Trustee Rep.; _________Deacon Rep. Pam DeBona, Member-at-Large; Roger Squire and Peter Davis, Pastor Reps. *Member of the Cabinet (A) Appointed UNITED CHURCH OF DORSET & EAST RUPERT, UCC 143 CHURCH ST. ~ P.O. BOX 263 ~ DORSET, VT 05251 PH/FX 802-867-2260 E-MAIL: dorsetchurch@gmail.com Visit our website at www.dorsetchurch.org