january 2015

January 2015
1265 Barratt Avenue, Wpg, MB R3G 0L5
Telephone: (204)772-9527
Fax: (204)783-1806
Principal: S. Anderson Vice-Principal: Y. Koncan
Happy New Year!
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome back to 2015 at Isaac Brock School where “everybody is a somebody”! We hope you had a restful and
enjoyable Winter Break with family and friends!
Congratulations to our grades nursery- 5 students for a wonderful performance of “Christmas Idol”! Our students were
eager to share their talent with their peers and with our community and they did a fantastic job. It was wonderful to see
so many families at the concert showing their appreciation and enjoying the show! Thank you to all families who
contributed baked goods for our student council bake sale. Thank you also to families that purchased baked items!
We would like to thank our parent council for organizing another successful fundraiser. As well, our community once
again supported our parent council by purchasing vegetable packs through the Farm to School fundraiser. Our parent
council generously supports our school by responding to special requests from teachers to make purchases to
enhance programming for students. We appreciate the ongoing support of our parent council, families and community
Thank you to everyone, staff and community members, who donated non perishable food items for our Christmas
hampers this year. Four families from our community each received a hamper. We also want to acknowledge the
generosity of Bookmates and Norampac who have once more contributed hampers for our families. A Christmas
hamper can make a huge difference for a family during the holiday season, not only because of the gift of food and
toys, but because of the spirit of caring that it shows.
Our school goals for the 2014/2015 school year are to: strengthen instructional and assessment strategies in literacy
and numeracy by using all resources including technology to enhance student learning; improve academic and
behavioural supports for students with special needs, and enhance education for sustainable development initiatives.
For the remainder of school year staff and students will be working hard to meet our goals.
We are very excited to continue to offer many extra curricular activities in the New Year. Please check our school
calendar to keep informed about our schedule of events.
Finally, January tends to be the coldest month of the year. Please remind your children to dress appropriately for the
cold weather. We have indoor recess when the temperature reaches -28 or colder with the wind chill. However, it can
still be very cold at recess even at higher temperatures. Please encourage your children to wear mitts, gloves, toques,
scarves, boots and a winter coat.
Have a joyful January!
Ms. Anderson & Ms. Koncan
Staff News
We would like to welcome Mrs. Warelis who will be replacing Mrs. Reinhardt this January while she is away on
maternity leave. She will be teaching grade 7/8 phys. ed. and science. We wish Mrs. Reinhardt all the best as she
and her family welcome their new addition!
Mrs. Parsons is retiring the end of January after 21 years at Isaac Brock School! We would like to welcome Ms.
Martin who will assume the position of elementary phys. ed. teacher until the end of June. We all wish Mrs. Parsons
the best in her retirement! You still have this month to wish her well.
Elementary Physical Education News
Intramural Ringette
Grade four to six students have received information about intramural ringette games in early January.
Please mark your calendar with the following dates: January 9, 13, 15, 20, 22.
Farewell and Best Wishes from Mrs. Parsons
On a personal note I would like to say farewell to the community as I embark on the next chapter of my life
“Retirement”. It has been an honour and a privilege to have been the Physical Education teacher at Isaac Brock
School for the past 21 years. This community will always be very special to me. The support from the community is
exceptional and I wish to thank you for your commitment to making our school a wonderful learning environment. My
experience has truly been enriched working with the wonderful children, the dedicated staff and the supportive
families of the Isaac Brock community.
Thank you for making my time at Isaac Brock School so meaningful and rewarding.
I know you will extend a warm welcome to Ms. Carissa Martin.
Leslie Parsons
Junior High Basketball
After-school practices have begun for the Boy’s and Girl’s Basketball teams. Boy’s practices will be
held most Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:45. Most girl’s practices will be on Mondays and
Wednesdays after school, but there may also be some early morning practices. Players will be given
practice and game schedules this month.
Parent Council Corner
Happy New Year from all of us on the Isaac Brock Parent Council!
We hope that everyone rang in the new year safely! Our Peak of the Market Farm-to-School fundraiser was a success
once again. With your help we raised $1200.00 to go towards things like fieldtrips, IT purchases, etc... Thank-you to
everyone who participated by selling and/or helped with pick-up!
Our next fundraiser will be in the spring, when we'll be selling flowers and plants from Bloomers again.
The next parent council meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 27th, 2015. New faces are always welcome! We
provide free childcare and a snack! Hope to see you there.
Stay warm,
Liz Jackimec
Parent Council Chair
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Public Speaking Team
Members of Isaac Brock's inaugural Public Speaking Team competed at their first ever Public Speaking Competition,
the Junior Douglas Campbell at St. Mary's Academy on December 3 with resounding success.
Each member of our team made a distinct impression
on judges in the prepared reading category, and
showed their courage, sharp wit, and quick thinking in
the impromptu speaking category.
Congratulations to John D. who was awarded a medal
as the top speaker from
our school!
Levere and Ms. Ethans
while Mr. Batista's support
and encouragement made
our team possible.
Mr. Levere, Ms. Ethans, John D., Aby C., Sabrina J., Carlos G. & Maria A.
This year, Isaac Brock School is excited to offer the Kimochis Program to
grade one and two students in Rooms 16 and Room 17. Kimochis are a fun
and easy way to introduce social-emotional learning and character education
to children. The program helps to create an optimistic, caring classroom
environment where children feel understood, included and valued. Kimochis
teaches children to communicate with respect and kindness, even when
others do not.
The students in Rooms 17 began their visits with the Kimochi characters in
December. The students in room 16 will begin the program the New Year.
Both classes will learn about how their tone of voice, body language and
choice of words can make things better or worse. The Kimochi characters
help the children to communicate their feelings, understand differences, build
relationships and see the positive in one another.
If you have a child in Room 16 or Room 17, ask them to tell you about their
favourite Kimochi. Each Kimochi character has unique characteristics that
the students can relate to. Cloud is moody; Cat is curious; Bug is shy and
Huggtopus is silly. Lovey Dove is the calm and wise Kimochi. She helps
the other Kimochi characters solve problems and believes in them.
Shona Robinson, Guidance Counsellor /School Social Worker
Kimberly Wade Classroom Teacher
Deena Deeb-Edmonds Classroom Teacher
Cold Weather
Please make sure your children leave for school dressed for the colder weather.
Students are expected to be outside for both recesses, as well as before school.
Your children should arrive at school just before the bell rings at 8:50 am and 12:50 pm.
There will be indoor recess if the temperature is lower than –28 with the windchill.
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Roots of Empathy
Our grade three students are getting to know baby Simon
during our Roots of Empathy classes. So far, they have made
some predictions about what a baby eats and what they are
able to do developmentally at 4 months of age. They know
that Simon does not eat hamburgers only milk and that
although he cannot walk or run yet….. just like them, he will
learn these steps on his own schedule! We all learn at our own
As well the students have heard that babies cry to tell us they
have a problem that we need to fix. We talked about what
baby Simon might need when he is crying. The students made
a booklet of reasons why a baby may cry. They also observed
ways to calm him. The students have really enjoyed the two
visits with Simon and his mom Caroline Fisher and they look
forward to more learning with baby Simon in the New Year.
Our Leadership is comprised of students from grades 6-9 who want to make a difference to their school their
community and the world. After being inspired at WE DAY the students have committed to several causes. They
organized WE Scare Hunger motivating Isaac Brock students to collect 114 pounds of food for Winnipeg Harvest.
In the New Year they will be raising funds for the Salvation Army as well as supporting Free the Children’s Year of
Empowerment through the global campaign that raises funds to buy goats for women overseas. That may seem
strange….a goat? What can a goat do? In short, a lot! One goat ($50.00) will provide economic security for a family.
One goat can produce 16 cups of milk a day milk can be sold by the family or used by them!
Look for opportunities to support these causes at Isaac Brock through bake sales and coin drives.
Thank you for helping our kids change the world!
Grade 9 students volunteering at Christmas Cheer Board
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Library Re-Opening
As many of you are aware, Isaac Brock School was adopted by Chapters/Indigo this fall through their Adopt-a-School
Program. With donations from our Isaac Brock families, friends, local businesses and community, nearly $8,000 was
raised for our library! This infusion of money is comparable with many years of usual library spending. So far nearly
all of that money has been spent at Chapters and we have many new books in the library. Most of the books
purchased were fiction for our early readers, beginning chapter books and teen fiction. We also added a lot of books
to collections where there is much interest from our students such as graphic novels, dinosaurs, how-to-draw, the
environment and cultures from around the world.
The library was closed for one day while we put all the new books out on display and on December 1st we had grand
re-opening celebration where all the classes were invited to come and view all the new material. The students and
staff were all very excited to see all of the new books and they were eager to borrow them!
Room 8
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A coat does much more than simply keep a child warm
Koats for Kids has been a Winnipeg institution since 1989. Every year, from October to February, the program
distributes winter outerwear to families – for some children, having a warm coat means attending school on a cold
day, instead of staying home. It’s part of United Way’s commitment to helping children and youth be all they can be.
I want to volunteer
Picture 16,000 pounds of coats, hats, mittens, scarves, snow pants and boots. That’s a lot of sorting, organizing and
assembling! Join us for a few hours so we can get orders out to kids quickly.
A volunteer shift is the perfect way to introduce philanthropy to your own kids. We also appreciate small groups of
friends and co-workers. Winnipeg’s community spirit can’t be beat!
Please call 204-586-5628 or email koats@UnitedWayWinnipeg.mb.ca to set up a shift.
The Koats for Kids Volunteer Centre is located at 3172 Portage Avenue.
I want to donate
You can drop off your gently used children’s winter wear at any WFPS Fire Hall, Perth’s or AMJ Campbell Van
I want to order a coat
Isaac Brock parents can request coats from Koats for Kids by contacting our counsellor, Shona Robinson.
Parents can contact Koats for Kids directly by phone at 204-586-KOAT (5628) or go to http://unitedwaywinnipeg.ca/
impact/koats-for-kids/koats-for-kids-order-form/ to access the order form.
Please note that Koats for Kids Volunteer Centre is not open to walk-in traffic.
Friday, January 30
Valour Community Centre
Isaac Brock Site
715 Telfer St. North
Floor Hockey! Badminton! Hula Hoops!
Arts and crafts! Board games!
Come on down and run off some of that winter energy with the whole family!
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
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Grade 9 students will be going to the Career Symposium
in February as well as filling out applications to various
high schools. This as an important time for parents to be
involved in their child’s future plans and to attend an
open house
Daniel McIntyre Open House
720 Alverstone Street 204-783-7131
Date will be in February.
This is an opportunity for junior high
students to see if they would like to come
to Daniel McIntyre. School visits can also
be arranged for parents and guardians who wish to visit Daniel
McIntyre. To assist in timetabling, please return completed
applications by the deadline.
The University of Winnipeg Open House 2015
UWinnipeg is a dynamic university that motivates students to achieve more than
they ever thought possible. Join us for our Open House and discover your future.
Students of all ages, counsellors and parents are invited:
Wednesday, February 18
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Open House 2015 will be the perfect chance for students to meet with professors,
talk with current students, tour our buildings and labs, apply on the spot for
admission and see why UWinnipeg is the right choice for their studies.
École Secondaire Kelvin High School Open House
International Baccalaureate Programme
Date: Thursday, February 12
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Place: 155 Kingsway in the gymnasium
There will be an information evening for those students currently in Grade 9
who are interested in entering the IB programme for their Grade 10 school
year, 2015- 2016. The agenda will include a general description of the I.B. programme, how it functions at Kelvin
High School and what is involved in the application process. An information package, including a Grade 10 I.B.
application form, will be available for those attending. All applications are due by February 27.
IB Entrance Test - The entrance test for current Grade 9 students interested in entering the IB programme for their
Grade 10 2015-2016 school year will be written in March at Kelvin High School. The entrance test is 2½ hours in
length. More details will be provided at the Information Night described above
For more information, contact the school at 204204-474474-1492
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January 2015
Day 6
Grade 9 Shops pm
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
N/K Phonemic
Grade 7 Shops am
Day 4
Gr. 4-6 Ringette
Grade 8 Shops am
Day 5
Day 6
N/K Hearing
Day 1
Some Gr. 6 skiing
Day 2
N/K Hearing
Day 3
Grade 8 Shops am
Grade 7 Shops am
Gr. 4-6 Ringette
N/K Hearing
Grade 9 Shops pm
Day 4
Gr. 4-6 Ringette
Day 3
Gr. 4-6 Ringette
Day 5 21
Gr.4 Hep.B
Gr.6 girls HPV
Vaccines am
Day 6 22
Day 1
Day 2
Day 6 30
Day 1
Some Gr. 6 skiing
Grade 7 Shops am
N/K Phonemic
Grade 9 Shops pm
Day 4 28
Grade 8 Shops am
N/K Phonemic
Gr. 4-6 Ringette
Day 5 29
Some Gr. 6 skiing
Grade 9 Shops pm
Grade 7 Shops am
Parent Council
meeting 6:30
Day 3
Day 4 29
Grade 8 Shops am
February 2
Parent Council
February 24
February 25
Day 5 30
t F
Day 6 31
NO CLASSES Division-wide
WE Day
High Valentine’s Dance
Shops pm
Riel9 Day
Parent Council meeting 6:30
Term 2 ends
Day 1
Grade 7 Shops am
JH Halloween
Dance &
Parties, pm