NATIONAL MENTAL ILLNESS AWARENESS WEEK 2011 Celebrating Recovery and Stomping Out Stigma Gainesville Florida Sponsors: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Gainesville; ShandsVista; Meridian;; UF Counseling & Wellness Center; UF College of Medicine; Alachua County Crisis Center; Alachua County Victims Services, VA HealthCare; Team VA Veterans Health System; Gainesville Opportunity Center; Sarkis Family Psychiatry; Alachua County Library; WUFT; and the Santa Fe College Counseling Center, Disabilities Resource Center, Health Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences October 3 – 22 WUFT TV and radio Public service announcements October 3 Alachua County Headquarters Library Noon: Film Screening, "The Soloist" Speaker Series at Santa Fe College 12 – 1 pm in S‐29/30 The Healing Power of Expressive Art Dr. Theresa Foster, SFC Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology, will discuss the therapeutic value of creative art techniques and how they helped in her recovery from Major Depression and past trauma 1 – 2 pm in S‐29/30 Mental Illness: A Family Perspective Susan J. Boulet, R.N., M.S.N. will present one family’s journey through the various adjustments that accompany a loved one’s mental health diagnosis: Role changes, financial issues, and finding treatment Santa Fe College On view throughout the week Mental Health Awareness Visual Displays at Santa Fe College Student Artwork Promoting Acceptance: S Building, second floor Lawrence Tyree Library, first floor. Designed by librarian Elizabeth Strickland. October 4 UF Reitz Union Colonnade 11am–1pm: Mental illnesses Resources Fair Speaker Series at Santa Fe College 1 – 2 pm in S‐29/30 There is Hope: My Recovery from Severe Mental Illness Alexis Henderson, a young adult and NAMI‐certified Peer Mentor, will share her personal story about having a Dual Diagnosis of Substance Abuse with Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder Santa Fe College 10 am – 1 pm, Oak Grove Mental Health Awareness Tables Local churches, synagogues, mosques National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding October 5 Gainesville VAMC Auditorium 9am‐Noon: Mental illnesses Resource Fair 1‐3pm: Speakers UF Wilmot Gardens 5‐7pm: VA Mental Health Intensive Case Management Office Veteran's Art Show Santa Fe College Mental Health Awareness Tables 10 am – 1 pm, Oak Grove Speaker Series at Santa Fe College 3‐4 pm in S‐213 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Jean Theurer, M.Ed., SFC Student Development Instructor and President of NAMI Gainesville will describe free mental health support groups and educational resources available to our community October 6 Shands Clinical Atrium 10am – 3pm: Mental illness Resources Fair Speaker Series at Santa Fe College 2 – 3 pm in S‐213 The Baker Act and Mental Illnesses in Adolescents Sunnie Williams, B.B.S., author of the inspirational memoir, Heaven Sent Me Kevin, will share her family’s experiences with involuntary commitment and the importance of obtaining a correct diagnosis October 7 Lake City VAMC Auditorium 10am‐2pm: Mental illnesses Resource Fair & Guest Speakers Santa Fe College 1:15*, 4:15, & 6:45 pm in P‐160 Free Movie: A Beautiful Mind *Stay for a post‐film discussion from 3:30‐4:00 with Dr. Chris Raye, SFC Psychology Professor Santa Fe College Mental Illness Awareness Displays Lawrence W. Tyree Library and in the S Building (2nd floor) Santa Fe College 8 – 9 am, 12 – 1 pm, 2 – 3 pm in Y‐233 Mindfulness Meditation Stress‐Reduction Workshop Dr. Gregory Jones, SFC Biology Professor, will guide participants through scientifically‐validated breathing exercises that can relax the body, focus the mind, and improve mental health and well‐being October 19 UF College of Medicine “Wearing Out Stigma” interactive medical student project covering the impact of stigma on the field of medicine’s role in mental illness research, treatment and recovery efforts. 9:00 – 2:00 Part 1 12:00 ‐ 1:00 Part 2 Room C1‐17 October 22 West Side Park National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Annual NAMI Stamp Out Stigma Walk Westside Park 9am: NAMI Walk Registration 10am Walk Begins