Summer Newsletter The School of Sacred Heart St. Francis de Sales 307 School Street Bennington, Vermont 05201 T: 802-442-2446 Upcoming Events When does school begin? The first official day of school for Sacred Heart St. Francis students is Wednesday, September 2. All the school supplies your child will need for the new school year are on page three of this newsletter. August 31 Staff In-service September 1 Staff In-service Detailed information regarding the start of school will be included in next month's BACK TO SCHOOL newsletter. Parent/Student Handbooks will be available on-line soon or at the Open House if you would like a hard-copy. Please read them over carefully with your child as there will be a few new changes. In each handbook there is also a form that requires your signature. These forms must be returned the first week of school. Will there be an Open House? As a part of our community's First Day Celebration we will be hosting our annual Open House on Monday, August 31, from 5 PM—6 PM. All of our families are invited to tour the school and meet the staff. August 31 Back to School Picnic September 2 First Day of School Mission Statement Providing excellence in academics and a deepening faith in God and Gospel Values in Following the Open House, our SHSF Family Pot Luck Picnic will take place on the school grounds. (A Picnic RSVP is attached.) The eighth grade parents will be hosting this event for us. We are anticipating great weather and a large number of families attending. We hope you can join us. an environment that is caring, challenging, and respectful, striving to develop in every student the habits of thinking critically and acting responsibly in daily life. Page 1 of 4 Any more important news? What about school uniforms? Do you have what you need? If you haven’t received your order from Flynn and O'Hara Uniform Company yet, they can be contacted toll free at 1-800-441-4122 or on-line at If you know you are going to need something for the fall term, now is the time to order. Orders may also be placed on-line if you should so desire from any of the suppliers, Flynn and O’Hara, J.C. Penney, and Landsend. It is best to order early in order to have your items before the start of school. School ties for the boys may be purchased in the school office. What about warm weather uniforms? Warm weather uniforms may be worn for the entire month of September. These include the embroidered green polo shirts (only available form Flynn and O’Hara) and the uniform shorts for both boys and girls. Girls may also wear their khaki skorts. Can we assist you with some recycled uniforms? We still have a number of school uniforms that families have given us. You are welcome to any of them. Our storage space is limited and we are overflowing. Please call the school if you are interested. Are there any new students? Who will be joining our school community this year? Zion Nicholas-Johnson Sawyer Tatro Abigail Woffenden Henry Fischer Roberta Costantino Abigail Smith Kennedy LaCasse Chase Cornell Sophia Jones Lawrence Sharp Dominic Philburt Keller Cullinaine Hunter Favreau Bentley Branon Audrey Croff Tristen Foster Lillian Comar Jack Sauer Brynn Lackey Bryn Babson Zachary Hutchins Rowan Behan Izzac Cloutier Shawn Gassaway Jadyn Bird Drake Videtto Danielle Moscarello Jane Galipeau Noah Godleski Page 2 of 4 What do you need for school supplies? Preschool 2 roll of paper towels; 1 large box of tissues; 1 pkg. 5oz. paper cups; 1 large pkg. of napkins; 1 large pkg. plastic spoons; 1 standard size crib sheet; 1 small lightweight blanket; 1 ream of copy paper; 1 larger container of environmentally safe wipes; 1 art smock or old shirt; 1 set extra clothes; 1 pkg. Crayola thick markers; 1 pkg. Crayola thin markers; 1 box 24ct. Crayola crayons; 1 8ct tray of watercolors; 1 pkg. baby wipes; 1 box latex free Bandaids. Kindergarten 6 boxes (8 count regular size) Crayola crayons; 2 large glue sticks; 1 set low odor dry erase markers; 1pkg. thin markers; 1 pkg. thick markers; 2 highlighters (2 different colors); 2 rolls of paper towels; 2 large boxes of tissues; 2 reams of white copy paper; 1 (16 count) tray of water colors, I pkg. beginner pencils #2; 1 set of headphones for Technology. Grade 1 Please label supplies with child’s name—4 large glue sticks; 1 large eraser; 1pkg. eraser caps; 1 boxes (24ct) Crayola crayons (not the twist type); 1 pencil sharpener w/shaving cap cover; 2 highlighters; 4 low odor DRY erase markers; 1 sock or mitten for wiping dry erase boards; 1 pencil box; 1 –1 subject notebook; 1 composition notebook; 1 Mead PRIMARY JOURNAL Grade K-2 found at Staples or Walmart; 5 plastic pocket folders labeled for Reading, Math, Science/Social Studies, Writing, Homework; 1 re-usable water bottle; These items do not need to be labeled: 1 pkg. ziploc bags(gallon or quart size); 1 box tissues; 1 roll paper towels; 2 reams copy paper; 24 yellow pencils sharpened; 2 large containers of sanitizing wipes; 1 set of headphones for Technology. Grade 2 5 pencils (not mechanical) sharpened; 5 pencil top erasers; 1 box 12 count Crayola crayons or twistup crayons; 1 box 12 count colored pencils; 2 highlighters; pencil/crayon combo sharpener; 7 pocket folders labeled (for Reading, Math, Science/Social Studies, Religion, Spanish, Extra time, and Homework); 2 large glue sticks (not liquid glue); 3 pkgs. 100 count lined 3X 5 index cards; 1 plastic pencil box; 1 set of headphones (not ear buds) in a Ziploc bag: 1 container of sanitizing wipes; 2 reams white copy paper; 1 roll of paper towels; 1 large box of tissues. Grade 3 1 Ziploc gallon bag w/ student’s name on it; 10/12 #2 pencils; 5 eraser caps or1 large eraser; pencil sharpener; 1 box 24 count Crayola crayons (not twist up kind); 1 pkg. of 12 count Crayola colored pencils; 7 pocket folders (bottom pocket style) in the following colors: red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, and 1 of choice; 1 yellow highlighter- 1 highlighter another color; 4 low odor dry erase markers (no neon or tropical); 4 large glue sticks; 1 pencil box 8X5 (larger does not fit in the desk); 1 soft cover 2 inch three ring binder; 2 Jumbo sox fabric book covers ; 1 pkg. of multiplication flash cards; inexpensive calculator; 1 trifold presentation board 32 inches high (Yankee Dollar) next to Home Depot-Buy it now, they run out); 2 inch letters –any color (Yankee Dollar); 2 large white poster boards (approx. 28 X 22 inches); 1 rolls of paper towels; 2 large boxes of tissues; 2 reams copy paper; 1 container sanitizing wipes; 1 set of headphones for Technology. Page 3 of 4 Grade 4 2 one-subject notebooks (for Writing and Math Journals); 6 pocket folders (red, blue, yellow, green, orange, and a choice); 1 homework folder (any color, design of choice); I box of #2 pencils; 1 pair of scissors; 1 zippered pencil pouch; 2 or 3 glue sticks; erasers; 1 pencil sharpener; 1 or 2 red pens (for correcting); 1 box 24ct Crayola crayons; 1 pkg. thin markers or colored pencils (your choice); 2 highlighters any color; 2 low odor dry erase markers; 4 jumbo book sox book covers (we may need more depending on new books ordered); 1 roll of paper towels; 2 large boxes of tissues; 2 reams copy paper; 1 container of sanitizing wipes; 1 set of headphones for Technology. *An assignment notebook (planner) will be provided. Grades 5/6/7/8 4 (1 inch) ring binders; 10 #2 pencils; 4 pkgs.(1 for each binder) 8subject index dividers; 1 pkg. of thin sharpie makers (black or colored); 1 pkg. Crayola wide or thin tip markers; 1 3-ring zippered pencil pouch; 3 highlighters (different colors); 1 hand-held pencil sharpener; 2 pkgs. notebook filler paper; 2 pkgs. index cards 4 X 6 (1 ruled and 1 plain); 3 hard covered composition books; pencil cap erasers; 3 low odor dry erase markers; a Texas Instrument 30-X A calculator ($10 at Wal-Mart)-If you already have one, please be sure it still works!); 2 glue sticks; 2 rolls of paper towels; 2 large boxes of tissues; 1 ream of white copy paper; 1 container of sanitizing wipes; 1 set of headphones for Technology. How about consumable book fees? What do you owe for book fees? You can begin paying your consumable textbook fee at any time, but all monies are due on or before the first day of school. You can pay all at once or you can pay in installments between now and then. This is an important investment of your child’s future and well worth the cost. This is required of all families. What are the summer hours? When will the office be closed? The school office will be closed July 27 – August 4. How can you contact someone? Give us a call for more information about anything. We will be happy to assist you. If you are looking for someone at school during the summer months, the best time to find Mr. Estes is between 9 AM and Noon. (except for the dates listed above) If you can’t find him in either building, please call the school at 442-2446, Extension 108, and he will get back to you as soon as he can. You can also visit us on the web. The book fee for each particular grade is a follows: Preschool 3 $55 (includes mat) Preschool 4 $25 (+$30 if mat is needed) Kindergarten $70 Grade 1 $85 Grade 2 $90 Grade 3 $95 Grade 4 $110 Grade 5 $130 Grade 6 $130 Grade 7 $130 Grade 8 $130 Page 4 of 4