James R - College of Public Health

James R. Corbin, ABD, MSW, LSW
Temple University-Harrisburg
234 Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 232-6400
Formal Education:
The Clinical Social Work Institute, Washington, D.C.
Ph.D. candidate, ABD
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
M.S.W., Social Work, 1998
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
B.A., Political Science, 1993
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Virtual Teaching Certificate, 2012
Dissertation Proposal:
“The Efficacy of Intensive Home-Based Services: Goodness of Fit for Urban Families”
My proposed dissertation aims at investigating the therapeutic factors and efficacy of intensive home-based
services in work with urban families. The children and families in this proposed study reside in a major
metropolitan area of the United States. Domains in which the efficacy of services are measured include: the
overall environment (stability of housing, safety of home, parental employment, hygiene), parental capabilities
(disciplinary practices, appropriate stimulation for children, substance use), family interaction (bonding with
children, expectations of children, parental relationship with children), family safety (physical abuse, sexual
abuse, neglect, domestic violence), child well-being (child behavior, mental health, school performance,
relationship with peers), caregiver-child ambivalence (disruptions in attachment, quality of interactions), and
readiness for reunification (progress with case plan goals). Researcher will conduct, collect, and examine
results from a pre-test, post-test experimental research design using a structured interview format (North
Carolina Family Assessment Scale). The examination and analysis of data will correlate positive treatment
outcomes with the following factors: treatment intensity, treatment duration, modes of treatment received,
acuity of case, and gender of therapist.
Teaching Experience:
Temple University—College of Health Professions and Social Work, School of Social Work, MSW
Program (Clinical Faculty, Instructor)
Contemporary Issues in Social Work (on-line elective course), 2012Military Social Work (on-line), 2013Integrative Seminar, 2010Social Welfare Policy and Practice I, 2010Social Welfare Policy and Practice II, 2010Assessment and the DSM-IV-TR, 2010Evaluation of Clinical Practice, 2009Foundation Practice I, 2009Foundation Practice II, 2010Human Behavior in the Social Environment-Individuals and Families, 2008-
Human Behavior in the Social Environment-Groups, Organizations, and Communities, 2009Clinical Practice I, 2008Clinical Practice II, 2008Drama Therapy, (as co-Instructor with Ron Miller, Ph.D.) 2009
McDaniel College, Social Work Department, BSW Program (Visiting Instructor, Lecturer)
Research Methods in Social Work, 2008
Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 2002-2008
Institutions of Social Welfare, 2002-2007
Social Welfare Policy Analysis, 2003-2008
Managing Systems in the Macro Environment, 2003-2007
Social Work Practice I, 2002 (as Adjunct Lecturer), 2004
Social Work Practice II, 2002-2007
Social Work Field Instruction I, 2004, 2007
Drama Therapy, (as co-Instructor with Ron Miller, Ph.D.) 2004, 2006
Concepts and Systems of Social Welfare, (as Guest Lecturer), 2002, 2006
The Family, (as Guest Lecturer), 2004
Clinical/Managerial Experience:
Clinical Director/Lead Clinician—The Family Center—Temple University—Harrisburg, PA, 8/2012-Present
Manage, supervise, and provide clinical services to Center serving military families
Field Supervisor—Temple University—Harrisburg, PA, 8/2009-Present
Provided field supervision for graduate student in Masters in Social Work program
Clinical Supervisor—PA Counseling Services—York, PA, 8/2009-5/2010
Provided clinical supervision to school-based therapists in primary and secondary schools in urban setting
Outpatient Therapist—PA Counseling Services—Lebanon/York, PA, 1/1999-1/2001; 1/2008-5/2011
Provided individual, family, couples, and grief therapy for children, adolescents, and adults
Program Director— McDaniel College—Westminster, MD, 8/2007Manage and coordinate efforts towards re-affirmation, liaison with CSWE
Child and Family Therapist—The Play Therapy Center—York, PA, 6/2004-1/2008
Provide client-centered play therapy to children ages 2-12 and provide family therapy
Psychotherapist—D.K. Watkins, Psychologist and Associates—York, PA, 7/2003-7/2007
Provide individual, family, couples, and grief therapy for children, adolescents, and adults
Assistant Director of Clinical Services—Hoffman Homes for Youth—Gettysburg, PA, 7/1999-8/2002
Provided clinical and administrative supervision for five licensed social workers at a
psychiatric residential treatment facility for children and adolescents
Psychotherapist—Hoffman Homes for Youth—Gettysburg, PA, 7/1997-7/1999
Provided individual and family therapy to children at a psychiatric residential treatment facility for children and
Case Manager—Hoffman Homes for Youth—Gettysburg, PA, 7/1996-7/1997
Supervised mental health workers, provided case management, and coordinated treatment for children in the
unit. Supervised efforts in the unit to meet all JCAHO, DPW, and OSHA standards
Mental Health Worker—Hoffman Homes for Youth—Gettysburg, PA, 7/ 1994-7/1996
Provided direct service to adolescents as part of their group therapy treatment team
Coordinator--Summer Youth Service Corps (SYSC)—J.T.P.A.—York, PA, 3/1994-7/1994
Managed the supervisors of the SYSC and coordinated /developed the work sites in cooperation with local
county and municipal government officials
Supervisor--Summer Youth Service Corps (SYSC)—J.T.P.A.—York, PA, 1992-1993 (Summer Employment)
Supervised a work corps during a summer employment/remediation program for at-risk adolescents
Professional Affiliations:
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)—member, 1998Licensed Social Worker—Pennsylvania, 1998Business Impact Group—member, 2004-2007
American Group Psychotherapy Association—member, 2006-2007
Give An Hour – volunteer therapist, 2006PACares – member, 2010Operation Military Kids – member, 2010Global Health Council – member, 2010Scholarly Works:
How psychotherapy works: Reality, play, and psychodynamic therapy. Unpublished
manuscript. Temple University, 2014.
The optimal environment: Co-creating a facilitative environment in play therapy with children.
Unpublished manuscript. Temple University. 2012-2013
Play therapy: A qualitative study on its efficacy in work with traumatized children—A
preliminary report. Unpublished manuscript. Temple University. 2012-2013.
On cultural competence and clinical practice: The clinical significance of cultural identity
formation. Unpublished manuscript. Temple University. 2012
The neurobiology of attachment and its implications for childhood development and treatment.
Unpublished manuscript. Temple University. 2012.
*Disclosure of HIV status to an infected child: Confidentiality, duty to warn, and ethical
practice. (2008). The Journal of Clinical Ethics. 19(1), pp. 53-57.
A psychodynamic and developmental approach to psychotherapy with children: Parenting
work in context. The Clinical Social Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2007.
*Confidentiality and the duty to warn: Ethical and legal implications for the therapeutic
relationship. (2007). The New Social Worker. White Hat Communications: Harrisburg,
PA, 14(4), pp. 4-7.
Facilitating clinical competence: Applications for field management and the supervision of
social work students. The Clinical Social Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2007.
*The first clinical supervisory experience: Implications for clinical supervisors. (2007). The
New Social Worker. White Hat Communications: Harrisburg, PA, 14(3), pp. 8-10.
*Reactive attachment disorder: A biopsychosocial disturbance of attachment. (2007). The
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 24(6), pp. 539-552.
The utilization of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy techniques with children: The
case of a girl named May. The Clinical Social Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2006.
A discussion of gender studies and women’s studies: Issues for contemporary social work
education. The Clinical Social Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2006.
Combination treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The Clinical Social Work Institute:
Washington, DC, 2006.
Cotherapy: Issues for psychodynamic group psychotherapy. The Clinical Social Work
Institute: Washington, DC, 2006.
Mitchell’s modes of relationality: A brief case study and analysis. The Clinical Social Work
Institute: Washington, DC, 2006.
Treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder: Cognitive behavioral treatment and planning
utilizing exposure and response prevention. The Clinical Social Work Institute:
Washington, DC, 2006.
Critique of a narrative analysis: The usefulness of coding schemes in family narratives. The
Clinical Social Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2006.
Tracing development: A developmental approach to understanding our clients. The Clinical
Social Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2005.
The role of sublimation in play therapy. The Clinical Social Work Institute: Washington, DC,
A contemporary discussion on the bio-psycho-social determinants of human behavior: Culture
as intersection. The Clinical Social Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2005.
The brain: Its basic structures and functions and implications for the practice of clinical social
work. The Clinical Social Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2005.
Human development: Towards a biopsychosocial understanding. The Clinical Social Work
Institute: Washington, DC, 2005.
Guarding confidentiality: Applications of forensic social work to the therapeutic relationship.
The Clinical Social Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2005.
Intersubjectivity and human experience: Meaning-making and understanding human
relatedness. The Clinical Social Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2005.
Intrapsychic and interpersonal formation of human relatedness: From early childhood
attachment and neuroscience to theories of relationality. The Clinical Social Work
Institute: Washington, DC, 2005.
A critique of Sommers’ “The War Against Boys”: Objectivity difficulties in gender-politics.
The Clinical Social Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2004.
Cognitive restructuring: The evolving paradigm of cognitive development. The Clinical Social
Work Institute: Washington, DC, 2004.
* Manuscripts submitted to journals noted above
Professional Presentations:
Ethical Practice and the Invisible Wounds of War. Keynote Speaker. Veterans Administration
Medical Center. Lebanon, PA, November 13, 2014.
Our Littlest Warriors: Play Therapy and Its Use with Military Children. Featured Presenter.
12th Annual Cultural Diversity Forum. Lebanon, PA, August 6, 2014
Treating the Troops: Veterans and Addictions. Featured Panelist, Central PA Addictions
Conference, Harrisburg, PA, May 22, 2014
The History of U.S. Social Welfare Policy, Invited Talk, French Student Delegation, Temple
University, Harrisburg, PA, September 23, 2013.
WebEx Intermediate Training for Social Work Instructors: Review of basic features and
introduction to intermediate features. Temple University. Online webinar via WebEx.
April 29, 2013.
Childhood Response to Reintegration: Indicators for Care and Community Intervention.
Featured speaker. PACares Training Summit, Annville, PA, April 2013.
WebEx Basics for Social Work Instructors: Tips for starting your online course. Temple
University. Online webinar via WebEx. April 8, 2013.
Response, Resilience, and Resources: Childhood Response to Reintegration. Featured
Presenter—Women Veterans Symposium—Gettysburg, PA, March 9, 2013.
Social Networking, Dual Relationships, and Ethics. Implications for Field Supervision and
Education. Featured Presenter – Field Education Training—
Temple University Harrisburg, November 18, 2011.
Professional Ethics, Dual Relationships, and Plagiarism: A Guide for Graduate Faculty—
Featured Presenter—Faculty Colloquium—Temple University Harrisburg, September
15, 2011,
Mental Health for Law Enforcement Professionals: An Introduction to Mental Illness and
Applications for Law Enforcement, Community Safety, and Crisis Intervention—Series
Featured Presenter—Crisis Intervention Team of Lancaster County— September 27,
2010; November 8, 2010; March 7, 2011; May 23, 2011; September 12, 2011;
November 7, 2011, March 18, 2013; September 16, 2013
Technical Ethics: The practice of social work in the Age of Connection—Temple University
Harrisburg, January 19, 2011
Featured Guest on National Public Radio’s Radio Smart Talk (Local Affiliate – WITFHarrisburg, PA) – Series on Adoption and Foster Care – Subject – Reactive Attachment
Disorder, February 23, 2010
Our Growing Knowledge of the Brain: How Neuroscience Informs Clinical Practice.
Presented at Training Conference on July 31, 2009, PA Counseling Services, Annville,
Our Growing Knowledge of the Brain: How Neuroscience Informs Clinical Practice.
Presented at the National Psychology Synergy Conference on October 17, 2008,
Carroll Community College, Westminster, MD.
Neuroscience 101: What every social worker should know about the brain. Presented to the
Annual Meeting of the National Association of Social Workers—Pennsylvania Chapter
on March 8, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA.
Latest neuroscience research: Its impact on therapy. Presentation to Carroll Community
College on January 10, 2008.
Play therapy: From childhood development to its implications for practice with children.
Presentation to Carroll County Community College on June 8, 2006.
Unique grief and loss and the use of play therapy. Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the
National Association of Social Workers—Pennsylvania Chapter on April 1, 2005,
Harrisburg, PA.
Unique grief and loss: Grief work with children and adolescents. Presentation to the Annual
Meeting of the National Association of Social Workers—Pennsylvania Chapter on
March 19, 2004, Pittsburgh, PA.
Unique grief and loss. Presentation to the Child and Adolescent Symposium of the National
Association of Social Workers—Maryland Chapter on March 13, 2003, Baltimore, MD.
Temple University Community Service:
Chairperson, Technology Committee, Temple University, 2013Lead committee to provide recommendations and guidance to improve technological
infrastructure and related support services to all SSW sites including Commonwealth
Academic Advisor, Temple University, 2008Provided academic advising for graduate students in Masters in Social Work program
at Temple
Co-Developer, The Family Center at Temple, Temple University, 2009Lead clinical developer and co-writer for proposed free/low-cost community mental
health clinic in Harrisburg city to specialized in psychosocial services and counseling
for local military families (with an emphasis on children)
Past Chairperson, Member, Admissions Policy Committee, Temple University, 2009Chaired committee who functions to advise and recommend improvements to academic
admissions and standards
Member, Student Awards Committee, Temple University, 2009Consulted, reviewed, deliberated, and selected candidates for student awards and
Member, Field Advisory Committee, Temple University, 2012Consult, develop, and provide recommendations for Temple’s Field Instruction
Past College Community Service:
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)—Student/Faculty Committee, McDaniel
College, 2002-2005
As a member of this committee, I was largely responsible for planning and facilitating
meetings related to NASW sponsored events including Student Lobby Day 2003-2005 in
Annapolis, MD and the Social Work Policy Practice Forum in Washington, D.C.
Academic Advisor, McDaniel College, 2002-2005
I have acted in an advising capacity for undergraduate social work student at McDaniel
Circle K Fraternal Service Organization—Faculty Advisor, McDaniel College, 2004-2005
I have acted as a faculty advisor for the Circle K student organization. The main focus
of this organization is in service to the immediate McDaniel College and its surrounding
Social Work Department—Recruitment Consultant, McDaniel College, 2003-2004
I had attended the Anne Arundel Community College’s School of Health Professions and
Department of Human Services Open House and Career Fair (March 13, 2003). I
participated in outreach and advising to prospective students who were interested in
Social Work and related programs at McDaniel College. I acted as a recruitment
consultant with representatives from the Department of Human Services to orient them
to the Social Work program at McDaniel College.
Phi Alpha Honor Society—Alpha Rho Chapter—Faculty Advisor, McDaniel College,
Phi Alpha is the national academic honor society for Social Work students. In an
advisory capacity I have helped them with events including a guest lecture series and
several service events on campus.
Admitted Student Days—Department Representative, April of 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Meet the Parents Campus Event—Meet the Freshman Parents Day—Faculty Representative,
September 21, 2003
Summer Guidance Days—Faculty Representative, 2003, 2004, and 2005
Faculty Development Retreat, January 2004
In addition to the above mentioned activities, I have worked to remain involved with the college community in other
significant ways. I has consulted and contributed to the social work program’s successful re-accreditation efforts in the
Fall of 2003. I have participated in a writing campaign aimed at educating Maryland legislators about the importance
of the Sellinger Program for private, independent colleges and universities.
Licensure, Awards and Honors:
The School of Social Work – Faculty Service Award – Presented by Faculty Senate and Temple
University, School of Social Work – Fall 2013
Jefferson Cup—Awarded at Women Veterans Conference for Outstanding Service to Military
Community—March 9, 2013.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—Department of State—Bureau of Professional and
Occupational Affairs—License in Social Work, 1998Take Pride in America Award—United States Department of the Interior—Washington, DC—
June 2006
Outstanding Faculty Award Nominee—McDaniel College Office of Multicultural Services—
Academic Year—2002-2003
Continuing Education/Specialized Training Highlights:
“Helping Military Kids Cope”. TAPS and Give An Hour Training. November 1, 2011.
“Ready, Set, Go!!” Operation Military Kids Training. October 27, 2011.
“Treating the Invisible Wounds of War” Greensboro Area Health Education Center. Army One
Source Training. August 30, 2011.
“Understanding Combat Trauma”. TAPS and Give An Hour Training. May 19, 2011.
“Family Coping After a TBI”. TAPS and Give An Hour Training. April 13, 2011.
“Disenfranchised grief and military response” TAPS and Hospice Foundation of America.
March 24, 2011
“Child Traumatic Grief”. TAPS and Give An Hour Training. November 16, 2010.
“Attachment and connection as an antidote to trauma”, David E. Cooper, Ph.D. October 15,
2004. Washington School of Psychiatry: Washington, DC.
“Chewed up and spit out: A case of an unusual eating disorder.” JoAnna Macht, LCSW-C.
April 30, 2004. The Baltimore-Washington Institute for Psychoanalysis: Baltimore,
“The pied-piper: The many dimensions of the treatment of children within the community.”
Robert Lessey, M.D. May 28, 2004. The Baltimore-Washington Institute for
Psychoanalysis: Baltimore, MD.
“2004: New routes to social work success.” March 18-20, 2004. National Association of
Social Workers—PA Chapter Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA
“Psychoanalytic reflection on the developmental impact of the media.” November 21, 2003.
The Baltimore-Washington Institute for Psychoanalysis: Baltimore, MD.
“Resilience in maltreated children: Treatment implications.” October 14, 2003. Temple
University—School of Social Administration: Philadelphia, PA.
“Loss as a factor in rage and depression.” October 14, 2003. Temple University—School of
Social Administration: Philadelphia, PA.
“Penn State psychiatry symposium—Fall 2003.” September 25, 2003. The Pennsylvania State
University—Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute. Camp Hill, PA.
“Schizophrenia disorder: History, assessment, and treatment.” The Pennsylvania State
University—Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, State College, PA.
“Collaboration at the crossroads: The Cumberland/Perry older adult support team, second
annual conference.” May 27, 2003. The Pennsylvania State University—Central
Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, Camp Hill, PA.
“Childhood behavior disorders: Diagnosis and intervention of ADHD, oppositional defiant
disorder, and bipolar disorder.” April 10, 2003. The Pennsylvania State University—
Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, York, PA.
“Adolescent eating disorders: An update on anorexia and bulimia.” March 26, 2003. The
Pennsylvania State University—Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute. Camp Hill,
“Preventing abuse and neglect in the elderly.” March 19, 2003. Temple University—School of
Social Administration: Philadelphia, PA.
“Adolescents: Risk and resilience.” March 13, 2003. National Association of Social Workers—
MD Chapter. Social Work Month 2003. Baltimore, MD.
“Living with Alzheimer’s disease.” December 10, 2002. The Pennsylvania State University—
Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute. Elizabethtown, PA.
“Penn State child mental health symposium: Multi-modality treatment of childhood disorders.”
November 14, 2002. The Pennsylvania State University—Central Pennsylvania
Psychiatric Institute. Camp Hill, PA.
“Penn State geriatric psychiatry symposium.” November 7, 2002. The Pennsylvania State
University—Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute. Harrisburg, PA.
“Thinking styles and their relationship to effective social work practice: An applied
perspective.” Daniel Rees, Ph.D. September 23, 2002. McDaniel College: Westminster,
“Building on children’s strengths.” April 25, 2002. Shippensburg University—Department of
Social Work: Shippensburg, PA.
“Creating healing environments through horticulture.” April 4, 2002. The Pennsylvania State
University—Agricultural Extension: Gettysburg, PA.
“Working with children: A family systems perspective.” March 27, 2002. Widener
University—Center for Social Work Education, Gettysburg, PA.
“Advanced group skills: Mutual aid principles for working with youth.” March 21, 2002.
Shippensburg University—Department of Social Work: Shippensburg, PA.
“2002: Tools for 21st century social work practice.” March 21-23, 2002. National Association
of Social Workers—PA Chapter. Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
“Collaboration with schools: Challenges and strategies.” February 21, 2002. Shippensburg
University—Department of Social Work: Shippensburg, PA.
“Psychiatric emergencies.” January 11, 2002. PESI Healthcare: Eau Clair, MI.
“Reactive attachment disorder.” November 15, 2001. Shippensburg University—Department of
Social Work: Shippensburg, PA.
“Ethical issues in the practice of psychotherapy.” Roy A. Smith, Ph.D., CAC. November 2,
2001. Pennsylvania Psychological Association. Annville, PA.
“Diversity and me: Self-awareness and assessment skills application for human service
providers.” October 25, 2001. Shippensburg University—Department of Social Work:
Shippensburg, PA.
“Tourette syndrome.” Sharon Arffa, Ph.D. October 5, 2001. Philhaven Hospital and
Pennsylvania Tourette Syndrome Association, Mt. Gretna, PA.
“Sex offense: Treatment, assessment, evaluation, and safe management of adolescents and
adults.” Robert E. Freeman-Longo, MRC, LPC. August 1-2, 2001. Alliance for
Children and Families. York, PA.
“Assessment and treatment of personality disorders.” Joseph T. McCann, Psy.D., J.D. May 11,
2001. Pennsylvania Psychological Association. Annville, PA.
“Mental health and the law in Pennsylvania.” April 23, 2001. Medical Educational Services.
Harrisburg, PA.
“Sex offense: Treatment, assessment, evaluation, and safe management of children,
adolescents, and adults.” Gene Abel, M.D. August 24-25, 2000. Alliance for Children
and Families. York, PA.
“Secondary depression.” May 9, 2000. The Pennsylvania State University—Central
Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute. Gettysburg, PA.
“Infant mental health: Theory and practical applications for parenting and treatment.” April 27,
2000. The Pennsylvania State University—Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute.
York, PA.
”Bipolar disorder in children: Overdiagnosis, underdiagnosis, and misdiagnosis.” April 11,
2000. The Pennsylvania State University—Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute.
Gettysburg, PA.
“Ethical and clinical issues related to sexuality.” Roy A. Smith, Ph.D., CAC. April 7, 2000.
Pennsylvania Psychological Association. Annville, PA.
“Understanding pervasive developmental delays.” March 14, 2000. The Pennsylvania State
University—Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute. Gettysburg, PA.
“Learning disabilities and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.” December 14, 1999. The
Pennsylvania State University—Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute. Gettysburg,
“Child psychological issues in trauma and violence.” Christopher Peterson, M.D. October 12,
1999. The Pennsylvania State University—Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute.
Gettysburg, PA.
“Understanding oppositional children.” Valentins Krecko, M.D. September 14, 1999. The
Pennsylvania State University—Central Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute. Gettysburg,
“Psychiatric rehabilitation.” Irving Rutman, Ph.D. May 20, 1999. Harrisburg State Hospital—
Teaching Conference Series: Harrisburg, PA.
“Suicide.” Lisa Fazzolari, D.O. May 13, 1999. Harrisburg State Hospital—Teaching
Conference Series: Harrisburg, PA.
“Psychotherapy outcome research.” Lawrence McCloskey, Ph.D., A.B.P.P. May 6, 1999.
Harrisburg State Hospital—Teaching Conference Series: Harrisburg, PA.
“Personality disorders: The orphans of psychotherapy.” John A. Biever, M.D. April 22, 1999.
Harrisburg State Hospital—Teaching Conference Series: Harrisburg, PA.
“Penn State Geisinger psychiatry symposium—1999.” April 15, 1999. The Pennsylvania State
University—College of Medicine. Hershey, PA.
“Update on psychopharmacology.” Mryna Miller, M.D. April 8, 1999. Harrisburg State
Hospital—Teaching Conference Series: Harrisburg, PA.
“Pedophilia.” Kathleen Dougherty, M.D. February 4, 1999. Harrisburg State Hospital—
Teaching Conference Series: Harrisburg, PA.
“Update on managed care.” Joan Erney, J.D. November 19, 1998. Harrisburg State Hospital—
Teaching Conference Series: Harrisburg, PA.
“Eaton memorial lecture: Motivating difficult patients.” David Garfield, M.D. Harrisburg State
Hospital—Teaching Conference Series: Harrisburg, PA.
“Group therapy in the inpatient treatment mall.” Charles P. Gilbert, II, A.C.S.W. October 15,
1998. Harrisburg State Hospital—Teaching Conference Series: Harrisburg, PA.
“Prediction of violence.” Edward Mulvey, Ph.D. September 24, 1998. Harrisburg State
Hospital—Teaching Conference Series: Harrisburg, PA.